ftl II II WHM... EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAl TRANSPORTATION'. THE YAOUINA ROUTE. - NETT ADVERTISEMKxts. I " tOUCATIONAL. agsf"SAF - BiiiiiH feS SH SHOiiHfe?' jjpHHra(ffiH OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD s2 And Oregon Development company's ttmmslilp line, 'J2j miles shorter. 20 hours less time thnn by any otliet ionic First class through passenger mid freight line from I'ortlaml nnd nil poiuti In tho WIN lamctto vnncv 10 unu irom san hranclseo. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except bunnays): Leave Albany 1:00 I'M Leave Corvnllis 1:10 I'M Arrlvo Ynqulnn 5:30 PM Leavo Ynqulnn 0:45 AM Leave Corvnllis 10:35 AM Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. fc C. trains connect nt Albany nnd Corvnllis. Tho nbove trains connect nt YAQUINA with the Oregon Development Co's Line jf Stea jshlps between Yaqulna nnd San Francisco. SAIMXO DATES. STEAMERS, FROJt SAN FIIAXCISCO Willamette Vnlley, Thursday Dec G. Wlllamctto Vnlley Monday " 17 Wlllamctto Vnllev Sunday " bo. STEAMERS. FHOJt YAQUINA. Willamette VnJJcy Wednesday Dec 12 nr i the Opera House, double cor l uiiuuiiy v..iiuj ...... .uuiumy a r a ,,,,. . . .. v.u.i .inn liiouny streets, Salem. They do a cenoml moroivm. Salem Errnimr Selioo SALEM, 015EGON. MURPHY BLOCK, Comer Commercial and StU sij. Opens January Wlli, BS9. YEAR TO ALL. it i niiv vim,. .mil r,ll 1M 11. si . f. ,i. e , ....v, .v.. i,,v ituiu uijr reasens: Tim pt. i i . ' Th,,-V ''" from tlrt lunula In. Ltl".CV '"'e quantities They save the ....-.,...,. , auut-ii, ibsu. Their i.rolits of the nihUlto ymn-ipm uusincss House ami ollleo i save, in fiviuriit S. A. HANDLE, I). 1!. MYEIIS, W D.Ull'O J) PrinrinM. Secretary. , n to Tli s company reserves tho nirht. liangu buiiiug umus wiinoui nonce. N. B. Passengers from Tortland nnrt nil Wlllamctto Vnlley points can make close Willi connection tho trains of the VAnlTINA RDIITRnt Alhnnv nPn.vnlll and if destined to San Francisco, should arrange to nrrivo at Yaqulna tut; evening before dnto of sailing. Passenger ami Freight Hates Alw.ivs the lowest. I'or information apply to Messrs HULMAN & Co, Freight and Ticket Agents 200 nnd 202 Front St., Portland, Or. or to O. C. HOQUE, Ac't Gen'l Frt. A Pass. Agt., Oregon PaciflcIU It. Co.. Corvnllis, Or. C H.IIASWELL, Jr. Gen'l Frt; fc Pass. Agt. Oregon Development Co., S04 Montgomery St.; Snn Fninclsco, Cai; TIME TABLE-RIVER DIVISION. The elegantly equipped steamboats, tt'ra M. Hoag, Capt. Geo. Itaabe; tho N. S. llentley, Capt. J.JP. Coulter, tho Three Sisters, Capt. W. P. Sliort; aro in service for raissenecr nnd froleht trufllc tietweon Corvnllis and Portland nnd Intermediate points, making three round trips each week ns follews: north 150UND Leaves Corval s Mon- day, Wednesday nnd Friday nt 8 n. m. ,,l7f lit Ktilnni ftirtn7 VVndnnjrlnvntifl Friday at 3 p.m. Leaves Ralem Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nt 6 a. in. Arrives nt Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day st 3:30 p. m. SOUTH BOUND Leaves Port and Mon- day, Wednesday nnd Friday at 6 n. m. An Ives at Salem Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday nt 7:Io p. in. Leaves Salem Tues day. Thursday nnd Saturday nt (I a. m. Arrives nt Corvnllis Tuesday, Thursday dise business, and in connection do an auctioneering and commission business, buy and sell real estate, cattle, horses and also net as ap praisers, auniinistrators, and accountants. Thov men. They riiey also have tho advantage of buying bankrupt stocks, and also very often reliable merchants who aro pushed for funds sell them the best of goods at twenty to thirty per cent, discount for cash. Second, They have leaded tho elegant Opera House Imilillnii for a assignees long time for almost nominal rent, have ex-1 They have tho most cmmnnilimi.. perienced help that aro competent and best lighted store rooms in the iu ui-L in an wio anove capacities on city. Thov carry a full nnd For freight and passenger rates nDDlr to the captains nnd pursers of tho lespectlvo boats, or to w. m, nailing, ngont, aw ana 202 Front street, Portland; Ullbert Bros., agents, Salem; I. M. Adair, agent, Albany C. A. Miller, agent, Corvnllis; or to the gen eral freight nnd passenger ngent, Corvnllis. O. & C. trains connect nt Albany nnd Corvnllis. F. W. BOWEN, Superintendent. Wm. HOAG, General Manager. short notice. The best of references can be given ns required, and bonds to any anion nt necessary. Thev have given the best of satisfaction its ap praisers and assignees. The Capitol Adventure Co. have, for the short time they have been in business, shown to the public that they are doiiifc a legitimate business, worthy of their patronage. Among their patrons you will find tho best farmers, who exchange their pro ducts to them for their wares; the mechanics and laborers, who know the value of a dollar, and where to invest it; also the refined and tal ented people go there for their elegant wares. The immigrants soon llnd themselves to homo at the opera hoiiio corner, for the reason that tho Capitol Adventure Co. sell from ten to twenty-five per cent, cheaper than any other hoii'-e in the a tun and com plete stock of dry goods, clothing, hats hoots and shoos, ladieV and gents, furnishing goods, jewelry and fellvorwnro, notions, stationery and cutlery, groceries, in fart a general variety such as aro usually kept in n first class store. Tho Capitol Ad venture Co. is about the only linn in Salem that tries to command tho farmeis' trade by buying all their merchantable products, and they re tail the farmers' products the same prices they tay, thus Mtvlng to tho mechanics and laborers from ten to twenty per cent, for tho real necessaries of life. Therefore the Capitol Adventure Co. asks for the continuance of the public's patron age. You will flint them at the Opera Iloifec corner, Court and Liberty streets, Snlcni, Oregon. Eugi:ni: Willis, S. Kuikdman, Secretary. Mummer. Overland to California VIA Southern Pacific Company's Lino, TllE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time feetween Salem and San Francisco-Thirty-six Horn's. CALIFORNIA EXPRESS TRAIN RUN DAILY. BETWEEN lllKILAlu auo. r South. 4:00 p. in. I Iiv. Portlnnd Ar. 6:41 p. m. Lv. Salem Lv. 7:45 a. m. I Ar. San Fran. Lv. "TNorth. B O O T O' O T 10:45 a. m. 7:51 n. m. 7:00 p. ni. LOCAL TAbSENOEIl TRAIN ( DAILY EX v CEIT SUNDAY). 8-00 a. in. " Lv. Portlnnd Ar. I 3:15 p.m. 11:10 a. m IiV. Snlem Lv. 1 12.52 p. m. 2:40 p. in. Ar. Eugene Lv. fl.OOii.m. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For nccommodatton of second clas passengers nttached to expross trains. ThoS. P. company's ferry makes con nection with nil the regular trnins on the East Side Division from foot of t btrcet, Portlnnd. fast Side DivisioiTMween Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (EXCE1T SUNDAY). '7ri0nvni. ILv. "Portland Ar. 12.-25 u?m. Ar. Corvallis Lv. H H o O B : -FOIt- Boys and Girls. Tho school will open on tho Ulth of teptember. Tliorouf li ln-truc- tkm in thonrlnmry nnd nuvneed English Branches. LATIN AND EEMKNTS OF MUSIC -In nuio.- TKUMS nnd fnrtlier luforniatlon may bo bad on nppllnitlon to KKV. F. II. TOST. Cor. Chemeki'tii nnd StatoSts. R-avtf WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduates Students In assical, Literary, Scicnlill Normal, Husiness, Law, AN'D MEDICAL COURSES. It is tlie oldest, largest nnd lmst pxih1!! sive Institution of learning in tho North west. School opens Ilrst Monday In September Semi for cntaioguo to THOS. VAN HCOY, Prraldcnt. 17: Salem, Oregon. it Tnrn si , SCHOO I, nt H O B WM. BROWN & CO. -DKAMIRS IN- "6S0 p. in. I:8U p. m, TT All ..! ..n-iillla ronnect wilU trains of Oregon Pacific lUillroad. Through tickets to nil points wuth una east vin California. m'minnvillb KxriiEsV train (daily KXCE1T BUMiAi). M "IHTprinTlXv. Tortlund Ar. SMnTm. bM p. in. I Ar.McMjnnvjlleLv.. Jo For full Information regarding rates, maps, etc apply to the Company s agent, ! rnK, At. G. 1-. nnd lAg. H. KOKULiiu; ilmatft. Oregon Railway anil Navigation COMPANY, Columbia Rlvar Route.' ITalns for the eml ltave ',?nd?lj"5? amandapmilHlly. Tto , to and won principal points In tin Onll w3" ada and Europe. ELEGANT TULMANN PAL'vC tRb Kwlgrant Sleeping 0W ml tcroantfo2 expruM tuloito OMAUA cotrxcir. tjlutb tt Itl Si. TAUI 'rof of Charge and V It ent Change. lonneetionn at Porttand far&m F t-iMso and lntget&WBa polHt. Vor turtUer partleutaw inqoftf - ft Munnliii?, agent of Uw 1,, jmmerLial street, Belein' OiWJj. JT A- K Maxwell, O. P. A T. - rortlMW A. L. MAXWELL. ' T A H. H0LC0HB, Otneral Manaer. Leather and Filings! CASH PAID FOR ,.. , i n.ii. .J !? Stm3rt& " Wools, limes, icib au '"''TTHfxN 231 Commercial St, Salem, Or'11"""-''' IS. WvWV -..' -'". . . --l S ' il "'IT 'I ' ' MiT'iiMi'v li'J.MlLi T . avk you a wjStiP3i && STmpwm-ft- ia Cat-K-Uure Cal i i Ofn i---J??ii!S: RBCOM.M"--- fcn rtfPl0',, & mmO" JIJoM wlftrer. (hrAv i' 14 imr W .m V-l I rL 6" Mi. 2 hww-Ks . " ..... lX sfSlsgSSS&SSi SS53foiir OfOltowto UAT - uuuf tbr Jwi LESe tor tomthlmi. WfifcWt" cr.n AND GUARANTEED BY n W. MAnHEWS & COMPANY, 106 STATE ST.. SALEM. OR SNELL, HFITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Deoot Miss Knox Will continue Her School for the en suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Sts. COmVATOY OF MUSIC I Willamette University. Mwt CU0C6S fill school of miutlo on the nur.liwnt ooHiit. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YKAR. OiiirMw In Piano. Orgiin SinlriK, Violin, llHrmony, ntl Counlr- point. Ilnloinui on i)iiiiltloii nt eminw. Tewhem: - M. IVirrln. I'mnklo V. Jimw, I'.vhCox. Awlbiiit.I.liiil.M.Kiiilth. Flint term bwliw Mimdiiy, HiiptBinimr Id, MM. Kii(l mr wUiliiii. l'wrturthsr lrtleU.n.H.ldr An Mnvlnil IHrarUH-.HHlaiii, Or. MT-illf-wll A. E. STRANG, HAMOI, OIUSUOK. -na.vi.KH i- STOVESand RANGES Huku, Gai id SUM Fitliig. Tlnwar and Artittic Metal Work a Spocialty. TBE CBLOi f iil WOkS f ADVDTTTRK - ' It4 Om Vlri. R I u I DARING DELDS. TbtbrltUncBdTitanaoi all tbe lro Mytan aai tnmUf tfbfn vltb lo aM.oaltewsuMl wtM tWMto. ovot our vbMfeauunlnr.ftamUi Mrtlmt Uum Uj , ir w i iwnpnw "'"v. . m DUN m i m -TO TJJK CITY OK SAI.l'.M.- YANMTN AND STUMP, rilorU'S. The GILT EDGED investment! Tito only choice building lots In the nmrkot. In the city lltnlt.M. Krontiiuon STATE, COURT AND CUEAICKi:T?i STS. -o- Scwcrs luld thi-oujtli tho tract wltliTsalmuly to connwt, Slrcot rail whv will jxiwt the lots In n very short tiinu. The Itlglu!, drj-erf, nrctUast nm Iwst home snot in Salem. In fuct these tut; the ONLY VACANT LOTS IN Till! ATT HITS, OKKKKKO KOHSAl.K. l?clnr only four blocks from the Statu cti)itnl, nenr tho public school, near the depot and near all other public buildlnKi. They Front on the Main Thoroughfares Of tho city and aro in every way deniable lots. Title Perfect! Full particulars by calling on MOORES & MANNING .U7 Commercial Street, Who aro nolo agents for the sale of these lots Correspondence regarding these, and other properties, of which -wo have a cliolco list, Is solicited and will receive prompt attention. lutw" THE BEST STOCK OE STOVES IX THK CITY IS AT R. M. WADB & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. - ' Garland Stoves, Charier Oak Stoves, Brighton Range AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES. Also a Complete Stock of Hardware and Faun Alatliimiy, Wagons and Caniago KDWICHTfs71 SO D, A N TUB COW IlItANI). TO MAKE DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE Dwight's Cow-Brand Soda Saleratus ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WCIQIIT. Bo mm that tUero la plttura of t Out en your ikago mmI jron will Into tho bwl BJ UmU, XIIK CiiV llttANW. (SSBaEOE7 'MlL mmsnab J. W. CRAWFORD, IHwiorln BTKA.M AND WATICU I'llMCH, Hdivw mid 'n Wnn, 'orm nwl UK l'MIH. MAXUi'AtyruitHitoi' Tin, Copper, and 'Sheet Iron Ward llNiHbttw mul (Mm Itttlna, IKwflnir nl UfOttUm. IMMdMl Uw uri uuUw. 281 Cewmwclal St., Sitem, Or. ' j, m isi i a. ,. HOWAKI) BKOTIIKKS ljmn IUuio Movi, ItiiiiRg aid iUpiiriag. Wok iroin,Hlr rtmt mMmMtmUt, UrCm Irft nt CAnrAl. Joumhai. bMoo will recelvuttUeiilliin. IHWI NBft'ZBALXD?ss ni 'In f IU M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER FHing Sw a SjudaMy. Mb Wipoa tba iUIy, 0mIU Mm H&M,tlai.Ur. Ut I v STl-n. k. it, li..i.i.Tll.., OmJ". 3r tWil.n.U !- Wild Hill '" W PRINTING. lll.. 111. !ll- Ulllt !' ilii'l N'i'l -.rr i.l nOt. r 4Ltlr lUu I AMIU ' ajrtbtac Urs i m fa rw ("71 Sk!5BiBl K m J p im u tLrJk "1 1H ':;r';,"-'r,.,:1,.,:t::r." "si 10 lamhm tmAM. UiiiiaiggiiiiaiiKiij wM..MAarAfi'.tPjn.lA hiptlUuikP. .. K.M. WAIT flBMliIUj7lii!Jl.Uk MUmm I'nalvr, HKkrtu. urc.,n l. IP in tsw 'l r ! I 1 i'M T t .: ffl ?irPi1 ff I 1 i. H 1 r ' (I 1 I 11 J !j -H f it .' i M J i is. fl V8 ;,('' ?) ti . 1