k CAPITAL HI 4 1 1. i i I -;n JOURNAL. VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., THURSDAY JANUARY 24, 1SSO. NO. 27 REAL ESTATE, 52,500., $4,180., Real Estate Bargains. J1.C00. 100 1 acres, 6 miles from O 4 C de- ZSu.00 house, barn and tlvntiJn. ed' and " 152,000. SO acres', 4 miles from Salem. Good road to town. Improve .car, meats fair. Flno fruit lanS. 55,490. J6 , acres , nf miles from Salem. i? fe!,"358-,. Splendid land, all fenced. Make n desirable 60 acres i miles from Rnlpm im X-J,i.ys VSi??! 7 n'ljes from Salem. i ! ,"'". nciy watered. Sell In lots of 40-acre tracts at $25 per acre. $10,600 675 acres, 8 miles from Salem. Excellent grass and fruit land. ?iRlnl,1?? Willamette riter. Yin sel1 m tracts. 51,375 51 acres, 4 miles of Salem. House, barn and orchard. Large spring nt tho door. Good soil, and plenty of timber. $2,400 KOacres, 5 miles of Salem; good road; well Impreved: stream ,.-, rnnlnB through the place. 800,00 400 acres (4 miles west side O & O R It) good house, barn and orchard, 120 in cultivation, bal- fin PO rvt fr vrlilt nnDtimn In ml -10 acres, 1 mile from Salem, ad joining fair ground. Good land; uu imiiruvemenis. 51,200 40 acres. 5 miles Salem; all In cultivation; no buildings; near school house. Excellent fruit land. 51,000 370 ncres, 5 miles from O & C It II; all fenced; well watered. House, barn, and small orchard; 150 acres In cultivation. $2,750 3 lots, with gooanoiise and barn, East Salem. Desirable location. Wo have besides this a large list of city and farm property. Buyers would do well to call and examine our holdings before making their purchases. WILLIS &. CHAMBERLIN, Opera House, Court St., WWtf Salem. Or. ft Oregon km tapy ssoo UUil MS, nvnmTminxT i IV I III V Is a corporation duly orgauized nud operated under tho laws of thelState of Oregon. It began business In March, 1SSS, with a capital stock of ?20,000. g ft I am prepared to sell you good farms at Where you will have all the advantages of SCHOOLS, CHURCHE3.DAILYMAIL, and RAILROAD facilities without being overburdened with high taxes simply lor tho pnviiego of living near a town of a few thousand inhabitants. A residence oT 33 years on a farm in tills vicinity gives me a thorough knowledge of this country. Two or More Families Desiring to locate near each other will find It to their advantage to call on me. Correspondence solicited and descriptive list of farms for sale sent on application. H. C. PORTER, Real Estate Agent, Aumsville, Marlon county, Oregon. The First Sale Made By This Company Was in April Last, During the nine months which have since elapsed it has nrndo 107 sales to 104 different persons. Of the purchasers 83 have bought farming lands. Tt. lino nlan rtiirinir this tlfno snlil fil i'P.-.iilillPO lots 111 Salem. Of tlioso nurclmsimr but 25 were residents of Marion county prior to nurchaslw. The remainder were from the following localities, viz: Jackson Co. 1 Polk Co. 3 Multnomah Co. 4 Clackamas Co. 1 Yamhill Co. 1 Mon tana 4 Minnesota 4 Kansas 10 England 2 Colorado 2 Washington Territory 7 Iowa 5 Dakota 3 Indiana 2 California 8 Nebraska 7 Ohio 3-Wisconsln 1-Missourl 1 Illinois l-reunylvania 2-l"nknown 7. Tins shows that sales are not connived to lormer residents oi uus locai Itv lnl flint, normln am Rwnrmlllir In from the East to make their homes among us. The business of this company is constantly lucreaslng. MomM than half of its sales have been made within tlio past tnreo mourns al though this is a season of the year when sales are usually dull. Tho company has from 15 to 20 men constantly employed. It has representatives on Puget Sound. Ithas three men in Portland, two of whom give It their entire time. Rev. F. J. Strayer, who last year introduced so manv Immi grants Into this State, Is now In the East lecturing and distributing advertising literature exclusively for this company. Ho will start to this State with his first excursion on tho 4th of April next. This company is now spending more money to advertiso Salem and the surroundiug locality than The Salem Board of Trade and All Oilier Agencies Combined NEW TESTIMONIALS. People Who Were Cured In a Few Treatment by the Drs. Darriu at the Cheuieketc Hotel, Salem, Ho On! To your money until you seo some of tho bargains in Ileal Es tate offered by THOMAS & PAYNE 07 State St., - - - Salem. Ono-fourth block and tine resi dence on Center street, only $20,50; Ave and ten acre lotstwo miles from Salem, clean prairie. Good house and lot in block 48 only 1000, and property in all parts of tho city and country. Kino residence nronerty in Los Angles to exchange for property here. MONEYTO LOAN! "We have several sums of money to Loan on good Real Estate. Security for a series Of years To wit, ONE PURSE OF $1200 1 ONE PURSE OF J1000 TWO PURSES OF $800 Each! ONE PURSE OF $400! Apply soon to Willis & CliamLerlin, 13-1; dw lm. Opera House, Court l MILLINERY ANB FANCY GOODS. MRS. M.K. IVIUSON Hasa very fine stock ol new roilliiwrr, and U prepared to do Trimming and Dressmaking In tue latest rtyle. Call and e ber new winter guod and tyie 273 Commercial (tree t, BIm Oregon. THK SII.HNT UKltKDY. The most wonderful part of man, most dlllleult to comprehend, per haps, la the nervous system, which touches and controls every part of the body. Having its root in tho brain, Its trunk in the splno and its branches extending into and throughout every muscle, limb and organ of tho animal fmmo It curries either life and health or disease and death along its course. The brain secretes n nervous fluid which is magnetic in Its effects ami influences. Tills magnetic current travels along tho nerves like elec tricity, from the roots of tho hair to the tips of tho lingers, and through Its telegraphic communication per meates tho whole system. When the nervous lluld is dcllclent. or when tho nerves do not properly transmit it, weakness and disease is tho Inevitable result. Magnetism, tho wonder of the age, seizes this telegraph and wields It to root dls easo from Its stronghold. lly working this, It becomes tho acme of healthy perfection. It penetrates tho secret ambush of dlhcaso and exterminates it root and branch. it removes tho wreched symptoms of loathsome maladies and averts their dreadful results. It relieves more agony and sullering than tongue, can. toll. ; t Read tho following testimonials TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. IS IT rUKt.I.KKS GHOST ? Midnight Tn Which Mmioy (Incut In a St, I.011U Hotel Within the past twelve days It has paid for and contracted for advertising to the amount of Oyer Fifteen Hundred mid Twenty-Five Dollars, The second edition ofltho company's pamphlet descriptive of Salem and the Willamette Valley is now In press, 'raw is an emuon u. TWENTY THOUSAND COPIES Of a bcautifullv illustrated llfty page pamphlet. We cannot advertUe So extensSi" our homo papers as wo wish, for tho ronton that parties wlioi wl uos desire to reach are residents of the Eastern 8 tos, whore Sp a, 2 "ot circulate. We do not advertise oycry Ml. we make ,n tTte local press, but we have advertised in mure than ONE THOUSAND PAPERS T the East as we depend upon Eastern buyers for the great bulk of our In the East, as we , our advertisements patronage. Dur ng : UJ next THE OREGON LAND COMPANY. n-rtlM desiring to sell will find it to their interest to BUYERS COME TO BUY. EASTERN PEOPLE DO. DON'T BE MODEST. you are welcome to ride with uetlwryoaU.yi HAPPY WESLEY GRAVES. HOW A 1.11A1HNO IIOTIU. MAN OK8A- i.km was cuitKi) iiv ni.Hcrnicrrv. Genuine Cure Mr. Wesley Grav es, a resident oi baieni lor many years, returned from l'ortlanii a Hhort time ago, and camu skljiping into this ofllco tlio other tlay proud- UHMiirliiK tlio reporter that he could nernonally illustrate one gen uine example of tho iloctont1 curative ability. He stated that he went to Portland and gave Drs. Darriu f 10 foramonth'H treatment for his rheu matism. In seven davs tho treatment was abandoned and lie caino home without a visible trait tho disoase. Ho carries crutches but tlioso are on account of his short log. For two yours ho had not aiiiIetnlght'H rest, and now ho sleeps liko a log. For three years lie had Ihkiii taking morphine at the rate of nine xraliin a day, and now he has neither ue nor dewlro for it. Tliwe aro tlio tttutomonlH of Mr. Graves, heurlded by him freely, and liowivs ho is bet ter pltMibod with his condition than could Ui oxprcswttl in money. He thinks Dix. Darrln wonderful. oi'i'ifK uouiw and ri.Aci: op jh-hi- NHH. Drs. Darrln can l ooiihuIUhI free at the Chemekote Hotel, 8tlem, Or., for u short time only. They will under no clrounwtHii' cm take a ease they cannot cure or l)oiiollt. Charges are reasonable, uud the poor truatetl trw from 0 to 10 a. in. dally. Oflleo hours from 10 to 4 dally; evenings, 7 to 8; Hun duy, 10 to 12. All ourablo ehroule dlseusuH, lonft of manhood, blotxl taliitit, syphilis, gleet, gonor rhu, stricture, unennatorrho'tt, K'liiinal woakiieiw, or Ion of dwilro nf mixuuI Dowerm man or womuii. oularrh or deafnemt, are eonlldon- tlally and nueowwrnlly treateu. r.unat of nrivate diwrtuio Kuaranteed and never publlnlied in the papera. Clreulurs ttetit free. Miml omwn eii receive home treatment after a vUlt to the Doctor's oflloa, '. . Thedootora' stay in thta eity to limited. CMMfti U weteWr en rf tk nbUMmn4 0 . I Wl S&A ty I. W?latltew & C. St. Louis, Jan. 1M. Tito guests at the Southern hotel are In a ferment over tho peculiar experience of a gentleman who occupied the famous room where Maxwell murdered 1'rel ler. The room wits numbered 144 when Maxwell occupied It, but it achieved such a notoriety on account of tho tragedy enacted there that the proprietor changed tho number to 133. Every employee of tho house, from bell-boy and porter to clerk, was strongly cautioned not to give any Information about that room. The experience of a gentleman who occupied the room was of ho startling a nature tliat it could not bo kept pecet. Ho was assigned to the room several days ago and was unconcious that ho was occupying the apartment in which a diabolical crime had been committed. Ho went to bed early tho llrst night and soon fell asleep, but was awakened by a tapping on tho head of the bed, which kept up at Inter vals through tho night. He was worried, but said nothing to any one of the matter, and occupied the room the next night. The tupping began about mid night, and hoaro.su and examined tho room, but could Ilnd no ono there. Ho noticed, however, that tho bureau drawers were open. He shut them but they opened again, and the tap on tho bod continued to disturb him until morning. Ho returned to tho dread apart ment last night, iiiad at himself, and determined to tdoep in spito of tho -mysterious rapping, Ho re tired-early and slept well until about 1 o'clock, when he was arous ed by a loud explosion In the lire place. A second and a third follow ed In rapid huccoksIoii. The gentleman, who was not afraid of Hplrlts, arose from bed and struck a light. Several bricks had been blown from tho II replace and pieces of Hooty substance were scat tered about tlio room. The occupant of the chamber called the nlglit-elork, but that in dividual refused to enter tho cham ber. A Chilli I'rriKilmr. KAi.iiMoirrn, Ky. January 2il. Mary S. Emmons, ten yonro of age, has delivered four Horiuoiis In this place, and is becoming (iilto popular as a preacher. From Infancy she displayed unusual brightness. About eight mouths ago she Jollied the iiaptist Church and Mild tho Lord had called upon her to preach. Klin llrst addntwed a small congre gation at herfather's house, and suo ceoded so well that she spoke next in a church near by. The little girl soon had a reputa tion throughout this and neighbor ing couutlos. After several mouths In tho country she proaohed here and her huccumh was greater than It was In the rural districts. Under her ministry several jwr wins Joined the church. Mary is ruthormimll for hor years, hat sharp featuren, black eyes and hair, and Is very Intelligent. Hlio will continue servlcce here for several weeks and then she will go to larger Kentucky towns. Tim AimrrhUt. (,'iiicaoo, Jan. 31. Superintend ent Waldhelmmer of tho cemetery In whloh the executed anarchist were burled has written to tlio trustee that It will be necweiary hereafter to exclude anarohUU from going therein bodied on anniversaries of the execution, on the ground that lot owners serloufdy objeet. He re commend that hereafter only re lations ol the dead be allowed ad iiilttaiiee. KilurliiK Kidltluu. Piiu.AiK!.rniA, Jan i. A dU uiiii from tliu University of I'enti- nylvatila exploring expedition nay thev have strnveu in me noiy uum after inuoli dlflleulty. They are now not far from Uie wgnioi me an- lent Jlabylon. It ia expeoted that exwvutloiw will begin at once, 'the BulUn at present only allow exeav attoiM for MitHjultlee, and dowt not allow them to be wurled out of tut country. A HKIM.OII.UU.K SITUATUIN. An Old Man i'uunil Nearly Starree nn 1'nrnlyirtl In IIU C'ahln. Ahuany, Jan. 24. From a Herald special It is learned that a gentle man who o.uno over from Ynimltia yestertlay states that an old bachelor named Urown, familiarly known as "Dumpy" Drown, was found nearly dead Tuesday in his louly cabin across tho Imy from Oncatta. Ho was a (picer old man and lived entirely alono. Ho had not leon seen flnco livst Saturtlay and Tuesday fearing something might have hapened to him several men went to his cabin and broke in tho door. They found tho old man partially paralyzed and lying help less uiHUi tho bed, where ho had lain since Saturday morning without food or water. Ho was nearly dead, but had a knife lying upon tho bed by his side, and satd that ho had decided If ho was not found by Tues day that ho would prevent starva tion by cutting his throat, it Is thought he may recover. llt':tthru HIk Mull. Spekani: Kai.us, Jan. IS!. Rob ert S. Turner died at the residence of E. M. l'ond, on Front street. He had been conllucd to his room clov en days with a severe cold and fever, but his Illness was not considered critical, and his many friends and acquaintances were astonished to hear of his death. He was, pruhaps, tho largest inan In Washington Ter ritory, weighing over 400 pounds. lliut Siiiiiiiun ARulr. WAHHiNdTON, Jan. il. Consul General Sewal of Samoa has return ed from Now York and expects to appear again to-day before the sen. ate committee on fureigu relations. It is probable at that meeting koiuo action will be taken, expressing the committee's opinion upon thosltua. tlou at Samoa. Krtle I'Mliuui TuOlorrow MKht. Katie Putnam, who appears In Salum to-morrow night, Is thus xpokou of by tho Hostoii Sunday Times: "Miss Katie Putnam last night brought hor successful engage ment to a elOHu, and she made her farewell appearance to a crowded house. She has during her stay In our city, won for herself unfading laurels as an artist, and gained u hold upon the good will as well as excited the admiration of our peo ple. Miss Piitmau's acting Is some thing rare. It Is grand in many of its features. It is earnest, enthus iastic, gciilus-llke and carries with It a power to :coutrol an audience. It Is unuccessary to Judge hor by others. She Is true to hor own genius and powers, and her Imper sonations not only bear the stamp of a lofty superiority, but they; have HUccwHSI'ully met tho polished criticism of the ablest pens." UoUnu lip Itf I'o.lomcf. Poetnl Inspector Truotllii was In tlloelty yesterday. Ills visit hero reminds us that Kalem needs a gov ernment building for the occupancy of her iKMtotllce, the IiiihIuosh of which Is Increasing rapidly. Tho object ot Ills visitation was to seeuru the lease of a suitable building to bo mod as a jxmtollleo during tho next few yours. Several buildings were examined, but no proportion has as yet Ixteu accepted. UEAL fttrATK TliAXSUTlOX. Dally transfers furnished tho Cap ita! Jouh.vai. ny tho Union Title Abstract Co. Ofllee In ;Btate Insur ance building: Kllzu KvaiiH to J. C. Thompson, loU 6 and 0, block 0' University add.; consideration fKK. Ii. C. Griftlth toOeo. II. Oruy, loU 6 and 0, block 2, Waldo's add.; con. .Ideratlon IU0O. Mrs. H. K. Bohmldt woh brougtit liere from Turner and tried for In sanity. Her mind has been lit an overlmlnuced condition for soma time and a few months In the asy lum will perhaps do inualQtowardit her restoration. She wan committed to the asylum ThU to the elgh tetHith patient nent there from Marlon eonuty within the past six montlw. tt t ', 1 .J 'jm ?(? u i r a ii 2! ' ii aa ' fM. IB fli n i n r' m 4 i l-.