Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 21, 1889, Image 2

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    M .
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MONDAY, JAN. 21, 1889.
p- r 1
-rrrny. flip
apital Journal Publishing Company.
OfllceCorncr! Court anillLtberty Strcttf,
TKItJIS OK suusciuraioj)
Ono year, by mall . .. 5 to
Hlx inontl)s, by mall. ....... 2 )
Thrco months by mr.ll 1 25
I'er week lollerod by carrier 15
Ono yonr : f 1 f
Hlx months . 75
Ono year, IT paid for In ndvnnce, 1 00
qix months, " ' " 50
TB-l'oKtmnsters mo authorized to rq-
pOlVp MlllhCTlptlOIlS.
! (JIV-Entri cl n second-class matter at the
alciil.OiCKonJ'uHtofllcc, Juno 21, 1888.
W. II. MARS - Editor
(LAKK II. IRVINE - Jjaiiagor.
j ., ., , ,i , , , ,
Yp'aro so much encouraged by
thq'good words of our friends, and
patrons, and the steadily increasing
patronngp of t,ho paper, that we
lavQ concludod to enlarge the Cap
ital Journal to a1 even-column
dally, as soon us we can eomplctp
arrangements now fn, progress.
Wn are pleased to learn that a
number of bur citizens are making a
"scrap book" out of the most Impor
tant articles contained In the
columns of the Journal. To those
especially we wish to soy, don faij
to 'see tap Journal from to-day, as
you can havo thq opportunity Jo
secure a short history of each of
our legislators.
Tim suspension bridge, owned by
the Niagara Fai's and Cllf-oa Si
pensionJGihlgo Company,atN!riara
Falls, wis blown down by the gt-Je
about S o'c'oek Thu sday morning.
It was composed entirely of J -ou
and steet. and tho loss is estimated
nt $75,000. Tho bridgo will proba
bly bo lcbuilt at once.
A London coroner has raised tho
question whether a man can cough
himself to pieces. A broken rib
was found In a deceased lunatic,
whon medical ovldenco was brought
forward, to show tlint under certain
abnormal conditions bones may bo
broken by muscular efforts, or even
by a violent lit of coughing.
ITAituv Leonard, of Ulooming
ton, ill., who In i.S0T was diopped
to thu bottom of thu Nlautio co.il
shaft, through tho carelessness of an
engineer, and etlpplod for life, was
awarded Jx,'-!jl) ' dninages, and tho
money was paid by tho company to
Leonard s attorney.
A f amendment to tho constliif
tionof Nu)v llampsliire, prohib"ing
tlio man u "net uro and sate of all in
toxicating liquors, "oxcupt cide'","
was adopted Thursday by ilie con
stitutional convention.
jAMKSGoitDOV BeNNE' of tllO
Now York Herald, has bo owed
$131 TmO from tho estate of his finK"
giving nssecurUy.a mortgage on ilie
Itumiett Uullding, luNasiau street.
Di'Mmir.UiA is opldemio atAr
yyje, Minn. There havo been
thlriy-lwo cages and eight deatlis.
An outbreak of the disease is feared
at Grand Forks, D. T.
S. A. l'r.owNR A Co., owners qf
tho Kalamazoo (Mich.) Stock Funu,
refused an oflir qf $80,000 for the
trotting horso Ambassador, with
record 5:311.
Ar.vuv 11. Tayi-oh, well known
throughout the country as an in
ventor and muuufaut uror of printing
presses, died at Newark, N. J. on
A caucus of thu republicans, of
he IllluoK legislatuie, uimulmously
nominated Sliulby AT. Culloin for
re-election as United States Senator.
SonwiKK for the advancement of
drtw reform fpr womon how exist
in Kuultuul, Sweden, Norway, Don
mark and Finland.,
In tho organisation of tho Kansas
logiilttture, Captain Honry nooth,
ofLarntxI, was ojoctod Spoukor of
tho 1Ioum,
Swri.AKi over four luolics
flora were observod rqeqntly In Uip
vicinity of Chepstow, Eng.
During the middle ages, leprosy,
even now the dread of the ea1 1, was
the scourge of oil Europe, but it is
nqw seldom found tjjero except on
the? wpg coast of Norway, wjjero it
Issijjl frightfully common. Little
isjyndQrHtoqdoftlio R.rlja aijd na
ture of tills disease, iiolwKustamjing
the fact tliat It- hs c(-ntlnued to af
lllet a great mass of mankind jVom
the earliest limes. The Norwegian
government, one of tho most active
in advancing the cause of science, ;s
seeking to promote a belter knowl
edge of what was formcily icgarded
as a special visitation from God, aqd
to aid in sodoing lias dispatched D1.
G. A. Hanson to not Chma, but
America. Tills investigator lias had
much experience wlili lepers, and
his purpose ? to iuquiro into the
hereditary of leprosy among Scandi
navian settlers in the Uuited Siatcs.
While such a study promises to be
of much Yhic, a announcement of
more direct practical impprtance
comes frop Jupap, where Dr. Goto
claims to bo actually curing the dV
pase, reporiiug flvp patients as near
ly cured, nineteen as improyingand
spventeen as relievpd.
l?:ak3 in AUUI;It!i, rpjtgcs.
Among tho sources of preventable
loss to British agricultprists. Prof.
Freamo mentions tho fellqyving:
The imperfept working of the soil,
which is is a very cpmmon pause of
failure ; the use of bad seeds, or
those mined with seed's of weeds
and parasites ; thp encouragement of
weeds, which notoply rob thesoil but
nourisli incept pests that they may
be awaiting tho more valuable,
plants; the deterioration of grass
lands, which embrace three
sevenths of tho area of the British
Isles, n nd of the nature of whoso
herbage niilely-mno out ot a hun
dred farmers are utterly ignorant ;
the insect and fungi pests whose
maintenance i,s often a severe drain;
tho diseases pf live stock, ?omp of
whicn may be prevented or greatly
reduced ; and injudicious expendi
ture. The need of tho Brit'sh farm
er, Prof. Freamo concludes, is sound
technical ins(ructipn in agricuilure,
whereby his Io3ses would, be greatly
lessened and his gains porrespond
ingly augmented.
co-oiu:hation pi' tiik senses.
Spine curious experiments have
led Dr. Urbanschitsch of Vipnna to
the conclusion that the pxciting of
one sense organ increases tho acutc
uess of thp others, the different sen
sations seeming to rp-enforco one
anothpr. Hearing a s,ound will
bring out tho just ludistiuguisli
able color of n distant disk. The
tik..igpfa watch is heard more
pl.'iol with open than cloaed eyes,
tho fact that we listen to music pr
speaking with tho eyes closed being
duo to other reasons. Tho sight of
rod and groen Increases perception
of sounds. These colors aQ'ect sen
sations of siriell, taste aud touch in
like manner. Touch and tempera
turo act reciprocally. When the
skin Is tickled and plunged into
warm water tho tickling ceases when
into cold, tho tickling brings out
tho feeling of cold. These observa
tion oiler an explanation of the
singular associations between colors
and sounds that some individuals
An exchange gently intimates
that more towns d'o from tho want
of confidence on tho part pf some
men and lack of public spirit than
from thu rivalry of neighboring
towns or adverse- surrouudings.
When a man in search of a home pr
business location, goes to a town and
Muds people brimful of hope and on
tliusiasm over tho ,prosjccts of the
place and earnestly at work to build
Up tho t,ovn, he sopn becomes induc
ed wllli tho same spirit.
Tui; "geographical social" is tho
very latest, Thp gpntleuiou are giv
ou cards, on each of which are prim
ed tho immp of somo county in tho
state, whllo each lady receives a
vard with i county seat written up
on it. Tho gentleman hunts up tho
county seat of his county to take to
supper and It tho county stat Is not
known n forfeit of five cents is exact
ed for tho information. Tho forfeit
Is collected iu tho Usual way, nil
parties winning.
T. l vy inna rtin fiamh 1T1 tfYiti
times as great nn area as In tho year
1W55, whon au outline survey wis
TiiK republicans of tho Kansas
legislature roiiQtnitmted Mr, Plumb
for Unltod StntR Senator.
Tii; democrats of thp Tenueaso
legislature rpnpmlnated Isliaui G,
Harris for United State Senator.
Another Sandajr Fire
Salem had her re3ular Sunday
afternoon Ore ypfPF(Jay. AJtmugj
no alarm was yprjj Vgt a '1'
alarm was Riaq-parifj J)p jjpp gtf
brought out. Tjic fire was In G. W-
Gray's warejmiise nn WfierB st-epi;
near State, awj fy$ h- ftp rp3p nf
i.eiier & toons' gropory ana jdUP
Hughes' feed store, trim fl-"p bad
or'gln in the ceiling ufider tho hew
tin roof. Recently Mr, Giuy had .i
new tin roof put OH aud oilo chim
ney which hud tumbled partly
down was torn entirete'i away apd
tinned over, us there! were three
chimnenys beside it. . few d.iys
ago A. Seidler moved into this
with his family. "Seein
the Bkne
pipo hole and not kno
(ving othcr-
wi&o he appropriated it
or thp coo-
voyauee of smoke. Plisstove failed
to draw very well, but at three
o'clock it had succeeded lu setting
fire to tho entire upper sheeting. A
good stream of city pressure averted
a conilagratiou. Ther was little
More Smallpox at St. Louis.
At St. Louis in thu vicinity pf the
La Chappel family thero are six or
seven new cases of smulipox, all in
the family of a Gerimtn who resides
theie. All of the '"cases are mild
ones and are recovering nicely. The
quarantine measures continue to be
rigidly enforced aud-tho spread will
bo averted
Sl rayed or Stolen.
From corner of Chemekete and
Capital streets Sunday night, a bob
Inifed boriel mate ppny, 13 hands
high, one while btpcklng hind leg,
one whiie sock fore-leg, white stripe
on lace I'inuer win oo nc-eiauy re
warded on retP'n of animal to Win
N. Ladup, First National Bank.
Day, at vuo home of llio bride s
moiher, near St. Louisa Jan. 20,
1839, Edwin Hall and Miss Auna
iveene. ,
BACHELOR At the residence pf
his parents on Chcmel;cle St.,Jau,
20th, 18S9, little Frank Bachelor,
of lypoid fever. ,
KIRN. At the 'family home m
Salem, on Monday morning, Jan
uary ui, lSS'J, ol hr.iin trouble,
Arthur Kirn ; aged 10 yeais, son
of John Kirn.
Dentil, with his unerring aim,
prostrates once more, and for tho
fourth lime within a peiiod of less
than eight months, this family. In
so shoit a period three children and
the mother have gone to that bourne
whence no traveler returns. Tho
family have the sympathy of a largo
circle of friends in their continued
This powder nuvor v rles. A mnrvel Qt
purity, RtroDRthnndwholctomeness. Mora
tHonomlc.il Uiun tho ordinary kinds, unit
c-nnnot bo sold In to nH-tltlon with tho
multitude of low teat, short welcht nlu m or
phosphnto lowdert. Kold only In wins.
ItOYAL B K1NQ I"OWDKB CO.. 10t Wull.N.Y.
AbsoliiteBy Pure.
Beware ot Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
as, pjprpgry will surely destroy tho
gpps? pf Bffjpll and completely dc
RinffP fiP IVllfllg system when enter
ic mucus surfaces,
ulrl never bo nspil
htions from reputa
i tho danmcre thov
win qp are ten ioiu to tne good you
can possibly deiivo from them.
Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.,
contains mi mercury, and is takpp
internally, aud acts directly upon
the blood and mucus surfaces pf tho
system. In buying Hail's Catarrli
Cure be sure you get the genuine, it
is taken internally, and is made in
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney &
Co. Sold by druggists, price 75
1 lt j-' i '- i wf- ,: " o-,
Eight, lovely weather invigor
ating and liealtjiful.
Gardening for Ladles.
Make up your, bed early in the
merning: sew 'buttons on your hus
band's shirt- do not rake 'up griev
ances: protect the youngartHender
biunches of your family; plant
smiles of good temper, ana reap a
crop of health and happ' oess; root
out the causes of nervous debility
and "female weakness," oy the use
of Dr.Piercc's Favorite Irescnption
It is a favorite specific, and thou
sands of the fair sex b'ess tho jly
they first heard of it. j.tjs Jhppnjy
medicine for women, 'jold Jiy drug
gists, under a positive guarantee,
from the manufacturer, that it will
crivo Ratisfnetlnn tn nvorv osu nr
money will be refunded. This guar
antee has been printed pa ho bottle-wrapper,
and tyitpfully carried
out iur iiiuiiy yers.
To cleanse the stomach, liver, and
system generaity, use Dr. Pierce's
The river is extremely low for
this season of the year.
Worth Knowing.
Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant,
Lake City, Fla., was taken with a
severe cold, attended with a distress
ing cough and running into con
sumption in its first stages. He
tripd maiiy so called iopifiar. cough;
remeaies anu steanny grew worse.
Was reduced in llesh. had difficulty
in breathing and was unable to
sleep, .finally trieo i)r. King's Now
Discovery for consumntiou and
found immediate relief, and after
using about half a dozen bottles
found himself well and has had no
return of the disease. Np other
remedy Pan show such a grand re
cord of cures as Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Guor-
anteed to do just what is claimed tor
U. Vrlal Dottle Hep at Dr. H. W.
Cox's drug store.
Have yon observed that the dayp
a -e lengtlu n pg ?
Urnco Cp.
You are feeling depressed, your
appetite js poor, you are bptberpd
With Headache, you are fidgetty,
nervous, and generally out of sorts,
and want to brace up. Brace up,
but not with stimulants, spring med
icines, or bitters, which have their
basis very cheap, bad whisky, and
which sunillate you for an hour,
and tlun leave you in worse condi
tion than before. What you want
is an alterative that will purify your
blood, start healthy action of Liver
and Kidneys, rcstors your vitality,
give renewed health aud strength.
Such a medicine yon will find in
Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a
bottle at Dr. H. W. Cox's Drug Store.
Colds arp plentiful in all parts of
the country at this time.
TO consumptives.
The undersigned having ben re
stored to health, by simple means,
alter suffering several years with a
severe lung allection, and that
dread disease consumption, is anx
ious to make known to his fellow
sulleiers tho means pf cure. To
those who desire It, lie will cheer
fully send (free of charge) a copy of
tho prescription used, which they
will find a suro euro, for consump
tion, catarrh, asmatha, broncliitis
aud all throat and luncr maladies.
He hopes all sufferers will try his J
remedy, as it is luvaiqabip. Tlioso
desiring the prescription, which will
cost them uothintr. and mav prove
a blessing, will please address, Rev.
Edward A. "Wilson, Kings County,
New York.
There has been oulto a snow storm
at Slssons, California.
Are We to llae Another Wr?
Home polltlcaf phrophcta over that we
nlmll, lJqtlmUisltimiy, tbehnttlp waged
by medical RClonce agnlnst disease will
novcr cense until uc arrive nl. that, utopjan
cK)ch when the human fumlhshnll cen"3e
to bo mulcted with bodily ailments. One
ofthR iiuwt potent weapons hlch tho
armory of mcdlrlne furnishes, Is Iloslett
or's btomneli Kilters, hch Uof tpeclul
utility as a fiuully remedy, as it Is adapted
to imnicdlntQ relief and wulmato qure of
tlufeOdlhprriqrHof tljo sJQmqch, Jlvfcr and
bowels which nro of commonest occur
rence. Indlcestlon. bllllousness and con
stipation aro Inseparable compnnions.and
these iillments are complciely onidlonted
by the Ilipers, Hut the remedial soniie of
this superlatively whnleMime dud eenlal
medicine takes In nlso nqrvous-utlments,
rheumatism aud k dney troubles; Its
action In tlu-M", as In the other com
plaints, being characterized by uucqualcd
Tliero may bo room at tho top,
but only one at a timo can spin it.
Aa AbMlit;fcr.
OINTMENT la only put up In largo
two-ounce tin boxes, mnd la au
absoluto cure for old sores, burns,
wounds, chapped hands, apd all
-kin eruptions, yill positively,
ure all kinds of piles. Ask for the
MKNT. Sola byD.W. MaUIi.w
v t v., 100 State e.treit, Salem, at A
euU per box by mH 80 cents.
merw ADVEnrisnarnNTs.
The Capitol Adventure Co. was
incorporated in March, 1880. Their
principal business houso. and office
are in the Opera House, doulilo cor
ner on Court aud Liberty streets,.
Salem. They do a general merchan
dise business, and in connection dp
ai auctioneering and commission
busipess, buy and sell real estate,
cattle, horses and also act as ap
praisers, administrators, assignees
and, accountants. They have ex
perienced help that are competent
to act in all the above capacities on
short notice, The best of references
can bo given as required, and bonds
to any amount necessary. They have
given tho best of satisfaction as ap
praisers and assignees.
The Capitol Adventure Co. have,
for the short time they, have been
in business, shown to tho public that
they are doing a legitimate business,
worthy of their patronage. Among
their patrons you will find tho best
farmers, who exchange their pro
ducts to them for their wares; the
mechanics and laborers, who know
the value of a dollar, and wherk to
invest It; also tho refined and tal
ented people go there for their
elegant wares. The immigrants soon
find themselves to homo at the
opera house corner, for the -reason
that tho Capitol Adventure Cq. sell
from ten to twpnty-flvo per cent,
cheaperthan any other house In the
Leather and Findings!
fools, Hides, Pelts and Furf
231 Commercial St., Salem, Or'
,sm to; oiucuca
lk. 0
H O K Si
rLA iA ill-'
( hf iu) ! U
VC? fl nn r' m m -iJ'l
V z2i . V vA.
SAVKtYOU A COL11 IN THE HEAD which doqs not get better? HveyonB
ce.lvo secretion of mucus mattorln tho nnsnl passages? .Axeyou trouui
rklop, splKltiff, weak and Inflamed eyes, frequent soreness of the throat, J'"",.
roaring In the ears, mpro or less Impairment of the hearing, loss of smell, n?lRj.t2i
paired" dullness or dlrzlnessofthe head, dryness or heat ofthe nose? Haveyouio"
kenso qf smell? Is your breath foul? Ifso, you havo tho CatarrhJ pome ha eauu
symptoms, others only a part. ,
California. Cat-R-Cure
RestoresHheVensq of taste and smell, removes bud tasto and unpleasant bJaAblS
Ins rrom"CaUrrh. Easy nnd pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cure s""
teed by D. W. SIATrilEWS i Uo.
CAPTAIN CHAKLES L. DIMON.ofNcw Yirk City, forinerly spectaUgent m
Pho-nlx and Home Insurance Company at San. Ianfliseo.CaL.says. 1 f$r-tee&
troubled with Chronlo Catarrh for twenty jears. A trlend In W oodland. i':iitf
roendf djfflur California CAT-K-CUIiK. I procurded a Jar. having bu Hht?u2rBH
cunitlx properUos; but I must say.aner tulng tUreaJAJl am cured ofthMWug
disease. InclbsM And !6 for w hlch send me California CAT-K-CUHE for some w"
who are sufferers."
SNOJLHFttSHU & WQODARD, Wholesale Deoot.
state, for the following reasens:
First, They buy from first hands
iu large quantities. They save the
profits of tho middlo men. They
save In freight. They also have the
advantage of buying bahtrupt
stocks, and also very often reliable
rnqrehants who are pushed for funds
sell tliem the best of goods ut twenty
to tljirty per cent, discount for cash.
Second, They have leased the
filpgant Opera Houso building fpr a
longtime for almost nominal rent.
They' havo flic most commodious
and best lighted storp rooms in the
cliy. Thoy carry a full and coo.
pjete stopk of dry goods, clothing,
hats, lioots and shoes, ladies' and
gents, furnl,sh,ing goods, jewelry and
silverware, notions, stationery and
cutlery, groceries, in fuct a general
variety such as are usually kept in a
first class store. TJio Capitol Ad
venture Co. is nboufc r.hn nnlv Am,
In Salem that tries to command, tha
mrmers' traao py buying all their
merchantable products, and they re
tail he fai;mprs' products the same
prices thoy pay, thus saving to
the mechanics and laborers from
ten to twenty per cent, for the real
necessaries of Ijfe. Therefore the
Capitol Aflve nturp Co. asks for the
continuance of the public's patron
age. You will find them at the
Opera House corner, Court and
Liberty streets, Salem, Oregon.
Eugene Willis, S. Friedman,
Secretary. Manager.
Jm Vi r . . .h' -