Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 12, 1889, Image 4

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Complete Recital of the Daily Doings Com
piled From Various Sources.
Happenings Over llio City and News
From the Country Roundabout.
More lock Than Sense.
E. Allen, u Chicago drummer,
was In Salem a day or bo ago wear
ing a sad face. "When lu Portland
ho had $500 in new crisp bills. In
stead of leaving tills in tho hotel
Bafc, as any wiso man would do, ho
wrapped it up in an old newspaper
and hid it under his trunk. Leav
ing for Salem the next morning ho
ordered his trunk taken to tho bag
gage room, unmindful of his treas
ure. Arriving in this city, tho aw
fulness of tho situation dawned up
on him. Ho telegraphed the land
lord, who was sneccssful in rescuing
his old paper in which was his
wealth from the waste basket. An
other hour and tho grecuoy's green
backs would have made expensive
kindling. Meral: Keep your mon
oy in a safe place; don't hide it under
trunks and in old tin cans.
Salem's street 1'irs Knnnlng.
This morning tho excitement has
Centered along State street, from
Commercial to tho car stables. There
they wero trying tho horses, by
hauling tho cars up and down the
switch. Our now cars run smoothly
and give quite a metropolitan air to
tho burg as their bells tinkle along
the street.
To-day tho workmen aro planking
the road from Commercial along
State and no later than Monday
cars will 1)0 making regular trips.
This enterprise will be of great con
venience to our citizens as well as a
good advertisement for tho city.
Such enterprifeesspeak louder than a
world of empty words. Let us
move in tho matter of tho establish
ment of woolen mills in our city
and tho future prosperity is assured.
A Uullilinp and Loan Association.
The agent of tho Minneapolis
Building and Loan association who
Is now in tho city for tho purpose of
eH'eeting an organization here, says
ho will experience no dillleulty In
obtaining a sufficient number of
subscribers to insure an immediate
organization. Ho is canvassing tho
business men of thocity and already
has almost a largo enough number
of shares to organize "Wherever
established thesoassoclations prosper.
Ono has recently been organized at
Eugene and promises to bo pro
ductive of muuli good.
Fine Weather.
A correspondent from Gilliam
county, Oregon, to the Capital
Journal says tho weather continues
very Hue there and that all classes
of stock look well as over known
before at this season of tho year.
Stock theives aro qulto numerous
and tho settlers are proposing to
formulate somoplan of detecting tho
culprits and giving them summary
punishment. Tho health of the
county was never better and tho
future of that portion of tho state
looks very bright.
The Ulver Is lip A Little.
Tito Champion, that magnificent
little light draught O. It. & N. ves
sel, came up from Portland yester
day afternoon and load"d with Hour.
Bliu went down this morning and
finds plenty of water over tho bars.
Tho rains of tho past few days
have caused n rise of eight inches.
One More Lot Sale .
II. A. Thomas this morning pur
chased of E. M. Walto two lots and
a fraction over in Heed's additiou to
Baleni; consideration f050. These
lots wero sold not many months
since for $760. That Salem is on the
up grade, who win longer doubt.
Capital I'ark Sales.
Hughes, Hellipger A Co. yesterday
M)ld six lots In l)r. Jessup's now
Capital Park addition. A. Giesy Is
tho purchaser of four Jots for $900
ami Mr. Kogers two for f 1000. Tho
plat will bo filled at once and active
Hides commence.
American Building and'Loan Association.
A. M. Kennedy, assistant general
agent of tho Minneapolis Building
& Loan association, Is now in tho
city interviewing our citizens on the
subject of the establishment of sueh
an association in our city.
The object of this organization is
to loan money to its stockholders at
0 per cent per annum. Tho advan
tage of this organization over local
organizations of this kind is that
tho members do not have to bid
different rates of interest to obtain
loans, but each stockholder Is en
titled to a loan of 50 dollars on each
share on which amount ho pays 0
nercent Interest. When member
ship is applied for, tho first month's
payment is ono dollar per share and
after that GO cents per share until
tho stock matures, which will be in
from 0 to 7 years. When tho stock
matures tho stockholders receive
100 dollars in cash money if they
have obtained no loan. If a mem
ber has borrowed money from the
association ho receives his note back
and his mortgage Is cancelled at
maturity of tho stock. This associa
tion is tho moat extensive of the
building associations ot tho United
States, it having between 500 and
600 branches throughout the cou ntry.
The branch at Salem will be of
great value to this community as
well as to tho surrounding country.
The loans are mado exclusively on
real estate and farm land. Any ono
who desires further information will
please bo at tho Oregon Land Com
pany's office on Monday at 2:30 a. m.
A Few of the Bills.
Among those bills likely to bo in
troduced in tho early session of the
legislature assembling Monday are
tho following :
Creating a registry law.
Creating tho olllce of stato attor
ney general.
Creating a mining bureau and the
oflice of stato mineralogist.
Protecting trees against insects.
Prohibiting killing deer for their
Eclating to the disposition of dead
women's property.
Amending the mechanics' lien
Exempting homesteads from exe
cution. Making a record of tho redemp
tion of property sold at tax sales.
Making the index a part of the re
cord of deeds and mortgages.
Discharging a mortgage on filing
of an aflldavit by the mortgagee.
Making judges of the stato circuit
court magistrates.
Making it discretionary with a
court as to how jurors shall bo drawn.
Giving tho state jurisdiction over
crimes committed on the Snako and
Columbia rivers.
Making an appropriation of $14,
000 to equip tho Portland light
Giving tho Boys and Girls Aid
Society additional power.
Establishing a reform school.
Work Is progressing nicely at the
rock-quarry; they are taking rock to
tho Jetty.
Wo hear that there is to be a new
hotel built at this placo some time
in tho near future.
Tho flrmofWadsworth & Crosuo
is doing some good work in the way
of ceiling tho store building.
Toledo literary society is pro
gressing finely, it meets next Sat
urday night under the control of
new ofllcers.
Wo aro glad to note tho improve
ment in the health of Mr. Wads
worth and Mr. Crosno. Mr. Cros
no thinks that he will be able, to go
to Salem next week.
The new saw-mill is running right
along. Wo understand that they
have a contract from tho govern
ment to furnish lumber at the mouth
of tho bay.
One teacher has been making use
of his long vacation by clearing up
ground aud burning logs from
around his house. Ho thinks that
ho will havo enough for a garden
spot. He says that rolling logs and
handling wood and tho llko has a
tendency to make his hands sore
hard on school teachers.
School hasn't been started since
tho vacation for Christmas. The
teacher went out to Marion county
on a visit and when ho came back
the peoplo wero afraid to send their
children to school until the danger
of taking tho smallpox was over.
Folks hero aro very much afraid of
that disease if it gets very close. I
would'nt be much surprised if some
of them would jump into tho Pacific
to keep away from it.
Points of Pcrsonal'Mention'nnd Notes
of News.
The attendance at tho East school
continues to increase.
Since the furnaces havo been re
paired, we hear no more complaint
of smoky rooms.
Tho strolling bear show gave tho
school a visit, but a warm reception
would greet them on a return.
The school was honored with a
visit on Friday morning from W.
H. Adair of this city and his brother,
J. S. Adair of Indianapolis, Ind.
Messrs. Handle and Meyers have
very flattering prospects of a largo
attendance at tho evening school
which will open next Monday evening.
At tho teachers' meeting lust; Mon
day, which was the semi-annual
meeting, the following olllcers wero
elected to servo the balance of the
year: President, M. G. Lane ; vice
president, Miss Leila Waters; sec
retary, Miss Grace Gilllngham. The
subject of Grammar was the theme
of discussion by the first division,
Miss Waters not being prepared.
Mr. Sellwood was absent on account
of sickness.
Still the Oood Work Moves On.
Tho revival meetings in the M. E.
church havo been sustained with
uullagglng interest during tho weok,
last night being ono of tho most
largely attended and showing tho
best results. About thlrty-flvo per
sons have signified their purposo to
lead a new life, whllo many others
ftio all but decided for Christ's
service. Mrs. Malloy preached every
night and proved herself a pulpit
orator of great power. She oc
cupies tho pulpit to-morrow morn
ing and evening. In tho moruiug
sho will preach on tho Inscriptions
of tho Bible. Every ono should
hear her. An opportunity will bo
afl'orded all to unlto with the church
who so desire at tho morning services.
Another Uifiirloiato Woman.
Mre Elvira Nlhart is a lato arrival
at the asylum for Insane. Sho is
from Portland and is constantly In
tirs. He insanity 'a of neither u
wild or suicidal nature, yet her ac
tions aro all peculiar.
A SfiniabU Hist.
Genuine now buckwheat Hour,
and a lino urtlule of table syrup, at
Uie Grange storo, 120 Stato street,
Balem. tf,
Natal Catarrh Is timhntilv
most UluisrviMtble allmunu lit
Kt n
of the
can beatntaud with, II Duutrd't bpttiltla
Uuted Willi a douche or eeu suultivl up
Uiu m iiocenllui: to directions, moraine
KtuletenliiK, a rudlcul euro ruu In moat
paacx Ihi oliwtod.
Hold by I). W. Mathews A Co.
A Fine l'iecr or Work.
Tho West Shore for January is to
bo ono of tho finest Issues that suc
cessful journal has known. This
edition Js to bo dovotcd to Salem and
many superior illustrations havo
been prepared for it. This maga
zine is the only one on tho coast
that Is proparea for tho execution of
sucti artistic worK. av.vcu ironi mo
east, Mr. Samuels receives many
orders for illustrations. Tills New
Year munlvr of the West Shore
will bo a treat to your friends over
tho mountains. You should get a
ew copies and work a little as an
mmtgratlou agent.
Appointment For Major Hilton.
To-night at 8 ocleel: at tho M. E.
church; all Invited, Sunday moru
iug ut 10:30 to men only at tho
opera house; Sunday afternoon at
tho Methodist church at 3 o'clock
to children; Sunday night muss
meeting at tho opera house at 7:80,
nil invited.
Yon Cannot do Better
Thau call ut tho Grange Store, 120
Stato Btreot, If you want a good tea
or anything olso In tho grocery
lino. Don't fall to look ut tho Whit
Cross Extracts, tho best in tho mar
ket, t-f
Three Additional Resolutions.
Marlon county Pomona Grange
at a meeting hold at Salem, January
10th, among those resolutions pub
lished yesterday, adopted tho follow
ing alte:
That we respectfully sk the
Oregon legislature at Its coming ses
sion to memorialize congress to
create a Department of Agriculture
and make tho commissioner a mem
ber of tho president's cabinet.
To so amend the constitution of
thoUnlted States that U. S. senators
may bo elected by direct vote of tho
That until such amendment can
bo made, that wo urge tho legis
lature to elect some reliabto and
practical agriculturist to represent
Oregon in tho United States Senate.
Resolved, That it is tho sense of
this pomona Grantre that the mort
gage tax law should bo sustained,
and our committee on legislation Is
Instructed to work to attain this
Whiter In Alaska.
Mrs. Malloy, tho evangelist, was
at chapel Wednesday and gave tho
students a very pleasant talk.
John O. Goltra of tho class of '87
came up from Portland Saturday
and spent Sunday visiting friends
in the capital city.
Tho collego classes will begin to
review tho second term's work
Monday, preparing for examinations
a week from next Friday.
Frank-Bellinger and A. B. Bower
sox pronounced good orations
In chapel Monday, and Miss May
Boise read an excellent essay Tues
Hon. Ed. H. Belknap of tho class
of '84 and Will S. Hetzler of the
class of '88 and several other old
time students were at chapel Mon
day. Two weeks from yesterday ono
half the school year will bo goue.
It will be a good time to enter school
as many new studies will be begun
at that time.
A good sized class began the study
of shorthand by tho electric method
under Prof. Arnold, Monday. A
class also is studying White's sys
tem with Prof. Van Scoy as both
student and tutor.
J. H. Goddard of Vancouver, W.
T., and A. D. Miller of Clackamas
left for their homes tho first of the
week, on recount of sickness, and
will not return this year.
A. L. Briggs and Fred Legg havo
been quite ill with pneumonia, but
were better this morning, and hopes
are entertained that they may be
able to resume their studies in a few
A few students are endeavoring to
secure positions as clerks in the
legislature. It is hoped they may
be successful, as most of these who
aspire to the positions are making
their own way through school.
Mr. Hilton was present at chapel
yesterday, and addressed the stu
dents in a very pleasant and appro
priate style. Although his remarks
wero of a religious character, they
were encouraging to the non-believer
Company A now havo about fifty
names on their roster, and havo
mado application to become a part
of the O. N. G. They are now being
drilled in squads dally, and would
mako an excellent company,
and it is hoped their request may be
favorably considered.
R. M. WADE; & CO's
282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM.
Garland Stoves,
Charter Oak Stow
Also a Complete Stock of Hardware and Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriigl
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel ot
nurlty. Rtreneth and wholesomeness. More
economical than tho ordinary kinds, and
cannot be sold In competition with the
multitude of low test, bhort weight alum or
mospnaio powaers. Boia oniy in cans.
Ioyal Baking Po wder Co., 100 Wall.N.Y.
Saving been furnished for the est,,
accommodation or the DubHT
ito the attention of the the HUNhiS
to tho cnt re excision nf nil nr "?"
from ourlnstltution, and also to UkT3
HOME menla thAt. n ..iUi5 ' M
three times a day. Give us i mU anaS
for yourself. " "I
H5. M. I,AW. Proprietor."
wr.uourianajughHt., Salem, Or. I
O.H.MoNnoE J.R.N.Bat
Lato of the Monroe House.
Monroe &
m m
Sample Rooms for Commercial Traveler
17 T Xf L?T3TTJT T It U TirTT.n A T
lb. J. Ail. jvual-., ut JJ. tJ.( iiJll XilU
rooms over White Corner. OHice hours
8 a. m. to 5 p. m.
physician and surgeon, has'located
and taken rooms 6 and 7 at Mrs. Sargcants
in the onern house. Chronic diseases n
specialty. Consultation free. 12-21dw
Although Thursday last wa the hod
cat day in die year and the commencement
ot the winter solstice, the weather trti as
mild 'at any experienced as our people
fine the fall commenced. The tun shone
brightly: rain fell during bne portion of
the day, and walk with an overcoat on
wan quiet uncomfortable, ao halmy was the
air. Snow and frost were entirely absent,
and the day amid be truthfully compared
to many such aa are the rule during the
early part of Ootober on the Atlantlo tea
txMrd. What think e of thi, ye blitiird
bound, froxeu.tonleaih, shivering frost
bitten mortals In the great northwest and
the eaatertVaUUs? Sitka Alaskan, Dee.32.
Gentlemen frequently complain of their
barber ahavinf them too clove, and the
face aud neck ureafcint out Into email
pimple. Ifuutard'aSpcoine is applied to
the face Immediately alter ahavlnT. no
matter how cJooo the shave, all soreness
will be prevented.
Sold by J).W. Mathews Co.
Painless dental operations at
Dr. T. C. Smith, 92 State street, tf.
List your property with tho Sa
lem. Land Co. if yon wish it sold.
Ofllco on Stato street. d-&-w tf.
Subject at Unitarian church
no.;t Sabbath evening Is "Adtm in
Mental hilosophy at 3 p. m.,
Sunday. Let iho hundreth mem
ber come. X.
If you have farm or city prop
erty for sale list it with the Salem
Laud Co., oflice on State street.
d-&-w tf.
For sale cheap for cash, a now
extra fine upright piano. Call at
355 Chemckete street for particulars.
Photographs of Dwitjht L.
Moody the great ovaugellst, on sale
at l' J Catterllu's photograph gal
lery. ' tf
Mrs. Powell, mother of F. S.
Powell of Monmouth, died suddenly
a few days ago. Sho was 78 years
Of ago aud an old pioneer of Oregon.
Mr. Hilton drew a large, au
dicuco last night to tho opera house,
where he spoke on the liquor trafllo.
Ho Is qulto an Impressive speaker
and succeeds in making many con
verts wherever he goes.
J. H. Cook of Sheldon, Iowa, a
brother of U. S. and J. A. Cook of
the Oregon Laud Co., will leave for
Salem the first of February. Ho
comes to mako this city his per
manent home aud will be employed
In tho real estate office.
Mrs. Barrett will preach at tho
M. E. church to-morrow morning
ou tho "Inspiration of the Scrip
tures," All aro invited. Last night
sho delivered a good sermon to which
there were many interested listeners.
Her labors hero are marked with
great success.
You will at all times find a fresh
and nice line of choice, seasonable
family, and fancy groceries at tho
old reliable aud well-known grocer
houpo of Snulre Farrar &, Co. Do
llvered free to any part or the city.
Prices always reasonable and goods
first class. tf
cessor to Dr. J. C. Byrd.
Oflice over Bush's Bank.
From SI to 3 per day.
Salem, Oregon
W. II. COOK Proprietor.
Formerly IClerk of Chemkete
Everything New and first-class.
Convenient Sample Rooms for
Commercial Travelers.
Corner State and High streets
The Capital National Bank
- $75,000
- 10,000
R. S. WALLACE, - - President.
W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President.
J. H. ALBERT, (- - - - Cashier.
W.T.Gray, W.W.Martin,
J. M. Murtln, It. 8. Wallace.
Dr. W. A.Cusick. J. II. Albert,
T. McF. Patton.
I nd others wishing to board at a quiet
A and cozy place, will find the object of
their search at
Cor. Chemekete and Liberty Sts., Balem,
Where a few select boarders can seenn
To farmers on wheat and other market-
o produce, consigned or in su
either in private eraaarics or
able produce, consigned or in store.
public warehouses.
Slate and County Warrants Bought at Par.
Discounted at reasonable rates. Crafts
drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San
Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin,
Hong Kong and Calcutta.
First National Bank
Meals, 25 cents; board, J3.50 per weet
Fresh milk, cream and oysters always on
219 Commercial St,
WM. N.
DR. J. H
- - - President,
- Vice President.
- Cashier.
Exchange on Portland, Han Francisco.
New XptV, v Loudon and ITon; Kong
bought and sold. State, County nnd City
warrants bouvht. Farmers tue co.ilLillv
invited to deposit und trans." ct buwlneso
with us. Llbe.-nl advances made on
wheat, wool, bops and other property ai
resikonnbio rates. Insurance ou ouch se
curity uan be obtained at the bank In
most reliable companies.
For Sale.
A good Iron frame none Power.
for all uses, from one to full ca;
All of the low nrlco of MO. Call
clfle ClderVl negar Fruit Preserving
uomponys omce. tiaiem,ur2on.
Dealer in
Stoves and Tin Ware, Force and U
Tin, f!nnnp.r null
'Sheet Iron Ware!
Plumbing and Gas FittIns,RoonDSll,
Spouting, attended to on short notice.
261 Commercial St., Salem, Ot.
2U. 812 and 314 Commt rcial Street, Sale
Call at thePa-
General Dons Moyiift Raking
Work promptly done at reasonable rat
Ordera left at Cxrrtxx. JJW,A.r
will receive attention. "