"lMg1MM EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, JAN. 0, 1889. !'UIIMS!IHI EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. ItY T1IK anital Journal Publishing Company. I IMCORI'OKATFl) Office, Corner Conit ami Mlicrty Strectf, THUMB OK SUllSCHIl'TION DAILY. Ono yonr, by mull - ri W) Six inontlit, by iiinll -' WJ Tlii'eo months by lnnll 1 23 Vet v. eok lcll vcrctl by currier.. . 15 'WKKKI.Y. Onoycnr Sirro Hlx months "5 Ono ycnr, If paid for In advance, . lino Six montliH. " " " K 4jj-lostmnstcrH nro authorized ,'to re- ccivo Rtmscnpiions the jfinv !i:A.r. f 'T9-I"ntcrrd as nccond-class rnnttcr nt the Snlcm.OrcKon, 1'ostolllce, June 21, 1888. W. II. HYAIIS -(JbAKE B. IRVINE Editor Manager. ItKNOVATINO OltCIIAItDS. Wo often meet with an orchard of apparently henlthy trees, which is practically fruitless. The owner may tell us that it formerly bore abundant crops, but of late years the trees luiyo "run out." They formerly gave good crops of apples. All tho other land on tho farm was expected to give but one good crop, but this of tiie orchard was made to glvo u crop of grain, or u crop of grass or clover to bo taken oll'as hay. Tho soil soon became tired of doing this double duty. Tho trees "gavo out" because they were robbed of food; tho first thing they need is feeding. Of course if the soil needs draining, lay the needed tiles at onco, or as soon as tho soil will al low. Such orohardH are usually In gr.iss; draw on n heavy dressing of manuro and spread it, and, as soon as the soil is in proper condition, turn over tho sod and the niunuru with the plow; with tho hot weather tho sod will decay rapidly. When this Is found to be well rotted, glvo another plowing, and a deep one. Tf ashes can bo had, spiead a heavy coating and harrow; In tho absence of ashes harrow in a good dressing of lime. If tho trunk and larger branches nro covered with loose scales of old bark upon which lich ens and mosses have a foot-hold, scrape oil' the loobc bark, using a blunt short-handled hoe as a scraper. Then lit a damp time or thaw wash tho trees with soft son), made thin enough to apply with a brush. Ufao home-made soft soap, made with lyo or potash. That sold at tho stoics ip usually merely hard soap mixed with water and very weak and quite inferior to tho home-made. Mix tho soap with enough water to work readily, go over tho seiaped portions with It, and leave tho spring rain to lhtlsh tho work. In duo tlinu tho bark will bo found beautifully wnooth and deprived ot all foreign growth. The soap that has been washed Into tho soil will net na a itboful fcrtell.er. Long ne glected trees usually require prun ing, and this must depend upon tho condition of tho tree. Never cut out a branch without good reason for it. If tho top has become crowded, cut out enough branches to let light and nlr Into the center; if grown ono elded, remove tho brnnuhes needed to restore tho balance. If largo wounds are mndo, smooth tho sur face and paint thorn ovorwlth some dark-colored paint. American Ag-rlculturllst. Now Is the time to turn it over. Not only turn it over but gum it down so that It will stay turned. We aro talking now to those farm ers (thcrrf arc too many such) who are always growling and croaking and looking on the dark side of things. This is a bright world if you will only open your eyes and see the sunlight. No doubt you have cares and troubles and much to vox and worry you. So has ev ery one. Don't let little matters like these fret you. They are but for a mement: how soon they will pass away and be forgottonl Noth ing so transient and trifling should be allowed to disturb one's serenity. Wo should not expect thut every thing in this world is to be adjusted to our liking. There will be friction now and then of course, but the best way is to always keep cool, take things philosophically, and re member that "it won't muko any difference a hundred years from now." So quit grumbling. Quit It now and thereby make the new year happier for yourself and for all around you. American Agriculturist. HVbTKMATlZKD l'OIiAK KXl'llOKA. HON, Considering tho vai lability of drlft-lco movgii)cut in tho Arctic sons ; It Is urged that tho easiest, -choti post uudiuodtiprumlaiiiK method of seeking tho North Polo Is to despatch ovory year, for ten or olovn years, n certain number of well-equipped steamers, sumo ono of which would bo enabled to hcIzo upon the most favorable condition of tho leu for a dash to tho extreme north. Four routes, tiro recommend ed, viz ; one along East Spltzlwrgon to Fninr Josef Laud, and northward, Starting front tho north of Norway ; ono oast of Frame Jowjf Uind, start ing from the Yenisei or Obi ; one via Franz Jotwf hand, starting front (lit) Now Hlborlan Islands or the 'Luna ; and one from a suitable spot in lluhrliu; Strait. With an anniial ukm1IUoii by each of theo route, it Is believed that tho problems of tho Polar mm would la holvtkl with in the period of eleven years. SAI.KM. The city ofllcinls of Salem were changed last night. Mayor Murphy and one-half of the Board of Alder men stepped down and out. And Mayor Williams with ono-half of tho new Board resumed their re sponsib'e positions. Mayor Murphy has served thcclty very acceptably to Its citizens, and retlicswith tho utmost confidence of this people. Mayor Williams upon taking his seat delivered an Inaugural, replete within itself. It is brief. It is to the point. It pledges tho city, so far as his in fluence goes, to tho support of the spirit of enterprise already being manifest among us. The rest of the Board aro composed of men of en terprise, of sagacious business quali ties, and it may satoly bo predicted that the year will bo tho most pros perous Salem hits over known. VACCINATION AN1 ANTI.VACCINA-TION. Statistics aro against the few per sons who Insist that vaccination is useless and unnecessary. A com pulsory vaccination law had entirely driven out smallpox from Zuiich, so that not a case octtrrcd in 1882. Tito law was repealed In 1883, and Inovery 1000 deaths that year two were caused by smallpox ; in 1884, there were thrco ; In 1885, seventeen; and in tho first quarter of 1880, olghty-flvc. In England the deaths from this disease In 1838-1842 were fifty-seven, two por 100,000 living ; but In tho ilvo years 1880-1884 tho death-rate was only 0. 5 per 100,000. Vaccination has not only vastly re duced the number of victims directs lv, but seems to hnvo had an- in direct Influence in rendering the od'sntlng of vaccinated parents less liable to tho disease. An epidemic of diphtheria hi 1884 followed tho arrival of a Hock of turkeys In Sklatos, ono of tho Grec ian isles where no case of tho disease had previously been known for thirty years. Sonto of tho turkeys wero sick, and It Is behoved that tho diphtheritic germs wero conveyed from them through tho air to tho first human victim. Tin: bones of animals wero used as skates and sledge-runners In pre historic Europo, and it seems they nro still so employed In northern Germany. Tito sledges consist of a board resting on tho bones of a horse, and tho skates hnvo for run ners tho lower jaw-bones of cattle. Poutionh of tho Andes seem to bo sinking, tho altitude of Quito hnv- lng diminished seventy-six feet in 122 years, and that of nuother penk 218 feel. A crater has sunk 425 feet In twenty-flvo years. An Aboluto Cure. The original Abltlno Olittmont Is ouly put til) In largo two-ounce tin boxes and Unit absolttto cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands mid nil skin eruptions. Will posl. ttvolv euro all kinds of piles. Ask for tho original nbctlne ointment. Sold by I). W. Mntthows & Co. nt 25 cents per lox by until 80 cents. narkirai Ante 8alT, The lost salvo 111 tho world f iiih. hi iil-s, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lexer sores, tetter, ohnpped hand I'lillblaius, corns, and all skin erii liniiH, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed tw give perfect satisfaction, or mouc.x refunded. Prico 25 cents per box. For bale - Dr. H. W. Cox. A Sfsnbf Hilt. Gtmuluu now buckwheat Hour, mid u lino article of table syrup, til the Grange stow ISO StHto street, Salem, tf. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Municipal Election In iVoHton. T?jilnrnfn mill ! TTnw.tt rinUrrtrll Tuesday, December Il'tn'r Will the; 21,000 women who have registered go to the polls? Shall Ave elect the school committee ticket nominated by the committee of ono hundred, Indorsed by tho W. C. T. U.nnil the "Loyal Women of American Liber ty?" These wero the thoughts of the best citizens of Boston on the morning of election day ; but tho women of the "Hub" tire used to rain ; waterproofs of all hues and descriptions were donned, and, to the amazement of the ward politi cians, 17,000 women appeared at the voting places in the various pie clncts, the majority on foot. They added life and piquancy to the usual monotonous proceedings. In every precinct there was a band of women workers. The Boston W. C. T. U. has been drilled and disciplined for six years in work of this kind, but their numbers were re-inforced by the "Loyal Women" whose eflorts were exclusively for the second ticket, while tlw W. C. T. U. worked for no-license as well, having made earnest appeals months ago to the women of Boston to quali fy themselves to vote ou the school question. Mrs. A. J. Gordon, presi dent of tho Boston union, gave the women printed directions In regard to their work nt tho polls, and nt each precinct ono of the workers had a list of the women voters which she checked, so that it was impossi ble for any ono to vote twice, and carriages were sent for delinquents. The committee of ono hundred organized months ago for the special defense of the public schools, looked sharply after the men in the same manner. Tho Women wero at the polls early in the morning, many appearing with husbands or broth ers. Tho newspaper men noted this and commented ns follews: "In ninny precincts almost the entire number of registered women had cast their ballots before noon. This shows that tho average woman is disposed to apply sound housekeep ing principles to tho business of voting, and do her work as a citizen bright and early, so ns to havo It all out of the way before dinner. They handled their ballots like veteran voters." State of Ohio, City of Toledo Lucas County, 8. 8. J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is Um senior partner of the firm of F..L- Cheney & Co. doing busi ness In the-city of Toledo, county and store aforesaid, nnd that said firm wtll pay the sum of one hun dred dollars for each nnd every case of catarrh thateannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FItANK J. CHENEY. Sworn before me and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of December, A. D. '8G. r i A. W. GLEASON j ska i. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cttro is taken in ternally and act" directly upon the l)lood and mucus surfaces of the sv-tem. Send for testimonials, free. ' F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo.O. 8Sold by diuggists, 75 cents. NETT ADVERTISEMENTS. Many weaknesses of human na ture are distorted virtues. Gardening for L.u11ih. Mule up your bed early in the merning: sew buttons on your hus band's shirt; do not rnke up griev ances: protect tlio young nnd tender branches of your family; plant smiles of good temper, and reap a crop of health nnd happiness; root out the causes of nervous debility and "female weakness," by the use of Dr.Plerce's Favorite Prescription It is a favorite specific, and thou sands of the fair sex bless tho day they first heard of It. It is the only medicine for womeiij sold by drug gists, under a positive guarantee, from tho manufacturers, that; It will give satisfaction In every .case, or money will be refunded. Thls.guar antcc has been printed on tho bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. To cleanse the stomnch, liver, nnd system generally, uso Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Imagination never disturbs exist ing facts. Urn co Up. You are feeling depressed, your appetito is poor, you aro bothered witli Headache, you, are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, Tho following is front the Boston Traveller : "There is nothing but praiso for the pluck nnd beating of the voting women of Boston, yes terday. Tho universal tespect shown to them In every precinct speaks wellfor Boston, and the in fluence of tho presence of ladies at tho polls may now be regarded ns beneficial to order nnd decorum." llo v. Edwnrd Utile said he rejoic ed the people wero at last awake to tho importnnco of the school move ment, and thought that all religions should have an equal representation in the School Board, and that the present ticket was the best elected for four years. Hon. Thomas Bick neli said : "Wo have learned tho power of women to savo tho state, and till honorto the ladles who saved tho schools of Boston." Three cheers wre given for tho W. C. T. U. and also for the loyal women. but not with stimulants, snrimrme- . . .. .... ... "i.. .... lctncs, or Diners, wnicn nave meir basis very cheap, bad whisky, nnd which sttmllnto you for an hour, I and then leave you in worse condi tion titan uelore. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, tvc renewed health and strength, uch a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at Dr. H. W. Cox's Drug Store. Tho wisest fellows, wo think, are those who agree with us. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having bcn re stored to health by simple means, niter suffering several years with u severe lung tuTection, and that dread disease consumption, is anx ious to make known to his fellow sufleters the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of charge) a copy of tho prescription used, which they will find a sure euro for consump tion, catarrh, nsmatha, bronchitis' and nil throat and lung maladies. Ho hopes all sull'erers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring tho prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove ti blessing, will please address, Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Kings County, New York. STAYT0N ITEMS. W. H. Hobson is a happy man. It is a boy this time. Dr. W. B. Magera is still very low, with but very Httlo hopes of recovery. Father Wernhcr, catholic priest at Sublimity, died rather suddouly on Now Year's morning. He was taken to Mt. Angel for burial. Mix. Sarah A. Gerklu, wife of David Gerkln, died at their resi dence near Silver Creek Falls, on Doc. 2.1rd, aged 52 years. This is the wife and mother and the seventh death Is this sadly stricken family, within the last four years, nil of thnt dread dlseaso consump tion. Mrs. Mary E., wife of J. W. Thomas, died suddenly at hor home three miles east of hero on tho eyen" ing of Dec. 28th, nged 48 years. Thus passed away one of our most estima ble ladles but little past tho prlmo of life, leaving a husband and six children besides numerous relatives ami friends to iltourn her loss. ThoO. P railroad Is still positing ahead and the end of the track is now within ten mllea of Drolten bush's Fork. This Is quite u stream and will without n doubt delay track laying for omo weeks. This stream was named for Louis Brelt- oubtish, a Frenchnuiu, who was tiro tlretto report Ha existence, lino' hvg spent some mouths hunting and' trapping on Its Imtiks. This was! wutetlniu in the fifties. Contentment does not demand conditions, it makes them. Their Business Booming. Probably no ono thing has caused a general revival of trade at Dr. H. W. Cox's Drug Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from tho fact that It always cures and never dis appoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by get ting n trial bottlo free, largo size 1. Every bottlo warranted. Now is nlwnys the very best time if wo make it so. Are We to Hare Another WarT Home polltlcnl phroplieU aver that we sbnll, lie thut ns It may, tho battle waged by medical science npilust dlseaso will never cease until we nrrlxe nt thnt Utopian epoch Vi hen tho human family shall cease to be afflicted wltti bodily ailments. One of the most potent vteaponit which the nrmory of medicine furnishes, Is Hostett ur's Mtomuvh Milters, which Is of special utility ns u family remedy, us It Is adapted to Immediate rolief nnd ultimate cure of tluwe disorders of the stomnch, liver nnd bowels which are of commonest occur rence. Indigestion, bllllousness nnd con st I U Ion nre Inseparable companions, and these Mllincnts nre completely eradicated by the Hitters, Hut the remedial scope of tins supennuveiy wnoiehome nnu. genint medicine lakes In also nervous ailments, rheumatism and k dney troubles; its action In these, as In tho other com- flntnU, being characterized by unequnled tioroughnet Toibo really yourself you must be dlflercnt from those around you. An AbMUte Cure. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETIN. OrNTMENTis only put up In Inrgv two-ounce tin boxes, and is on aliHoluto euro for old sores, burn, wounds, chapped hands, aud all Un eruptions. Will positively i tire all kinds of piles. Ask for the t'UlOINAL ABrETlNE OINP y.lZiir. Solu byD. W. Maltha .'.- I ., HW Ktute street, Salem, ,t J6 Kuu.jrtjr box by mail SO cents. w j3S53J? .. 4?z - m 1 1 !BSK! HAPPY NEW YBAK TO ALL. The Capitol Adventure Co. was incorporated in March, 1880. Their principal business house and office are in the Opera House, double cor ner on Court nnd Liberty streets, Salem. They do a general merchan dise business, nnd in connection do nn nuctioneering nnd commission business, buy and sell real estate, cattle, horses and also act ns ap praisers, administrators, assignees and nccountauts. They have ex perienced help thnt are competent to net In nil the above cnpacitles on short notice, The best of references can be given ns required, and bonds to any amount nqcessary. They have given the ibest of satisfaction as ap praisers and assignees. The Capitol Adventure Co. have, for tho short time they have been in business, shown to tho public thut they nre doing n legitimate business, worthy of their patronage. Among their patrons you will find the best farmers, who exchange their pro ducts to them for their wares; the mechanics and laborers, who know tho value of a dollar, and where to invest it; also the refined and tal ented people go there for their elegant wares. The Immigrants soon find themselves to home at the opera house corner, for the reason that tho Capitol Adventure Co. sell from ten to twenty-live per cent, cbennertban nnv other houi-e in the state, for the following reasens: First, They buy from first hands in large quantities. Thoy save the profits of tho middlo men. They save in freight. They also have the advantage of buying bankrupt stocks, nnd nlso very often reliable merchnnts wlio are pushed forfunds sell them the best of goods at twenty to thirty per cent, discount for cash. Second, Thoy hnvu leased the elegant Opera House building for a long time for almost nominal rent. They havo tho most commodious nnd best lighted store rooms in the city. They carry a full and com plete stpek of dry gooda, clothing, hats, boots and shoes, ladies' and gents, furnishing goods, jewelry and silverware, nations, stationery and cutlery, groceries, in fact a general varloty suoh as are usually kept in a first class store, The Capitol Ad venture Co. is about tho only firm in Salem that trie? to command the farmers' trade by buying all their merchantable products, find they re tail the farmers,' products the same prices they pay, thus saving to tho mechanics and laborers from ten to twenty per cent for the real necessaries of life. Therefore the Capitol Adventure Co. asks for tho continuance of the public's patron age. You will find them at the Opera House corner, Court and Liberty streets, Salem, Oregon. EuGENn Willis, S. Friedman, Sccretarv. Manager. B O B O O o T T OPT H O B s H o O s B s WM. BROWN & CO. DEALEltS IN Leather and Findings ! CASH PaID for Wools, Hides, Pells and Fursi 231 Commercial St., Salem, Or :e- Big Bargains "AX k BROWN'S. Finest Stock in the City! Furs, Handkerchiefs, Silk Hose, Silk Mitts, Cloaks, Dry Goods, ladies' Hand ' Ptirse.s 'Etc. 239 C6r. State and. Commercial St. SALEM, OREGON J ,&,&.. jjSiiifcut.iAih -