L CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 1. SALBM, OR., WEDNESDAY JANUARY 9, 1S8Q. MO. 12(34 KEAJ. ESTATE. Real Estate Bargains. 81,000 ICO acres, 6, miles from O & C de- SSIho00 hoilse- barn anl tlvatlon. Ienced nnKlncul. $2,000 SO acres', 4 miles from Salem. Good road to town. Improve ments fair, r nnfnilM.nJ J5.490 8b acres Jk miles from Salem. Ines. Rnlcnrtlrl fenced. MnlrA n i1aatMM 82,500 60 acres 4 miles from Salem. Im provements good. Fine youne .,o orchard, and garden land. W.I80 100 acres. 7 miles from Salem. Hill land, finely watered. Sell In lots of 40-ncro tracts at S25 per acre. $10,800 075 acres. 8 miles frnm Hnim Excellent grass and fruit land! VX ill "iimiueue mer. Will sell In tracts, f 1,375 51 acres, 4 miles of Salem. House, barn and orchard. Large spring at the door. Good soil, and plenty of timber. 82,400 120acres, 5 miles of Salem; good road; well Improved- stream running through the place. 800,00 400 acres (4 miles west side 0 0 R It) good house, barn and urcuuru, im in cultivation, Dal ance oak irriib Dasture lnnrt. 8800 . 10 acres, 1 mile from Salem, nrt- juiningiairgrouua, uooaiana; no Improvements. $1,200 40 acres. 5 miles Salem; all In cultivation; no buildings; near school house. .Excellent fruit land. 84,000 370 acres, 6 miles from O C It K; all fenced; well watered. House, barn, and small orchard; 150 acres In cultivation. EATDfO IIOUS123. v u. .MONROE, J R. V Ilut t Late of the ilonroe House. ' U Monroe & Bell, I'roprletors 1 Cliemekete Hotel. FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. From SI to IS per day. SALEM - - OREGON. io-i-tr 82,750 .3 lots, with gooa iioueandbarn, East Salem. Desirable location. We have besides this a large list o' city and farm property. Buyers would do well to call and examine our holdings before making their purchases. WILLIS & CHAMBEULIN, Opera House, Court St., WWtf Salem, Or. COOK'S HOTEL AKin PERSONALS. Those Who Were Cured of Catarnh, Deafness, Dyspepsia, lUieumatisui, Diseases, of the Heart, Liver, nml Kidneys, and Various Other Complaints. Salem, Oregon W. II. COOK Proprietor. Formerl) IClerk of Chemkcte Everything New and first-class. Convenient Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Corner Stato and High streets wiwi I am prepared to sell you good farms at I PIES Where you will have all the advantages ofSCHOOLS, CHURCHE3,DAILYMAIL, and RAILROAD facilities without being overburdened with high taxes simply lor the privilege of living neara town of a few thousand Inhabitants. A residence of 33 .years on a farm In this lclnlty gles me a thorough knowledge of this country. Two or More Desiring to locate near each other will And It to their advantage to call on me. Correspondence solicited and descrlptlvo list of farms for sale sent on application. H. C. PORTER, Real Estate Agent, Aumsville, Marlon county, Oregon. LOOK HERE! Wo are selling REAL ESTATE! KELLEY BROS., PROPRIETORS OK THE CAPITOL COFFEE HOUSE Meals, 23 cents; board, St.50 per week. Fresh milk, cream and oysters always on hand. 219 Commercial St. HW-dtf. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot purity. Rtrcncth and wholesomcnes. More economical than the ordinary kinds, und canuot be sold in competition w Ith the multltudo of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold ony cans. Royal Haki.so l"ownEiu)..lui)Will.N.Y. VKOFKSSIONAL CARDS. J. M. KEENE, D. 1). H , DENTAL TMt. Lrooms m cr Whlto Corner. Olllco hours 8a. in. to 5 p. m. PHY8ICIAN.-MHS. DR. M. E. McCOY, physician and xurgcmi, has located and taken rooms 0 and 7 at Mrs. Sargeants In tho opera house. Chronic illnnws a specialty. Consultation free. 12-21dv J. W. CRAWFORD, Dealer In STEAM AND WATER PIPES, Stoves and Tin Ware, Forco and Lift Pumps. MANUFACTURER OK Tin, Copper, and aneei iron wares Pliimlilnor nnd Oas Flttlne. Roofing and Spouting, attended toon short notice. 261 Commercial St., Salem, Or. DK. MASON, DENTIST, SUO cessor to Dr. J. C. llynl. Oflice over Hush's Dank. .: FINANCIAL. KSTAiti.i.siiKn nr national AUTiioitrrv OK SALEM, Surplus, up, OREGON. - - S75.UII0 - 10,000 BLACKSMITIIBiG and IIOIISESHOEIXG. MM PILE If vou want any thing In that line We will be glad to see you At our ofllee. V7 stnf St. - - - Salem. "Will list property at a fair price. Fire Insurance a specialty. THOMAS & PAYNE MOEYTO LOAN! We have several sums of money to Loan on good Ileal Estate. Security for a series Of years To- wit, ONE PURSE OF $1200 1 ONE PURSE OF $1000 TWO PURSES OFISU0 I! ONE PURSE OF 400! Apply soon to Willis & Chamberlin, lM;d"lm. Opera Houe. Court 8t HOWARD BROTHERS IX) General Hiue Moving, Baisug o Refiirinf. work ppfy l ""EL? S Order. UK S iSxmxu will receive tUa- 2MJ4, 312 and 311 Conimerelal Street, Salem A. E. STRANG, No. 303 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. -DEAI.Klt IX- STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. 3-Ant for the RICHAKDHON A BOWroS? OOMPAKVW Fnrna K lablUbed in IMS' THE CBE1M f n BOOKS of ADTENTURE Condensed Into One loiuioe. IL 8. WAMjACK, - l'rmlilent. W. W. ilAUTIN, - Vlce-rreiildent. J. H. AI.11EKT, i- - - CiihIiIit. DIRtCTORSi W. T. Oray, W. V. Martin, J. M. Martlu, 11. H. Wallace, Dr. A.CiuIck. J. II. Albert. T. McK. 11tton. LOANS MADE To Dinner on whwil and other inarkeu rueiirlcaor able produce, consigned or in Ktoro, enner Hi private PIONEER HtRUtS And DARING DEEDS, private it public ttarohouiMM. Slate and County Warrants Ilouelit at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Uncounted at reniionalile rate. Iirnftn drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, Hn Krenclnoo, l'ortland, Imilon, l'arla. Merlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. First National Bank SALEM. OKKUON. U'M. X. IiAUVK. - . - - I'rMdetik I)IL J. HBVNOI-brt, Vl IWdeut. JOHN MOIIt, Owliler. GENERAL BANKING, Kxeuange on l'ortland, Kan Krnneo, New York, Indon und Hong Kong bourht and old. Hute, Cuuuty and Uly warranU bought. Fanner are oordlally Invited to deiKMll nd traniuuil butlne with u. Liberal odvanewe made on wheat, wool, hope and other pruerty at re&eonatie rate. Iiuranee on u eurlty can be obtained at the bunk In inoet reliable ooinpunle. . .11 k A tlHl Tlie thrilling adeotureii eorer. and frontier flghter. with In ?f illaweand wild beaU. over our he ireeot live nu "1'"5- Kmntaa liradr, V'Jf, 7, Jm! Wild Kill. lUKUto (V.ter.&lift'.JH ;cuc, Oremt mh 9.i!wBdSre.8lotbeffc Hptea lMn.f if'A'ffS flae eBgrmvtigi. anrtblBr WH,ASCItO,T A CO. AB.t UM Wgl-ertrH, im irw ana beuw 'gAifl'jUKOWOO.CA For Sate. xsas'J!rsSS"UfSR tor all "rf!L xTmi fvll nl 7u the Kw prie et IfO- liL2rUM 25" TmTsalei, Oreiin. Merchant Tailor! A MAN OF TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, And nuppllwl with only First Class Goods 81HTINQ I' A NTH OOOUH, VBHT VXTTmX BtttUCMtlen guaranteed. G. C. H0GAN. BUta Inwuanoe Co. block, 8ilia Drs. llarrltt submit tho following list of names as ivfcranro of their cures: Wesley Groves, formerly of the Chemeketo hotel, Salem, Oregon, now residing at Moscow, Idaho Cureil of Sciatic rheumntlsm nnd the opium habit. C. McLaughlin, comer of Nine teenth and Jefferson streets, Port laud Catarrhal deafness, could scarcely hear n sound or tho car bells and was In constant fear of be ing run over by wagons, cured so ho can hear ordinary conversation. Mrs S. Wooden's girl, &1 Fifth street, Portland Nervous debility and malarial fever aud discharging ear, restored. Mrs. Mervlo Gcbfort, Seattle-, W. T. Hoy live years old, deaf slnco 1(1 months old; discharging cars aud catarrh entirely cured after soveral treatments. J. 8. Hyckmnn, Kiinppt, Ogn, can bo referred to in reference to thosuc tH'sful treat men I of himself and wife for skin diseases and catarrh, aud other ailments. Frederick Mohs, Sprague, "V. T. Cntarrli, general debility and bron chitis, etc. His wife cured also of dropsy and varicose veins, milk leg aud running sore.' T. L. Mills, DO Colnmbla street, Portland Soreness through tho kid neys, liver aud stomach, iullamma tlou of the prostntoVglaud and ca tarrh of the bladder, restored to heillth. A. A. Durham, Tualatin, Wash ington (o., Or., writes that J)rn. D.irriu are working wonders on lilt kidney and bladder troubles; also rheumatism of thirty years' stand ing. Geo. H. Henry, Janitor, Odd Fel lows' hall, 111 First street, Portland Chronic catarrh 10 years. Had despalted ot over being cured. Has had no symptons of it for months. Mrs Mary Cllne, West Union, Or., (formerly, of Sauvio's Island, Or.) Complication of diseases peculiar to her sex; liver and kidney trouble, rheumatism und dyspepsia restor ed. Truman Hutler, Tho Dalles, Ore gon, chronic rheumatism aud con tracted Joints and liovcrishcd blood, all of years' standing, given up by all tnmtmunt until Drs. Darrln cured him. C. V. Fowler, Yakima, W. T., to tal deafness in one ear, cured In ten mluutot). Also a pterygum,orlleshy growth, Was removed from Ills oyo which had nearly rendered him blind. Mrs. M. Hobe, J 13 Water street, Port und Pimple nnd blotches on the face for years, pulns in tho hauk aud dlHeiisoH.'cullar to her sox cured, also, hur son was cured of crow cyw. Mrs. F. K. Dewey, 0I 18th strwit, East Portland, nervous and genurnl debility, heart disease, ilyHHijwln, liver complaint and female trouble In all Its various complication, pur HiuuuutlyuurtKl. Mm. W. II. Austin, tho Intor uatlotuil hotel, Portland, coullnml Ui her room nine mouths with an oye afllotlou, oullod "nervous abhor aura of light," atyomiwnled with Inflammation, cured. Mrs. J. J. KvutiM, living on tho Whlto llduiui road, Portland, neu ralgia of tho stomach and heart, weak lungs nnd greatly eumulutal, wired aud gullied tvn jounds In two months. Mrw. A ltanlster, Mendow, Ixiwla wunty, W. T. Kxcruulatlng jalii In eye bulls, liver and kidney com plaint, deafni-wt.il yan, and a lump In her hide thought to b an ovarian tumor, eured. Wiu.M. Colwell, Hkamokwa, W. T.,latlorheunnW!i!m and liver com plaint, rwtored to health: nleo hU brother, Oeoge L. Oilwell, Hkamo kavra, Vf. T., vrwi ounnl of a numb UM ef the tzm. Mr. K. Ahlf, 160, North Four, teonth atrrat, Portland cured after nine doctors had failed, of painful menstruation nnd womo troublo in every conceivable way, general de bility, pain through tho heart nnd lung;. Charles Chrlslerman, Portland, Ogn., scrofulous catarrh so bad that destruction of his nose was threat ened nnd had become so offenstvo that It was sickening both to him self and friends, cured In two months. Levi Hartlmas, Stayton, Oregon heart disease, dyspepsia, pain thro' tho heart nnd lungs, and general nervous debility; many times ho would fall na though dead, when everything seemed to turn black before his eyes, successfully treated. I). Campbell, Fulton, Oregon, says ho would not take $10,000 for tho euro ho received by Dr. Darrln. Ho says his troublo originated by three small lumps or tumors coming on the arm, which rendered his arm and hand perfectly helpless for one year. OKKK'K llOUHS AND I'l.AC'IJ OP 1UISI- Drs. Darrln can bo consulted free at tho Chemeketo Hotel, Salem, Or., for ii short tlmo only. They will under no circumstan ces take a case they cannot euro or benellt. Charges are reasonable, aud tho poor treated free from 1) to 10 a. in. daily. Olllco hours from 10 to -1 daily; evenings, 7 to 8; Sun days, 10 to lii. All curable chronic diseases, loss of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor rhoea, stricture, snermatorrhtt'a, seminal weakness, or loss of desire of sexual power In man or woman, catarih or deafness, are confiden tially and successfully treated. Cures of private diseases guaranteed and never published in tho papers. Circulars sent free. Alost ciwoh can receive homo treatment after it visit to tho Doetor'H olllco. N. H. Tho doctors' stay In this city Is limited. Urrgon vilKnM. In Illustration of tho blighting ellccts of the western Kansas drouths and In comparison with Oregon's never falling crops, tho following letter from a Kansas set tlor, printed In tho Now York Times Is repreduced: On all Kansas highways which lend from tho arid zone (tho laud westof tho one hundredth meridian) aro whlto capped wagons hero two, there three, yonder a short column, that roll slowly away from tho re gion which was scorched by the Mexican sirocco's llery breath last summer. The discouraged people, who rldo In thoso wngoim know that tho American desortstlll exists. They gather around thu cnmpllrcs which nightly burn on all tho roads that load westward und curso the day on which they were Induced to enter tho arid .one. Six, eight, ten years ago these jtcoplo travolud west ward. Then (hero wasjoy and song und festivity around tho camp lire. Now they sit in silent duHoiidoncy. They have worked hard. They have lived hard. They have lost their projHirty and they huvo lost a largo iHjrtlou of their lives. It Is wull known that hut summer a drouth of long duration sharply re duced t ho grain in central and west ern Knuwis, us previous drouths did In lfe47 and 18M, During these years hot, withering winds have blown from tho wmthwost Just ut the critical period of the corn plant's growth. The thirsty wind sucked thu wutur out of tho crwiksand riv ers. Wells had to bo deepened. Tho prairie grs was wifllolontly dry to burn In luto July. Tho corn plants which promised to yield a hundred fold wilted, dried, and then died with a portion of a worm eaten orop hanging on thu dead etulks. TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Iaporlanl Events of (ho Whole World for Twcnly-four Hours. TIIIC OltKOON l'ACIKIO URSTINO. Tim Oregon l'lirlllo Coimtruetlnn Knit ward Stopped Until Next Spring. Alhany, Jan. 0. On account of cold weather, and tho fact that much more work can bo douo In n given tlmo In tho summer than In winter, work has been suspended nil along tho lino of tho Oregon Pacific cast ward front this city. About 200 bridge carpenters and trnok layers were In tho city yesterday, nnd tho men working for Senrlcs fc Deauo have nlso been discharged for tho winter und aro arriving In this city. Win. M. Hong Is In tho city nnd has nuulo nrrungoments with tho First National Hunk to pay oil nil of tho men who hnvo not ulrendy been paid. Tho men are nil In good hu mor nnd wcro huiy yesterdny securing tho money for tho balance of their tlmo. Work, tho Herald states, will bo resumed early in tho spring and will bo pushed on with all vigor to an eastern connection. Nittnneriied Critlntr. Wa.hu iNtmiN, I). C. Jan. 8. The Hoard or Naval Olll cum np poluted to consider tho plans pre sented for a new submerged cruiser, inndo u report to Secretary Whitney, In which they unanimously ngrec that these plans aro tho best ever present oil to tho department for a 800t) ton vtvsel, and recommend their adoption. Tho plans call for a submerged vasel with a turtle back and steel deck. Tho vessel to bo bo arranged that whun going luto ac tion It can ho submerged so that tho turtle back aud turret aro the only points above water. 1'IW Hlllp 111! DlllTll. Ni:v Yoitic, Jan. 8. Five ships aro posted on the maritime exchange as mlHsliig slnco tho storm of Nov. liith and aro now given up us lost. They are tho Samoa, a steamship from No York, sailed Nov. i!l! for Haytl; Nile, a brig from West In dies, sailed Nov. 10 for Now York ; Ij. W. P. Armstrong, a brig from Ouiidalupe, sailed Nov. Ill for Now York ; Kiln Warner, a schooner from Porto Hlco, sailed Nov. 15 for Now York. Tho number of lives lost Is tlfty-tour, aud thu vultiu of the ships cargoes, (1,000,000. Tim Demi Liiflk Uliilml, Wahiiinhton, Jan. 8. In tho houso Immediately after the reading of tho Journal, tho contest over the proposed chnugu In rules, abolishing tho call of states on suspension Mondays was resumed. Tho dead lock was broken by n re-committal of tho resolutions to change thu ruluH. Tho vote stood : Yeas, li!0, nays, 117. urnr UlUiriU. Mr. nnd Mm. Kuguno Hruymnn and Mr. and Mrs Win. Kuglaud luuve on tho overland train this evening, for Bau Pranelrao. They will Kojoum In California some four or lx weeks. Nnl (lrrh U crotMtMr wa( dUtireeable nlliaU Wt bU lutiree! aOUK4 with. II Imurd one ot the MM He Uutedwllh ndiKKtieor eaulTed up the Bw.iuoraiBg u aireetHMM. taeraiBit tod eveoluc, a radleal eure In bum! eakea be effeotmi. HoidhyUW MatheweAlo. Kiioekril Out In forty ItomnU, Wu.KiwiiAitiu:, Jan. 8. A report comes from Wauanate, ten inlles from here, thatMuurlco Hurty and Thouius Jltmr had fought forty-two rounds with bare knuckles this morning. Tho buttle Is suld to have I icon deoruto. In tho forty-second round Hoar was knocked out und thu light awurdod to Hurty. They Miint fence' Wahiiinoio.v, Jan. 0. In thu cum) npjienlud from Iowa to tho su premo court of thu United States there was rendered a decision to-day to tho olfcot thut the statu lias right to usM laws compelling rail roads to fence their linen, and hi falling to do so pay double vuluo for stock run over and killed. Tke Ui4 r Bir (,4 Arplea. F. J. Htruyvr hat returned to the nut, whuru ho will deliver a course of lectures on Oregon's renourcea and advautagta. lie expecta to visit Kaimoa aud from thero go to Ohla and Pennsylvania, where he will dewiemliiate Oregon Infonna atlon and literature. Ills Intention Is to return In a a few months with another purtyi.of immigrants. H was fitted out'wlth a fine lot of sam ples of our grain, fruits nnd grosse by the Oregon Land Company.