- m? - IBflRBil CAPITAL JOURNAL vol, i. SAIBM, OR., TUESDAY, JANUARY S, 1SS0. NO. 263 KKAX ESTATE. Real Estate Bargains. Jl.600 160 acres, 6 miles from 0 &C de pot. Hood house, barn and orchard. Fenced, and Kin cul tivation. J2.000 SO acres, 4 miles from Salem. Good road to town. Improve ments fair. Fine fruit land. 55,400 8b ncrcs 2K miles from Salem. No buildings. Splendid land all fenced. Make a desirable home. J2,50Q 00 acres 4 miles from Salem. Im provements good. Fine young orchard, and garden land. 1,180 190 acres, 7 miles from Salem. Hill land, finely watered. Sell In lots of 40-acro tracts at 23 per acre. H 10,800 675 acres, 8 miles from Salem. jxueueui gmss uuu lruu land, adjoining Willamette rlrer. Will Bellln tracts. JL375. 51acre8,4mlles of Salem. House, barn and orchard. Large spring at the door. Good soil, ana plenty of timber. 12,400 120 acres, 5 miles of Salem: good road; well Impreved: stream running through the place. 800,00 400 acres (4 miles west sldo 0 & C B It) good house, barn and orchard, 120 In cultivation, bal ance oalc grub pasture land. $800 10 acres, 1 mile from Salem, ad Joining fair ground. Good land; no Improvements. $1,200 40 acres, 5 miles Salem; all In cultivation; no buildings; near school house. .Excellent fruit land. $4,000. -370 acres, 6 miles from 0 & C It R; all fenced; well watered. House, barn, nnd small orchard; 150 acres In cultivation. $2,750 3 lots, with goon uuuxeandbarn, East Salem. Desirable location. We have besides this a largo list of city nnd farm property. Buyers would dp well to call and examine our holdings before making their purchases. WILLIS & CHAMBEttLIN, Opera Hoube, Court St., 9-26tf Salem, Or. DO TffiTIONI ji I am prepared to sell you good furins at 1DI PM AMUSEMENTS. REEDS OPERA HOUSE, -ONE NIGHT ONLY.- ay, January 8th. Seventh season of the greatest success and funniest play on earth. vLNSOX'S COMEDY COMPANY IN ) PECK'S W BOY THE WEU.KK0WN ORUCKKY. nRIOIIT AND TAKtNQ MUSIC, THE BAD BOY'S PRANKS. They Will make you SMILE, TITTER, LAUGH, YELL 1 J-Prlees 50 and 75 cents. Scats now on nine ai ration's DooK store. EATINO HOUSES. C. H. Monroe, J. R. N. B A.U Late of the Monroe House. Monroe & Bell, I'roprlctors e Hotel. Chemeke FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. From SI to S3 per day. SALEM - - OREGON. 10tf Where you will have all the advantages of SCHOOLS, CHURCHES,DAILY,MAIL, and RAILROAD facilities without belnj: overburdened with high taxes simply far the privilege of living neariHown of atevr thousand Inhabitants. A Residence of 38 years on a farm ln.thlswclnltylvps mo a thorough knowledge of this country. Two or More es Desiring to locate near each other will find It to their advantago to call on me. Correspondence solicited and descriptive list of farms for sale sent on application. II. C. rORTER, Real Estate Agent, Aumsville, Marlon county, Oregon. IvOOK HERE! We are selling REAL ESTATE! COOK'S HOTEL Salem, Oregon W. II. COOK Fnptietar. (Formcrl) IClcrk of Chcmketc Everything New nnd first-class. Convenient Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Corner State and High streets KELLEY BROS., I'ROPRIBTORS OF If vou want any thing In that line We will be glad to see you At our office. 07 State St., - - sfenv "Will list-property at u fair Vrlce Fire Insurance a specialty. THOMAS & PAYNE We have Beveral sums of money to Loan on good Real Estate. 8ecurity for a series Of years To- wit, ONE PURSE OF $ia ! , ONE TURSE OF $1000 TWO PURSES OP M00 B' ONE PURSE OF fJOO! Apply soon to Willis & Ciamberlin, HOWARD BROTHERS General House 'Moving, Raising vk flmirint Work promptly done.t f"B"! Drd. left ( muJoiW Meals 25 cents; board, KM per week. K$h milk, ream and 'oy.ters always on han(1, 219 Commercial St. HW-dtf. jTwTcrawford, Dealer In STEAM AND WATER PIPES. Stoves and Tin Ware, Force and IM funip. 11ANUKACTUREROK Tin'CWW'SWIr.WaPc! BUCKSMITII1KG ul IIOlffllOHSG. .-'iBru,",,'w mm raw MAM..'1"0 Trimming and Dressmaking 8lfB SHBBPFOR SALE. .tOOkd."1 Z25l A. caret""- dirtf. AKlK POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel vt purity, strength nnd wholeiomenoaa. More economical ttinu tho ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold In competition with the multitude oflow test, short weight iilntn or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans, ROYAI. 11AK1NO POWlKKl'O.,10lfValI,NY. VltOFKSSIONAI. CAllDS. JIl. J. M. KKENK, I). 1. H.DBNTAJ, rooms over Whlto Corner. OUlro hours a. m. to 5 p. in. PHYSICIAX.-MKS.im. M. K. McCOY, physician and surgeon, linn limited and taken rooms 0 and 7 at M rs. SarKcantH In tho opera house. Chronic dlsmns a specialty. Consultation free. 12-2Idv DR. MASON, DENTIST, SUC cessor to Dr. J. C. llyrd. Office over Bush's Kaiili. J'INANCIAI.. GSTAIII.IHIIKD BY NATIONAL AUT1IIIIIITV rni n m l T i 1 'l.Aini4-A n ntiAitn lrt.ilr W WHUIDilllK OK SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, - - -$75,01)0 Surplus, ...... 10,000 R. 8. WAMiACK, - l'resldont. W. W. MARTIN, Vlcc-rresldent. J. H. AliHERT, f- - Cashier. DIRECTORS) W.T.Oray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, K. H. Wallace. Dr. V. A.Cuslck, J. II. Albert, T. McK. llitton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able prouuee, cuuhikucu ,iu ii .ujiv, either In private Rninrlcn or ipubllc wureliotue. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMtHUIAL .rtn Discounted at reasonable rajwi. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Ohlmcu, San Kranelsoo, Tortiand, London, I"urU, Herlln, Hone Kong and Calouttu. Fi pstNationa Bank SALEM. ORISUON. u'M. N, ij.SI'A'K, 1'rtMldwit. GENERAL BANKING. Kicbangeon I"ortUnd, Han KruneUoo, New York, lndon iiud Hon Ki bought and sold. KlaUi. County aXn warrants bought. Farmers r wdtaUy with ui iJtwna advanew tnwjetfn wheat wool, Jo nd other property nUTni. Insurance on ieh SrMVpiin t obtained at the bnk In inwt reliable companies Merchant Tailor! AA1AKQF TWENTY XWRS'JWPERIENCE, FM rstQl&.SJS'Gooci SUITpff HANTH lOOIW, VHHT I'ATTBKN G. C. H0GAN. BU1 Iausee C. bkwk, BJwi PERSONALS. Those Who Were Cured of Ontarnh, Dfafness, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Diseases, ofthe Heart, Liver, and Kidueys, and Various Other Complaints. Drs. Darrtn wibmlt tho following list of names as reference of their cures: Wesley Graves, formerly of the Chemekete hotel. Ralein. Orecon, fiovr ri-shllMg at Moscow, Idaho (;urel of Sejatlo rheumatism nnu the opium habjt. . MC xr(iT.nii.ltltn WHnftf nf "Nlnr- ioeuth untl J?filmon streets, Port- otul Catarrhal deafness, eouw scarcely hear a sound or tho car he'.lH and was lu constant fear of be- inir run over bv wairons. curcxl so he can hear ordinary conversation. Mrs 8. wootlen's Kin, i nun street; IHirthind NervouB debility and nialarlalyer and dlscharRlnB car, restored. Mrs. Mervle Gobfort, Seattle, W. T. Hoy rlvo years old, deaf shice 10 piduths old; discharging ears and catarrh entirely cured after several treatments. .T. H. Hyckmati, KnnpiM, Ogn, can be referred to In reference to tho sue- ciwftil ircatmout of himself and wife for nkiu dlseaes and caUirrh, aud other ailments. Frederick Mobs, Bprague, W. T. Catarrh, general debility and bron chitis, etc. Ills wife cured also of dropsy and vnrlwwo veins, milk leg and running sore. T. h. Mills, 30 , Columbia street, Portland Sortmessthrough tho kid neys, liver and stomach, Inllamma- flon of tho nrostato eland and ca tarrh of tho bladder, restored to health.. A. A. Durham, Tualatin, Wash ington Co., Or., writes that Drs. Pan-in are working wonders on'hls kidney and bladder troubles; also rheumatism of thirty years' stand- ln. Geo. . Henry, janitor, Odd Fel lows' hall, 141 First street, Portland Chronic catarrh 10 years. Had despaired o! ever being cured. Has had no symptons of It for months. Mrs Mary Cllne, West Union, Or., (formerly, of Bauvie's Island, Or.) Complication of diseases peculiar to her sex; liver and kidney trouble, rheumatism and dyspepsia restor ed. Truman Uutlor, The Dalles, Ore gon, chronic rheumatism and con tracted lolnts and Impoverished blood, all of years stmiding, given up by all treatments until lm. Darriu cured him. C. V. Fowler, Yakima, W. T., to tal deafness In ouo car, cured Jn ten minutes. Also a pterygum, or Jloshy grpwth, Was removed from his oyo which had nearly rcuuorcu nun b iud. Mm. M. Hebe, H8 Water street, Port and Pimp'.cH and blotches on the face for years, pains In the back aud dlstHiHupucullar to her sux cured, ul, Jior son was cured of enew eyos. Mrs. F. K. Dewey. 01 lHth strmit, Jiist Portland, narvousaud guiwral debility, -hwirt dlsm, dysjxtpxia, liver ooinnlulnt and female troiibW III rtll.lt various ounipjlwitions, jmr- manuntiyourod. Mn. W. H. Aiutln, the Inter national hotel, Portland, qonfliiiHl to,hurromi n I no inoutus wit n an eye uftlotlon, eallfcd "nervouj nlihor anco of IJHht," acomrmnled with (u(lan)'nlil'jn. urei. Mrs. J. J. -Evan. Ilvlnn on the White Ioum road. Portland, neu- LrajglAPf ,te Atofnooh purf heirt, weak luDft and .greatly enuiuJauni, cured and galni-d ten jtountLt in two lrPllti'. Mn. A JUpUtrr.wMeailow, JswU wtinty, W. T. Kjccrueiatlng jalnH laeyeUtlln, Ilvgrftud .kidney m pUInt, deafuhM3l ywn, and a lump In her ldt thought U U ah ovarian turner, eured. Win. M. Colwell. Bkamokwa. W. T..eiatitt.hiiniiUBiuaudllvrwtn- -F " ' ' . , pUlnt, riuteti io-ueiiu: amo um bTotUkr.aeosi L. Cnlvrell. Hkamo- LiftHA. y(' T-i f'jrl ofr nurnb- M. K.hlf. W, North Fotjt- nino doctors had fulled, of painful menstruation antl womb trouble In every conceivable way, general de bility, pain through the heart aud lungs. Charles Chrlstennan, Portland, Ogn., scrofulous catarrh so had that destruction of his nose was threat ened and had become so ofttmslve that It was sickening both to him self and friends, cured In two uonths. Levi Hartlmas, Stnytou, Oregon heart disease, dysiiepsla, puln thro' tho heart and lungs, and general nervous debility; many times, he would fall as though dead, whou everything seemed to turn bluqk before lib eyes, successfully treated. D. Campbell, Fulton, Oregon, says ho would not take $10,000 for tha euro ho received by Dr. Darrln. Ho says his trouble originated by three small lumps or tumors coming on tho arm, which rendered his arm and hand perfectly helpless for one year. Ol'KICK llOUUS A-NI) IM.ACi: OK IIUSI NKNS. Drs. Darrln can bo consulted froo at tho CJjcmokcto Itotcl, Sivlem, Or., for u short tlmo only. Thoy will tinder no clroumstan cca tako a citso thoy cannot euro or bcncllt. Charges are reasonable,, and tho poor treated froo from 1) to It) a. in, dally. Ofllco hours from 10 to 4 dall; evenings, 7 to 8; Sun days, 10 Mo 12. All curable chronic disease, lots of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor rhoea, stricture, snermatorrha'a, seminal weakness, or loss of desire of sexual power lu man or woman, catarrh or deafness, aro confiden tially and successfully treated. Cures of private diseases guaranteed and never published in the papers. Circulars sent free. Most cases can receive homo treatment after a visit to the Doctor's otllce. N. H. Tho doctors' stay in tills city is limited: NIIKHIIIOIillOO!) N0TKS. TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. llreczy Corrcsponpniire From the Towns Around Us. JKHr-KltNO.V irr.HS. On Sunday morning at tho close ofHunday ecliool attlie M. K. eliurch at Jellbrson tliu cliililrcn completely surprised W. T. Hlgdou, tho retlre iugsuperlutcnileut, by calling him forward aud presenting to him an Oxford Teacher's Jllhle. It was presented by Miss Leafy Curl, as a token of tho school's appreolatlou of his long and faithful sorvlces. He has been superintendent of the Jcllerson M. K. Sunday school for fifteen consecutive years, with tho exception of about a year and a half, whllo living In Portland. Ah Mr. Hlgdon Is preparing to move to Salem, the Sunday school will mj him very miiuh, but tho children wish him success In bin now Held of labor. H'lST hmTUN .0TU. John McCune Is on the sick list. Oir Narrow gauge railroad Is be ing furnished with pew ties. Krnit Notd, eight year old son of C. Neal. had a nitelifork run en tirely throuuh IiImIok. TwoyouiiKer ehlldroi of the family have the uhlckenpox. Alice McKlnney, Luru 8kinor, Frank Sklir nnd A. O. Condlt of Salem, Mrs. MorrlH apd daughter ofTurnorHjKjnt the holidays (n this yloilty. Mr. and Mrs. Mothori went to Kwnd Christmas with their frlencj lu the hills west of Turner. VhlUi there Mrs. Mothorn was takou ,wlli lung fever aud luu been unable to return home. .$. 1. PorUr and h. W. Coijdlt re port the burnrlse jiarty at Mr. Wplkt er' ofi the night of Dee. 31st, an u. micoimrf The evwnlng wu plwuant ly spent In flnglng and other amui menbi. Popcorn hftlU nd a idea .Juneh wefe aerved. There wijro aUut Pjirty prnt- M barnWJ with. II lHiUrd' KjwlIU t.lnffrSEUri; i&HrlW M.tUw A Co, laporlant Kvcnls of tho Whole World for TVcnly-four Hours. Allmnjr aud Astoria. Ai.iiany, Jan. 8. An enthushw tlc meeting of citizens was hold last night for tho purpose of organizing a company to co-opcrato with the Astoria & South Coast Hallway Co. lu the construction of tho proposed railroad lino from Astoria to connect with tho Oregon Pacltlo at this oity. Tho meeting was attended by many of tho mast influential and wealthy citizens of tho city, who had assembled with a determination to take detlnlto steps In tho matter. S. K. Young was chosen chairman of the meeting and F. P. Nutting, secretary. Knthualastlo speeches wore made by leading citizens, aud communi cations were read from K. C. Holdon, secretary of tho Astoria chamboroj commerce, aud from tho citizens of independence expressing a deslro to join with Albany concerning the building of tho proposed road. It was decided that a company bo Incorporated at once for tho purposo of co-operating with Astoria In building the road, tho Herald Biys aud to tuts cud a committee of 11 vo was appointed to draw up articles of Incorporation to bo submitted at a subsequent meet ing to bo called by tho chairman. Tho coinmlttco named was George K. Chamberlain, H. H. Hewitt, C. K. Wolvcrton, II. Hryant and J. K. Weatherford. A meeting to adopt tho articles of Incorporation will bo hold curly next week, after which tho compuuy will bo duly Incorporated. iliiilKn l.)l"rli' Court. Hiiatti.h, Jan. 8. Alfred Shallbr, a Hohcmlan, fired a heavy charge of giant powder, under tho house of Gcorgo Hodalu, at Oilman, yester day morning, Instantly killing John aud Michael Schorrlolc and Anna, tho nlife-year-old child of Ilodala, and badly wounding Hodala, his wife aud little son aud another daughter. Schaflbr was found by the people of Oilman at his own house after the explosion, every Indication pointing to him as tho perpetrator of the deed. Ho was placed under arrest aud turned over to the shorlfl" yesterday nfternoon. A crowd of a hundred broke open tho door ofthe house where Schall'er was con lined, took him to a tree and strung him .up, llrst trying to make him confess. JJe refused and was hanged up. After thirty seconds he was taken down again and given another chance to confesH. Still declining, he was again elevated aud cut down for the second thpo, after forty-live seconds. He was then very weak aud iiflbrtM to maku him divulge being still frultloiM hu was hanged for the third aud lust time. Tim llrul I.lrn Mlirclilxm. I,oh A.nohmw, Jan. 8, The mys tery as to the real name of Murchl sou the now famous Pomona corres pondent of Lord Sackvllle, was cluarud away yewterduy apd the announcement made, on authority of thoMi who havolieeu lu tliUHueret from the llrst, that George Osgood by, of Pomona, was the author of the Muruhlwn letter. Oogoodby Is a putlve of Nnw York, and ,tt yean of age. Ill father s au KuglUh miiii by birth, and xenldes lu Pom oia, us doe alwu brother. ,Mur chlwm Is a family name, and Is attached U tliut of Ongoxhy by jliarrlago. A rrnc' Luchjr Kcapa. HT. PHTHIWHUIlO,JBn.7. iPxIUCCHS Lleven, whle Hloighrldlng nt Clark of!', attempted to crtAH tho railway track, aud tlie train rapidly ap prottehlug struck the sleigh and kill ed thecuaehmaii. Tho prince was hurled to the middle of the track, where ithe lay hemelctts. 'Vho t,ralu Liiwed over her, hut did her no In jury. An iriaUl rua. fjHANOirAr, Jon. 4. Famine nnd drouth are prevailing In the luttrlor and mo Ineraaslug In severity, caua lng terrible wifferlngs. In tho province of Bhan-Tuiig orojw have heen destroyed by the overflow or 1th Yellow rivr. AHlfMeiMAttWkUOB.