Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 07, 1889, Image 4

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Complete Recital of the Daily Doings Com
piled From Various Sources.
Happenings Over the City and News
From the Country Itoununliout.
Revival Meetings.
Tho revival meetings inaugur
ated by Mrs. Emua Malloy at tho
M. E. chureh last evening will be
continued throughout the week nnd
prehaps longer. These meetings
open -with an unusual interest. The
church was literaly packed almost
equal to any night of Mr. Moody's
mecrlngs notwithstanding tho fact
that other meetings wero being held
In all the churches of the city. Mrs.
Malloy is a wonderful woman. Her
logic, her eloquence and her earnest
ness equal anything heretofore heard
by a (Salem congregation, vjuubu
number arose und went forward for
prayers, and several professed their
mvlnUona of a release from sin.The
pastor, Mr. Itollln's, promises to be
prepared with additional cnair una
viiiliiir L'tiual. nrehaus, forallwho
may desire to attend and will bo
pleased to see every seat occupied.
A Kerlvnllst Coining.
Major George A. Hilton telegraphs
that ho will bo in Salem on January
tenth. Ho will remain until Mon
day and ids first address will bo on
Tluirsdav niirht. probably at tho
opera house, unless that should be
otherwise occupied. Major union
Is a lino orator, something after tho
manner of Messrs. Hughes and
Ward. It is honed ho will do much
good In Salem. Tho advocates of
moral suasion in temperance can
find no fault with ids methods.
.Nearly Heady for Market.
Capital Park addition to Salem is
now being surveyed and tho plat
will bo completed by tho last of the
week and placed on tho market.
Tills is tho seventy-eight ncro tract
purchased by Dr. Jessup and others
of Mo. Cornack and Stratton, and
lies lust east of tho Cawltol. It is a
deslrablo tract and will make a lino
resident addition. Hughes, Bellin
ger & Co.will have tho salo of it.
More Ileal Estate Sals.
tieorgo Watts has purchased
twenty acres in Salem, south of tho
depot, of Jacob Idlowyncj consider
ation $1000.
Mrs. Murphy 1ms disposed of her
house and two lots in North Salem,
to Mr. Vibbert; consideration ?550.
These- miles wero effected through
tho real estate airency of Thomas &
Payne, who have a good list of
property for tho market.
A Successful Institution.
Nearly three years ago tho Cap
itol Adventure Co. was Incorporated
in tills city and opened their doors
to tho purchasing public. Thoy
have an immense stock of dry goods,
clothing, shoes, groceries, etc. Those
making ono purchase at this popu
lar house tiro sure to return again
for their prices are so low and their
goods so satisfactory that thoy can
not resist tho Inducement held out.
.Needed Repairs.
Tho long needed repairs aro now
being made on the narrow gauge
railroad on both sides of tho river.
Heretofore tills road has been rather
a nuisance so far as convenience to
tho traveling public was concerned.
The West Side division appears to
bo more dilapidated than on tills
sldooftho river. Trains over there
have a mishap almost every trip.
Orfou the Hot.
Dr. J. Jennings, who spent sovenil
years In Salem, last fall concluded
Mo try tho eastern states. After
traveling through most of thocoeitst
of tho rooky mountains he returns
to Oregon, fully satlstled that this Is
the best place yet. Tho Doctor Is
now hero aud will re-locate among
Marlon' Smallest Tax-fa) er.
Idloman it "Walker of Portland
nro by a good ninny cents tho small
est tax-payer In Marlon County.
Their total" tax Is only two cents.
This is tho tax on 310 aores tho val
uation of which is $1200, but its en
oumbraucos aro almost aa large.
A Banted Coi-Darrel.
lion Thomas, while hunting a few
days ago up about Marquusmvlllo
hud the thumb of of hU loft Iiauil
torn otrby his gun-barrel exploding.
Accidents among the sportsmen aro
numerous of late.
Oeiilltmuw ftmufiitly complain of their
barber shuYlng them too clows, M tlio
face mitt uwk lnwikln out Into smttll
liiirlM. If DulatnVa MpMlto Is awlted to
Itio fiu luimtxllatitly nrtvr shaving, no
nutter how rtow tlio hAt all norouvu
will tx urfventftd.
Bold by 1.V. Mutlievr. Co,
Editor Capitai- Journai. I
would H.iv in recard to Mr. Croisan
trying "long and hard" to wire me,
that because he could not call me
within a few hours time, that was
no excuse in any sense of the word
for taking the case In his own hands
or putting it in any one clses hands.
Tin. tnlecrranh office is open here
every day in the week aud part of
the night, and even tuougii me sucr
Iff could not have wired me on Sun
day, Monday would have done just
as well, or any other day within
two or three days time. Tho coro
ner has authority to set tho date of
the inquest. Ho must put nlmseii
under tlio disqualifying conditions
of tlio statute or else he is the coro
and no one else can assume to ap
point a coroner or act as coroner. I
have made this reply in the hope
that if I have not stated tho facts,
that wo may hear from those who
are better informed. This should
be understood, as the public are con
cerned In the matter as well as the
coroner. D. C. Bvland.
Woodbum, Or Jan. 7. 1889
Tbe Same Applies Here.
Sometii-e the Astoria road will be
built and Albany wants it, for it
means tho beginning of a greatly
Increased traffic this way, which
otherwise will go somewhere else.
Such a road would bo worth hun
dreds of thousands of dollars to
Albany, directly andlliudirectly.
Should it ko through Salem to the
Oregon Pacific, (much Eastern Ore
gon trade would bo diverted from
this city. Albany must get up on
its cars, and now is the time. Dem
ocrat. A Fine t'lecr of Work.
The West Shore for January is to
be one of the finest issues that suc
cessful journal has known. This
edition is to be devoted to Salem and
many superior illustrations have
been' prepared for it. This maga
zine is tho only ono on tho coast
that is prepared for the execution in
such artistic work. Even from the
east, Mr. Samuels receives mail
orders for illustrations. This New
Year numb-jr of the West Shoie
will bo a treat to your friends over
the mountains. You should get a
ow copies and work a little as an
nimigratlon agent.
She Is Mrs. Ilarret .Now.
Mrs. Malloy, tho noted evange
list, filled tho pulpit of tlio M. E.
church last night, and thrilled a
packed house with her eloquent ap
peals. Many hearts weio profound
ly aflcctcd, and about a do.en per
sons signified their determination to
change their lives by accepting
Christ. Mrs.J Molloy will preach
again to-night, and every ono should
avail himself of the privilege of
hearing her.
More Angoras.
W. D. ClagKett received to-day
direct from tho pure Hock of Angoria
goats of C. P. Baily of San Jose,
Oil., a couple mora of those beauti
ful aulnuils. This Is one of the
finest and most lucrative branches
of husbandry and every dealer in
this class of stock should call upon
Mr. Claggett, see theso animals and
mako arrangements to get ono or
more for tlio improvement of his
own Hock.
Are Meeting To-day.
Secretary Manning of tho Board
of Tratlo tells us there will bo a
calling together this afternoon of
tho committee appoint od to confer
with tlio Astorians regaullng the
extension to Salem of tho Astoria &
South Coast lt.lt. It is expected a
delegation will be selected at this
meeting to go to Astoria and confer
with tho officials of this road.
Debt Draughts .Necdrd.
Tho Oregon Pacific aro profiting
by the low stage of water on the
upper Willamette. The O. It. & N.
boats aro tied up but the llontley,
Three SJsters aud Hoag continue to
ply on tho upper river, going as far
up as Corvallis. Tho river is very
low for this bcason of the year.
Craied By Morphia.
Another unfortunate wretch has
succumbed to the inevitable effects
of the morphine and liquor habit
and was brought hero to tho insane
asylum. He is Jackson Martin,
who is thirty-one years of age and a
barkeeper by occupation. He hails
from Portland.
Have JUtrd Their Offlc.
Iinus Bros., attorneys and real
ostato agents, have moved tholr
office to Mi Commercial street, near
tho corner of Kerry strcet,lu order to
be closer to passing business, Thoy
Invite a visit to their now quarters,
and have somo line property listed.
A lulnlntlm luvali often lMdt to com
8 Denied riUsuuM that are almost Incurable
rvsoii Kidney Tvu min th tlrst und in
vcnU the Utter. It U purely vegetable und
u wurrunieu. .
Hold by u. w. aj smews & i.
It Will Meet in the Capital City on
Monday, Janttnry 14th.
The next pession of tho Oregon
Farmers' Congress, which was or
ganized in Salem during tho meet
ing of the state fair, will ho held in
Salem on Monday next. This as
sociation was organized to become a
branch or part of tho National
Farmers' Congress aud has per
fected its organization, which was
commenced last June, by electing
officers, adopting a constitution and
issuing an address to the farmers of
the state.
Tho officers are: President, M.
Wilkins of Lane county j secretary,
Joseph Gaston of Multnomah county.
The executive committee of five,
whose duties are to prepare ad
dresses, is os follews: John P. Bob
inson, Marion county; A. W.Lucas,
Polk county; J. W. Shute, Wash
ington county; W. B. Kirk, Linn
county, James Bruce,Benton county.
This congress was organized be
cause, after careful consideration, it
was tho sense of tho committee that
there is a sentiment among the
farmers desiring an open organiza
tion to consider and discuss ques
tions aflcctlng their intersts and
prosperity; and because a very large
number of the agricultural and pro
ducing classes feel and believe that
there are serious evils oppressing
their Interest, and that in order to
act understandingly and take such
action as will abolish theso grievan
ces, an open organization for dis
cussion and investigation is not
only desirable but necessary. The
committee was unanimous that no
organization should be attempted
which mlKbt be thought to be a
rival or opposing organization of
nn nrnncre. but ratucr one wmcu
should be supplementary to and
friendly with that organization, so
that tho two might co-operate aud
work in harmony to achieve one
end tho createst good for that
great classs of tollers on which all
other classes and interests depend.
The object and aim of the organi
zation is pretty clearly stated in
article I. of tho Constitution, which
is as follews:
This association shall be called
tlio Oregon Branch of the Farmers'
Congress, and its object, tho organi
zation of tho farmers of Oregon for
tho purpose of investigating and
discussing openly and irrespective
of party, those questions which af
fect the interests of agriculture and
labor, such as taxation, transporta
tion, trusts and tho currency; and
combining and concentrating the
power aud influence of tho agricul
tural classes by petition, ballot or
otherwise, so as to carry into the
laws of tho land, the wishes or de
cisions of this association on any
public question.
llallroud Chickens.
About a month ago, sas an exchange,
a young nun in Milton, Or., thought he
would like to ha l comotive fireman.
Ho male .i- .iplioat to the Oregon
Short Line road and was sent ou ru r rn
the ropes. Thinking I e might get hungry
before his return ho put a dozen raw eggs
in a tin pail which he placed on tho tank
box. The trip -.h an erentful and
busy onej oat tin egq were forgotten, and
It was the last "lun" ! li would-be fire,
man, who K-ctine disgusted with the life
he had wanted to lead, the pail and Us
contents were Un in Hm t.uiK box. Three
weeks later, when the enyiuerr went to tle
box for m me tools, he discovered a new
dinner pnil, whli-li ih ap ropnvtl. Tak.
iug his find t the engine ha removed the
cover, .mil lo and behold! there lay nine
lovely young chickens, only three of the
eggs having tuic i t hau i j heir patent
less incubator. If .'u d ''"t lM ca"
aud sea ."c orphans.
Enough to wear, biioiuti to en.
With loving wtfuaml childreu plenty;
Enouuh of frieuls to icvop ono mm eot,
And all tliu childreu uniUtenty.
Settled on an eighty farm,
Fit enougn fioin village tattle;
Feanug n.ught can do me harm,
Luteniug to my children's prattle.
Shelter for our hem an I cows,
For our hogs a decent hovel;
We'd b Happy auho v,
Kept from cards auduity novel.
With a span of horses neat,
Drive to church in stormy weather j
You would rind u in our seat
Wheu the people gut together.
Joining in the tunes we know,
Listening to the good old preacher,
Then to Sbbatliuhool we go,
Acting tWe the part of teacher.
Thus to dwell and thus to live.
Children honoring father, mother;
Now our tuuUo I Hill give;
"Not tor lf, but for each other."
Painless dental operations at
Dr. T. C. Smith, 92 Stato street, tf.
- The mental philosophy class
yesterday numbered nearly one
List your property with the Sa
lem Land Co. If yon wish it sold.
Office on State street d-&-w tf.
If you have farm or city prop
erty for sale list it with tho Salem
Land Co., office on Stato street.
d-&-w tf.
For salo cheap for cash, a now
extra fine upright piano. Call at
&35 Chemeketo street for particulars.
Photographs of Dwlght L.
Moody the great evangelist, on salo
at F. J Catterliu's photograph gal
lery, tf
Mr. Stump, one of tho projectors
of the Queen Anno addition to
Salem, went to Portland to-day on
There will bo a meeting of the
W. C. T. U. Tuesday, Jan. 8th, at
their hall at 2:30 p. m. A full at
tendance desired.
Martin Smith, having served
about half his fine out by term in
Jail, to-day paid tho balance and
went on his way rejoicing.
Bcmember an evening school
will be started for young men and
young women by Profs. Bandall &
Mvers shortly. Look out for ad. tf
Tho remaining car load of mate
rial for the Salem Street railway is
expected up this evening from Port
laud, and work will proceed rapidly.
Prof. Krumbein, at his office
with F. J. Catterlin is prepared to
execute life size oil crayon portraits
in short order at reasonable rates, tf
To-morrow night the new coun
cil will be installed, together with
the new mayor. An interesting
message is expected from his High
Tho Salem Land Co., though
only organized a few days ago, al
ready have on their lists quite a
number of desirable pieces of prop
erty. To-morrow night that world
famed comedy.Peck's Bad Boy, will
be presented to a Salem audience by
a company that is recommended as
During tho first six mouths of
his service as sheriff Mr. Croisan
has taken to tho asylum seventeen
persons who were committed in
Marion county.
-.A patent was to-day received
from tho department at Washington
for 1459 92-100 acres of swamp aud
overflowed lauds. Theso lands are
in The Dalles district.
Another house for sale on the
installment plan (10 cents per pay
ment by the Capitol Adventure Co.
A nice summer resort is this, con
structed of boxes of bluing at 10c
per box. tf
The Queen Anne Addition will
be ready for the market to-morrow,
as the plat is finished and Moores &
Manning aro ready with a horse and
buggyto show these lands to the
homo seeker.
On Now Year's nijjht the young
peoplo of Haysville assembled at the
residence of J. Gilbert and had a
dancing party that lasted till about
1 o'clock. About 10 o'clock an ele
gaut supper was served.
Mr. McNary, who resides over
the river near Dixie, has some very
flue cattle that ho is stall-feeding for
the earlv snrinir market. This is a
lucrative way of disposing of extra
stock and the surplus on the farm.
Intelligence reaches us that
Prof. Frank Haas takes the leader
ship of the Chemawa Indian band,
and ere long we may expect to hear
tho familiar strains of "Tho Girl I
Left Behind Me" upon the breeze.
You will at all times find a fresh
and nice line of choice, seasonable
family, and fauey groceries at the
old reliablo-and well-known grocery
house of Squire Farrar&Co. De
livered free to any part of the city.
Prices always reasonable aud goods
first class. tf
Darkless Arnica SalTs.
The best salve in the world U
eiits, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,
fever sores, tetter, chapped haiuK
chilblains, corns, and all skin erup
tlonfl, and positively cures piles, or
uo pay required. It la guaranteed
to glvo perfect satisfaction, or money
refuuded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale Dr. H. W. Cox.
Van Caaist i tetter
Than call at tlio Grange Store, 126
Stato street, if you want a good tea
or auythlug else In tho grocery
lino. Don't fail to look at the White
Cross Extracts, the lxt in the mar
ket, t-f
The GILT EDGED Investmenl
Tho only choice building lota In tho market. In tho city
limits. Fronting on
Sewers laid through tho tract with Ts already to connect. Street mi!
. ...Ill oa fl.o lr.ta ti n vhpb oVmrt. tlinr Tholltrflinut .1. L "."v
4 !, l.nmn oimf In Rnlom. Tn
Being only four blocks from the
They Front on the
Of the city and aro in
Title Perfect
Full particulars by calling on
317 Commercial Street,
Who aro sole acrents for the sale of these lots
Correspondence regarding these, and other properties, of which e
have a choice list, is solicited, and will receive prompt attention, uiwl
V- w c5 ! K V- nri i i mri
A . j n p t
. j n P T '
YJ?r4TAtNTn' Vfc2i.y viA r,i-,Di Trcr.
li r uji.
AVK'YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD which does not get better? Huvoyouano
.1vn tocrfitlnn of miipim matter in tlio nnsnl nnssaees? Are you troubledti
luwklnsr. spitting, weak and Inflamed
rrmt-inoTn ihn ofirs morn nr ipsa lmDiilrment or tne nearluc. loss or smell. raemorru
paired, dullness or dizziness of tho head,
symptoms, otners oniy a paru
nestores"thesense of taste nnd smell, removes bad taste nnd unpleasant breath, reoulv
Ins from'Cntarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and n cure Is guarail
ted by D. W. MATTHEWS & Uo.
CAPTAIN CHARLES L. DIMON, of New York City, formerly special agent ofthi
1'hrenlx nnd Home Insurance Company at San FrancUco, Cnl., says: " I have been
troubled with Chronic Catarrh for twenty years. A friend in Woodland. Cal.. rwop
menueu your uiiuuruw v.n..i.-ivvuwi.
m s-.-.. t. r . m Ty OfTIJP
re preperties: out i musi Buy.imcr
i. Inclosed tlnd ?5 for which send
who aro sufferers."
106 State St.. Salem:, Or
SNELL, HF.ITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Deoot,
It will be to the people's interest to examine tlieir stock of
Shoes and boots before buying. They hare just received an
Excellent stock from the best factories, and every pair
Is warranted to give satisfaction.
Hughes, Be'Llin&er & Co.
t i i r nn nrn.i,innAn TonDnrv nr flillfnrnlft real WW
For information address us at at either of tho foUowlng effices: r,uf7
tii -R-nnuia rtrv Wn- Ralnm. Or.; Portland. Or. Salem office at JJeuiB
ger's machinery depot, near tho city
fnni. t.nesn nrn tVio ' r vluHi
State capital, near the publio schot
Main Thoroughfares
every way deslrablo lots.-
"T3 , n kf! V
-v v I Mr J iv !.. i
eyes, frequent soreness of the throat, rlngtniot
drynessor hent of tho noso? Ha o you lost jl
OU, JUU HU.U lUO VsUbUllM ifAmioutnoaumw
T ..HnA...rlAr. n In f hnvlnn hut llftiarnlTnintH
i H'uv'ucui"'i"j ...".6 ...... .-..-.--
uius uuti!jia,iuiu wcuu ""i7
mo California CAT-R-CURE for some friend
hall, Liberty street.