71 CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1SSO. NO. 262 KEAIi ESTATE. Real Estate Bargains, 1 600. 160 ncrei, 6i miles from 0 it C de pot. Good home, barn and orchard. Fenced, and li In cul tivation. 2,O0O- ..80 acres, 4 miles from Salem. Good rond to town. Improve ments fair. Fine fruit land. 5,490 85 acres 2J4 miles from Salem. ' No buildings. Splendid land, all fenced. Make a desirable home. J2.5O0. m acres 4 miles from Salem. Im provements good. Fine young orchard, and garden land. aj.180 190 acres, 7 miles from Salem. Hill land, finely watered. Sell In lots of 40-acre tracts at $25 per aero. 10,800675 acres, 8 miles from Salem. Excellent grass and fruit land, adjoining Willamette rlter. Will soil In tracts. 197fi si acres, 4 miles of Snlcm. House, barn and orchard. Large spring at the door. Good soil, ana plenty of tlmbor. 82,400 120acres, 5 miles of Salem; good road; well Improved; stream running through the place. 60,00 400 acres (4 miles west sldo O & 0 R It) good house, barn and orchard, 1J0 In cultivation, bal nnco oak grub pasture land. $800 -.10 acres, 1 mllo from Salem, ad Joining fair ground. Good land; no Improvements. $1,200 40 acres, 8 miles Salem; all In cultivation; no buildings; near school house. .Excellent fruit land. $4,000 370 acres, 6 miles from O & 0 II It; 1111 Itrutcu; well nmwcu, iiuuoc, barn, and small orchard; 150 acres in cuiuvauon. $2 750 -.3 lots, with gooa nuuse and barn, East Salem. Desirable location. We have besides this a large list of city nH fnrtn nrnnnrtv. Du vers would do well to call and examine our holdings before making their purcnases. WILLIS & CIIAMBEHLIN, Opera House, Court Sty n.26tf Salem, Or. IMMIGRANTS, ATTENTION! I tun prepared to sell you good farms at LOWPR OS Where you will have all the advantages fsnnnnrj( ninmCHE3.DAILYMAIL, and ItAILUOAD facilities without being overburdened with high taxes simply wr the privilege of living near a town of a few ihrmsnnd Inhabitants. A residence of SS years on a farm in this vicinity gives mo a thorough knowlcdgo of this country. 6S Two or More Desiring to locate near each other will find It to their advantage toall on roe. Correspondence solicited and descriptive list of farms for sale sent on application. II. C. POUTEH, Real Estate Agent, Aumsvlllc, Marlon county, Oregon. LOOK HERjB! -We are selling- REAL ESTATE! If you wautnny thing In that line Wo will be glad to see you At our oftlce. 97 State St., - - - Salem. "Will list property at a fair price. Fire Insurance a specialty. THOMAS & PAYNE Money to loan! We have several sums of monej to Loan on good Real Estate. Security for a series Of years To- wit, ONE PURSE OF $1200 ! ONE PURSE OF $1000 TWO PURSES OF $S00 Eachl ONE PURSE OF ?4M! Apply boo" t0 Willis & Clianijerlin, 11; dw lm. Opera House, Court Hi HOWARD BROTHERS General House Moving, foiling Repairing. Work promptly don.M "X Order, left at lUrrr-u. 'ovuixu Will receive attention. AMUSE31ENTS. REEDS OPERA HOUSE, -ONENiairroxLY.- 1. Moniky mm I (HI Seventh season of the (treatest success and luuumi pmy on earth. ATKINSON'S COMEDY COMPANY IN 1 FECK'S M UU1 I THE WKLLKSOWS OROCKRY. IIUIOIIT AND TAKINO MUSIC, THE BAD BOY'S PRANKS. They Will make you SMILE, TITTEn, LAUGH, YELL I 3Prlccs50and75ccnts. Scats now on sale at Patton's book store. EATING HOUSES. OE. Late of the Monroe House. Monroe & Bell. lToprletors tt iitil FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. From SI to S3 per day. SALEM - - OREGON. 10tf AKlK" PERSONALS. i TIiaca U'hn U-r TiipaiI nf Cntnr.ih. Pfafness, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Diseases, of the Heart, Liver, and Kidneys, and Various Other Complaints. POWDER Absolutely Pure. purity, strength nndwholesomcncss. More ti-ouomlcal than tho ordinary klmla, and cannot bo sold In competition with the .., ......... inM .).. . n1i.li uli.nl nr UlUllllUUU m ill n-.i,n". . "vip,".' "' phosphate powders. Sold only In ns. Hoyal B Klh() 1'owdkk Co.. 10J WalUN.x . VKOFKSSIONAI. CA11DS. DR. J. M. KKKNK, D. 1). 8 , DENTAL rooms over White Corner. Otllco hours 8 a.m. to 5 p. m. THYSICIAN.-MIW. Oil. M. K. MCCOY, i physician and sunjeon, l'iis lomtocl and taken rooms 6 and 7 at JJrs. Sarscants In tho oiwn. house. Chronic dln'jises a specialty. Consultation free. l21ilw DR. MASON, DENTIST, SUC tessor to Dr. J. C. Byrd. Office over Hush's Bank. FINANCIAL. COOK'S HOTEL Salem, Oregon iW. II. COOK Proprietor. Formerly IClcrk of Chemkete Everything New and flrst-class. Convenient Ramplo Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Corner State and High streets KELLEY BROS., WtOPKIETORS OF- bA' 210 Commercial Bt. io-3-dtr. J. W. CRAWFORD, Dealer In STEAM AND WATER PIPES, Stow and Tin Ware, Force and Lift MANUFACTUltBROK Tin, Copper, and 1 'Sheet Iron Ware! ...! itnnftnir nnd r"C., 261 commercial i.i BLACKSMITHS uA IIORSESilOFlXG. SffilMPIlI i'&SMmn'm MILLISEBT ASH FASCV C00DS. MRS. 31. - " lias a ynTHVSatd to do Trimming and Dressmaking (Jo1l.m'"trt't ESTABLISH KD BY NATIONAL AlTTIIOIilTY Tlic Ciipitsil National Biinli SALEM, -OREGON. Capital Paid up, - - $75,000 ...-. 10,000 Surplus. It. 8. WALLACE. President. V. W. ilAHTIN, VIcc-l'resldent. J. II. AMIEKT, p - Cashier. DIRLCTORSi W.T.Gray, W. AV. Martin, J. SI. Martin, 11. B. U nllace. Dr. W. A.CusIck. J. II. Albert. T. McP. l'atton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other rnnrKel- e produce, cumiKuru , " either in private cmanrlonor able produce, oonnltiiied or in tore. either in privaiu ki"" public warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Tar. COMMERCIAL PAftH . ...I .Anennaliln flit ft. DniftM iVKSdlSrt on New York.ChiciKo.8" Kranclnoo. Portland, Iindon. J'ort.llerlln. Hong Kone and Calcutta. FirstNational Ban SALEM. OIIKUOX. wsi N. invni'K. I)ll! 'jrilBV.VOI.iW, JOliy S10IK, . . I'rmbUnl. Vlfo l'rwltltfiit. ... Ukhlr. GENERAL BANKING. Invited to dXlt vnd tmnMrt l.u.li uol re4latl eompanlw. I tar Ultti. ,n lloI.KP. "''.,. '".ISS A, earev" Uwrw. Merchant Tailor I A MAN OF TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE,' And supplied with only First Class Goods BUITINO 1'A.VIS OOOIW, VIMT I'ATTKUN BfttWiwtlon guaniBUl. G. C. H0GAH. jsute Iosoranw CV Wook, Blu Drs. Darrln submit tho following list of mimes as roforenco of tholr cures: Wesley Gnives, formerly of tho Chemekcto hotel, Salem, Oregon, now resldlug at Moscow, Idaho Cured of Selutlo rheumatism and the opium habit. C. McLaughlin, comer of Nine teenth nnd Jen'erson streets, Port land Catarrhal deafnesd, could spnrcolv hoar a sound or tho car bells aud was In constant fear of be ing run over by wagons, cured so ho can hear ordinary conversation. Mrs Ss Woodon's girl, 04 Fifth street, Portland Nervous debility nnd malarial fever and discharging car, restored. Mrs. Mervlo Gcbfort, Seattle, A . Tv lloy 11 vo yours old, deaf since 10 months old; discharging cars and catarrh entirely cured after soverni treatments. J. S. Rycknuui, Knapps, Ogn, can be referred to in referoneo to tho suc cessful treatment of himself nnd wife for skin diseases and catarrh, and other ailments. Frederick Mohs, Sprngue, AV. T. Catarrh, iieneral debility und hron- nhltls. oto. His wlfo cured also of dropsy and varicose veliif, milk leg and running sore.; T. L. Mills, 30 Columbia streel, Portland Soreueswthrough the kid neys, liver and stomach, Intlamma tlon of tho prostate gluud and ca tarrh of tho bladder, restored to health. A. A. Durham? Tualatin, "Wash ington Co., Or,, writes that Drs. Darrln nro working wonders on his klilnov and bladder treubles: also rheumatism of thirty years' stand ing. Geo. , Henry, Janitor, Odd Fel lows' hall, 141 First Htreet, Portlund Chronlo catarrh 10 years. Had despaired ot over being cured. Has had no symptons of it for montiis. Mrs Mary Clinc, "West Union, Or., (formerly, of Bauvio's Island, Or.) Complication of diseases peculiar to her sex; liver and kidney trouble, rheumatism nnd dyspepsia restor ed. Truman Butler, Tho Dalles, Ore gon, chronic rheumatism and con tracted Joints and Impoverished blood, nil of years' standing, given up by nil treatments until Drs. Darrln cured him. C. V. Fowler, Yakima, W. T., to tal deafness in one ear, cured In ten minutes. Alson pterygum.orlleshy growth, was removed from his eye which had nearly rendered lilm blind. Mrs. M. Hebo, 14:t Water street, Portland Pimple and blotches on Hi,, fnco for veurs. nnlns In the Imck and disease iH-culiar to her six cured, alto, her win was ctircU ororosneyes. Mrs. V. K. Dewey, 0I lHth street, JCust Portland, non'ousand geneml dublllty, heart dlse, dynpojwlti, Uvuroomplulnt and female troubles in all Its various complications, per manently cured. Mrs. W. II. Austin, the Inter national hotel, Portlund, eonllnwl to her room nine months with an eyoullletlon, called "nervous ubhor nnca of llvrht." iKymiiilwulvd wW lullammutlon, otirtHl. Mm. J. J. Kviiiih. living on the White House road, Portlund, neu- rulgluof the stoinaoli and lieuri, uuuk linn's and LTOutlV onuieliiuxi, cured aud gained ten pounds in two mouths, Mrs. A UanlsKir, Meadow, Iiwls eounty, W. T. Kxorunlatlng iwlns In eye balls, liver and kidney com plaint, deHfiMMHS! years, ami a lump In her side thought to lx on ovarian tumor, cured. Win. M. Colwell, BkumoUwA, W. T., siutlc rheumstUm and liver com plaint, rwtored to health: aU his brother, Oeogo L. Colwell, Bkwno kaws, AV. T., was wml of a numb nw of the arm. Mrs. E. Ahlf, 180, North Four teenth street, Portland cured after nine doctors had failed, of painful menstruation and womo trouble In every conceivable way, general de bility, pain through tho heart and lungs, riinrlrs Chrlsterman. Portland, Ogn., scrofulous catarrh so bad thnt destruction of his noso was tnreai etied and had become so olVenslvo that It wits sickening both to him self and friends, cured in two months. Levi Dnrtlmns, Staytou, Oregon heart disease, dyspepsia, pain thro' tho heart and lung, and general nervous debility; many times ho would fall os though dead, when everything seemed to turn black before his eyes, successfully treated. D. Camnbell. Fulton. Oregon, says ho would not take $10,000 for tho ,.,ir lm ivcolved bv Dr. Darrlu. Ho says his trouble originated by three small lumps or tumors coming on the arm, which rendered his arm and hand perfectly helpless for one year. TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. OKFICi: 1IOUIIS ANI 1'I.ACK OK 111TH1- NKS3. Drs. Darrln can be consulted free at tho Chemekcto Hotel, Salem, Or., for u short time only. They will under no circumstan ces take a case thoy cannot euro or bonollt. Charges aro reasonable, and the poor treated free from t) to 10 a. in. daily. Otllco hours from 10 to 4 dally; evenings, 7 to 8; Sun days, 10 to It!. All curable chronlo diseases, lass of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor rhoea, stricture, snermatorrlia'a, seminal weakness, or lass of desire of sexual power In man or woman, catarrh or deafness, aro conllden- tlally and successfully treated. Cures of private diseases guaranteed nut) never published In tho papers. Circulars sent free. Most cases can receive homo treatment after n visit to tho Doctor's olllee. N. 11. Tho doctors' stay in this city is limited. Important Events of tho Molo World for Twenty-four Hours. A Wur With Mnnlnra. AUHMiN, N. Y., Jan. 5. Lnst nlclit live Inmates of tho criminal Insane asylum hero made a desper ate break for freedom. Ono attcnii ant had been left In charge of tho hall, In which were forty-four pris oners. At a favorable opportunity live men sprang upon him and In their eagerness to secure him nearly tore tho clothing from his body. With tho keys tho gang oioned tho door leading to the yard. Hero they encountered another attend ant and another battlo took place. Tho olllcer broke his musket In pieces over their bodies. Tho In- sano men triumphed but guinea mo open air only to bo met by n third attendant who tired Into the gang, disabling one of them. This shot alarmed tho other keepers, who, after a hard tussle, secured tho mad men and returned lliem to ineir colls. turr Currx for l'limimonlu. Attention lias lately been directeil to ihn beuefiot derivable, in c ol pneumo. nin. whete there li a eteat oinlurraBiment oflneatlilnu from acouniulaleil teoietlou In the bronchial lubei, by uiveitliii: tho pa. Iient, and Jiavme htm cough violently while in luch poallion. It li easy accom. pliihcd by atrong aailtlaut landing on the patient's lied, teiiintf llio ilok man, turuiti hit face clownvfard, and thu liltin hia toet (our or five feet alxive ih level of the mattreii. If the pationt, with his faco over tl.o dine nf the lied and hii Itiji thus hold aloft, will cough vigorously wo oi Ihrct) tunes, lie will ltd rid of muoh expectoration that exhaustive efforts at coughing failed to dislodge wheu ant thus sided, Lile has len lived by repeated perform ances of this maneuver injpiicuinomla ao. compinled with itieat oyauosir, due to in undation of the bronchial tubes with mu cous secretion. It, of course, will have no eiroit on the oxudut in the vesicles 1 1 similar way, tu'V'ty ' "' Y,l,c '" emptying the lui.es of muous duiing etheiizatiou N. Y. Tribune. A wiiinau's uame is like some tender flower ud should Iw handled Just as care, fully. A man will never maUe use of an honest wnman'naine at an improper time or in mixed eoinpaiiy. lie Mill ""l i"lie atserlin about her which he knows to I Mm . Hike allusions alsiut her which the world would blush to hear. Men will not dn hese Ihfnjjs, Iwt erealures osllel men very ofun dn them. They do rwt heslitale to nuke the most reckl asser limn lut women, at the most uiimit- at!e lima ami in the most ditKUstiiiK man n. The vile crealuie who Is continually making aueb remarks should be shunned by all tiue men as deadly poison. He li an ulcerous eaneer to the community. Ileln loe' l' all D "' ho'"" or ,hm he outrages decency, defames ciaraoter and Is a libel on humanity. Sueh vileasd fillhy erealaies eontaminsle the lsyt ami youths of the land. This H the gr.st eiioolofvleeandeilroe whose Insliuelion aie more widespread thio tbe clcsuUlmn of the newspaper, It eontarolBatei the heart, roots imt irlty, subveiU vitlue, and Wssts all that is pure and noble in maohsed. It la the bane of youth -tho bitter wormwood of the aosl, the Miff a iniquity. The man who has no respect tot a woman it vi! thsn a savage. A raaleaetor of the deepest dyej a ariminsl with a darkened aoul.steeped In the depths of degradation, lis IsonHt to live Indeeent secUty, isd is eeiUiotly not prepared to die. An Attempted Itolibery. Ban Fi:hnani)o, Cal., Jan. 0. An attempt was inado to rob tho railroad ticket otllco hero yesterday morning. The robbers appeared at tho narrow window and ordered tno night operator Van Anker to throw up his hands. Van Anker linmedt ateld tired at tho robbers and tho shot was returned, but neither took ollect. Van Anker tired again and it Is belloved he struck his man al though the robber escaped, together wllb tho two men who were with him. Ten suspicious characters were arrested this morning. 1it'll'illy Uomuntlo. Montiuiai., Jan. 0. A man nam ed Chits. Est went to California eighteen years ago to seek his for tune. After some time nows readi ed his wire that ho ivas dead. Bho was married again but subsequently her second husband was killed In an accident. Kho then married n third husband. A short tlmo sluco the llrsl husband appeared upou the scene with faO.OOO. He wished to live with his wife, but she de clined. Tito case Is llkoly to come before the courts. IIUIiio, lllnlni', .litmim (I. lllulnn. Nmv Yonic, Jan. 0. A Washing ton special of tho fth, says : Tho re publican senators opposed to lllulno were disturbed to-day by tho iicwh that Harrison was determined that he could not escape tho necessity of olleriug lllulno a seat in thoCublnet. This Is not a rumor, but a fact. Oouorul Harrison said as much in one of his senatorial cullers. A Hold ! I'rniuihor. Lew A.vnw.iw, Jan. 0. Itev. An drew W. Wood, u prominent minis ter of this city, and well known la Portland, Ogn.,whero ho preached for some time, hits been sued for a divorce by his wife, who Is uu Inva lid. Mrs. Wood uoouscs her htisbund of 111 treatment and showing too much attention to Mrs. Nancy Hull, a young widow. I'hi'IIIk (.'.nut I'utriiiiucn. Han Khancihco, Jan. (I. A skio iul from Washington says: Tho l'a elllc sIojk) congressmen have pretty good grounds for believing that tholr section Is going to have a cabinet place. John V. Hwlft, tho republi can cundldute for governor ut tho last election, ts regarded as tho dom ing man. Sl.10,000 Itrwnril l'r Illm. Koiit Way.nk. lad., Jua. 0. flreat excitement prevails at Leo, u small village near here, over tho ar rest of a man supiMwod to bo '1 aseott, tho murderer of millionaire Bnull at C'lilcuga. A I'lrn for Adutlssluu. Wamhinoton, Jan. . President pro tern I ugulU has laid Ixiforu the Minute a memorial from tho Common Council of Seattle praying for tho admlMlou of Washington Territory us a state. Montana's Mlues. IlKMtNA, Jan. 7. It Is estlmntod that the total output of the gold, silver, lead and eopper inlueri of Montana for the year was between. tWinou.OOO and tH5.000.000 an lu- I crease of 110,000,000 over 1887.