fn iTfwjfwn tAhtAL JOURNAL VOL. 1. JANUARY 2, 1SS9. NO. 258 REAL ESTATE. X . fcALEM, OR., WEDNESDAY Real Estate ujaipis. AMUSE31ENTS. 2 il 1,600 J2.000.. 160 acres, 6 miles from 0 &0de P01;. 9fl houso,-.bartn and ?i vnhi5- Fentea' and ln tl. 80 acres, 4 miles from Salem JSSS.'SIJ? t6.K5-..S?iw. ...85 acres i2K miles from Bnlcm. P buildings. Splendid land, nil fenced. Make a desirable 00 acre's 4 miles from Salem. Im- provsmenui gooa. Kino young barn and orchard. at the door. Good 85,490... 52,600.. J, Wi,??resi 7 miles from Salem. V, -,- . Hfll land, finely watered. Sell in lota of 40-acre tracts at 825 ner acre. r 810,800 ,678 acres, 8 miles from Salem. iExcelcnt grass and fruit land. ndWlnlng Willamette riter. Will ncllln tracts. 81,375 61 acres, rmlles of Salem. House, xjarge spring (1 Knll inri . . ... . -., UU.4 Diemv oi umoer. 32,400 120 acres, 6 miles of Salem; good road; well Impreved: stream running through the place.- ; 860,00 400 acres (4 miles west side 0 & OUR) good house, barn and orchard, 120 in cultivation, bal ance oak grub pasture land. SSOO ...10 acres, 1 mile from Salem, ad Joining fair ground. Good land: no Improvements. $1,200 40 acres. S miles Salem; all In cultivation; no buildings; near school house. .Excellent fruit land. 84,000... ...370 acres, 0 miles from O A C R R; nil fnrirviri' wall wnfapaH HrM.un barn, nnd small orchard; lifi acres in cultivation. $2,750 3 lots, wltngooanuussandbarn, East Salem. Desirable location. We have besides this a large list o' city and farm property. Buyers would do well to call and examine our holdings before making their purchases. WILLIS & CHAMBERLIN, Opera House, Court St., 9-26tf Salem, Or. REEDS OPERA HOUSE. One Week and Saturday Matinee. Commencing 1, Dec. M E. D. HAWKINS' t ; ll Representing a Repertoire consisting of the latest drama and country suc cess with a change- of bill , NJghtly. ADMISSION 10, 20 and 30c. No Higher. Reserved seats now on sale at Pat ton's Book Store. MOODY VS. DARRIN. MISCELLANEOUS. I am prepared to sell you good farms at Change in Business ! ! January 1st, - - 1889, akin POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varle. A mnrvrl ot purity, strength and MrlioloomriirM. Mora economical than the o.-dlnary MniK nnd cannot bo sold In competition wJili the multitude, of low test, short t eight alum or niy in enno. 1(X1V1I.N,Y. phosphato powders. Sold onr KOYAL, BAKING POWDKltCO.. IMIOFKSSIONAL CARDS. We will make A ffft 0U 111 w mob Where you will have all the advantages Of SCHOOLS, CIIURCtlES.DAILYMAIL, and RAILROAD facilities without being overburdened with high taxes simply for the privilege of living near a town of a few thousand Inhabitants. A residence of 33 years on a farm in this vicinity gives me a thorough knowledge of this country. Two or More Desiring to locate near each other will find It to their advantage to call on me. Correspondence solicited and. descrlptlvo list of farms for salo sent on application. II. C. PORTER, Real Estate Agent, Aumsvllle, Marlon county, Oregon. LOOK HERE! We are selling REAL ESTATE Until that time wo shall oiler our Entire Stock for CASH at Prices that BEAT Our Own RECORD FOR LOW PRICES. That is Saying - A Good Deal in So Short a Space. Call Early, And get tho benefit. Tiffany k Co. Salem, Or. D: II. J. SI. KKKNK. D. u. H . DEXTAI, rooms over White Corner. Olllco hours 8a. m. to S p. in. PHYSICIAN. MltS. I)K. M. K. McCOY. pli.Vbldan and surgeon, has located nnd taken rooms 0 and 7 at Mrs. Sargeants In tho opera house. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consultation free. l'J-'Jldw DR. MASON, DENTIST, SUC cessor to Dr. J. C. Byrd. Oflice over Bush's Bank. The Methodist chu.eh was crowd' cd during tho past few days to lis fullest capacity. Thousands suv seeking salvation oft lis soul while health hud body aro neglected. Moody may verily redeem souls, bill ho has not tho gift pf icstorlog health to tho body. In this respect doth ho differ from tho Drs. Durrin. The latter aro dally receiving largo receptions at the hands of tho af flicted. Thousands have called at tho Chemokote hotel In this city, whero the doctors lin.v'6 established their oflice, and thousands receive, the salvation they seoK and require. Salvation of tho body' Is1 as essential as Bulvntion of tho soul, whllo tho Drs. Durrin pave tho road to re demption of health ami snlvaiion of tho body. Their testimonials speak volumes for them, llcad them. C.MlD KP.OM St. !.' JlABllOh. ' Drs. Durrin Dear Slrn i Trior, to consulting you two mouths ago I had been sorely iitlllctcd with imsal and throat catarrh, which Interfered with my public speaking. Your homo treatment for catarrh has cured mc, and I am thankful, to you, I had tried many advertised remedies before, but nouo of them cured me. Itefer to mu at Brooks, Oregon. Et.ii:u M. M. BabUoh. TtfANThlJ-A 110Y TO WOHK ON A II furm. Addreoi or call at Capital JOllNAL OlIlCC. dlWWl FINANCIAL. ESTAiiLiaiiKD nr national AyrnoiuTY 297 Commercial St.. If you want any thing In that line We will, be glad to see you "" At our office. 97 Stat St., - - Salem. w'ill lisbpropfertyata fair price. Fire Iusurauco a specialty. THOMAS & PAYNE Money to loan Merchant Tailor! A MAN OF TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, And supplied with only First Class Goods SUITINO PANTS GOODS, VEST PATTEIINS Satisfaction guaranteed. G, C. H0GAN. Stato Insurance Go's, block, Salem SALEM, 'aid up, Surplus, - - OF OREGON. - $75,000 - 10,000 J. W. CRPFORD, "VVo (..nconnnt oIllnB nf ' mODey tO' Loan on good Real Estate. Security for a series Of years To- wlt, ONE PURSE OF $1200 1 ! ' ONE PURSE OF $1000 TWO PURSES OF $Sp0.Kac1n' PKE P.URSE OF $400! ' ' Apply soon o Willis & Chamberlin, 12-li dw lm. Opera Houie, Court at TEAlf Dealer In And' water PIPES, and Lift o...M -nrl Tin Ware. Korea Pump. jlANUFACTUUKItOH KICoirrnioAISt, S.lem,0r. BUCBffllW "f WOHSf. R. H. WALLACE. - - President. W. W. MAIITIN. - Vlco-Presldent, J. H. ALIIKRT, r Ciwlller. DlRtCTORSl W.T.Qruy, W.W.Martin, J. M. Martin, It. B. Wallnce. Dr. V. A.CusIck, J. II. Albert. T. McK. Pntton. LOANS IvIADE To farroeri on wheat and other market able prod lira, consigned or in (tore, i either In private eraiarleapr public vrarehoutea. State and' County Warrants Bought at Par. CQMWERCIAL. PAPER Discounted nl rcononnble tatei. Draft drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Han KninclJoo, Portland, Iindon, Puiis, Ucrlln, Hong Kone and Calcutta. First-National Bank SALEM. OREUON. IIKAKINCI HKSUKU. EniTon Dear Sir ; I liavo been troubled with deafness for over fifteen years. 1 applied to tho Drs. Darriu In Saluui, and, after a few treatments, by their wonderful eloo-tro-inagnctlc method, my hearing was most entirely restored, and now I can hear my watch tick for tho first time in many years. I can b6 ro fonod to und seen ,ln regard tojny case, at any time, at Howell prairie, or address mo at Macleay, Oregon. IIi:nkySix)U(iii. I,i:iT HIS CHUTCHKS. Dr. Darrn Sir: Some months ago I was Injured by a falling tree, which paralyzed tho muscles of tho limbs and contracted tho cords. In this hopeless condition T wiinu to Drs. Darriu, und through their skill ful administration of electricity I am cured, and left my crutches with tho doctor. I can bo referred to at Ilolbrook, Oregon. J. 1). Cohni:i.iU8. KLKCTMCITV CUItKI) HIM. Poiiti.and, Nov. IE, '88. I r Drs. Darriu Qcutlenien : I feel it t bo ouly Just to yourxeiveH to give to, tho public the, following un solicited tcstlmoniiil regurtllngyour skill and entire probity, For some two years I found I was going down lit Jl faster than my yeara warranted ; the result of an attack of yellow fever in iho West Indies. I had a dlsclutrgo from my right ear and general norvoim debility, I can truly say my ear is now nearly us sound us over, and as to strength, am fifi strong as ever in my life. I feel ten years younger, Jlefur to me lti this city for further particulars. You have irlvon mon twenty years' Ifoise of life. ClIAH. if. KlIIKNHW. 11. F. Stout. WONDKltPUI. IIHSTOKATIOX OP UKAlttNO. Mr. Editor Dear Sir: My Uttlo boy has Ikhmi deaf since ho wast 10 months old, and was! so deaf that ho never learned to talk, and Is now 5 years old. T had consulted n great many physician and none could do anything for him, and said that his hearing could never Iks restored. As a last resort, I consulted tho Drs. Durrin at tho International hotel, Cherry street, In his ease and they said that they could cure him. Now, after threw treatments, the child's hearing is almost entirely re stored, and he seems to bo daxed by tho sound, Through thankfulness and gratitude to the doctors, and for tUo sake of others thai may lie afflicted, I give this testimonial to tho public. I can bo referred to at tho corner of Front and Vine streets, Seattle, W. T. Mas. Minnik Gkiipokt. OFFICi: IIOUIUJ AND 1'l.ACE'OF 11USI K1S3. Drs. Darriu can bo consulted free at tlw Chemekoto Hotel, Salem, Or., for a short time only. They will under no circumstan ces take a case they cannot cure or bonellt. Charges aro reasonable, and tho poor treated free from 0 to 10 iu in. dally. Olllco hours from 10 to 1 daily; evenings, 7 to 8; Sun days, 10 to V2. All curablo chronic discuses, loss of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor rhoea, stricture, suormatorrhu'ii, seminal weakness, or loss of desire of sexual power In man or woman, catarrh or deafness, aro contldeu tially and successfully treated. Cures of private diseases guaranteed and never published In tho papers. Circulars sunt free. Most casus can receive homo treutmont.after a , vjjslt to tho Doctor's olllco. N. U. Tho doctors' city Is limited. stay In this TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. The Niit lloune. WASHijrO'i'ON, Jan. 1. Infamise tlon from N nsliv'lle win received that Governor Taylor lias fully decided to give tho ecilficalo In tho Tlilrd Tennessee (Chatianoogst) District to Evans (Uop.), without regard founy restraining o'ders which may bo Issued. Tho governor holds that In performing this act ho Is tho solo judge of his duty under tho law. Th(s Icavo? tho House, counting the districts In whleh an ofllclal de cision as to Issuing certificates has been reached, 10 1 republicans and 150 democrats. Only two caiea re main undecided, namely, tho Third and Fourth In West Virginia. Tho republicans claim theili both on tho face of the original returns and on tho re-counts. If they are given certificates tho republican majority In tho House will bo seven. If they recelva but one the majority will bo ftVo, and If the democrats receive both it will bo reduced to threo'. This latter figure Is now tho lowest possible limit of tho republican molarity slnco Gov ernor Taylor's decision in tho Ten nesseo ease. ' ColdWntor Winn. Bkatti.i: (W. T.) Dec 31 Trou ble arose yesterday between tho Col umbia and Pugct Sound Railroad Company and tho Pugut Sound Shore Railroad Company regarding thu ownership of a stilp of road on tho tide tints. To-day tho latter ob structed tho Joint track of the two roads to pruvent tho passage of trains of the former by placing i.1) cars thereon. Tho Sheriff and u largo force of men started to remove tho cars and 100 men on the oppos ing sldu advanced to prevent them. A serious fracas was imminent when thu sheriff picked up tho hydrout hose and drenched thu attacking force. Thdy then desisted and an nrmlstlco between tho roads was nf torwurdH declared. Important Events of tho Whole World for Twenty-roar Hours. A Huge Cuiinnl. IS I Paso, Jan. 1. Tho ropo'i. front tho City of Mexico, to tho e fcct.thut u clerical uprislug had u currud there on the 28th and 'M) Ieople, Including seventy priests, had been killed and a number nf prlysts captured mid ordorqd to, lie slmt, turns out to be a euuurd. Deo ember i!8th Is an All Fools day among the Mexicans and thu story had Its origin from this. r-r-j- rr HUGHES, BELLINGER & CO, REAL ESTATE J BOUGHT A$UXS01). EASTERN btiSffiEtfef ' pXQJUNUEU rOR ORBMfeJffigf JCilntion Ter.orCllforntaTilJ j. ,,ju- rinnrTT WM. K, IiADPE, - -DIl. J. ItKVNOlJbrt, JOHN MOIH, - - Prfnldfnt. Vleo PnMldcnt. . . CatLter. &&V d Jl i OhbbjwbUI 8t SlMB. lMf Y BKUS., IPBIBTOBa OF THE CAPITAL .. fcfl.L M Vr r vfMft.SW-,1 '"" " ' GENERAL .BANKING. Bxennceon Portland, Han KmneUeo, Hew Yprfc. la&na nl Hont KnK bought and mid. Htole, Count nd City wsrninu boujht. Karmer re wrdUlly Invited to detxwlt nd trenuurl bulof with 0. Liberal kdranot Itutda ou wneat, wool, hop nd other properly at rtuonADi rate. Iniuranm oa ueh m eurlly en be obtained at the bank In moat reliable companies. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. miw. vV- wiisow llMa Tfry.Slne tJoclc oC.ntw railllntry, and U prepared lufla . Triffliaiag ami Dressmaking "1 I ! InlbelateatitTiM. tand ber new winter Kuod(B4 etylea. Salem, 9TS Commercial etraet. FARMERS , r PAY TJIli HIOIIIWT CASH ftUUK are a ttA elore, aM CommmUiln AN OPKN LWTTKIt. Mr. Fsano i'ingard of Centralist, WIT., Writes Drs. Dhrrlp'esfillliiwH: "With pU-ttsiiro I rjle' to you hi a gard tu tlivtreatiuontyou gi(Ve me for (ifcflmiu of elghtevtl yetirH stfCnd 1ng""Yolrl trwitmont hits wittUm liK a' oliarrh. 'l have lfad nosi'fil to'r'ns (if :osthmh sliii'e T r-turned lioui?. The" euro seems to Uo rnr niuticiit, audit gives mC great Joy to tH ydfl' ilils. Bend" hie" some of your circulars, us' many of t'ny ilKlghlKjrs'wlnh to try 'your skill In their oases." DEAP.NPJe), fATAHHIl AND I-lNl TltOUUI.fr OUIIKI), ISdltor Oregouluti : ' Plwue give rifMhw Iu ysrtir'lloiwr that Dr. Darrln CfircU me of deafnsW of sir yean' titii(llng, fcttsfel' trom csitarrh, whloh he ftlso eurwl. Fot years have been troubled -with weak lungs j and brontililtte,.BU of which have beea cored. Jlefor tornfe tti, Indt-i jHHiOcnee, Thurftton pounty, Wi;im wre'K. V. Hawtrt I. who lm wo Arliltrallnir, CiiiCACio, Jan. 1. A conference was hL'ld this morning between otll elals of the lhirllngton road and the llrnthorhood Grluvuuco Colnmlttee, for the purpose of settling tho dif ferences existing between thu com- pany and the strikers. Thu causes leading to the strike mid the subscr (pje(it events uuro dlsseiissed. An adjournment was taken until to morrow, wlfen an agreement, It Is thought, will be arrived at und the strike deulurcd oil, Fnttmr Uuiilirtjr' C'lintn. Spiiincii'IHM), Mass., Dee. 30. "Another victim of Father Duugh- erty's curse I" was thu exclamation hoard from many persons In tills city on learning of ox-Mayor O'Con nor's death hi Jlolyoko, Forty years ago a Catliollo priest in tills city, Father Daugherty, was charged with tho betrayal of n yotiilX laily, Tho Sunday follow ing, tho exposure, a crowil of forty or more oxcited parlshouers gather ed at tho church door stud refused Father Daugherty admission to the church. Tho angry priest there upon, cursed those wioso bunds were against b'en, und it is declared that nearly all those cursed have died unnatural deaths, while their chil dren have not been exempted. Alaikn'e lloumlurr. Wakiiinuton," Juii, 1, F, M, Tfiorn, hujierlntviulepl of .the Cote Kurvey, has addrussmd u letter o Chulrnmii ItaiidOll; of the iloufte Ajifoprlutloiiic;oiiunl.ttc, in refer eiico to tho survey of the Ahutkui) Uundary. Lst Cct9U)r un appr( pr'lntion of 20(0X) yn made ',U the sundry elvJI bill, for this survey, und the committee detJrcd to lw Inform ed as to what rlliponltlou has been miulo of the uuu-ey. , . Hiierinteudent Thru says tin unyronrlatlou vfun tilttde no latd th( It was iHpVjoHiJe tvVt ny- inrtls In the Held thU yar. 'n?pnrnuoo navlATH made (o ernl lrtlS? ml lit Msty bf Suite fitfit. The offlcq has been ngugrd In tlw eolltellon of data, ota., for l)w Mrvey, and lu rrrmp)ndurtew with, th,evpnup nuulue and nariltM Oil the L'ttClflo Gfo-if. wth ,rfemw to ,tb(s lrp nortatlon of prtli who hM iwprk would le on tho Yukon and Poreu- HtJeriveN," 5rjrilorU toy's Uw (II trouble, pwnouUdllrigut'- dU- cU ft "K1!1 di? vw-1 "" th" CryltiK 1'or Moody. 8an. FiianoihCo, Jan. I. ISvan gelfst Moody will commence his revival services lu this ulty neat Hunduy, Tho Oregon comml'tcolu chnro of tho evangollstlo services under his lcadership,has wrlttou thu Ban Fiauclsoa committee, asklsig them torelPiiso Mr. Moody from his ongugeitiont here, becauso of tho In tense Interest muulfestod ill tho revivals In Oregon, but as great pro pnratlon has, boon mudu here, und the Meclutnlcrt pavilion loused and tit u readlnoHH, It Is not likely that (lie locul committee will release Mr. Moody. The Kale Ailuim l)lilir, A(kmpKIH, Jan. 1. The local In HJWtors have almost completed their luvtstlgutlou of tho Kate Adams stcumbout disaster. From stato infills made by thu clerk of thu butt, they find that the Adams had 107 irftonsoil board. Of them 183 ure known to have escaped, leaving fuurteeii as lost. The liu'iectors are satlsllel tho tiro originated in it sack of cottdu secl forward of the boilers. The Year Immigration. f iiw YOhk, Jan. 1. During J888 3HHM ImmlgruuU lundel.nt Cab tl4 (lurdunr.un.lnrwueof 1077 over i ' rj ttj T Caactlie txttir , Tliau wtll at the Ortinge Htorc, 126 fityU) ktriwt, If you. wisjt a good,tt of uuythlng tilsivio the grocery ,lri. Don't full tolook at the Whlto I Iron, Kxtratts, the beat lu tho mar ket, t-f. fUyludl, Liberty e$tro?jifS2nl. the roomi or th 8UU Ibib"00 oroer or Front tnAAMhtUteu- " oy many puyuciuut. p" p '" ""