VH, ") rt,f. . .. .. V CITY. OVER TUB QAPJLTAL Complpie Ilccilal of the Daily Doings Cora- 1 ' piled. From Various Sources. ' Happenings Over llio City and News From the Country Honndabont. Oregon as a Fruit Land. Experience lias prayed that great and lasting benefits are the results of a community of intelligent per sons being massed together In a limited area, for horticultural pur suits on land In the best locations, with soil and all surroundings best adapted for that special purpose. l)ho fruit lands of (Jregon are located on the choicest hill land wlth'basaltlc soil, being far superior to, and much more lasting than California's best fruit lauds, located as they are on a granite foundation. The building of cold storago in the cities where tho fruit will be sold and the storing of fruit in them each fall, to be sold In the winter an'd spring months, can be accom plished by tho co-operation of many, while It would bo impracticable for an Isolated fruit tjrower. Contracting to supply largo amounts of fruit to canneries can be accomplished to much advantage. Dryjug fruifs, if deemed necessary, can bo accomplished mini extensive way wlth'mqcli less Ja'bor, ahd con sequently moro prollt, than by indi vidual cllbrt, and a largo lot can be placed on tho market at a price in advanco of that of a small lot. The buyingof choice land in small tracts, at. a reasonable price Is dllll cult, especially to tho stranger,, who not unfrequently buys land alto gether unlit for tho purpose of grow ing fruits. Hut now thot one vast Held are being sub-divided, choice rural fruit farms are tp bo had by thoso who wish o engao hi the THE FARMERS' CUXGKESS. Eloquent Facts for Farmers to Read and Consider. The address to the people of Ore gon by tho executive committee of the Farmers, Congress -is strong, straightforward and manly, and shows from figures obtained from the commissioner of agriculture, that while the Increase of farm values from 1800 to 1880 was 2J per cent., that of other values was 20J per cent. Aud while tho agricultur al Industry represents 41 per cent, of those engaged in "gainful occu pations," the agricultural class holds only 22J per cent, of the wealth of the nation. And although the amount of wealth produced by the agriculturists lias quadrupled dur ing the last two decades, their pro portion of tho results of our general Industry has shrunk from 50 per cent to 27J per cent., while that of thoso eDgaged largely in modifying and transporting what has been pro duced by the farmer has Increased during the time from about 30 per cent, to nearly 75 per cent, The causes of this alarming transfer of wealth from the pockets of those who actually produce the commodi ties representing wealth tp the pockets of thoso who for tho most part only modify them, aud tli fruit culture. Salem's Astoria and Tillamook It. It. Uecauso no noise is being made over tho proposition to have rail way connection with Tillamook and Astoria, It need not bo thought Balcni Is sleeping over tho matter. Yesterday there was a conference between a number of Salem's busi ness men and capitalists aud it was thought best to delay action a few days longer at least until tho holi days were over, I a few weeks, if not sooner, a eommltteo appointed by the board of Undo will visit As toria by tho sea for tho purpose of conieinng with tno oluciuls of the Astoria and South Coast It. It. In tho mean time, all goes swimmingly and tho prospects for tho early construction of this lino grow brighter every day. Tno More lnsanrs. Sherill' Ulrdsey camo up from Jacksonville this morning, briuging with him "Win. Forester, who was committed to tho asylum for insane. Forester Is forty-nine years of age and his insanity Is the result of reli gious excitement. He Is suicidal in his actions, having taken threo ounces of laudanum a few days ago. Ashland was his home. Virgil U. !Novsome is being ex amined this afternoon before Judgo Shaw for Insanity. lie has been several times In tho asylum before. without any corresponding change of numbers engaged in each depart ment, arc put in a nutshell by the following resolutions : First Tho national banking sys tem, by which tho issue and control of the volumo of money Is larcelv confined to corporations. Whoover controls the volume of money con trols tho price of farm products. Secondly High and unequal tax ation, state and natloual. Thirdly Creation by law of vast franspoitatioh corporations, with almost regal powers, and endowed with essential monoply and uncon trolled by necessary laws to prevent extottion. Fourthly Failuro of congress and me legislature to pass laws abolish ing and punishing vast combina tions of chartered capital called "trusts," by which products aro put down to the producer and up to the consumer. Fifthly Tho legalized liquor tralllc, which takes from the chan nels of trade and productive Indus tiy, once each year, every dollar in actual cucmation. These resolutions speak for them selves, aud if tho Farmers' Congress has tho slnminn to movo there Is Home hopo for working u change in the Infamous class legislation which has cued our nation for the lost two decades. As tho Fanners' Cou- giess is a national organization, and shows tho sumo independence and self-preservative , patriotic good sense as that shown by tho Oregon branch, we bolievo that It Is Inteut and will stay at least until somo vital questions of government aro settled rightly, I THE MOODY MEETINGS. The Urent Evangelist Coming on tho First of January. Te Italli are (.'oiumij. Infotniutlon Is received through Air. Ilarr, onuof tio street railway contractors, that Uio rails for tho lino had arrhed in Portland and would porlmps bo up to-day. This lK'Ing tho case, tho work of laying thorn will ntonco bo pushed to com pletion.' ' Our street railway lino lh bo'ln operation by tho 15th of'jauu ary after all. Mbanjr'i) Quarantine Ratted. Henry and Walter Fust and John llryant, win have boon under small pox quarantine at Albany forsov oral days, havo been released, tho quarantine having been raised. 2vo quarantine would have answered fully as wuH as one of such a few days. . . A Oat) I'lilnauian. Ah Look, serving n term In the Multnomah county Jail for assault ami battery, was yesterday adjudged insane, aud ordered committed to mo asyium. this will makeubout twenty Chinamen In tho asylum here. AN re Item. At a meeting of tho Hoard of Fire commissioners last night A, 1- Strang was chosen as assistant chief engineer, vice Bhoritr Crolsan, i hose resignation was accepted be cause ho had not tmp to serve. Last night at tho M. E. church the Initial Moody revival inectinc was conducted by I. II. Uurko and Q. B. Studd. These gentlemen usually are in advanco of Mr. Moody and are successful In elevat ing the Interest to tio highest by the tlmo tho great evangelist gives tho meetings his personal attention. Mr. hurku conducts tho singing and to-night ho asks tho singers to be at the church by seven o'clock, as It Is his wish to Instruct them be fore tho evening service. Mr. Studd addresses tho jieoplo and last night took for his theme, "Good Tidings," dwelliug at considerable length and In an liupressivo manner upon the great good tidings that are in store for thoso who accept His word. "Jesus died for you," he said, "and there are good tidings for you who worship his name." This afternoon at three o'clock nieHings will bo held at the Congre gational church and this evening at 7: IS at the M. E. church. Mr. Moody will arrive In. Salem on tho evening or January 1st, and remain during Wednesday and Thursday, preaching three time per day. His first , scrinou will be given on Now Year's evening. He will Iks in the city long enough to give all a chance to hear him, aud It Is expected people for miles around will eomo hero to hear tho Word as given by oue of the most successful rvvlvalUtij the world has eyqr known'. LOCAL SUMMARY. To-night there is a big masque ball at Dallas. ii,. Chemawa according to E. H. Lee, means "our old home." Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith. 02 State street, tf. A line new grocery store Is that of Itoth & Greenbaum in tho opera building. If you uro looking for Hats call on tho Capitol Adventure Co., opera house coruer. tf A marriage license was Issued on the 24th inst. to H. W. Savage and 'Elizabeth Hyerly. Harry Dunn is with the county now for twenty-flve days, having been convicted of1 vagrancy, The place to buy your Holiday Goods Is at tho Capitol Adventure Company, opera house corner. tf. For sale cheap for cash, a new extra fine upright piano. Call at 355 Chemekpte street for particulars. Before purchasing clothing It will pay you to call ort tho Capitol Adventure Co., opera house corner. tf. For choico groceries and fine Salem evaporated fruits, aud gen eral groceries pay a visit to Martin & Cox. tf. For holiday candies, nuts, cigars, notions, etc, go and see what peight & Souder, Court street, ofler you. Prices low. 1 m d w Hanging lumps.cholce groceries candies, and many nice things, and cheap too, may bo found at L. S. Winter's. tf. Frank Starr was yesterday after noon committed to jail convicted of assault and battery. His fine and costs amount to $29.30. Follow the crowd and you will turn up at Squire Farrar's, where groceries aiepurc aud cheap. Join the procession. tf. Eastern visitors seem to enjoy the slight frosts of the past few mornings, as being In keeping with tho season of the year. Dan Rodger is in jail awaiting the action of the grand jury. Ho is charged with stealing 97.50 'fiom Dora B ake, the demi-monde. Immigiatlon continues to come in rapidly, and wo do not see how a regular boom In this part of the valley is to be any longerpostponed. Cheinekete means "our home," according to S. A. Clarke, but ac cording to H. Lang, author of a history of Wallametto valley, it means "gravelly." Notice. All persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to Rotan fc Whitney will oblige ;by calling and settling their accounts within the next thirty days. 1-w. "Rotan & Whitney. George Lawton, who drugged and robbed Asa Corwin of $75, hud a preliminary hearing yesterday nfiernoon before Recorder Strickler. He was held in sum of $200 bond to await the action of tho grand Jury. Every boy will bo presented wmi a top auu every girl witli a Btory book. This npplies to all who make purchases at George F. Smith's great Auction House during the Holidays. Bo sure and remember this. tf. You'll regret too late thatyou did not have your friend or relative visit Sperry tho Artist and have a per fect likeness taken. Heed tho moral go now before It is forever too lato. For flue work Sperry, tho artist, knows no superior. t f St, John asks the question, "Aro you for tho saloon or the homo?" Tho answer given is, "you bet your life." But when you aro asked where you can get tho best goods and price on tea, coU'ec, groceries, etc, the answer Is, at Squire Far- tt. That Woolea Mill. Last night there was a conference of tho woolen mill commlltce and to-day they are arranging a scheme for purchase and payment for the water power and site that may be determined upon. A meeting will be held with Mr. Kay in a few days after which a general mass conven tion of nil interested will bo .held. All minor details will bo arranged before this meeting is called, so that definite conclusions cau be deter mined upon. It begins now to look as though wo were rcojjy to have a woolen mill. ?2Q,QQ0 Is no great sum for a city of our wealth and size to raise. What we need is a trifle more enter prise. If we do not Bticceed in se securing the establishment of this enterprise here there are many towns waiting, and only too anxiously, to negotiate with Mr Kay. Albany, for Instance, is not sleeping, neither isPendleton. They are ready to act. Spokane Falld would raise tho required sum in one hour if such a proposition were made them. Let us have the -woolen mill! At- LUNN Jfm9 m PROWN'i Ancient Free and Accepted llasona. Last night at" tho Masonic r hall was conducted the public installa tion of officers of both tho Sale'n lodge No. 4 and Pacific lodge No. 50. J. A. Richardson acted as far stalling officer assisted by F. J. Babcock as marshal. Tho officers initiated in their duties for the Ma sonic year were: Salem Lodge. W. M., J. D. Mc Cully ; S. W., Wm. Miller; J. W., Freeman Folsome ; Treas., W. N. Ladue ; Sec, W. H. Waters ; S D., L. F. Conn ; J. D., Geo. Hughes ; Stew., C. W. Chcrringtou ; Qtew., W. D. Money : Tiler, S. D. Melson. Pacific Lodge. W. M., W. D. Jeffries ; S. W., Geo. W. Bingham ; J. W., J. H. Ross; Treas., T. N. Mc- Cauioy ; Sec, Geo. B. Gray ; S. D., John D. Gray ; Stow., T. B. Walt, ; Tiler, C. H. Chapman. The Klver Boats. As predicted sometime ago, there is consideiable strife between tho O. R. & N. and the O. P. river boats for business. Tho river is now at a good boating stage, and steamers can go as far up as Harrisburg without difficulty. The O. R. & N. Com pany's steamboat Chamnion has been placed on tho upper Willamette trade but has no regular schedule time, and will ply on the upper river, picking up business wherever It can be found, Tho O. P. boats are handicapped, owing to the fact that the rail division is almost block ed with freight awaiting shipment hy the O. D. steamers, and in conse quenco thousands of bushels of wheat that would bo shipped by tho O. P. route must find an outlet via Portland aud the O. R. & N. boats. Finest Stock in, the Citv! i 4" m i sa ' Furs, Handkerchiefs, Silk Hose, Silk Mitts, Cloaks, Dry Goods, Ladies Hand1 Rurses Etc, 239 Cpr. State and Comiaercial S SALEM, OREG0W CALL AND J3XA1HINE BOOTS AND SHOES KRAUSSE & KLEIN! C?k SHOP! It will he to the people's interest to examine their stock i Shoes and boots before buying. They have just received an Excellent stook from the best factories, aud every pair Is warranted to give satisfaction. REMEMBER 'When looking for- HOLDAY A visit to the gallery of Catter Iiu, the artist, demonstrates the axiom that good work always finds a ready sale aud good goods a firm market. He is rushed with work and continues to turn out the best, always giving completo satisfaction. He is agent for Prof. Krumbein's oil palntiugs. Give him a call ' un,d get a perfect likeness. tf. on Cannot do better Than call at tho Grange Store, 126 State street, If you want a good tea I or anything else In tho grocery line. Don't fall to look at the White Bros. Extracts, tho best in the mar ket, 't-f. -Call Fry's Drug Store! Toilet Goods and Cases at Reduced Prices. BSTHandsomest picture cards ever given away in Salem. Lady Callers. Freefj 6Jia,nge in Business! ! Jauuarylst, - - 1889, A pood dlmtion vrnlta on apitttltn Mid a FPPivililneoMhsurvt U f hmUu. iroureluw tplrllod, Irritable, tiUllou, or haw an-trrmuUr ptu, Uieo w aavlw tuu by ll inmtus lit UkJ luajui new manor you. T Bakt tV . W. U&lWa OX nkieaa Antra Salt.. Tio iHt bu1v u the world fW 'Uts, bruises, wires, ulcers, sakrlnuiii a-ver wires' tetter, chnptd IibikT-v ehllbbtlua, OQn. nni tdl skin wiij &w niui pQ4ltlvtty cure pile, m no pay rulred. It la gu.tniutwl W KlvoperfVtaUsisUon,ornone refunded. Price its oeajU pV'Ly. Fox juue w jk. jj. rar's. The lluest lino of Holiday Goods ever brought to Salem, consisting of Library Lamps, China Tea Sets, Vases, Cups ami Saucers, Box-wag- bnsj Dolls by tho hundreds, Doll igoi etc., can bo found at John t?. AVrijiht's. Prices are at bed rock tSlrW?3' ftvW ' ''. e a strife, has beep, got pn bo- Tho firm of W, Beck, & Son lead In dolls, toys, novelties, scrap-books, albums, Christmas cards, Christmas treo ornaments and 1700 other things to numerous to mention. 04 Suite Street Salem Oregon. tf A Seasonable Hint.. Genuine new buckwheat flour, and a fine ititlelo of table syrup, at tho Grange store, 120 State street, Salem. tf. We will make fcSTABLISUED BT NATIONAL ADIB0BI Mapitaliit Of- A ge m t -wft who Ja to liavft tluj favor of alia 'eftr Nms, Wl to -0 . W KP.' . Ir,$imP ..'.r.j-i:. '.... ::c '. . 't.i..wi j-w w wwy.1 pyme w In. Lofr Mtk II U Wife, "What can I do to retrain n1v 1ms. 1 1' 1 .. .."-- ". r imniiH iovur- writes Mrs, game XI. of Toronto. She ails thatil seven years ago she was married uuder the most happy auspices and until six mouths since happiness crown ed Jierdomentlo life; theu her hus band became distant in his manner toward her, until now he is positi vely cold Mrs. It, glyes no partic ulars but If she is dftllcted with dis eases peculiar to her sex if her cheeks havo lost their bloom, aud her eyes their snurkle it nmvpvnlniii the cause of her complain. In this cvpnt Da Pierce's Fuvorito prescrip tion will ellbct a matrleaT lin MlWl fLY)KktlalA luatltl. k J ff - u..x .uj,mi iu nuuivu. ianpoW' Until that time we shall ofler our Entire Stock for CASH at Prices that BEAT Our Own RECORD FOR LOW PRICES. That is Saying AiUootlDeal in So Short a Space. Call Early, And get, tho benefit, Forstner, Tiffany k Co. ll i 1 V 207 Commercial St. Salem, Or. SALEM, - - - OREGON, Capital .Paid up, - - JW Surplos, ----- 10,1 H, 8. WALIiACK, - - Presides! V, W. MARTIN, - VIce-PresWeB1" J. H. ALBERT, r - - CMUer DIRtCTORSi V, T. Gray, "W, W, Martin. J. M. Margin, B. 8. Wallace. Dr. NY. A.Cu8lck. J. ILAlbert. T. McF-i'atton. LOANS MADE To tinners on wheat and other in! t or in ' arletr able produce, consigned or in or liner in private crui iiubllo warehouses. either in private. State and County 'Warrants Booght al Fi COMMERCIAL PAPK TtlsfvmntArt nt ronarmnhtft r&tt& drawn dlrfect on New VorChWff. Krnnrkob, Portland, Londqn, Paw.!" none Jvong nua uaicuim. 'WWW TJW WK- eul irfvlnam,, toToV jDrJpKs ' -FfC.ftuo vwrkiulujuia!ta'toU'aTOKro Prescription .impirts ChurrWonV ibd urttetl W Vou iW"KlM " )vhole systepl, and ItjmW:! " $rh M'y.u tothewombiaudItsapppndaire8,In tiNFW-tot wWW,J'f particular. 1'pr overwoVked worul WivWifr.9 auAB9'V?V J?P ODtt wn-dovii, debilitated teachers mrfck th? Meat "'flmo lilWlmr mttHiieta, , dretemakera, Beamstrefeees JW'ri,"r,Ti,f.-l1"'T-V -ra.naY nwtbrs.ftnd feeble Hfflwm mW9 to.tuvfeiij,yaw mm-s&"mm Mtt' 3"J 'UiVfcM'" W1' krorriltn mmnnil. MT v. ''Kavorltn PrmnrlhilntiM I ' IkU irrAUflt UOSSlbls boos. Iminif nn. eousWd a an admUxIuu cordud&nd Tf, ii)MlYiotllfc ' Merchant Tailor I A-JA OP JVPJY YEAPS' EXfERNqE, - And supplied with onlyj-- Kirst Qlss Qoods 8UITINQ PAyTrjOODS, VJB8T PATTHpTS BUCjisUq gtjaranteecy Pjhit luurnost Cq'a, block! Sftm Firstfcinall " SALEM. OltEGON WM. N. bADUK, - !). J. UBYXOLDH, -JOHN MOIll, - - - - . . 11 Vic 11 ,Qf)!JERAL BfiW Esahaneon rorU;nd, Hn j bouehta&dsold. mat. WMBUT 5Mi8j "" n..t Muw ---. . r-j irt I eority can b obtlnd at n" "" lacav rtiiDio cooir m