Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 28, 1888, Image 2

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FRIDAY, DEC. 28. 1888.
Capital Journal Publishing Company.
Office, Corner Court and liberty Streetf.
Ono year, by mall 5 WJ
Hlx niiiiiiliN. by mnll . - f go
Three months by mall . 1
I'er weoK uciivcreu uy airrir... i
Onoycnr - - --"-81 jj?
Hlx montiiH - , 75
Ono yenr, if pnlrt for In ndvnncc, 1 00
Hlx montiiH, ' GO
S-lontmnstprs nro authorized; to re
ceive HiibKorlptlons.
S-Knlcrcd ns Bccond-clnss mnttcr nt the
Salem.Orcpton, I'OHtofllce, Juno 21, lb8.
The Capital Jouiinal'b news
colunuib yesterday contulncd the
Bad information tliut a young man
at Philomath was "lying in a criti
cal condition, the result of the ex
cessive smoking of cigarettes."
And only a few weeks ago a case
came under our notice of a Salem
young man who wagered iv friend
that lie could smoke so many cigar
ettes in h certain limited time. The
number was appalling, but he
smoked them. Ho won tlio wager
and lost his life. A sickness fol
lowed this foolish act, from which
dentil nlono could relievo him.
Pertinent to theso deplorable facts
we remark that the growing evil of
cigarette-smoking by boys is one
which ought to bo counteracted in
every possible way. A BobIoii pa
per states that near its ollleo is a
boys' school into which the
bright young fellows troop every
morning with their books in a strap,
and give each other a Jolly greeting
us they meet and that as they come
out of school, a few hours later,
many of them stop at the door, pull
out their bunch of cigarettes, from
which one is selected, and then
start away, pulling tlio smoko from
the mouth and nostrils,
The use of tobacco in any form
is bad enough, audit is a constant
wonder why every boy smokes at
least once in his life. Hut cigarette
smoking is regarded by thoe who
know of what material the cigarette
is made, as the most objectionable
way In which tho poisonous weed
can bo used. In several states laws
havo been parsed against the sale
of cigarettes and tobacco to minors
uedcr sixteen, but to a largo extent
they aro dead letters. There are too
many adult smokers among the
nion whoso duty It is to enforce tho
statute.". If tho father smokes, the
boy will Ifhucan. Against the to
bacco, as the drink ovll oxamplo
mid precept go hand in hand.
Dr. William A. Hammon says it
is a poison to your boys. Excessive
smoking will sow tho seeds of dls
U80 which will develop In later
years. If a boy begins to smoke
u great deal early in life tho
etleots on his luxjy will, by alllnlty,
reach his mind; he will lose energy
nnd steadiness of purpose and will
become tl vacllating, weak man un
lit for tho struggle of life. Cigarette-smoking
Is llko whlsky-drlnk-lng,
tlio nppetlto increases )ust in
proportion as tlio body becomes un
able to bear it. Cigarette-smoking
induces a condition ot tho heart ami
digestive organs which may cause
death at any time. Tho eftecta may
not Iw notleeablo for years in a man.
Now let tho old ohronlo growlors
dry up. Could any desire bettor
weather hi December? Just think
of it; no snow, hills green, humla'ds
of plows running all over the coun
try, llaxen-hnlred children playing
out doors bareheaded. Men tiro
working out doors in their shirt
HleovoH and sweating at that; light
frtwt at night. Think of this and
then think of the "wild waves," tho
bllrtiird'S cyclones and big snow
liloektuies of tho eastern htatos!
"WhIihw diluted at eoiwldomblo
length and on mindry occasions up
on the runmrkabla fertility of oursoll
nil l-itu ability to retain moisture to
within n short tllttamv of tho sur
face. This in one rvan why Ore
gon U such a favored locality. Our
jimjilc m inter ruins are drawn uiton
tin we nctd tin in In tho miumu-r. I
There nro more young men In the
penitentiaries In tho country learn
ing trades than there nre outside of
them. The principal cause of this
Is that wo are educating our young
men for Idle gentlemen, trying to
make lawyers, preachers, doctors
nnd clerks out of material that is
needed for blacksmiths, carpenters,
machinists and other honest" hew
ers of wood and drawers of water."
It is nmlstake, and n big one, to
teach boys and girls that labor is
disgraceful, and to do nothing for a
livinir is more becoming the society
in which they have to move and
have respect. Hang men society!
It is rotten to the core and is ruining
our country to-day, and there are
many sons and daughters who are
now being educated to play the part
of "leading lady" and "walking
gentleman" in the great drama of
life who will light out for the poor
house or penitentiary before the
curtain drops on the last sad act of
the play to which they have been
educated by their too indolent par
The phonograph, that wonderful
Invention about which the world
has read for years, and for which
it has waited so long, Is at lost
ready for the world's practical use.
The old phonograph, inado for ex
hibition only, which could only
squeak, has been seen in years gone
by, but now the modern perfected
instrument has arrived, ready to
enter at once Into business and so
cial life. Its inventor claims that
it will mako wonderful changes in
tho methods of business life, bring
a long train of now delights to prl
vute and sociul life, and prove in a
practical way that it can do tho
long list of extraordinary things
which Edison has asserted for It.
Somo weeks ago tho announcement
was made that tho phonograph was
at last perfected, and would soon be
placed on tho market. Since that
timo the company owning tho pat
ents has been rushing preparations
for its wholesale manufacture, and
arrangements have been made for
placing it before tho public simulta
neously in all tho leading cities of
tho United .States. This will bo
done in about two weeks.
In Atchison, Kansas, is n girl
named Kittle Everest, who was
ottered the choice of giving up her
lover or losing $100,000. Sho re
fused, and said sho would not give
him up for 1,000,000. A girl far
pluck, every time.
In Oregon thellrst year fruit trees
send their roots deep into the damp
ground, and on this account It docs
not require any Irrigation to give
them a start.
Delloito women who complain of n tired
fouling, pulim In the buck and loins, dc.slro
to sleep, dizziness, painful or (suppressed
menstruation, will llnd In Oregon Kidney
Ten n faithful friend. It enn borvlledupon
In every Instant to pdvo Immediate relief
trom kidney and urinary troubles. Thous
ands of women sntlerlni; every day from
homo disorder of tlio kidneys or liver, who
might bo permanently cured by using
Oregon Kidney Tea.
Sold by 1). W. Alathowa & CI "
A tally presented herself to St. Philip
do Neri one liny, licensing herself being of
glvou tosUndcr. "Do you frequently fall
into this fault?" inquired he. "Yes,
father, very often," replied the penitent.
"My dear child," said Phillip, "your fault
is i;reat,lmt the mercy of God is atill great
er! for your penaneo, do as follews: Go
to the nearest market, and purchase a
chicken just killed, and still covered with
feathers; oh will then walk a certain dis
tance, plucking the bird as you go along;
your walk finished, you will return to me."
Accordtug she repaired to the market,
bought the fowl, and set out on the jour
ney, plonking it as she went along, as she
had been ordered to do. In a short time
the returned, anxious to tell of her exact
ness in accomplishing her penance, and de
siring to recieve somo explanation of ono
so singular.
"Ah," said Phillip, "you have been
very faithful to the first part of my orders;
now do the second part, and you will be
cured. Kclracryour steps; pass through
all the places you havo traversed, and
gather up, ouo by one, all the feathers
that you have scattered,"
"But father," exclaimed the poor worn,
an, "that is impossible. I castthafeath
ora carelessly on every side; the wind car
ried them in every direction; how cn I
recover them?"
"Well, my child," replied he," so it is
with yourwoids of slander; like the feath
ers which the wind has scattered, they
have Wen waited in many direouons;
call them luck now, if you can. Go, and
sin tin hhiiv,"
Highland, Cuwkoimii, l. Or,, Mar. iU.
I lm huifrmt with h iIImm of the kid-'
ny for or T )n and for lit hut two
month iimIh-ii tatil wp vritli a pain In
my btu-k. A friend wm me a wtiuple of
IhxU.vtfuu KUnvy Tea, hbiI Iiaviob uoed
llonvwivk I ntu do h hxxhI ity a work.
I UnvedwlwM iiuxo iMMieiti from It than
ull ihi itiiHlU'lnn-1 1ino ' r taken
(Sold by 1 W. Mathews A to.
Scene at tho River Front A Steamer's
Crew Qualifications of a Mate Life of
a Roustabout Punching the Slow and
Statistics for last year's commerce in St.
Louis shows tho arrival o'f 2,3(51 boats and 1,273
barges at, and tho departure of 2,323 boats
from, this port, and the receipt of 807,045
tons and the shipment of fr7,0C0 tons of
freight, all exclusivo of the Immense tonnage
transferred by ferry, and yet the river bos
lost interest, and by many Is entirely for
gotten. All this Is very undeserved Life
on the river and in tho harbor hus all of its
attractions still.
Tho timo has been when tho river front
was lined with steamers, noso to the. wharf,
while now they can crowd In so as to load
from the side, but the sceno now is none tho
less active. Tho wonder is just ns great now
wbero tho great piles of freight are stowed
away, and thero Is Just as much commotion
In loading ami unloading. People with tender
corns nro just as safe in remaining away
from a steamer just In or preparing to leave
portns they ever were. Thoy aro just 03 apt
to havo a barrel rolled on theso name corns,
or to feel tho weight of a roustabout's No. 12
A largo steamer's crow Is composed of a
captain, two mates, two engineers, two
strikers, six firemen, a watchman, threo
clerks, a b toward and ten to twenty assist
ants and a deck forco of twenty to forty. Of
theso tho mate alono has to push and ham
mer when timo Is valuable, except on extra
ordinary occasions and except in the quiet
of his own precincts, where only tho boards
of the boat and those people for whom his
words aro Intended will hear them. The first
mato bos chargo of the loading and unload
ing, and in tho absence of tho captain takes
command of the boat. A steamer like the
City of New Orleans, for instance, will carry
1,600 tons of freight very comfortably. The
mato must load and unload this in a very
short time, as occasion often requiros, but,
regardless of tho time in which tho work
must bo dono, bo must look after any weak
points in tho boat and follow all rules laid
down for tho even distribution of a cargo. If
a steamer has any weak points, they must bo
loaded first. Otberwiso, the mato begins
back aft and loads forward in tho center,
following this rulo In tho hold and on deck,
and being careful to keep tho weight in tho
center. Then he runs out into the wings and
along the sides, always keeping the weight
so evenly distributed that tho steamer will
settle down Into the water as nicely as if
under tho pressure of a single piece of ma
chinery at all points. At tho same time the
freight is loaded with duo regard to points
of unloading, so thut there will not only not
be any rohandling, but no strain caused by
removing freight from ono point and not
from another.
Tho mate must havo a clear, cool head, and
bo a man of somo oxecutlvo ability Even
in an outburst of passion, ho must keep bis
wits about him. He is at something of a dis
advantage in not always having the same
forco to do his work, und thus in not know
inp his men's capacities, for oven day labor
ers havo such things as capacities. 'One man
may lift 300 pounds and another stall at 160.
but tho latter may bo so much more active
that bo will move mora gross weight In half
an hour than tho former This is an object,
and in handling men it is of importance to
consider it. Tho mate, however, soon esti
mates his men. At local landings bo has
only hit regular crow, but in all large ports
he has what is known as shore or hour labor.
These do all tho loading and unloading. The
deck crow attends only to keeping things In
trim. If tho steamer is just in, they are tired
out, and that is enough for tbem to da
Tho roustabout gonerolly seems to have a
happy life, and he posslhly has. There is no
reason to doubt appearances, except the idea
ono not accustomed to it would havo in an
ticipating it. In port and off duty he is a
painter, generally that is, he docs a great
deal toward making things in his vicinitj
lurid, by "making Rome howL" When he
sleeps, if he sleeps nt all, is often a conun
drum, though ho must sleep some place It
is, however, often "with n load ou," and ho
s fortunate if bo turns up foi duty with a
hido free of scratches nnd bruises It Is not
infrequent that hi turns up at the hospital or
thb morgue. Thero nre, however, good
roustabouts, just as there are had church
men. Tho lifo is not ouo calculated to make
them good, but that nuvor seems to trouble
them whllo ou duty, und they never seem to
realize that thoy haven't had a good timo
and get on nhoro to warm up and see their
friends. In tho average steamboat, no pro
vision is made for tho rousters' sleeping.
Thoj an expected to curl up on deck or
among the freight, mid make tlio licst of it.
They aro also expected, on night runs, to
turn out as promptly as soldiers on duty
when a landing Is mado. Still they laugh
and sing the timo away, and "guy" each
other in a manner that should bo profitable
to shons people.
A wealthy twsscnger looking ovor the rail
and seeing tho colored deck hand leaning on
the capstan, smoking a pipe, naturally won
der what pleasures tho world has for him.
Tho deckhand turns and looks up, and the
passenger is surprised that his face bears as
contented a smile as his own, and probably
moro so. The shore laborer U, if anything',
mora ot a curiosity It Is a question if he is
any tougher, because, having moro opportu
nities tor -aoing inings up orown," the act
of doing it is not so mueb of a novelty. Be
will sleep any place, however, Just as tht
deckhand dooa, and is as free to laugh and
jofco when he has a 200-pound box on bis
shoulder as when he has nothing but a few
surplus drinks. The mate, though, looks out
for this, and If he jokes or tho laughter in
terferos with or delay the work, or if, to get
In a good one on another laborer, one of them
stops In his work, he interferes, lie gen
erally carries a stick, more like a club, and
sometimes like a bull prod, and the man who
works slow or "soldiers' la. very certain to
get a punch In the ribs, or in somo other part
of the body. This Is river life in the harbor
and through to New Orleans. Globe-Democrat.
Your modern epicure is now inclined to
elovnto bis noso at the suggestion of ico
cream, and will satirically oumtvo that it is
merely "Xroa trash" for vwy young
The text ot Sir Henry Thompson's gastro
nomic sermons is that healthiest and most
comfortable people in hot weather aro those
who eat iaeat but oneo a day As before ob
served, the butcher say Sir ilsory U an!
Idiot. j
State of Ohio, City of Toledo
Lucas County, S. S.
Frank J..Cheney makes oath that
he Is the senior partner of the firm
of F.J. Cheney & Co. doing busi
ness in tlio city of Toledo, county
and state aforesaid, and that said
firm will pay the sum of one hun
dred dollars for each and every case
of catarrh that cannot bo cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn before me and subscribed
in my presence, this Cth day of
December, A. D. '80.
j seal !
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally and act? directly upon the
blood and mucus surfaces ,of the
system. Send for .testimonials, free.
F. J-CHENEY & CO.,Toledo,0.
fj!a?Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
Idaho means " gem of the moun
tains. " It is Indian.
A Natnr.il Product or California.
Tt is only found in Butte County
California and in no other part of
the world. We refer to the tree that
produces the healing and penetrat
ing gum used in that pleasant and
Directive- cure for consumption, bron
chitis, asthma and coughs, Santa
Abie the King of Consumption.
D. W. Matthews guarantees and
sells it for 1.00 a bottle, or three for
2.50. By the use of Callfornia-Cat-R-Cure;
all symptoms of catarrh are
dispelled and the diseased nasal pas
sage is speedily restored to a healthy
condition. $1.00 a package. By
mail 1.10. Circulars free.
Luckiatnutc is a corruption of La
Camas "the camns."
to coxsuairTrvES.
The undersigned having been re
stored to health by simple means,
after suffering several years with a
severe lung affection, and that
dread disease consumption, is anx
ious to make known to his fellow
sufleicrs the means of cure. To
those who desire it, he will cheer
fully send (free of charge)1 a copy of
the prescription used, which they
will And a sure cure for consump
tion, catarrh, asmatha, bronchitis'
and all throat and lung maladies.
He hopes all sull'erers will try his
remedy, as it is invaluable. Those
desiring the prescription, which will
cost them nothing, and may prove
a blessing, will please address, Rev.
Edward A. Wilson, Kings Couuty,
New York.
Siskiyou is a Chinook jargon word
and means "bob-tailed horse."
Wonderful Cures.
W. D. Hoyt & Co, Wholesale and
Retail Druirirists of Rome Qa. sav:
We have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovery. .Electric Hitters and
Buckleu's Arnica Salvo for four
years. Have never handled reme
dies that sell ns well, or give such
universal Satisfaction. There have
been some wonclerl'ull cures effected
by these inedicinesinthiscity. Sev
eral eases of pronounced consump
tion nave been entirely curert uy
use of a few b-ttles of Dr King's
New Discovery, taken in connec
tion witn Electric Hitters, we
guarantee them always. Sold by
Dr.H.W. Cox.
Malheur is of French origin and
means "tho Ill-fortune river."
Personal. .
Mr. N. H. Frolinstine of Mobile
Alabama writes: I take great plea
sure in recommending Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
having used it for a severo attack of
Jironciutls and uatarrn. it gave
mo instant relief and entirely cured
me and I have not been afllleted
since. I also beg to stato that I had
tried other remedies with no good
result. Have also used Electric Bit
ters and Dr. King's New Life Pills,
both of which I can recommend.
Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Coldi, is
sold ou a positivo guarantee Trial
bottles free at H. W. Cox's Drug
Rickreal is a corruption of La
Creole (French) meaning "tho
Creole. "
Ulgekt and be Jolly.
Did ever nnyono fceo a Jolly dyspeptic?
Wo trow not. What natural cheerfulness
Is proofnc:ilnnt;tlio almost ceaseless annoy
ance of chronic Indigestion? People whose
stomachs aro constantly disturbed exhi
bit tho utmost peevishness nnd nervous
Irritability. Hnppllj- for them slnco the
Irritable and nervous prematurely fret
themselves Into tho grave tranquility of
tho stomach und renewed good temper
n wilt t them In a sure quarter, if they will
but seek It, The penliil Momiicblc, IIos
tetter.s Stomach Hitters, breeds cheerful
ness by Insuring Its centlal pro-coudltlon
osy dlfjebtton. Hllllousness, too, aud
constipation, malevolent companions of
tho txinschee, dpcpsln, vanish after n
brief but steady courte of the alterative.
Many a tempor nntunilly sweet, but con
tinually hrured by tho combined attack of
this trio of imps, p-nen the boundary of
monomania, i-reNeniinispossiuiiiiy wnn
the Hitters. Malaria fevers, rheumatism,
kidney complaints and debility are truly
rolloTCd by this standard mrdlclue.
La Couuille, Coos county, is tdso
ofFrenoli origin and means "tho
Tmck laying continues nnd the
end of tho track is near" Btulbanks,
borne four miles abovo Dan Smlth;
Aa AbMlite Care.
OINTMENT la only put up In large
two-ouueo tin boxes,. ami is av
absolute euro for old sores, burns,
wounds, chapped hands, and aj!
sKin oruptiona. Will positively
euro all kinds of piles. Ask for the
MENT. Sola byD.W. Matthews
A Co., 106 State street, Salem, t jf
etmts per box by rrif so cents.
Leather and Findings!"
Hides, Pelts and Furs,-
231 Commercial St.,
Salem, Or'
Fruit Farms ot Ten
These lands are not offered at enhanced prices. The'soil and location are
Especially adapted to growing PEARS, PRUNES, AND OTHER
FRUITS for shipping green to tho Mining districts and
Farther East, while the mutual cooperation in
Shipping, storing and selling fruits will .
Be no small consfderation. j
The Very Best Laid For Fruit Growing ! ! j
The canneries of SALEM, WOODBURN and ALBANY aro at easy
of access. Nonebut first class families desired. Will meet
Parties with team. Correspondence solicited.
A Complete Line of-
Beautiful Holiday Goods!
Has just been received at tho Old and Established
Salem Jewelry Store of
S.W. Thompson & Co.
All kinds of Watches, Jewelry and
Goods First Class.
R. M. WADE &.C.O,S
282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM.
Also a Cujilttf Stfl of Harare aid
o 0
SsbsgjK.T'. -
u rj
to Forty Acres ! ! !
Stayton, Or.
Silverware. Prices satisfactory and
Garland, Stoves, .
Charter Oak Stoves,
: :?! )- Brighfon Range
Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriag
MrV '' V ,StS7