OVER THE CAPITAL CITY". Complete Recital of the Daily Doings Com piled From Various Sources. Happenings Over tlio City nnd News From tlio Country Honndnliout. The Woolen .Mill Proposition. At tho council chamber last night there was nu enthusiastic mooting of the citizens and tho report of the water power committee was hcaul. There wero no additional proposals to dispose of sites and the purchase of the Orny power for $10,000 was dis cussed thoroughly. Tho committee was enlarged by tho addition of Squire Farrar, H, "W. Cottlo and Hendrix, with in structions to inquire further into the desirability of tho several sites and to gain deflnito propositions from nil, us well as one from Thomas Kuy, lato of tho Brownsville woolen mills, who it is expected will build the mill. It was the sense of the meeting that these performances bo executed with tho greatest possible speed. Tho meeting adjourned to meet at call of the chairman, immediately after the holidays If favorablo option can be secured on tho purchase of the building sites. He PREPARING FOR MOODY. Will Positively IVisit Salem on January Third. licet Sugar Possibilities. Clans Sprcckles ciimo to tuko a look at tho site selected for the pro posed beet sugar factory in Salinas. A committee representing tho Sali nas Board of Trade, and Mayor Hill, representing tlio city, met Mr. Spreckles at tho depot with a car riage and accompanied him to the proposed slto which embraces twen ty acres of land bordering on the north side of tlio southern Puclflc track, a short distance west of the Salinas Hour mill. Mr. Sprecklcs expressed himself well pleased with tho spot selected and assured the committee that lie would build a lactory hero In time to commence crushing beets by July 1, 1800. In tlio meantlmo he bays that ho will buy all the beets that our farmers will raise and deliver at tlio Wntson villo factory. Salinas Weekly. Extensive preparations are now under headway for tlio revival meetings in this city. They 'will begin on Thursday of next week and will bo conducted by Messrs. Studd and Burke, revivalists of great ability. Mr. Moody will leave Portland on January first, going to Astoria, whero ho will devote a day to the sailors. Ho will arrive in this city on tho third of January, according to present schedule, and will be here for at least three or four days. His promise is for this many, but tho executive committee have hopes of prevailing upon him to extend his visit a few days longer. The M. E. chucrh is being made in readiness for his reception and the accommodation of tho multitudes that are expected to come to hear him. Wednesday night rehearsal of songs will he conducted at the M. E. church. The book used is the regular No. 5 and the following have been selected: 5, 21, 23, 32, 38, 40, 42, 43, 40, 57, 61, 04, 65, 00, 69. THE MILLERS' TRUST. Is There a Trust ? Confliction Opinions Yes And No. She Wiote to Santa ('Inns. Among other letters deposited at tlio postoftlce for mailing last night, was ono bearing tho address of "Santa Clans, euro of Ben Taylor." It wasn neat att'uir, and carried the burden of a llltlo olio's wish in these words : "Santa Clans, pleaso send us Home mittens audsomethingnlcefor Lull m, Myrtle and me." There was no signature to the epistle, but perhaps the authorship can bo traced by tho names. Her request is an easy one and no doubt Santa Clans will hour tho prayer of this little worshipper at Ids shrine. JlnoJy at Albany. Kvaugclist Moody announces that he will address tho students of the statu convention of the college bianch or tlio Y. M. C. A. which will assemble at Albany, Jan. 2nd. The Herald expects a hundred or more visiting students from Port land, Salem, Kugene, Corvallis, and other places will ho present. A Dusted l'owiau). At KugeiioThursduyas there was only $11 in tlio house, tho Lilian Draw Dramatic Co. gave it up and disbanded. Tho members of tlio orchestra aro stranded there. Tho Tho others got away. To illustrate that there aro dif ferent opinions as regards tho ex istence of a trust among tho millers of Oregon, tho following arc sub mitted. Tho former is from the millers, via tho Portland News, while tho latter aro among several resolutions passed by Marion County Pomona Orange during a meeting at Woodburft on tho 13th lust. THE MILLURS SAY itO. "Wo printed tho other day an ex tract from a farmer's letter to the Salem Capita i. Journal in rela tion to an alleged Millers' Trust in tills State. Sinco then wo havo re ceived tho assuranco of a large stock holder in llouring mills in the neighborhood of Salem, that there is no foundation for tho statement that there is hi Oregon any 'Trust' among mill owners. On tho con trary ho assures us that tho millers are at all times in active competition with eacli other for sales of their products. And that furthermore, instead of making money last year on Hour all tho merchant mills lost money; and that with tho present downward tendoncy of prices the prospects are Reed for them to lose more money this year. " TIIK QRANOKHS SAY YES. WHintEAs, Thcro exists in Ore gon a combination composed of the millers of Oregon, through whose control Hour has been advanced in price not less than ono dollar per barrel more than is reasonable. Therefore, Resolved, That tho attention of tho next legislature be directed to tho matter of extending tho law reg ulating tolls to exchange wheat for Hour. Thf Machinery Is All Here. After so long a time tho complete machinery for tlio Salem steam laundry has arrived. It is now be ing placed hi position and thelaundry will ho propaivd to conuneiu'o work by WodnoMlay of next week. Their Ureal Surms. Wherever tho celebrated l)n. Dar rin go they perform such wondurful and so many cures that tho people upon whom tlio results aro wrought tiro only too glad to put their names In print and let tho world know, that others may receive like cures. Under dato of Dec. 21st, D. B. Bald win of Bueun Vista says: "I wish to rolato my case to tho public, that others may bobonllltted as I havo been. Kvur hhico I was 10 yeara old, I havo boon deaf. It was caused by whooping cough. I am now 65 years old. I had also a ringing hi my hoad nnd cars, so bad that, at times, I could not rest at nights. In this condition 1 camo to Drs. Darriu, now stopping at Sa lem, Or., nnd consulted them. They said thoy thought they could euro mo, I have taken live days treat ment, and tho. ringing In my ears was virtually cured by the flrst treatment, aud my hearing Is now restored. I can bo aeon aud referred to at my home at Bueua Viata, Or." i Dedicatory Services. Tho A. O. U. W. held their dedl catory services in their new hall last evening. Prof. S. A. Starr was master of ceremonies. Hon. Win. Armstrong delivered tho addresss of welcome. A variety program of music, declamations and recitations was then had ami a half-hour spent in general hand-shaking and Intro ductions, after which the folding doors wero thrown open and all wore Invited to partake of the splendid repast provided by the ladles wives, daughters and friends of tho order. After thisan hour or more was spent In conversation and a general good time was had by all present. This olllco acknowledges tho receipt of ono of tho twelve baskets full that wero gathered up, and must add that tho contents wero good enough for any klug. Tho order has demonstrated many times in tho past by timely relief given tho needy and especially tho widows and orphans, that It Is n suc oos and now since they havo se cured such magnltlctiut and capa cious quarters the order ought to double Its present membership in idu of tho next quarter. LOCAL SUSIMARY. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith, 92 State street, tf. Remember tho mental philoso phy class at 3 p. in. Sunday. Tho senate and the house have taken an adjournment until Janu ary 2nd. If you arc looking for Hats call on tho Capitol Adventure Co., opera house corner. tf Eugene papers claim that Moody will be thcro on Jan. 3rd and speak. Joe Cook has gone down to Newberg to spend Christmas with his parents aud girl. Dave Bowman, who has been visiting relatives in Salem, left this morning for San Francisco. Tho river is again falling slowly, and stood nearly seven feet abovo low water mark last night. The place to buy your Holiday Goods is at tho Capitol Adventure Company, opera house corner. tf. Beforo purchasing clothing it will pay you to call on the Capitol Adventure Co., opera house corner. tf. For choice groceries and flue Salem evaporated fruits, and gen eral groceries pay a visit to Martin & of Cox. tf. WHlard McCuuo, who shot James Bewly during tho Sheridan quarantine, has been indicted for manslaughter. A new store in Salem is that of Roth & Greenbaum, in the opera building. They carry drugs, gro ceries, notions, etc. Tho place to buy your Holiday Presents Cheap is at the Jewelry Store of John G. Barr, 106 State St., Salem. 3d-lw. For holiday candles, nuts, cigars, notions, etc, goaud see what Speight & Souder, Court street, oiler you. Prices low. 1 m d w Follow tho crowd aud you will turn up at Squlro Farrar's, where groceries aro pure and cheap. Join tho procession. tf. They aro opening up a cleau and'tiico stock of drugs and grocer ies in the opera ouildiug. We refer to Roth & Greenbaum. Bo sure and call at Wm. Sar gent's and examino his stock of Christmas goods before purchasing elsewhere. He has a nice lino of goods. Commercial street. 4-d. Notice. All persons knowing themselves to bo indebted to Rotan & Whitney will oblige by calling and settling their accounts within the next thirty days. 1-w. Rotan & Whitney. You'll regret too late thatyou did not havo your friend or relativo visit Sperry the Artist and have a per fect likeness taken. Heed the moral go now beforo it is forever too late. For fine work Sperry, the artist, knows no superior. t f The old Kelly blacksmith shop on Commercial street is being strengthened and moved two feet to tlio Last A new front will bo put in and Fishburn & Schuniakcr will ojeupy tho building for a fence factory. St. John asks thequestlon, "Are you for tho saloon or the homo?" Tho answer given Is, "you bet your life." But when you are asked where you can get the best goods and price on tea, coffee, groceries, etc., tho answer is, at Squlro Far rar's. tf. The finest linoof Holiday Goods over brought to Salem, consisting of Library Lamps, China Tea Sets, Vases, Cups and Saucers, Box-wagons, Dolls by tho hundreds, Doll wagons, etc., can bo found at Johu G. Wright's. Prices are at bed rock and goods first-class. tf. For flno work you should go to Cherrington's, the artist. If you aro looking for something nlco for the holidays, go and seo him. His work is tho finest. Timo is fieetlng and Christmas is near. Bo sura and give him timo to finish your worn upniceiy. tuo accepted timo 10 navo your "picture now. FIRST DEATH FROM SMALLPOX. Sorry Situation of the LaChappels Salem's Quarantine Raised. Judge Shaw last night received information from N. S. Todd of Woodburn that ono of tho LaChap pel children had died yesterday afternoon of smallpox. He further related that Amadi LaChappel, the head of the family and tho first one to bo attacked, was lying at tho point of death. Tho several mem bers of tho family are all down with it and aro in very serious conditions. It is expected death will result in one if not several instances. The family, being so long sick and under quarantine, aro in really distressing circumstances and tho county is a second time appealed to for aid. The one nurse furnished is nearly worn out and a new one is a necessity. This wants will be looked after by tho authorities and they will not bo allowed to suffer for nursing and tho necessaries of life. This mornlug quarantine which has for so many weeks rested upon North Salem was raised, the Schawb family having all recovered. Tho fear of an epidemic hero has fled, and with tho complete recovery of the five persons who wero afllct ed the affairs of life and business are entered upon with their usual wont. Santa Claijs ,--At LUNN &, BROWN'S Finest Stock in the City! Furs, Handkerchiefs, Silk Hose, Silk Mitts, Cloaks, Dry Goods, Ladies Hand Purses Etc. Lumber and Fuel. In tho settlement of many of the western states tho settlers were of ten many miles from any lumber sup ply and fuel had to bo hauled a great distance, consuming a great amount of valublo time. Hero wo have tim ber on every section and there is scarcely a township without its saw mill, giving us an abundant supply of building material at low figures. Material for making brick is to bo found in every lecality: limestone from which a most excellent quality of lime is made very abundant. Comfortable houses can be built at a small cost compared to that of many localities. An editor is human. He is reliable to grammatical blunders, toothache, typo graphical errors and loss of memory, and usually has twenty-live thousand people watching to catch him napping. He is a man ot sorrrow and acquainted with grief, the landlord, the fellow who cashes sight draft for the city bank, tho tax collector, the intelligent compositor and proverty. His children sport in "rags" while the man who deals out the "ardent" next door dresses his kids in qiddy height of the latest cuts from Paris. He walks home with a piece of liver or a 10-cent cut from the stem end of a ham for his breakfast, while the Dago who sells peanuts from a goods box in the streets can feast on wines and savory meats; and yet the woods are full of people desirous to become editors. Ex. The ollicers of the Oregon Pacehc rail road are promising to give the bunch grass es of Crook county, railroad connection with the outside world within the next tuulva month. From Watrrloo, Iowa, two men have b;en taken to the insane hospital at Mount Pleasant recently who went insane over the election. One v agered S1000 on Har rison several weeks before the election. After he had made the bet the possibility of losing it preyed upon his mind until his wife became tired and tried to et the man with whom he bet to withdraw it, She only suceeded in getting one $100bet withdrawn. Her husband won $000, but before the election came he had lost his mind and has since become insaue. The othci man took part in the campaign ex tensively and became mentally unbalanced soon alter the result was known. 239 Cor. State and Commercial SALEM, OREGO CALL AND EXAMINE IpSSHOE! BOOTS AND SHOES TJ 11 1 I II . . ir win oe to tne people's interest to examine their stock i Shoes and boots beforo buying. They havo just received au Excellent stock from the best factories, and every pair Is warranted to give satisfaction. REMEMBER -When looking for- Call at Fry's Drug Store! Toilet Goods and Cases at Reduced Prices. BSyHandsomest picture Lady Callers. cards ever given away in Salem. Free M Will fei iiBusiness!! January 1st, - Wo will inako 1889, ESTABLISHED HT NATIONAL ATrrn0KIT The Capital National Bant (IU1UI id ia A gc in bullous, or have an Irregular appetite, then wo advise you by all means to take l)r Henley's Dandelion Tonic. It will inuko a uevr man of you. Bold by 1). W. Mathews Co. Yon Cannot do Better Thau call at tho Grange Store, 120 State street, if you want a good tea or auytutng eiso in tlio grocery line. Don't fail to look at tho White Bros. Extracts, the best in tho rnar- kcu t-r. Saltn IllattrsteJ. An artist of tho West Shore Maga zine has spent several days hi Sa lem making a number of sketches for tho January number of that magazine. This number will bo chletly devoted to engravings of the capital city, and will bo accompanied by a largo supplement showing tho state cupltol in tho center, surround od by portraits of members of tho legislature. Tho wholo will bo ex ecuted lu tho artlstlo manner which has given tho West Shore its great reputation, struck" is tf A startling yell was heard this mornlug on the corner of High and Court streets that chilled tho blood. Rut Investlgalton proves that it was only tho boarders cheering tho cleau aud palatable faro of tho new "Home Ilcstaurant" and Its propri etor E. ir. Law. Hoard 3 per week. tf. A visit to the gallery of Cuttor lln, tho artist, demonstrates tho axiom that good work always Ilnds a ready salo aud good goods a Arm market. Ho Is rushed with work aud continues to turn out the best, always giving complete satlsfaetlou. Ho is agent for Prof. Krumboln's oil paintings. Give him a call and get a perfect likeness. tf. Highland, Clacknmas, Co. Or., Mar. 20. I hu e suffered with a disease of the kid neys for 8 or 7 years and for the last two months have been laid up with a pain Jn my back. A friend sent me n sample of tho Oregon Kidney Tea, and having used it one week I can do a good day's work. I havo derived more benefit front It than all the medicines I have ever taken. J.Q.NEWUILU Sold by D. W. Mathews & Co. Tho firm of W. Beck & Sou lead In dolls, toys, novelties, scrap-books, albums, Christmas cards, Christmas tree ornaments aud 1700 other things to numerous to mention. 04 State Street Salem Oregon. tf Delicate women who complain of a tired feeling-, pains In the back and loins, desire totlreiv. diulnesa. painful or sumiressed menstruation, will nnd In Oregon kidney Until that timo wo shall ofler our Entire Stock for CASH at Prices that BEAT Our Own RECORD FOR LOW PRICES. That is Saying A Good Deal in So Short a Space. Call Early, And get the benefit. Forsincr, Tiffany k Co. 297 Commercial St.. Salem, Or. UK SALEM, - - - OREGON, Capilal Paid up, - - - Surplus, ----- -10.M R. 8. WALIiACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President J. H. ALBERT, - - - Cashier. DIRECTORS. W. T. Gray, TV. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, It. a Wallace, Br. W. A.Cuslck, J. II. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANSMADE To farmers on wheat and other msitAl able produce, consigned or in sioro, eftherln private graaaricsor public warehouses. State and County Warrants BongWatPit COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Dnfjl drawn direct on New York, Chicago, i 1 Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, lie j iioug jvong una iaicuiia. It can be relied upon Tea a faithful hiead. in every Instant to live immediate relief from kidney and urinary trouble. Thous ands of women snfleriur every day from una disorder of the kidneys or liver, who mhrht be permanantly cured by nilnr Orrcou Kidney Tea. Hold by IX. W. Mathews d Ox Merchant Tailor! A MAN OF TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, And supplied with only Kirst Class Goods surnNa PANTS ClOODS, VEST PATTERNS Satisfaction guaranteed. G. C. H0GAN. State Insurance Co's. block, Salem First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. WM. N, dr. j. rey: JOHN MOIH, LADUE, - NOXOKJ, ;,.$& .'r. 5i GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on rortland, Han. Fra2 New York, London and H JSf boufht and sold. Bute, County ajS warrants boufht. Farmers are ""SS invited to deposit od transactbj with us. liberal adTaaees , wheat, wool, hops ana oiuor "?- reasonaOi rates. Insurance i on sa eurity eon be obtained at Uo k0 most rename companim.