Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 22, 1888, Image 2

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-1IY T1IE-
Canital Journal Publishing Company.
ODlce, Corner Court and Liberty Streets,
Ono year, by mnll......- .(5 00
Hlx monlliu. by tniill H tt)
Tlireomontlwuyjiir.il 1 25
ler m, culc delivered by cmrler 15
Ono yenr !1 W)
Hlx inonlht . ... V
Ono j our. If tinldforlnndvnnce. 1 00
Hlx months, " " " 60
tfiH'ostmnMers nro mitliorizcd to re
echo subscriptions.
AIM'tilcrcd nHKeeond-clns'i inntlcrnt tho
Baleni,OicKon,l'osti)Illecl.Iitno21, 18SS.
Ah tlio tumult of the recent polltl
cnl contest rolls nway, bo Hint par
ticular parts of tjio Held can .,bc
scanned, it becomes more and more
evident that ithc cash purchase of
votes was an enorjuous factor iij the
election. The press of the smaller
cities ami towns, of both political
parties, (cems with particular in
stances of buying by wholesale and
retail. The Watertown Times (re
publican) judges that something
over :!00 votes were bought in that
city at an average price of ?20 each.
''lJoth parties," it says, "went into
it apparently by mutual consent."
So openly was the trnlllc carried on
that boasts were- made by both buy
ers and sellers, tho former of their
success in getting wliat they paid
for, tho latter of their smartness In
gotting a month's wages for n day's
work, or rather for a day's idleness.
Tho Watertown Times very justly
observes that for every vote bought
tills year two must bo bought next
time, and that tlio price will rise in
proportion to tlio importune.) of the
election, ai)d that unless a stop is
put to tho practice, the llcpubllo
will cease to exist.
What is hnpoitant in such a crisis
is not to tlx responsibility upon one
party or the other, but to take steps
to buvo the fiibiio of government
ftoin swift destruction. We are in
deed, at (ho turning of tho ways.
If wo go as wo are going, the insti
tutions that wo piie so highly will,
in a few years, be submerged in cor
ruption. The contagion of vote
buying and vote-soiling will spread
and Increase until elections will
cease to havo any political signifi
cance; the national policy will be at
tho disposal of the largest purse.
No condition moro hideous can bo
imagined. Popular respect for pop
ular institutions will dwindle away
and gradually eetiM) to exist: young
men and women will glow up to re
gaid government as the prize of bri
bery; the moral tie that binds socie
ty together will be unloosed.
Tlio voto should bo held to bo
it is tho distinguishing budge of
a five man. Tho responsibility is mi
great, that it does not cease with
tho dropping of the ballot into tlio
box. It goes beyond that. War
may result, thousands of lives may
bo sacillUvd, millions of treasure
destroyed, towns and villages may
bo desolated and tho country be
come bankrupt through the easting
of votes by men who accept bribes.
Even there the ell'eet of thu pur
chased ballot docs not cud, for when
the briber and bribed lay rotting In
their graves; thejr children and
children's children miller from the
Infamous act of a (lodforakuii and
dishonorable wretch, with, Jiving In
a free country, bartered his freedom
for n mesa of pottage. If wo could
havo our way, tlio briber and bribed
should ho. branded In such a man
ner that everyone should hoo tho
"mark of Cain" upon thorn ami re
fuse to trust them, liellovo in their
word, or have dealings In any shajH)
with mon w thoroughly lost to honor.
lloncht intiplo who wish to sit)
a government Used on tho will of
thinking people, ought to bo protoe.
tod from thtfco crvaturos, who tut)
greater dangers to the community
than all the Yellow Fovor, Cholera,
nml Kmalljwx victims could over
Then uiiut U h moral iiuaran
tltic itubhhit if our country Is to
fultll the aspiration of Washington
and Jetl'i rwn and the inrly pioneers
f gumiin l!i ul'lhauwm
Now is the time to strike. Salem
has, nn opportunity to bq something.
Will she,, do, it? A shorf. time, ntjo
a railroad company proposed tp, the
the, people, of. Spokane Falls, thnt.if
they would raise the company ono J
hundred and fifty thousand dollars
that said. company would run the
road to the Falls. In three dnys
the money was raised and iusldo of
threq months property doubled in
valuation. The prosperity of no in
land town ever has exceeded It and
it still g'ows and becomes more
prosperous every day. Albany se
cured the O. P. Road by n subsidy
and will secure the woolen mill un
less Salem takes hold promptly and
nets. The opportunity lost can
never be regained. If our business
men men who have nn interest
in the town will lend till properly
the amount can be raised in a few
dnys. Will they do It? jSow Is tlio
time to act. A story is told of a
poor man who lost his horse all he
had to earn bread for himself
and family. His neighbors gath
ered around to console and feel
sorry for him. . At last a practical
man among them took of his hat
and said: "I. feel sorry for our
neighbor, very sorry and I have no
doubt you all feel as sorry as I do."
Then thruwing live dollars in tho
hat says: I feel sorry five dollars
worth. How much sorry do you
feel?' And passed tho hat to each of
tho lookers on. He soon gathered
enough to buy a new horse and sent
tlio poor man on his way rejoicing.
Every man in the city should feel
public spirit enough to subscribe hs
proportion for tlio woolen mill and
leave margin enough to cover up
tho deficit of those who are too little
to help hi this good cause.
The St. Louis Republican, one of
the leading journals of the West has
become very emphatic on the liquor
question. It claims that the saloon
element controls the city politics,
and says the corner grocery with
its saloon attached must go. For,
continues its leading editorial, every
corner grocery, as will readily bo
seen, has a good many mon on its
books, and how many of these will
let his vote staud between him and
his living? Not many, it is safe to
say; and so tho aggregate of votes
Inllucnced by these places must
roach an astonishing figure. There
nro, in round numbers, 800 corner
groceries with saloon attachment in
St. Louis. Lot us suppose that eacli
of these iutluences n do.cu votes
though that number Is probably far
too small and wo havo a grand to
tal of nearly 10,000 votes absolutely
oontiolled by these doggeries. That
is a sulllcient number to elect or de
feat any man who might bo nom
inated for aiiyollleo in tlio city, ac
cording to tho soverlgn will of tho
beer bosses, nnd against tho most
strenuous efforts of the respectable
element. It looks somewhat dis
couraging, it must bo confessed, on
tho faco oflt, to tnko up tho cudgels
against such n Titanic evil. Rut
thcio Is one weapon It cannot with
stand tho Law. Tho law Is still
supreme and it will prevail. Tho
comer grocery, with saloon attach
ment, must go.
By tho Australian plan of voting
tho tiekctB, which nro printed by
the state nnd furnished to tho voters,
have on them tho names of all tho
candidates. A man who is entitled
to voto Is given one of these, and In
a compartment where no ono can
see him be erases tho names of those
to whom ho is opposed. If he can
not read ho makes atlldavltto that
clU'Ct, and then two sworn scruti
neers take him to another private
room, read over to him tho names,
and then hu scratches oil" whichever
ho pleases. Tho men swear that
thoy will keep secret what ho has
done, No fault has been found with
the workings of tho system thus far
except by those who wero iu tho
habit of buying voters aud who
liked to know that thoy got tho
goods they purchased.
Somk people are u little anxious
about fuel for tho future, and a vast
number of people iu Kansas, Ne
braska ami Dakota almost perish
for want of coal or rather for want
of souse. They nro people who if
Itvlug on an Island with fresh wat
er all around would perish for want
of tea to drink. Millions of tons
of grow, weeds and tmsh lay around
the Kansas and Dakota sutllron,
yet they freoao to death. They
have not house enough to get a D-
kottt stove made to bum straw and '
w liti-h, tilled three ttinw a day nn it h '
....... i ...ii n.. i ,
straw, Wats
all the wood stoves'
i known.
1 1 jt- 1
TitK joke Is oahpjjyvnp of
Maryland wno nxm., ujq, uajo o-jfyq,
criminal's execution; eon. tlu ,20th
day of FebrunryjtI68ai.,,TUeror,t,j3.
no such a day. jTjicv sjmio.'.inlgta.kcJ
was mndc by Judge. Btise , cjfj this
district, in sentencing, Marple to
hang in Yamhill. The case was
taken to the supreme court on the
mistake but the court afilnned the
judgement and the circuit judge re
sentenced Marple to hang and he
wns duly banged. Leader.
A witiTKK who has been in
Japan for five years says: "The
first month I was in Yokohama I
was invited to a stnto bail. There
were about 1,000 ladies present and
of this number only three were in
foreign dress, I was at another of
those balls this year, nnd there were
only three ladies in Japanese cos
tunic. The Japanese women look
a good deal prettier in their native
dres. They are too small to look
well in American costume."
An unmarried man recently drew
a crisp new live dollar bill out of the
bank. A happy thought .struck
him, and he wrote an ardent love
in ii. r. !i l.. m... !..i.
letter across the face of it in blue hit
and signed his initials and address.
Then he spent the five. By Thurs
day Inst he had received fourteen
answers, many of tliqra enclosing
photographs. He will marry one
of them (not the photographs, but
the original of one of theni) early
in January.
(Inl) a Humor as let.
E. O. Norton informs the Port
laud News "that tho state has pur
chased 800 acres of thq L. M. Savage
claim nt Salem. With the 400 ncrcs
already owned by the state, this
will give a total of 1200 ncres in one
body, which will be ample for the
state prison, insane asylum, school
for deaf mutes and other institu
tions. It is understood that the
prico pnid,xwas $90 per acre". It is
possible that this tract has been
bonded, subject to purchase when
the legislature meets. Dame rumor
snys bucIi is the case, but fncts nro
not get-at-able. It is true the state
hns uso for tho land and tho pur
chase would bo ono of wisdom.
You will always find No. 1 gro
ceries at L. S. Winters, tho popular
Court street Grocer. 1 m d v
CuMiiiniiiAKn PkiShytkhian.
High street, Rev. B. F. Moody,
pastor. Services Sunday at 10:30 a.
in. and 7:30 p. m.
Ciuu&tian Ciiuitcii. Elder P.
R. Burnett, pastor. Preaching at
10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday
school at 12 in. Prayer meeting
Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
Catholic Crunch Cliemcketo
and Cottage streets. Low mass at
7:30 a. m. High mass and sermon
at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at 3
p. m. Vespers, sermon and bene
diction nt 7:00 p. m. every Sunday.
J. S. White rector.
Unitarian Sooiirrv. Services
at 10:40 a. m. and 7 p. in., and Men
tal Science class nt 3 o. m., Sundny.
Conducted by M. V. Rork nt their
hull, corner of Court nnd Liberty
streets, up stairs. All persons in
clined to a rational faith are invit
ed to join these exercises.
Bavtist Chuhcii. Corner of
Liberty and Marion streets. Rov.
A. R. Mcdbury, pastor. Services
at 10:30 a. si. Sunday school
nt noon. Young Peoples' meet
ing nt 0:15 i'. ji. Weekly
prayer Meeting Thursday evening.
ah are coruiauy invited.
M. E. Oi I ukch. Services will bo
held iu the M. E. church to-morrow
as follews: Morning, at 10:30; eve
ning at 7, Sunday school at 12 jr.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 0:80. All are invited. Seats are
free. Prayer meeting every day at
3 p. m. Extra seatshave been pro
vided that all whoconio may be
made comfortable
Morning subject: The star of
Bethlehem in tho ascendent: eve
ning: Tlio way young men defeat
Services at 1030 a. m. Sunday
school at 12 o'clock, Christian En
deavor meeting at GKK); evening
service at 7. Rev. Aiiseim B.
Brown, pastor. A cordial wel
come is extended to all. Boats free.
H. A. Newell, pastor. Preach,
lng at 10:30 a. m. and 7
i'. M. Society of Christian
Endeavor at 0:30 i sr. Sab
bath school at 12 t. ; R. S. Wallace,
supu i-rayer meeting on Tliursilav
evening at 710 i t. Welcome to
all, at all tue borvlccs.
The sorvices to-morrow will be
appropriate to tho Christmas Sen
Mill, On Monday evening, Christ
mas ove, nt 7 o'clock will ocuur
the Christmas exercises of tho Sab
bath Soliool. Tho public are Invit
ed and all strangers in the olty are
HtllntM MmIIoj.
Every Sunday afteriioou at 8
o'oloek, holiness meetings are oon-
1,ucUk1 Rt " ,nh stn?t't
,""! otJ . 'T',9 ?,mu&v
ternwn8,nt .n. dock, in the W C
T I nail on 1 1 urt !t. All tire cor
dully iiiMtCvl.
State 6pOiiio, City of Toledo 1
, 'MtUB bounty, S. S.
' FrankJiQU$y makes oath that
hols the Bbnlou'prtner of the Arm
ofF:-JjChpno5J Co. doing busi
uosH Iri tin? city of Toledo, county
nfid, state 'afuresaidi and that said
firm will pay tho sum of ono hun
dred dollars for each nnd every case
of catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Su orn before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 0th day of
December. A. D. '80.
Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally nnd nctp directly upon) the
blood and mucus surtnecs of tho
system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tflledo.O.
BST'Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
Ducks nro very plentiful now in
tlio swnles.
A Natnr.il Product of California.
Tt is only found in Butto County
Cnlilornia nnd in no other part of
the world. Wo refer to the tree that
produces the healing nnd penetrat
ing gum used in that pleasant and
eflective cure for consumption, bron
chitis, asthma and coughs, Santa
Abie the Kinir of Consumntion.
D. W. Matthews-njfriarantees and
j sells it for $1.00 a' bottle, 6'r three for
, R-'Rfl Hli tint llnmnf HnllfrirnlnkPnt.
i 50. By the,' use i of Califorula-Cat-R-Ciire,
all symptoms of catarrh nre
dispelled ancl tho diseased, nasiil pas
sage is speedily lestoiert to a healthy
condition. S1.00 YU package. By
mail 1.10, Circulars free.
Whenf loqks well pnd from the
amount sown last fall wo will surely
have a lnrge yield next year.
The undersigned having bnen re
stored to health by simple menus,
after suffering several years with a
severe lung affection, nnd - that
dread disease consumptibnjf is Anx
ious to niake known to'liisjfellow
sufleicrs tho means of cure. To
those who 'desire' t; bo will cheer
fully send (free of chhrge) n copy of
tho prescription used, which they
will tlnd a sure, 'cure for consump
tion, catarrh) nsmntlui; broiichitis
nnd nil throat and lung maladies.
He hopes nil sufferers will try his
remedy, ns it Is invnlunble. Those
desiring the prescription, which .will
cost them nothing, and may prove
a blessing, will please address, Rev.
Edward A. Wilson, Kings County,
New York.
We are to have n
nnd also n bnll on
Christinas tree
Christmas eve.
Wonderful Cures.
W. D. Hoyt & Co, Wholesale and
Retail Druggists of Rome Ga. say:
We have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovery, Electric Bitters and
Bucklen'8 Arnica Salve for four
years. Have never handled ieinc
dies that sell as well, or give such
univeisal satisfaction. There have
been some wonderfull cures effected
by these inedlcinesinthiscity. Sov
erul cases of pronounced consump
tion have been entirely cured by
uso of a few b-ttlcs of Dr King's
New Discovery, taken in connec
tion with Electric Bitters. We
guarantee them always. Sold by
Dr. II. W. Cox.
Studd and Burke will be here
on the 27th and commeuco the great
Mr. N. H. Frolinstino of Mobile
Alabama writes: I take great plea
sure In recommending Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
having used it for a severe attack of
Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave
me Instant relief and entirely cured
mo and I have not been afllieted
since. I also beg to stnto thnt I had
tried other remedies with no good
result. Have also used Electric Bit
ters and Dr. King's New Life Pills,
both of which I can recommend.
Dr. King's New Discovery far
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, is
sold on a positive gunrnntee Trinl
bottles free at II. V. Cox's Drug
Wheat continues at 75 cents iu
Salem with little hopes of nn early
lllKrst ana be Jolly.
Did oer anyone bco ft Jolly dyspeptic?
Wo trow not. What natural cheerfulness
Is proof agnlnstlttienlmogt ceneless annoy
unco of chronic Indigestion I'eoplo whose
stomachs nro constantly disturbed exhi
bit the utmost peevishness and nervous
Irritability. Happily for them since the
Irritable nnd lierou preMiUnrelj" fret
themselves Into 1he Knnotninqulllty of
tho Ktonricli and renewed good temper
await them in u t.uro quarter. If they wiU
but eek It. Tho uenlal stomachic, Hos
tetter.H stomach Bitters, breeds cheerful
ness by Insuring It oeutlul pro-coudltlon
e;My dlgcMInn, llllllousness, too, nnd
constipation, iimleolent companions of
the bnnsehee, dyspepsia, vanish after a
brief but twidy course of tho alterative
Many n temper naturally sweet, bnt con
tinually ton red by tho combined nttuclc of
this trio of linns. paMes tho boundary of
monomania, rrexent this possibility with
the Hitters Malaria fevers, rheumatism,
kidney complaint and debility nre truly
relloied by this standard medicine.
Wheat Is M-orJli only 72$ cents
nt Albany now. Salem continues
to pay 75.
Aa AbMlite tart. ,
OINTJIENTla only put up in large
two-ounce tin boxes, ami is uu
absolute cure for old cores, burns
wounds, chapped hands, nnd nl!
skin eruptions. WIU positively
euro all kinds of piles. Ask for the '
MKNT. Sola byD.W. Mattluwi'
& Co., 106 State street, Salm, t 3 !
i-euts per box by mall 80 cents.
B O , O T S
O o v 0
'' m SlFL b- y)
Leather anil Findings
CAH PaID for
nnns. urtM T s find hiir?.
231 Commercial St., Sa'em, Or.
Fruit Fans of Ten
These lands are not offered at enhanced prices. The soil and, location are
Especially adapted to growing PEARS, PRUNES, AND OTHER
FRUITS for shipping green to tho Mining district? aud
Farther East, while the mutual cooperation in
Shipping, storing and selling fruits will
Be no small consideration.
The Very Best Lid For Fruit Growing ! !
The canneries of SALEM, WOODBURN and ALBANY are at easy
of access. None but lirst class families desired. Will meet
Parties with team. Correspondence solicited.
A Complete Lino of
Bea.Utifu.1 Holiday Goodsl
Has just been received at tho Old and Established
' Salem Jewelry Store of
:.W. Thompson & Co.
All kinds of Watches, Jewelry and
Goods First Class.
R. M. WADK &' GO'S
282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM.
iAIso a Complete Stink of Hardware and
ak jy
I y ' " IwWSil 1
' Sy1IWmM 'A
to Forty Acres ! ! !
Stayton, Or.
Silverware. Prices satisfactory and
Gatad Stoves,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Wliton Raif
Farm Matlikry, Wagoasafld Carria?