CAPI TAL JOURNAL VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., SATURDAY DECEMBER 22, 1SSS. NO. 2GO mHhNP NEW TO-DAY. WANTKD-A BOY TO WORK ON A farm. Address or call at Capital jorkazj offlco. dUr wl. SMALLPOX A PREVENTIVE. THE preventive for smallpox or any other catching disease Is the OREGON PEACH BITTERS. It cleanses your blood and strengthens your system. Every family should have a bottle In their house. To prevent treating dtseasM call at your druggist or address H. "KLAS. No. 24 F BU, Portland, Or. MISCELLANEOUS. HOWARD BROTHERS C. IT. MONROK, J IJ w Tttrr T Late of the ilonroe House. " U Monroe & Bell, Proprlctoi ra Cbiefe Mi -DO General House Mming, Raising and Repairing.' Work promptly dona at reasonable rates. Orders left at Capital Journal offlce will receive attention. 9-11-tf HUGHES, BELLINGER & CO,, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. EASTERN PROPERTY EXCHANGED FOR OREGON, WASH" Ington Ter.orCallfornla real estate. For luiorinnuon nuuresi us ai eunur 01 ine ioi lowing effices: Palestine, 111.; Kansas City, Mo.; Snlem, Or.; 1'ortlnnd, Or. Salem offlco nt Bellinger's machinery depot, near the clly hall, Liberty street; Portland office in the rooms of the State Immigration Board, corner 01 r roni anu agu sircuis. Ji.iu FARMERS T PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE 1 for butter, eggs and poultry. Also liavo n feed store, 201 Commercial street. 10-10-dlm W. L. YATEs. SHEEP EOR SALE. 300 head of stock sheep for sale. For prices and .particulars, address A. care Capital Journal ofllce. dwtf. 3I1LLINEUY AND FANCY GOODS. KlltS. M. K. WILSON Has a very flno stock of new millinery, and Is prepared to do Trimming and Dressmaking In the latest styles, Call and see her new winter goods and styles. 215 Commercial street, Salem. THE SANITARIUM "or the treatment of all diseases of raei nnd women DBS. GILBERT & WEMP GIVE Medicated vapor baths, oxygen inhala tions, electro magnetism, medicated sprays, etc. Offlce and sanitarium In the .Hank block. Consultation free. Hwdw For Sale. A cood Iron frame Horse Power. Good MteWr& KKUK, 812 and 31. Commercial St., 8,1cm. vumjiuuy h oiace. ouitrui, ... FREE BUS. Sample Rooirs for Commercial Travelers. From 51 to $3 per day. SALEM - . OREGON. 104-tf KELLEY BROS., PROPRIETORS OF Meals, 25 cents; board, $150 per week. Fresh milk, cream and oysters always on hand. 210 Commercial St. KW-dtf. Heal Estate Bargains. 51,000 lW acres, 0. miles from O & C de pot. Good house, barn and orchard. Fenced, and in cul tivation. $2,000 SO acres, 4 miles from Salem. Good road to town. Improve ments fair. Fine fruit land. $5,490. 8.1 acres 2 miles from Salem. No buildings. Splendid land, all fenced. Mako a desirable home. $2,500 00 acres 4 miles from Salem. Im provements good. Flno young orchard, and garden land. $1,160 11)0 acres, 7 miles from Salem. Hill land, finely watered. Sell in lots of 40-acre tracts at $25 per acre. $10,600 075 acres, 8 miles from Salem. Excellent grass and fruit land, adjoining Willamette rher. Will sell in tracts. $1,375 51 acres, 4 miles of Salem. House, barn and orchard. Ijirgespring at tlio door. Good soil, and plenty of timber. S2.400. lJOacrcs, 5 miles of Salem; good ruau; nun iui,nu,vu, o.v. running through the place. 800.00 400 acres (4 miles west sido O & C R R) good house, barn and orchard, IX in cultivation, bal ance oak grub pasture land. SS0O .10 acres, 1 mile from Salem, ad- Joining fair ground. Good land; no inuro ements. $1,200 40 acres, 5 miles Salem; all In ' cultivation; no buildings; near school house. Excellent fruit land. M0C3 .T70 acres, o miles rromuixujmj j,vw ' .. ,,- ,., House. barn, an'd small orchard; 150 acres In cultivation. S9 77) Jl lots, with gooa iiuwtonnd barn, 5i,iju .... nim Deslmblo location. wohnvnlwsldes this a large list of city and farm property. Buyers would do well to rail ami examine our holdings before making tneirpurcimoo. WILLIS ACirAMBERLIN. Opera Houte, Court St.. g.oQjf Salem. Or. BLACKSMITIIIXG and HORSESHOEING. I n n nATTT 1 Ml ECBZQSCXI wcl73nf II If3 nir.iiiMLrii ir I y ESwklng. spitting weak and to$Wt 'of the Jt lUverS" roaring In the ears, more oi les '"JSJ? trtnta or heat "tibeDMtii thttt paired, dullness or dlKlnesf of the n eoo. "T'you ye the CatarrU-l Pratu" ense of smell T Is your breath foul T ir.yu symptoms, others only apart, Pat-R-Cure California oay -.aMntbrtb.reuit. Lef cure U . p captain ciXAnuvmW;: Phmni. Trn. In.nrance lmp"7 '127Z. A friend l'T,..,..L(.iih in lu troubled with Chronic Catarrh itor nyprdedJ,WYbt dWutln mended your CallfornU CAT-U-CU" thneiuf,. SMb " tor eomefrUnde, SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY BOLD apw D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, lOS STATE ST.. SALEM, OK SNELL, HEITSHU &.W00DARD, WholesalrfDeool. COSll.NO EVENTS. Dec. 24. Christmas tree, Unptlst church. Dec. 24. Christmas entertainment, M. E. Church. Dec. 25. Christinas entertainment, Congregational cnurch. Dec. 25. Christmas program, Pres byterian church. Gslngto Mrrj 1am Vcm.Ynm Ynm. Licenses to wet reroto-dny issued to J. M. Morris and Eila Tycer; also to F. It. Caspcll and Belle Jones. &AKIN5 POWDE Absolutely Pure. This powder never varlas, A marvel ol purity, strength nnd wholoMimcness. More economical than tho ordinary kinds, nnd cannot bo sold In competition with tho multitudo of low test, Bhort wclglit alum or fihoiphato powders. Sold only In cans. tOVAI. 1IAKINO I'oWDKUCo., 100 Wall.N.Y. r lUISINllSS C VltD.1. DR. J. M. KEENE, V. li. 8., DENTAL nxiim over White Corner. Olllco hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. ljIIYSICIAN. MRS. DR. M. 13. McCOY, J physician nnd sm-geou, has liK'ated and taKcn rooms Band 7 at Mrs. Sargennts in the opera house. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consultation free. 12-2idw. DR. MASON, DENTIST, Suc cessor to Dr. .T. C. Myrd. Olllco over Dusli's Dunk. LOOK HERE! -Wo aro selling- REAL ESTATE! If you want any thing in that line "Vo will bo glad to see you At our ofllce. 07 State St., - - - Salem. Will list property at n fair price. Firo Insuranco a specialty. TI-IOJVT.AS & PAYNE J. W. CRAWFORD, Dealer lu STEAM AND WATER PIPES, Stoves and Tin Ware, Koree and Lift Pumps. MANUKACTUIIKR OK Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware! tMiimhlnir nnd Oos Klttlnc. Roofing and Spouting, uttended toon nhort imlUw. 261 Commefcial St., 5alwn,ur. NEW BOOK. DEEDS OF DARING BY BLUE & GRAY. mh . Ilutilnn nltia VllflMl llirlllltUT 'UH,.nl,lrnnllll tldM duriUK ibicroitelvU war. InUnly lntre.tjnj ftceounui oi expiiiL u iwm. -m- r Z' forlorn bope.. heroic bravery, I !; mcou nd balr-bradth enaipw, rounll Inetdenu, iand-to-wina nniwiw. ""'"' ous nd trle erenU, perilous i 00 eliPer. Jrofuly llluUtl to the me. No other book l .11 like u Att nn..rnph.vmnf.<nWMf IfMU IMn of funds nd freifhl prepaid. PUXBri)W)tlv,i". nra t ww rtae. JOH. ALBKHT, Anal, . .BUm,Orfaa HAVE CONCLUDED TO STAY. An Opportunity That Should Not Be Lost Tu Consult the Famous Drs. Darrin. REMAUKA1JLE CUltES. Through tho earnest solicitation nnd request of their patients and others to extend their visit in Salem they have concluded to do so, and can bo consulted at tho Chemekoto hotel until further notice During their practice hero in this vicinity they met with great suc cess, and proved themselves physl cinns worthy of coulldenco and of uncpiestlonablo reputation, as their cures and testimonials can bo sub stantiated by personal investigation. That Drs. Darrin have eilcctcd extraordinary cures after all cllorts elsewhere have failed, is a fact sup ported by tho strongest evidence. Their cures, moreover, aro rapid and permanent, as tho following testi monials and letters will shew: A PROMINENT LADY OP CORVALL1S, on., rlcitih mm i:xpi:r- IKNCIJ OK DR. DARRIN. Du. Darrin Dear Sir: I wisli to express my gratitude to you for the wonderful results your electro magnetic system of euro has dono in my cabc Two years ago I was stricken down with apoplexy. Numbness and great pain In my head and neck followed fora long time; other allllctloiis caino thick and fast. I had chills, liver and stomach derangomontH.cauBlng vom iting for weeks. In short, my whole system was thoroughly per meated with malarial poison, and continued so until I had u second stroke of paralysis. I rearing of you, I put myself under your care, mid now, after three months treatment, I rejoice to tell you I am restored to health, and can bo referred to at Corvallls, Oregon. It tills will bo of nny scrvlo" to you, publish It. SIr.8. N. P. JlP.ICMIH. ANOTHER OPKV LIHTKR. SlIATTLK, W. T., 1888. Dr.8. Dap.kin Gentlemen: I now take tho pleasure of wilting you that after a full course of your elect ro-nmgnetlo treatment I am now entirely cured of a pain In my chest, which lias troubled mo for over eight years. Having been un der treatment of doctors of Liver pool, Glasglow, Calcutta and Han Francisco, none of them did mo any good until I caino under your troat munt, which I am sure has pur nmii'jtitly cured me, for which, gen tlemen, I beg to remain, Yours gratofully, William Littlk. DIHCIIAItUINO KAIl OUKISI). Dr. Darrin Dear Sir: Tills Is to certify that I have boon under your trontniont for a dleolmrgliig ear, of ono your'H standing, and been cured by you. Itefur to nio at Tillamook, Or. Yours truly, Al.i'RKD Lifl-ciiKit, Jowoler. NKRVOUH IIKIIILITY AND DKAKNIWH C'URHD. Mr. Editor Dear Sir: Itallords mo a grout pleasure to certify that my (luugliter Tullta, who for a long time was nlllletod by nervous dubllity, therosull of a serious attack of malaria! fever, followed by doafuoM and discharge from tho our, mid who 1ms wuslcd uwuy pructlcully to u shudow, bus been fully restored to huulth and strength by the skillful treatment of Drs. Darrin. Those who sww her two or three weeks ago aw ustonUh edut bur rapid and complete re covery. I ntn glad to have mi oj- portuulty thus publicly to thank these skillful physlolaus for their kind onict-a and skillful treatment. I may bo referred to nt No. 91, cor ner Fifth mid Columbia streets, Portland. Mrs. H. A. Woowbn. OVKJCK HOURM AND PLACK OY nUBINHMi. I)n. Darrlu cau le oiuulWnl free at the Chwuokete HotttJ, rklm, Or., until further notice. They will under no clrcutmUn cm take a case they cannot cure or benefit. Charge are rwuwuable, and tho poor treated free from 0 to 10 n. in. dallv. Olllco hours from 10 to 4 dally; evenings, 7 to 8; Sun days, 10 to 12. All curablo chronic diseases, loss of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor rhoea, stricture, soormatorrhivn, seminal weakness, or loss of desire of sexual power In ninn or woman, catarrh or deafness, aro confiden tially nnd successfully treated. Cures of private diseases guaranteed mid never published in tho papers. Circulars sent free. Most cases can rvcelvo homo treatmont after a visit to tho Doctor's ofllce. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. News And Notes of a General In terest to the Westerner. TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. A. Stlnlt. a real estate man well known lu Northern Oregon, Is lying nt death's door with lung fever at Mcdford. Tho voters of Ashland to-day take an informal vote on tho question whether domestic animals shall bo allowed to run at large. Tho station agent at Lebanon says tho recent accident tliero In which Win. II. Watklns had two ribs broken, was his own fault. It has been estimated that tho loss occasioned by the recent wrecking of tho Ymiulnu Hay, near iaqulna City, will equal, If not exceed, J2o0,- 000. Tho Eugene- papers lament that n California gambler, who left there iv few days ago alter a stay of two or three months, beat tho Eugcno boys out of about $7,000. Her own newsnaners say It Is time tho people of Pondletou wcro wakening up to a surprising mid an alarming fact, namely: That tho town Is relatively going down hill. Tho bonus of $100,000 required by Nelson Dennett and others for tho contemplated road from llelliiigham bay to tho Skagit coal Held has been raised by people of Whatcom and Sehome. Tho directors of Corvallls school ordered tho call of a school meet ing to levy u tux sulllclent to ralso fOOOO which is to go toward buying land mid erecting n school house. It was related to tho Ilosoburg Plalndealer by a friend who was re liably Informed by onoof tho parties 'that mi exceedingly rich gold Icdgo was struck In tho southern part of Coos county u few days ago. Two new cises of smallpox aro re ported on tho Long Tom west of Junction. Win. Darrow who was excised by contuct with Prot Nail, tho first patient, Is down with tho smallpox as Is also A. Null, tho fath er of Press. The rough sea which Immediatoly followed, and continued for several days after the steamer Yuqulnu Jlay stranded soon broke up and washed away hor entire upper works. Klio now lie pitched forward with hor hows burled lu thesuiid and stripped of every thing above ducks save her spars mid funnel. In lirr Wltk Ilia Hire. "Wlmt win I do to regain my Inn. lumiU I. vnV" u-rltim Mrs. Carrie It. of Toronto. She adds that seven years i,w she was married undor the iiiimi happy auspices and until six iroutliM since happiness crown ed her domestic life; then her Inin hum! bccH..iedlttuut In his manner toward her, until now he Is positi vely cold Mrs. It. gives no partic ulars but If she Is uflllcted with dls ohmm peculiar to her sex If her cheeks huvo lost their bloom, and her eyoH thulr sparkle It may explain the cause of her complain. In this event Dr. Pierce's Favorite preserii tlon will cMfcct u mugloul change mid restore her to health. As a w erful Invigorating tonic, Dr. Pierce's ruvonto rrescnpium iiapiw strength to the whole system, mid tu the womb and Its apendugeit, lu particular. For overworked worn out, run-down, debilitated teachers ...iilinnn. ilnaMinukurs. Heamsti'UMseH ehop girls, houttekeojHirs, nursing tiiotneni, anu ieouj women h0""-"'- ly, "Favorite Proscription" U the greatest possible boon, being un- equaled an an appetizing cordial nnd rwtoratlve tonlu. l SmoikU Hlit. Genuine new buckwheat flour, and a fine article of table syrup, at the Orange (tore, 120 State vtreet, Balem. tf. Important Events of the Whole World for Twenty-four Hours. The Duty on Sugar. Washington, Dec. 12. Repre sentative Felton has secured a prom ise from the senate tlnauco commit tee to glvo tho California delegation a hearing on tho reduction of tho sugar tnrltl lu tho senate bill. Mr. Felton proposes to present to tho committee a statement of tho condi tion of tho beet sugar Industry in California. Ho will endeavor to show that tho development of that industry thus far proves conclusive ly that the making of beet sugar from Inlets will bo a great success In Callfornln, and will bo ono of tho great Industries of that state. Ho will maintain that tho reduc tion of tho tnrltl on sugar, as con templated in the senatu bill, will oheck and may destroy tho Infant Industry of making sugar from beets. It is probable that the entire California delegation will appear be fore tho committee and urge tho same arguments and protest against a reduction of tho duty on sugar. Anntlipr Calilo l.lnti, Oitawa Out., Dec. 11). It Is un derstood that u company Is being formed with a capital of about $--000,000 to undertake tho laying of a telegraph cable from Hluno Sable, at tho Straits of Dell Isle, to a point on tho coast of Scotland or Ireland. Tho Dominion Government, It Is said, have received from a' London company an oiler to lay a eablo from Halifax to Sable Island for $100,000, and It Is probable that tho necessary grant of money to enable them to accept tho oiler will bo asked for nt tho coming session of Parllamont. AKlllimt I'iiIjk. Washington, Dec. 111. Repre sentative Urccklnbrldge, of Ken tucky, has Introduced tho Joint reso lution reported during the last con gress by Representative Tucker from the committee on Judiciary, proposing mi auioiidmeut to tho constitution defining polygamy, mid making It unlawful within tho Juris diction of tho United States or any state. Turtiirnil t" Dnutli. WlMTMlNHTRR, Md., Dee. 21. Fanny Jones (colored) Is under ar rest, charged with killing a four-year-old child by Inhuman treat ment. Tho child hud been left with her by Its mother to Ikj taken euro of, and sho tortured It to dentil. Tho body was covered with Henm and burns. Tho woman is accused of having tortured other children. IllCnraol CllllllllK Wl. Pomona, Cal., Dec. 21. A letter has been received hero by a brother-in-law of Col. Robert Ingersoll or dering a suite of four rooms to bo engaged at tho Hotel Palomaro for Ingorsoll, from January II until ulxiut February 2fi. lie will spend several mouths lu California tills scusou. ji:m:itso. ims. Itullroud street Is lighted by gaso lene. Ed Honru has ids commodious store about completed. Tho railroad oarenterM have re turned to complete tho new spun of Torough Truss mid roof It. The railroad depot platform has been extended 200 feet. Fifty Italian Iuborurs have passed here of tho O. P. on their way to Portland. Every boy will bo presented with u ton and every girl with u story book. Tills npplleu to nil who muku purchase! nt ueorgu F. Smith' creat Auotlou House during tho Holidays. Ho sure uud remember this. tf. Buklea'i IriUt Stir. The bent salve In the world foi outa, bruises, torei, ulcers, salt rheum, fever scree, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup tions, and positively cures plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 38 cents per box Fox sale Dr. II, W. Cox. mmituMraigfiriF