Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 21, 1888, Image 4

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Complete Recital of the Daily Doings Com
piled From Various S)urrcs.
Happenings Over the City anil News
From the Country Roundabout.
Iltet Sugar In Oregon.
A farmer writes a letter to the
Balem Capital Journal in favor
of the legislature oflering somo aid
oriiuluccment for the production of
beet sugar in Oregon. Ho contends
that tiie sugar beet can be success
fully cultivated all over this state;
and that with a little state aid, in
the way of bounties, the production
of beet sugar in Oregon could be
made ti grand success, and not only
savo the cost of all the nugur we
now purchase from abroad, but also
export thousands of tons.
Tito great sugar refiner, Claus
Spreckle.s, of California, lias made a
grand success of his Watsonvilie
beet sugar factory, and has made
contracts for a much larger nroduc
tion of sugnr beets next year. In
France, the beet sugar production is
larger than the wine, wool or meat
productions, and (iermany exports
thousands of tons of beet sugar after
supplying the homo market.
The state of Kansas is p lying out
of the state treasury two cents per
pound on all the sorghum sugar pro
duced in that state, and this bonus
has resulted in the erection of seven
largo sorghum sugar factories and
opened up a market for a new line
of fanners' produce. Portland
Nome r'rult l'olntei's.
II. V. Matthews, who bus a fruit
farm near Balem, is collecting :i0,000
pounds of evaporated prunes for
fihipmcut to Kansas and Dakota.
Koine moiithHiign hesent l.'lOO pounds
as a sample and the palates of tho.e
who reside in the land of the Da ko
las and on the pr.irles of Kansas
were so touched that the larger ship
ment was made necessary. He is
paying ten cents per pound for Sil
ver and Italian prunes and eight
cents for all other varieties.
lie tells us prune growing is one
of the most profitable vocation- in
which one can engage. To show
what can bo done by the proper
management, of prunes he cites the
experience of Mr. Jory. From one-
eighth of an acre planted live years
ago in prunes he this year obtained
MX) pounds of dried fruit which he
sold for S0. At tliis rate (140 can
lie realized from one acre of live
year old trees.
Mr. Matthews has Just concluded
theplantiugof 1.100 pear trees on ills
farm. He thinks this twelve acres
in pears will bring him much mon
ey in a few years.
Mirlnu'H .UM'v-ment.
While Marlon county's assess
ment is less than Linn's by a mil
lion dollars It's total tax to bo raised
is about $15,000 more, hence Its rate
is much In excess of ours, being
about 120 mills. Of course this will
not make much dlllerenee with men
wlio cheat the state and county in
the amount of their assessment, as
a great many do, but to those who
are not favored it is a great injustice.
There It something decldidly rotten
in Marion county's assessment, and
we only mention It because it Is a
publiu matter and affects everybody.
A Mass Meeting To-Xi;ht to Consider
the Proposition of Mr. Kay.
To-night at the council chamber
there will bo a mass meeting of the
citizens of Salem for the discussion of
the proposition of the establishment
of extensive woolen mills at the
capital city. A largo attendance of
citizens is earnestly desired, as the
business in hand is of the greatest
Importance to Salem and the coun
try in general.
Messrs. Albert, Moores and Booth
by, appointed to obtain propositions
relative to the purchase of water
power, have looked the field well
over. Tho relatlvo codt and desir
ability of tho Gray, McCornack's,
old tannery and other po we re have
been considered. As yet but the
ono proposition to sell the Gray
power for $10,000 has been recc.ved,
but tho committee is in communica
tion with the owners of tho other
For Salem to secure the location
of a woolen mill within her borders,
it behooves the city to raise $20,000.
The mill as proposed will give em
ployment in a few years to half a
thousand men, whoso families will
live among and be of us. This is a
small sum for a city of our preten
sions to raise, especially so for an
enterprise that will be of benefit to
so many.
It is earnestly desired that tho at
tendance at tho meeting to-night
be large. Tho Capital Jour
nal is anxious to seo the capital
city go ahead more and more and
nothing can bo of so much benefit to
a city as manufacturing enterprises.
Tho iron is hot. Strike before it
Salem U ImpiuiliiK.
This, is what everybody says who
returns after an absence of a year or
no. They all qualify the exclama
tion by adding that sho I improv
ing nipldly. Yesterday wo were in
conversation with a l'lliievlllo man
who had not visited tho capital city
for several years. Returning yester
day and finding new buildings,
htrvet railway and everything mov
ing along nicely, his surprise was
complete. He, with all others,
thinks the future of Salem'la ono of
great brightness.
Ptrllutnt Straw.
A perusal of tho hotel registers of
tho capital city shows that n largo
number of at rangers are continu
ally arriving here. Many of these
are looking over tho country with a
viow to future location In tho great
Willamette valley.
A .tew Ural KataU rirm.
Messrs. Thomas & Payno have
formed a partnership for tho taunt i
Preparing For a Vacation Entertain
ment Heater Etc.
The hot air furnaces as now ar
ranged are doing good work. It
lias not yet been cold enough to test
ilium thoroughly but it is thought
by those who are in a position to
know that tho building can now be
heated to the complete satisfaction
of all.
Tho averago attendance for tho
m inth has been ISO. Tho enroll
ment is 017.
Tliis aficrnon the scholars of Prof.
Wilson's department will give a
rhetorical entertainment which has
been in preparation for some time.
Tho scholars from Mrs. Grubbe's
room have accepted an invitation to
bo present
New scholars are adding their
names to tho roll every few days and
the attendance bids fair to bo large
after the vacation.
All are expectancy over vacation,
which will perhaps bo extended un
until January Und.
School nover is excessively inter
esting during the week iina.ediately
preceding the gladsome Christmas
holiday time and the present week
has been no exception to the generality.
Tliat Flour Trust
A fanner has written a letter to
the Salem Jouhxai,, declaring that
there is a Hour tiust in Oregon,
which will glvo farmers only 40
pounds of Hour for a husliol of wheat
and will not exchange any more for
him than the wants of his own fam
ily ; and that it has so managed the
prico of wheat In tho past as to have
made $1. 75 per barrel on Hour; and
that by these operations tho Hour
trust is making off tho local con
sumption of Hour in Oregon tho sum
of $27.ri,(X)0 mora than a fair prollt.
Portland Nows.
A llrattn Fraud.
Our farmers should keep an eye
open for tho agent who sells the
"wheat binder," who is swindling
tho farmers In different parts of the
west getting postal card orders for
ono binder and raising them to 100.
Tho "binder is a small wooden
stick, about eighteen inches long,
with u brass ferule on the end, on
which there Is a slot for fastening a
string which binds tho wheat.
Painless dental operations at
Dr. T. O. Smith, 92 State street, tf.
Mrs. Mattle Scott, well known
In Salem, is.lylug dangerously ill at
If you are looking for Hats call
on tho Capitol Adventure Co., opera
house corner. tf
The Baptists of Independence
will dedicate their new church edi
fice on February 3rd.
You will always find No. 1 gro
ceries at L. S. "Winters, tho popular
Court street Grocer. lmd w
Tho place to buy your Holiday
Goods is at the Capitol Adventure
Company, opera house corner. tf.
Before purchasing clothing it
will pay you to call on tho Capitol
Adventure Co., opera house corner.
For choico groceries and Hue
Salem evaporated fruits, and gen
eral groceries pay a visit to Martin &
Cox. tf.
A new store in Salem is that of
Roth fc Greenbaum, in the opera
building. They carry drugs, gro
ceries, notions, etc.
The place to buy your Holiday
Presents Cheap is at the Jewelry
Store of John G. Barr, 100 State St.,
Salem. 3d-lw.
For holiday caudles, nuts, cigars,
notions, etc, goand see what Speight
& Souder, Court street, offer you.
Prices low. lmd w
Misses Hallie Parrish and Grace
Scriber went to Gervais last night,
where they assisted in a school en
Follow the crowd and you will
turn up ut Squire Farrar's, where
groceries ale pure und cheap. Join
the procession. tf.
Be sure and call at AVin. Sar
gent's and examine his stock of
Christmas goods before purchasing
elsewhere. He has a nice line of
goods. Commercial street. 4-d.
The firm of W. Beck & Son lea'd
in dolls, toys, novelties, scrap-books,
albums, Christmas cards, Christmas
tree ornaments and 1700 other
tilings to numerous to mention.
!Jl State Sirivt Salem Olegon. tf
Notice. All persons knowing
themselves to be indebted to Itotan
& Whitney will oblige by calling
and settling their accounts within
the next thirty days. 1-w.
Rotan & Wiiitnuv.
You'll regret too late thatyou did
not have your friend or relative visit
Sperry the Artist and have a per
fect likeness taken. Heed the
moral go now before it is forever
too late. For flue work Sperry, the
artist, knows no superior. t f
Al Slade, a two-year convict
from Portland, was released from
the penitentiary yesterday, no
came at the same time as the wom
en, Llzzio Faules and Flora Fallon,
for tho robbery of a man in a
Portland dive.
St. John asks the question, "Are
you for the saloon or tho home?"
The answer given is, "you bet your
life." But when you are asked
where you can get tho best goods
and price on tea, eofl'ee, groceries,
etc., tho answer is, at Squire Far
rar's. tf.
Tho llnest lino of Holiday Goods
over brought to Salem, consisting of
Library Lamps, China Tea Sets,
Vases, Cups and Saucers, Box-wagons,
Dolls by tho hundreds, Doll
wagons, etc., can bo found at John
G. Wi ight's. Prices aro at bed rock
and goods first-class. tf.
For fluo work you should go to
Cherrington's, tho artist. If you
aro looking for something uico for
tho holidays, go and seo him. His"
work is tho finest. Tlmo is Heeling i
and Christmas is neir. Be
Against the Flour Trust State School
Books College, Etc.
The following resolutions were
adopted by the Marion county Po
mona Grange at the meeting held at
Woodbum, Dec. 13th:
Whrhkas, There exists In Ore
gon a combination composed of tho
millers of Oregon, through whoso
control Hour has been advanced in
price not less than one dollar per
barrel more than is reasonable.
Resolved, That the attention
of the next legislature bo directed
to the matter of extending the law
regulating tolls to exchange wheat
for Hour.
Resolved, That tho fare on rail
roads of this state should be reduced
to three tents per mile.
Resolved, That our next legisla
ture be requested to instruct our con
gressmen and senators to support
the bill pending in congress to es
tablish an Agricultural Department,
and that we are opposed to the reso
lutions of the National Board of
Trade recommending that the bill
be amended, and called a Board of
Commerce, Agriculture and the
Mechanic arts. Commerce and ag
riculture should not be united in
this department.
Tho Grange concurs with Linn
county in the adoption of resolution
in regard to Agricultural colleges to
Resolved, That in the judgment
of this council no more funds be
longing to the Agricultural College
or the appropriation by the Hatch
bill, ought to be expended in im
proving said farm while the title to
the same is in doubt; and we special
ly call the attention of our legisla
ture to this subject, und that such
steps bo taken to provide the state
with an agiieultural College that
shall be free from such embarrass
ments. Resolved, That we aro opposed
to the legislatiue making any ap
propriation to perfect tho title of
the Agricultural College farm nt Cor
val'is. Tiie committee on education sub
mitted tho following resolutions
which were adopted.
Resolved, That in our public
schools the moral and physical train
ing should receive more attention;
that the curriculum be less elabor
ate and tend more to tho practical
uses of life.
Resolved, That the Stale of Ore
gon own and print its own School
Books, and that the law authorizing
thochaugeofall kinds of books by
tho several county superintendents
be repealed.
Resolved, That the Agricultural
College pay strict attention to agri
cultural tests and methods, that It
teach practical forms of farm lubor.
Resolved, That our State Nor
mals be encouraged.
Resolved, That the Diploma
from a College or University exempt
the holder from the necessity of ob
taining a so-called teachers'' certificate.
Santa Glaus i
Finest Stock in the City!
Furs, Handkerchiefs, Silk Hose,
Silk Mitts, Cloaks, Dry Goods,
Ladies Hand Purses Etc.
239 Cor. State and. Commercial sj
ot ce SlLoNo
H ...:il l. . i- ;. -i i j .i . i
ii nm ue iu uiB lu'umt s imeresi io examine uieir stocKia
Shoes and. boots before buying. They have just received an
Excellent stock from -the best factories, and every pair
Is warranted to give satisfaction.
-When looking for-
-Call at-
Fry's Drug Store!
Toilet Goods and Cases at Reduced Prices.
ESTHandsomest picture cards ever given away In Salem.
Lady Callers.
Free (
Field For Uhslouary wuik.
Inquiries at the rate of llfty per
day aro received bo tho Hoard of
Trade. They como from all parts of
the Union and contain inquiries up
on every subject imaginable. They
aro from disgruuted farmers, mer
chant, machinists, laborers, doctors,
teachers, preachers and men of
every trudo und profession men
who have withstood tho ri-'ors of
eastern winters) or the brollings of
a torrid suminor mull life iu a
changeable clhno has become a bur
den. They turn to Oregon as their
Mecca, In tho blessed hope of pass-
sure lnS wJwt of life may bo leit them In
Change in Business! !
January 1st, - - 1889,
Wo will muko
and glvo hint tlmo to finish your' an equable clime. All have decld-
work up nicely. The accepted tlmo' ed to leavo tho cold regions and
to have your "picture struok" Is ,,.,. , fa ,
no.t - tf take up t leii- abodes, engaging In
A Chauge io Business
The Capital National B
aid up,
Surplus, - -
Batkiea'i Anita Balr.
The beat salvo In the world foi
nuts, bruises, Bores, ulcere, Bnltrheum,
fever wires, tetter, chapped hands,
-iA startling yell was heard this
morning on tho corner of High and
Court streets that chilled tho blood.
Hut Investlgaiton proves that It was
only tho boarders cheering tho clean
and palatablo faro of tho new
"Home Restaurant" and its propri
etor E. M. Law. Board $3 per
week. tf.
no pay required. It Is guaranteed
action of a general reul estate bus-1 " BlVo perfect satisfaction, or money
A visit to the gallery of Cattcr-
II", the artist, demonstrates tho
axiom that livul wnrl- nlivnva fltula
chilblains, corns, and all skin erup- a ready salo and good goods a Arm
lions, and positively cures piles, or niarkot. no is rushed with work
luesa. They will buy and sell and
liavo a good list of property an are
ready to meet tho trade. Their of
noo is at 07 State street.
A tMuM Mat.
Genuine now buckwheat flour,
and a lino article of tabl. syrup, al
the Grauge store, lJM 8tato street,
Haleni. tf.
refunded. Price 25 centa ner box.
For sale v- Dr. H. W. Cox.
lteltoate women who complain of a tired
fwllnr, Mln In the back and lolni. dMlre
to sleep, dlitlunu, patunil or suppressed
menstruation, will Ami In Oregon Kidney
Twt a ftilthtul h-lend.
In every Instant to irlva lmmisllaio roller
a : ..r.: "::.".-" . ; . ----..-
iruui munrjnnu urinary irouoiea.
It can bo railed upon
;e relief
and of women arteritis every day from
some dUorder of the kidney or liver, who
might be permanently cured by uslnf
d by l. Mathews A Ox
and continues to turn out the best,
always giving eompleto satisfaction.
He Is agent for Prof. Krumbein'a
oil paintings. Give him a call and
get a perfect likeness. tf.
Highland, Clackamas, Co. Or.. Mar. 3X.
1H..0.UHCIH whu a uismse or ine am
neyaAirSorT iwirs and for the last two
month have been laid up with a jaln In
my back. A friend sent ma a umnlt of
the Oregon Kidney Tea, and having ued
I have derived more brnertt rrom It than
all the medicine I have ever taken.
Bold by D. W. Mathews t&"""
tho various pursuits of life under a
gonial suu. Tho inauirles thoy
mako of tho b .trd of trado's secre
tary are voluminous and should be
treated to more complete replies
than can bo made them. For this
reason tho Salem Board of trade
should employ a man whose busi
ness it should be to carefully, hon
estly and fully answer tho many
queries these letters contain. By so
doing, many a man would bo in
duced to locate among us and in
vest his money. This Is a matter to
which the Board should give atten
tion, as tho duties of a secretary
have assumed such proportions
that a gratuitous performance can
not be longer expected.
Tea Caaitt ie Better
Than call at tho Grange Store, 126
Stato street, if you want a good tea
or anything else In the grocery
line. Don't fall to look at the White
Bros. Extracts, the best in tho market-
Until that time wo shall ofler our
Entire Stock for CASH at
Prices that
That is Saying
A Good Deal in
So Short a Space.
Call Early,
And get tho benefit.
Forsincr, Tiffany & Co.
Salem, Or.
It. S. WALIM-CK - - President.
W. W. MARTIN, - Vfce-Presldw1
J. II, ALBERT, r - - - Casmer.
W.T.Gray, W. W. Martin,
J. M. Martin, It. S. Wallace.
Dr. V. A.CusIck. J. II. Albert,
T. McP. ration.
To formers on wheat and other jnii'j
able produce, consigned or in
eiincr in privnio Bninw'"1"
ipubllo warehouses.
State and County Warrants Bought at
297 Commercial St.,
Merchant Tailor!
And supplied with only
Kirst Class Goods
Satisfaction guaranteed.
G. C. H0GAN.
State Insurance Go's, block, Salem
TltRronnfoH at rAAsnnnhle IHlefl.
drawn direct on New York,ChIcl
Francisco, Portland, London, Fan.
xiuug jvong ana uaicuiuu
First Nationa
WM. N. LADITE, - - - -
DR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vlcerr
JUtXti MUIU, ..--
VTAhsniMnn tVHlanr1. RAD
New York, London nd VWS
boncbt and solo. mie, "":
wamnU bought. Kfjmertftre"
lnrtted to deposit nd mnsactj
Willi us. unerai oT2"Satfn
wheat, wool, hop and other PWSj
corny can be obtained at tne "
most reliable oomptuuea.