XXTXVT saujjinjj liim-'alMibijjjMmaa EVENING .CAPITAL JOURNAL TKANSrORTATION. THE YAOUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD ind Oregon Development company's rtaiinshlp line. 123 miles shorter. 20 hours ;.tmiphfin by tiny other rontp. rirt ebus through passenger nnd freight line Som Portland nnd nil points In the 'Wil lamette v.illcv to and from San Francisco. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sunnnys)- iMie Alb.mv 1-00 I'M LfcneCorvnllls 1:40 PM Arrive Yaqulna o-IOl'M ltne v.nquint uioAJI Leave iir'iuia ---.-.. muAji Arrive aiuiiiij ------- ikiuaji 0 A. ( trains connect at Albany and Cor all Is The ibove t-uins connect at YAQTJINA tilth thf Oiepou Development Co's Line Ijf&ton .islilp between Ynqulna nnd San friaclco. OUIjI.VU 11.11 f,5. glE VMEIW. FllOVI SAN FRANCISCO Willamette Valley, Thursday Dee ft. VllMmetto Valley Monday " 17. In ill unetto Valley Sunday " ,10. STFAMEItS. FUOM YAQUINA. RVllhmeite Valley Wednesday Dec. 12 Hillametto Valley Monday " 21 This company reserves the right to hinge sailing uatcs without notice. H. Passengers from Portland and nil HlWllnmctto Valley points can make close onnectinn vuui me. trains or the i AQl'INA ItOUTE at Albany orConnllK Ind If destined to San Francisco, should irmn!?otonrrlcnt Yaaulnn. the cvenlnir Before date of sailing Passenger ami Freight Kates Alwam the KL'LMAN A Co.. Freight and Ticket ijents JX) and 202 Fiont St., Portland, Or. Irto I C 11UUUU, Act uen'l Frt. .t Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacific It. R. Co., Corvallis. Or. I' II. IIASWELL, Jr. GenM Vi t; & russ. Agi. urcgon iievciopment Co., Ml Montgomery St.; San Francisco, Cal TIME TABLE RIVER DIVISION. Ilheclegintly equipped steamboats. Vm Hong, Lnpt. ueo. ltaaec: tho TJ. 8. lentlev. Cant. J. TP. Ceulter: tho Three totem, dipt. AV. r. Short; nro in set ice r passenger mm ireigni irnmc uctiieeti &)i tills and Portland nnd intermediate Joints, making three round trips each leek as follow s: I NORTH noUND Leaves Corvallis Mon- Bij , Wednesday and Filday at 8 a. niv rnesni"aiem .iionaay, weancsanynna frlday tits n. m. Leives Salem Tue&dnv.' Ihurbday nnd Saturday at 6 a.m. At rives i rornana i uesany, l tiursaay ana sauir hv st !l 10 n. m. 1-Oimi ROUND Leaves Portland .Mon- ftij , Wednesday nnd Friday at t) a. m. Irrli es at Salem Mondayvwedncsdny nnd PrMn nt 7'lri rv m T.O!if Svltilfn Tnnw. iiy, Thuisday and Saturday at B a. in. Irrives nt Corvallis Tuesday, Thursday btuula.v ntltSOn. in. iKor ft eight nnd passenger rates apply to pecapininsaiKi pursers oi ino rcspeciivu bus, or to v. .11. uarniig. agent, -jm ana L'Fiont street. Pertland: Gilbert Uros.. rents, Silem; I. M. Adair, agent, Albany I A. JWIer, agent, Cornllis;ortotlio gen hi ft eight nnd passenger agent, CormUK m a. u. iiains connect nt Aiu.my nnu brinlll", F. W. RO WEN, Superintendent. rm. HOAO. General Mtinager. Overland to California -VIA- butliorn Pacific Company's Line. ThE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. rime lictneen Silem and Sau Francisco lUlrty-six Hours. CAMFOUNIA EXl'IlESS TBAIN DAIL1 outhr I "" North. "10-45 a.m. 7..1t a. m. 7.00 p. m. 100 p. m I Lv. Portland Salem San Fran. Ar. Lv. Lv. H p. m. I ij. 1 13 a. m. I Ar. DCAL I'ASSIStOhU TltAIN - ( DAILY KX. CKIT SUNDAY). a. in. Lv. Lv Vr. Portland Salem Eugene Ar. I A43 p. m. Lv. 12 5J p. in. Lv. 1) 00 n. m. 610 a. m 0 m PULLMAN BDFFET jSLEEPEBS. OURIST SLEEPING CARS, pr accommodation of second clas kscugers attached to expre-s trains. U'hot). .t t. It.illrn.'iil fprrv makes Con- ftction with all tho regular trains on the he? Utitn Tit. inl r. r..t nt V ctnwr Jutland. est Sido Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY), El7 Portland Corvallis "An Lv. "20 p. in. l p. HI. Ar. laup. in. vt Albany nnd Corinllls connect with wins oi urcgon 1'acino jtnurona. Elli Bji ol .iAi.v4 ii t.n i.aI1i nntl st via California. 1IUIMVXI.US EX1'KE33 TUAIS (DAILY KXCEIT SUNDAY). . tp. m. Lv. i'ortland ATI Ar.JIcMlnnvilloLv. "M0a.m. 6-45 turn. ) p.m. For full information regarding rate, aps, etc BPDly to tho Company's agent, Jem. Oreirnn. I P. IIOQEKH. Asst. Q. K. and Pass. Ag"t. KOEULKK, Jlanugcr. fegon Railway and Navigation COMPANY. " Columbia River Route'.' t ntna -1- 1U. -.-. . Tlnvian1 nt IMS Bnclpal point In" the United States, Can- tU JUIUJJC ELEGANT PULMANN PALACE CARS plgrant Bleeplns Oa run tnrough.'-on exprMM iruitw iu IA1IA COUNCIL IlLOFW and er. paul reo of Charge and Without Change. I onn. iiions at ltorttaDdl orSao Ib- rt&iv Bnit.liiMt SivaaA DOlfllC for furiu. r purtlcutaM IimjuIi of A piiu. rual ttiwt, ttelew. fi'Vl. r PATlAfin In ta Cl 1' smooth ' " WWMSMM'tt'ww,itm,'n-uawfvm,wu noposais ior iSnpplios. fers-K . ammH mcaim. lng,Jnnuary l, lss monhs. commenc GROCERIES. m " Sitm mtnh ' """ mess, xs BOS " 3&' V- S-,Vmnd- 1'onchong. iji .. Krn s,nrcn (Oswego) iii l0 March (0eo) hS China suirch. ' wmoC)kcrv' exlm' lleeiwi as 150 Hnfett.0 r.it .- . K.i h;, ".."',"r,im 'w. Oermen Sperrj s process! Sgar,5ax)EoldenlC.1iaX)gmnu. Chee.sp. I'mneirmv - i2axj 300 louo E$ 'TwiSrt fresTgund ltS r,ricked,wuent, fresh ground. 1M1 Satn'l.rresh'Brnuna. i-xxj Loirse liiiminv rro.i. : i 1410 2i0 100J 1000 5000 dOO 100 m 100 4aw H00 S00 Rolled oats, (tVnSTclX pitSil) Dried currants. ' Dried apples, machine dried. ?i i u ,T,uneJ machine dried. Lholee Island rice, No. l. Rc,ctr.'?r,ar '" bUlk' J-A Fo1 Cocoa. il t0 entile soap (Comi) Little hltctean. Pearl birlej. Codtlsli (boiielcss)ln bulk, Pacific H doz Brooms No. 1 extra shield. Oius o stcrs. Who Points. 1U 13 U 4 Conc"iitratpi 1 e (American.) bcrub bittshes (No 5) ?L ktn cans assorted pie fruit ' il'i"? ,bruslies,No 81; nil bristle. 8 liiitn brick. 7 ' lllulng, Ultramnlme, La. wnS . "ael1 P'"ls, ash, ,t hoops. 1-Wgil Syrup, extra golden, American v tetined 1)0 gals, coal oil, 50 gallon tanks, pearl 1C0 gal. Molasses, Orleans extra. VINEGAR. MO gal. purcjelder i inegar, 40 gr. COFFEE. 1800 lbs Costa Rica, flrst grade. "lfitl ttmfimmnnt Inm 75 ' Real Moclm. 400 (Jhlcory.i vpICES. 150 lbs Black Pepper. 30 ' Cinnamon. 50 ' dinger.' JO ' Allkulcc. 20 ' Mnstard. 20 ' Cloics, all standard ground. CROCKERY. l-o 18 doz. Teacups Ithout handles, W. Q. 18 15 15 n tucers, . u. Snip plates 7 Inches, V. Q. Dinner plates 7 Inches, W. O. Pie plutes, W. Q. bow is, 1 qt., W, O. Vegetable dishes ti 10 Inches and 0 12 inches, W. G. Wash philters, V. C. Meat platters, one.ltalf 10 Inches and one-half U Inches, W. G. One gallon pitchers, w. G. Chamber icssels without coiers, w. a. Glass tumblers. Glass syrup plUhcrs. Glass saltcellars. Glass pepper boxes. Lanleins, relleetors. b 15 12 12 4 C G 1 l Lantern gioues. 8 ' Ijtinp clilmuejs, H I! sun, U A hinge. HARDWARE. 8 doz Fiat mill files, 10 Inch. 2 ' 11 tstard tiles, 10 Inch. 10 feet Ji octagon steel. 50 feet inch and y. round Iron Norway 10 lbs ctith Yi and blank nuts. 1 case Alb toy splndl i oil. 1 case Albany cj liner. (1 gross screit s, assorted size. 2 uosen 2x2 wrought iron butts. 4 ktgsS-penny steel mills, rough. 4 ' 10- emi steel nails, rough. U feet steel 'AxlX. DRY GOODS. 175 lbs Yarn, all wool, 100 white, .j bhe. 1000 J ds Canton Flannel, llshull XX. 500 ' .Marseilles York MTg. Co. checks. .100 4U0 1J00 uoo 1000 J0O 100 800 l-nnsdn o nne stieeting, i lucres. i-niwit A DuiL'ht MTir. Co. .Mariners' stripe (Ainoskeag) ib.,iii tii(xtini st) a in. heavy. l'equot sheeting, 43, Inch houiy. ' cnuK nannci, wunuuvuui. Ton cling, red and blue check. ' Calico, American, full standard. Table oil cloth. ' Linoleum , , 100 100 lOdozMetal-baikeu uorn couius o m. iodozspoolsiihltethrond,NolGmllecnd 15 ' Pairs suspenders 0 ' Turkey red handkerchiefs 12 opools white linen threnil,:o 35 2 gloss Knitting needles, o lo CLOTH. COO gards heai ycnsslmere pants cloth (W wide, Oregon goods, bamples to be submitted with price. GRANITE IRONWARE i)eep -tew pins lIXsj lv rlu'.r, 2 uSpstew iins lOKxSM, S quarts lJltasflng spoons lSlnlouKa cnberg Price List Fixion 10O to 800 barrels flour, best .Toller process, lobedemered asreqiilred STATIONERY a reama letter pupw-! Uve OaK ME.T8 Q nf four and hind aut" SIIOKM AND LR.THK wa:iai:si!S pa Vn a? .1fflSlE? o do; nsi iisi2?fts 'to -- . m . l .. , j iaui """ n awl 1 -- - . . iminw"7'-i,7i tttoes, aliwn lnaln.No7 uw.luVn do.fcj-.ag'so- ift ni'lr. S.PSaofcJMP-lwT v j. " 1 " - TINWARE. ., 1.-..IUSI tr1rd fit . Ktt&z:a&ix ;u y .. titJtl ilO UPWM "-- covers. WTb?-f.JS" " " no wire nui -- - nhlontr nuddlug dishes, HJx In. 1 Co Roller, pft 1 tom A. Xn 1 Cotleo boiler flat bottom, Ml)! 'its 1 n,n initor nltohera Jo53,5qtil sniooth corners. tauwt urn1,8 V lncJlf ' n,,rl K B 1-o1b R fl?,lih,?2bl "miner H Inch thl Vn T,tn flanK o "t tn top M "?"? P?"' ?f XXX.X tin. 11 Inch Oil i inSoWi7''2.4''!''11" l Incite deep rim nnrt u n"."'" lron wl,n "" wire cl.rn"?, WeU ,"ne, "nJcr wl,n smooth KhS.,Cfiev,p r xxxx un ami lhSJf?daS!l"; PPeof XXXX tin nnd 8ple?n ' qlU,rt llresMHl P"11. " Per snni- saiiuiiV "mraoers maaa. tin ns iKr incbhbyXfE'vIVau,,!ennm ftct cites by Meet. 5 (Jet tine briss stnUncr cloth. ,,l,-' Inrgc burritiK machine, M cites tivsiVt" ' - ' lth Stniv 1 8tow't,ll,g dW " maelll" w Uh Standard 18 sheets of perfotated tin, Hxa?, as sample. DRUGS, lib. Solution of iron for tincture. o.Mraei cncnm sagmda. f I CMrait ergot, bqutbbs HcMrnrt rims aroiuatlcn. l extract sarvip.irill.1 comp syrup 11 oxtrt.it alertan Muriatic acid commercial Tannic ncld Cl.rloacld Carbolic acid, crj stals w , DiiTiru saia j' , llrotn potash 1 , Iodide potash 2 . llrom aniiiinnla 1 , Pom d niitr ammonia 1 , Poivd curb ammonia 1 , hulph zinc, tqulbbs 1 oz Citrate Hthm 3 lbs Sttbnlt bismuth, Siulbbs 1 , S.tih pepsin, ssehelllrs 5 , Ouin camphor 2 , Pond aloes, soc 1 , l'owd acacia ' , Epsom s.ilts 15 , Ground ll.ixced !H oz biilphnulnliie, P.t W K , bulph .Morphine. PA. V 10 , Antlpvtliu! lbs Yannllla bonus, Mexican lo , Vaseline 1 . Pj ropltosphate Iron 1 , C C pills, s C P I) Co I , C C pills. G C P 1) Co 1 tf It ..til.. T It Ik r . 1j V H1, 11IIII I' It lA. VU Miosplioruus pills 1 COgmlns V D A Co ' lliu S.tw.Mrr t In n vlniil I1I1.1 ." -...'.fc, lUILt, UlIIIWVI1 4 , Cliliuxifotm , 1 , Oxlilo zlne 2oz Ollcloics 8 , Oil lemon " , OH orange '.' , Oil peppermint 2 , OH rot.Mii iry 1 J d hilk Islnsl iss plaster w hlte, S & J SlldoiiStiengtlienlng plasters, 8 AJ " IbshheepHool sKnges (XK) each Emptj capsules Nos 1 and 2 500 each Empty capsules Nos .land 4 1 gro Each corks Soso andOXX ex long 1 , Pill boxes, No Ml 1 , Powder boxes No 62 I Tin ointment boxes 1 oz loz bottles, PhllnoMtls 1 1 1 1 e. : : : 3 cal Port wlno li doz O.ii Idsons syringes No 2 A gil Hakei's A A castor nil 3 , Gljtcrlnc 3 , Guipo brandy 3 , isherry wlno 10 , Alcohol 5 bills Sal soda 17 lbs Japan wux 1 bbl ()0jlbs) Chloride I11110 1 (.111 (U lbs) lluhiuh insert itoudir, skein each Nos 1 2 3 I 5 (I 7 and 8 sttr geon s stilt, Turner s patent. 1 bottle Lester's carlxiliedialgiit ligature. Samples ina bo seen attlientllccof tho Boatxl of Trustees, and goods must be In accordance therew Itlt. Tho board reserves tho right torejeitiinj and all bids. Deliver of supplies will be required within ten days after notice ofae ceptanco of bid. A uipj of this adicrtls inent must aecompaiiy each bid. The name of tho eluss of supplies bid upon mu-t bo written upon tho em clone. Uteh bid must include nil the Items hi tho special class bid uixm. and must glicnll tho Items and totals In lull with exceptions of bid on meat and Hour. Auditing oflltcrs nro ptolilblted by law from continuing accounts of pur- chios when advertisement does not uon tnin n full and eomplrte description oftho kinds of nrtlcles to 1ms purchased, lllds will beconsldeiediit 2 o'clock p. m. Tue. d.iy, Jantiar K, InSU. S I.VKMTt It I'KNMOYKK, Gl-O. V .Ml-llltlDK, G. V. WHIIII, llourd of Trusteee. Wst. XL Mum.y, Clerk of Hoard. bAN rilANCIhCO, Nov. 1st, lb.s. .Messrs. Vi:LLKR ItROS., Salem, Oregon. Gentlemen: Wo had the pleasure ip- cently of making shipment to jou of our new "White Crocs" Kxtmcts, una semi yon by mall to-day a very neat show mrd which we would llko jou to place prom I- nently In jour store, and which will call theottentlon of jour trade to the goods. It has been our Intention for some time past to place utwnthe market the finest lino or flavoring extracts manufactured In this eountrj-, and nrter months of study and experimenting with the prominent brands now before the publlo we naioui last suoeeded In placing before j oil n qual- Ity which bej ond doubt has no superior. Wo can not too strongly Impress upon j-ou that you onn unhesitatingly recom mend them to j our customers as me nnesi that can possibly be manufactured. The nackage and atyle generally Is such as to attract attention, and we predict that w hen j-our trade have tested the quality of tho goods your sale for " White Cross " extracts will be large. By complying with our request J ou w 111 confer 0 favor upon yours truly, A. SCHILLING CO. PRINTING. K OK TJIK LAKQEHT BHTAI1LI8H iinmt In the State. Lower. mtea.Uun Portland. Largest stock IkpiI Iltanu in ihffti. a-d bluest dhwnuiit. sna rw mwm a iinwiiiuiiiif v ThaDUySHS'OUIDEli I Ife. isMSsl M-xreh tad Bept., AsIBi ant, nau Tt U an ener- Uc4opdia of useful infer, laation for aU who par chase the luxuries or Out naoeaatUM of life- W ean olottB yon 1 furnish you with all Uo naoaaaanr 1 unoooaasary appliance to rtda, walk, danoo. w eat. nah. hunt, work. o to eiur. or auy at boma. and in various aiaas. atylaa and quanUtlaa. Juat flgura out what is raquti-ad to do all tfe-a thi-BJ 5iT?Li.nori QUID, which will e at no"" rerpt of 10 eoots w pay posta MOfJTCOFERYWARD & CO. .U-114 IsUUuea-. AvJ. Cbico.Ul :S31 CUWIVATOU p Country Gentleman THE BEST OF THE AGimTUTML WEEKMKS PKVOTl.n TO Farm Crops and Processes. Horticulture and Fruit-Growirtfj Lie-S(ock and Dairyingi Wltllo It also Includes all minor depart ments of rural Interest, such ns the Poult ry nrd, l.ntom.iltmj , lleeKieplu, Green hoiiM) and ilniperj, eterlnmy Repllos, 1'Sllll OtlOsti ins mid Aiwi,.h ICirtvililii Rending. DounMto Kooiiomv , and 11 sum liiary ol the New of the Week. Its .Mar ket Reports are unttsuallv ixunplete, and much attei Hon Is paid to the Prospect of tho Crops, ns tlirowltiir light uiMinoueot the most ImiHirtnutofiillqucstitms- When to buy nnd n lien to sell. It Is llbomlly Il lustrated, and bj llKCKNr KNLAliGW tnenl. contains more livullm? mnttertluin ever before. IheMibserlptlon Prkv lsStf.r) porjrttr.lutt weotleras-lMIl'IAL Itr.Dl'C TION" In out" CLUB RATES FOR 18831 2 SllkripliOnS.lnonemnlttnnco $i 6 Subscriptions, o. o. 10 12 Subscriilions, . . 18 TlTo all New Subscribers for 1S8H, pii.vlngltindMiiiec now, wo will send the piper weekl.v, troni our receiptor t lie re mittance, to Jnnuary 1st, lsvj, VTlthout charge. S-,i5i'jciMi-NCofiKs I-'kek. Address LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Publishers, ALHANY, N.Y. rpHE QUESTION OF THE DAY. PROTECTION OR FREE TRADE? An Examination of tha TarttT Question with Es pecial Regard to the Interests of Labor. BY HENRY GEORGE. CLOril. 81.50. l'Al'KU, 35 CENTS. This Is the clearest, fairest, most Interest ing and most complete examination of the tin Ift question j-ct made, nnd will prove Invaluable to all who wish to understand tho subject. Tho most thorough Investigation oftho snbleet that li isjcl been put In tjpe New York Now s. Tho iippeariinio or this book marks u nen epoch In tho world-wide strugglofor frta trade Henry George has u power of piittliigocononilotriithsliiHiichiielcnriind limpid language that any child can under stand liliu, uhllo tho most learned mini can enjoy tho ni curacy of his statements and the suggesllvcness of his thoughts. lluima4 G. (shearman In Now Yotk htar. hoever wonts to seo tho strongest ur emia nt not only against imms tlon, but ugalnst till tnrllls will tin it It hire. Christian Union. TheslngularsuocesHot Mr George 1st lint he has made political economy Interosllng. rultiitlaii llevlow. A book wlilch overy worklnginnn In llio land can road with Interest nnd ought to road. Now ork Herald. HenryJGcorgo's Other Works, Progress and Poverty, cloth, fl; pajMr, 38 cents. Social Problems, cloth, $1; imner.itt cents. Tlie Ijiml Quodtloii, miur, 10 cuts. Pniperty In Lond.iMitxir, litents. Address Till: Hl'ANDARl), 12 Union Square, Now York. One Dollar a Year WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL (Holein, Oregon.) Is unlv ersnlly conceded to be Tlic Iicsl Family Newspaper Kier published nltho state capital. IT IH TIIH CIIKAPHHT. IT 18 TUB IAUGKHT. IT IH TJIK HHHT. It ennslsts of eight well filled nnd neatly IHintwl jiaes. It suits alike the farmer, the merohaiit, the lawyer, the gardener. Kvery fsinlly olrele sliould have It. It contains utMilutely ALL TIIKNKWH as well us iHtry. trv, eorresriondenee, farm, home, mid many other speelul features. See Our Catfi Disceunts: WKKKJ.Y, One YwrJ ONK DOI.IiAIt I ally edition.. . t per year AddreMftll eomiiiunleatloiMi and make alt Hwutes ijutl tb ' TIIH CAPITAL JOURNAL, Haleui. Uiuioa. TIE CREAM if all BOOKS oURYFOTE ComlMi.tMl Into Ona Voluuis, PIONEER HEROES DARING DEEDS, M TImj ibnimiadvfllurof all the haw etploren and froMltor Haitian with In dtaos, uulkwa4 wild lxanU. wntt oar wbolffMjiiiri.rniiHUMi mttikml iiloag to ili. i.rr nt tlisa and famous asMlplU ni I m Soto. Im Hs4la, EMiiikHssi. Housm, KarMluu i. . -.. u.b HowIj. If i ii inn - itaHor.iVlifcirola Jtm, Wild HIN. KtttfM Hut utwrata mhw awi iwsi, unw lBiaa('ii-'. aavd uiuthara. Mplin 41 lly lUuitaUsd wlik CM aanvlns. iii-dk iairi. lAivipnnra, mn ST. PAUL'S SCIIOOI.A Bargain For Wily!!! 13oys and Girls. The whool will open on tho !Mth of t.eptwnHr. Tiiomucli liiitiuo- Hull In.tlie prlumri and ntti .necAt English Branches. LATIN' AND ELEMENTS OK MUSIC In course. TKRMS and ftirther Itiforniittloti may bo had on application to RUY, l It. wr, Cor. Chemeketa and Sttebt. VAVtf WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Uraduiilcs StudentM In r.lnwifinl 1 MfinoM' UlUOAIlUl, Iilll'llll, UtltillllllV't Normal, llusinoss, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Is the olilctt, litrKevt and least expen sive Institution of loiiruliiK In the North nest. School opens first Monday In September Send for cntuloKito to TIIOS. VAN HCOY, President. 17: Salem, OrcRon. SELECT SCHOOL. - jVIiss Knox Will continue Her School for tho en suing year at tho LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Sts.. beginning SKPTKMHKU 10. ldl-dJw ClffliRVATOIlY OF MUSIC! Willamette University. Mot suciviwful M'hiMil of miivlo on tho hurt lin est coast. About 150 STUDENTS LAST VEAK. Courses In IJluno, OrRiin SlnKlnK, Vlotln, llurmuny, unci Counmr- point. Dlnlomnsoti compUtlon ol niurne. Teachers: .. M. 1'arvlii, Kmiikla I. Jouos, Kvat'ox. AHSiKtiiiit.Liiltt.M.Hinltli. First term IiokIiis .Muniluy, Moptomtier Xd, IKiW. Send foi caliilnuuo, 1'ur lurtlior IKirtlculars addnwi C.M I'AKVIN, Musloul Dlrwtor, Hnlem, ur. H-17-dlf.lilt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. B. STRANG, No. tm Commercial Htroet, 8ALEM, - - OH HO ON. DKAI.KK I.S STOVESand RANGES l'lumbiDg, Gas and Slwra Filling. Tinware and Artjstic Metal Work a Specialty, W Agent for the RICIIAltlMON & UOYNnnS COMl'ANY'H Kurmie. K tobllshed In 119 MONEY TO LOAN! We lmve wjvwral huiiih of nionoy to Loan oh imkxI Ril Kntato. Bwurlty for n nttrlen Of yurH To- wlt, ONKi'URSKOi'iiaoo! ONUl'UIUiKOF$l(K)0I TWO PURSKS OK f00 Fmi lit 0S15 lORK Ol' $-H)0! Ajijily MKin to Willis & t'lmmlicrliii, lli rfwlm. OfomlhM- i-jurtHt M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Flos Saws a Spcialty. mm PROPBRTT io I'.Ai'liangr for- OREGON LAND ! H O M E) S von TUB HOIVSELESS!!! 12oo ACRES or- VARIED LAND -roit- Sale or Rent. Quantity and Quality to Suit Ptirclinscr. Lands near 11. II. Facilities. A GOOD CHANGE For Particulars call at This Office. -Cult l nil Www- T.J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printor, AT IIIH SV.W (Jl'AHTUIIH IN TIIK Htut In(iriiiM-i lliillilliitt, Cor. Oiin nmrolrtl unit I'liwiiivkct tr,u 'il-ltf mwrnmBrMii JKzBI mmMmt A I. HANt-KiiKT (.!., I'. I -111. Hmtlull Imm Ul K.np ,r the fcin 0lolU MintO a Lty D A I. HAmL O. P. AT- A. lidrtpiuwrp-0;,.,. hvi tfrj nutuir. "wwi .i I H H0LC0UB, U-i. JUar.