rj"MVj:vr "Srrr" i""jmir- '4J1 1'tiwi jg.gmiJBJ'j.,i.iB"'J'yg'!-'"T" wrwi'JU'-Mwgrt'iMJrjfugt-'.E-'iJ m.iaip uiwmji.junjwuiirfxmxJiw : i) . hv V, iS if U3 f !l ? i ?H 'e. , 4 EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL THURSDAY, DEC. 20. 1888. mpsectw m uaa ! l'UHI.ISlIKl) EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAYJ J1Y TIIK Canita! Journal Publishing Company. I INCOItl'OUATFD OCIctv Corner Court and Liberty Strcctr, T15IIMH Of BUJi'-'Cim'TIOM DAILY. Ono ycnr, by mull......... ... W) hi.v months by mall . - . 2,G0 Tliiceniontlitibyinr.il 1 IS I'cr week delivered by carrier. . 16 WKKKI.Y. One ycnr 1 blx IllOlltlll .- . " One year, If paid for In advance, 1 ( Mix mmitliM, " ' " ...... fiO jra-l'ostmnMerH are autliorirertj to re eslvo subicrlitlonR. , A9-Kntercil ns second-clasH matter nt the HBlcni,OicRon,loHtalllcc,Juiio2l. 1M8. W. II. HYAUS - Editor CLAUE H. IRVINE - - Manager. OICDKIl AND LAW TKIUMl'IIANT, A Honnon to a congregation of GO, 000,000 of people was preached hiHt Sunday ut two widely distant points pf the' country. It taught tho na tion that law must be respected nt whutcver cost, iiud that this land of well regulated freedom Is no place for force. At Chicago the annrchist.s were given fair notice not to defy the law. Good citizens, and till who were not anxious to risk their lives foolishly, were warned to keep away from the Haynmrket. The pollco were there, armed from top to toe, und after this open and re peated warning they were thorough ly, prepared to open lire on any gathering (hat showed itself deter mined to attack tho peace and good order of the commonwealth. Asa result the anarchists i oared as gently as sucking doves. On thosamo day,at Birmingham, Ala., a mob atteinpled to foicMall tho law by lynching an odious Ciiin Iiuil, and was flied on at tho probi blu cost of a do.ou lives, this lcou had been taught in Chicago, and did not need to bo taught again. 1 1 will probably not have to bo re peated at B!nnin:hnui. Yes, force is wrong and barbaric. Tills is a fiee luiid, niled by a law fully expressed majority of people, who, In general, mean to do justice and right, and peaceful aiit'iiou will accomplish every reform really needed. Force must go. It has no place In tills country. 1111111 I.ICKNbU. Thollijuor question Is now being M ncltntcd n New York. Tho follow- 1 nig uiiiii inu i less iiiuicaieH now t . .i. i . i.. .I, i i the matter stands there: As to high license, theio is practi cal unanimity among republicans ns to tho need of sonio further ic Htrletlou of the liquor trutllc, and every evidence of sincerity In the demand for a measure that can be come a law and be In forced without reasonable excuse for resistance. There Is equally significant and unanimous democratic opposition. Unit party Is not quite ready to ad mit that It belong to political blackmailers, boodlers, strikers, and others who want public otllco to be a rich man's trust, but it would A scorn to mako no bones of its chain- i ploushlp of the rum power and Its A willingness to have it co.'rupt the ejf4 morals and control the polities of 8. tho whole State. L )& There Is a decided leaning among Ss I it, uiu rvpiiiuicaiiH w nigu license 1 C'i l'"' ou t,lo Just and successful l'onn- Vt sylvan la plan, reunsylvaulu has li $ ,. four grades n,f retail licenses, based t. on popuiiuiou, ami inoy nave worked well, cutting down saloons most whore they wore thickest in riilladolphlti and Pittsburg re ducing tho total number In the State one half, doubling the rev--,-. 'enuo received, and giving half of It to the State ami half to tho cities and counties. This law has also greatly reduced arrests and com mitments. Tin; Chilian Government has contracted with thu North and South American Railroad and llriiljfto Company yf Now Yovk to build lx railroads on (Mtlmntes agreed on. Cmtir, the big elephant connoo ted with ItohluMiuV Circus, Is to be killed by electricity, a he has W oouj w vicious. He Jihs recently klilo men. , ,tt- i : u . Ivtft HWl tlt domoemlM of N'w Jny IWttjtd wpwllnx tho High I.iiH line Local OiUoii hiw . AN 01KX QUESTION. Cr.niiK Clauk of the House has received the certificates of but 121 members elect of the fifty-first Con gress, but he attaches no significance to the delay, as It Is yet early to re ceive certificates. He has 'learned how" the election ha goneinall but twodislrlctsin West "Virginia and one In Tennessee, and buys the Re publicans may claim u majority of five, but if the certificates In dis puted districts arc ,Iven 1fr Dem ocrats they will have a majority of one. General Gofl si ill asserts that the Repiiblicaus will' have two Con'essnien from West Virginia, but if ell nieDcmociTiS the Repub licans wW still hi've a m:joiliy of one if a (clificale is issued to a Ro pcblJcau r-om the disputed Tenn essee dM.ict. If u Democrat receive-) it they will have a majority, prima facie, and dcniuud the right to ori u'.e tlie House. No certifl ciie bi's yet been Issued from the China Joo;,a dtst ici, but Judge Hand s ys tho Sumeme Cou.t will ecu inlv jjlve it to the Republicans. The.e Is a chance between the. Gov ernor end Secretary of Staio as to the issuance of the ertiiicale, the latter insisting that it be given to the Democials, yet, by his own fln-gei-s, In a pamphlet printed 'y him, he admit1- Evans, Republican, had 228 majority iu the district. MILI.IONAIU HIOIUUT. E. H. SCHEKMEKHOKN ofjNew York is one of tho richest of tho miiny millionaires who have man sions there. He is a recluse, and all through disappointment in love. It is said that Mr. Schermcrhorn is safe for at least J.20,000,000. He never reads an American newspaper; English papers are good enough for him. He has not been outside of his house for years. Eevry window has its storm sash, and every crack' Is stuffed up to keep fresh air out. He docs everything by the clock. He is culled at 0:80 every morning and from that time until 0 p. m. ho moves by tho clock. He begins to drees at a cenuin time; he shaves precisely at 7 .SO; ho breakfasts at 8: ho writes at 0; ho reads ut 10; lie walks around the house corridor at 11, receives his mun at 12, and so on during the day. Ho does certain things at tho half hours. Ho has becomo u perfect machlue. Tho lady with whom he was in love Isa widow. The summit of Mount Tacoma, iu Washington Territory, was re cently leached by a party of' ex plorers who found themselves at the highest elevation, 14,444 feet above tho sea level. The craters differ considerably in appearance from their aspect in tho years of 1870 and 188:1. Thcro is less eruptivo heatnnd a larger accumulation of snow, though the lower steppes of the mountain are now much barer than then. SPOOKS AT Till: NATION AI. CAP. ITT.. Mrs. Shea, living on Delewaro avenue, has been haunted of lalcby cuilnus manifestations which no one has beeu able to explain yet. Her house Is constantly bombarded by stones, sometimes a score or more falling on tho roof at tliei sumo tlmo. Tho more tho pollco investi gate the matter tho moro they nro mystified. C. C.tlJi.AKK of KansaN predicts that the next year will produce tho greatest extremes of woathor whloh liuvo been known iu America for more than slxiy years. It is claim ed for Mr. ISliike tint holms pre dicted every drouth and wet season, and eveiy ordinary or cold winter which litis occurred In the past four teen years. Fkank H. Rates of Chicago, a trusted clerk of "Old Hutch," has dlsappeaied with 20,000 of his em ployer's money. John Lantiguu, "Hutch's" settling clei'K, bus also disappeared. Phokkv-OK "WiaofNS, who is ex ulting orcr tho votitlcatlon of his earthquake prediction, now prophe sies ancaithquako for tho South ern States, to occur within a few days. The ground on which Philadel phia Is built Is one of the richest gold fields In tho world. This is n fact. Tho only difficulty Is that tho field cannot bo worked, Tin: Department of Sttito has been lufoimcd by tho United States Consul at Martinique that yellow fever liss uppotutMl in an epidemic form on that Island. Tiikkk is trouble between the railroads centering at Chicago and the live stock Industries over a new system of weighing stock. Tlie Mhtnkcs of Youns Men. It if UOI unficqurnlly tjjnt ji)Qunj: man of rtpcctnlle patentac, who liatibeeD well (duelled, lias bad ("O'l fihine uouucl given lnm b aeaiJful ttili;6 Atnljnotlufr, and good examileet him jj)'njtbiolli er, has shaken of) all relrmnN uml mil (; lit the Eociety of the diinkirt cU and freely indulged with that claK and become tit- ir boon companion, till all cinairiicf ha it ita power to work in him n lefoim lie Unea hia seniiliveneia ( honor, by his ih. posiiiou to inebriety, recUUfk bud faith in his every day dealiiiys uith In fcllnu-.. IledoeB not make thu ctTrt In vxlncaie himself from the meshes nl li.b iving infamy. Tho strong apueals f oui eiihtr father or mother, nearly hturt broken, seem to make no more llun it temporary irppresiion upon bis darkiiiinx imollcct and understanding, ti.l finnlly hopu de parts from the boioin v lather, mother acd kind friends, wno tmil.l gladly make any sacrifice to restore him lo the pale of honesty, and the full conlidtnee nf hia fellows. But he will not be advised to do nghj by others or chanye to K Ins ovm volition, but seem surol) to In.. id the downward road to ruin, as lhuun ynet steadily down in the western hoiizon Icav. ing the darkness of the tomb lo dost, the scene upou mourning kindred unit frieiitU, where might have been happy beurts and honor and plenty, and the-htghtht respeets and human consideration. We advise all young men to beware of tint downward load. It leads out by many narrow by paths, at first, but becomes much nrond er as you travel il, aud soon slippery, mid seldom slips backward to the plane of safety. Beware! Uewaie! The ovo ol the whole community is ou your watch, not,l 3 injure you but to help )ou ave)uur self. Where Is My Olrl To-Nlght? There are quite as many girls lost and wandering as boys; as many (.irl children who answered once to the name of daugh ter, with golden locks, violet eicband lips whioh mocks the cherry's scarlet, and Cheeks whetf the rose plays hide and seek at the color softly comes and iioeu. Ah, these beautiful girls these fatherless, motherless, sisterless, outcast and hornless girls. Suppose we write u song, or trans pose the song "Where Is My Waudeinih Boy, etc.," and write instead: Where is my wandering girl lo-nitfht? My heart o'erflows, And I love her bhe knows, Ohl where is my girl to-nighl? Who cares for these girls? I there an) voice or song callinc iheui back to Ime au'd home? Aio there any open doorways to honor, to.torgivenessand reform open for them? Call them back as much ns )ou pleaBe as "Magdalenes," and le.ivo no open door of hope, of respectability, ot love and life; and they will not come at your most persuasive bidding. You call your sons btck to all tilings good and high to useful lives and soei. ety's arms, no matter to what depths of in fainy they hove fal'eu cur girls ou brand for like sins to hupelesi despau through this life, and to eternal damnation in the other. Where do you get such one-sided idea of punishment and religion? Not through tho teachings of Christ nor any other hu manitarian. Out with such a Christianity, Tie have uo more uefor it. Give usequ.t lights to life and all its benefits, man andi woman; equal rights to sin if sin is a nec essity to man, aii(l;qual rights to repent and be recieved iuto society's dear arms once more with men, aud upon the same basis of Justice aud mercy accorded to meu. Keeping Qunltty of Apples. It is said by those who have observed that there is a difference in the keeping qualities of apples iu different vearsthat nobody has been able to account for. Oc casionally a year occurs, lo all outward ap pearance not exceptionally different from others, when windfalls will keep better thau choice picked apples in for mer ones. Such a difference cannot be laid to the handling of the fruit, but must be owlug to atmospheric influences. Apples will endure without injury a lower temperature than will potatoes, and the cooler they are kept without freez ing the belter. Dry, cool cellars, are gen erally preferred by (armors as a store place for apples, but of late some glowers claim that this fruit keeps better in moist than id dry places, always providing said place h cool. When kept in cellars, good ventilation is necessary in all cases. When barreled iu an oichard and not shipped away at oner, the apples' are belter to be put in tiers under the tree than to be put In build. Ings. Some persons leave the barrels on ground in the shade ami uncovered, claim ing that they keep cooler on ground thin when piled up. Apples raised on rieh alluvM lands will prove poor keepers. For the best keeping the orchard should be high or hilly lands and not too rich. The rxutoflice department it soon to hae a new style of postal oard. It is very much like the doublo card of the pres ent pattern. Tho bank foldn are split di. aRonVl)' uJ ot0 Mt i'" four-pointed star. The four pornrs are folded and joined together in the center, when the ostdnail renjy foritiling, with a p.ece e-f gumrnsd ipr. The card vreight less than an ounce and will coo Urn no more wilting than the present urt, th enly advantage being greater privacy. STA7B of Ohio, City of Toledo r 1-Vihk X Cheney makes oath that t j. . ! u..lna ,f tii. firm dfV,J. Cheney fc Cd doing busi fiessjlu tho city of Toledo, county aiftltstutc ttfonaid, and that said firiri.wtll pay tho sum of, one htin drco nHurs for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by tlie use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn before me and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of December, A. D. 8B. A. V. UIjUjAOUIM i SKAf, y isotary 1'uuiic. SKAf. y TT1lc Cntnrrli flnri. i tnken In ternally and act" directly upon the blood and mucus, surfaces of the system. cna lor testimonials, iree. F. J. CHENEY &'CO.', Toledo.O. DSTSold by ill uggists, 75 cents. Blal'ie is suldlo contemplate writ ing another book. A Natoi'al Hroilurt of California; ft isonlv found in Butte CountV Call ornia and in no bthcr part of the worlq. We relcr to tlie tree tlnit produces the-healing and penetraf iug gum used in that pleasant and cflective cure for consumption, bron chitis, asthma rtnd coughs, Santa Abie the King of Consumption. D. V. Matthews guarantees and sells il for ?1.()0 a bottle, or three for 2.50. liy tlie use of California-Catr It-,Cure, all symptoms of catarrh ar dispelled and the diseased nasal pas sage is speedily testorect to a healthy condition. $1.00 a package. By mail $1.10. Cliculars free. Two cai-cs of sm:ill-pox have ap pear-jd in South Ctricago. l Tt) CONSUMl'TIVfis. I The undersigned having bcn le stored to health by, simple means, after buffering several years with a severe lung affection, and " that dread disease consumption, is anx ious to make1 known to his fellow suileicrs the means of cure. To those who desire It, he will cheer fully send (free of charge) a copy of tlie prescription used, wiucn mey will find a sure cure for consump tion, catarrh, asniathn. 'bronchitis' and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes till MitTercrs will, try bis remedy, as it is Invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cHt them nothing, and. may prove a blessing, will please address, Rev. Edward A. Wjlson, Kings County, New York. Russia is supplying Montenegro with munition of war. Wumlei'ful I'uivs. jV. D. Hoyt & Co. Wholesale and Retail iJruggists of Rome Gn. say: We have been helling Dr. King's New' Discovery. 'Electric Bitters and Bucklon's Arnica' Salve for four fivs. Have never handled reme 'dies that sell as well, or give such iiid'civiil satiof.tciiou. There have beeft some woiulei full cures ellectcd by liefee medicines in this city. Sev eral cases of pronounced consump tion have been entirely cured by usiofa few bttles of Dr King's Nev Discovery, taken in connec tioi with Electric Bitters. We iru: rantee them always. Sold by, Ur II. . Cox. - t If two girls meet three girls and nil kiss, how many kisses are ex changed? l'monal. Mr. N. H. Erolinstino of Mobilo Alabama writes: I take great plea sure in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, having used It for a severo attack of Broncliitis and Caturrh. It gave me Instant relief and entirely cured nio and I have not been aflllctcd since. I also beg to state that I had tried other remedies with, no goou result. Have also used Electric Bit ters and Dr. Klnu's New Life Pills, both or wnicu I can recommend. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs und ,Cold, is sold on a positive guarauteo Trial bottles freo at H. V. Cox's Drug Stores Ou Dec. 1st President Cleveland selected Dbwsey ns tho location for Harney Laud District. Digest and be Jolly. Did over nnyono seo n Jolly dyspeptic T Wo trow not. whnt luitural cheerftilness Is proof ngalnstlt be iilmcwt ceaseless annoy unco ofchronlo liullgestlonT People whose Btomnchs ure eonstunfly disturbed exhi bit tho utmost pec tshtiess rind nervous IrrlUiblllty. Happily for thorn since the Irritable, and nervous prematurely fret themselves Into tlio grnse tranquility of tho stomach nnd renewed gorxf temper uwalt thorn In isurommrter, if they will but seek IU The genial tttoimicblc, Iios tetter.s Stomnch Hilton), breeds cheerful ness by Insuring iu csM-ntlnl prcx-oiiditlon iMtsy Ulgudtiou. llilllotuness, too, nud consitlivitlou, malevolent companions of tho bamcliee, djiKTla. vanish aner u brief but steady coitre of the alterative. Many n temper naturntly sweet, hut con. tlnlyillKoui-ed by the combined uttaclc of itili trio of Imps, jwiises tho boundary of mnnnmnnui, Prvtut tlili possibility wltli IrWlmUtnt. Mnhtrlu feent, rlieumntlsm. kldnW complain ta and debility nro truly reft o fed by this hlundurtl medicine, Christmas will soon be hero and still thcro Is no snow on the hills, but abundant of grass. Am AbaaUU Care. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINI-, OINTMENT Is only put up in lnrgg Jwo-ounco tin boxes, and Li ni absolute cure for old sores, mrns. wounds, cliapped hands, nnd id' skin eruptions. Will positively cure nil kinds of piles. AskAiribe nnmiwir ATiTtynrvra iv.. VJtVlVAV.AJ AUtAjtfXh UlJ J MENT. Sole; byD.W. MaUhewe A Ca, 100 State street, Salem, at J& ceuU jir box by nudl 80 ceuU ' NKVT ADTEBTISKMENTS., 6 O O ,T . k 1 6 B O O o s i V, It s i I PI o -,c Wf. BROWN &'C0! i-DEALKHS IN Leather and Findings K r i CASH PAID FOR '" Wools, Hides, Pells and Fun 231 Commercial St., Salem, Q- . jarJwajiMiJWgjwwMajiii&MinrVTir i Fruit Farms of TenVto Forty Acres ! !! CONVENIENT TO TWO RAILROADS. These lands are not offered at enhanced prices. The soil and location are- Especially adapted to growing PEARS, PRUNES, AND OTHER FRUITS for shipping green to tho Mining district? nnd Farther East, while the mutual cooperation in Shipping, storing and selling fruits will Re no small consideration. Tlie Very Best Land For Emit Growing!! ONE HOURS DRIVE FROM SALEM. The canneries of SALEM, WOODBURN nnd t .ALBANY arc at casy of access. None but first class families desired. Will meet Parties with team. Correspondence solicited. Address J. J. HARDEN, , ' FOR CHRISTMAS PRES -NOTHING IS FINETVAlJCnflS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, Etc, .... i ' t A Complete Lino of iBeau-tiftil Holiday Goods! .' Has just been received at tho Old nnd Established Salem Jewelry Store of .W.Tno All kindB of Watches, Jowfilryand Goods First Class. ' ' T','' THE BEST STOCK OJ? STOYES , IN TIE CITY IS AT R. M-. WA.DB &O0'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, .SALEM. AND MANY OTHER Also a Cenplrie Stwk ef Hardware an4 s H O E B S iStayton, Or. :nts NIfJER THA'N- Ass W T w i n SnBf &&tt&&z&&2i &m &Co mpson Silverware. VPricesisatlsfactory and - 7 t I Garland Stoyes, .Charter .Oak' Stoves, LEADING STYLES. Farm MulMtrf.Wagiisaiil Carriag