W -" 'IBBBBBW""111"- 1 lap1 ,Ky i tSS "CO $" ratijTija;B7f VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., THURSDAY DECEMBER 20, 1888. NO. 24S I CAPITAL JOURNAL. -.w. NKW TO-DAY. WANTtD-A HOY TO WORK ON A farm. Address or call at Capital Johnai. office, dlw wl. SMALLPOX A PREVENTIVE. THE preventive for smallpox or any other catching disease Is the OREGON PEACH BITTERS. It cleanses your blood and strengthens your system. Every family should hove a. bottfo" In thlmmRgTTo" Srovent treating diseases, call at your rucglst or address H. KLA8, No. 21 F8t., Portland, dr. MISCELLANEOUS. .i HOWARD BROTHERS -do General IIousV Moviag, liaising and Repairing. Work, promptly done at reasonable rates. Orders left nt" Caitai. Jouknai. office will receive nttentlon. 0-11-tf C.H.Mosbok, J 1LN nitt Late oftho ilonroe House. Monroe & Bell, Proprietors fete Hotel. FREE BUS. N" Wienie COMIXQ EVICTS. Sample Rooto for Commercial Travelers. From SI to 3 per day. SALEM - - OREGON, 104-tf DR. JORDAN'S MUSEUM Or1 ANATOMY 73111. ikctst.S nT.jnc co CALIFORNIA. Goand le. .m hot to rvo'i1 (( ,f'po,i,hdiiowfo.iccr.i i liToua.e.T) t'e. Coiw'l tlon nnd ie. .neiit ;ie on rllv or bv letter or verk no c nnd il dl c-ass" of lien, bend for booi, IVvimo olUce 211 Go y sl.ee , HUGHES, BELLINGER & CO., REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. EASTERN PROPERTY EXCHANGED roil OREGON, WASH Inston Tcr.orC.ilHoinin mil estate. lor Information uddio,s us ut either of the lol lowlnK etllccs: Palestine, III.; Kansas City, Mo.: tfiilcm, Or.; Portland, Or. Sulcrnotllce nt Helilneer'ii machinery depot, neirlho clly hnll, Liberty stieet; Portland ottlceln the rooms of the State Immigration linird, corner of Front anil Ash streets. 173tf FARMERS T PAY Till: HIGHEST CASH PRICE I for butter, ivss nnd poultry. Also have a feed store, 201 Commercial street. 10-10-dlm W. L. AfLg. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. MRS. M. E. WILSON Has a very fine stock of nc.y millinery, and is prepared to do Trimming and Dressmaking In the latest stvles, Call and see her new winter goods and stjles. S75 Commercial street, Salem. For Sale, A eood Iron frame Ilorso I Yiwer. Good lor ull uses, from oneto full R"cy,n: All for the low price of S. Call 'j!..'": clflo Cider, Vinegar A Fruit PrcierUug Company's office. Halcin. Oregon. THE SANITARIUM for tho treatment of all diseases of men and women DCS. GILBERT & WEMP GIVE . Medicated noor baths, oxygen lnnnia- 1Vimmraid St.. Balem. tlons. electro J magnetism. meu-- 3 w nu ,., umceanuaui.". Vasilw spmys, etc. bank bl KELLEY BROS., PROPRIETORS OF n ninurtfiT rinnnr U llcal, 2" cents; board, $3.50 per week, e ii m b. . c. .1 m d o o.e's 1 linys on ir id. 211) Commercial St. KM-dtf. Real Estate Bargains. Sl.dOO 1G0 acres, 6, miles from 0 A C de pot. Good home, birn and orchard. Fenced, nnd. In cul- H vnflnn $2,000. SO acres', 4 miles from Biilcm. uuuu m ui 10 lunii. iiupruit menu fiilr. Fine fruit land. 55,190 $ acres 2U miles fnnn balem .no Duuumg. ppienuiu 1111111, all fenced. Miiko a dcslrablo Ml'lllC 2,500 W) acres 4 mile? from Salem Im- ;rocmcms goou. 1 uiu young orchard, and carden land. Si,U0 l'K) acres, 7 t illos lrutn balem. mil mna, nnciy wniurru. neu in lots of 40s)cra tracts at jas per 510,S93. 875 acres, 8 miles from Salem. r.ceneiH gniss uuu iruii. muu, adJolnliiR Willamette river. WllUell In tmotM. tl,S7i.flacro,l miles ofSalem. House, U II II illlll U1U11111U. iMihv.l'Miiri at tlio door. Good boil, and plenty of Umber. ..UOacrcs, 5 miles of Salem; good road; well Improved; stream ruunlng through tho place. 100 acres (1 miles w est side O & 0 It R) good house, barn and orchanl. l.ln cultivation, bal anceoakgrubpastureland. 10 acres, 1 mllo from Halcm, ad joining fair ground. Good land; no Improvements. 100 ) acres, 5 miles Salem; all In "r" .i.r..r.l. nn hiillillni'u- nenr school house. Excellent fruit lnnd. 1000 170 acres, 0 miles from O A. CRR; Jl.VJU '.,,, i. il u-nlernd. House. barn, and small orchard; 150 Hires In cultivation. 7Y) Slots, with gooanoune and barn, i2,,oO. -y'e,,, rjcsirable location. Wo have besides this a largo list o' city nml farm property. Ilu era ould dp well anu jarm im'i'ci'j. hnMin- before to can niiur " making their purchase. WILLIS & CHAM BERLIN, iwrn House. Court bt.. ' Salem, Or. $2,100.. $00,00 $S0O -28tf ULACKSMITIHXG and nORSESHOEING. fflllldPlLE 10-1-tf CALIFORNIA! the Land of Discoveries. . I-...AL.....T7I TUnr-omhnhaVRUSed it reme- .r r:z;xc i-iUW-rS. -., ., ntL Senl(trcilil.Mii4Fr. !MIMEMateeyb: J. nUatJ W IW ''filScUon, and a cus- HayesKia!rKi?i26,.c'',ilS, any oo- meeuuK " - . rrom Mntrinff hilt PraSe having inallaffectlonoftheim.wlu nQl itwiiiSs-Jftfla leJ& Mon?ru ?'"J rJe' SnlWmcitdxedc rrAIlASTEED BY 0. W. MAHHEWS & COMPANY. Friday, Dec. 2l-Sllverjublleo Acad emy Sacred Heart; Dedication of A. O. U. AV. Hall. Dec 24-5-6 Lllllnn Drew Dramatic Co., at Opera Hou-e. Dec. 24. Christmas tree, Baptist church. Dec 24. Christmas entertainment, M. Rt'hurch. Dec. 25. Christmas entertainment, Congregational cnuroh. Dec 25. Christmas program, Pres byterian church. Baeklu Aralu BsJt. '''lie best salve In the world fi tits, imiises, sores, ulcere, salt rheun. ever sorca, tetter, cbnppt-d Imn-I-lullilaiiis. corns, and all skin unip i-ns. nnd (ositivy curt plhw, .11 1 uy required. It Is Kunr.nmssi eh i perfect satisfaction, or niniii- luti.led. Price 25 ceuts ht ta,i - -r ule - Dr. H. W. Cox. POWDER HAVE CONCLUDED TO STAY. An Opportunity That Should Not Be Lost To Consult tho Famous Drs. Darrin. REMARKABLE CURE& ,. . .. .if.ti.n lief lnreaanl to tho resurrection nnd xurousn mo earnest sonciuuiuu - . in... , and requestor their patient, and oteall,.e,.d IhennoU dl ct.e others to extend their visit in Salem V0 of whether tho boul and they have' concluded to do so, and P,df f nuo can bo consulted at tho Chcmekoto -i h laaer me. hotel until further notice. During their practice hero In this . . .. .. . . . i i . tiie.o !t no hoii 'jut th.ii an u .- vicinity mey met wuu grej.i. sue- . cess, and proved themselves physl- l . ? 1 ' .. . . lir. niiil I nil n..tii fu n.,.i llli'iiintl ciaus worthy of connuenco ana or , ', " . , Absolutely Pme. This powder neer Mirles. A mnicl ot x..... uil.ii lli iiml ivliMliiJiinimiAM. Ifnro llUIH.inillll -..----. ----- ..-... ..I....I .!... Il.n .lilll. irt llllll. tlllll cinnot bo sold In competition ltl the miu.iiiiau uiiiiiv ili,diiiiii ...Ti.ni.ii.i.'i pho"'ihato powders. Sold onlv In cms. RoVAI. II 4KINO 1'oWBElt Co., 10. Wall.S. . . IIUSINE.S4 CAltUS. nit. J M. KEENE. I) 1).S, DENIAL v.m. iivpi- WInic Comer. Ofllcu huim 8 a.m. to 6 p. m. DR. MASON, DENTIST, Suc cessor 10 Dr. t. -,!. OIIIco otcp Busli's Dunk. SHEEP FOR SALE. 300 head of stock sheep for wile. For prices nnd particulars, adilrwu, A. care Capital Journal ofllce. dwtf. J. W. CRAWFORD, Dealer In STEAM AND WATER PIPES, Stoves and Tin Ware, Korco ami Lin rump-. ilANUKACTURKROK Tin, Conner, and 1 M CI.n. I-n Wnfl-t OllClyl III II !?- . . . -.-. viiiir. l!v.nnir and Spouting, attended toon bort notice. saiem, ur. Okfick HOUIW AND PLAOK OK RuHiNma. D. Darrin cnu lw consulted free at the Cheinekutc Hotel, Sulum, Or., De0-mber3d to IX'oumUir !M only. Tiiev will uutler no clrcut.wtan ew take a ouw they cannot euro or . i-T.n Money is " ""' ,- TherrtMt collertlon of the m" ,I"'J" I "wn-m. v..It,vn . .-. . , liu. & .5 ''! ConV nee YOU J5iffiMatlMiwrlrvtaA frco froine to Knrt. and the UUimnw-y na, PJ. telvl, ,. Ipten- y to" ,. ... lnl . -.., u, "T-r. . : .. - rr nnr w-- r -. . , NEW 3300K. nFFRS OF DARING BY BLUE & GRAY. balance. ,r.ffi n pu.-eha. Ibe trtai ami -; ;";',, . .nd ii .-mm sura ".:, -T.-,, itwren ou unHigii m -!-"-:. i.-.rtif J?n.c-t"dlofhuu-.n forlorn .!. gXlX &.&. . -----, ..!. -H .tm-.i. nuroof. .Clrcutor.-tIK' ff..i.'-.S.Vi chronic dirMCUMM. It Sntms action h W. th. Ilu- n. III. .-rHDtlonS. CANTA ABIE jri." line, ii"""? t. iii.r- . . ,,b ...,f .'"n"i',U short a. 4 iv. a tiiiiMii TnnifirifiirT4w""r - ! RSSIff 61K0K ottnntrUljnv iw ---.. rLAtr"-"t-r7ri; u tMjiyir. n- unnuestlonnhle renutatiou. as their cures and testimonials can do sub stantiated by personal Investigation. Rend the following testimenials: A in nl to tlm public: I feel that I ould not be doing my duty to woman-kind it I did not let thom know how badly f llicted I have been and how and where to be cured. Ten Ye"" C" I WM uke" witl a pamlul illnrts, and I have been troubled Hi 11 way since that time, accompanied with womb trouble in erory conoeivabla way. About three mmithi ago the climax came, and I was prostratod vith patn through the heart, ohoat and lunga, ami conllued to my bed, After nine doctors of different schools of practice gave me up, I tbulldd toDn. D min. and thoy have oured me no I can walk from my icstdunco to their office. lam oeroyol with the usult of the cure. Mrs. K A. AllLV The follnwlnx tribute to the gift and skill of Drs. Dirrin i a remarkable in- uico of a L'enerous impuUe worked out M lin-t powerful prnfessional prejudice, 4111I tf worthy if record 1 f'aid to the iiulill'c I have for the past tun enrs been afllicted with chroniu p-r-ic.ii.lili. aceonipanieil with crust piin iii.iiiihI ihe lieirt all that time with eicei live cucuhllon, sleeple nights, fear and lutress. I ws unable to attend to thr duties of my lirofeajinn I hid exhaus'ed my knowledge of medicine, as aw that my colleagues, and found no relief until coming uuder the eleclr ninello treat ment of Drs. Darrin A little more than a moulh.elapied since I received thii treat ment, and I can truthtully lay that I am cured. I have none of my forinnr trouble, and wish in give my lcroual experieuce in tho iutercat nf huuianitv. I have been apiautlcinu phyncian fourteen yean, ai.d am well known In 'hit city and in Marsh Held, Oregon. I deem it but jmtioe to the publio ami to Drs. Damn to write thu above. Dn. Stm.e. TOTAL I)FA.7.KflCUUCD SIXTKKW YKARS AOO AND KEMA1NS rERMANKKT 10 THIS HAY. Mr. Editer: In I872 mydaughter was taken with the membranout croup and upon her recovery was left totally, leaf. I called mi (wo eminent physician! wbo said they could do nothing, for her. At a last let 'ft I took her to Dr. Darrin. who jured her, and the hai never been troubled with deafnett tlnce. tho ureatwt cures of eltolro-rni(;netlc treat ment on reoord, and witli'ijrealtii(olioM gjve this testimonial. Iretfdeln Il-rkley, Alameda county, Uallfornla, and will take great pleasure iu antwerlnn any inquires aunaeriiim.' this most remarkable cure. Y'mfs respectfully. WlLLrAM 8. Didiilk. TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Imporlant Events of the Whole World for iho Past Week. After Death. I mi j sa 0 Dee. 19 sensation has been created hero by a uruiou preached 'oy Dr. JeilVey, for niiuiy yeais pastoc o. tno -vh, Djiitlstenui-cn wrnlalooT Lis be- Ctrirlaml's luture. PHILADKLl'HIA, Dec. IP. TllO Press says: It Is quite decided that upon the expiration of his tenu, tho President nnd Mrs. Cleveland will reside at Orange, N.J. Cleveland will have an inmortnnt business oc- ,v,. cuimtloit at Xew York. Ho has 'VI' " I ...! 11 f" ueon oiiereu uiu uiuiiuxvinvui. sevetnl imporlant llnnnclnl Instltu tlons in New York ouy, and 11 is un derstood ho has decided to recent one of the oilers. Ho also hes been tender ed a law partnership In ov ork, uuthas determined not to return to tho practice of law. Tho 11 .. ei't ln'couco o bo O.uwn "om h's a--umet !, vbst "o btuy niHl tui'l. 1 Ave man, on tho oiUo.'haiid, hi'ia'.():i'c u.i body whlcn oa i.-cj . . 01. 1 "o.iiihoj'iJc-tbouy, hocsi. . . u . . be .. x n oi "o 1V '0 , w IU no 1 ob . .on:1 j e lou or wi.i o-, -.r . euo'-al Judaineiudry. ). . J01T ey o".''oio.; .ji.h acoejitsa he", ;v , otU'jii ....Ion. Lu fJOiV.t'ivnci'Uii may bo taken in repaid to the Her- man. The coii'Meuation is of thu old-fashioned orthodox school, and will peiiuit no innovations. . I I'uOl' I '. . j.. Dee. M). "! bo u: 1 '. ..'' : f ' M ,Miioiit Oi'n p. 0 I'lim .bo t'v. ln'o.ii ofr 1- 'i u. ('o f't: n'o ' s,iec- W' - .' 0 Ft" A 1 k 0 c 1 dl - J Ox co' 1 0 to i 00 u1no Hiot-k r .Oft id Iji - c v. 1 1 tho , ."ior lit v u-n- nii--, '. i3; a..d 10.11 l,; ;j e , j lis mho , no e u" '.'1 ). .. ot net ofwble v 1,0 ukd for c-'snin- i-oii 1 ucy h 10 . iu c oilier in.. 1 where s' r'',o it , o.- fur ox- Jj.ta.Iu.l to '.I'll 0 t CK'.lu .1... 0,l, IIMt'.. II II . 1 11. An J ' D. T. 10. -A o-'i fj. u co iveiu on wtu puo' ,'i. '.t ho e, to -l:o mc.3t'.V7 top e.o.'i Ji' pi. -sibie, t'10 d-v sol o.' D. uu. A t.ii'et ipy-'n u.'.jo lead 1 0 n eiisw ll'odl'jdo. a me. i'adt fea the d v u .1 .. 'J'liey Hy iliat dl. ou ,s a ;u o'y po ' ic. 1 nuu'o 1 d oppc "d 10 v'jo l;;jtln . -cu y of 1 ho taxpayu u. V t llo 1 Sa.'t'i, WaiIA..a-c, M- s., D03. 1". -A ir po tlnujust leaobeu li o i(,.iaj afinetl piuso overlook four negroes, pi'iiulptuiis In Hiiiuliiy night's trag I'd". Oiiu lej hied, and wan tiddled wiih bu'leh. Tlio other three were lumped to surrounding trees. The ikuu 1i:m tun dotYii ull ilni luvrws who lied to ibe ! 'h o 1 t'10 n'jht of tho 1 0 uy. The o 1 10 iu lu2-c t ,',01 o.lie. I';., 1 1 c. 'j. j 1 K TJUZT. "0 A. ) Dee. "J. Gio --01)11 i- lo.i tie ii .cui?-.' . -o'liy'irfinf- .ii. i, to .. j m 1 ; nvp ye., s !m -o po '.t.' y )h .0 he hi' .) uOiu '(( l l V . JUdofi . "sl'J. Oj' r. t"S' lotiis.'t.'Jd f.tiO' j. Ilfoa w. Jicd to i,u jo pi 01. D iiiih' e: a''.oiL.u ,ed thoco, . o.j.nl ! n I contlder it one of Mkr ''' I'alt.i.. il r.'tio nn, L'A Ml. t J)eC. l'J.Oo -''. Mpjo l'. ' imoj o eo.eu . t'o-n" t'jo i:..Utnoio & Ol o ' i.d. t 11 uuJe -i.ood tlii'.t lie w''l li'i'i'iJ n .0 a . ,111-o.f, pol'oy, hi'o'i r 1 v'- ao..r: til ii:i oivi in .jr'iioU, I i eluding tho en iru o to Now York vlaKuiteii Ihluud. WtfleriuiiUu 1'roilucers, D.,At. . ..rf ft. Jt, Dec 10. A .... .. . ... ... .1... .. , ....... . . .. . una., ''j ui b"u 111 tr. wr'-j 1 .i u i, rep.o(o.4 .ij.iujh I'd 04 o? 2 000, C .3 luo'u ' 1, w, i huld Mftt . and It wiftdutfu 10 To 11 u .rst to vr uu . j l'x n e . iv id r . h I e'; own RjOJO.cs In tbep.'j.. The Old S11.1O1. Nkw Orleans, Dee. 10. A Pl- cviio s.iecbl i.xnn Wahi'ii'k says: I. c ocooiMib do ot nu'ierhlly O" '-a .lie sio y of lio sliooling r . ry. Buih CVb nod W. H. ?n'cy -ViiXl'v shut rid two or c uiiie.-H I'ljhilv wounded. A pviyuf 7.S wliuo inea started for 1 u li'im ue0iiiu .lo.i.esarosald , 1 oo hf'iij,, end t so ot" llht Ii e oc vii in e."iO of i.w 13;. It ii ois-evnl Ihe iiUjivo lu-vo d!st cued. occii)Kyr.vi7joTrix(Ts. Sews Ami Notes of n (lencral teres! to the Westcrnrr. In- 10 a. in. dally. Onice hours from 10 tol dolly; evenings, 7 to 8j Hun- All curable chronic lilKetuuM. Iomi of manhood, el'riWusHyittMto.'ire blocl UlnU, syphilis, gleet, gonorw fc WootberNwkatali ilk iu i" rhua, strloturv, BiHinnntorrhoaa, fuinilunl wuAknetui. or Ions of dwlro of sexual power In man or women, catarrh or deametus, nre comment Ully nnd uccefcfnlly treatod. Cure of private dUeaw guaranteed and never published In the paper, rimulara sent free. Moet'eavtea can reoeive.bome treatment after a visit at the Doctor oflloe. Jl THAI 1'H ISMURANCK tesr&vt 'rlJaa. cikfi. Tli. Talklnj Muciiluc. 1a)S'on, Dee. 10. Du.lna tho hit of a trnde-rnark suit In thu law oop iiifc-dKV. tbo nhouot vnh wm '- - i - . i.i oduced to lep wii'oe a le. jrajd Other iUiw.il. The l.p. cnient wai wot-keu suoctv.fiilly. T.., ,vt 1 r. Vol's.. . WamiincjOX, D 10. The president Iim app ovoJ r i rc & In? the ue of co . n trauma i'oc-e oountv. Washlurrton Territory, to the city of Tacoiiu for the popoi of apabhe pa.k. Tlio stnuided Yniiitiii Day will bo sold to the hlirhcsv bidder on Satin-day, Dec. M. Oregon lias n population, of .100, f70, Jtidfjinj fi-om tho number of votes polled at tho late election. John Jnok. the actor who was re cently Iu Balem, will live In Astoria dui'liitrlhowlutor. He hnd u bigger houso there tbnu in all thu valley towns loollier. Pohtotllcoh have been erttabllshed at Crescent, Crook county, and at Sunnyslde, ClaokamaH county, and Leslie Powell and John It. "Welch appointed postiutiloiH of tho re spect I vo otlrccM. A pulilion Is being circulated nt Pomliotou as.ilng thu leglslUuro to reiieid tlio mortgagu tax law. Tho tax question will attract a great deal of attention at tho next scaslon of thu leglslatuie. Alexander Nail of Junction City Is repoi ted to havu been taken with thu smallpox and as ho Is qulto aged, tho probabilities are that It will bo dinicult for hlin to with stand tho oIl'cctH of the attack, Bouiu cowboys, whllo jrnthorlng beuves last month on the Sweetwater liver, Fremont county, ran upon 11 ho- d ofi weuty-threo Iju'IUIoh. Thoy followed them for ten miles and captured hlx cnlyei y lariating. Tito Deaden Undoiwood debate at Eujienu last weok ovldontly bo umu (Uiio 1 . .otutl oneo In nwhllo. O'l one c .ihicm Mi'. Unilerwood, neco.il'tV to a Eugene pajnir, said n.reo.i was an IiiAiiiioiih slanderer and liar. Thero is inuslo In the ulr over tho (1UC.U011 of securing n fmnohlso I'lom tho Eurjeno city council for eoist-pciloii and nneirtliiz a street mdwiiy Iu that city. Appllcotloua have iK-en tiled by hoveinl orgnnlzcu pa -iles l-i neon re u light upon cer tain bpecilled slreutu; and now comes a corjKiratlou coinjocd of a iiuinbcr of IntllvlduulH who aro largely ItitoriHtud In water works and electric light stock. They ask a franchise umbraclug the whole elty, ami a kick Ih made nil urouud. la Urr Wits lilt wl's. "What cuii I do to ie-,nlu my hut bands lovo'" wHtwM.H. Carrlo Jt. of Toronto. Bho adtls Hint bevou yeuis uo bhe wai mmled under fho iiHMtt happy uusplcea ami until six months slnco huplncj crown tMl hurdoi.iet.tlo life; then her hu lund heauiieillsUiitln Ills manner toward her, until now he U positi vely cold Mrs. It. gives no .wrtlo ularubut Ifshu Ih aJllloled with dls etvMi peculiar to Iter mix if her cheeks huvo loit their bloom, aud her eyes their H,miklo It nuiy explain thu t-aufco of iiur complain. In this event Dr. Pierce's Favorite nruhcrlp lion will olleoi n magical chnti".o and lesioruhet'to Iuh'.IUi. Asai-ow-er,ul l.ivl3oriln'f I0.1I0, Dr, Pierce's Favoilte Prexirlpiloii Impart ..1... ....Ii tn It... UTuiIm UVuLllll Rllfl to the womb nnd La pppeiulaoH, lu tturilotthir. For overwoiked worn out, run-down, debllllp. d teachers mlllliien, drefcimrkeni, beaiiulre shop ibis, houMiLeipopi, nu.hliig ly, "Favorlie Preborlpllon" U the greatit poshlbU boon, being Ull cju.ill a an appetizing cordial aud rejioruUve loulu. i1 SNELrHElS0DARD'WhOleSde:DeOOt JO AIJE8T. At1-- H4s,Ortoa