HwWJSW? ""-' " ".- - OYER THE CAPITAL CITY. Complete Hccital of the Daily Doings Com piled From Various Souim Happenings Over the City and News From the Country Roundabout. Look Out For Tbem. Quite a number of swindlers seem to bo traveling over the country now. Tliey represent nearly ovcry kind of business and aro usually slick talkers. It is not a good idea to buy from strangers when you can deal with persons you know, and no farmer should- sign any paper however harmless it may look. Ordinary looking receipts and contracts have been known to turn up In a short time as nn iron clad note in the hands of tin "in nocent nurchascr." The papers re port swindling fruit tree agents abroad. Look out for them, us they arellablo to appear at any time. Their game is to sell very ordinary trees at a high price by representing that thoy are of a superior quality. There may bo honest strangers abroad but it is better to buy of parties with whom you aro ac quainted. Salem Illustrated. An artist of the West Shore Maga zlno hns spent several days in Sa lem making a number of sketches for the January number of that magazine. This number will be chiefly devoted to engravings of the capital city, and will be accompanied by a large supplement showing the Btate capltol In the center, surround ed by portraits of members of the legislature. The whole will bo ex ecuted in tho urtistic manner which lias given tho West Shore its great reputation. The 0 rrlauil Ti.ivel. - Tho Southern l'ncillo ofllelals say there Is a marked increaso in travel between San Francisco and Port land. It Is their opinion that by next spring the company will have to put on two dally trains to run through eacli way. At present there is only one dally through train each way, with a local train from this city to Bedding, and from .Portland 121 miles nouth to Eugene City. Tho lino from Eugene City to Portland Is doing u good business. A WooclUuni Failure, llemlow fc I lull, dealers in gen eral merchandise at Woodburn, luivo failed. Monday they were attached by a San Francisco house for n claim of $180. This debt was paidotr, and then chattel mortgages wcro given to D. M. Osborne & Co. for $825, and Mrs. Hemlow, wife of one of tho llrm, for $1000. This more than covers tho amount of assests, and the other creditors will sutler. A WOOLEN .MILL FOU SALEM. " Such an Institution Can bo Iliad if We Want It. Liberality Extraordinary. If you chance to recelvo a copy of to-night's Capital Journal and aro not a subscriber don't bo alarmed. AVoaregoing to give it to a few of our friends for One Week FREE. After tho week Is up you will be solicited to subscribe for the dally edition. Wo need a few more sub scribers and wish you to give us at least a trial. I'luuis lu lllowoni. Those who doubt tho mildness of mi Oregon winter, as well as those who aro now wading through mountains of snow, should see the plum blossoms which were brought to us to-day by I). D. Prettyman, who has boon visiting over about Sublimity. Thoy worn found on an unprotected tree on tho farm of L. N. English. ThU U The Mgki. The ladles of tho Congrogntlonal church to-night give their bazaar at tho church. A splendid program has boon prepared and immediately following the rend ltion refreshments will l)o served In tho parlors. Ad mission 25 cents which, Includes refreshments. SUi'KKMK I'Ol'KT. SALHM DKC. lOUl 18SS. Geo. A. Hartmau, reap. vs. John N, "Voung, np.; nppeal from Uma tilla county ; judgment of tho court below atllrmcd ; opinion by Lord J. Btato of Oregon, ex rol P. A. Davis et nl, rosp., vs. Adolph Wolf et al, upp.; motion for rehearing denied ; opinion by Strahau J. W. F. Haines, reap. vs. Thomas llallapp.; uppoal from Marlon coun ty ; judgment of tho court below affirmed ; opinion by Thayer C. J., Btrahun J, dissenting. B. W. Huston, et ul, npp, vs. W1U luuu Hyboe, rvsp,; appeal from Jack sou county ; judgment of tho court below Affirmed. ; oplnlou by Thayer a J. An enthusiastic meeting ot a number of the business men of Sa lem was held last night at tho Capi tal bank for tho purpose of consider ing the proposition of tho establish ment of a woolen mill In Salem. J. H. Albert was chosen president and C. B. Moores secretary and a general informal discussion of the proposition was indulged In. Thomas Kay, a well known wool en mill man of forty years experience and until a few weeks ago a heavy stock owner in the celebrated Brownsville woolen mills, was present and addressed the meeting. It Is his desire to establish a woolen mill at this place and will do so if he can gain sufficient encourage ment from the people. His Inten tion would be to establish such a a mill as would from the very be ginning be of greater capacity than the one at Brownsville and which, after a year or two he had no doubt would give employment to nearly 400 hands. The Brownsville mill has been successful, but ho has de cided to locate a mill where tho sur roundings aro such as will permit of the business increasing. He comes to Salem first, believing this city to be better adapted to the permanent location of a four-set woolen mill. Al bany, Eugene and Pendleton aro each offering him a splendid bonus for tho establishment of such an en terprise In their respective cities. Salem can gain the coveted prize by performing some good hard work. Mr. Kay and his associates pro pose investing at least $55,000 in the projected enterprise, and as soon as tho plan is well matured stock books would be opened for as much or more. A committee consisting of Messrs. Boothby, Moores and Albert was appointed to confer with tho owners of the different water powers rela tive to their purchase. When it is learned for what sum an adequate power (150 horse) can bo purchased, Mr. Kay is prepared to stato what subsidy ho will require of Salem. The bonus, he thinks, must bo about $20,000. The above committee will at once investigate and as soon as they can prepare a report another meeting of those interested will bo held and a conclusion arrived at, as Mr. Kay wishes to go to Europe to purchase machinery of tho latest improved plans. SALEM WILL HE EVANGELIZED. Moody Is Coming And Will Arrive About January First. Itov. Brown, of tho Moody execu tive committee, last night received a letter from tho great evangelist's secretary stating that Mr. Moody would leave Portland on tho lln-t prox. Tho letter is as follews: Dear Sir: Mr. Moody has request ed me to advise you that Messrs. Studd and Burke will (I). V.) come up from Astoria on Wednesday's boat and will therefore bo able to start work at Salem on Thursday, I. o.. 27th Inst. Mr. Moody himself will leave hero an Jan. 1st. May God's tidiest blessings rest on Sa lem. Yours very faithfully, O. S. Winblow. By this it would seem that the revival is to commence on Dee. 27th, led by Messrs. Studd and Burke, who prccedo Mr. Moody, arousing tho Interest to the highest. Thoy will conduct tho meetings until January 3rd, when Mr. Moody will arrive from Astoria, where ho goes for two days from Portland. Tho evangelist prefers to spend his holidays quietly and for that reason tho revival hero will not oc cur tut soon as had boon expected. In tho meantime tho M. E. church is being put in readiness for a rich season of evangelistic work. Ad ditional chairs aro being provided and will bo arranged for tho com plete accommodation of tho multi tudes tlmt aro expected to bo In dally attendance durlug tho course of meetings. A Self tat Treaiary. ShorltV Crolsan yesterday begun hi labors of tax collections, and Marlon county's treasury Is again solvent. Yesterday's collections amounted to $592. A BtuJtBt'a lew. A. L. McLaliia of Sllvorton, Or., who attends school In San Fran cisco, had 5100 on deposit with tho California National bank, vrlilcn suspended yesterday. Highland. Clack nuiaa. Co. Ory Msr.JJX I have uflvretl with dlwww or tho kid ney Mr or T year and for the laat two my bck. A friend aent my aauiple of ttoneweokl can do a iod day a work. 1 have derived more benefit from It than all the medletnea I MwMLU Bold by D. V. Mthw AOJ. LOCAL SUMMARY. To-morrow Cook's Hotel will open to tho public. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith, 02 State street, tf. If you arc looking for Hats call on tho Capitol Adventure Co., opera I house corner. tf Studd and Burko will be hero on the 27th and commence the great revival. Wheat continues at 75 cents in Salem with little hopes of an early rise. You will always find No. 1 gro ceries at L. S. Winters, the popular Court street Grocer. 1 m d w To-night occurs tho bazaar g'ven bp tho ladles of tho Congre gational church. Sheriff Crolsan is now engaged In tUo collection of taxes. The amount to be raised is 590,677.72. Tho placo to' buy your Holiday Goods is at the Capitol Adventure Company, opera house corner, -tf. . B. S. Cook is at Dayton, where he is attending the golden eddlng anniversary of his mother-in-law. Before purchasing clothing it will pay you to call on tho Capitol Adventure Co., opera house corner. -- tf. Just received at Bridges & Bozorth's a new lot of stamping patterns nnd new line of dressing capes. L. W. Roland Mt. Gllead, Ohio, is in the city, visiting with his friend It. Donovan of the candy kitchen. It Is not unlikely that a new shoe store as well as a new harness shop will bo established in Salem in a few days. Tho W. C. T. U. restaurant is preparing to remove to tho building recently occupied by the Rock Bot tom grocery. Follow the crowd and you will turn up at Squire Farrar's, where groceries aro pure and cheap. Join tho procession. tf. S.Wilson of Portland yesterday afternoon purchased two lots in the Oregon Land Co.'s Riverside ad dltlou to Salem. For holiday caudles, nuts, cigars, notions, etc, goand sec what Speight & Souder, Court street, offer you. Prices low. ' ' 1 m d w Wm. Martin, county judgo of Umatilla county, is in Salem visit ing friends. He is an old timer, having crossed tho plains in 1843. The home of Jacob Stephens was tho scene of a happy surprise party on Monday night. About fifty were present and a gay time was had. G. W. Ruddick of Waverly, Iowa, is visiting Salem. He is dis trict judge in the Iowa circuit in which ho resides and has been on the bench for many years. The firm of W. Beck &Son lead in dolls, toys, novelties, scrap-books, albums, Christmas cards, Christmas tree ornaments and 1700 other things to numerous to mention. !M State Street Salem Oregon. tf Every boy will bo presented with a top and every girl with a story book. This applies to all who make purchases at George F. Smith's great Auction House during the Holidays. Bo sure and remcmlior this. tf. St. John asks thenuestlon, "Aro you for the saloon or the home?" Tho answer given Is, "you bet your life." But when you nro asked where you can get tho best goods and price on tea. coffee, jrroeeries, etc., the answer is, at Squlro Far- The ladles aro getting up a Christmas tree for tho orphaus at tho Orphans Home. All who care to contribute toward this good cause, will plcaso leave their gifts at Mr. Yeaton'a furniture store. Tho Christmas treo will bo held at tho Orphaus' Home Christmas ove. Catch tho shadow ere tho sub stance fades, is good advice, and especially Is tho truth of this demon strated when you speak of tho frequency with which one dear friend or another is hurried away. You'll regret too late that you did not have your friend or relative visit Sperry the Artist and have a per fect likeness taken. Heed tho moral go now before it is forever too late. tf. Watch tho footpriuts on thesldo walk. Where do they go? Up nnd down Commercial street until they come to the new bank block. Then they go up stairs. They go to Chorrlngton's Tho artist. If you aro looking for something nice for the holidays, go and see hinu His work Is tho finest. Time is fleeting sud Christmas Is near. Be sure and give him time to finish your work up nicely. tf. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. At Tho Capitol. One of the noblest and most dis tinguished ladies in Washington writes me thus : "Just how far Mrs. Bitten bender, your superintendent of legal Department, will re port her work I do not know She Is wise, quiet, and cautious, nnd doubtless she will do this right ; but my judgment is, your hearts will grow warm as you discover how slowly but surely your cause has advanced when most of yju thought it sleeping. Mrs. Bittenbender takes in the real Idea, the reasonable argu ment, and, so far, she has shown great nullity in winging lorccs iu strengthen her case. I feel happy niwr hor wnrk. Tt vrns ureatl V lieed- o1 Afro Hunt mill Mr. HtttCIl bender have exalted the W. C. T. U. In the minds of the thinking legis lators of this country. It seems to me this truth has scarcely been ap preciated by the "White Ribbon" women. One of these ladies ap pears in Washington for the uplift ing of the masses through the schools, tho other for a constitu tional amendment; these are no trivial affairs. Your representatives make no complaint; they speak no inL-lnil wnrfl alirmlv. rrentlv. WOm- anly they demand though with great gentleness, in tue name oi wiu W. C. T. U., that these great things be done." The same may be said of the steady and successful work of Mrs. A. F. Newman, whose "Home for Mormon Women" has already re ceived the favorable vote of the United States Senate. F. W. Until the people of this country understand that druukeuuess is the result of narcotic poison, operating upon the physical, mental and moral nature, they will full to suc cessfully grapple with it. Dr. B. W. Richardson. Tho world will never be the better for us, If we trim our sails to the breeze of public opinion. John Is. Gough. During the fifteen years following the adoption of total abstinence by tho Society of Friends, tho average length of life increased seven and one-half per cent. The leading chemists tell us that alcohol causes diseases of the vital organs, debilitates the vigor of the physical system, while it weakens the mind and promotes in both pre mature decay. Sir Astley Cooper says : "Wo have all been in error in recommending wine as a tonic. Ardent spirits and poison are con vertible terms." The stimulus given is not strength ; it is always exceed ed by the subsequent depression. Tho following bit of "sound rea son" is from an old gentleman friend : "When Uoii created neaven and earth, Ho did a certain amouut of work each day, and at the close of the dav. he pronounced His work good. Each day's work was of a higher order than of tho preceding day. On tho sixth and last day that He worked He made man. From this fact I Infer that He meant man to be tho best and noblest of all His works. Now! If you will notice every living creature closely, you must admit that not one or tliose which God created previous to tho creation of man, has a desire for in toxicating Houors, nor is it neces sary to their health and happiness. "Why, then, is It necessary for man when God made him on a higher order and Intended him to be better in every way than the lower ani mals?" Ox Duty. Tho finest line of Holiday Goods ever brought to Salem, consisting of Library Lamps, China Tea Sets, Vases, Cups and Saucers, Box-wag ons, Dolls by the hundreds, Doll- wngous, etc., can bo found at Jonn G. Wright's. Prices are at bed rock and goods first-class. tf. Delicate women who complain of a tired fecllne, pains iu the back and lotna, desire to sleep, dlxxiness, puimui or nipurroKu menstruation, will And In Oregon klduey Ten a faithful friend. It can be relied upon in every inaiani 10 give iiuuinuan '" onda of women sntTerinjc every day from some disorder of the kidneys or liver, who Oregon Kidney Tea. 8rtd by D. W. Muthewa A Co. Yen Caniat do Better Than call at tho Grange Store, 128 Stato street, If you want a good tea or anythlug else In tho grocery Hue. Don't fall to look at tho White Bros. Extracts, the best in the mar ket. t-f. Diekteat Armlea Sarra. The best salvo in the world fo cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, saltrheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hand", chilblains, corns, and all skin erup ttons, and positively cures piles, or nn pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price as cents per box. For sale - lr. H. W. Cox. Santa Claus r-At If! Finest Stock in the City! Furs, Handkerchiefs, Silk Hose, Silk Mitts, Cloaks, Dry Goods, Ladies Hand Purses Etc, 239 Cor. State and Commercial si SALE1VI, OREGOli CALL AND EXAMINE BOOTS AND Booir AND SHOE It will bo to the people's interest to examine their stock Shoes and boots before buying. They have just received an Excellent stock from the best factories, and every pair Is warranted to give satisfaction. REMEMBER Whcu looking for- -Call at Fry's Druig Store! Toilet Goods and Cases at Reduoed Hrloes. B-Handsomest picture cards ever given away in Salem. Free Lady Callers. fa 61 n Business January 1st, - - 1889, "We will make A Change in Business Until that time we shall oiler our Entire Stock for CASH at Prices that BEAT Our Own RECORD FOR LOW PRICES. That is Saving A Goou Deal in So Short a Space. Call Early, And get the benefit, Forsto, Tiffany & Co. 297 Commercial St Salem, Or. Merchant Tailor! A MAN OF TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, And supplied with only Kirst Class Goods sumxo PANTS GOODS, VEST FXTTKBNS Satisfaction guaranteed. 6. C. H06AN. Stafe Insurance Co's. block, Salem KSTAimsnED nr hationai- adthoij (i ht M TheCapitalNafaw Ob'- SALEM, - - - OREGON, Cauifal Paid no. - - - - $ j- j i Surplus. -.-- U. a WALI-ACK, - Prcsioes v w. MAnTTN. . Vlco-PrcsWe J. H. ALBERT, e Cuiia DIRECTORSi W.T.Gray, "W. "W. Martin, J.M.Martin, R. 8. Wallace. Dr. W". A.Culck. J. H. Albert, T. McF. ratton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wneat and other gjj" aDie proauce, coniBucu ----either In private Eraanes or State and County Warrants Bougtt rnuuturui I'Artn . ... ..l. rati. ISM Discounted ai reasoiu"'" .'zrrLm drawn direct on New York,CblcM FranelBco, Portland, London, Ytu.iw JUUUg A.UUK UUU - First National Ba SALEM, OREGON. S&MBS&i V "-SI JOIiN AlUlll, GENERAL BANKIN& Exeha&ca on Portland, Ban ' JJJ New York. London nd "gfeM Invited to depo.lt nd "??rial with ua. Lteena dT.K-Prop5l wheat. wool, hopa mdrtW J&fl ... rataa. Insurance "ftjfl ritVn be obtained "- moat rcUabU eompnu . . -fc .i. .