Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 19, 1888, Image 2

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    SE8BBMBiBHMIIWllWWIWilPIP r wi --t rvr' i- r -TTi.-tBjM
i.i hi.. i. .1 ijii mi nmuir-w.uiuiuJ.LL.m-.-"
MSMMMimujiii-J-iJiimmwmauii-yiam'iia.mtaM'.". ' .T.
I --
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 10. 1888.
ill! M
Canital Journal Publishing Company.
Otllce, Corner Court and Liberty Streeir,
.. W)
!Hlx monltiH. bv mull 2 m
Threo montlm by mull ... 1 25
I'cr week delivered by currier .... 16
Ono year, by mall
Ono year..
Hlx months..
,J1 CO
Ono yenr. If nnlil lor In udvance. 1 00
Blx months, ' 60
,, J93-l'ostmftRtcrs uro authorized; to re
ceive subscriptions.
if3-l'.iilprrd lis sccond-clnss nmtternt the
Halcni.OreKon. I'oi-totllcc, June 21, 1888.
W. II. IJYAKS - - Kditor
CLAKK IS. 1KVINK - - Mniingcr.
.i ,
The thirteen whalers which were
caught in tlio ico in tho Arctic
ocean late in the present season,
served to ralco tlio question as to
'what can bo done to meet nnyother
contingency of a like character,
'says the San Francisco Bulletin.
'These whalers got out of the difll
culty all right. After they had
found their way out, theoldeBt and
' most MicccHHful captain of the Pa
'ciflc "Whaling company ran the
Btoanier Orca into the Hatne opening
and captured four whales. No men
were lost by shipwreck of whalers
during the pant season. The thir
teen whalers caught in the ice, and
whoso prospects of getting out with
their ships were very slim, had not
a stock of provisions sullleient in
tlio aggregate to last about four
hundred men more than sixty days.
Tlio nearest land was Herald Island,
about forty miles distance. On tills
Island there Is not a vestige of any
thing to sustain human life. The
men might liuve readied the Island,
but in all probability they would
have perished there. Not only is
tho Island void of all animal life,
but there is no wood or coal for fuel.
Occasionally a stick of timber may
drift from tho main land in tlio
' s uniuer season and lodge on the
Island, lint the driftwood becomes
embedded In tho ico so that there is
u poor chance of getting it out In
tho winter season.
' If tho crow of these thirteen whal
1 era had seen their vessels go down,
'its thoy expected and had escaped
on to the solid lee, t hoy would have
made for the nearest laud. That
would hiive been the desolate Her
ald Island. They would not have
survived tho winter there with
such stores as thoy could have car
ried on their backs, and indeed,
would not liavo survived hail thoy
carried oil' all the ship store h.
The whulo llslieries of tlio Arctic
reached by tlio northwest coast are
' dlstlned to a much greater de
'vulopiiiont. Indeed, for tho few
"hundreds now engaged, this force
'limy lio Increased to thousands.
There will, in all ' probability, bo
some (Hasten. Tlio steam whalers
will pirns their way up to the high
est latitude. They may at no dls
'tant day reach points as high as
any exploring vessels have ever
gone. If the north polo is ever
reached It may bo by some ono of
these steam whalers, which might
follow an open lead in some favor
able season until this goal of Arctic
exploration has boon readied. Hut
the bolder tho enterprise tho greater
the probability that there may be
some Increase of disasters In tho
Arctic, a probability, however,
which nlay bo lessened by tho grad
ual displacement of sail vessels by
Bteani whalers.
Tun Chronicle editorially says:
"Washington territory is clearly ou
titled to admission Into tho Union
as a state, not only because she pos
sesses tho ivqulnlto population, but
l'oomiM of her rapid strides and
enormous ' development in every
dlreatlon which heli to build up n
' prosperous and nourishing common
wealth; mul It Ik certain tlmt with
tho right to govern hersolf as a state
Washington will progress more
rapidly thuu ever. It is to be
hopod, however, that tlio now state
will not Ih mllcd "Washington, but
Mill bo given muho distinctive
name a, for example, Thcoiim
for Whlngin, as a tftxtgruphlual
appellation, has Kx-ume trite bo
nUlea belntf l'or,ne by the capital of
tliL-npuMu '
"There is a tide In the affaire of
men if taken at the flood leads on
to fortune" or words to that effect.,
Tho'-tldo lias struck Salem and
the irrespective flood isilipon us.j
Twenty thoueandiUollars .Is a small
sum for such a city to raise. The
benefits to a majority of the proper
ty owners would bo double the
amount of their subscriptions. We
suggest tlio propriety of laying all
personal preferences aside and all
pull together for the general good.
Tho Capital Jouiinal banks all
its spare piasters on the success of
the enterprisoand Invites the hearty
cooperation of every loyal citizen.
This opportunity may not again bo
o tiered for years.
Aliu:aiy hoteJ-keepers are be
sieged with applications for rooms
during tlio inauguration next March.
The Inauguration committee have
collecteb upwards of 40,000. Many
inrpiiries are made if the inaugur
ation of General Harrison will be a
centenary one, as in 1789, 100 years
before Goneral Washington was in
augurated as tho ilrst president of
the United States. This is a fact
that lias escaped notice in all the
arrangements so far made for tho
inauguration ceremonies.
Tin: report of the capture of Stan
ley and Emln Pasha Is so . much
more definite than the various ru
mors that have reached us from
time to time and is supported by bo
many more corroborating circum
stances that we can hardly avoid ac
cepting It. Of course there is some
hope yet. Tho Khedive's letter, sent
by Osman Dlgnu as a proof that ho
held Stanley, may have been taken
from a carrier. But tlio chances are
all against the safety of tho explor
CirAUNonv M. I)i:ri:w would
not refuse the mission to tlio Court
of St. James. The woods are dense
ly packed with peoplo in tlio same
friuno of mind. Mr. Depew would
bo equal to the pluce, however.
If CaptaiulCldifiiaiTTaid up his
treasure in heaven, as ho ought to
have done, ho would save anxious
investigators a good deal of back
acho In these later days.
Tin: Senate Committee on Military
Allaire has agreed to report favor
ably the bill for tho retirement of
W. S. ltoceorans with the rank of
Jas. Eliunn, of Crook county, re
cently sold a hundred head of beef
cattle at Tho Hallos for $30 per head.
Tin: Evangelist Moody is shaking
up tho dry bones of Portland and
moss is flying in every direction.
Quitk a number of cattle have
been poisoned on tlio Cove range
through eating wild parsnips.
Six members of tho Idaho legis
lature travel over a thousand miles
each In order to reach Boise.
Kukho Slrtft Hallway..
To-day articles of incorporation of
the "Bugouo City Street Hallway"
were tiled with tho secretary of
state. 1 G. Hendricks, G. It. CJirls
nian and Charles Laucr aro tho in
corporators and tho capital Btock Is
&.M,000, In shares of $100 each. Tlio
luo will bo built from the O. & C.
depot south on Willamette street to
the city limits and albo east on 11th
ChrlntmiiH lrtrba,
A warm Christmas, a cold Easter.
A liidit Chrisimm, a heavy slioaf.
A green Christmas, n white Waiter.
A wind on Christmas da)', treeo will
bring much fruit.
It Christinas limit a bridge, he'll breaks
It; it he timls none; he'll make one.
If Ico will hear a mail before ChristniM,
it will not boar a man after arils.
The shepherd would tather aee his wife
jn tho stable on Christmas day than the
If the sun shines through the apple-tree
ou Christmas day, there will beanabuu.
tlant crop the lollowinK year.
FISH12K . FISHER. In Salem,
' Sunday, Dec 10, 1SS8. Gaines
Either and Martha J. Eisner, John
Chase performing tho ceremony.
Tho above announcement Is no
xlmtbt a surprise to their many
friends, as tho license upon which
the nuptial knot was tied was issued
on Deeembor 31st, 18S7 ono year
DEI.ARHMUTT. At his home in
Dallas, Or., December 1, 1S8S,
after a liugerlug IUiicm, Ed. l)i -Lashnuitt.
To the SbdtJr .'
To the shore, to Ufc'lKor.'
Where the rniH tfujfg eVSWeep,
And old oceafi'i'Itirwr I&L,
Lulls the vlctratollS?
Where the gartff EEtfttfflorf&W-
Would hare Vtrirlc&l'iU.a fright,
Is the thlnjt rbV thb'toaffi;
And the bather' delight.
To tho shore, to tho shore
Where the sun's melting ray
Jlakes one's face red and sore.
And we're baked nil the day;
.Where the heart that of lata
So delightedly throbbed
Gets a halt in Its gait
As we think how we're robbedi
, Boston Budget.
Two Xctters, ' ' i
About this timo tho indulgent parent of
tho collego youns man is puzzled by tho fol
lowing contradictory correspendence:
"Dear Sin 1 regret to inform yon that
your son is too fast for tho moral atmosphere
of tho college, 'and 'unless ho puts on the
brakes ho must not return next torm.
"College Puesideitt."
"Dear Sir Inclosed find your son's bill
for seven suits, English style. Tho young
man is too slouvfor'this place, and unless he
spudges up, I will run him out of town next
term. Qoluegk Tailor."
Springfield Union.
Circumstances Alter Cacs.
I Uncwa girl named Mary Caityy
Who, tho' poor, was halo and hearty;
She used to wear n gingham gown
And took my niother's washing down.
But now she's making quite a stir,
With qulto a fortune lelt to her.
Sbo now assumes the air blaso
And spells her name Marie Carte.
Albany Union.
Not it rMrasIn;; rrusioci.
"Won't w got an.. today, roar"
asked litt o Johnny ii- .S ...ieu, rattier ens-
iOUilj", IIS ttltl n)!i;11l)..J.. MU'o tho elO.lll(J
hymn nt tho uioni.i:t; ton tiv i ii Hiuulay.
"Of couro wo wul. Jti.i is.y,'' uhi-.tixu
his mainiiiu. "Uh.a pu. tuut quct.tuni
into your haull"
"Vh.. , o.eryliody'. b...;,tn, t'o'ro ciug
home, to ilmo no iboiv. " 1'ins.iui,; Ciou
lclo. u Lurt i.i J.n.nn'y.
"Do you li..f .tiiavt.. j;. .'.fi..-i" clred u
Pittsbur," girl u,iui0 t . t.-..o:i. u.id vl,u
thought 'hhuMniMt iiravi'ivu Upmi fUlijceu
with which HuMOiiliuift iiiu hiip.JK-il u In.
most familiar.
"I don't llaili!; I tver mi"-Ut:n plajV w!
tho reply, "but 1 funry ho cnuioc bo u'rf go.d
as Mr. Kelly at tliiS U.c ' Pittsburg Ciuo...
Icle. .
A Drnwiii" Curt).
Goon' tho bt',!a.viLi iiti.et
That's uot dut.in lou well.
Of bucccss will demand .i i.iuro g.-ccrous store;
Bo Ilia uows will yo lurtU
To tho webt. botitti aud north,
That tho sea Ecrpeat's uitulo Ins appearance oil
shore Bobtou lludgeu
A Succcbusul Ucbut.
Pompono (at ilrs. Goldbug's ball) Woll,
Lite wai to, my boy, had a pleasant evening!
Lltowalto (evtiloutly rattled) Yo-es.
rompano I saw you engaged in convor
eatlon with Miss Ruttlc. What were you
Lttewnito Nothing. That is (brightening
up) I started to say something twice. 1 did,
woolly I Time,
Tho Lino of His Ifrofcsalon.
"Where did you get that now boiled shirt I"
asked ono tramp of another.
"I camo by it honorably iu tho lino of my
"Tho lino of your professionr1
"Yes, sir. t Tho clothes lino." Merchant
Tlio Glorious Toarth.
' Within tho grini and smoky air
' A senso of shock still linger.
As little. WlUle, standing there.
Looks vainly for hU fingers.
Sonionrtlle JpnmaL
A Busy Day.
Old Lady (to street gamin) Boy, yoa are a
very dirty little fellow. Why don't you run
'homo and ask your mother to wash your
faco aud bauds
Gamin Mo rauddor ulu't pot tlmo, mam,
today. It's wash day. The Kpoch.
Queen Christian has been making an ex
tensive, tour through tho kingdom with tba
king ou her lap. At Barcelona tho biggest
fleet over assembled iu time ot jeaco was In
the harbor grt Ins tnf ontllo majesty, .
The cxarewitch, It Is sold, will marry one
of Kaiser WlUium's sitters. This was really
tho reason why Uumarok opposed the. pro-,
rosod tuarriago of Priuco Alexander and
lViacess Victoria. Had that niarrlago taken
jilaco the union of. tho llomanoffsand Ilohen
tollerns by lattur day ties would have ben
rendered uniKissible.
; Tho pkneoof. Naples, son. of the king of
Italy, has earned wusidemblo dUiUnctlon as
a photographs-. They say there is 'nono
betterla Italy. The photograph of the
Princess Letitia Couaparto, who U to be
aarrUd to her uncle, the duke ot Aosta,
which Is having a great sale iu Italy, is by
Che prince. !
Statb.of.Oiho, City of Toledo 1
.usntrthrinnty, S. S.
ivlii-ml!t tfClwijiV.v makes oath that
hLtrsihf'h'tilorpiiirtjifr of the firm
of-K.Ui OliPitVfy HVSii. iloing busi
nib lililhesdty-tiffl.Tokilo. county
(ind, AtUtL'i'hfint'ittilil.imnil that said
tlrni wtll pnyithe;8Unll of one hun
rlreil'tliiJlnra for caBlnnnd every case
of witanh thnt cannot be cured by
the umj or Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn before me and subsgribed
in my presence, this 0th day of
rjeeeniber, A. D. '80. ,
skal ) JNotury i'uunc.
Eclcnco Solves All Problems.
Groat Scientist Don't bother mo now.
Wife But I must; thero is not n thing iu
this houso to eat.
"That reminds mo. I'vo just finished an
elaborate urticlo ou 'What Primitive Man
Ate,' and"
"What I' want to know is what Is a certain
1L , 1 I.J 1. . l.lf I
cultured mnn nuu uin wuu 10 eubt
"Ilumphl Well, let mw seo. Ohl Just sit
down and read that urticlo. It-will take
away your nppetito, my dear." Omaha
A Ji'pw Olafo.
"Where is your brother non, Brigsby?"
"lie's about to go on u trip to Europe. He
mado a fortuno, you know."
"Istlmtsoi Howf
"Ho got up a remedy for sleeplessness,
which is so excellent that ho sold tlio right
to mako it at a great ilgtiro."
"Who did ho sell it tor"
"To a dealer in police supplies." Lincoln
To speak tho words her tou.to did falter.
But all her team arid praj era were Idle;
Her father forced her to tho InJter,
Tor he'd determined t.J tlio bridal.
Sho did not wish to htir up strife.
And .) hiT l.vh ..o u.- b.uothcr;
ButsadM ui Lei luin.-d Uo "
Bho wedded uau hut Imvd another.
Um.tiiu Courier.
Tftili't. Pnhirrli Cnro Ih taken in
ternally and act" directly upon the
liltiod 'and mucus surfaces of tho
PVftem. feud for testimonials, free.
F. .1. CIIKNEY & CO., Toledo.O.
C-Siild by druggists, 75 cents.
Tin: log cut of Minneapolis,
Minn., mills, for the year, as so far
reported, reaches 333,000,000 feet.
A Natural I'rmlui't of California.
It is only found in Butte County
Call ornla and in no oilier part of
the world. "We refer to the tree that
produces the healing ntid ponetrat
tnguin used fn that pleasant and
ellcetive cure for consumption, bron
chitis, asthma and coughs, Santa
Abie the King of Consumption.
D. W. Matthews guarantees and
sells it for 51-00 a bottle, or three for
i2.ua. Jy the use of Callfornia-Cat-It-L'urc,
all symptoms of catarrh are
dispelled and the diseased nasal pas
sage isspiedily lestorcdto a healthy
condition. $1.00 a package. By
mail 1.10. Circulars free.
Gixge AV. CiiiLps of Pliiladcl
phla owns tne original manuscript
of Dickens' "Our Mutual Friend."
He lias refused ?G000 for it.
The undersigned having bcn re
stored to health by simple means,
alter Kullertiig several years with a
severe lung aflLvtlon, and .that
dread disease consumption, is1 anx
ious to make known to his fellow
stifteiers the means of cure. To
thot-e win) desire it, ho will cheer
fully send-(free of charge) a copy of
thu prescription iused,, which they
will llnd u sure icuro fdj" consump
tion, catarrh, lasmatha, bronchitis'
and all throat-and lung, maladies.
He hopes all suil'erers Avill fry his
remedy, us it is invaluable. 'Those
desiring tho prescription, which will
cost iheniMiotliing, and may prove
a blessing, will please address, Rev.
Edward A. Wilson, Kings County,
New York.
A soft black hat iq Gen. Harri
son's favorite headgear.
Wonderful Cults.
W. D. Hoyt & Co, Wholesale and
Itetail Druggists of Home Qa. say:
We have been selling Dr.. King's
New Discovery, Electric Bit ters and
Bueklen'b Arnica Salvo .for four
yen re. Have never handled reme
dies that sell as well, or give such
universal satisfaction. There have
been some wonderfull euros effected
by these incdicineslnthiqcity.. Sev
eral cases of pronounced ipousump
tion have been entirely cured by
use of a few b ttles of Dr King's
New Discovery, taken in connec
tion with Electric Bitters. We
jruarantee them always. Sold by
Dr.H.W. Cox.
Why does a sailor know there Is a
man in tho moon ? Ho has been to
Mr. N. H. Frolinstino of Mobile
Alabama writes: I take great plea
sure in recommending Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
having used it for a severe attack of
Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave
me Instant relief and entirely cured
me aud I have not been afllicted
since. I also beg to state that. I had
tried other remedies with no good
result. Have also used Electric Bit
ters and Dr. King's New Life Pills,
both of which I can recommend,
Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs aud Cold, is
sold on it positive guarantee Trial
bottles free at H. W. Cox's Drug
The exclusion of colored children from
the public schools of Felicity, Ohio, has
created a bitter feeling between the two
Digest and be Jolly,
Did over nuyono seo a Jolly dyspeptic T
Wo trow not. What natural cheerfulness
is proorncnlnstthe almost ceaseless annoy
ance of ebrunlu Indigestion? l'eoplo whose
stomachs are constantly disturbed exhi
bit the utmost peovbibneMi nnd nervous
Irritability. Happily for them since the
Irritable uml nervous prematurely fret
themix'lves luto tho grave tnuniuUliy of
tho stomach and renewed good temper
nwattthcin In n sure quarter, if they will
but M-elt 11, Tho genial stomachic, IIos.
tottery btonmori IHUuro, -breeds cheerful
ness by Insnrltiir Its e.-jie nihil pro-coudltlon
easy digestion. lillllouMiesx, too, und
const! nation, malevolent companloiu of
the tmitkeneo, dyspeiwlii, viirtlli tafter n
brief but ntenUy mro of the nltenitlVe.
Muny a toniper natunilly sweety but con
tinually wiirod by tho combined attack of
this trio of Imps, parses the boundary of
luoiioman'.a, Procnt this polblllty wlllt
the Hitters. Malaria fevers, rheumatism,
kidney onmplnluttiiinil debilliy are truly
relieved by thU suiidarit medlolne.
rVrfL- n,l,l PnllniLo ,f nil... Tt-.tlrvo
A4.k UUM A VllUfia Jk lUVA'HIIU
ii live nougat a ioi, ior ,imi, aim
will erect a hall.
Am AtMtita care.
DlNTMHNTIa only put up In lortp,
I WlV-flllllnil (III hnru n.,,1 I. ...
aljaoluto Quro for old sores, burun,
wounds, channed lmnrt an.i i
-kin eruptions. Will positlv
..tipu all Irlnrla nf vI1ao A t.
v...v .. .....- w. ,in sum. jor (III
xrirvr! wJ hwiv -r ri.i
i t'a, 108 State street, 8alem, ut i5
v.iiIh imr Ivit hv malt on iv,i
- J" - -v " V WAllO.
r ' -
Leather and Findings d
Wools, Hides, Pelts and Farft
231 Commercial St., Salem, Or
C3P- . m " TTBT
i it 1 1 s? mHIb
., H-
Fruit Farms of Ten to Forty Ac-res f ! !
These lands are not offered at enhaneed prices. The soil and location are
Especially adapted to growing PEARS, PRUNES, AND OTHER
FRUITS for shipping green to the Mining distrietF and
Farther Eakt, while the mutual cooperation in
Shipping, Htoring and selling fruits will
lie no small consideration.
The Very Best Laud For Fruit Growing
Tho canneries of SALEM, WOODBUItN and ALBANY aro at easy
of access. None hut first class families desired. Will meet
Parties with team. Correspondence solicited.
Stayton, Or.
-A Complete Lino of-
Beatatifuil Holiday Goods!
Has just been, received at tho Old and Established
Salem Jewelry Store of
( AU , kinds pf Watches, Jewelry'and Silverware. Trices satisfactory and
Goods "First Class.
1 . I !
R. M. WA'DlS'''&!00'S
282 to 286 Commercial. Sireot, SALEM.
Garland Stores,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Ivi V a QHk.UfJn JBrnB
&fc-1WBtiaBEK :
;--,,. BHTT1T fflMT
' w Jrigljton
Also & dnpfrtr Stock tf fianta aw aid FaAi'Mttliiwy, Wapirs mh! T!5f