CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., TUESDAY. DECEMBER IS, 1SS8. MO. 24G MKW TO.DAT. TIT ANTED A BOY TO "WOnK ON A farm. Address or call at Caittai. JOHJfAI.OfflcO. dlwwl. SMALLPOX A PREVENTIVE. THE preventive for smallpox or nnv other cafchlne; disease is the 0HEG0N PEACH MTTEHS. It cleanse your blood and strengthens your syntcm. Every family should bavo n bottle In their house. To Srevent treating disease!, call nt your rugglst or address H. KLA8, No.2J FPU, Portland, Or. C.H.MOXROE, j n TIkit Late of the llonroe House. ' U Monroe & Bell, Proprietor i anSCELLANEOUS. HOWARD BROTHERS -DO General Uous Moving, Raising and Repairing. Work promptly donoat reasonable rates. Orders left nt CAriTAi. Journal office will receive attention. Ml-tf SHEEP FOR SALE. 300 head of stock sheep for sale. For prices and particulars, nddress A. care Capital Journal olHce. dwtf. HUGHES, BELLINGER & CO., REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. EASTERN PROPERTY TTIXCHANUED KOIt OUEGON, WASH' Jjjlngton Tor.orCalliornla real estate. For Iritormntlon address us at either of the fol lowing efTices: Palestine, 111.: Kansas City, Mo.: Salem, Or.; Portland, Or. Salem office nt Bellinger's machinery depot, near the clly hnll.Llberty street: Portland ottleeln the rooms of the State Immigration Hoard, corner of Front and Ash streets. 173tf FARMERS T PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PIUOE L for butter, W and poultry. Also have a feed store, 201 Commercial street. 10-UUUui W. L. ATEg. MILLINERY AND MltS. M. i:. FANCY GOODS. WILSON Has a very flno stock or new millinery, and Is prepared to do Trimming and Dressmaking In the latest styles, Call and sco her new winter goods and styles. mm Hotel. FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. From 51 to 83 per day. SALEM - . OREGON. 10tf KELLEY BROS., PROPRIETORS OF MealsJ cents; board, S3 per wcok. No Chinese employed. 219 Commercial St. 10dtf. Thehrst hill introduced in cn rii m- bodjing the primiple nfvivtm pensions to dependent soldiers was. fram.-d and pre sented by General Harrison 273 Commerchil street, Salem. For Sale. A good Iron frame Horso Power. Good tor all uses, from one to full capacity. All for the low price of 830. Call , ut t he I a clno Cider, Vinegar A Fruit FreserUng Company's office. Salem. Oregon. THE SANITARIUM For the treatment of all diseases of men and women DBS. GILBERT & WEMP Medicated vapor baths, oxygen lnbala tlons, electro magnetism. .wwd.tenM spray's, etc. Office and sanitarium in the Awir fvm.iiltiitton free. uwaw Heal Estate Bargains. 51,600 1G0 acres, (J, miles from O & C do- pui. IrOOU llMUsU. u.trn UIIU orchard. Fenced, andIncul-tivntlon. 52,000 80 acres, 4 miles from Salem. -.-. r.ila Plnnfpnll land IllCJlia Ittili A- il Mil. sussut $5.490 H5 acres VA miles from Salem. Ait UUIIUI "b3 LIJICIIUIU iuuu, all fenced. Make a desirable linmn $2,500. ..60 acres k miles from Salem, lm- orchard, and card en land. 81,180 KM acres, 7 miles from Salem. ' (Till ...-. limtflFA1 Malt 11)11 1IU1U, UHCIJ niuvivu. 'in In lota of 40-ucro tracts at $i per 810,800 67o acres, 8 miles from Salem, i.UTIIl'Ul 6 " adjoining Willamette rlrcr. AV'ilt .nil (n 4mota 'B1375 51 aci e, -1 miles orSnlcm. House, f 1. ..,4 ..nnli.iwl 1 .nrtroiitirlnrr U.WJi 1U1U Ull-uui ,-.... at the door. Good soil, and n..i rt tlttiltnt- 82.100. UOncres, 5 miles of Salem; icood runnlns through the place. $0000 400 acres (4 miles west side US CW,W. ... XnnA ImiiGA hu rn AH it orchard, 1J0 in cultivation, bal- nnn n.ll n-Pltll nn lit II TO. 1(1 11(1. SS0O lOacres.1 mile from K-dcrn. ad. no Improvements. 81 MO 40 acres, 6 miles Salem; an in 51,-aw w..,...l l. npxr school house. ;Excellent fruit land. 84 000 V0 acres, 6 miles from u.ry iwi; ffV"1""""...:'... .11 tfntnrorl. llnllHP. barn, and small orchard; 150 acres in cuiin uw orvi jiiots.wlthgooaiiuieandbarn, 82,750. -J'Jn Ecslrablo location. Wo havo besides this a largo list of city .n.i fhrin nroDcrty. Buyers would do well ?oJnPQ examine our holdings before making their purchases. WILL1M K AJW,Viv"j ', 'Hi 9-2t!tf Opera House, Court St.. Bjxlem.Or. BLCKSMIT1IING and HORSESHOEING. smut mui ii 2SS& S12 and 3U Commercial Bt, Salem. CALIFORNIA! the Land of Discoveries LtesfetesSi JON( itwiii&fiffswaja recommend ''""e rfed everything Elnd?SieAMoVnoeclJwher. 1S!nY.'Dinth.Q0nvnCeY0U baUnce. ,.", dollar can purchase trUninmjfaf,JSSd ttwen you "fercuut free.contalnlnf detailed deserlpt'00' nillTA ADIT ',LUNC5r-Sarf.nWi fnin nu.u BOLD AND GUARA' D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY. inR"?TATB ST.. SALEM, Ok! SNEtrHHTSHU&.WOODARD.WholrfOeoot 'our 1SB W I U 1 1 a v f u w . " l d.r.BtviwnftH?Sti;TiWMiy """".: :.:;; tm Instant renei rr with Bronenius ,.. i the pleasure to Inform Have jnfiSsxJyrSl meetlDg with large sales. from ( Are hear any Nothing but Praise having oc SSSSBfc ;.CaL" WHInesaorthe lanut. Experience and daily nbservati n, how. ever prove th it tlie love of the ptanutis not confined solely to tho small boy. Its fascination has a b.oader sweep. Fashion may taboo it at the table, but it takes sveet retenge in all som of places and upon all tts of humanity. Its wil iuesi, too is MacliUvelun No olhr nut has half us cuunin, and I'niii other can boast of its potter if insinuaiitui. Itn oni nipresence i uiiescptil . Ev ry treet- corner fumes nh i - n.iid tu.ance. at five cents a quart, measure I m by a lather-colored meichant li'i Idt hit liomu ! neath the sunny skies of lulj to set hi trap for fortune in our own (avoiuJ Urn), temptingly baited with prauuts and piuk lemonades. Prudenuu iniy uk" ulTAt Ui bail aud pass nn. Wli.i !iciHhi.-u lost. One nibble one tiny end id pn lir I K.tncl in contast with his pil e an I I hy all bis disdain for peanut. The itsp .-prim: and sends him mmiclun .i..n 0. stieU wilb a quirt dinhnf, in hi- coat tail pocket Table Talk. It is in tht contrast wan Hk- qu.etr housekeeper that hn will i..i' y.t mar ed for at least ten juir.i NINE DOCTORS FAILED. Three Stost Ilrmarkable Cures How They 1VrIonebyan Adrrrtla Jnj; loctor. POWDER A card o iIim public: I feal that I would not be doing my duty to woman-kind if I did not let them know how badly af tlicted I have Uemi and how and where to b cured. Ten ears api I was taken with a paiulul illness, and I have been troubled that way sinco that time, accompanied with wnnih trouble in every conoeivable ay. About three months ago the climax cams, and I wa prostrated villi pain through tho heait, chest and lungs, and coiiKned to my bed. Alter nine doctois of different schooU (if practice );ave me up. 'I apt) lid to Dr. Damn, and they have cuted me so I can walk from my icaideuce to (heir office. lam overjoyed with the result of the . ure. Mrs. MA. Alll.r. Thu followinx tribute to tho gift and skill of Dm. Damn is a remarkable in stance of a generous impulse worked out auaiuit powerful professional prejudioo, and i worthy of recerd: Card to the public I havo for tho past two venia been afUlcted with chronic per icarditis, accompanied with grnat pain nrutiud the heart all that time with execs. nite cuculatinn, sleepless inubis, tear and distress. I wj uualilo to attend to the duties of my profession. I had exhausted my knowledge of medioiiie, as also that nn colleagues, and found no relief until coming hinder the electro.niagnelio treat ment of Ore. Darrin. A little more than a muuth,elaped since I received this treat ment, and I can tnithtully say that I am cu .'. I havd none ol my former trouble, and wish i.iivemy ticrhonal experience in On interest of humanity. I havu been n p'aiHioum vh)sician fuiirteen years, aLtl am well knuwu in his city aud in Marsh, tielil, Oregon. 1 deem it but justice to the public and to Dra. Darrin to write thu above. Dlt. STKKLK. Absolutely Pure. mk.i....,!.. nrn. v.rtn, A tiinfVI! Ot lUloiKinmi ."" ...... -. -- economical than tho ordln.irs wiiiiis.nnd cannot no soul in comiieinnin wuu mo multltuuooiiow icsi, suuri phosphate powders. Sold nlv In cjins. itOVAt. lUKlNO I'OWUKB CO., 10J lll,N. . I1VSINKS4 CAItnS. Bu It. MAKON. DENTIOT, HUCCEKTO Ur. J. u. Jiyru. umo uiwuwii. nk. J. M. KKENK, . TT Uroom's oer White Comer, 8a. m. to a p. m U.H., IiKNTAI. Olllce liours T TAL DIIAfKhS LURKD SIXTKEK YEARS AtlO AM) KKMAINSrERMANE.Nr 10 THIS UAV. Mr. Editer: Iii I072 .nydaughter was taken with tim roembranout cruup and npon her recovery wai luft lotatt). laf. I called 011 1 mi eminent physicians who said they could do nothing for her. Ai a last res rt I 100k hei to Dr. Dnrrio, who iuted her, and l e has nevsr been troubled with deafness since thu creates! cures f elictro-magnetic treat ment on record, aud with"Krealsatisfaollon lmvs this testimonial Alameda county, California, and will take great pleasure in answering any inquiries concerning tin most remarkable cute. Vour re'ltcctfully. WtiX'AH S. DiiiiiLe. J. W. CRAWFORD, STEAM Dealer In AND WATKIt PIPES, and Lift moves and Tin Ware, Horco 1 'limps, MANUFACTUllKIl OK Tin, Copper, and .u k. a rnm Viiiln Itwiflnirand Bpoutlng, attended toon short nollw. 261 Commercial St., saiem, ur. NEW 1300K. DEEDS OF DARING BY BLUE & GRAY. TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Imporlanl Events of the Bole World for the Past Week. Oki'ici: Hours and UUHIN1K8. I)w. Darrin cuii Ihj cotiHtiltud fruo nt the Cliifiiiekuto Hotul.SuIoiii, Or., Di'tuinbtirHd to DvcuinlMir 2.M miiy. Tlioy will uihUt 110 flrcuiiiHttiii ixt( tiikoncosu tlitsy cunnot euro or boiitiilt. ClmraeH uro rooHonuhlc, ami tho i!or trwitod freo from 0 to 10 a. 111. dully. Olllcu hour from 10 to4 dully: e vonlngt, 7 to 8; Sun- days, 10 to IS. All curable clirOlliO lllntHWCU, lOS Of HllllllKMMI, liUvxl tulritt., nyplilllB, Klot, Bonor rhtwi, Htrleturu, HtxjrmuU)rrhu.m Mtmlnul woaknwsH, or low of tliHlro of muxuuI power In man or women, eutiirrh or deafnunH, ore conllilent Inlly utid HUCCfHMrnlly treatwl. t'urw of private dlmuusuM fuaruiitevs! utid never puhllnlied In the pujwrH. Clrculiiru wnt free. Mont ow tnn Dakota's Next Gosrrnor. Indianaious, Doc 17. Hon. Al fred Dickey of Jamestown, Duk., was nnionir those who vlfdtcd Gen. Harrison and hnd n private confer enco with him. Mr. Dlckoy care fully guarded tho obJict of his visit while here, but It trnusnlres that he emtio In his own interest o a cstn- dldate for the governorship of Da kota Territory. From a Kcntlcumn conversant with the circumstances, It Is learned that Dickey la strongly cndearetl to his home people for the appoltitmont as governor to succeed Church. He Is a native of Indiana, having lived many years at or near Woodvllle, and enjoyed Oen. Harri son's acquaintance. It is said his talk with Gen. Harrison was very satisfactory. AVnnt u lteouuut. San FitANCisco. Dec. 17. The ltepubllcnn StatoCcntml cuinmltteo will consider the proposition of Iniv Inir a ueni'ral recount of tho vote cast In this city at tho recent election. It was agreed that all republican candidates who believe that a re count would result in their election shiiultl hold nconlerouco with repre sentatives of tho state and county committees anil consider the advisa bility of commencing proceedings ror a recount in tlieir eases. A IIlK suit. London, Dee, 17. The stockhold ers of tho Lake Superior Copper Co. have decided U wind up the allulrs of the concern. During tho trial of tho trade mark suit In tho law courts to-dav. a photognmhlo Instru ment was Introduced to reproduce letters anil other miners. Thu In strument worked successfully. A rrnlitlilllonlst's 1'nrll. ItocKroiti), III., Dec. 17.- Alder man Holmes, who was ordered by Whlto Cups a few tluyn ago to resign within -18 hours and leave the city, hits heard from his persecutors ugalu. A dynamite bomb was round 011 his plnza. The ruse had been Ignited, but expired before tho explosion could occur. Do I.ussep Wnpt. Paiiis. Dec. 17. When Do Les- sops heard of the rejection of the Pannm-i canal bill hLs fuco blanched aud lils hands bo'iuno very cold. never ricciiirouuieu . . , .,,,., I consider it one of Hohooii recovered his usual Cttl.n- noss, nowover, aim siwku miuiy m tho wreck uml fearful disaster to tirKioaiiabiiuiii'i. I . .. I reside in llwklev, M tho nntl(" Iilptlittrla Aruunil Alluiiirqiia. Ai.iii'dtJiiiKjm:. N. M.. Dec. 17. Dlptherla has broken out umong the Mex can children oftlie eoiiiury and It Is Hiitil that no less than 1MX) tleiiths haw occurred In tho lust tsw days. Physicians elulni that pur ents do not attonil pnjerly to their children. NKiaiinOKllOOl) N0TKS. llrpfiy Corrc .sponpeure rYom the Towns Around Us. MOXKOimi ITEMS. Tho Sunday school Is- to- glvo a Christmas tree. Ducks arc very plentiful now In the swales. Wheat lookB well Mid from tho amount sown last fall wo will surely havo a largo yield noxt year. Tho Btippcr was given by tho Ladles Aid Society and was a llnanclal success. "Wo understand tho proceeds go for tho Ihj ne lit of tho poor. This town can certainly keep pace with tho larger ones In way of entertainments two parties, a liter ary society, and a huge supper In one night. Ono would Indue from thoaniount of lumber that is being shipped In and distributed through tho coun try that there must bu great Improve ment going on. The State Normal Bchool goes on lu Its own tiulet. unassmulmtwuy. but Is doing a good work nevertheless. It has stutlunts from alL over tho state, aud tho roll Is increasing very rapidly. The need of a normal train ing by tho teachers Is clearly man! rested, and tho work of this school is telling 011 the edttcatlouul Inter ests of this state. There are, more than 1V students most all of whom aspire tt become rulers. What a rolnforeemunt to tlio present rank of teachers I Tho tlnto lias gouo when a person, who can read and write and cipher a llltlo can teach. Tho coming teacher must bo wide-awake, progressive, keenly allvo to tho Interests of his pupils ho must tench not merely his rec itation, for ho lias in his-charge- tho most precious part of man tho mluil. Other professions aro getting trained mid expurJouced recruits why not teaching? No other place can men and women bo drilled so well as at a normal school. It Is strictly a teachers school. Pl.ACK OH .... a aUlllntF i I .... I. . .... 4 .. I a. 1.11 fa flil Ik V.Mit Tbpteollertlonwnimi.l .". rcevivu ..... .... K.W.TaVTTniu.y Wn at the Doctor's ..lllce. iiSounu of exploits of scoula and Ptw. , . aooounuoi "l'"?,":C. T.ViV.ri forlorn nopea, nnuis ui.. ---- menu and halr-breaatn e-c.1 "- !naiffiSSSd sTT, hunKT- rc.pPft.t.Uon.ortr1..urit sign, of oVrndTtc evenu. perllou. Journey-, neauu. , 1 , .2-GiSfX "SSTeldaei "fin-. K v' 00 ebPUnT rrSfuaely lllurtraM! " Ule! Jfo other book at all like U. AgeoU wanted. Outalls every thlnf.t f funds and freight prepaid. ruiSiKT book, w-"?r of A good dlgeatlon waits oouppetlt and a oti are low aptrtUKl, Irritable, re a on b or have an irregular appbtllf, nviaa srou ur an uteuue m. Or Hsnlsy's fittndMlon all means Tonic. ink It will n-py "ttT.lABt,UO. INMUItAMCK OompaB. Klra aod Ma-rtn. JOfV AtaKKT, At, HJB.Orte NEWZEAUND fl nm Ir m n mill it vmi. hold by D. W, Matbtwa s Co. A WrIU-iB f ! An early number of tho Overland Monthly will oonUln a descriptive artlelo on Salera and iturrouHding eountry. ThU rogaxlne UanionK !.. 1) X Parlnnr la tllO BCellt for Salem, and order left at HUrr'a far hlw will receive careful and prompt attention. " Prslk CrsM .Natural las.fs, The coroner's Jury empanelled to In.iulro Into tho tittiHO of the cause of the death of Matthew Harrison, the old 1111111 who was found tluud in thu woods, returned a verdict yes terday evening of death from tuitu- r1 .-HI1S4M. 'PI.. liunilt.lllri nlil infill will be rvinembercd as a jK-cullar Individual of whoso life nothing Is known. 80 fur as known ho was alono In tho world, having no relatives. A little morn t bun six weeks ago he was 111 Huiem, where ho caiiio to huve his teeth pulled by Dr. Kecne. IIU property, nmouutlng to several hun dred dollurs, will Iw placed In tho hands of mi admlnUitrtitor. A N rirai. In the opera building Mesans. ltoth & areonbuum nro prejmrliigto open up a stock of drugs, groceries, nrovlolons, faiiey gol, etc. They will be ready for the trade In a few days, the itore room Is now being refitted for their acoominodatlou. Quitk a uumber of potmatr have tendered their resIgnatWn with the Intent ef getting a republi can appointed In their place ueiore the presKtut admlnUtratlou goea out but their resignation are not accepted. limiilMU) II.UTKNINIJH. I. C. Crawford, our butcher, Is building an Ice house. Wo are to havo a Chrthtiniis treo and also a ball on Chtlstauta cvo. Dr. Weaver has lately addod tho Physlclaim' Perfection Operating chair to Ills olllco furnU.u.0. Mrs. Ilwslo Cllno has runted a dwelling house of O. I. Klwrhard, In which she will oeii dressmaking rooms. Our school contl mitts to grow. It now numbers sovonoy-two pupils for th term, with tdaty-lwo lu at tendance. .1. C. Fowler, has a two story building iiutuly ready for tho shingles. Wheiiieoinpletisl It will bo ned for a harness and shoo shop. Tho Hubbant Hiring Uuul, which disbanded tiurUig tho suinmer, htm reorganized. It Is a good baud and should reelvo tnicourugeiiioiit front the dtlzuriH, Mr. Hohui if California tlld not runt the blacksmith and wagon shop as he at tlrst Intended, but will bulldono on a lot purchased from Mr. Hubbard. -. UTTER LIST. Tlie following letters remaining uncalled for In the postoiilco atSa lum, Dec 10, 18i: All.... W... .. " - .. . ... jirooKH J 1 Cherry Jumea aiiMser K II Hlederbe'rg Mltw Anna llualior Juoob Clark Frank Crum Cliarley UayUu Win Hugiui Tliuiuaa IIolmeM win IliuiL.htonlleo W Kaufiiuaii J 11 Kline Anton Maildaok Uiulaa Massey MlsaJ-.m-MasseyWm m ina Matthews Mrs Matthew FC MaryO Miller Mn Maggla IUUerUMla Mel- vlna uiUm.ii a Rtdwnrl (IvrtlS 8cott Maniulsa Smith D A Sinitn uraoo Orln Tharp Mix Mary ".ItODBLURM.