Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 17, 1888, Image 4

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Complete Recital oT the Daily Doiogs Com
piled From Various Sources.
Happenings Over tlio City and News
Krom tlio Country ltouniluliout.
More of the Astoria Road.
Secretary Miuiniiig of the Board
of Trudo Is to-day in receipt of a
communication from E. C. Holden,
secretary of the Atstoriu & Soutli
Coast rullw ay, in which the informa
tion is given that the directors of
the road will hold a meeting to
night for the consideration of the
several communications from the
Suleni Hoard of Trade, in relation
to tlio construction of the lino
from Salem to Tillamook. Mr.
Holden says the further considera
tion of a special conference betwet n
tlio railway company and the Salem
committee has not been brought up
flince the return of President Devlin
from tlio east ten days ago, but to
night action will be taken. Tlio
Astorians had received the false in
formation thnt Salem had organized
and Incorporated a separate com
pany for tlio construction of the
proposed line. Tills accounts for
the delay. The Journal repeats,
that if wo desire to secure this road
we must unitoand work for It.
Working for a KallroAil.
After quoting the Capital Jour
nal'h railroad article of a sow days
ago thd Astoria Pioneer comments
us follows :
"Let us work ! Those words are
the key note to succcs. Astoria Is
working. The right of way has been
secured and most of the deeds tiled
in the county cleik's ofllce. The
contract for clearing has been let
and Lund & Co. have a force of
men preparing for the graders
Congicss -v til soon grain pel mission
to bridge Young's river, after which
tlio bildge will bebtiiltand tlio grad
ing done. The road will bo built to
Tillaiuojk iu about one year. Let
Salem start iu on tho other end of
the line and Astoria will meet her
half way."
A lilt; Pin chase
Fatuiday Dr. .Tessup purchased
through Hughes, Helilnger & Co.
tho McCornnck and Stratton tract
cir seventy-live acies, which lies but
lx blocks east of thecapitol. This sale
lias been on tho tapis for some days,
hut negotiations were not completed
until Saturday evening. The consid
eration was -i20,tM)(). Tills propel ty
will boon bo surveyed and placed on
the marketas town lots. J)r. .lessup
is tlio only person known in tlio
purchase, there are, however, sev
eral other parties Interested.
Transaction in realty are becom
ing of frequent occurence of late.
Proiertv in and around tlio capital
city is changing hands moro rapidly
and at better prices than lias ever
lieen known here.
A Hermit's Strange Death.
Yesterday morning the decom
posed remains of Matthew Harrison,
u peculiar old man who resided near
Lake Lablsli, were fouud in the
woods near his home. He was a
strange hermit-like old man who
lived quite to himself among the
trees, guarding his ilocks and tilling
the soil. Frequently ho would dis
appear and and remain absent, no
one knew where, for several weeks
and unheralded would re-appear.
Living a lone life, little was known
of him and his absence was not
noticed. Yesteiday morning Alex
Lallemme, an old hunter and trap
per of that vicinity, was following a
trail near old man Hanison's cabin
when he was startled at coming
upon the outstretched form of the
old hermit. The sheriff aud coro
ner were at once notilled and an in
quest Is now being held.
It is supposed the old man had
been dead a couple of weeks, as his
beard had dropped out aud the
flesh was falling from his bones,
He has no known relatives. Heleaves
quite a little property, consisting of
160 sheep aud eighty acres of land.
No cause is assigned for his death,
other than that lie was taken with
a flt.whilo wandering through the
wood and expired, being too weak
to reach tho cabin.
IU Value IterocMlird.
A subscriber from Kansas writing
us, says: "The artielo In tho Cai"-
itai. Jouunai, on tlio uso of lemons
In smallpox and on the modo of
prevention and cure of that disease
is worth millions to your readers
if thoy will bear it in mind. It is
moreover a fact that penons who
are accustomed to heany food,
meats, etc., and who do not use
much fruits, If attacked by blood
or skin disease are cured almost mi
raculously by a change of diet and
freo uo of lemons, fruits, etc."
The .Model ug linn.
La t night, even though tlio sa
loons wuro all closed (were they ?)
there was some drinking going on.
At an early hour iu the evening a
young man not over sixteen years
ofngewasou tlio streets so com
pletely under the Intluoneo of liquor
thnt It was necessary to carry him
otTtnbcd. Our saloons aro closet)
on Sunday against all and forever
against minors, yet on tlio Sabbath
a lad is seen iu adrunkencouditloii,
A sad commentary, truly.
A Heather Forecast.
Prof. Blake, tho great Kansas
weather prophet, gives especial fore
casts of weather for Oregon and the
coast. He says our temperature for
December will be nounaland rain
fall less than usual; for January,
temneraturo normal and rainfall.
much larger than usual; For Febru
ary, colder than usual and moder
ate rainfall; March, rather cool and
wet in more northern parts. He
says for the whole United States
January will witness tho greatest
snowfalls known for many years,
begining tlio last of December or
llistof January. Paste these pre
dictions in your hat and oce if Prof.
Hlake knows anything of us.
A liiaUmaii lujured.
Young Happerset, son of Road
Master Happerset" of Roseburg, met
with a very painful accident at Oak
land yesterday. Ho is a brakeman
on the train and iu some manner
got caught aud had one of his legs
badly maslied-so badly that it was
deelded last night that it would
have to conio oil". His parents were
telegraphed for and airived on tho
midnight train.
A New Steamer.
Tlio Oregon Improvement com
pany have chattered the steamer
Santa Maiia, which was formerly
in the Southern trade, to take the
place of their wrecked steamer Ya-
qulna Hay and run in conjunction
with the "Willamette Valley between
Yaqulna bay and San Francisco.
She will sail to-morrow on her first
The Hqurt Confirmed.
It. H. Dearborn is in receipt of a
telegram from Senator Mitchell. It
con Drms the rumored appointment
of Mr. Dearborn as Salem's new
postmaster. Ho says the namo is at
present in tho hands of tho commit
tee. It is thought now no action
will bo taken on the matter until
after tho holiday leceas.
Mr Aul Jlr. Jack.
The nttoudnnco Saturday night at
the entertainment given by John
Jaukln, Uiu opera house was very
small, i the. noironutnco was
nevertheless morltorloujL , , Tho
various cUnrnetara wKA, -well pis
tucd by th,wp old. timed faYorltyp,
Tjjoy prHiile to ,ryturn. fjung, ,fal,r
tnu, wjtjx.ft well-ornnlwtl,, troupe
aqtl stay -with ui'v wmjfe 1 this
caft vre cai pjiiulsQ them agpl
iovises, An.il ia aneertd.a, season .s
ttt oUWT. . , ,. ,
' ' VAU 81111 Ikr Csms.
C. A. 8qjlbb, w)io, cu'u'Jo in bore
huii v-eelt pwii Nfla Cljy, lift tour.
.onftowoplfW City fruU
Y$UlJovtwonJ !& Mlldt,a
Sunday Drunks.
1 1 tiny Dunn was before tho re
corder this morning aud goes up
for ten days. Ed. Parker accom
panied hlui aud received four days.
Their charge was simple drunk.
Formally weeks this same Harry
Dunn has turned up for sentence
each Monday morning.
TheKluk It fitted.
Saturday night tlio skating rink
closed, titter a prosperous season,
with a grand children's masquerade.
The attendance was good and a
pleasant evening was parsed by tho
large number of attendants and par
ticipants. The managers aro now
conducting ti rink at Albany also.
A Dedicatory Service.
The Snlein A. 0. U. W. will dedi
cate their new hall in tho Insurauce
building on Friday evening, the lilst
Inst. Au appropriate program Is
being prepared aud tho ceremonies
will be full of Interest to those who
may bo so fortunate ns to attend.
The Tax Kll.
The assessment rolls were this
afternoon completed and turned
ovor to Shorltr Crolsan, who is now
prepared to receive your taxes. Tho
total amount to be raised Is (100,-
007.72. , ,
latiit Tartigk UtUtlti.
From Portlaud yesterday canio
Mrs. Eileu E, Baboock, who Is In
tuiuo through living so long alone.
She lived oft? iu the woods and was
seldom where aha could aeo a human.
Towel and duster rings just re
ceived at Bridge's & Bozorth's.
Mrs. M. V. Rork arrived in Sa
lem to-day from Miehgan.
Sheriff Crolsan has filed his
bond of $30,000 os collector of taxes.
Painless dental operations at
Dr. T. C. Smith, 02 State street, tf.
A marriage license was to-uay
issued to Mathias Goulet aud Mary
Philemon Camtnal.
You will always find No. 1 gro
ceries at L. S. "Winters, the popular
Court street Grocer. 1 m d w
On Wednesday night at the
Congregational church occurs the
bazaar. It will be a rare treat.
Hon. James Hamilton, district
attorney of the 2nd judicial district,
is registered ut the Chemeketc hotel.
The Congregational church will
observe Christmas by giving an en
tertainment on Christmas night.
The mental philosophy class
vosterdav had an attendance of
fifty. This Is flattering to Prof.
House for sale on the install
ment plan. Payments only 10c
each. At the opera house corner.
Call and see. tf.
For holiday candles, nuts, cigars,
notions, etc, goand seowhatSpeight
& Souder, Court street, offer you.
Prices low. 1 m d w
Hon. L. F. Mosher, a prominent
attorney of Roseburg and author of
a new history of Southern Oregon,
is iu the city.
Follow tho crowd and you will
turn up at Squire Farrar's, where
groceries are pure aud cheap. Join
tlio procession. tf.
It is said the Monmouth Ob
server will soon remove to Dallas
where it will givo the county seat
paper a hard fight.
Many entertainments aro in
course of preparation for the holiday
week, some concert, trco or festival
occuiringeach night.
Well, yes, did you see that rush
at the Candy Kitchen? They aie
selling candies, nuts, fiuits, etc.,
way below Excursion Rates.
The Band of Hope entertain
ment at tho W. C.T. U. hall to-night
will bo full of interest. A pleasing
program Is prepared and will bo
Yesterday the attendance at all
the churches was good, demon
strating the truth of the oft repeated
expression that Salem is a city of
Mrs. W. H. Byars returned from
Roseburg this morning, where she
had been called to the bedside of a
sick mother. The mother is much
better, and gradually gaining
Hon. J. C. Fullertou, stato sena
tor elect from Douglas county, and
most prominent member spoken of
as president of that body, Is in the
city on Uvjal businersin the supieme
Roseburg has incorporated a
building and loan association whose
capital stock Is $50,000. G. A. Tay
lor, S. C. Miller, V. L. Arlington,
F. W Benson and C. A. Schel bridge
aro the Incorporators.
Tho firm of W. Bock & Son lead
lu dolls, toys, liovoltlos, scrap-books,
albums, Christmas cards, Christmas
tree ornaments and 1700 other
things to nunioious to mention.
04 Stato Street Salem Oregon. tf
St. John asks the question, "Are
you for the siloon or tho homo?"
Tho answer given Is, "you bet your
Ilfo." But when you are asked
whore you can get tho best goods
and price on tea, coffee, groceries,
etc.. tho answer is, at Smilro Far
rar's. tf.
Saturday a farmer from down
tlio valley brought in a cayoto scalp
and received a bounty of ?5 from
tho county clerk. During Novem
ber one man brought iu seventeen
scalps. He had killed the animals
by poisoning with strychnine which
he placed In egg.
Cateli the shadow ero tho Bub
stanee fades, is good advice, and
especially Is the truth of this demon
strated when you speak of tho
frequency with which one dear
friend or another Is hurried away.
You'll regret too late thatyou did not
have your friend or relative visit
Sperry the Artist and have a per
fect likeness taken. Heed the
moral go now before it Is forever
too late. tf,
Watch the footprints ou tho side
walk. Where do they go? Up and
down Commercial street until they
come to the new bank block.
Then they go, up stairs. They go to
ChorringtonV-Tho artist. If you
ore looking for something nleo for
th& holjdays, go and boo him. His
york la tha finest. Time la fleeting
end Christinas la near, Bo sure
and give him tlrno to flnUUi your
work up nicely. tf.
And Notes of a General
tcrest to tho Westerner.
A supposed case of smallpox has
developed In Albany, tho patient
being James East.
Tho Yaqulna Republican says
Mehama is becoming quite a sum
mer resort for tho citizens of
1400 men are now engaged in
grading and general construction on
tho Oregon Pacific road, and splen
did progress Is being made.
Physicians estimate that in the
nelghbornood of 10,000 persons in
Portland were vaccinated since the
appearance of smallpox in that city.
The steamer Yaquina Bay still re
mains on the rocks alongside the
jetty aud is gradually breaking up.
There seems to be no further hope
of saving the vessel.
Tho teachers' institute for the
Second Judicial District, appointed
to meet at Corvallis, on the 2oth,
27th and 28th of this month, has
been postponed, in view of the
fact thut contagious diseases are pre
vailing to a limited extent in various
parts of the state.
The Coqulllo valley papers claim
that tho climate of that valley has
so changed in the last twenty years
that grapes, corn, tobacco and
sorghum which would not do any
good down there at all twenty years
ago, are now cultivated with com
plete success.
A great deal of freight is awaiting
shipment over the Oregon Pacific's
line and the loss or disablement of
the Yaquina Bay will cause great
inconvenience, unlessanother steam
er can be put on in her place imme
diately. Mr. Hoa says this will be
done, and the well-Known energy of
the officers is a guaianteo that noth
ing shore of impossibilities will pre
vent tho company Troiii meeting
even tills difficulty with its accus
tomed readiness.
M a I fan I Bffli I
Dm r "
' ,
Finest Stock in the City!
Furs, Handkerchiefs, Silk Hose,
Silk Mitts, Cloaks, Dry Goods,
Ladies Hand Purses Etc,
239 Cor. State and Commercial
1 1
Salem, Dec. 17.
Chas. E. Dunham, resp. vs. G.
Shindler etal, app.; appeal from
Wasco Co. Submitted without ar
gument. Martha Woodruff etal, app. vs.
Tho County of Douglas resp.
I haven't the courage to die sir,
Hardly tho courage to live;
Can't drink enough to forget, sir,
Ain't Christian enough to forgive.
This was tlio wall of a man who had
endured tho tortures of " liver
complaint" and dyspepsia for years;
undlio might have endured them
for life, had ho not heard that Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
would mako him a well man. He
gave it a trial aud was cured. Once
he was hollow eyed, emaciated, aud
slowly tottering toward the tomb;
but now he is vigorous, robust and
healthy. There is nothing that can
compare with the "Discovery" as a
curative agent for sour stomach,
constipation, Impure blood aud bill
lousuess. The worst cases of nasal catarrh
positively and permanently cured
by Dr. Sage's Catarrh remedy.
It will be to the people's interest to examine their stoclj
Shoes and boots before buying. Thoy have just received ail
Excellent stock from tho best factories, and every pair
Is warranted to give satisfaction.
January 1st, -
Wo will muko
Tbe New Town.
Tho completed plat of Mill City,
tho new xown on the Oreg.n Pacif
ic was to-day filed with tbe couuty
clerk. This Is all ready quiet a flour
ishing little village and bids fair to
become a prosperous towu.
liollcato women who complain ofn tired
foellog, pnlns In the back unit loins, desire
to Bleep, dizziness, painful or suppressed
menstruation, will flnd In Oregon Ktduey
Ton a. (klthnil friend. It can be relied upon
In o cry Instant to gUo Immcdlnto relief
rrom Jsutney una urinary irouoies. iiious
anditof voineu snllerlnj; eory day from
some disorder of tlio kidneys or liver, wbo
curea oy usips
might bo permanently cu
Oregon Kidney Tea.
Sold by 1). W. Mnthowa A
Yon Cannot do Better
Than call at tho Qraugo Store, 120
State street, if you want a good tea
or anything else In tho grocery
line. Don't fall to look at tho "White
Bros. Extracts, tho best in tho mar
ket, t-f.
Highland, Clackamas, Co. Or., Mar. 30.
I hne suffered with a disease of tho kid
neys for fl or 7 years and for tho last two
months hae been laid up with a pntn In
my back, A friend sent me a sample of
tho Oregon Kidney Tea, onu naving usea
It one week 1 can do good day's work.
I have derl ed moro benefit from It than
all tho medicines J have ever taken.
Sold by D. V. ilathows A Co.
Bitklea's Armies, Riles.
The best salve in the world fm
cuts, bruises, Bores, ulcers, salt rheum,
fuver sores, tetter, chapped hands,
chilblains, corns, and all akin erup
tlonsv and positively cures piles, or
UO pay required. It Is guaranteed
tu give perfect satlafactlonor money
refunded. Price 25 ceata pef box,
frVsafo - Dr. H. W. Cox..
Idtentor Keeljr of PhiUdtlpbU U tery
sugry over imprisonment (or contstnpt of
oouit, andjiMerti that within our months
hsjwith ttvo bis peifccto-1 motor to the
A Change in Business !
Until that time we shall offer our
Entire Stock for CASH at
Prices that
BEAT Our Own
That is Saying
A Good Deal in
So Short a Space.
Call Early,
And get tho benefit.
Forstner, Tiffany & Co.
The Capital National B
itai win
up, - - M
297' Commercial St..
Salem, Or.
In tho County Court of tho Stato ot
on.ror me uouniy or Clarion.
In the matter of the estate oil
JOHN HUGHES, Deceased W"1"011
To all heirs known and unknown of the
within named decedent, greetings:
In the name of the Htuto of Oregon, you
are hereby cited and required to appear In
tbe County Court of the State of Oregon,
for tho county of Marlon, at the court
room thereof, at Baletn, In the County of
Marlon, on Monday, the 7th day of Jan.
uary, 1SS0, st U o'clock In the forenoon of
that day, then and there to show cause If
any there be, why the Administrator of,
tho estate of John Hughes, deceased
sbquld not sell tho real property belonging
to said estate. iSuld real property is
described as follows, to wit: Begin
ning at a stako 41.74 chains
N. 65 deg. .01 mln. V. from the 8.K.
corner of the Donation Land Claim pf
John Baker and Nancy B, Baker his wife.
No. 42 and In the South boundary line of
said claim; and running tbenoa North 20
deg.S0mlnEastfi.il chains to a stake in
tho center of tbe County road leading from
Haem to Howell lralrle: thence N.Sodeg.
30 mln, W. Julong the center of said road
umohalns ton stakes thence S 3) deg. 30
mln. W.I JO chains to a stake In theHouth
boundary line of the Donation land
Claim aferesaid: thence H.&X deg. .Olrntn.
E.A7U chains along said Houth (boundary
ii uegi
3.03 acres of the land more or less 'and sltiv-
line to the place of
is 'and situ
ated In Section aainTi a, ius w.of the
Willamette Meridian .n Marion County,
Oregon, and being part of the Donation
una uiaiiu aiurrsxiu.
W-rrjtEsa, Tiie jion.T.u tmaw, judge
farlhe County -of Marlon, with, the
of the County Court of the 8tatoX Oregon
tnty tor Marion, wita tne seal ox
saiaoourt affixed, this 8lh day of Deoem-
D. C. BHKKMAK. Deputy.
R. B. WALLACE, - - Presldm-I
W. W. MARTIN, - Vico-rresldetil
J. H. ALBERT, ... - Cashing
W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin,
J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace,
Dr. W. AXuslck. J. H. Albert,
T. MoF. lntton.
Tn fhrmnro nn whpnt nnd Other IMfl
able produce, consigned or in store j
euner in pnvaio gruv.
ipubllo warehouses.
Stato and County Warrants Bought atS
TliiroMTiiiH nt. rpnsnnable ratefl. Vi
drawn direct on New York.Clilctf"
Francisco, rortlana, ixraaon, i-ww.
jiong jvong ana iwcuvui.
WM N. T.ATITTR. . . - Plffi
JUUJM JUU1U, .----
1 tiHA a TVii4lartri- Kflll
New York, London and Hon
bought and sold. State, County w
warranu Dougni. rrius .-, h
invited to deposit ond. transact
with us. Liberal aavancw
whMt xr-l hnm and Otbcr 1
reasonable rate. Iuruce.h0.nh2l
curlty can be obtained at tne i-i
most reliable companies.
And supplied with onlf"
-First Class Gooc
Satisfaction guaranteed.
G. C. HW
Stato Insurance Co", block, i