Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 15, 1888, Image 4

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Complete Itecilal of Ihc Daily Doings Com
piled From Various Sources.
Happenings Over the City and News
From the Country Roundabout.
A Urand Success.
The musical cntcTtuiniiiGiit given
at the oicni house last night by the
conservatory of music, under the
direction nnd instruction of Prof. Z.
M. Parvin, met with a very largo
attendance and many of the ren
ditions were greeted with hearty
applause. Really the entire pro
gram was pleusiug to the audience.
Ably assisted by Misses Hiillie Pur
rinli, Frances Jones, and Misses Cox
and Bhuart tljo entertainment was
one the success of which has seldom
If ever been excelled by any per
formance ever given in the city.
Tlio choruses were full and the diff
erent parts were well sustained.
The ducta and quartette, as well us
the solos, were well rendered and
demonstrated that much pro
gress had been made by the students.
Miss Parrlsh returns, witli a voice
much improved by cultivation, and
delighted those with whom she has
ever been a favorite. The readings
of Miss Shuart were In her usual
pleasing strain and brought forth
repeated enchore. The pluuo per
formances of Miss Jones were h'ghiy
appreciated. All In all tho enter,
tainment was a great success.
Preparing' for the Berlral.
Yesterday afternoon the executive
committee of the Moody meetings
met to make further arrangements
for tho reception and entertainment
of the revivalists and to prepare for
the series of meetings which will be
held soon. "W. N. Lndue was elect
ed president, and "W. H. Odell sec
retary of the meeting. Committees
were appointed as follows : On
flnnnce, T. M. Patton, A. T. Yea
ton ; ushers, V. Ilolllns; seating
church, W. II. Odell, G. W. John
son ; entertainment, W. N. Laduc.
The meetings will be held in the
M. E. church, and word Is dally ex
pected from Mr. Moody announcing
tho dnto of his arrival here. His
pi omise covers three or four days,
but the committee hope to be able to
arouse such enthusiasm that ho will
be with us a week or ten days.
A Pretty Indian Legend And Story of
Some (louit Halt.
Adam Jtoagcu and John JSaro,
late of Waterloo, Iowa, yesterday
purchased of J. V. JJrown tho
property on Commercial street now
occupied by tho Farmers' Home sa
loon. Tho prico paid was ?1000.
This property was purchased by Mr.
Drown for $'2,500 several years ago.
In early spring the old frame build
ings will be removed and a Hue brick
erected In their stead. Mr. Itoagon
Is a harness maker, and Mr. liuro a
baker. They will make this city
their future homo.
Yesterday afternoon Harvey
Walker sold his farm of 110 acres on
the Howell Prairie road, one and
a half miles east of Salem. L.
Alnsworth,latoof Kansas, purchas
ed 100 acres, Joseph Myers thirty
acres and II. II. Spaulding of Kan
sas ten acres. Tho purchaso prico
IlroDgbt to the I'enltentlary.
George Devi no was brought to
the penitentiary yesterday from
linker county,having plead guilty of
larceny. Before tho judge young
Devlne's attorneys plead for mercy
on account of the youth of the
prisoner, he having not yet arrived
at man's estate, the fact of his hav
ing returned tho puree which
contained but $11.50, to its owner,
and asked that In this instance the
penalty imposed should partake
more of. tho spirit of reform than
the punishment usually and right
fully meted out to tho hardened and
oft-erring criminal. After being
subjected toa lecture ou the euormlty
of his offense ho was given two
years In tho penitentiary.
The Steamer a Total Loss.
Now nothing remains to do with
the wrecked Yaqulna Day but to
turn her over to the underwriters.
All eflorts to raiso her havo proved
futile and she Is a hopeless wreck ou
the sands. Sho was a first-class
steamship and was Insured for her
full value. Sho lies now careened
over on her side toward tho north,
with the seas running over her bows,
and little or no hopes are enter
tained of saving her.
Tho Indians havo many pretty
legends and allegories which are
handed down to the succeeding gen
erations and after a few years are a
part of history. To-day many of
these aboriginal words are in daily
usage and we scarcely stop to con
sider their meaning. "Chemekete,"
for which a street of the capital
city and her great hotel are named,
in tho language of the red man con
veys tho idea of " Our Home. "
The traveling public, since Salem's
popular hotel of this Indian name has
como under tho management of
Messrs. Monroe & Bell, see how ap
propriate the name really Is. Thoy
think of It as "Our Happy Home, "
for such it is.
Tho contract was to-day made for
tho lighting of tho house by elec
tricity, which will be a great im
provement over present methods.
Tho upper floor is being refitted for
the express accommodation of the 1m
migrant, having a tourists' parlor
and withal is a veritable paradise for
tho weary traveler. Tho office Is
receiving a carpeting and all Is be
ing made in readiness for the ac
commodation of legislators and the
The Halls Ale 1'iuuluj:.
Word is received by tho directors
of the street railway that tho rails
aro on the road, having been shlp
led on Monday last. Thoy will ar
rive hero next week, when the work
of laying them will bo hastened on
to completion.
Those who are canvassing for the
bonus necessary for the Center street
extension report good progress and
think they will be able to secure tho
$1,000 which Is required by tho com
pany, with very little cll'ort. As
soon us this bum is raised work will
no doubt proceed with tho grading.
This will bo a paying lino, as It will
reach the thickly populated and resi
dent portion of tho city.
The Dead Convict.
The remains of Robert Cavana,
who died at tho penitentiary Thins
day, were this morning taken to
Huntington bv his motherfor burial.
The coffin was inclosed in a zinc
covering. This was required by tho
railway officials, as tho man had
died of typhoid malaria. Tho
mother arrived in tho city yesterday
noon, and did not knowherson was
in the embrace of death.
The Tax Collector.
Sheriff Croisan gives notice that
ho will visit the usual places of
voting In each election precinct in
Marlon county, for tho purpose of
collecting taxes for the year 18S8,
on the day specified, from the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., until 3 o'clock
P. M., as follews: Fairfield, Dec.
10th; St. Paul, 20; Champoeg, 21;
Butteville, 22; Labish, 24; Sliver
Creek, 20; Garfield, 27; Abiqua, 28;
North Salem, 20; Lincoln, 31; Ho
reb, Jan., 2nd;Mohaina, 3; Stayton,
4; Sublimity, 5; Turner, 7; Jefierson,
8; Marion, 0; Aurora, 10; Hubbard,
11; Woodburn, 12; Gervais, 14;
Howell Prairie, 15; South Salem,
10; East Salem, 17; Salem, 18.
Failed to Kerord the I'M.
In arranging their now map
Messrs. Dyaru and Walton discov
ered that a plat of tho University ad
dition to Jefierson, which was laid
out and placed ou the market twenty
years ago, had never been (lied for
record. These gentlemen are now
engaged In preparing a corrected
plat which will bo filed soon and all
titles will then bo made clear. Many
lots have been made in this addition
to .lollerson In the twenty years,
and all defeolH In titles can readily
no straightened out now.
Iir.it All For I'ruur.
In regard to Oregon prunes the
St. Paul Press says : "One fact no
ticeable In tho present operations of
orohardlsts Is the tendency to make
prunes their chief crop. It Is be
lieved that Oregon prunes aro the
best tho world produces. They are
altogether beyond eoniparlMiu with
tho Kuropoan produut, and oven
California doos not claim to be able
to grow as good pruuos as Oregon.
They bring muoh tho highest prico
in tho market."
The l'lat or Hills City.
Yesterday aftornoon tho Incorpor
ators of Mills City presented to tho
county clerk for filing a plat of their
embryo city on tho Oregon Pacific.
After some deliberation tho plat was
withdrawn, as it was decided to
have tho elty embody a greater scope
of land. It will bo returned In a
few days for record. This little city
is booming, and has a bright future.
How Is This For Winter?.
L. E. Pratt, to show newly arrived
Immigrants what we can do in Ore
gon in winter, gathered from his
garden in this elty, to-day, a basket
of lettuce, cress, onions and turnips,
which ho presented toJ. G. Wright.
Oregon "takes the cake" all the
Jlnuy are Investing.
It is our pleasure to be able to an
uouce nearly every day of late we
are called upou to report the increas
ed salo of property in and about
Salem. This Is good and as it
should bo. It shows that life is
being instilled in tho enterprises
which have so long .been sleeplnc.
oiueni is on mo up graue. lier en
terprises aro expanding and reach
ing out. New ones are being start
ed and a general feeling of confidence
prevails. It speaks well for us when
eastern money conies hero to seek
The Mental Science 1'las.s.
Those who contemplate enter
ing Prof. Hork's class In mental
s 'ionce would do well to start in to
mo.Tow, before any farther progress
is made. The first lew lessons nro
of great Importaneo In a contimm
Hon of tho work.
Lucy Adams, npp., vs. Calvin H.
Adams and William Adams, resps.;
appeal from Marlon county; nrgued
and submitted.
Miry E. Ferguson, resp., vs, Sarah
A. Jones, app.j appeal from Marion
county ; argued nnd submitted.
Geo. W. Belt, dist. att'y, resp., vs.
W. W. Spaulding and Cleveland
ltockwell, apps.; appeal from Ma
rlon county ; judtjinuit of the lower
court reversed ; opinion by Stralmn
Aiound the WorM.
I Since he visited Salem in 1877
John Jack and his most excellent
company havo been around tho
world, performing in almost every
country where civilization Is known.
They occupy the boards to-night at
tho Deed. Seats now on said at
Pat ton's.
A Small Fire.
Tho flro department was ml lot!
out this afternoon to light the
llauuw. Tho hoiiKU of George Mus
sor on Court Street, near tho Diver
lunik had taken fire from the kltoh
m stovo, whloh was too near tho
wall. Dainugo Is small,
Our NmulmtUn Sertudrd.
For speaker of thollouse of Dep-
runontativtw tit tho nuxt hwIoii of
tho OruKon legislature, tho Dayton
J Tumid hewnds tho Jouhnais nom
ination or Hon. T, T. Geur or Mar
lon, who Is well qualified.
AMrJde the Tripod.
Tho fact that W. H. Dyars is
astrldo of the tripod in the Capital
Joun.VAi. office, at Salem, accounts
for the vastly Improved appearance
of that staunch news disseminator.
As Col. Donou would say, "V. H. Is
a b'yo that wields n fashilo pen, sure.
Wonderful Sucre.
The Drs. Darrlu will bo hero a few
days longer. They are meeting
with tho usual grand success. Hun
dreds of people visit their rooms for
treatment and go away relieved.
Salem' Co mine Boom.
Salem has a street railway boom.
Another road Is la contemplation.
Tim capital city doeo not projKvso to
bo left behind In tho march of pro
grww. Portland Telegram.
Iliwu vf a New Era.
It Is just beginning to dawn upon
the residents of the Willamette val
ley that It is destined at no distant
day to be one of the most progressive,
thickly populated and prosperous
sections of the Pacillo Northwest.
Within a very few years, aud the
infectious enthusiasm, Incident to a
boom, already fills tho very air. The
next few months will witness such
a development In frul tand agricul
tural Interests In the valley as was
not dreamed of a few years ago.
Ujinu i:ooks Here.
All parties Intending to attend
and take part In the Moody revival
meetings, to bo held heroshortly.had
best purchase the Gospel Hymns
No. 5, that have just been received.
and acquaint themselves with the
songs. Thoy can bo purchased to
morrow after njorning sorvlces at
tho Methodist, Baptist, Congrega
tional and Presbyterian churches.
On the Klrer.
The Occident passed down from
Corvallis this morning. Sho re
ports an abundance of wator, there
being five feet at this point. Freight
ing continues lively, but there is
not audi a rush as when navigation
first opened.
Evangelist Moody has promised
to visit Astoria also.
Towel and duster rings just re
ceived at Bridge's & Bozorth's.
Painless dental operations at
Dr. T. C. Smith, 92 State street, tf.
C. A. Squibb and family, late of
Napa City, are stopping In Salem.
You will always find No. 1 gro
ceries at L. S. Winters, the popular
Court street Grocer. 1 m d w
B. S. Cook is entertaining his
father aud mother, who came up
yesterday from Newberg.
The Lilian Drew Dramatic com.
pany will be hero three nights soon.
They are said to bo fine.
The opinion prevails that Evan
gelist Moody should como to Salem
while tho legislature is in session.
House for salo on tho install
ment plan. Payments only 10c
each. At the opera houso corner.
Call and ecc. tf.
For holiday caudles, nuts, cigars,
notions, etc, goand see what Speight
& Soutler, Court street, offer you.
Prices low. 1 m d w
Four vags were before Recorder
Strickler to-day. Thoy go to jail for
terms of from fifteen to nineteen
days each.
Follow the crowd and you will
turn up at Squire Farrar's, where
groceries are pure and cheap. Join
tho procession. tf.
Well, yes, did you see that rush
nt tho Candy Kitchen? They aie
selling candies, nuts, fruits, etc.,
way below Excursion Bates.
To-night at tho skating rink
occurs the childrcns' masquerade.
Many beautiful prizes aro offered
and a pleasant time is sure to be
The citizens of Lafayette held a
mass meeting last night to take
steps in the matter of having the
Evangelical seminary in that city.
They propose to donate the court
house and grounds.
Miss Currie Smith, formerly a
compositor on the Capital Jouit-
NAL, the great family necessity, has
accepted a "sit" on the Spokane
Falls Review, and will leave for
that place in a day or so.
Mrs. C. S. Kockenfield, who
recently sold her greenhouse prop
erty on Court aud Summer streets
to Mrs. F. E. Hodskins, left this
morning for Illinois, where she will
pass tho winter with her mother.
Tho firm of W. Beck & Sou lead
in dolls, toys, novelties, scrap-books,
albums, Christmas cards, Christmas
treo ornaments and 1700 other
things to numerous to mention.
04 State Street Salem Oregon. tf
St. John asks the question, "Are
you for the saloon or tho home?"
The answer given Is, '"you bet your
life." But when you are asked
where you can get the best goods
and prico on tea, coffee, groceries,
etc., the answer is. at Sciutre Far
rar's. tf.
Catch the shadow ere the sub
stance fades, Is good advice, and
especially is the truth of this demon
strated when you speak of the
frequency with which ono dear
friend or another Is hurried away.
You'll regret too lato that you did not
havo your friend or relntivo visit
Sperry tho Artist aud havo a per
fect likeness taken. Heed the
moral go now before it Is forever
too late. tf.
Watch tho footprints on the side
walk. Where do they go? Up and
down Commercial street until they
come to tho new bank block.
Then they go up stairs. They go to
Cherrington's Tho artist. If you
are looking for something nlco for
the holidays, go and see him. His
work is tho finest. Time Is lleetlng
snd Christmas is near. Bo sure
and give him timo to finish your
won; up mceiy. tf.
Santa Clau
Finest Stock in the City!
Furs, Handkerchiefs, Silk Hose,
Silk Mitts, Cloaks, Dry Goods,
Ladies Hand Purses Etc,
239 Cor. State and Commercial
It will be to the people's interest to examine their stock
Shoes and boots before buying. Thoy have just received an
Excellent stock from tho best factories, and every pair
Is warranted to give satisfaction.
Saturday Dec. 15.
Mr. nil Mrs. Jolin Jack
TJie Capital Nat
ttUllttl i
The distinguished actress and
Master Arthur Wo,
Jack Child Vocalist.
Paid up, -
Surplus, - -
Dallads, Selections from Sheridan,
" School for Scandal," Sheakpear's
Sir John Falstaft. Note Mr. Jack
is tho recognized FalstafT of the
world; concluding with tho side
splitting farce
"111 on a RANCH."
Come and enjoy
evening of a life
the most pleasant
time. '
A Nw Uo4 Offlff.
Messrs. Hughes, Dollingor &Co.
aro tltt lug up a neat real estate office
In tho armory building, whloh thoy
recoijtly purchased. They propose
keeping abreast of the times aud
will soon be able to show up Ore
gon's resourced aud products, in n
glowing manner.
I haven't thecourago to die sir,
Hardly the courago to live;
Cau't drink enough to forget, sir,
Ain't Christian enough to forgive.
This was the wail of a man who had
endured tho tortures of " liver
complaint" and dyspepsia for years;
uuil no might have endured them
for life, had ho not heard that Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Dlscovory
would make him a well man. He
pive it a trial and was cured. Once
ho was hollow cved. emaciated, and
slowly tottering towanl the tomb;
but now ho is vigorous, robust and
healthy. There is nothing that can
compare with tho "Discovery" as a
curative agent for sour stomach,
constipation, impure blood aud blll-
Tho worst cases of nasal catarrh
positively and permanently cured
by Dr. Sago's Catarrh remedy.
DOtlOlte Women Who mmnluln ntn tlrori
feeling, pains In the back and loins, desire
to sleep, dltiloeaw. painful or supprsed
menstruation, will rind in Oregon iCIduey
Tea a felthful friend, it can be rvlled upon
In every Instant to give Immediate relief
from kidney and urinary troubles. Thous
and of women suffering every day from
gome disorder of in kidney or liver, who
might be permanently cured by uIul
uttMutt Kldwy Tva.
Sold by I). W. Mathews A Co.
In tho County Court of the Btate ot Ore
gon.for the County of Marlon.
in tho mutter of the estate olr.,,
JOHN HUGHES, Deceased ci,ntlon-
To nil heirs known and unknown of the
within named decedent, greetings:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby cited and required to nppeur in
tho County Court of the State of Oregon,
for tho county of Marlon, at tho court
room thereof, at Balem, in the County of
Marlon, on Monday, the 7th dnyof Jan
uary. lt9. St U o'clock In the forenoon of
that day, then nnd there to show cause if
any there bo, why the Administrator of
me estate ot jonn Hughes, deceased
should not sell the mil nronertv tMlniioriur
to said estate. ISnld real property Is
described as follows, to wit: llegln-
UK ui iuKu i,ii cirnins
Is. Ct dec. .01 mln. W. from the S. K.
corner oftho Donation Land Claim of
donn iiaKeranaancy u. iMKer tils wife,
?o. 12 and In the South boundary lino of
mm ciaim; ana running- thence .North 11)
des-Sumlu Knst5.ll chains ton stake In
the center of the County road leading from
Salem to Howell I'ralrle: thence X.&Jdeg.
! mln. W. Jilonff the center of said road
10.21 ahatns to u stake: thence S a) deg. SO
mln. W. L50 chains to a stake In the South
boundary line of the Donation Land
Claim aferesaid: the nee 8. 05 desr. .01 mln.
h. .S.7U chains along said South lbouudary
It. 8. WALraACK, - President.
V. W. MARTIN, - Vlco-Presldent
J. H. ALBERT, .- - - - Cashier.
W.T.Qray, W.W.Martin,
J. M. Martin, II. S. Wallace.
Dr. W. A.Cusick, J. II. Albert,
T. McF. l'atton.
To farmers on wheat and other nutfl
able produce, consigned or m Eton,
euner in private Krawinravf
Ipubllo warehouses.
Slate and County Warrants Bought at M
Discounted at reasonable rates. WJ
drawn direct on New York, cnicsj
Francisco, Portland, London, Paris,
nong ivouc ana uaicuua.
iJinriT ftTinnn
til JJll
. PHWlWi
... ta-
Exchange on Portland, San Fn
Now Y'ork, London and HM gjl
bought nnd sold. SUtte, County anaI
warrants oouguu riirjiicio .- viii
Invited to deposit und transact MWJI
with us. Liberal advances u
wheat, wool, hops and other JrPS
reasonHbie rntes. insurance ,"-jj gl
curity can bo obtained at the bns I
most reliable companies.
line to the place of beginning, containing
3.03 acres of the laud more or less 'and situ
ated In Section 3s In T. 7 8. R. 3 W. of the
lllamette Meridian '.a Marion County.
Oregon, and being part of the Donation
Land Claim aforesaid.
WlTNHai, The Hon. T. C Shaw, Judge
of the County Court of the State of Oregon
lor the County of Marlon, with the 8al of
said Court anixed, this Sth day of Decem
ber, US8, A. D.,
Bv D. C. SHERMAN. Deputy.
And supplied with only-
Rirst Class Goods
Sntlsfuotiou guaranteed.
State Insurance Co's. block, J5!