Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 14, 1888, Image 4

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I . tor T Tt Jkw lITCHPVf UtACfitnTfV . ' -5fc
Complete l.ccilal of (lie Daily Doings Com
piled From Various Sources.
Happenings Over llio City ami News
From the Country Koiiiulnlioiit.
Thought Thry Werr Artificial.
J. 0. Wright mid family ro en
tertnlningBonio friends from Colo
rado mid wo need not repent it tlint
they are cluirmeil with our delight
ful winter wenther. Ycstcrdny
morning u choice boquet of iiiitunil
JlowerH, plucked from tho yard,
ornamented the breakfast table, till
ing tho room with their delicate
perfunle. Their friends from the
IniiilofMUow and ice, after ga.ing
long and carefully at tho dahlias,
punsicB, roses and chrysanthemums,
ventured the remark that "thoe
were beautiful artificial llowern."
Mr. Wright says their surprise knew
Ho bounds wiien he displayed to
them more beautiful specimens
blooming out doors unprotected.
A Smooth Ylrlory.
Doug Minto is in tho service of
the shcrlfl of Multnomah county,
and Wednesday performed a pretty
neat feat by which tho ends of
justice wero served and the plans of
a scheming defaulter thwarted.
Minto was deputed to head off a
jx.rty who had failed and was run
ning u store somewhere on Alseu
bay. Tho man who reached tho
Htoro llrst, it was assumed, would
take possession. Minto started and
orfiwctcd to overtake his man on th
way, but the deputy's horse gave
out and ho was forced to walk sev
eral miles. Ho again took fresh
horses and reached his destination
eight hours in advance of ills victim.
Law's Sorry Delay.
The story of the case of M. R. Rob
bins of Polk county is perhaps one
of tho most remarkable ones, in
respect to longevity, in the annals
of criminal cases. It will be re
membered that nearly eight years
ago ho was Indicted for incest with
his two daughters, upon their testi
mony and tlint of his wife. It was
tried to prove the relationship with
his daughters by proving the mar
riage, with his wife. Tho wife was
put on the stand to swear to the
marriage and her testimony was re
jected on tho ground that she was
his wife nud under the law was not
permitted to testify ngaiust her
husband. It wasa strange analomy
in law, tlint she could not bo per
mitted to swear Hint who was his
wife because she was his wife. A
second indictment was continued to
tho next term in order to give tho
state time to procure proof of tho
marriage from Missouri. Robbins
was released under live thousand
dollar bonds. When the case came
up at tnc next term, Koouius was
on hand but tho two daughters and
the wife were not to be found.
Frpm that day to this Robbins lias
nuulo two trips each year from
Washington Territory, where ho
lives, to Dallas to attend court and
save his bonds. At every term n
continuance has been granted, and
in this shape the case stands to-day,
Robbins having just been on his
semi-annual trip to Dallas. In the
meantime, it is said tho wife and
ono of tho daughters have crossed
the dark river.
LOCAL SUAI9IAHY. aun.M.a .. .... ...... ,w.u. AMCSEJIEjfig
f aa
Points of Personal Mcnton and Notes
of News'
Kviilcnrm uf I'ronperlty
This morning a deed was tiled by
which M. L. Chiiinborlin conveys
three lots in Robert's addition of
Rilem to V. A. Robert ; considera
tion, SllMM). Mr. Chanibeiiln also
Hold ono lot In tho same block to
R'y l. Farmer, in consideration of
$100. Thi'Ho lots will at once bo im
proved by the erection of several
neat cottages upon them.
Tills is only another evidence Unit
Huleiu is entering upon tlint era of
prosperity and Improvement 'which
lias been so long coming.
A Tci in Co in unit 1.
Robert 12. Cavanaugh was par-
(loueil from the peiiitcnlttiry yester
day evening by the groat commuter
of sentences Dentil. Ho was from
linker county and hud served about
eighteen months of tho term often
yours which lie was tilling for horse
fttonling. Ho has a brother living
nt Huntington. His death was the
result of typhoid fever. Ills
mother arrived in the city this after
noon and is grlof-htrieken.
A llooil Season Cumin);.
In conversation with old farmers
we learn that the present has been
tho best season for plowing and seed
ing wo have had for many years.
Althougu Oregon does not know
wiiat a failure of crops Is, still some
years are perceptibly better for cer
tain crops than others. Tho'goneral
opinion Is that the next harvest
lltue will bo laden with golden
Hheaves ami fruits lu groat iniantt-tlo.
A Joke's Serious Termination.
Ail idle joke, perpetrated thought
lessly, oft times carries with it re
sults which time itself cannot eradi
cate. Last night Deputy Shcrili'
Wade of Portland brought to the
insane asylum Mrs. Mollio Harris,
a signing, sobbing, mild ma
niac, whose unfortunate condition
is the direct result of a foolish joke.
On tho evening of tho battle
among tho Chinese highbinders at
Portland she stood at tho front gate
of her home, awaiting the arrival of
her husband to supper. She heard
the rapid and continual firing of
arms and was anxious to know
what it all might be. A young
man, a neighbor, was passing and
of him she inquired what was go-,
ing on. Ho told her that "tho
Chinese wero having a big war mid
Will (meaning her husband) had in
passing by accidently been shot."
She uttered a scream nud run into
the house. On her husband's re
turn lie found her in teal's and
bowed with grief, her nerves shat
tered and her mind not sound. From
that day her mind has been gradu
ally failing and to-day sho is insane,
unable to recognize herown husband
whose death she mourns.
F. J. Brown was called homo the
first of tho week by tho sickness of
his father.
The academy examinations took
place to-dny. The college students
had a holiday.
John O'Shea of Manitoba entered
the law department of tho universi
ty tho first of the week.
Curtis Wilson, not feeling well
Saturday, went to his homo near
Albany, and is now down with the
typhoid fever.
W. E. Burke, after being out of
school several weeks, on account of
sickness, resumed his place in his
classes Monday.
O. N. Nelson returned from Seat
tle, where ho has been for tho past
few weeks on business, and re-entered
school Monday.
II. N. Rounds, who was detained
from being here at tho opening of
the term by sickness, is expected in
in a few days. His sister will ac
company him and enter school.
Miss Edith Clarke left Monday
for her home in Idaho, where she
hus been tendered a position as
teacher in an academy within a few
miles of her home. All regret to see
Miss Clarke leave, as tho Woman's
College loses a good member and
the university a thorough student.
Rev. H. A. Newell spent the
forenoon Thursday lu looking
through the university. He visited
the various session rooms, society
hall, library and museum ; ho also
spent the hour of recitation with the
class in physics. Tho class is now
discussing tho subject of Acoustics,
lu which they take quite an inter
est. The university has a larger enroll
ment now than she has experienced
at tills season of the ear, perhaps
at any other time lu her history.
The same is also true of the Wom
an's College, and everything there
seems to go on in tho most pleasant
manner. Although we could not
find fault with the previous govern
ment, yet certainly the present is in
most respects tho best, and Miss
Hansce is the right person in the
right place.
A I' 1 1-am ut Surrlr
Wednesday night tho friends of
A. T. Ullbort and wile, to the num
ber of a doxon couples, dented thoni
ton nont surprise at tlielr homo on
Water street, by marching in upon
them and pa-slug an evening of
niuslo, gnino and iiinay dance. The
(ivunlng's pletiMire was enhanced by
tho dlsciiAtior. of a delicate lunch
which wax spread.
Il, StrajeJ, r Stalen.
A young man with n pink nius
ttioho and ftiir complexion. Ho
Hiiowers to thoiiHiueof T. 1). Porter
Urge Number of i'atleu.
Million county, ad in fact the
whole state, is furnishing an oxtra
imllnnry number of insane pationU
for the asylum, which now contains
x larger number of patients than It
When last hwinl from ho was at "i any previous nine, uio wnoio
Woodburn, wiwrintr ii oyo and a , MMmlwr 1'S 1 October Ma
atck ooat. Any Information taul.," MWxti' Miilttol six there,
lMlolifawliowUiutaw-llllUwiik.;"1 NuwuU two ami thus far lu
ftlly ivoelvml at lint O.U'tTAi.
lie llujs Arre Properly.
Amos (. rover of Columbus, Ohio,
Is hi tho city and yesterday eU'eeted
tho pureluixo of a thirty-four aero
tract immediately south of tho pas
senger depot. Ho paid $1500 for it.
Mr. Grovorisa genuine "boomer,"
having speculated in acre property
at Columbus, Louisville, Kansas
City, Atchison and other cities.
He has groat contldenco in tho
future of the capital city and will
po-rhnp-. invest considerable money
hero before returning to his eastern
When It Is observed that nearly
every day some parties trom the
states farther east come hero to In
vast their money, we are admonish
ed that tho eyes of many are turned
upon Salem as a Held for safe in vest
ment. Heal estate is cheaper hero
now than It will ever bo again.
This sale was niado by the Oregon
Iind Co.
KI(,'ht linmW, two pianos, "Invitation ton
lu dtlllbO " UVhpr
MUscs Pnrvln, Knre-t, Wooil nnd Htolner.
Semi-chorus, male oIcei, "Ilurk to the
Merry Drum ,. Knigh
I'lnno duet, "On Illoomlmr Meadows. "
Alls-.cs Ulonii mill Thompson.
alee. "Tho Gondolier' serenade,"
Rending .Selected
Mi'is Shiiurt.
Light liunils, two plimoi, "May Queen
March"-. Meyer
Clam Smith, Untie Ilcllciibrnnd, Slnbel
Huttoii, MiiKKle Alderson.
oenl solo, "in Spring TiiJe Hecl;er
Miss lIullTo r.irrlsh
rinno Duet, "OJIs Crlolls" (clause cu-
lulnel Gottschalk
Mlves Kdesiunl Hughes
Double qtmrtctto mid hummlutr chorus,
"Hark, Those hoothliur Sounds "
Mlsvcs Stout, Ada ins, Dliuick and llrown;
Messrs, Howell, Hoi I; nap, Kpley
imd Itlcby
Piano solo, " Polonaise lu K major "..Liszt
.miss i' miiKio Jones
Grand chorus, "liitlniiuituV ltosslnl
.Miss i'nrrlMi unit chorus
ltemllng -Selected
Miss Milium
Vocal duct, " I'omo Where Sleeps the
Dewy Violet Ballo
Misses (IlllliiKhiim and Harris
Part f n. WlilstllniM'nriiuT lloy.-.Ivlnsey
songs h. Sweet and low -ltarnby
Vocal solo, " Cuckoo Souk.. Abt
Grand chorus, "Gloria' (from 12th innss)
DrieJ Frail l'osHiilltie.
Tho industry of evaporating and
shipping Oregon fruit to an eastom
market oll'ors much for the future.
In tho raising of plums, prune,
apples, grapes, etc., Oregon is ex
celled by no spot on earth. Land
is cheap and the fruit brings good
prices. For tills reason, and be-
wiue when properly dried it finds
rondy sale in the eastern niarkot,
Oregon Invites those s e ing humoei
and business, to c mo and auhlo
with us. Tlio specimens of evapor
ated and (Mimed fruit that have
gone Kast give people a hint of the
great possibilities in this direction.
Tli-i ponchos iiave been gmnl, though
not so de-sirabio in tlavor as tho
liwt Doloware fruit. Tiio plums
and pruned have been very line.
An Able ouhjc Msn.
Ooo, M. Ward of lkteton, who ar
rived in the city at noon, will jflvo
an intewfetliiK talk at the Pnvbytw
iau ehurcli tills evening nt vttn
o'okK-k. He is stueretarv of tho
ChrfetiMU Kndeaver soviet ie and te
a yuuujj man of rare ability. Ths
l(Hir of lib addrM Is plewl M it 1,
tliat all may have an opportunity of
uiiwij vuwvfci : " UrlHwah Mr vv. .... i.
The Btte.ulamv U to U vary law. , nmgenwiito art' Mmuinv a nieoi- "" "" " -
itiiuy tlckrta aw lwady takwi. I " " nvrno..u Io.iKIk to ri'
; "mb f Mr. Moody and lUadiig J womel M ft
wa Amu-mh. I mII in iwdtiitM tw a gram) mmhmi of. Hwllag. pin iu tbe inu-k ui) ttm, d.t
TJ John Jack vmupauy wlilvU ' nh. It W umlviMooil tlw m-jet- J23R'J!t'.0T;i nu.i,rTw,SS
WtoeuUrUluimatUM(H'mhouH.!lug will W held at tiw M. K. ' fftMSiIlTultf 2S!
lo-inorrow nigiit u highly aMken of eliurvli wtilvn wneii nevewmry will nMaBRiaiwy nnd rinr tnKiM.sx Thou
l.youroMhang.. Yn (.. tliU 1 lUxxnunuHlaW alnait lw iple. duoniuX.Vi.uS
HUtic tnaiiko iiue ShU'iu a nlvasaiit SaWm U rliK for an awakening Midi i M'iSi. i?. !lr."!i"",',,"-v "ll111 b) um
vfcat w lileh I roinoiiiU'rtM
Jot'RXAU iWllw.
TW IVMrl T-Blkl.
I'n.f. larvlu's convert ikvuis at
Uiv opera house to-night. ThU will
lw raw treat for all lovers of good
luiwie. MbMc l'arrikli, Joncts and
t-Uiaa.t will an-tlat in tho program,
i will alwi a (iionw of forty vitJve.
Devomber thw. Hither insanity U
on the I Herons or the oxainlnatioiis
are too mild. The opinion vin to
prevail that many of the iiunatiw
an J in ply weak from old age or
s4ckn not iueaue, but merely un
able to oar for thom!ve.
New figured and plain silk just
received at Bridges & Bozorth'e.
Painless dental operations at
Dr. T. C. Smith, 021 State street, tf.
John Brown of Portland is hero
lu tho interest of tho Oregon .Land
Amonir the new notaries are J.
T. Anilornf Rpln niul S. W. Forbes
of Althouse.
You wijl always find JZo. 1 gro
ceries at L. S. Winters, tho popular
Court street Grocer. 1 m d w
Mrs. Andrew Glesy died at her
homo in Aurora on Thursday, Dec.
13, 1888, aged sixty-nine years.
House for sale on the Install
ment plan. Payments only 10c
each. At the Opera house corner.
Call and see. tf.
For holiday candies, nuts, cigars,
notions, etc, go nnd see what Speight
& Souder, Court street, offer you.
Prices low. lmdtf
Follow the crowd and you will
turn up at Squire Farrar's, where
groceries aie pure nud cheap. Join
tho procession. tf.
L. F. Willits nnd wife removed
yesterday evening to Ashland,
where Mr. Willits has a fruit farm
which he will improve.
Speight & Souder are to-day in
voicing their stock of goods, having
sold the same to S. M Henry, who
will continue the business. '
The Band of Hope, assisted by
some of the best musicians, will give
an entertainment, on Monday even
ing, Dec. 17, at the W. O. T. U. Hull.
Admission ten cents. All are cor
dially invited.
Miss Carrie Smith, formerly a
compositor on the Capital Joun
xal, the great family necessity, has
accepted a "sit" on the Spokane
Falls Review, and will leave for
that place in a day or so.
The firm of W. Beck & Son lead
in dolls, toys, novelties, scrap-books,
albums, Christmas cards, Christmas
tree ornaments and " 1700 other
things to numerous to mention.
94 State Street Salem Oregon. tf
St. John asks the question, "Are
you for the saloon or tho home?"
The answer given is, "you bet your
life." But when you are asked
where you can get the best goods
and price on tea, coffee, groceries,
etc., the answer is, nt Squire Far
rar's. tf.
W. F. Dugnn left this morning
for Baker City where Dugnn Bros,
have tho contract .for placing the
water works in that city. He will
be followed iu a few days by Ills
brother. They expect to have their
contract concluded by tho first of
February, when they will return to
this city. They shipped to-day to
Baker city 1500 nouuds of pig lead
which will be used there.
Catch the shadow ere the sub
stance fades, is good advice, nnd
especially is tho truth of this demon
strated whep you speak of tho
frequency with which one dear
friend or another is hurried away.
You'll regret too late thatyou did not
have your friend or relative visit
Sperry tho Artist nud have n per
fect likeness taken. Heed the
moral go now before it Is forever
too late. tf.
Watch tho footprints on the side
walk. Where do they go? Up nnd
down Commercial street untU they
como to the new bank block.
Then they go up stairs.
Cherrington's Tho nrti
AMotlior'n-l'utlictlc Search for the lie-
mains of Her Son.
A toucnlui! scene o'curred atJh Sher
man hoiie before the Indians left. Mrs.
Catherine MuL.iuyhlm, of fjnlesliurg, III.,
came to St. Paula few 1h ngoto wail
the re'uin of Ihe Imlinnp. Mm. McLaugh
lin lixther aim in (lie Ouster massacte, and
lie! erncKt desire i-. to rnciVK.' Ills remains
Shu vainly hoped tooliiain koine -informa
tion Innn some of the chid" which might
lead to (heir recovery. Yesterday she
went lu the Slieiuiun hoiioi-, u.'Coinpanieri
by a gentleman, tc bee them. She iart.
uuiariy desired to question Sitting Bull,
wht.m she regarded as directly responsible
f'.r her sun' death. Tliu Induhs were
eateil in a r'oiv waiting f ir the time to ar
rive when .he) should i1k art, wi'.lr the ex
ciptiou of thi: Dull, who stooil with his
t.ico hutweun hit lianiln preaiut; againtt
the his in one ot tho (lours gazing w.
upon the Direct.
A- Mrs. M, LaU(iMin approached the ho
U-l ie cimjjhl sij;ht i if him. mill though sin.
him she immediately identified him with
the reuiaik "time he i; th t is the num."
Sh-j walked, however, directly to John
Gnus, with the passionate appoal;
' Where is my son?" Oh. c,azed at her
in amazement. Her eiitiy wj sudden
and herquetion was incomprehensible to
him, ho th Irom it lanunao and its import.
She repeated her inquiiy justas Inspector
l'n i can came up. liet cuiupanion ex
plained to linn the objeiit f Inn seatch.
Giaaa i: ai Id give her no infoiinatiu'i.
isl.e turned away and Wlktd up to Hull
with llie same question, with (lie appeal
if her 'midierd heart. Bj!i iii.diirscnoi
no ktmlisli. ami InOKe'l jI her simtillv.
Slie tt' eaii-il berciy, bur-. n.;j into tears
Hud i'iiiy shruuiied bib hnul'ieri and
ail,cd ver to another window and re
iiiii'd his former altitude.
'You uie an unfeeliiij. b'titjl inur
erer, " rX'-iaiined Mik. .Miil.atiiiliii, and
left the l.n'ei. Slie hnl u.ill on M.ij.
Mc Lnuh iu. Thi at r m mi iiiImt
her son aa a uifiiib'jr i t tin- Sn.'enth e.v.
nlry, nin lemeiiiiirHiiCf hiiii birnuithi-ii.i
by the lact that Inn im uc -v i 'he -ame a
liis own. He s-iys, how-ei. Hut then
is no Oiiiliility of her ideiiltfvin In i
ami'.- rennitK, in thj unfnrtu. a:e victi n
of ill it lernbltf Hlfiir Were in 'in. il f ..n
so n.iiiil itr.i that -;eiitihcit, hi v.t iiii
possible, ami 'he bodies were i . : a
COiniilKii t;r.it Pmin er l'-e. a.
Friday Evening, Dtc u J
uittiia u oncerl
rl Iid.eJfi,cn u"dfr the
picas' rg -the CoUAto
ot Music, assisted by
Miss Hallid Parish m:, .. ..
Adml.sslon 0 Vonto t. .
Ptttton's book atom ArfV'K."W ,u.
without extra charce. "mDe,
Saturday Dec. 15
Mr. and Mrs. Jolm J
-t1 irmin
The distinguished actress and
Jack Child Vocalist.
Ballads, Spleclions from Sheridan,
" School for Scandal," Sheakpear'i
Sir John Falstall. Notu Mr.Jad
is the recognized Falstaff of fe
world; concluding vith the sHt
splitting farce
"FUN on a
Come nhd enjoy the mostpleasaaj
u.L-iimy ui inu nine.
I haven't the courage to die sir,
Hardly the courage to live;
Can't drink enough to forget, sir,
Ain't Christian enough to forgive.
Tliis Mas the wall ofii man who had
endured the tortures of " liver
complaint" and dyspepsia for years;
mil lie might have endured them
for lite, had ho not heard that Dr.
fierce s Golden Medical Discovery
would nniko him a well man. He
gave it a trial and was cured. Once
he was hollow eyed, emaciated, and
slowly flittering toward the tomb;
but now lie is vigorous, robust aud
healthy. There is nothing that can
compare with the "Discovery" as a
curative agent for sour stomach.
constipation, impure blood and bill
iniisiiess. The worst cases of nasal catarrh
positively and permanently cured
by Dr. Sage's Catarrh remedy.
Capilal Paid up, -Surplus,
- -
- - $75,0041
n. S. WALLACE, - President.
W. W. ilAUTIN, - Vlce-Presioent.
J. H. ALllEUT, .... Cashier.
W. T. Gray, W. W. Stnrtln,
J. SI. Slnrtln, II. S. Wallace.
Dr. W. AXtuIck, J. II. Albert.
T. SIcF. l"ntton.
In tho County Court of thcHtntoot Ore
cou.for tho l ounty of Marlon.
In tlie matter of the e-tutc till.,,,.
JOHN IIUUIIKS, Ilcee.ived JCUatlon-
To ail heirs known nnd unknown of tho
within lamed ileeeclent, meeting:
Iu the mime of !hotuiur Oiegon, you
nro hereby cltctl nnd niuii ed to nppenr In
llio County Court of the btiito ot Oregon,
lor llio county of Sl-ir on, ut tlie court
nxiin thereof, nt Salem, iu the County or
Mnrlan, on Jiondny, llieTtli day of Jan
uary, bv!. at 11 o'clock In tlio lorcnoon of
Unit day, then nnd tliuiv In linw cause if
nny there he, why the Administrator of
the estate of John llurlios decensed
slionld not sell the mil iio,H.riV belonglug
to said estate. -Mild niil nmnprtv Is
Thov iro to i described as follow., to w.t: naslu
t i 111"1?. .nt Mnkp 4.U elmlns
si. li you i i. ij nee. .ui mm. w. trmi the 8. E.
are looking for something nice for ffl?
wm-l-is'Se" HnSt " ThTo to tleeS I " ' -"iaul'JuN, g
woiu is tne Itnest. imio is neeting i .imr sumin "jm-.vn ,.i,i,, i.. .,!, i
Slid Christmas is near. Ise SUIX' ' the center of tlio County rond leading from
ic: inenee js.Niueg.
oontor of unlit road
Mllke: thori.-o : 911 ilmr mi
mill. W. 1.M chains to ii stake In tliownith
i boundary line of the Donation Lund
till.. v ill irnii( id iiv.li. .,.. ohiv ...vv..c ... inu . .puiii j
and give him tlmo to llnishyour ' ''T 'V,.nV'e11 1""rie:
,...i? ...... i..i. tf i mln. W, Jilong tlieori
work up nicely. tf. ia2I chains ton Make: tl
TllO reward for young Taseott, tho Claim ntoreaiil; theii'-ess.tKile. .01 mtn.
urderor of the Chicago millionaire , ," Vte1a,SSrrC?S.,ILt,.."!SS.,J2?.K
Snell, has been raised to $50,000, the ; JSfSJ "jn n.yrv .,r u d sj.iT-
largost reward over ottered tor a nil- . lllameue .Merlduin :n Mm ion ivuuuy.i
man being. Thisaniount the wid-! LtSRiICw.SSSSir " "w lhnuitiui
aw of the murdered man has offered ' ,Wi!T?.- J'!,'u.,,n;Xc.sh"w:.?ud
.' - v itiii.' . iu i i in- nui'f iti iirtmHl
To farmers on wheat nnd other mart I
either In private gnmnrlesor
able produce, consigned or m store,
ipubllc warehouses.
Stale and County Warrants Bought at Fit
Discounted nt reasonable rates. lfi"
drawn direct ou New York, Chicago, I
Kmncisco. Portland. London. Paris. BerUl B
Hong Kong and Calcutta.
First National Bail
WSI. N. LADUE, -1)H.
. . PresldHM
Vice ITeiat
. . . CasbleM
in hones that detectives will be in- fortiiecmntv
duced to put forth their utniost en- h '. i'rV'v
doRVors to capture tho fugitive. '" ' " r
rnsoott win ituiBtHi uo a snrewu one
ifheelmles the many jiersuers this
rawwrd will place on his trail.
ll. Ill S Ml,
Excnange on Portland, Kan Franctewv
New York, london and Wong KoM
bought and sold. State, County una W
wjrmnt bought. Farmers are coraija.
Invited to deiKwlt nnd transact duW"
with ns. Liberal advances ml
whent, wool, hops nnd other pr0!!
rflAionnbie rates. Insurance on u8
eltJ in be obtained at inc u"- -
man rename companies.
(lb t'i -M-it nf
it .. ! !,, n,.
J l.l.
Nl'.I h
I l'r)ttrlg Hr Hi
Tho committee on generHl r-
Tto tirt stu.
TMly stock In the Salem stnot
Itnlhy conijwiny U lMtng issin d to
thuewhu lmd ouutraeted it. in.
tint stock to be torn from the lk
of oertiticHtes of sliare was tlmt
Iooam Manning.
pltytMint sU'mUrii)firnHvvkouliiKwio4ij3Jiu,r,,l,'n,l-v 1"
I bj all. ;w the iiiiieiid!ng iival proinl. J SUb i. w. Mmiui.k
Antra Silir.
""w nt slH lu the w t ,
m bi-ni,sori, uiewrs.suli in
;.-er oreit, totter, elmpiktl !i
hi;h:.uus. oonie, and all km
tioua, ami posltivcty oure tub -uo
pay reiiulred. It k guzirn '
tRitsjrfiotsatJfifactiou, on.. .
retuuded. Price 36 ceuta per i
For sale - Dr. H. W. Cox.
miI O fcgfc ri frljft fl"TjBBBiB
Merchant Tailorl
And supplied with oiily
Kirst Class Goods j
iN(tifaetiou guaranteed.
G. C. H0GAN.
Htatc Iusuranee Cto's. block,
w- ix- itrv itTriltmT I'lSll 1'R.
1 i.-r buiMT, wu nd P""1'"-.
Uare a feed Mow, JH Coiumerril ' T1