CAPITAL JOURNAL JjajE5$R VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1SSS. NO. 243 V.JVX NEW TO-DAY. -iirANTfcD-A BOY TO WOllk ON A farm. Address or call nt Capital joitNAb office. dlwwl. oMALLPOX A 1'RKVfiljTIVft, THE preventive for smallpox or nny other pitching disease Is the OREGON PEACH HITTERS. It cleanses your blood and strengthens your eydem, Ever)- family ciinnld have n bottle In their house. Tn urevent treating diseases, call nt.your i m nH.tvu!.! , ' IT Tr 4 ij ;so. 21 f nt., l'urtlund. Or druggist or C II. Monroe, i n v ,.. Late of thellonroe House. R V BE"" Monroe & Bell, Den MISClft.r.ANKOlTS. HOWAUD BROTHERS r- o Gener.1 oue Moving llaisiny; aod , Repairing. Worlt'ppoinpily donont reasonable rates. Orders left nt .Uafitai. .Iouunai, olUce . .. ?i,jjf . .. .. will receive imeniiuii. imi-h I'roprletors ickete H ' ofel . FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. From SI to $-1 per day. SALEM - . OUEGON. 10tf SHEEP FOR SALE. 1)00 head of stock sheep for sale. For prices and particulars, address A. care Capital Journal cilice. dwtf. HUGHES, BELLINGER & CO., REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. EASTERN PROPERTY EXCHANGED FOR OREGON, WASH; Ingtun Ter.orCalliornla real estate. For lnloriitation uddrcss us at either of the fol lowing elllccs: Palestine, 111.; Kansas City, Mo.; r-uilcm, Or.; Portland, Or. Salem office at liclilnuer'a machinery depot, near the clly hall, Liberty street; Portland office In the rooms of the State Immigration .Hoard, corner of Front and Ash streets. l?Jtf . . SKIFF&CO, DENTISTS. Ofllce-,ncar It ha Operu House. Teeth extracted oy the painless pro cess. 11ILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. jntS. M. K. (VILSOIf Has a very lino stock of new millinery, and Is prepared to do Trimming and Dressmaking In the latest styles. Call and see her new winter guods and style". POWBEil I NINE DOCTORS FAILED. OCCIDKXTAli JOYTINHS. News And Notes of a General In terest to the Westerner. KELLEY BROS., PROPRIETORS OK Meals j!0 cents; board, JO per week. Chlnoso employed. ill) Commercial St. 10dtf. No H5 Commercial street, Salem. For Sale. A good Iron frame Horso Power. Good for all uses, from one to full capacltj. All for the low price or S-TO. Cull at the la dtic Cider, Vinegar & Fruit Presetting Company's olllce. .Salem, Oregon. THE SANITARIUM" For the treatment of nil diseases of men und women DIJS. GILKEUT & WEMP . QIVF Medicated vapor baths, oxygen Inhala tions, electro iiunrnetUin. medicated sprays, etc. Oftlco and sanitarium lnnw U.111K block. Consultation tree. Heal Estate Bareains. 81,000 160 acres, B, miles from O C de pot, flood House, barn and orchard. Fenced, and Yt In cul tivation. 82,000 SO acres, miles from Salem. meats fair. Fine fruit land. $5,490 Sa acres 2K miles from Salem. do mmamgs. npicnuia uiiia, all fenced. Make a desirable $200. U) acres 4 miles from Salem. Im provements goou. rinu young ni-Mmri, nnil itiinlpn limit. S4.180 100 acres, 7 miles from .Salem. Jllll lauu, liutri niiitiru. rvu In lots of 40-acre tracts at f23 per UUIV. J10,800 073 ocrcs, S miles from Salem. adjoining Wlllamotto river. wlllcnll In frncta. 8I,-J73 51 acres, 4 miles of Salem. House, u.iril uiiu uii.-u.iiu. iiiio'Miih at the door. Good soil, and nlenlv of timber. 52,400 '.iaoaercs, 5 miles of Bnlem; good roan; wen improveu; sirnuu, tl.n ulnr-o lUIllUMK iiiiww,.. ... ,'."., $fi0,00 401) acres (4 miles west sldo O orchard, 1J0 in cultivation, bal ance oak crab pasture land. . 00 10 acres, 1 mile from Salem, acl- joining iau kiuhiiu. v..m ...-, nnlniurovenients. 1 "00 .40 acres, 5 miles Salem; all In school house. Excellent fruit laud. i ooo S70 acres, 6 miles from O AL H u; vi,uuu ",Y,a'. ...n u-ntered. House. bam, an'd small orchard; 150 acres in cuunuuuu. m-vi llots wltUgooQiiiueandbarn, S2,,o0. yj'j" Dc8nlblo location. We have besides this a largo list o' city nnn farm property. Iluyers would do well ?o cUl and Texamlno our holdings before making their purcUasc. WILLIS & CHAMDKHLIN. Oiiera House, Court St.. . HGtr Salem. Or. DLiCKSMITIIINTi ad D0RSESH0E1XO. SflllMIW Absolutely pure. This lowUc never varies. A marveled purity, strength and wluilonnicnw. ilnro economical than tha oiillivit'v 1'lnd.and cannot bo old In coiilpotltlnn with the multltudooflow test, short weitht nluinnr phosphate powders. Sold mlv In cans. UoyaMUkino Powiii:i:i'o.,liiVall,N.Y. s I1USINRS4 CAItDS. DR. MASON. DENTIST, SUCCESSORTO Dr. J. C. ll.rd. Olllce over Hush's Hank. DR. J. M. KKENE, 1). I. S DENTAL rooms ener White Corner. Ulllce hours 8a. in. tofip. m. 10 Business!! 2S.SH, 312 and 814 Commercial St. 10-I-U , Salem. CALIFORNIA! the Land of Discoveries nrr-n in mm in u January 1st, - - 1889, AVo will m tl;o A Change In Business! Until timt time wo slinll oiler our Entire Stock for CASH t rriees tlmt HEAT Our Own RBCDRD FOR.LOW PRICES.. . . That is Saying A Hood Deal in So Short a Space. Call E.arly, And t:t-'t tlio lieneflt. Forstiici', Tillany & Co. 2D7 I'oiiimereinl St.. Salem, Or. Thr-r Jtost Itrmnrkable Cures How Tli ry M'rrojPonebyau Ailvrrtl- itoctor. A rani tn tli pnbWci I tee) that I w .xt ll not Iwiloinu my dntylo woman-kind if I liil uot let them know how badly af flicted I hard been and how tni whore to ui cured. Pen ream ao I was taken with a psintul illQ, ami I have been troubled that nay tlnce thsl time, accnrnpanirii with womb trouble in every .conccivablo way. About three month! ago the climax came, and I n proitratcd vith pain through the heart, chest and lutips, ami imi nuvil to my lied. Alter nine iloctois ,.f ililTemnt schools o( practice kvo me up, I apmliil to Dr., Dirrin, and they have tutre.1 me so I van walk from my resideuce to their office. .lam overjoyed with the reiult of the euro. Mrs, E. A. Alll.r. 'I'lio followioK tribute to the Rift and I kilt of Drs. Dtrrin is a remarkalilo in stance of a generous impulse worked tut against powerful professional prejudico, and is worthy of recerd: Card to die public I have for the pat two years lieeij filleted with chioniu pei icarditis, aciompanlcd with grat pain around the heart all that time with execs. i ' sive circulation, sleepless nights, and iliitres. I 'vji unable tn attend to the duties of my profession I had exhausted my knowledge of medicine, as also that my coln-aigues, and found no relief until coming (under the electro-magnetic treat ment of Drs' Dariin. A little nioie thin a month clapied since I received this treat meut, and I can truthfully say that I am cured. I have mine of my former trouble, and with lo jive my personal experience lu tin- intercut of humanity. I have been 4 prajt(viin!ph)siciaii fjiirtson years, ,-ii.d u well kmm'ii in .his city and in Marsh ocl.l, Orii;i)n t ileum it but justice In le (iiililio anl tit Drs. Dirnn to write tlio ih in1, Dit. Stkklk. IllTAL DKA'NIM CUKKI) SIXTKK.V YEARS ADO AND KKMAINS TKHMANKNT TO THIS WAV. Mr. Editer: Iii I872 .nydaughter was taken with the membranous croup and upon her recovery was left totally J leaf. I called 011 to eminent physiciaoi wbo said they coulil do nothing for her. As a last resort I 100k her to Dr. Damn, who cured he, un-l he hm never lieen trouliled with deafness since. I consider it one of the crealost cures of elcctro-magnoiic treat ment on rrunril, and witli'i;roaiitiiloiioii mve this testimonial. I reside in llrklv, Alameda county, California, and will lake (jrunt pleaiuio 111 answering any inquiries oenuernim: lliu most remarkably cure, Yours respectfully. Wll.I.rAM S. Dihhlk. Those who hjvsedifr die .SM,itls.ys It U the only tomer ;- , 8ant reiu-l. 'r,f"cov..rU.U,L.. 11 the plMssure t iuform meetli whh targe awe. rrom Mf Nothing but Praise t Will VL'iiSvi iH.nd. nSsHpnvinceYou . remW 'SSS.I of humn '" ft-Ut derfrlptlooa. SANTA ABiL ioIbAXD aCAllA -. D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, cat.RM.OR 106 STATE fc 1.1 n , SNELL, HEITSHU &'W00DARD. Wholesale Oeoot J. W. CRAWFORD, STI5A.M AND WATKH 1II'J, Stovtw nd Tin Wore, Fore and Uft Pumps. MAM'PACTX'HKJl OP Tin, Copper, ami 'Sheet Iron Ware! 261 Coflinwfcial St., Salm, Or. DEEDS OF DARING BY BLUE & GRAY. tMw uetwuutt Uwmal AjMrtufita itaad ntunw wwum . . -t. -n: oTfUDltelisd frrlgbl rrp;d. MlMrflMKkMI irfUf mt tU'lUti" XllwirT IntenwlT Wttnnt M ..sUiJIa rf llniHU MaOU HI'Wi ' biuiivf-mrmtt. Ml OPPICK IIOUKH AND l'LAOH OP lllttjINIMS. Drx. Drtiiln ohii lie ooiiHiiltod fiuu nt Hits Cliuniula-tu IIotol,Sl(iiii, Or., I)HH)inlHir(l to Deoenilxir 2&1 only. 'J'liey will iiiuler no olroumnUin ( taVe h URe thoy uannot oiire or iM-nent. C'liurKtx are remsonalile, mid thij jioor trtol trtv from 1) to 1) k. 111. (IhIIv. Otllc lioiins from 10 tri 4lily; nvonlnirs, 7 to 8; Ktui dayM, 1Q to 1;!. All vuraMe i-hrotikt ilWiuim.1, loaut of nwiihood, b1oo UinU, Myphlll, gkft, K""" rhoM, btrteUirv, isrwrnmtorrlHwt, Mnilnal wekin, or lorn of ilslr f axual ixiwcr In nun or women, ratttrrti r tleafiHM, nn ninlf nt iaalljr ami MicowfHlly trmtod. 'an of prirsUe iIlaeMtw gtiamntswl Mild never rtublUdtsMl lit the iniMra. Vlrc-ulaft MUit fm. itKt oimmi ohii rv5ttiv bsNiie inwtment after m vWt at the Doetor ulOotr. Tto TwtMrr ImMIIdM. Tu-mortow u tMeber lortttut will to Mil m. Turner, U wbleh tbeMpramlMMtailMia wood ailtvU -iiw. NlfZFiliNDt-- , Jit. S.I.MEKT. Arul . .,l. -ii, " """ A Wriififi KWm. Aa rarJy nuuiU-r of the Overland li.ntl.K' u HI ,u...tu... u ,4jM4il,tlv rtl' '.v mi Salt-in Hint hiirri-itudlng C'inir. TliU muKH-ii1' Ii "in"" i'.. rtii. A. IVrintt'-r i-th- "ii ut u-r Hlt-iu, aiil order left t Ktrr' l-.r him will rtt-Ut careful ami ii-iiipt atU-llttoii. iltf- "With ft population of 400,000, San Francisco's churolies have n Beating capacity for only 2:1,000. It Is estimated that In 1SS9 the sawmills of l'uget Sound will cut 800,000,000, feet of lumber. Tlio wicoked "Manilan" Is the first Pullman car over injured In Oregon or "Washington Territory. By the closing of the sineltcrat Anaconda, near llutto City, Mont., 4000 men are thrown out of employ ment. Thero Is only four inches of snow on the summit of the Cascade!), and travelers are crossing without any Interruption. At Eureka, CuI., the federal gov ernment Is. suing various corpora tions for $1:1,000,000, fr cuttlngllin bur on government land. Col. George Woodford, tho great temperance revivalist, is now in llrltlsh Columbia. He may possibly visit and "revive" tho valley. Tho widow of Dr. C. Jl. Kendall, who was killed at Ympilna City November 28, 1883, by tailing from tho dock, is trying to get a pension. After January 1st, the headtiuar tera of tho Oregon & California rail road will bo transferred to San Fran cisco under tho management of tho Southern l'aeillc. The Lebanon city council met yesterday In extra session and order ed the family of Mr. Hydo in imr niitluo for fourteen days ; also order ed his son-in-law to leave town for tho same period, paying his board in his ttbsonco rrom tho town. This Is u genuine smallpox quarantine. Latest advices from Yaqulna bay stftto that little or no hopes uro now entertained of getting tho stranded YiKitilna Hay oil' tliq wind. Her bows are six feet under wator, and sho is lying In a very bad position, being well over oil her side, while the sea goes In and out of her hull as tho tide ebb and flow. The county clerk of Grant county bet heavily on tho success of Presi dent Cleveland ut tho Into election, and lost. Ho not only wagered his own money but that of the county. Dissipation followed and an attempt to end his life was made, but medi cal aid saved him. He resigned. Heed the moraljdon'tbet.don't gam ble, don't drink. Tho iiianiigers of the Northwest ern .Stove Foundry ut the peniten tiary are preparing to give employ meut tonow-ooinurH, In the shops by enlarging tho moulding room. A part of tho moulding lloor, lu the north shop, has heretofore beon Used for storing moulds. This spree will bo uluarotl and tho entire lloor will 00 used In moulding. This will greatly Increase tlio capacity of tho foundry, und will furnish ample employment for all convicts not netxlwl lu other department of tho prtwHi. S.iMHKS XKW IIOSTHIillY. Ck'ri tl, W llnli'1 to lr Opoiifil lu i'lilille 1111 Dm-. '.'Dili. Will II. Cook, well known to thp traveling- and general public, low .cured h U-MMts of the old Jlonroo Il.itiw, mid l)svlng rertttsl the swine from top l Ixittom, will l ready for the cntertaliiiiieiit of gtieU by ti aoth inat. Kliioe he ha Mct-iirwl till building It Iiuh leeii repaliittMl and eittiwrert thoroughly within and now preaenU a uleau, amy and neat appearaiioe. Tlie rooiuai liavo all been iiMy funiinhed with new and bright furniture, Uw walU and cell Inga papered, Hoot earpetiMl, eU). lu the klU-heu a iMw rauge U In oualtiou. In fact, very thing U Uaw aod of Um beat. Thks hotel will formally omu om tho awh of DeoeiuUfr, by wlitcii time all will to In reaiUnuw. Hr. Cook l koowo to ail, anil U aay thai heU a aueowaftil saaOiord woulsl to repeating a (at wall known to it. KiHhiug will to ouUUatl whlou would aaiat In aildlug to tlie com f..rt of tlie k11 ,''- TKIjEGUAIMIIC TIDINdS. Important Events of the Whole for Twenty-four Hours. Cabinet Ituuinrs. Chkwoo, Dec. 13. A special from Indlanopolls says: A slgnlll cant bit of gossip rcgaitllng tho next cabinet came from ono of General Harrison's friends to-day and relates to tho recognition the Pacific const wlll probably receive. There Are various reasons for tho belief that one of the administration advisers will represent that section und nc cording to the gentleman whose views arc followed, tho honor will not as everybody has supposed, fall on a California man but on Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, who Is likely to bo tho choice of tho president-elect. Oatmeal its an Kxplnslve. CiuoAtio, Dee. 13. A terrible ex plosion occurred at tho Oatmeal Works. The explosion was heard all over tho business portion of the city and caused great excitement. The proprietor and manager of tho mill have been unable to learn positively tho causoof the explosion. Kadi think that tho oatmeal dust may liu;o caused it, but the tcrrltllo force Is unprecedented If this theory bo accepted. A County DliUltin. PitiNiiYiM.i:, Oit. Dec. 13. It Is on the records that a strong ollbrt Is going to be nfhtlo to dlvldo Crook county nt the next meeting of tho legislature. Mitchell to bo tho county seat of tho new one. This Is to be done by taking tho northeast ern part of Crook, and also borrow Ingu slice from Grant, and one from Gilliam. Slot ton Visits Harrison. iNDIANAl'OI.IH, Dec. 111. Vice President Morion and wife reached Indianapolis at () o'clock this even ing on a special train. Tho iniiin inoth rotunda of the new Union depot was 111 led with citizens, trav elers and newspaper correspondents awaiting tho arrival of the dlstln-gul-ihed visitors. Tim Nliei'lir Was Hlljl.t. Urit.MiNuiiAM, (Ala.) Dee. 13. Governor Ferny had 1111 Interview with Kliorlll' Kiultli and said that ho Indorsed tho (Sheriff and wiih glad Jefrcrson county had a sherlll who, no mutter how painful his duty, could uphold the law. I'rlru I'IkIh. Ni'.W YoitK, Dec. 13. "Whisky' itynti, of Itrooldyn, and Jim Farrell ofPhlladelplila, fought at Philadel phia caily this morning under (JueeiiMbury rules. Ityan won In nine rounds. It was a scientific rather than a slugging mutch. Threii .Mm, Killed. Wam.a Wai.i.a, Dee. 111. Mon day night, while doscoudiug u long hill uoar I.ewlston, tho stage ujHct, killing It. Gruenfleld, John Dlx, and "Poker Hill," a gambler of Florence. Aiiullirr iialc ut m(. Venterdwy evening Mr. Parker of Portland purchuvod two lots lu tho Oregon Lund (Vm Hlvurnldo addi tion. Add yet there are some folks who think Salem U not Improving. Spring will lee neveral liuiisoi under construction In till addition to the city. HIliUod, riai-bawiiM, 0. Or., Mur. ai. I lion- MitteriMt with dlawtM u( th kld DtyatbrSorT yearn and Air the li"l lw iiioiiltw tusve Imwii laid up with a ialu In mybaek, Afrlund wut loe a kalupln ut tlio Oregon Kitlry Tea, and navInK iim-4 ll ou week J mil do a aT"oti day's work. I Iimv darlved mure beuvAl from It Oiau sal Ue ioillrUMt I ttav evar Jakea. . . Hold by Ii. W. Hataaw Oo. Amu all tha Aataf Ka binni k not lika- IV to baeocna tatiuet. A profit baa banti foutid in gradlag liuwatiM eaUW and tbay bw and multiply ia eapdvity. !-. . A good diamlioo walla on auuilltc ud a rood apiwiila la one of Iba 1 und auiwtlla Is 000 of Iba auhM alalia or baailb. lfuuaiwiuw aplrltad, IrrtUtbU-, uiilluua. or uava lllteM Mlift MtfltfM VflU I'r llaattay'a Iktottaliuu uiaka anaw man of you. Hold by K. W. Mattowa a Oo, Sa Irragukur appallti , y all maaaa bi tuku rona "onto. It will Am KaMaia exaaaDK savs taat a man, oa ktoppiag bia paper, wiow 10 tb cdiiwi "I llnak matt ottaal Ut afMtud Ibair muuuy Ut paypcrs, ay daJ itkla'l awl every bod dy said He waa iIm MtalUgaaUat huui iiuko eouoliy, aud be bad tha Maartaat taailjr ut 1m)S tbi' r dug taters.'