t -T . CAPITAL VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1SSS. NO. 1241 JOURNAL. NEW TO-DAY. lirANThD-A HOY TO WOIUC ON A farm. Addrcts or call Ht CAriTAL J oiwal office, dlwwl. OMALLPOX A PRKVENTIVE. THE Onrevcntlve for smallpox or any other catching disease Is tho OIIEGON PEACH HITTERS. It cleanses your blood and strengthens your system. Every family tOiould havo a bottle In their house. To prevent treating disease, call at your drucglst or addresn H. KLAS, No. 21 Y St., Portland, Or. Mi SCKLL AN KO U.S. HQWARD BROTHERS General House Moving, Raising and Repairing. Work promptly done at reasonable rates. Orders left at Capital .Iouunal odlce will receive attention. 9-ll-tf SHEEP FOR SALE. 300 head of stock sheep for sale. For prices and particulars, address A. care Capital Journal oillce. dwtf. HUGHES, BELLINGER & CO., REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. EASTBRK PROPERTY TXCHANUED FOlt OREGON, WABIi: tjtngton Ter. orCulirornla real estate. For filiormatlon addresn ur at either of the fol lowing elllecs: 1'ulcntlne, Ill.;Mvansas City, Mo.: balom, Or.; Portland, Or. Salem office nt Bellinger's machinery depot, near the clly hall.Llbertv street; rortland otllcoin the rooms of the Suite Immlgratlou Board, corner of Front and Asb streets. 173tf L,. S. SKIFF- & CO. DKSTISTt Qfflco near thlo Opera House. Teeth extracted Fby tho painless pro cess. MII.MXERY AND FANCY GOODS. MRS. M. E. WILSON Has ft very line stock of new millinery, and Is prepared to do Trimming anil Dressmaking In the latest styles. Call andseo her new winter goods und styles. 375 Commercial street, Siilem. Fpr Sale. A good Inm frame Horse 1ft lor nil uses, from one to full &: All for tho low price of m. , , Vrkerving ciilc Cldor, Vinegar A rult-rcter mui, Company's oftlcc. Salem, Oregon. THE SANITARIUM or the treatment qfnll diseases o. ... and tvoihcn DBS. GILBERT & WEJIP IVE Medicated vapor baths, oxygen lnhalj tlons, electro magnetism, me u sprays, etc. omcennd.sanltarlum m in uanK 1 CALIFORNIA! the WIV VfYawTM S pcTJhtocuTJguC nMMrfl gos!gi? 1 riL. - xsrz. m&M& TKn BS&m "" SANTA ABIE ani 1 SmrtA far- CtrtUlJI", .7.-51 kirwmioj lifliEME MataJBBaJSSTw b !. SOLD AND c?rT Tl X2kU w n u RflATTHFWS & U. VV. win"""- qt SALEM, OR C. It. MoxnoK, Late of the itonroe House. " " BKLU Monroe & Bell, -lroprlctorn C 0" e FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. From $1 to $3 per day. SALEM - . OREGON. 10tf KELLEY BROS PROPRIETORS OF MJ Meals J0 rent' hnarri .1 rur w.iir No Chlnc&ecmplojed. 219 Commercial St. 10-J-dtf. Real Estate Bargains. 91,000. 1C0 acres, C miles from O A C de pot. Good home, barn nnd orchard. Fenced, and , In cul tivation. 92,000 0 acres, 4 miles from Salem. Good road to tow n. Improve ments fair. Fine fruit land. 85,190 5 acres 2.J miles from Salem. No buildings. Splendid land, all fenced. Make a desirable home. $2,500 60 acres 4 miles from Salem. Im provements good. Fine young orchard, and garden land. 31,180 190 acres, 7 miles from Salem. Hill land, finely watered. Sell In lots of 40-acro tracts nt $25 per acre, 510,800 675 acres, 8 miles from Salem. KKSllfff ""WTiiKKfeftw" rrrei'. Will sellln tracts. 31075 51 acres, 4 miles ofbnlem. House, 31.J70 -b'arnma orchard, ljirgespring at the door. Good Mill, and c .4fln UOacres, 6 miles of Salem; good A rean: wen uui'i""-". -- running through tho place. a00 400 "cs (4 mile west side O A 5W,uu. ,CWH'-K) ioo'a house, barn anil orchard, 1J0 In cultivation, bal- nncooaK gruopasuuui""". SSOO 10 acres, linllo from Salem ad. Joining lairgrouuu. Good land; no lmpw,:"lo .. m oa s miles Salem: all In '"- ,l hatlon; no buildings; near school house, -.hxeeueiu land. .1 non .170 acres, 0 miles from O A C It It; .., an fenced; wen waien-u. """-ri barn, " 8mftU orc"nrd: 10 acres in cultivation. -"-t'enral;!:: 8?doMSSinoBaf holdings before making belrpurha- AVILLIrf it CIIAMBfcULlN, Opera House, Court Hi., BUCKSMITilING and HORSESHOEING. SSK 312 and 3H Commercial St., vn' " ini.tr Hnlem. Land of Discoveries Those jo fee used il . u thepl'u''et',lnf',r'" HaVe outlWear Nothing bOt Praise K?s ... u-i.tlieenddeslred That It will i"S, Mt 8nd Lungs U .. rjfrv..t 11 vourMir, ." ! ,h vnu impi . - . ... . wiJJ,tawipiw5 II W WU"V ;., a- 1IUH1NHI1U have o""."7' "Mniwr l " T.' v'-ldirConvinceYou a rem ' irSSST5-- " and one ftun--",l," ""' ietr by AIIIKTINB aU. i,HSi5Al'CO-0,V- COMPANY, A111IW SCM IIU! f " imimiuiw I iK1 m Absolutely Pure. TUlsiviwdiT nuer Mirlm V nnrel nt purity, strctisth mid wIiolenometio-M. Jliw I economlcu limn the ludlimry vlnii,nim ciiunot ho wild hi competition ttlih the multitude "flow Ui.xlioit welclit aluinor phosphate imwrtery ''old nnlv In can. ROVAL IUKINO lNWUKKlO., IOJ Wllll.N'.Y. IttlSINKHS GAUDS. BR. J I) nlc. MASON. MENTIS P. MJCOK.H-OUTO Dr. J. C. ll,"rd Oillcn .iter lu..)'s R. J. M. KKI.NE. 1 I). H , DENTAL roomsotcr White Cornel. Ulflfv' liburs . m.to ! 1 1. mi jjiifjiary 1st, - - "Vo wl MPiko 1SH1), angp 111 ills Until tlint time wo ahull oiler our Entire Stock for CASH "t 1'riccrt that BEAT Our Oct MID FOR LOW PRICES. That is Saying A Good Deal in So Short a Space. Call Early, And get tlio benefit. Forstncr, Tiffany fe Co. 207 Commercial St.. Salem, Or. J. W. CRAWFORD, I iHlern I ......... i fiTKAM AND WATKi; rjl'J, Stoves and Tin W'Hns l'or- mid Lilt tii(iitd MANUKACrnitKROK 1 Tin, Copper and l'lunUilng and aw ?!! "pi W'CnM(Str Salem, DEEDS jOF DARING BY BLUE & QBAY. .... ..JI-ILi.n fifth MWl tbrtBMKl K5T!fiiMRS aSnt? rf tt.-t-J "?l: I Sali-iSathiii;. !.' ' SSTdXihri'riniitt J-5.Ii 'JISJ' , m weluir,Tnu-''- i'VL'r , w . -?-- ... .... (iKui";''T . ,lrt """ '" ro.nA J1HAJiC.- l"l AK laifiiiensiB!! WUttWNl. AjTbkMOa mmm iiwutm imivimw. tuctrt- - tmir nil 1 T I TI 1 AMf IV7.KA AV llrv ri. IDRS. DARRIN ARRIVED. I Uno of the Drs. Darrin of Portland, lias Arrived. Up lla Takril Kooui nt tlir Chct mnkrtft llnuno Kor n llrlcr Season. To show his tonlldcnce in tronting the s-lok lie kindly oU'ers to tivnt free ofrJiargu nil who may apply lx tweou the hour of 0 nnd 10 a. m. dully, until further notice. He rained to us ltuloned with testimon ials from people living iu this ctnte nnd eoplo whoso veracity no one cjiii doubt; n few of which wo hero present nnd could till our paper with them if npiico did not forbid. Pa ilents desiring trentment will do well to call nt once, as tunny need mote than one treatment. The doctors submit tho following K.VTKACT OK TKSTAMONIALS: Mrs. E. Ahlf, 0H N. 14th street, Portland, cured after nine doctors had failed of painful menstruation and womb trouble in every coucelv. able way, general debility, pain thro' the heart and lung. J. W. Yuimvnlt, Albany, ()gn. (formerly of Moro, "Wasco Co., Or.) cured of mi agravated caso of rheu matism and spinal complaint. MymuOMs, Tweiity-Flrat sta-ct, East Portland, deafness cured in live minutes. 11. H. Itlee, 32 It. street, Portland, heart disease, three months since. Mrs. Mary Cllne, West Union, Or. (formerly of Sauvies Island, Or.,) I'omjilleiitlon tf diseases peculiar to lierMx: liver and kidney trouble, rheumatism and dyspepsia restor c,lir. Jirtnnan neuioy nil Kiglith street, Portland, female diseases, cured 111 years Ago by Drs. Darrin. ). Cuinpliell, Fullerton, Ogn., s.iys he would not take $10,000 for tho euro he received by Dr. Darrin. His trouble originated in tlireo small lumps or tumors coming cm the arm, which rendered his arm and hand perfectly helpless for 0110 year James J. McCowan, 127 13th St., Portland, heart disease, palpitation mid milium nervous debility- -cured. Kiinny Kennedy, AValla Walla, "SV. T. Uoth eyes crossed since a child, cured in 30 seconds. Volnn We-lwter, Western, Umatil la county, Ogn., Catarrh cured. Oeorgo II. Hamilton, 32 Stark fit., Portland Stoppage of the tear-duct, cured. Mis Lucy Morgan, Monmouth, Ogn., Cross-eye, straightened In 0110 minute. E. Anderson, Saloin, Ogn.. Cat arrh seven yenrs, cured. ('. Hlose, near Kiillorton. Oregon, r I 1 l.M.li...t ifftilLU flll. .S-oZr rt-' Mrs. M. Jtebe, 14B Water street, II...11 1 1M.....1A.1 .illfl lllrilnlllH4 (111 " ""l""" ""'"" "", Ilir. ftii-n fur vinni Dilllis III till! ImU'K ! and dlz.Ine peculiar to her sex. cureil Her son was cured or cross cy. Mrs. W. II. Austin, Tho Interna tional Hotel, Portland Confined to her room nine mouths with an oyo allllotion, culled "nervous alioration of light," accompanied with inlla nifttloii, curel. I IUv. M. M. Hashor, Ilrooks, Ogn., INuhhI and throatcutarrli, oureil. Win. Altnow.Drowsoy, Orant to. Or. Catarrh, doafnow and ringing In tli win for twenty yean, pexfi-o-tly cured. Wttilw (JravcH, formerly f the i (JliouiokaUi hottil. Haloiii, now rosld- , -t... ....... l,ll,,v iulal(lf Kill- ainirl.nTHilsm and ti.V opium ImWL C. Mel.aughlln, wirnor of 10th CatHrnd .luafnww, eoulil her soind and was In constant tmr of 1M9111K rim orttr i,v whki'i ". -- " . - - .. ' hueHii Hoar ordinary tnivormii. Mr. S. Wooilln,s glrl.Ul llftli St, I'urOaHil Kervisw (lability Slid uwtarlMl flrvwr and dkelntri(iHK er, rttorwl. iiitnk IIouh a' 1'iat-K or 1 liinuviMk Dm. Durrlu twu U eoiMulUd fn at tne Chemeketo Hotel, Salem, Or., December 3d to December 22d only. They will under no circumstan ces take a cn.se they cannot cure or bcucilt. Charges are reasonable, ami tho poor treated free from 0 to 10 n. m. dally. OMeo hours from 10 to 4 dally; evenings, 7 to 8; Sun days, 10 to 12. All ctirablo chronic diseasesIosu of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor rhoea, stricture, spermatorrhea, seminnl wcjikness, or lass of soxual lioworln man or women, catarrh or deafness, are eonlldontlally and succes.sf'iilly trenteil. Cures of pri vate diseases guaranteed. Circulars sent free. hUrt cases can receive homo treatment after n visit at the Doctors olllce. NE1MIB0IUI0U1I N0IKS. Brcfiy Corrcspoupence From tbe Ton us Around Us. Tt'RNEC ITEUS. Dave Close of Clackainas is In Turner, for n few days. There will bo a grand bull at tho Masonic opera house Dec. 2Tith. N. W. Slivers is contemplating a visit to Kansas, his old home, the coining winter. Tbo play, called tho "Lust Loaf" will bo presented by tho Good Tem plars here, Thursday night. Our sick arc able to bo out, except Mrs. Martin, who has been very sick of fover and slvo b bettor. Charlie Cannon stopped over night at Turner, 011 his way homo to Yaqulna. Ho 1ms been working us trainman 011 Oregon Short Lino. Tho boys were successful in their utter cuasing It Home time bayed It near Jos Donovan's, wlwn it was soon dispatched. They will have anotiier hunt In tho same place next Saturday. T01.LDO TALK. Toledo will havo a ChrUtiims tree. Tides havo been very hlgli for a few days. Fishing for Salmon han about stopped for thu season. There Is soniu building yet going on around our little town. We havo church twice every mouth, and Sunday school every Sunday. Surveyors have been at work at the channel or .tuo river, lora lew days past. Wo understand that tho O. P. Co. is intending to build u dry dock at tills place. Tho school has Won lucreulng In iiuiuliers; thoro now b'lug forty nlno enrolled. Miss Jesalo AJuxundor, who has Ijcoii teaching at Yiuniliia City, is at homo for a wlillu. Deer seem to bo plentiful around Toledo; some ouo kills one or two every day or two. Toledo now luw a literary society which lenders a good program every Saturday evening. The saloon building was llnlshed u fuw days slncu, and is now occu pied. It was built over tldo wator. The wliool (wieluir luw moved into Ids new liouw, wliero ho win Ikj isimfortablK while tho wind blows and the dements rago without. MlwiKinuJa Hrix.k was pushed from the pJatfonu In front of (lie Mfihuol hoime and sprHlnwl licr arm, at the elbow Joint, very K'vorely. Slio is gutting along tolurnbly well slie will have to Ih out of nchool tor a few day. During the storm yt4ordy even ing Mr. Pruett left hU mllrwd vdoo BIH.de stundlng on the track, m Idle he wont Into the store, hut the wind didn't let It stand very long, giving It a start It blew U In tho trunk for Mime dMantc, oau-lug Mr. '.u little walk after It. JjulTiIji. Ih lit UutkHfvf Mm. tr upr fit lu UMi, uw"S9 J IniUl or mi: ''. " " JMH KlUHSJ MM -- . - WWWSSHSffffi ssSttiiwTwasae in fkMa Kinaar h.T.aAV aHK MinmrV UMIUHBM. A HOTBr TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Iwporlanl Evcols or tho Whole World for Twenty-four Hours. Hirer And Harbor lllll. Washinoton, Dec. 12. Tho river and hnrbor bill has been completed by tho comniltteo and will bo re ported to the house early this week, it appropriates In round numliers f 12,000,000. Tho amount appropriated for vari ous Improvements have been, in general, one-third of the amount es timated by the chief of engineers as tho sum which could be profitably ' oxpeuded on tho work during the llrst yenr. This rule, however, has been departed from In many ensca where clroumstnnces renulred it. Tho exact amounts appropriated for spcclnl localities cannot bo given, but approximate estimates iiioludu the follewing: Improving tho Mis souri river, $375,000; Columbia river, Oregon, J250.00O; Oakland harbor, California, 1137,000; Yaipilua bay, $1WH),(HX); Ch bay, Or., foS.OOO; Humboldt, f(,W)0. Long nnd HUurt Haul. CiucAoo, Dec. 12. The Inter state commerce commission havo never Vforo unearthed as much crookedness as In revealed by the present investigation. It appears that all roads have bttcn employing scalpers to hell their through tickets much below regular rates, thus per mitting romlH to imotu highest pro portioning rates for short distances. Tho commission has decided that this must bo stopped. It is said they will render a decision to tho oli'ect that roads which cut rates through scalpera are irulllv of vlil..ilm culled boloro tho commission to-day nnd will havo tho riot act read to them. HruvyBlorm. Ahiiuuv Paiiic, N. Y., 1)j. 11. Heavy storms are raging and tho wind Is blowing on the shore. Tho crows ot tho llfo saving stations are patrolling tho bench. It Is thought considerable damage will bo done nt high tide this after noon. A largo quantity of wreckago came ashore tills morning, supposed to lo from tho wreck of some vessel. OUCIDKNTAIi J0TTINUS. Npwm Ami Notes of a (lonornl tcrcfit to tho Wehtcrncr. In- Tlio Paclilc Coast Express com pany began business yesterday. Corvallis has a new town clock iu the court house. James Oloason and P. A. Mar qiiniii, Jr., of Portland lire now noturlcH public. Maudallnu itolhfoH Ian now arri val at the Insane asylum. She is from Portland. T.I10 Oak, drove cemetery associa tion of Mt. Hood yesterday tiled ar ticles of Incorporation. Tillamook Is troubled with Inter mittent sidewalks and cltlcns say they aru worse than nouo at all. Tlio Solvation Army at Petulaina, Cal., bun won a victory. Thoy havo obtuliusi permission to parade thu streeU,.and partlon molostliig them will be anested. Tlio Yaqiilua Pwy wliluh went agtouud at Yuquluu Sunday night, Is still resting on the bur, but tiiorearo strong hopes of getting her oil to morrow. Tlio examination of her bottom shows that slio U not nmte rlullv Injureil. Dlvera with wreck ing appliance havo been sent from Kan Kronoltfco to awlnt In saving the uteuiuer. lite illciNttelieM ludicute thut con dltlons artt favorable for getting the ftrHiidttd Yuquluu lbiy ulloat. It has Iteeu aM-ertalued thut she Is not leaking and It Is thought has no holt Iu her lxittom. She Is lying liiHlwltered iKfeltlnn. New haw- mrs, wrcekiug apparatus, etc., have bevn wsjiire!, and with the aid or tlw threw tug on tho bay a united ellbrt will Im made to get the vessel aiiuMt. - iwndrutf to pratMOity h ' UW Of lit IIMMt Mulii to tmr. but tiAa imr Uu Iu FMUUW II WMMW llulMMIIV I Qy. " BawiiiMii JtK 1wvIh Ih rAlMrad br IU ius. nn 11 jun-jjuiu' "acrwS.. I Hold y i. W UlbWk Vi. J M.BKItT AgrtH . HnW-lii 'rrr