If i PHW i wwi .tm wlFfp!ipwwiiwpBy IV jmm in-ytgg tfwxrtaxr"i OYER THE CAPITAL CITY. Complete Recital ofllic Daily Doio's Com piled From Varum Sourw. Happenings Over tofyly iaci)..NoV From tho Count rtyltoiiu-laliont. r An F.vangcllrsl 'allege. Yesterday afternoon u npuolul meeting 'f tho Orcein conference ofthoEviuijiellcftl ehureli was liultl in HiIh city. The meetitiK whs called for the purjuttUHif consltldriij the mutter of tlie''UlinMfiiWitl'Vir'fi church school li"tn&JICrtlfiW3f 'UnrA conference. TJlo' cjuWitfrtii' wtxs thoroughly tllfcCtfuAcH'iUHl tin' eVlufri tlonnl society orgmifze'l." They arc prepnreil to receive bids from the towns within the dintrieCfW'tho" It cation of the college, which the board hopes tdrlJtf jJrJlcHtAwtiibliiJri tho coming 'fctifliltief. ""'Th" Imard consists ofW.'W.lJicM.'rHOX, Spo kane; I). Jones, Albany; E. Wood ward, Corvullls; ( C. Poling, Sa lem; J. L. Hersher, CorvVilHsj'F.'B. Tiouck, Dayton; A. Odell, 1'leasunt dalc. ' '- '"' Jlls WrlilCa. Iteeeptlun.i.- . . . The homo of JMlss ChrrlojSmlth in East Salem was last night the sceno of a merry party, given In honor of Miss Llz.le Webb, who Is about tnlcuYU'Snlem ""'1 make her liomo in California. About llfty of Salem's belles 'hud beaux were in attendance and a most pleasant season of games and music was Midulgeif in. Mist IjIzIo takes her departure on TirHd'iy for Portland where she will visit a few days be fore going to Fresno. Her many friends In tho city regret that sho Is leaving us, and among others Is the Capital Jouiin'al force, sho hav ing adjusted the movable types in tills blilce for many months. ( . Cau 'uik fcreiy Ia . A successful gardener and horti culturist of Salem this morning told a Capital Journal reporter that ho had never sOen or heard of any other country In which the farmer could utilize quite so many days in the year. 1 le conducts his plowing through nearly tho whole winter sotiHo'ii, being forced to cease but u few days on account of too much rain. Out door work can bo prose cuted thy year round, and while the euatom firvnier is using up wheat he has prepared during tho summer the Oregoniau Is laying up riches. Smallpox M Lrbanun. K Dr. Q. JM. O'Dell of Sodavllle was called on yesterday to render medi cal assistance to the family of Ous Thompson of Lebanon who recent ly died of smallpox, four members of Ids family being down with tho dreadful disease at tho residence of Oeorge Sylvester. Tho family hail been vaccinated but it did not take. Home fears are entertained of the epidemic spreading, but all etlorts will be made to check It. A Cunllrmnl Itnmur. T)io rumor that there Is a case of smallpox near Monroe Is continued by the Leader. Mr. Samuels brought tho word that a young man a fow days since returned from Portland to that community nnd attended a dance somewhere above Monroe. Ho broke out with tho disease on tho evening of tho dance. If this is true, there- Is almost sure to be other cases. A .Vw Tailoring IMsblMimeut. (J. C. llogan has but recently ar rived in Salem from Canada and opened tip a llrst-cluss tailoring es tablishment in the State Insurance building. This morning a Journal reporter paid Ids rooms a vis!t ami feasted Ids eyes upon a choice selec tion of the latest styles and best grades of material. Mr. Hogan Is n line tailor and insure a perfect lit. d-A-w. Tke Mrert Cars. flMivr the work of laying the Ilea will bo completed and tho force haa been placed to work on grading tho lino I min Stato Httvet to tho pus Hunger depot. Every Indication is that tlio first of January will Hull the lino completed as proposed. ' tlotpcl 8rrlee. At tho Cumberland Pivsbytcrluu church gospel meetings are still in progress. Considerable interest is being maulfes'led and new life is being infused into this church. The public Is cordially invited to alt ser vices. Ts-Mgkt't Treit. To-night the Ilostou Quintette Club will be at the opera house and give ouo of their celebrated per fornmncos. The sale of sats Is large und the uttuudauco sure to be muoh groutor than was expected. Dents ur !.)! Adair. I. M. Adnir died at his homo in Albanyyestcrdayofpneumonla.after an Illness of but a few days, super induced by U heavy fold. He had been in ftSor- lukiltlrfor aevifral years tftU'wurtiofc seriously itl until Tuca dlty'llvenlHgi '"when he was taken iit.ri i mi imnnk ni ncuie uniiiumua f.illmvdd by hemorrhage of; tho IlnigWanrt pneumonia which resUlteu in his death. His' brother Tj. G. Adair of Eugenb accompanied tho ramains to Salem, where the family llft've resided many years, and where bis "body was Inferred in the1 Odd FeiloW cemetery' this aft'rnlOh. Hfc'wul a member of the l) 0. O. F. lbtlgfitnd the- Q. A. It.'PoSt of"Al haiiy.' The"decdasod was about -HJ years of agfiifld 'wfiS"utl""Upright christian citizen. He leaves a wife and daughter. -. .w. . , , 4 j Te AnUrla Uosd. . t, ,.vr Thfi road has been. granted per mleslop to, bridge Young river and work is steadily 'progressing along from Astoria trlrdugli the gklpnuon woods to" the bekch',' tlftlido on'to Tillamook. Of this 11 no the Coqullle Hefald Aiiytf i 'Tli?r?lVfll6rfii Vftritt Wlllnmntto vallev railroad will have a two-fold benefitting result. Iri'tfiG flrstplaco It will ciecreuTC uio-uis-tan'ceHo thtV&ea niid" prbdutfo-h live ly competition ; and"in the second nlace ft will cause Portland to Im prove the Columbia and "Willamette it..-. " - - ,----. incini !, rm', ' Sbipment or street I'srs The three- cars for the Sale m rail way were shipped to-day from St. Louis. They arovbroad gauge cars on narrow gaugd'tracks and are du plicates of those used on tho Astw rla line. They are boxed and will come through on a single Hat car, arriving hero in ten days. The let tering on them Is artistic. Tlioy bear their respective numbers of "1" "2" and "3," also tho words "Salem Street Railway Co." and "Commer cial Street, Stuto House, and Depot." Fluent's Scare. During tho week just coming to a clo'e thirteen cases of scarlet fever have developed and been reported to the health ofllcer at Eugene. The families alllicted are : It. S. Beau, Wits Owen, Ed MeCormack, John Hani, Mr. Morris and M. lllder. Nearly all tho cases reported are convalescent, and no deaths are ex pected. The attendance at tho pub lic school has fallen' oir consider ably on account of tho disease. It Is a very light form of the disease. f. . The Hop SA(rs, . . Those who held their hops so long for largo prices have within a fow days had the pleasure of selling them at 15 conts. When tho mar ket was at the top notch the Joun NAij predicted a relapse -which came. Twenty conts is a '.good price for hops. -- A Write-up of Salem. , All early number of tho Overland Monthly will contain a descriptive aitlele 4)ii Salem and surrounding country. This magazine is among the tlrst. A. Perlnger Is tho agent for Salem, and orders left at Starr's for him will receive careful and prompt attention. d-tf. A Moody Meeting. A meeting of the men of Salem Is called for Sunday alternoon at three o'clock in tho Presbyterian church, to consider matters In reference to inviting Mr. Moody tho evangelist, to come to Salem. Business men are particularly Invited. Sme More I'rlsouers. IMchard Clld'ord and James Me Cormiek worn yesterday evening brought to the penitentiary from Portland, the former for his three years' term for robbery, the latter for tho commission of an uuatural crime; one year. ' ' ' Uel Vaccinated. Willie guarding' against the small pox something should bo done to prevent tho Uraden-Underwood combination from exhibiting in Al- bany.i-Dohioorat. l ' " : . i ., . ' ' . 1 haven't tliocourago to die sir, Hardly the courage to live; Can't drink enough to forget, sir, Ain't Christian enough to forgive. Tils was the wall of a man who had endured tho tortures of " liver complaint" and dyspepsia' for years; und no migiit nave enuureu mem for life, had ho not heard that Dr. Pioivo's (Joldon Medical Discovery would make him a well man. lie gave It a trial and was cured. Once lie was hollow eyed, emaciated, mid slowly tottering toward the tomb; but now lie is vigorous, robust and houlthy. There is nothing that can compare with tho "Discovery" us a curative agent" for sour stomach, constipation, impure blood and bill lousuess. Tho worst cases of nasal catarrh jKjsltlvely und pennanently cured by Dr, Sago'B Cnuirrh routiHiy. THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Salem, Her People and the Valley Described by a Pennsylvanian. J. Zeumcr, editor of the American Volunteer, Carlisle, Pa., during the summer ' paid a visit to tho coast and writes of Salem at considerable length. Ho saysr "Salem is both a pretty and an Interesting place. Tho ground on which it Is built is level and its surface Is high above tho surface of the river. Th'is'linturally gives the river here very'hlgh banks; but flrily on' the ea'stf side, us on the west side tho banks' are low and the river is Hanked by bottom lands which are overflowed in times of high freshctsi The streets of Salem are very wide and in many places lined on botli sides with shade trees which, 'tldurlshed by the rich black Oregon sollj-havo grown tall, dense ahd'symriietrlcal, giving the entire city ari ngrd'aUfo shady appearance tharyou'afe ft'ot likely ever to for gel. ' It'b'rlngst to your fancy visions bPUiaelty of Elms, and Unter den Linden. There are many elegant and- comfortable residences, the homes of culture, wealty and re tineme'nt Theie generally are set bi6kfmint!ii'strect8and have yards befween'triemjuid the streets. In these yards are closely cropt lawus und flowers and shrubbery. "Thocourt house-is "a' largo brick structure standing in the center of a square with ample grounds all around It und wide board walks leading from the streets to its doors. The walls of tho building, as many brick buildings in Oregon, are covered with a thin coating of blue black cement. On tho next square, directly to the east of the court house square, Is tho capitol. "A wide and long flight of marble steps reaches from tho ground up to tho second floor, the floor upon which are tho chambers of the two branches of the legislature, and the oillees of tho governor and other stato ofllcers. On going up this grand flight of steps I was several times impelled to stop and turn around to take a look at tho well Shaded city, and at the Polk county prospect which lay beyond the river to the west. It was like climbing a snow peak in miniature, but much easier work. "Among the persons to .whom I had the honor of being introduced was "W. A. Munley, Private Secre tary to Governor Pennoyer. Mr. Munley Is a iuanof probably twenty live or twenty-six years of age and went to Oregon from the northeast ern part of Pennsylvania less than a dozen years ago. He Is a clever young gentlemen and submitted to my questioning with an easy grace. E. 1J. MoElroy, State Superintend ent of Public Instruction, was an other person to whom I was Intro duced. I found In him also a Ponn syl vtuilnn, from Washington county. I met tho Secretary of State, G. W. McBride. Mr. McBrlde is evidently a man of ability and rare good Judg ment, At least ho impressed mo so in tho Mttle while I was with him. While Mr. McBrlde is not u Penn sylvanian I found In his oftlce B. F. Glltuer, from Northumberland county. Mr. Glltuer Is an uncle of Mr. MoBrido and also his deputy. "Tho view from the top of the capitol was commanding. Away oil' to tho east lay an almost illimit able farming country, yellow, with harvest Holds to tho ery' horizon. Tho Cascado mountain range was not in sight, partly because of tho hazo of tho dusty summer atmos phere, but far out iu tho direction in which It lay were light spots 'of largo area which Mr. Glltuer said were grain tlelds on the foot hills, or lower benches of this range of muintalns. Streaks of tiulor, In which tho ever present Oregon flr was the most conspicuous feature, radiated in all directions, giving nn agreeable variation to (he loyel landscape that otherwise would be a llttlomonotouous. Fine largo build ings m mo suuurusoi uio city my In easy View. Tho prospect to tho east was tho most attractive, but uortuwurd and southward the views werw also pleasing through appar ently more thickly timbered than to tli6 eastward, Beyond tho river1, tb the wost, lay somo hills that caused the country to appear broken in that direction, but, even on tho tops of these hills yellow grain tlelds lay in full view and lont interest and en chantmeiit to tho landscape. It was indeed a grand and a beautiful picture. "I siwut nearly a day and a half In Salem and when leaving time ar rived I felt as if I had seen less than half 'in ami about it that a stranger should see to Judge It correctly. If, gentle reader, you should over visit Irecou, Salem Is one of tho towns you must not fall to see neither must you fall to make it a louger visit man i nut.' LOCAL SUMMAltY. Mrs. G. G. Bingham la visiting friends at Lafayette. The county commissioners have concluded their session and gone home. You will always find No. 1 gro ceries at L. 8. Winters, tho popular Court street Grocer. 1 m d w License to sell liquor was yes terday granted by the county com missioners to Win. Anderson at Mehama. House for sale on the install ment nlan. Payments only 10c each. At tho opera house co'rner. Call nnd see. tf. For holiday candles, nuts, cigars, notions, etc, go and see what Speight & Souder, Court street, offer you. Prices low. 1 m d w E. W. Hartman and G. E. Hayes of Oregon City and G.B. Dar ries of Eugene were granted notaries commissions to-day. At the rate the Insane patients are arriving at our asylum a large ad dition will liave to' bo made to that building the coming year. Follow the crowd and you will turn up at Squire Farrar's, where groceries aie pure and cheap. Toin the procession. tf. Center street is at onco to bo ex tended on to Asylum avenue, tho county court having granted the petitioners their request. According to the old maxim, thai the first tfirVo'days of Decem ber uqdb the winter, thepreseiit season bids fair to be nn open one. Salem is now very lively. The street car lino is being rapidly pushed to completion and other en terprises are well under way. Day ton Herald. Aji old gentleman from Marion county, named E. S. Gregolre, is circulating a petition praying that he be appointed agent of the Uma tillas. East Orcgonian. J. P. Klots,who bus been travel ing for nearly three years in Califor nia, Oregon and Washington Terri tory, says that tho Willamette is the Garden spot of the coast. St. John asks the question, "Are you for the saloon or the home?" The answer given Is, "you bet your life." But when you are asked where you can get the best goods and price on tea, coffee, groceries, etc., the answer is, at Squire Far rar's. tf. The citizens of Long Tom pre cinct in Lane county are badly frightened over a case of smallpox that has broken out among them. Pres. Nail, who resides at the homo of his father seVeh miles west of 'Junc tion, was token down with tho dis ease and broke out last Saturday. Catch tho shadow ere the sub stance fades, Is good advice, and especially is the truth of this demon strated when you spftak of the frequeucy with which one dear friend or another Is hurried away. You'll regret too late that you did not have your friend or relative visit Sperry the Artist and have a per fect likeness taken. Heed the moral go now beforfr it Is forever too late." tf. Watch tho footprints on theside- walk. Where do they go? Up and down Commercial street until they como to tho new bunk block. Then they go up stairs. They go to Chen ington's Tho artist. If you aro lookiug for something nice for the holidays, go and see him. His work is the llnest. Timo Is fleeting and Christmas is uear.T Bb sure and give him timo to lluish your work up nicely. tf. An Empty Treasury. Marion county's treasury contains tho sum of but 50 cents. Treasurer Coudit to-day began endorsing war rants thus: "Not paid for want of fnuds." This morning he in this way endorsed warrants to tho sum of f580 and.will perhaps endorse for as much mora before night. Highland, Clackamas, Co. Or., Mar. 2a I have Buffered with a dtseaso of the kid nyforSor7 year nnd ibr the last two months liuvo been lnld up with a pala In my back. A friend sent me a sample of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and having uted It one week I cau do a good day's work. I have derived mora benefit from It than all the medicines I have ever tuken. J.Q.NEWUILU Bold by D, W, Jdathew & Co. Not Guilty as l'hr;eJ. In tho circuit court at Dallas in tho case of Beardsley vs. Perrymau for damages, a sealed verdict was verdict! rendered yesterday even ing. Beardsley failed to recover damages, It is learned. Itellcate women who complain ofa tired feeling, paint In the baek and loins, desire to sleep, dlulnes, painful or suppressed mensiruauon, wuiuuiiiuurejuo muuey Toa a faithful friend. It can be railed upon In every Instant to give Immediate relief from kidney and urinary troubles. Thous ands of women wintering every day from .- .liAkitas nf lha r I ilri Java 1lAf whr ...i.k K nArmtnMitir (Hired tiv uunr tLTSTi hv I. 0 Mathptirt. Pa. Fruit Farms of Ten CONVENIENT TO TWO RAILtiOAfe' mi i.wia ..wj nrt nffoiwl nt enhanced nrlces. TMinnntl m.j i. .. Especially adapted to growing PEARS, PRUNES, AND OTHEB ' FRUITS for shipping green to the Mining district? and Farther East, while the mutual cooperation "in Shipping, storing ahdeeliih'g fruits will n, i ' i 'Be no small consideration.4 ' The Very'M:Lnl ONE HOURS DRIVE FROM SALEM. The canneries of SALEM, WOODBURN and ALBANY are at J , Wnno lnf flraf pinna fWmillftq iloalrpil Will .-.i 1 Parties with team. Address J. J. HARDEN, AMUSEMENTS. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. GRAND CONCERT, Saturday Evening, Dec. 8th. By tho Celebrated John F.Rhodes. Solo violin. , P-ulJNI ende, violin, - J ' Oscar Hentschol, solo fluto and viola. Paul Stoevlg, solo viola and violin. Louis Blumenberc, solo viollncello. MISS ANNIE CAKPENTEIl, prima dona soprano. Reserved scrts St; general admission V5c Bale of scats will begin at Patton's Wed nesday the Gih, at S o'clock a. m. Doors open at 7. Concert will begin at 8 15. td. REEDS OPERA HOUSE. Friday Evening, Dee. 14, '88. Grand Concert Will de given under the aus pices of tho Conservatory of Music, assisted by Miss Hallie Parish, Miss Ftankio P. Jones, and a choral society of forty voices. Admission BO "cents. Reserved seats nt Patton's book store after December 11th, without extra charge. td.D MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. MRS. M. E. tVILSON Has a very fine stock of new millinery, and is propared to do Trimming and Dressmaking In the latest styles, Call and see her new winter goods nnd styles. 375 Commercial street, Salem. QNE OK THE LARGEST ESTABLISH pient8ln tlu),ftatc. Lower rates than x urtlrtdcl.'j Lartcesi stock Legal Blanks in tho State, a-d biggest discount. Send for fricol!st of Job printing, and catalogue ot egal blonks. IE. M. WAITE, Steam Printer, Salem, Oregon. Take Note or This. EOR 82,500 WB. WILL SELL CO acres weirimproved garden land, within 3 miles of Salem. Good road to town the year around. Buildings good. FINE YOUNG ORCHARD and excellent grass land. This is a bargain, and will be held only a short time at these figures. Call, and wo will show you tho property. WILLfs A CIIAMBERLIN. Opera House, Salem, Or. rpHE QUESTION OF THE DAY. PROTECTION OR FREE TRADE? An Examination of thi Tariff Question with Es pecial Regard to the Interest of Labor. BY HENRY GEORGE, CLOriI.Jl.50. PAPER, 35 CENTS. This Is the clearest, fairest, most Interest ing and most complete examination of the tariff question yet made, and will prove invaluable o all who wish to understand tho subject. The most thorough Investigation of the subject that has yet been put in type Now York News. Tho appearance of this book marks a new epoch in tho world-wide struggle for free trade. Henry George has a power of f tutting economic truths In such a clearand Impid language that any child can under stand him, while the most learned man can enjoy the accuracy or his statements and the suggektlveness of his thoughts. Thomas U. shearman In New York Star. Whoever wants to see the strongest ar gumentnot only against protection, but agatnst all tarins will nnd it here. Christian Union. The singular success ot Mr. George Is that he lias made political economy interesting. Unitarian Review. A book which tvery worklngman In the landcan read with interest und ought to read. New York Herald. HearjlGtorgi't Other Works. Progress and Poverty, cloth, II; paper, 35 cents. Social Problems, cloth, f I; paper, 95 cents. The Land Question, paper, 10 cents. Property la Lnd,paper, 15 cents. Address THE STANDARD. 13 Union Square, New York. Quintette PRINTING to Forty kn For hit Grow Correspondence solicited. Stayton, i FINANCIAL. ESTAHUSHBDj BT PAT10SAL ABTHQlJ TheCapitalNationalBs . f SAU-M,r--OREG0H,J Capital Paid up, - . . . ffy Surplus,- -. ' - -J,! R. S. WALLACE, W: W. JIARTIN, -J. JL ALBERT, - - - President Vlce-Presltot - Cajhlci DIRECTORSi W. ,T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J.H.JMortlp, v R.S. "Wallace, Dr. W. A.CnslcK. J. Hubert, T.'McF.Patton. LOANS MADE Tp farmers on, wheat and other mrtj amo prouuee, consigaeu or m svsn, euner in private grannnesor public warehouses. State and County Warrants BongMit!) COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. HrJJ drawn direct on new xorK.umcac Francisco, Portland, London, Paria,B Hong Kong nnd Calcutta. 9ALEM, OREGON. iw. N. l.ATirrc Preside nti. .T. rrynoliis. - Vice Prosldd JOHN MOIR, Cast GENERAL BANKING, 1?ntnnAnn TVtWI'inrl Mnn Frflnpfc New York. London and Hong K Dougnt ana hoiu. duuc, wjuuvj !. nuiiuuta uuu(," a-ssw ... -- invited to deposit tmd transact busta with us. Liberal advances made i wheat, wool, hops and other properfl reosonaoie nues. xusuiuuw vm---curlty can bo obtained at the banr most reliable companies. NEW BOOK. DEEDS OF DARIN BY BLUE & GRA1 mi ... .I1..tl nfttin vrtJ-Hlt. f hlH PQrwnaladventuonbothsldd l vne great civil war. lojomui " ' j VniJ nccounts of exploits of scouts and 1 gl forlorn hopes, heroic bravery, ! ments and hair-breadth escapes, tosm Incidents, hand-to-nana strugu'F' "--; ous and tragic events, perilous JowJ DOiaunsncs, uruimui upiw .!, nanlmous actions pn each ride t.n " I 00 chapters. Profusely illustrated wa lite !. No other book at all hko u. ws " S.Y"J """","...;, Yi AwT neents lh nrk.A1 nutnnlla nvntrthllllT. of funds nnd freight prepaid- 11-fflvw. ST. Louis,! Ml iNBUnASO Coiapr Fire an rine. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - - Balem. 0f CITATION. r hrM,nirvvi,rt nf the State of Of gonjor tne uouuiy m Akui.wu. "."ij'Yir! rrv .:.., - i tn me manerni iraniuw "Jf uiauw i w thin named decedent, Brei.s- -, In the name of tho State of Oregon aro hereby cited and required to JJPF luuu ucii. awu-u "7r , the County Court of the tstaie "' "' for the county of Marion, at STJ roqm thereof, at Balem. a the Co nn Marionon Monday, ibefUi Wi uary, 1888, atn o'clock In the forenwj,, thai day. then and there to ,h7,l2r ' any there be, why the Admlniit should not seU the renl property l0",, to said estate. Said estate U aeserw, follows, to wit: Beginning &mVaiM ehainsN. 65 dee. M roln. W. from tw j corner or the Donation ""..hlj vtf, imld claim: and running thence ; . dee. 30 mln East 5.11 chains to a -w, the center of the County road leaui" , salem to Howell Prairie: tcV td i? 30 mln. lilong the centerof said " 10.21 chains to u yiaKe: iu"J fh.6oa mln. W. 1.50 chains to a stake i in tnej boundary une oi me """y" MB fTalm aferesaid: thence 8. 65 dec. jWVy- E.A70 chains along said PuniS line to the Dlaco of beginning, e?"r2i 3.03 acres of the land more or i'svS"0t u atd In Section In T. 7 Si'ooU Willamette Meridian a MnnSi3 uregon,anu Deiug l" " WiTdKH.. The Hon.T.C. Bhaw. -- or tne uouniy wouri oi ""jrr-1k-8e"" for the County IMlo.wlthtn aid Court afflxed, this 8th day o EMr. JLW- ..- JJ- ... SJTsl ATrwr. ' --":V,?u'AV IXP" IJ " m 1 UlllTIHK. .". Bt First National Ba