Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 06, 1888, Image 4

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Lw'tfi' wiywwwfr . tM"w':,.VH'"
Comnlctc Recital effOillfeflui:
piled From YaifoMlrc
Uannciiinzs Over, lilTft BlU'
and Svwi
From (lie Coin1
y I'.otiii liiliont.
Charged Willi ,WuIt.
George Scott wn bniuglit llflfl-n
om Mill City 'l,lK'l,li.
i.v cjimri irihiiHw teJllWaiJld f
Jlorcb precinct) UilU tlE litysenl H
irith Sheriff fcrtilsull h default, of
1GOOII1. ltob'ttMltlilg HlU ilfr
tion of tlio ghuid jury, charged with
assault with Intent to kill Martin
Bmlth. Asl'cio from tllW cllftreb
there arc several fitltorn wllipll need,
attention. lit? wll liliVe If clinnB'
to sober up, UHlii t ft1 II8 '" sef
euro bail. Thlls frir lie u not ude
Um "rHlle", us 1)111 Anderson In the
wily one ho htiB sectlreU
Tie Cfclnr-e 111,-lihlndeiib
The two Celestials afrtietl iil
Albany, were takpil to Portland.
When arrested tiibClilHunie.j tslillftif
dthey had gotten1 foil lit Suleni; bile
the conductor of the freight train
said they hoarded the train at the
car shops In u HUHpieiotiH way. After
ihoy were tilken out of the caboose
two revolvers were found that they
Imd concealed. Mr. Ward says they
are the Chlnanion Wanted and were
mixed up In tile imllder. They hud
$100 on their pernoiiH together.
Heats Oregon,
POULTNl'.Y, Vt Nov. 2!). Mrs.
Robert Owen of Poiiltney gave birth
to four children, two boyrt and two
girls. They are all alive nlid look
healthy and robust. Her next old
est Id 11 ino'iUhs. Mr. Owen has
twelve children, the oldest being 10
years of age. Mrs. Put lick llro'wli of
Center Rutland gave birth to twins
November Mth, 188U, and Noveni-
ler 14, 188SJ, gave birth to another
Thry art Coining.
Mr. Jury, proprietor of the cele
brated fruit dryer, is in correspond
ence with a number of Kuiisas City
people who contemplate removing
hero soon. They will perhaps en
gage in the fruit business, which he
thinks odors much for the future.
The- Messrs. Jory iuo proud of their
dryers, as well they may be. Evapor
ated Oregon fruit llnds a icadysalo
Some Hole Smallpox.
JudgeSlmw wusyesteiday inform
ed hy Squire Potijude, quarantine
otllcur at St. Louis, that two new
cases of smallpox hud developed in
tho family of Auuull LuChapelle.
The atllicted ones iuo nephews of
Mr. LuChapelle and as yet have hut
light attacks. Tho quarantine con
tinues to lestrlctly enforced and the
disease will bo con lined to one fam
ily. -
Wvme TlianlSmallpiix.
Eugene City Is alarmed. The
alarm Is not from u smallpox scare,
but from tho rapid spread of the
mulct fever, a dlscas quite as lalal
to children. The authorities there
closed the public schools last night.
Scarlet fevor Is more to bo dreaded
than smallpox and all precautionary
measures should strictly bo fol
lowed. Tbc ,e Tow (i.
.Lyonsvlllo Is tho newest town on
tho Oregon Paul tic. Already two
dor.cn lots have been sold and the
purchaser aio preparing to erect
(tomes on them. No doubt It will
bun thriving village Iwforo many
weeks. Work on the road continues
unabated and Hrelghtenbush, It Is
rxpooted,wlll be reached this winter.
Kuiiwn lu S.iU in.
lllye, who Is on trial at Walla
Wullufor tho kllllugof PoterMorlt',
la know'n hy sevend parties lu Salem.
A few months ago he was hero for
aovtirul days, at which time ho pur
chased a lino horse of W. I). Clagget.
Wyelnul been here several times
Tvio I'rUonrrs.
Bherlft W. P. CI ray of Grant
county brought to the penitentiary
last night Charley Chinaman, one
yewr for trespass, and Pater Van-
Itasplu one year for larceny.
A pretty llairllbuiK yomii! woman limit
not we a buttle for four car. She bet
wUh another ijirl that Mm. Cleveland
woidil premie in WaihtnRton till I$9J. "I
Ua'l'ncUa buttle anyway," aha laughing.
It repliej to aome of the (tuie rIiU who
tvitUJ her. "There u no tariff on me."
I-oktlanii, Or. July ai.
MjrkMne'a werv In h try ImiI cmJI
Uon. The urlav w like brU-k ilut, hu1 I
auitemt u sttt Utl with my Imok. Alt
rrtlU wvrv una Mtiltiur until 1 trltxl Hid
OlUUiUN KUNK 11. . whUli KMWIiie
Kluxwt tmmvUlMlu rUicf-
ii HAMins,
ttold by 1 S . Matl.i w A. vw
uww Wu.
fit, wS-
. -. ,. J... Hi i.. ni
lie lesieruoy ahu i m;
Purir Mills.
iU'nHcciiiig of the bo:1rd,whlcii
cblifilfitcil o'f.rjov. rennoyer, $ecre
tafy'MciifliW rtnd Treasurer Webb;
yesterday iiftcrhqiiii they found the
total valuation" of taxable, property
i.. 1 1. Bl.tW. to he iSe.8ti3.402: TUH
iHtttlLMist fciOOO.bOO less th'iiii litifl
Hwn expected! hs several cotihHfcfl
Kitiirncu ilccrciisea valuations, me
MitfhuitMl fXiWUHOs for 1880
for 1880 uro
&tl7.tf(HUl8. This Includes tho ex
pense of Ihe session bf the leglsltt
ture. The taxation to raise the rcmiir.
..i .miniiiitiH three and seven-tenths
mills, to which Is added orie-fiflH of
a iiilli for militia and blle-tetith of a
iflhl for Statu University, triiikltiga
total rif four mills.
'hie levy for Mlirlblj qdtihty, as
jnade by the coUiltt ocjUrtla 12.&
The total tux in Mnrloti coiihty, Iti-
cluding tho school tax of live mills
4111 lie 2i;5 oil iio lbilKr.
Catterlln and. Potter of Salem
have started it skating Hlik at Al
bany. ' -wiieatlSbHlyclnih, Po?U
land. Salem hiul Albany are pay
ing 75.
County Courtis In,, session, en
gaged principally lfi aJclltlng; sniall
It. I). Conover, an oldiSaJomuc,
was In tlio city frdm Scattlo. His
family still icsldo here.
The death of Mrs. Eliza Hunter
occurred at Brownsville yesterday.
Sho was (17 years of age.
You wili;always find No. 1 gro
ceries at L. S. Winters, the popular
Court street Grocer. 1 m d w
A. l' Miller was re-elected sec
retary of tho "old" board of agricul
ture conducted in this city a few
days ago.
The date of tlio grand musical
concert has been changed to Friday,
Dee. 14th. It will be the treat of
the season.
It. S. Wallace of the Capital Nat
lonullBank has gone to Greeley Col.,
to look after his businesslnterests at
that place.
Forjholiday candles, nuts, clgnrs,
notions, etc, goand see what Speight
&, Howler, Court street, oITer you.
Prices low. 1 in d w
Follow the crowd and you will
turn up at Squire Furrar's, whero
groceries aio pure and cheap. Join
tho procession. tf.
Portland audiences are charmed
when they hear tho Dost on Quintette
Club. Remember they arc to bo
here Saturday night.
Hon. i). J. Pendleton Is very 111
at his home near DuttevUle. Ty
phoid fever is tho ailment and his
recovery Is not probable.
The family of Rev. J. R. Roll
has arrived In tho city from Rose-
burg a'nd will soon be pleasantly
domiciled In their uosv home.
Alphonzo Rlcard today renoun
ces all allegiance to the British lion
and declares his intention of becom
ing a cltl.en of the United States.
O. O. and A. J. Cone yesterday
purchased through tho Oregon land
company a sixty acre hop ranch
near Turner; consideration $3,C0G.
The Underwood-Bradon debate
at Eugene- will continue for eight
days. Poor Ewjonel Sllverton had
them and hasn't done anything
Mrs. H. Stockhrldgo of Baltt
Is in the city en route homo from
Japan, whero sho has lieen for some
months. While here she Is tho
guest of her nelco Mrs. V. P. Lord.
Salem has donned too many
metropolitan airs to permit tho sldo
wulksto Ihj blockaded with goods
ajid wares 6f a(l description. lu
this one particular the stylo of tho
country village should bo consigned
to desuetude.
St. John asks the question, "Are
you for the, saloon or tho hoino?"
Tho answer given Is, "you bet your
life." But when you are asked
whore you can get tho best goods
and price on tea, cotVeo, groceries,
etc., tho answer Is, at Squire Far
mr's. tf.
Catch tho shadow ere the sub
stnnco fades, Is ginnl advice, nnd
esiKmhilly Is the truth of this demon
stmted when you speuk of tho
frequency with whloh ono dear
friend or another Is hurried away.
You'll regret ttni late that you did not
Iihvo your friend or relative visit
Sporry the Artist ami have a per
fect liken taken. Heed the
j moral -go now Iwfon) It U forever ,
, too late. if. i
Member!) of tho Fifteenth Biconial
Legislative Assembly.
Following Is a complete list of the
nlembers of the Oregon legislature,
tlio democrats being marked with a
star. There uro CO representatives,
51 repuolicuns and ulue democrats;
30 senators, 1' republicans and 9
democrats. There are 72 republicans
on joint b'alldt upd 18 demecrats:
Burin, L. T., Clackamas.
Cauthorn, T. E., Benton.
CursoujJ. Cy Multnomah.
CliiJildler, George, Baker.
Chamberlln, M. L., Marion.
Coggswellj y. A., Liike.
Bawson, S.A., Linn.
IJiiUltjK.J.Ji.; Marion.
Pdirertbii,,J;C., Douglas.
Wyj M ll U:.tClatsop.
HuiUiUon, 3i H., Grant.
Hlltch, K.i':, Polk,
jlffltotl; Clias., Gilliam.
'Irviile; It. A., Linn.
Lopney, J. B., Marion.
Mufckuy. Donald, Multnomah.
Moore, F. A., Columbia.
Norvajj Jv' Wi, union.
H., Umatilla.
Silhoii; Joseph
Steel, Geo. A., Multnomah.
Stanley. A. C. Jackson.
Tongue, T., Washington.
JVeatch, R.M., Lune.--nVager.
J. P., Umatilla.
Watts, J. W Yamhill.
Waite. J. L., Multnomah.
Watkins, George, Wasco.
Apjwrson, J. T., Clackamas.
Armstrong, Win., Marloil.
Belknap, K H., Benton.
Bean, H. J., Umatilla.
Blundcll, J. E., Douglas.
Bowditch, J. T., Jackson.
Crosno, C. B., Benton.
Condon, S. W., Lane.
C!rook, A. H., Coos,
Derby, W. R., Yamhill.
Earhurt, R. P., Multnomah.
Fell, T. E., Morrow.
Fislier, J. J., Multnomah.
Fisher, O. G., Polk.
Gambee, E. B., Umatilla.
Geer, T. T., Marlon.
Gilbert, W. B., Multnomah.
Gilliam, G. W, Grant.
Gooduough, p., Union.
Hurriiigtou, S. It., Multnomah.
PlaskelT, N. C, Baker.
Hahn, John, Clatsop.
Howard, C. J., Joacphlne.
Hume, W. F., Multnomah.
Hunier. J. A., Wallowa.
Jennings, A. C, Lane.
Kirk, T. .)., UmatUlu.
Luughlin, R. R., Yamhill.
Labrie, E. E., Douglas
Layman, Samuel, Marion.
Ladd. Win. M., Multnomah.
Meyer, J., Linn.
Maxwell, J. W., Tillamook.
McCoy E. O., Wasco.
Mlller, R. CLinn.
MlUers, R. A., Jackson.
Moss, S. P., Lake.
Moreloek, J.B. R., Linn.
Moore, J. C., Washington.
Napton, II. P., Malheur.
Noithup, II, II, Multnomuh.
Pucquet, Peter, Clackumas.
Parker,, II. B., Clatsop.
Paulsen, T., Washington.
Pope, J. V., Washington.
PoweM, F. S., Polk.
Priee, W. K., Jackson.
Rlekers, C E., Douglas.
Roberis, John, II., Coos.
Roe. J. L., Union.
Short, R. v., Clackamas.
Smith, E. L., Wasco.
Stafford. J. M., Lane.
Sirowb.'idge. J. A., Multnomah.
Thomas, J. A., Glllium.
Thompson, D. P., Multnomah.
Waldo, J. B., Marion.
Weed, J., Columbia.
Williamson, J. H., Crook.
Wilson, J. Q., Marion.
A man who lias practiced medi
cine for 40 years, ought to know
salt from sugar; read what ho
Tom:do, O., Jan. 10, 1887.
Messrs. F. J, Cheney & Co. Gjen
tlcmen; I have been in the general
practice of medicine for most 4Q
years, and would say that lu all my
practice and experience, huvo never
seen a preperatlou that 1 could pre
bcrlbo with as nitieh confidence of
success ns I can Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured hy you. Have pre
scribed it a great many times ami its
effect is wonderful, and would say
lu conclusion that I have vet to find
a case of catarrh that it would not
cu.ro, If they, would take it according
lo uirecMoits.
Yours Truly,
Olllce, 215 Summit St.
We will give $100 for any case ot
catarrh that cannot be cured with
Hull's Catarrh Cure. Tnkjun Inter-
F. J. CHENFY & CO. Toledo, O.
Bsff-Sold by druggists, 7oe.
Ittassilng rtam a Snnd Text.
Bay the Joctor anil who nhnll any tlicm
nay? a hpwIivI prvtlUpiwIUon neumt re
vulUt to tho ilovelopuiviti of rhouuuitUtn.
W.heru there U this temlena-, most ot u
know ff)Uloborvatioij whututt deep hold
tllM-niw takes when once Incurred and ne
Rleclett torn ahort time. la not this a
Muuii tu.xt.tluu rn)iu which to nilvocuto
theenrly like of ltiwtotcr'a Btomnch lilt
tern tun nitihuly so liuni to tlWIodtra aa
rheuumlUinr Another thtni;.. It la well
iibvertulneU tlmtu rUllliiKot! In vlKor.reaul
tine rroui Imt eeatlon uuil iiuil-uuirltlou
InertHiseallabUlty to nleumntUnu Vhnt
then U mere IlKely to uct preventative
than thl ptitent rfctlnor ot tho pwtrle
troublMtlwt lnrreiue the rheuiiiatla ten
ilenaj". MiilrlH, iiuutlivitlon, ilysivptln,
llllllllUMIiw. ilobllltv anil klilnnv imnhlrti
kueeumh to thU genial preventative and
l(Ar .lttllV t eauillaiii.in htirtiatil la-L-f
on their toilet ataud u Untlo of Dutanl'a
Spedrlc There h notbtne like It for re-inovlui-htemUhe
from the akin. irlnu
UttMil mlurrli. kImui ok, vrurta and tu-
nivruaKTO uia ana running aoren. reu
dr ftet rrom unwinfortaMe shoe are lu
atuntl) rrlleM by 1'utard aNpednc.
K!. .'" . ,1 M4ilHd4 IU,
Salem, Dec. 0, '88.
J. E. Fenton, app. vs. Rodney
Scott, resp.; appeal from Lane
county; argued and submitted.
Monday.Dec. 10. J. W. Batchler,
resp. vs. Wm. Davis, app. ; appeal
from Marion county.
Tuesday, Dec. 11. John F Rho
tanapp. vs.W. F.Mendenhallresp.;
appeal front Marlon county.
Wednesday. Dec. 12, J. F. Bew-
leyresp. vs. T. N. Graves app.; ap
peal from Yamhill county.
Thursday, Dec. 13. Thomas Cau
fleld app. vs. W. E. Clark resp.; ap
peal from Polk county.
I haven't tho courage to die sir,
Hardly the courage to live;
Can't drink enough to forget, sir,
Ain't Christian enough to forgive.
This was the wall of a man who had
endured the tortures of " liver
complaint" and dyspepsia for years;
ind ne might have endured them
for life, hud ho not heard that J)j,
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
would make him a well man. He
gave it a trial and was cured. Once
ho was hollow eyed, emaciated, and
slowly tottering toward tho tomb;
but now ho is vigorous, robust and
healthy. There Is nothing that can
compare with tho "Discovery" as a
niimtlvn nimnt. fur sniir stomach.
constipation, impure blood and bill-
The worst coses of nasal catarrh
Eositlvely and permanently cured
y Dr. Sago's Catarrh remedy.
? . ' ' .): .
Woman's Qrowp of Glory.
A woman's hair may grow to the length
of six feet. Mrae. Hess, of Paris, refused
6.000 franca for her "cranial covering,"
which was about that measurement. Four
hundred hairs of average thickness would
cover an inch of space. The blonde bell has
about 140,000 filaments to comb and brush,
while the red haired beauty has to bo satis
fied with S8,000;the b-own haired dam
sel may have 109,000; the black haired
but 102.000. Fuw ladle consider that tub
carry some forty or fifty miles of hair on
their heads; thu fair haired may even have
to dress seventy miles of threads every
morninir. A Ger.nan experimentalist has
proved that a single hair will suspend four
ounces without hreakliuf, fctrrtchintj under
the process aid contrasting again. But
the hair thus hei v.ly weighed must be
dark brown, for blonde hair breaks down
under two and a half ounces. No wonder
th-n that "beauty can draw b've by a sin
gle hair." Einilo Nouveau.
lton't Experiment.
You cannot afford to waste time
In experimenting when your lungs
are in danger. Do hot permit any
dealer to Impose upon you witli some
imitation of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Cough's
and Colds, but be sure you get the
genuine. Because he can mako more
profit he may tell you ho has some
thing just as good, or just the same.
Don't be deceived, but Insist upon
getting Dr. King's New Discovery,
which is guaranteed to glvo relief in
all Throat, Lung and Chest affec
tions. Trial bottles free at Dr. H.
W. Cox's drug store. Large bottles
How Is your appetite? Are you nervous
or Irritable? Aro you subject to bullous.
neas? Dr. Henley's Dnhdellon Tpnlo works
wonders. It nuikei tho weak und sickly
strong, builds up tho whole ays.em nnd
nuts new llfo nnd energy Into you. Try It.
Hold by I). V,'. ilnthews & Co.
Officers Klected.
At tho regular meeting of Sedg
wick Post No. 10 Department of
Oregon G. A. R., tho folkAving offi
cers were elected for tho ensuing
year :
A. W. Dragcr, Post commander;
Henry Rogers, vice Post Conimund
er ; Sherman, Junior Post Com
mander; G. Stolz, Quartermaster;
J. Bachelor, Officer of tho day ; L.
A. Port, Surgeon': T. M. Parvln
Chaplain ; S. B. Wattress, Officer
of tho Guard ; Messrs. G. Williams,
S. Bachelor, H. Rogers and S. How
ard, delegates to Department En
campment. m
Is'lppcd lu the Hull.
Is It not better to nip consumption,
the greatest scourge of humanity, lu
the bud, than to try to stay its pro
gress on the brink of the grave. A
few doses of California's most useful
production, SANTA ABIA, the king
of Consumption, will relieve, and a
thorough treatment will cure. Na
sal Catarrh, too often tho forerunner
of consumption, cau be cured
Tliese remedies aro sold and fully
warrantedby D. W. Matthew's JcCq.
100 Suite Street, Salem, Oregon, at$l,
or three tor $2.50.
Wants Ilepreaentatlon.
San Fhancisco, Dec 4. At; a
meeting of tho stato board of trade
to-day, a memorial was adopted
askiug President-eject Harrison to
appoint as a member of his cabinet a
resident of tho Pacific Coast.
uaeaieaa Aralea Salva.
Tho best salve in tho world foi
utits, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,
Tevor sores, tetter, chapped huudi,
chilblains, corns, and all akin erup
tions, aud positively curea pllea, or
no pay required. It la guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale - Dr. H. W. Cox.
Fruit Farms of Ten
mt 1 ...... ..nt itfttit-wl of ntllintlwul 'lirlpfld rPllIiaAtI tUA ILL...
rueso luuun uiu uui untv.i u.u....
Jispcciany uuapieu 10 biuwiub rtnno, rnunco, nnu OTHER
FRUITS for shipping green to tho Mining districts and
Fartller East, while tho muttial cooperation In
Shipping, storing and selllug fruits' will
Bo no small consideration.
The Very Best Land
The canneries of SALEM, WOODBURN and ALBANY aro at t
of access. None but first class families desired. Will meet
Parties with team. Correspondence solicited.
Saturday Evening, Dec. 8th.,
John F. Rhodes, Solo violin.
P.ui;Mendo, violin,
Oscar Hentschcl, solo flute and viola.
Paul Stoevlg, solo viola and violin,
tiouls niumcnberar, solo vlolinccllo.
Reserved serti SI; general admission .o.
Sale of seats will begin nt Patton's Wed
nesday the 5ih, at o clock a. m. Dee
open at 7. Concert will begin ut 8 13.
Friday Evening, Dec. 14, '88.
Grand Concert
Will de given under the aus
pices of the Conservatory
of Music, assisted by
.Miss llallio Parish, 31iss Ftnnkio P.
Jones, and a choral society of forty
Admission 60 'cents. Reserved scats at
Puttons book, stoie alter December 11th,
without extra charge. td.Q
Has a very flne stock of new millinery,
anu ispiepaea 10 uo
Trimming and Dressmaking
In the latest styles, Call and seo her dow
winter guoas una styles.
375 Commercial street, Salem,
ao to
102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon
Having bouglit out the remainder ol tin
chair factory's stock, we are prepared to
sell chairs lower thun any houso In Oregon
Take Note of Tills.
ITIOR 82,000 WE WILL SELL 00 acres
1 well Improved garden land, within 8
miles of Salem. Good road to town the
year around, liulldlugs good. FINE YOUNG
ORCHARD and excellent grass land. This
is a bargain, and will be held only asbor.
time at these llgures. Call, and wo will
show you the property.
Opera House. Salem, Or.
An Examination of tho Tariff Question with Es
pecial Regard to the Interests
of Labor.
CLOW, $1.50. l'APEIt, So CENTS.
This Is the clearest, fairest, most Interest
lng and most complete examination of the
tariff question yet made, anr will prove
Invaluable to all who wish to understand
the subject.
Tho most thorough Investlcatlon of the
subject that has yet been put fa type New I
York News.
The appearance of this book marks a
new epoch In the world-wide struggle for
froo trade. Henry George has a power of
puttlngcconomle trutnsln surh a clearand
limpid language that any child can under
stand htm, while the most learned man
can enjoy the accuracy of his statements '
and the suggestlvenesa of his thoughts.
iiioiuu u, oucnriiuia m new lurnoittr.
WlinAvn Want. f. ba Ih. .tivinMiit m '
gument not only against protection, but
Hgalnst all tart its --will tlnd It here.
Christian Union.
The singular success ot Mr George U that
he has made political economy interesting.
Unitarian Review. ,
A book which every worklngman in the
land can read with Interest und ought to
reaa. ew i one neraia.
HenlGeorge'i Other Works.
rrogreu and Iverty, olotb.t-IJpapcr,
15 cent.
Bootal lroblem,eloth,$l; paper, S5 cents.
The Land Question, paper, 10 cents,
IVoperty In Landjwper. 16 cents.
Addrew T1IE tiTANDAUD,
12 Union Square, New York.
to Forty Acres!!!;
- ,... uaUu nu location,. I
For Fruit Growing!!
Capital Paid up;
IJ. A WALLACE, resident.
V. JV. 5IAIITIN, - VUiMTwldcBl.
J. II. ALBEIIT, .... Cuhler.
W.T.Qray, W.W. Martin,
J. M. Martin, It. S. WnlUce,
Dr. W. A.Cuifclc. .1. H. Albert,
Loans niade
To farmers on whent ahd other marlal
uuie iiniuucCt ciiusiucu ur in store,
either In private granaries or
ipubllo M'uiehouMjs.
Stale ami County Warrants Bought it Pij
DlannnntAil lit. mAVtmililn r.itP4
drawn direct on New York, JuIcup,8il
l-rannsco, i-oriianci,i)nnon,rarH.iiriit
iiong Kong anu unicuita.
First National Bin
Vloo Pi-ealdeal
... Ciista
Etcnange on Portland, Kan Frands
K...... ....1 I ..m4.. .....1 Ifnn. I.4U
bought imd sold. Slate, County aaaCjj
warrants bought, Karmen aio eordlwl
Invited to dqiMwit vniJ tniniacl buli
with us. Llbi-ml mlvanccs mido
wheat, wool, imp., iiml otlier proper
curlty can bo obtained at tha bantt
moil reimoie comiunies.
new book:.
Tlio .. Alluitlnn itIIlP mnst thflUN
....... nnAl n.ln.,,m.nj ,n K.itli uMM dUX4
iho great civil war. Inlcn-cly intewuj
accounts or exploits hi m:')iiui ut
lorinril nopes, neroio unnnj, ,..-
Ini liluniu linnil.tivh.ind htruzirle. lium
o,n and trairio e ents, perilous Joun
k.i.i .l.i.a.. i.iiii..i, miii tvjvtn una 1
nuuiinoiH actions on esrU vdo tDj J
Ule. Nn other book at all lllu-It, API
warned. OuUclls everything. ,,1
Tliuolorjin.vnipntaiilloweil agenu wj
i lunus ana irigiu prepniu.
Tr. vi-r linni; ( 'O.. llox Bfli. .
JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - - Salem, 0
1 1