KSlSfi rAl'ITAIi JQUKNAI. .. BOOTS .VND.snoKS. r TnANSrOUTATION ) . H Tl THE YAOUINA ROUTE. EGON PACIFIC RAILROAD orrtfon Development company's ' "..i.. lino, stli miles snorter.30 linnm nmetlinn by nny either route. KlrsI .i..iih rrisienscr mid Trelcht line ,i,rtinil and nil points In the Wit olte llc to nnd ffrt,n Slln Fnclseo. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Hunt1rty) ' .irmnlta 140 I'M fce nq"lna 6.WPM 11 OurMillls ..--,--. 1036 A, M B;o MOIIH ------- uavAJi (. trains connect at Albany una Willis L.i,r.ir i -uliis connect nt YAOTJIN'A Ml : .. Tlrt. nf.....v.an PV. a T I - - I tn wrt:K;i "; vi"j.ii.-,i, vVjA Vj"v I 'CI IHl" UCHJ- iunumnaiuu VlUf SUL oirif. liiTro OVIUi.HI UfttVJi VM'IJI EAJIEKS. FJOH SAN IB VJ.C1SQO lunette Valley, Thursday Dee'fi. Inmelte Vnliey-a Monday " 17. lainette Vullcv bunday JO. E.IMEKS rOM YAQUIXA. lametto Valley Wednesday Bee 12 lnm"tte v.uiey .nuuu ly -a i.u inmnnnv reserves the rieut to jjgg sailing dates lthout notice, UPissensers from Portland nnd all llntiietto Volley points can make close nectlon with tho tnilns of the rinstincd to biin Francisco, should ne to arrive at Yiiqulna the evening TCdnto of sailing. sctuer nnu treieui iiaies Aiwavs mt for imormauon uppiy 10 Messrs AN A. Co., Freight and Ticket JOO and 202 Front st., Portland, Or. ICC. IIOQUE, Ac't Gcn'l FrU A l'ass. Agu, uregon t-acuie it. it. uo., Conallls.Or. H. IIASWELL,, Jr. Gen'l Frt; A Pass. AgU Oregon Development Co., u04 Montgomery Rt.: San Francisco, CalJ riME TABLE-RIVER DIVISION. Ineelegantly equipped steam hoats. Win HOHg. Wipv. weu. xuauc-j uiu i. 15, -.1-. .!... T 1 rVitiltn,- iUn Thmn Iters, L'ipt. W.'I'.'fihort; nro In senlce piSeilgCT UUU IfC'lllk IKIlllV; A'VlUCUiJ rvalllsand Portland and lntermedlltc Ints, making tnrco rouna irips eacn k hr follews: SUKl'H BOUND Leaves Corvnllls Mon- weuncsaay ana r riaay m a. in. l es at Salem Monday, Wednesday nnd hrtnvntln. m. Lctves Silem Tuesday. Inrvdiv nnd Saturdavnt 6 a. tn. An Iv es il'ortl ind Tuesday, Thursday und batur- luu u p. in. for 111 110 UND Loivv es Portland Mon- l Wi dnesdav and Friday nt 8 n. in. Irlvesat alem Monday. edncsdaj and lldav at 7.15 p. in. Leaves Palcm Tues- y, Thursday ana tsnturany nt n n. in. rrives ill. uorvuui's xuesuuy, xuujctuij DM Hot . i. Itnrdij nt '1 SO p. in mi esnect its. or to W. M. Darling, agent, 200 and W fidclit. unci nnsenircr rates HDDlr to .----, . -:- - -.,. cnptntnsnnu pursers oiine resnecme Front street, Portland; Gilbert Ilros, ents, slcin; I. M. Adair, ngent, Albany Mlllei, ngent, Corvalllsjortothe gen- I freight nnd passenger ngent, uorvauis. 1) A i' trains connect nt Albany ana irvull' J T. AV. BO WEN. Superintendent. ni HOAG, General Manager, Overiand to California -VIA- Diitliprn Pacific Company's Lines. ThK MOUNT SHASTA IIOUTE Time lietvtccn Salen ami Sau Francisco Tlilrtj-slx Honis. LIlOKNIA EXntESS THAIS DAIL1 North. Ar. 10 45 a.m. Lv. 7 5-1 n. in. Lv. 7.-00 p. in. South 00 p in. Lv. Portlnnd u p m. ijv. ssaiem nil. in. Ar. san if tan, DCAL I'ASSENGElT TBAIN ( DAILY CIvIT bUSI)A). rx- a. in. 0 u. m 1 p. m Lv. Lv Ar. Portland Salem Eugene Ar. J 3.43 p. m. Lv. 12:52 p.m. Lv. D.00 a. ni. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. OURIST SLEEPfNG CARSi ior neeommodKtlon of second class at Iclicd to expro-s trains. Il'lieO. A V. Itallroad ferry makes con- action with nil tho icgulnr trains on me wst fcida Division from footol F street, firtlnnd. Test Side Division, Between Portland and Grains: UAII.Y (EXCEIT 8UXPAY), rWarinTI P "! XvT Ar. "Portland Corvallls at: Lv. MINNVII.1,K KXl'KKSS TBAIN- . KXCEIT snXDAY). "&20 p. m. i.au p. jn. .(BAILY 1-Mn.m: 00 p. m. "Lv; l'ortland Ar. Ar.BIcMlnnvllle Lv. TRiOa. m, 5:45 .nl. lAt Albany and Corvallls connect with rains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. , Ilhrough tickets to rll po'nU south and oiKLVin miinmin jFor full Information regarding rates, pijps, etc., apply to tho Company's agem, icin, uregon. . ,. .P. ItOGEIUS. Asst.G.r.andl-ats.Agu . KOE1ILEH, wonuuet. regon Railway and Navigation COMPANY. "Columbia River Route.' M m 5IJ i Capita Journat! r i . T The Cheapest . Newspaper, 10 .Oregon!- j'Km. " i, , hi- . m u W, iW ii n iK i t'W hi IN M-X.'RIGN COUNTY, V . ' i n w "..jHoO If -hid W ti U. -THE BEST SPRING WAGONS, BUGGIES AND- ROAD CARTS -1 IMU-rm .') mtTl THE 0EST IN THE MARKET- Send for Catalogue and Price List Jish Bros. Wagom Co., KAOlNEu WIS. EDUCATIONAL. MISCELLANEOUS, stem'snih ion Boys and t Girls. ' i I Tho school will open on, the 21th of Septeinl)er. Tlitmiutrh Instruc tion In tho primary and nit.,nml English 6jaoches. LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF -In couic- TKItMH nnd furtlier Inroriiintlon inuj bo had on npiillratlon th ltKV. 1". II. TOST, Cor. Chemcketa nnd HtntoMtK. b-20-tf -yon inr- HO in 12oo ACRES Read Our Reduced Terijj.sJ, WEEKLY, oiio year, $1.50. EEKLy, b1x( niontlis,. -50.753 i 'Now Read' Our Discount- for fell t t -i i , . "' WEEKLY, onelycar,-. ..41.00. 1 WEEKLY, gixinoiillw, W.50 WAS THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW KOLL IN THEPTAMES, AND TAKE, ADVANTAGE OF.OUH W IVaImb .tl,n Ana lvm tMpflnnd at l&U a.lLAfc.?s,MaffiSii brinctmF wanq. 'l Hi i SeBz;t:!Vti mmfvmummt ".V. .'.127" "rr.fcnrhlrfjnl 4 Witnwfttatt - 3n' nismnt s: NAIIA H- L BLUFFS Ffei 'lAlfl ST. PAP6 w V ONE-HIRD OFF E,OR QAH. l' T'- 1 Our Old fk Subscribers i otrn .rlrnnlmw nt nnr Ml' tllHCOUnt. bv Bt't- V "?'.' ""TjTPr -'! .7;tii-..,iJJlw. .siivraiisr"! , o iireed to take adynntajje ot.our oig ui TO'ONE AND ALL i f i fld i. -ut if , ' irMedairinttnWB ofaealaadll-eVBodnd. .W ftrthr wUdtorrar ;OaiBircW ainet, 5klJS.; L L.I UuuiJi n. i" AJIi'J BLKail paBSJgl pels , 1 ,'yv jgj esay third otf ivinvenit will rorii dollar list, , ... ..,,r tmmert. If vou u ant to take advantage of our "one- ,Mnuuj- .. whnrAvnii mn irut total. .notOHor other '.TfhiCl o !n4nlt Unft d us your'nffflrand'ECSg ffat you ltatnfii0Pi)Oilu'. l3'TZ J . "??? 'vf -f THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OPFHR.J WILLAMEnE . - UNIVERSITY Graduate) Strident In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Ik tho oldcxt, lnruoHt and least expen she Iiihtltiitlon of looming In tho North not. Hchool openH flret Monday In September Wend forcataloguo to THOS. VAN SCOY, l'rt'Hlili nt. 17: Salem, Oregon. -or- M 1 11,1,11 mm wwm j, m lylis.s, Knox ' Will continue Her School for the en suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marlon Stt.. beginning SEPTEMBER. 10. ' ' ' 1&I-J2V CONSERVATORY OF JIOSIC! Willamette University. Mont (ucoeasful cclioot of mtiulo on the northwest coatu About 159 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. County In Piano, Organ. Slnfc'ntr, Violin, Harmony, und Caunltr- ' i jplrtt. luloinn on conifJtfon ot emirne. Tlifrc 'J if. Vnrtln. r'mnWIe 1. Jon. KvOor. AMiatant.MiluM.Hmlth. Flmt Iwm Ix-Rliix ilonday, Hptenitr Sd, IkM. Hnd fur euUUue. Korlurther purtlauUni ddrM . SCTvI PAHVIN. MuiIcmI Director, Haloin, Or, K-17-dir.wll VAR ED LAND -I'OIt- NEW ADVERTISEMENIS. a. b. stran'S .No. ;xl Ooiiiiiu'tclul Htrect, KATillM, - OUKOON. IlVIslt IN STOVESand RANGES I'luialmig, Gas anil Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal' Work a Specialty. ' esr-AKdit nr the HKUIAUHSON A 1H)N'H1N (llMl'ANY'H rurnaccK. lr talillHludlnlstn H. NEUGEBAUER, South Siilcm Family Grocer,, -K I'.!'.! Sale or Rent. Quantity and Quality to Suit Purchaser. i 1 -1 1 Lands near.-11. 11 Facililics. ui, J1 l M A G001?, CHANCE -KOH A- M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER i FWflg Sawt a Specialty. R'enfei: or. Purcliascr TEAMSAND STOCK ON THK KAUM WILL BJ? SOLD Te Iuom bajiat IxmiM, If drira. For Particulars call at This Office. Cnnlntitl on liiiml n rlmlro nolertlonuf HtiiHloaiid fiunlli KttMvrUw, wUUh ho link nr wila nt tlu lnt Hiik prlww. 1I alio Buys Farm Produce. ii-itr TIIKCIIBlMofall HOOKS of ADVKNTllllE Cuiidi'iiiKil Into Voliliiin. PIONEER HEROES Ami DARING DEEDS. 'llietlirlllliiKiidMiitiiitwof all the lien. oxplororn and frontier lliihlerH with In iIIiiii,iiuIIuuhiiiiiI wild ltiil, ocr our uliiiluromitn.rpmitini wirllut nine" w tin- prtwdit llM'ii and laiuoiiH exploit ot lliiHiilo, IrflMilli'.HUiliilliill. lUKillO.KrnliiO iJiiMtiT.Cullfornlii .Iiki, Wild Hill, llultuV Hill, (IuiiihiiIh Mllw mid Crook, (lml, liidlniiClilern.iiiidworiwotollierM. HiiUn dl.liy iiliiktiiiti'ii wlilriJ) tine fiiKnivlnK. AkimiIh wiiutvd. li prkud, Itlid timU """'""' ,?v.1i,-..ANr.torrAco.. lll'l.tHtHAN riUJiplHU),OAl ll-Ulyw, Coll unci &oc T.J. CRONIl?, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT IIIH NKW QUAKTKIIH IN T.1IB Hlato Iniiimum lliilldluic, (Or. tni' nvrcliil und UlK-iill'Ucti HlrcnU '0-IIX One Dollar a Year WJPLY CAPITAL JOWL (Halem, Oregon.) ' -Ii unlvunuilly conoeileil to b Tlio Best Family Ncwsi(er Kvtr publUhod ut the iliitu eapllaL IT IH THK UIIKAl'KHT. IT IH THK IVIUIKHr. IT IHTHK II WT. It intt of right wll nilml ami iimUr printed (xiiM, ' ItMilUatjmidie ftiriiHW, th lnrhnt, tho Inwjer, t icurduer. Hvwy fiuuJJjr trt4lMiuld lutre l(, ? ItwntuliMlluMy AI.I.THKNKWH m wll a itry, try, rrKmiln. ftnn, Imhhi ud many uthw ji4t ftur. Sm Our Cash DIkouk AdiJrwf all MMMiiiHiilfnmwi hhiI jtnix a4t iimulm pyiiWu U TH (jRl'ITAI. JOUIWAU reKta. 1J . s V- j&&:iwt' M,BMrt ur a goW. penBnt radHrtku, W lv WW to tay. ;uuf H H0-I9QlfP4r Owl ismi ' .Ml niraiifc1Ht--