r-vigwtnr' "S m mivraeJumuFSvrrmrynm&ar OVER THE COITAL CITY. Complete Ilccilal oT the Hijl),ite piled From YarioiAouim Happenings Over tho City ami News From the Country Koiiziilauont. The AKrltalturtl (.'sjjtgf. Ilcsolutlons from ition painty. Business Council P. qf a. : Wmehkah, It is With (fecji regret that we lenni tlinf tlitftft.4 to wliiit is known as the' AgruU;(lur'.l FttH, at Corvullis, on which Ue'iVcted the college building, is imloubl, mid has by our 8Uj)reme court been decided not to be the property of t lie sfnfo of Oreicon ; coiisemiuqlly, nil improve inentH made or'tu be liiucle thereon. at th ex pun so of tlie ftmU luwrt for tho iiiiilntqfiuijei' (f the Agri cultural Collcgu utul on EplTl inental Station uru liable iu u. i si, therefore be it .Resolved, That In the judgment of this Council no more of the fiimlH belonging to the Agricultural yil lege or or the appropriation ly I lie Hutch bill, ought to be expended iu improving Mil il farm while t th: to tho same is in uh,atul wt cspW lally call the atteutlini of our leiis- laturo to this 'subject; and thai Bpcedy steps be taken lo provide the state with an Agricultural College free from, such cinbarnssiiiuut Tills resolution was adopted by tho Linn Co. Business Council, 1. of H., at Oak Plain Grange. Hhe.ld, Or., Hey. 1st, apt) ordered published in the Capital Jouk.val. Kate l'me;, See. EltctloB Ktr. JJjjlqw mAy 1 found complete re ijrus of tho olty election conducted WA11DS. 1st 2d 3d 4th To'l. 58 143 o" 119 377 03 115 71 105 &34 53 141 GO 111 371 08 120 02 115 30-5 58 101 83 173 585 67 103 40 43 250 t t'npublinheJ tulm-ltlifHl. Ill connection with the death of Prof, lliclmrd A. Proctor, the ini mlnuiit astronomer and author, thero Is a strange coincident, uhlch is as yet unpublished. It will be remembered Prof. Proctor died nt New York en route to England. When tho news of his death reached them, Mrs. Proctor and tho other members of the family were at Jack hoiivIII, Fla., where the yellow fovur was carrying oil people by the hundreds. She at once started for tho East, hurrying the children off tothcirold.homeand that of her fath er at St. Joseph, Mo. On arrival there tho young sou was taken HI and died ns did his father. St. Joseph grew at once into excitement at the death by yellow fever of one among them and ovon yet the Croley homo thero is strictly quarantined and carefully jjuarded. r The Nmalioi Munition. , No more trouble Is now appre hended In tills county on the score of smallpox. The quarantine otll cers Imvo nobly performed their tasks and a spread ot the disease lias been averted. The question now arises, how are our quarantine ofllccrs to lw recompensed V It Bcems thoro Is no law calling, for their citation and hence no meaiis for their payment. Judge Shaw is in a quandary and says tho only way in which his authority would cover tho case or in which nunoy could be secured from tho county is to treat thoso aftlicted as paupers iu thu eye of tho law. y- CAXDIIATII lor Mayor. Geo Williams, P. II. D'Arcy, Recorder. L. V. Conn, John M. Chase, ' 'Marshal. J H. Itpss, H. Burendrlpk, Treasurer. E. J. Swaflbrd, 78 175 74 134 471 Hu'trli Thomnson. 40 80 55 02 279 Total vote, 125 204 120 220 744 For mayor, Williams, republican, 23 majority; for recorder, Conn, re publican, 0 majority ; for marshal, Kpss, republican, 220 majority; for treasurer. Swaflbrd, republican, 182 innjority. ro Ai.pr.RijEN. First Ward Squire Farrur, repub lican, 73; Ed- Hlrs'ch, rep,ulHcau, 84; I). I'ugh, democrat, 43; V. l Wag ner, (emqcjat, 48. iIfnto.li and Far rar elected. Second Ward, George Collins, ro puWicfln, 102; W. J. Polly, denio virut, UOs.CoUlns,' majority, (to." Third Vard-A. E. Strang, re publican, 04; V. T Gray, democrat, 01 ; Strang's majority, 3. Fourth Ward -A. N. Bush, dem ocrat, l5i0; Jasper Minto, republicun- 110; Bush's majority, 10. A man who has practiced medi cine for 40 years, ought to know salt says: LOCAL SUMMARY. frnu sugar; read what he use or tl. Ktcrtift. JIgn. Bobt. McLean, presidential elector, la In thexclty, Irom his home iu Grant's Pass. Mr. McLean Is on his way to Portland on business, but will lw In tho capital on time next month, to assist iu easting the vote of Oregon for Harrison for presi dent. It Is promised that ho will bo the lucky man to curry tho vote back to Washington. Toledo. O.. Jan. 10. 1887. Messrs. F. J. Cheney fe Co. Gen tlemen: I have been iu the general practice of medicine for most 40 5'ears. and would say that In all my practice and experience, have never seen a nreneratlon that I could pre scribe with as much confidence of success as I can Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have pre scribed it a great many times and Its ell'ect is wonderful, and would say in conclusion that I havoyot to Hud a case of catarrh that it would not cure, if they would take It according to directions. Yours Truly, L. L. GOKSUCH. M. D. Olllce, 215 Summit St. We will give $100 for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken inter nally. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. carSold by druggists, 75c. The Prohibition Vote. T. F. Campbell, Aug. C. Kinney and B. F. Banip, the third party olectorarfor Oregon received tho fol lowing veto by precinct in Marlon enmity : Horeb 0, Howell 0, Falr- tield 0, Mehama 7, Stayton 27, Sub limity 5, Lincoln 12, Silver Creek 77, Abiqim 5, Garfield 4, Jeflersou 17, Marion 5, Turner 7, South Salem 20, Salem 17, East Salem 50, North Sa lem 17, Lablsh 11, Buttevllle 2, ylmmpocg'i, Aurora 7, Hubbard 8, Woodburn 10, Gervals 3. Total, 329. Don't KM'erlment. You cannot atlbrd to waste time in experimenting when your lunys are In danger. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with sonic imitation of ..ir. Klnj's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but be sure you get the genuine. Bceuusu he can make more protlt he may toil you ho has some thing just as good, or Just the same. Don't be deceived, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which Is guaranteed to give relief in all Throat, Lung and Chest atlee tlons. Trial bottles free at Dr. II. W. Cox's drug store. Large Lotiles ronfernmic Our Streetcars. Grading will this week bo flushed as far as the dopot, when will com mence tho work of laving the ties. Tho mils will not bo hero before tho latter part of the month, but .the work of laying them will be of but few days. -fl . Ttu Mret,&fl(Ui. AH along thu lino of the, street railway ties and planklug are being distributed. Work of grading has Ihhhi completed as far down state slrvyt as tho residence- of E. M, Walt, Everything is rushing for ward nicely. la AtMliti cart. The ORIGINAL ABIElTNh ' I XTM ENT is only put up in largi vv.Miunco tin boxes, and is Uu '-.'Into cure for old sores, bums, -u uds, chapped hands, and all r' bi eruptions. Will tvmv..iv. m all kinds of piles. Asfor tin ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT SEONT. Sola byD.W. Matthew .WWa.lW State BtrejeJ, Salem at 25 - vuia per uo-Dy maU'SO cuat4.T MlasShuart's entertainment occurs on to-morrow evening. To-night at tho opera house "Chip O' the Old Block." The board of trade meets in reg ular session to-night at the council chamber. Wallace Naqh of Corvallls is among the recently commissioned notaries public. Wm. Herman of San Francisco was yesterday appointed by the Gqvernor a commissioner 0f deeds for Oregon. You will always And No. 1 gro qres, at L. S. yinters, the popular Court ftfreej fJrpoer. 1 m d w The Boston Qujntette club is to bo hero Saturday night, tho lovers of gqnd miJlo" will be pleased to For holiday candles, nuts, cigars, notions, etc, goandseewhatSpreight & Souder, Court street, offer you. Prices lov. 1 m d w Circuit court is in session at Dal las, fecyend pnryes are on trial for larceny, and tho term will bo qulto an interesting one. Mrs. W. H. Byars was called to Boseburg last evening by a telegram announcing the serious Illness of her mother, Mrs. William Slocum. Follow the crowd and you will turn up at Squire Farrr'Sj where groceries are pure and cheap. Join the procession. tf. To day at Eugene Underwood and Braden begin their debate, which Is in reality but a continua tion of tho one concludod at Silver- ton last week. Miss Hallio Parrlsh is expected home from Boston either Saturday or Sunday. She will assist iu Prof. Parvin's musical entertainment on the 17th. Tho liu-ky candidates were all favored with a serenade by an ex cellent improvised band last night. There was a Minto, music but none for Jap, who discovered early in the fracas that one ballot in the hand was worth ten iu tho Bush. St. John asks the question, "Are you for the saloon or the home?" The answer given is, "you bet your life," But when you are asked where you can got tho best goods and price on tea, coffee, groceries, etc., the auswer is, at Squire Far rar's. tf. The Coqullle City and Marsh flcIdJTelegraph company have tiled articles of incorporation with, the secretary of state. W. B. Vauce, J. A. Lyons and It. D. Sanford are the incorporators and the lino is to run from Coqullle City to Marsh- field. It is incorporated for $1GQ0 One is added to the number of papers In Marlon county. The latest candidate for publio fuvon is the Woodburn Independent, by L. H. McMahan. The Capita r? Joukm al wishes it that success which a live local paper merits. Woodburn is a good town and the new paper prom ises to bo a fair representative. v Catch tho shadow ere thu sub stance fades, Is good advice, aud especiully is thejutUof this demon strated when you speak of the frcquonoy with which one dear friend or another Is hurried away. You'll regret too late that you did not have your friend or reli)tlve visit Speivy tho Artist nnd'bavo a per fect llkeuess taken, Jleed the moral go now before lt Is forever too late. tf. ' WHAT THEY WEAR. Tiny ncoros for bonnet pins and m cluster of filigree moraine glories for tho hair ore among tho latest sweet things In silver. Mrs. James Brown Potter has a nerr claim to famo as the first ultra fashionable to ap pear not with a subdued bustle, but abso lutely without one. Your French dressmaker, in tho rago for things English, now votes tho old whig "blue and buff," sky blue and canary yellow more stylish (nan the pompadour blue and pink. Gloves are now choson to contrast with rather than to match the toilet, and either in silk or kid, bUpk, tan. mode, French gray and gobelin bltia aro accounted tho more stylish. In thin summer stuffs often always with tho best dressers tho bonnet, parasol and gown are rigidly en suito; not merely a dead match In hue but of tho saino material and made up upon the same lines and with the same garnUMng. Now comes tho amber pocket comb with flower enamoled case of oxidized silrer, but heaven t orfend it should bring in the fashion of "combing tho peruko In public," which in the days of good Queen Anne was thought to bo a moot gentlemanly Version. Tho state coach now buildlnir in London for tho emperor of Japan is all gold, claret and vermilion without and all white silk within. It is topped with a bbr (rilt bird holding a chrysanthemum in his beak, and the same flower appears hero and thereabout the panels. The loadIng.Mea In gowns is doubl gar ment of opposing fabrics woolen and silk, velvet and brocade, ono over tho other. But striped fabrics, if the stripe is broad, aro often made up of self, and, if cloverly man aged, looks very distinguished. London Globe. It is, said that Vforl never takes fcito ac count such trifles as comfort or convenience in tho costumes he creates; and the fact that he lately sent out a gown with three waist coats, to be worn ono atop the other, with a further lacing under each arm, goes to provo tho assertion. Cow bells of highly polished brass or even in somo cases gold about three inches high and ornamented with engraving, are used to finish the girdle ends of some of tho mow daring Fifth avenue promenaders. She who has a springy step makes them tinkle a merry tune, but she to whom ill fate gives n hulk ing gait should let them severely alone, as their unrhythmie clink-clank occentuatos most disagreeably her lack of grace. New York Commercial Advertisor. ELECTRIC FORCE. The Great Fundamental Force of tho Universe As Applied to the Sick. TURF TALK. The pacer Charley Friol will start in tho 2:17 class in the big circuit this season. The old Saginnw tr-ick, o:i which such famous trotters iu Uulus:.iich JIaid, Ameri can Girl, Judge Ftiiici rw and Hopeful per formed, has been abandoned. Wash 'Woodruff, now ono of the trainers at Belmont course, U tlio Ron of tho late George Woodruff, who was tho first man to introduce trotting horse in America. I Tho Dwyer brothers paid ),S03 for the yearung bay colt by Su!:hrift. dam imp Knpangn. O, Uun:-st nul vii.bOO for a buy filly by tlio -.. y x.ro, i.a.a mi p. Constanti nople. Extensive improveniriv? J.avc- l-en made in the Monmouth conrpe. Hi,;ht new slublcs havo been built, with am ii.mudations for nearly 200 horses. All toKl, thero is iiow stablo room for TJ0 hci-Ms there. STRANGE STORIES. Amid all tales of reuilji&cenco coc.sicid us to that of tho Georgia man, ut the k-'-1 who in the era of crinoline fell into .-. mill -)uJ and when pulled out hail mi oi-ht und . -t-fish fast among her hoops. A Georgia widow, whoso hog was killed i.y tho railway, sued tho company and Io-.t h- "r case. Thereupon she too'.- tlio lard into wLich she had rendered the ai nul uud greased Co track for a quarter ot u lnllt. W. J. Roovo, a chicko.-i fancier of West ville, Conn., has a l'lymoth !!oc': hen tuat has just laid an egg measuring Tji inches ou? way and OX tho other. Inside It was another perfect egg, shell uud ull, and to far it bo.it.. tho season's record for ovnrinu monstrosities. I haven't the courage to die sir, Hardly the courage to live; Can't drink enough to forget, sir, Ain't I'nrisunn enougii totorgivo. This was tho wall ofa man who had endured tho, tortures of ' liver counijalut'' uud, dyspepsia for years; mid ho JiUK-it hayo endure'd theni for life,-nail lie ,i.t heard that Or. Tie irrlealtirtl Wtrks. J n thu work of rebuilding tho agri cultural works all gw- t a good lwvee, Thu second story looms up aud tho carpenters are making good, use of these pleasant days. Joim-vij, Or. July a ..M',5JB',! very Imd eundU tliui. Tim urln -mi llky brlek dut, ami I ulpril n n-rwU tel wltli my bhok. All riunMh-MVfwvmmYfttlltiiMiiitn 1 lrkl the u.., ....... . H. 11ANH.TO.V. Hold by 11. Mthw A t. Tk Not o( TIO. iHKt At Alters! fartr. llojjinninK to day the Cai'LTal ...: . i . - . ... - ..-. jouunai. is puuusueu at;i:;ui o'clock. "Wo found that tho old hour of pub- lieatian made tho papers reach the subscribers at too late an hour. beud In. your, name, or haud to jouu eaten, me carner. ', A Xew OMttr. 1)K L. Mott, late of Clearlleld, Pa., has located in Hateni for tho pructlce ofStMrufessiom and to dajj bugdbtlu6Uohsoy fronertj' on. Court atioen, jMi-' i would jivq it a Pierce's Uuldu. Medical iHscorery riUMyunu u, welMnau. lie gave it a inal and was cured. Once lie was hollow eyed, emaciated, and slowly tottering toward tho temb: but now ho is vigorous, robust and healthyi Tflere is nothing that cab compare with the "Discovers'" as a curative, agent for sour stomach. constipation, impure blood and bill iousuesst Tlio worst cases of nasal catarrh iwslUvc by Dr. 3P and neniuinoutlv cured m 1 . ' . r ' jo's unarm remedy. Mean Mo Inform triolrtrvBtomerw Hint llioy ua Yi' Kjguuveu uit-ixsiueK, oi muun r-, it from lwu - -"ihiMir i "-111" ' t'-,t,triiihe Pattou bltk) where Ihu NS limn, m r-ni-in ii.i. YMlr lund. UulVIm UKCHAKU Him exint,huB'Illwn: TThU w iHnwiu.nna mium ttoia iwly afli.wt imn hi ititw nftiTM. ijh, aua fe Will liuw you hf itniuvny WILI.IH A l HAMUFHriN im ll--ut,Htrm, iHr Ndwtf 1 and notions, etc blockto IW State ,tty wiliiftke .ploasurv ly retijoiur Iuk all old frlonitaifyul as many new iuey are just Vrsgajijloiven- for ones as can mil. tiow cutniKed la rcii . "-- --. , ingan elegant new iiueuf ut 9Vlopen or eooiis j the w Inter aud liolMa tmqo. rirdw Bwtlttl Anita 8rr, The jest salve In tha world foi 1'Uts.bruliefl.BorM. nlrwra ..ifrKn..... rfc-ver .ere. tetter. channMi hmiJ UffijPTcmfluid all akin erup- ?! retfmm ItEaruntecd ti jji vo perfect SlafttcUo or moneo" refunded. Pdoa a(icota per box. For sale - Dr. H. W. Cox. Every -Uity or kvqIwiuhh should have on ttiMrtoltvt Uuil t Uuu of Uulard'a j(Xeine. There U nMhtnr Hke ll tor re wovlue WmUhe ttnux the skin, curiwr "1 .w,!rti ! ok. ru and t Rieruo btbwiu an J running .v tm. Jm fVfmt,inc.inSttW hoes are In stantly reltevMjM- Imta.'dsHixwtae. Mia uy v. v.BAtiew a Co, Architecture Kiut and TTeat. The Americans are the quickest people in the world to adapt themselves to new situations. The western people truve. much, nt home and abroad, and they du not require a very long experience to know what is in bad taste. They ore as qnick as anybody I believe they gave ns thu phrase to "catch oa" to quietness and u, low tone. Indeed, I don't know but the Tould boost that if it is a question of sub dued style, they can beat tho world, Tho revolution which has gone nil over the couutry since the exposition of 1870 in house furnishing and decoration is quite as apparent at the west as in the east. 1 he west has not suffered more than the east from eccentricities of architecture In the past twenty years. Violations of good taste are pretty well distributed, but of now bouses tho proportion of hand some, solid, good structures Is as large in the west as in tho east, and in the cities I think tlio west lias tha advantage, iu variety. It must be frankly said" that if the easterner is surprised at the size, cost and palatial character ot many of their residences, he Is not leas surprised by tlio refinement and good taste of their In teriors. Ther) are coses waera money is, too evident, where the splendor has been ordered, but thero are plenty of other eases vliera imllvfrinal ...... .-. and love of hormouy and beauty. What j. am trying to say u that the east, under values the real reflnement of Irving going along with tho admitted cost and luxury In, the west. Charles Dudley Warner In, Harper's Magazine. 'Wanted ta ftm OttecTUnU Don't be too literal an interpreter of, Bcrlpture, especially wheaita language ia iwj a.4uuK v. jug rc ta an in numor. Good old William King, of Georgetown, used to tell with gusto of a revengeful man who was advised by a Christian brother to "heap coals ot fire on his ene my's head. "Yes, yea," said hU irate in tcrlocutor, with flaanins 'eyes, "tiafc ia the Tery thing I want to do." Methodist Protestant. IT gelatine be suspended in ordinary alco hol it will absorb the water, bat as It is in- aoiuoia in aicoaoi mas aaoste&ca will ramala behind, and thus nearly abeolate alcohol mar b obtained without distillation. One of the Drs. Darrin, the fam ous Portland physicians, is in the city with headquarters at the Che mekete and is preparing to lay siege to tho great enemy of life and death disease. Their power of re storing health to humanity is acknowledged. Electricity or electro-magnetism, is the agency thro' which they work. Experiments by scientists aro con stantly and surely proving electric ity to be the great motor power of creation. Electricity is the most powerful chemical agent, as well as the basis of chemical action. It is the primal element of light and heat the promoter of life and the sustain er of health. Disease yields readily to its mag-: netle touch, and even unrelenting death is averted by its presence. Thousands of afflicted and suffering bear witness to its healing power. The electro-magnetic as practiced by the Drs. Darrin bus revolutionized the practice of medicine, as is shown by the testimonials which they have received throughtout the coast and wherever they have practiced. Old practices are giving away to the new customs are changing and nowhere is, this, more noticable than in the practice of medicine. Science is working by cause and ef fect. Times are changing. New things are upon us, while the old are fast disappearing.. Behold one of the greatest martyrs 10 the cause of science. See Gstileo in the gloomy dungeon of the Inquisition because he invented an instrument that unfolded to the view of the astronomer uo wurlila worlds llualim; in spsce ami independent of our own spbeies Space would fail to show the vast numbers of theories that were once deadly opposed, but are now acknowledged facts, even among savans. And why this hostility anion all classes to the inception uf the good and the trie? I r, is because they do not obey the injunction, "Prove all thiugj, and hold fast to that which is good." These reflections are suggested by the presunceof Dis. Darrin in'Sa.'um. They relieve the sick by a process that is op posed by those who know not the won derful effects. As the disturbance of the vital fires is the source of diseases, they by some mysterious power restore Ihe equi librium, and thereby impart health. All shuw thi-ir appreciation of iheir valuable services fay flocking in crowds to their rooms.- Over 100 visit tb(ir Portland room-i daily for treatment. The trophies of their success are seen not only in the greatful voice of those benefited, but by the many crutches in their room, left by those who have been cured. What can the opposers of the mode of practice sav to such beneficent results? How is any thing tested but by iu effects? Aie not thtf innumerable cases that have been seen in Europe or America oi relief aud cure proofs positive oi the tuperiority of the doctors' mode of treatment? They pre tend to give relief only in curable cases. Stubborn facts present an array tf arflu meut sufficient to convince all who are disposed to know the truth. YtNAXCUL. ESTABLISHED Brl iiieuapitalJNationalB SALEM, Capital Paid Dp, Surplus, . Of . -OREG0D, U. B. WALLACE, w. w. MAu-rns?. J. H. ALBEUT, . 'Ortato, CukiTI , a. "'IM.IU.KSl " . vy, J.M.Martin. Ih W. A.Culck, r. s. w.ii.r j. 11. Aihr T t.v iL.. -". i-ituon. ANS MAD$ " """:" on wneat ana oth.. . able produce, consigned SK?J eiiner in private mnartei IpublTowarefioui0' State and County Warrants hvM wvmffir.n'uiAL PAPro uuwuucu nt reasonable nt. drv.wn direct nn v vi-t sxffe.: First Nation SALEM, OBEGON. WM. N. LADUE, -DR. J. REYNOLDS, JQIIN MOIR, . . pM.ltJ VlcPrt,j3 M GENERAL BANKING! MC Exchange, on Portland, Ban New orIc, London and Ho bought and sold, state, County warrants bought. Farmers ore Invited to deposit und tmnsnet With US. Llbf-rnl JlHvflnnM wheat, wool, hops and other pwtxr&l curity can be obtained at the but uavav icusuio XAJlll (JUlUva, JXPRESS WAGON, QUICK AM 2i delivery. Wm.RennIehaTlnjta n)u express Dutuness or waiter l prepared to aeuver trunks, va aires, and any thing else that h( his WlllWin irt ntiv rtovr 1-1 r hA All safer, better, and neater, than It eel done by any body else. Leave entail AiiuKissuiore. NEW BOOK. DEEDS OF DARIN BY BLUE & GRAl Ktsolotlons or Bteret. Tba following reaolutlons were passed by the First Christian church, G. w. Johnson, secretary, on the departure of Elder J. W. Webb : Bro. Webb, it Is with deep recret that tho First Christian church of Salem has learned that jou aro about to leave our state. And we caunotlet slip the occasion to avow our feelings. Compared with the world's ages two years is not a long period j but in the life of a church or a man It Is long enough to pro duce a revolution in things that make for eternal weal or eternal woe. Hence, to the church and the homes It represents, a two year's pastorate is not n light thing. Dur ing such a pastorate you once served us ; and it Is In our, hearts to say that in all its varied rounds of duty, its mingled happiness and pain ; at tho altar and nt the hearth, you have endeared yourself to all its members. Large ia our debt Large will bo your reward. You aro about to take up your abode in a state where you are so well known that you will sc&roe, need any commendation of ours; nevertheless the church has this day by a unanimous vote adopt ed the following : In as much, as Rev. J. W. Webb after a three year residence in our city two of which he spent as pas tor of our church, is about to remove from our state, Therefore, be?t resolved, that.Ba lem has had no better citizen or tho church a more -worthy pastor. That nothing but his owu convic tions took him from us. That we will ever hold dear the memory of himself and his worthy family, and that we do hereby affec tionately commend them to the love ff God, and to the confidence of all men. The great collection of the most th) personal adventures on both sides i the great civil war. Intensely inttrt nccounts of exploits of scouts and i forlorn hopes, lierolc bravery, Impre ments and hntr.hrpndth PRranpg. runu: Inoldotlf. .nn.l-nt.n .. .tp.n..tu f.RTT U..........U. UU....-.VU..UU DllUIKh U. ousuno. tragic events, perilous joaa bold clashes, brilliant kikwssp.-i iindi nnnlmous actions on each ride the I 60 chapters. Profusely Illustrated Wj me. ituuiuer Doonnt nil iiko it. wanted. Outsells pvprvihlni?-. Tlmefornavments allowed nrrents I of funds and freight prepaid. PLANET BOOK CO.. BoxfiSIA IMpyw. St. Louis, FOR BARGAINS IN PURNITUR1 GO TO ROTAN & WHITNEY, 102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon FTnvlnir hniicht rn tlio rpmntnrlerOl B chair factory's stock, we are prepardl sen cnairs lower man any notice ui REED'S OPERA HOUSfl Tuesday, Dec. 4th. rWItlvn lrrrt.tlnnHnf ttlA Tjltftt tl Greatest New Yorfe bucccss. "CliifO'ilieOldBM AnOriginaI,8tartllng,MelodramatleJ Comedy, Introducing those a nent Mirth Makers, SCOTT & MIILS Tho Dashing, Pretty, FaselnatlDS j Queen ofiSlnglng Comediennes, liw JESSIE BONSTELLI . . .. . ...... nrJiit' loffiuwrwuft me same F,f?7id bmedlan and Dramatic ArusU ij nuaeuemgnikui aeir wi - April and May. E. D. STAlrJ UP Urr.it Plitvl AGrfiCui. '.. n I v.mrtAl Latest Songa! Difficult Danciai! j Comical Mmhcs! MirtHoU1 A Great Drama andji Funny, Veclgn glnal Music, Vocal Gems. ov Features aadAJnusipgOqdl8 CondeOBedlN. X. P Opfsl- SutKAn Instantaneous hit." , wtm vrhh.ffmdv in Tea.. Herald: "A charming pentoTBasa ( N. Y.Cllppen-A tSTeat piece ana bit. ttm JournaL it was elecant. mlnsiUlf I N. Y. Mtulc and dram-V" 1 theatre shaken with laughtes 1 Pries. - - 50c-$I