7ENING CAPITAL JOURXAl MONDAY, DEC. 3, 18S8, Overland to California VIA ithern Pacific Company's Lines. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE hne lietwecn Salem and San Francisco- kw Thlrtv.clT Hnni-a 1 1T.IFOBXIA EXfKKSS THAIX DAILY n Til. 1 IjV. J. UlllMUU '41X. "' I T .. UntAtn 1 . II r ' i " -";" t' i3. m Ar. gun rran. i.v. tAlTl'ASSENOlUl TltAIN UH DUAUAIf "OOTS ANDISHOKS. . Weekly Ganital JonmFf siirioiioSs Mm I JforTBT 1 I v vi 1 aa vvjl I , - f Qggri 'XjSWKJJJ 10:4.1 mm. V I AND- 1 tTViVX. JvWTWfVrV f i7si(. m. v AjArsr a jArWl 7-ro p. w. T3o A-no Atsma "i r mr r i niwan (DAILY KX. "" VV.J X3..liW ! Ka? ' - i n in Boa. m i p. m I.v. Portland Ar. I 3:45 p. m. Lv. Halem I.v. f 12:52 p. in. Ar, KugenoLv, H.oo n. m. FL'LLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. JURIST SLEEPING CARS, !r nccommodhtlon of second class nt bed to express trains. riieO. & U. Ilallroad terry makes con- itlonwltnau mo regular trains on the ,. siile Division from foot ol K street. irtland. . est Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: PULY (EXCEPT 8UKDAY), '"TjTStf"BS3SZ3gFyfcjay. i Tlie Cheapest Newspaper io' Oregon!' w-r3g n. m. I iv. rorunna Ar. t3u p. m. p. in. I Ar. uorvnuis nv. ;JUp.in. (DAILY 31IMJVILLE EXPBKS3 TBAIN EXCEPT aU.MlAY). J p. m. i.v. i-oriiana Ar. , 111, AftillUJllUUVJllCliV. Bp.m- IKX)a.m 5:15 a. m. Ivt Albany and Uorvallls connect with ns orurceon l-ncmc unuroaa. ihroueh tickets to rll Points south and M-- 7-7. . . - - 1st W uuiiornin; Cnr run lniormation reenrama rates. lips, etc., apply to the Company's agent. ilem, Oregon. E. 1". ROGERS, KUsatiutM, assu u. r . una i-ass. Ag i. Manager. THE YAOUINA ROUTE. m, mi nd Oregon Development company s enmshln line. ZLt miles shorter. 20 hours ss tunc than b.v any other route. First ass through pasieneer nnd freight lino om Portland and all points In the'Wll- imetto vauey to nna irom oan t rancisco. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays): cave Albanv 10 I'M ivo Corvallis 1:10 PM Irrlve Yaqulna 5:10 I'M avo yoquina ...... -khaji eavo Corvnll s uridAJi Lrrlvo Albany 11:10 AM JO. A C. trains connect nt Albany nnd orvallls. I The above trains connect at YAQUINA run tho Oreeon Development uos Line f Steamships between Ynqulna and San rancisco. SUMXU DATES. I STEAMEKS, FROM SAN FRANCISCO t'illamette Vollev Thursday Dec 0. Willamette Valley Monday " 17. Kvillamette Valley Sunday " SO. STEAMERS. FROM YAQUINA. ftVlllametto Vallev Wednesday Dec. 12 minamette v Alley .uouuay n I This company reserves the right to I hange sailing dates without notice. N. li Piissenrers from Portland and all Willamette Valley points can mako close onnccuou witn ino iruius oi iik lAUUlflA llUUICaiAIUUDjr UriUHUUIB. bid if destined to San Francisco, should hrrango to arrive ut Ynqulna tho eenlng before dato of sailing. rastenccr ami b relent nates Ainayn me lowest. For Information apply to Messrs fTM.rA-KT .r. r T.-iATlit nnrt Tlplcfl tVgents 200 nnd 202 Front St., Portland, Or. orio C.C. HOGUE, Ac't Qenl fru rass. Agt., uregon i-acinciw iu m., Corvallis, Or. O II. HASWELL, Jr. Gen'l Frt; & Puss. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 301 Montgomery St.; Snn Francisco, Cal; TIME TAULE-KIVER DIVISION. I Theelegantly equipped steamboats, m pi. Hoag. Cnpt. Oeo. Ilaube; tho N. (J. Illentley, Capt. J.:P. Coulter; the Three ilwtnia lnh, T Tl Gtinrt. nrn In KP1 Ice Tl BEST FAMILY NEW rtH . ' 3 O . -,?" if t IN MARION COUNTY. t.i "' (-r , t "" . 3. l i T v-." ' tl , 1 - Read Our Reduced Terms! WEEKLY, oue year, 1.50. WEEKLY, six months,-. -:f0.753 -t W Read Oar Discount for -Cash I ,v?iai ' t i . . j-- i' OK ' . . fl il. iuill. l.n.i.'rm Corvallis and Portlancf nnd Intermediate liuiuiB, maKing iiireo ruuuu mi .. MeekasfollowM .. .. 'lay, Wednesday nnd Friday at 8 a. m. Arrives nt Salem Monday, Wednesday and TtltlTntn nnri L' )ni nt An VT ArrlVCS nt Portland Tuesday, Thursday nnd Satur day st3:-ri.m. puuiu iiuuwiJ liCnves iiuuauu ...u lay, Wednesday nnd Friday at 6 a. m. Arrives at Salem Monday, Wednesday and uuruw;ia u. III. ixiiica ...v... - day. Thursday and Saturday ate n. in. Saturday nt 3:30 p.m. , , For freight and passenger rates npP'y.w tho captains nnd pursers of the respect".8 boats, or to W. At. Darling, agent, 200 1 iini 1 on E.n. . . . .,. iilt.Ait limit.. -wifmui Bircci. ruruuuu, u,w. agents, Hnlem; I. M. Adair, ageni, awuj C. A. Miller, agent, Corvallis; or to tho gen eral freight nnd passenger agent, CorallW. Corvallis. , . . , F. W. BOWEN, Superintendent. Wm. IIOAO, General Manager. Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY. Columbia River Route.' ... . .. .-... -. llVit I rating ror the east leave ronwuu -."---I a m nnd 2 p m dally. Tickets .to and from J adu and Europe. ELEGANT PUIMANN PALACE CARS Kmlgrant Sleeping Car run threugh: OAtVW I OMAHA COUNCIL BIiOFFS nnd ST. I'AUI. Free of Charge and Without Change. Soad paBt. For AlrtliM-nartlAUhiril tB4lf 1 r iNllliln. aiMnl f tt40 ClMBPtft A I f-rrll OP. T.An"M' I Oregon. ' A. L MAyVEtL a- ' " H H0LC0KB, M-1. Ma- WEEKLY, onelyear, ?1.00. J WEEKLY, Blinonih8,y.5KM' . . .; T, WAS THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IN THEJNAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR jSi ONE-'rHIRD OFF FOR CASH. - v..jiil jiH? i.O' ,Q.un -Old Subscribers ,, , rr,A are uisetl. to take advantan of o y dlnt Jjy t. tlluK old accounU and joining tne giunu m..i8 - .. uU..a. .uu-.-v.-. TO ONE AND ALL t .,. vnur name. If vou want to take advanjnge of our "one We soy. Mud uJoUnrn XnTuot where you can get ixwtul notea or other third olT for cash "an J are .a (e that you UlTmTt at "if Sppoffilffil- will nire your being ptaMKi on the dollar list; ' f ' TJIIS IS NOT A SPKCIAL OFPHHJ But a eoiW. irewt redaction. We haw wow t tajr. IN THE MARKET - $: v1 Send for Catalogue and Price List. piH Bros. Wagon Co., EDUCATIONAL. ' RAOINEL WIS. MISCELLANEOUS. ST.-: PAUL'S Sflll. vxu: . - Boys and. Girls. ni i The"' tchoni will niien on the 'Jlth of September, liinrouch lnslriic- ,tlou In the primary and nd . need English JJranches. LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -In oohio.. TERMS and further Information may bo had on application to HKV. F. II. POST, Cor. Chcmekctn and StntaSts. S-20-tf WILLAMEHE - UNIVERSITY j Graduates Students In KiMiuai, li in a omr Normal, Business, Law, AND- MEDICAL COURSES. It Is tho oldest, lnrgost and leait expen sive Inttltutlon of liHirnlng In tho North wett. School opens first Monday In September Send for catalogue to TWOS. VAN SCOY, PreHldeiit. 17: Snlcin, Oregon. HOMES -KOH TUB- HOMELESS!!! 12oo ACRES VARIED LAND -roit- SEW SCHOOL. "". ' ttt- IVtiss 'Kndx Will continue tier School for the en suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Sts.. beginning SEPTEMBER 10. 19W2W CONSERVATOM OF MUSIC! VUIamet(e Unlveralty. Mort'iueceturul school of music on tlio norlliwrtt ouant. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. . CourkM In fUiho, Organ Slnglnir, Violin, Hurmony, unci Counter point. IMoionuu on eotupletlon ot courts. O'-uJ.HAk. ' f 11 ilH I..1.I- 1. Jhbmi. Bvu Cox. AhMMunt.f.uluM.Hmltu. PIpH twin blns Monday, KvptMiitwr M.lfrtt. Knd fftr enUtloKU. Kurlurthvr panmran auurea. Muilml llr-eor, KalHi, Or. PRACTICAL CUTLER Ting Saw a SoMdy. J&ZfaT"' Mte' UT ' Sale or Rent. Quantity and Quality to Suit t Purchaser. Lands near 11. It. Facilities. A GOOD CHANCE -KOK A- Renter or Purchaser TEAMS AND STOCK ON TIIK KAIIM- WILL 13 IS SOLD Ttt thWbwytK tMMMM, If AmirS. For Particulars call at This Office. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. E. STRANG, No. !M1 Comtnerclat Street, SALKM, - - OUKQON. IIKAI.KII IN STOVESandRANGES riumbing, lias and Steam Filling. Tinwaro and Artistic Motal Work a Specialty. asr-Acent for tho IlICHAHUHON A HOYNTUN COMPANY'S l'lirniwcs. K tubllKlied 111 lSin H. NEUGEBAUER, -Till J- South Salem Family Grocer, futiMatitlv mi liiiuil n i'IioU-o Hilcotlon of stiiploiiiid laiiilty khkitIimi, which lioluut for sale at tlio limtwt IIiIiik prltvs. Ita iiIm) Buys Farm Produce. li-a-tr TIIK CKE.M or all HOOKS of ADVEM1IRK CoiHli'iiitml Into Onu Volume. PIONEER HEROES 111 DARING DEEDS. Tho thrlllliiKadU'iitiinitnf nil tho hem oxplururs anil fnintlur IluhlorK ulth In dians, outlaitHiind wild IiiiihIh. oor our whole country, from tlm earllcxt tlniM to tho pr(enl llim ami Iiiiiiouh uxiIoIIm ot DoHiilo, Iji Halle, HIiiiiiIIhIi, IIimiiic, Kenton llnul),('riH'l(ilt, llnwlit, IIoiihIom, I'utxiii, (3iiler,(iillforiiIii Jih. Wild 1 III I. Hiiftlilo lllll. (liinernlH Mllw aim Crook, (Irmt 1 mt lim t'hliirH.iiniliHiiri'HiitiitliiTH. HiiIpii ili.lly lltii.lniliMl with '-'Jl lino i'iiKniliiKH. AxenlM uiiuliil. Iaiw prlieil, ami houut uii llilnn In KI'll. A. UllANCUDITACO., Iftt Pout Ht., SAN l'HANCIH, CAI- 11-0 lyw, CI1 unci So T.J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIS NKW (IIJAHTKIIH IN TIIK Htuto Inaiininco IIiiIIiIIiik, Cor. Com mercial and c'limiiiiltetu strtots '0-ltf One Dollar a Year Til WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL (Halem, Orruon.) -U unlvenwlly concedwl to b Tlio Ilesl Family Newspaper Kvr imblliliiNl at Ilia .lute eupltul. IT IH TIIK CHKAPHHT. IT IH TIIK I.AIKIKHT. IT IH TIIK 1IKHT. It foiuUU of eJulit w4l nilml nud nmtly prlnlwl iutHi. Il.tillullkn the fttrtimr, the mrtihant, Itw Inww, IIh. igurilMKH. Kvery family rtshMihl Iwve It. ltmtHlFMulM)tutaly AIX TIIKNKWH w wtl H4 l.mtry, fUirY, MrrM,iidvn, fcrlH, ItMMMl, him! Hwuy otliw UI Sm Our Cavh Discounts rJoSydtni KI.Y, ( Ywr ONH DOI.MH -i. .....r. ic r Adrift at) MttHMiilMt awt uuUa lt HmuU WU t TIIK CAPITAL JOUltXAU HaUitu, Ofvtfun. ,-...JL-