Li iii mpiJiSEr Wr SOU -gpjj3j l!?!lfer,'r'1: mie if. Mi--jjJJl?''t'L1 ' OVER THE CAPITAL CITY. Complete llecita! or llio Day's Deeds and Doing?. The rroluble Assessment. The afHC88inent rolls of the differ ent counties show the vnluution of taxable property in the Mate to be nbout $00,000,000, as compared with 584,888,580 hmt year, an increase of over 55,000,000. The total tux will be about 3.3 mills, of which 3 mills will be forstivtc purposes, two-tenths of a mill for the militia and one tenth for the University of Oregon. !LaBt yeur the state tax was 4.0 mills and the lniltia and university taxes the same as this year. The three-mill tax will give $270, OOOfor state purposes, the two-tenths-niill tux $18,000 for the militiu and tho one-tenth mill tax $0000 for; the university. . - Another Quarantine Affair. Judge Shaw yesterday evening appointed N. B. Todd, justice of tho peace nt Woodburn, as quarantine ofilccr there. Tho people aro ex cited because Ainadi LaChapelle passed u night at th home of Albion Chamberlain before lie was taken down. No danger is apprehended, but an ounce of precaution is not a bad tiling. Hllverton About Converted. Ill .the secular debate between Underwood and liraden tit fill verton, T. V. Davenp.irt of Portland Is grund chief moderator, with .1. W. Jlealo and J. M. Humphrey as ansistmits. Utieh evening the large city hall Is filled to hear these gentle men. Uraden is tho religionist, Underwood the infidel and the die" ciiHsIon has but fairly commenced. Thanksgiving ami Turkey. Thanksgiving in the United titiitvs is universally observed as a day on which to oiler up turkeys. Next Thursday is tho day, and tur key and cranberry sauce is tho com bination. Anyone who contem plates stulllng us with a big fat tur key is advised to also furnish sugar to go with the cranberries. . The (loud leuiilars. Capital lodge or this city will be oUlclally visited to-night by Orand Chief Templar J. W. Webb, who lias been visiting and lecturing for those at Turner, Jell'erson and Jlar rislmrg, Increasing tho membership at each place. The bulge in Salem Ls doing well, several initiations being expected to-night. Now .Notaries CoMinixsluueil. To-diiy tho following articles of incorporation were tiled with the secretary of state: John Huston, Jluttovillo; Chas. A. Bchultz,01ex;.I.AV. Honnett.Marsh Hold; L. A. MeNury, Portland; II. it. LoFloro; lleppner; W. II. Imus, Salem. Mrs. Thomson t'rostrntfd. Mrs. Thompson, whoso son died two weeks ago in Portland and whoso husband died but a few days ago, Is prostrate over tho loss. At Brownsville everyone is being vac dnnated, and no other cases have yet developed. More Steam, lie Cried With Jo). Wlleat Is 77 cents In Salem and 70 hero. What's tho matter Hint that down the river city is allowed to overreach us one centV Tho llrst too this year. A little more steam, please. Albany Democrat. Two More Iumuinj. Frank Hnuco and Henry (llninn were brought hero and committed to the asytuni to-day. They are from Malheur county. - An Ah.olutr t'urr. Thf OKIOINAI, AIWKTIN:. MNT.MK.NT is only put up It. Iart, two-ounce tin boxes, anil Is an ulwoluto cure for old soivs, litu n.-. wounds, chapjH.'d hands, and !' kkln ortiptlous. Will jusUlvclr cure nil kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AWKTINE OI NT. MKNT. Sola by D. W. Muttliuwa &. Co., 100 State utrcet, Salem, at 6 ituU per box by mall 80 emit. Tho Orogon Lund Company's ten acre lotsnro selling rapldlv, 40 havln been sold hIiioo the 8t h of Sept. There is no probability that 10 acres of good laud within four mllesofStilem will ever again be olleivd for $80 por ncre on winy terms. Tlieru aro now Ave housoln prowofiHmstructIon on lots already sold mid roads are being ojkmkhI and bridges built bo that the value of all of the lots is U'lng nipldly euhauceil. Any -Mrlshlng to iniy ten aercn of good laud for much loss than the price of a city lot will do well to look at this prtMMrty at once as there Is linilouut I but that it will all bo bold inside of, tlilrtv duvit. Cull nt Mm tiftlm nfllm i Ortgou l.and company on Com merelal strwt and you will Ih shown the property free ofohtirge. lO-H-oodtf. aaswa--iiigS-'l'ii City llepulillcan Primaries The result of last night's city re publican primaries was as follews: First Ward Aldermen, Kdw. Hirsch, Squire Farrar; delegates, G. Hinghtim, J. H. Haas, Wm. Waldo, T. C. Shaw, Ed. Weller and Ed. Hirsch. Second Ward Aldermati, George Collins ; delegates, ChnrlcsCIaggett, W. F. Uoothby, II. B. Bropliy, Henry Roger, Frank Welch, M. E. Goodell, It. B. Glaze, E. A. Graham, J. I). MeCully, Geo. II. Burnett, Dr. J. N. Smith, T. T. McCuuly, Isaac Scott, John Q. Wilson, Lot L. I'carce, and Chns. Calvert. Third Ward Aldernian, A. E. Strang ; delegates, W. H. Odell, G. G. W. Adderson, L. S, Scott, W. S. Barker, Wm. Brown, David Simp son, Ed. N. Edes, W. W. Skinner, E. M. Waite, Harry Keller, and J. H. Howell. Fourth Ward Alderriien, Jasper Minto : delegates, O. D. Hutton, M. W. Hunt, B. F. Meredith, I. I-. Pat terson, Add Dllley, C. H. Monroe, Jasper Minto, and W. C. Alderson. A Farewell Charge. En. Jeurnal: One word more, by your leave, and we will trouble you no more about our "obsequies." Tho great undertaker a morning paper up to tho time of its last issue was still puttering about on the first 200,000 corpses (now admitted) and comparing votes of off years with no national Issue with that of this year. Strange ho should heed the "squecling pig" so much, but ho has yet another 100,000 corpses to dispose of and these corpses are already blowing their own resurrec tion trumpet. A decent burial is hopeless and since the undertaker has now admitted thnt "Harrison was elected by a falling off of the prohis In New York vote," will he bo so kind hi tho future as to call us "nothing but a republican annex," nnd to warn tho democrats that "a vote for prohl is half a vote for the republicans?" N. B. He aillrms all parties, (re publicans, democrats and whisky) except the third party are happy. Just so. Good bye. Discontented Proiii. P. S. Heaven bless the discon tent. Decides to Stay In Silent. Ex-County Treasurer August Giesy, since his return from Cali fornia, lias decided to locate per manently in this city, going Into business with Hughes, Bellinger & Co. in tho real estate and agricul tural machinery department. Few young men are more widely known. Many friends will wish him every success, and will welcome lilni and his accomplished wife again to the social circle. .Mothers Itead. The proprietors of the SANTA AM 13 have authorized 1). W. Mathews & Co., to refund you your money if, nfter giving this Califor nia King of Cough Cures a fair trial as directed, It fails to give satisfac tion for tho cure of coughs, croup, whooping cough and all throat and lung troubles. When the disease atl'eets tho head, and assumes tho form of catarrh, nothing Is so eflect Ive as California cat-r-enre. These remedies aro without equal as house hold remedies. Sold at $1.00 a package. Three for $2.50. . r.taui;ellstlo Sen Ices. This evening Revs. Kirkpatrlck and Moody begin a revival meeting at the Cumberland Presbyterian church, which will continue ten days. Row Kirkpatrlck Is an earnest and able divine; ltov. Moody is the new pastor of that congregation for Salem and has but recently arrived from tho east. All Iteady For Murk. Tho contractors on the construc tion of the Salem street railway have secured temporary olllees over tho Capital National bank and are now in tho city. They will bo ready to begin active work Tuesday morning. Keuevm ller snttu Mrs. Pluubo Cheslev, Peterson, Clay County, Iowa, tolls tho follow ing remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the resi dents of tho tewn: " I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dross myself with out help. Now I am free from all ixilu and soreness, and am able to do all of my own housework. I owe all of my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, nnd removed completely till disease and pain." Try ti bottle, fiOo and $1. at Dr. D. W. Cox's drugstore. HtatMIc- -how thnt (.evenly per cent of the people oflheViitled States are suttV'r Itu; from the Uimw-o of the- kidney nnd urinary organ. A lmple pwlu In the tmelc, triilt'lHl. often run. Into that terrible Mtwnjt, nright- iIW-hmi which carrle otr t many or our prominent men. u yuu are afflicted with iny urinary or kidney trouble, no matter how Might, ito lint Hit It on" until too lute, but )roetirin package of Oregon K UtiMy Te mid take eorn to tUrmUoiit li will euro you. gold by 1). W. ilrtthev 4 Cv, OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. News And Notes of a 1 General In terest toltho Westerner. A tin mine has been discovered near Shasta, Cal. Hunt settles for $00,000 and his litigation against the Oregon Pacific railroad is compromised and settled. A move Is on foot to bridge the river at Albany. This would be a good stroke of enterprise on the part of our sister city. Josephine county gave Harrison seven majority. This is the first time in the history of the county that it has gone republican. At the Whatcom fair there was exhibited a limb from a pear tree 22 inches long and one-half inch in diameter on which were 24 pears weighing 18 pounds. Palousc City has more than lniibhul its nonulatlon in the past year, notwithstanding almost the entire city has been destroyed by fire and had to bo rebuilt. California solved the school book problem by printing Its own series of books, which areespeciallyadapt- cd to the Pacific coast. They are furnished to the people of California at cost and are very cheap. Experts who have examined the undeveloped petroleum region of Wyoming predict a great future for that section of the country. Sev eral wells have been sunk which will How 1,000 barrels per day. Vaccination Is made compulsory in the Portland public schools. Any student refusing to submit will not bo allowed to remain in school. The city furnishes the vaccine points aud physicians do the work free. A novel proceeding was witnessed at Seattle last Friday, when some parties went out with a pile driver to fence in mud fluts belonging to the Oregon Improvement company; immediately three other pile drivers went out and proceeded to fence In tho intruding driver whereupon a squabble ensued which was settled by the chief of police and citizens. There is demand for a railroad to Coos Bay from Roseburg? There Js almost a natural pass over the Coast range mountains, through Ciuuns Valley and down the north fork of the Coqulllo by Myrtle Point nnd Coquille City. A railroad through this region would give access to un counted millions of feet of the very finest of tl r.bers, open up new coal fields and would be a source of boundless wealth to both Douglas and Coos counties. It would give quick and easy access to deep sea transportations, and would add to Oregon, Coos county's trade which now nil goes to California. -o- LOCAL SUHiaiARY. A marriage license was this nftcr noou granted to Theodore A. NIcoloi and Osceola Prcssel. O. M. Wilson to-day went toSeat tlo to eat Thanksgiving turkey. He will return In a week. The Tiger Entjliie Co. has received Its now hoso cart, audit Is pronounc ed to be a lino one, having cost $175 at tW factory in New York. A billiard table has recently been added to the asylum furniture, and convalescing patients may now have the pleasure of indulging in a gnme. Ben McQuillan was brought up from Portland yesterday ovenlug for tho penitentiary. Ho is a hard case, and only eighteen years of age, but will bo twenty before ho shakes tho classic dust of Salem oil' his feet. The Willamette Assembly of Knights of Labor held a very inter esting meeting lust night at which II. S. Jory was elected nnd instulled Master Workman, and Seldeou Orchard, financial secretary. The members seem well pleased with tho re-election of Grand Master Powd erly. A few nights since tho members of Capital Lodgo of Good Templars repaired to the home of Frank Davy, lodgo deputy, and gave himself mid wife n regular old fash loued surprise. Ho had not tlmo oven to gel on a clean collar and cutis or to scrape the stubble from his cheeks and chin before tho host of well wishers were upou him. Frank smilingly accepted tho situa tion mid soon nil felt fully nt homo nnd enjoyed n fine social time. B-klr1 Ante. Sli. Tho beet salvo In tho world fo. cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum fever sores, totter, chapped hnmk chilblains, corns, and all akin oruj tlons, and posltlvly cures piles, oi no pay required. It U guarantevd to give perfect satisfaction, or uiom-j refunded. Prico 23 cents per box. For aale v- Dr. H. V. Cox. THOSE BOYS. Mn. Editor : As the peace nnd mpritv of a city depend upon tho nhnracter of tho citizens, it is of momentous import thnt the youth be properly cared for. JNegiect our inn' the Imnrcsslounble period of life will be followed by dire punishment to tho authors of their neglect. 'io the stranger who looks through our city, about tho first Impression that he receives, is that of large oppor tunity for the Intellectual nnd moral development of the coming citizens. Our school buildings nro commo dious. Our corps of teachers Is as n-nod ns can be found anywhore. " . - Our Sunday schools are numerous' nnd within easy reach of all. But there is one practice permitted in our city as indeed In too many of our cities which goes very far to ward nullifying the good effects of, these institutions. I refer t-j that of , late hours on the streets. Who can I measure the mental and moral dlssi- pat'on of boys on tho streets nt night? From those older In years and vice thev learn many things' that it would bo well for them If they never learnt, or nt lenst did not learn until they developed good sense. These things aivert me thought from legitimate study, create n morbid desire for tho im pure, with n corresponding dislike for the substantial and good. What bov takes any delight in Sunday school aud good rending, who spends his evenings in listening to or In repeating vileness? Aud that is vileness which is picked up on the street nfter night Is manifest to everyone who has listened to the conversation and lewd jests of these boys as they congregate under verandas or on the street corners. Can there not be something done to stop this injurious practice? Surely the city has power to create an ordinance und to enforce it, which will conserve her own best interests. By neglecting this mat ter, we are preparing a whip for our own shoulders. Socrates, when accused by the council of Athens of corrupting the youth of the city, suid : "None but a fool would do that, for ho who corrupts the youth is preparing instrumeuts for his own destruction." By neg lecting to prohibit this practice of boys parading our streets nfter night wo nro preparing material that will keep our peace-officers busy in the nenr future, and of increasing our burdens of taxation. Is not this nn opportuno time to discuss the mat ter? Pardon my prolixity, but I considered the subject of sufficient moment to justify the space I have taken. Yours for peace and safety, Cuhfew. " My Wife Is a Terror!" Said n mild tempered man In our hearing. "She snaps and snarls, aud spanks her children, and finds fault continually. I can't bear it any longer." Don't be too severe on' her, my friend; you little realize her sufierings. She has lost her former sweet disposition, and ill health Is the cause. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will make her well. Fo. female disease, functional derangements, beariug-down pains, and the long list of ills that make women miserable, no medicine can compare with this. It is the only medicine for woman's peculiar weak nesses and ailments, sold by drug gists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, to give satisfaction in every case, or mouoy refunded. See guarantee printed on bottlo wrapper. For all derangements of the stom nch, liver nntl bowels, tnko Dr. Pierces Pellet's, or Anti-bilious Granules. Chilblains, unpleasant odors from tho feet and otiier parts of the body, nasal catarrh, ringworm, poison oak, stye on the oyo lid; eruptlro diseases ot tho skin, all disappear nflcr using nutards Specific, Warranted to ctrect n radical euro In every Instance. Hold by D. V, Slnthews i Co. A man who has practiced medi cine for 40 years, ought to know salt from sugar; read what ho says: Toi.kdo, O., Jan. 10, 1SS7. Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co. Gen tlemen: I have been in the gcpernl practice of niediclno for most 40 years, and would say that in all my practice and experience, linvo never soon n prepemtion that I could pre scribe with as much confidence of success ns I can Hall's Cntarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Hnvo pre scribed it ngrent many times and its effect is wonderful, nnd would say in conclusion that I hnvo yet to find a enso of catarrh thnt it would not euro, if they would tako It according to directions. Yours Truly, L. L. GO-tSUCII, M. D. Office, 215 Summit St. We will give 5100 for any case of catarrh that cannot bo cured with Hall's Cntnrrh Cure. Taken lutor ually. F. J. CHENFY & CO. Toledo, O. B&TSold by druggists, 76c A cvod dlgostlon vntlu on appetite and a good nppeltte l one of the turwit ln- of perfect health. If you are low ipTrUed. (rrlt-bte, oil km, or have aa Irregular appetite, t ben e advtee you by all mean, to take I)r. -lenley1- Dandelion Tonic It will make a new man of you. bold by X). W. Mat hewn Co. doing Down Hilt. There nro moro wnj-H thnn one ofcolnp down hill, lle-ldes rolling over n precl pice, rushing down n tobogmn glide nnd other methods, you mny. if you fall to rectify nn erratic; digestion, illwlpllne ij rebellious liver, nnd rehtoro n regular hnblt of the bowels rapidly descend tin Incline whose bottom It. the grave. A lallutv in vigor, impairment ot appetite, troubled sleep, los of llesh nnd mental encrgy thcVo nre the InralllMe Indications thnt show decay, nml ought to suggest repair. The finest, sure-st, pleisiintest means of repairing Physical energy l Ilostettcr s Stomaclf llitter.s. Where the mineral poisons and weak appetizers full, this bo tanic Invlgonint succeed,. Whether feebleness l the attendant .f the disease, inherent In the constitution, or tho com p.nlonof cnnvnlcscencc, often very slow alter wasting maladies, thu Hitters hiive ever proved a reliable mentis of remedying It through the nipdlii'i of'mpmvud diges tion. Tho Hltterscure malaria complaints, rheumatism, constipation mid kidney troubles. K7fT?raWiH...i-i ----lil flu m 'in !. MISCELLANEOUS. C. U. Mo:cnoK, .T. It. A Biii.L. Late of tho Monroe House. Monroe & Beil, Proprietor- Gheraokete Bote . FREE BUS. Sample Roorns for Commerc'ai Travelers. From Si to $3 per day. SALEM 0lF.UO-. io-1-tr T HE QUESTION OF THE DAY. PROTECTION OR FREE TRADE? An Examination of the Tariff Question with Es pecial Regard to tho Interests of Labor. BY HENRY GEORGE. CLOTH, $1.50. PAPER, 35 CENTS. This Is tho clearest, fairest, most Interest ing nnd most complete exnmlnntlon of tho tnrin" question yet mode, nnd will prove Invaluable to nil who wish to understand tho subject. Tho most thorough Investigation of the subject thnt has yet been put in type Now York News. The appearance of this book marks a new epoch In tho world-wldo strugglo for Irco trade. Henry Oeorgo has a power of puttlnirceononilc truths in suph a clearand tlmpid language that nny child can under stand him, whllo the most learned man can enjoy tho accuracy of his statements and the uggestlvenei..s of his thoughts. Thomas (J. shearman In New York itnr. Whoover wuuts to seo tho strongest ar gumentnot only against protection, but acttlnst all tarlll's will find it here. Christian Union. The slncular success of Mr. George ls that ho has madepollticnl economy interesting. Unitarian Review. A book which every worklngman in tho land can read with Interest and ought to read. New York Herald. Henry George's Other Works. Progress nnd Poverty, cloth, Jl; paper, 5 cents. Soclnl Problems, cloth, Jl; paper, 35 cents. Tho 1ind Question, paper, 10 cents. Property In Lund, wiper, 15 cents. .vdtlrehS THE STANDARD, 12 Union Square, Now York. HLACKSMITIIING and HORSESHOEING. 312 nnd 3U Commercial St., Salem. Tako Koto of This. T7IOR 8S.000 WE WILL SELL OO acre X well Improved garden land, within 3 miles of Salem. Good road to town the year around. Iluildlngs good. FINE YOUNG ORCHARD nnd oxcellent grass hind. Thin U n bargain, and will be held only a short time nt these figures. Call, and wo will show you the property. WILLIS .- UUAMBERLIN. Opera House, Salem, Or. &i-dw-tf mis INSURANCE Company. Fire and Ma rine. JOS. ALBERT. Agent, - Balem, Oregon. . rPBAL,8ILVERT0N, WEEKLY. J1.80 J per year. Independent. TheAri'-Ji- circulated In Marlon, Linn and CWtck amoa counties; has been eatabltahed eight year, and U an excellent advertising me dium. For term address the publisher II, O. Uulld.S-Uv-non.Or. SCRIBER & POHLE I-NANCIAI, ESTABLISHED, HT NATIONAL At OK- SALEM, - - - OREGON, ii .! n i upnai raw up, ... . Surplus, - - - - . . j IL S. WALLACE. - . i W. W. MARTIN, - VIee-PresS T Tr AT.iin-nn. "-e. " "" r-ihta DIRECTORS! W.T.Gray, W.W.Martin. J.M.Martin, R. s. Wallace Dr. W. A.Cuslck, J. H. Albert ' T. McF. Pntton. ' LOANS MADE To farmers on whent nnrt .. -. nblo produce, consigned or in storil either in private granaries. ," ipubllo warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at P -UMMtKWAL PAPER Discounted nt reasonable rates drawn direct on New York.Cbloui Francisco, Portland, London, Parts! Hong Kong nnd Calcutta. SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE. -DR. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIR, - - Vice Preside! CasMeil GENERAL BANKING, Eclinnc on Portland. San Friiflm New York, London nnd Hong Kong bought and sold. Stnte, County and City warrants bought. Furmcrs are cordllllj Invited to dejoslt nd trnnsact boslnts witli us. Liberal advances mads c. wheat, wool, hops and other propertjit reasonaDio rates. Insurance on such cunty can De oDutinea at tne banibj most renaDie companies.! EXPRESS WAGON, QUICK ANDSAtll delivery. Wm.RcnnlehavingboojIi the express business of Walter Lowe, I prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pad ages, and any thing else that he can get Ii !.. ...n.n in n nnl nT tlm .It. n.X.V Ills miKu i twi,, HiibiL in -iij, ijuii&a safer, better, and neater, than it canV done by nny body elso. Leave ortei t wtuto s stauie. ISTETW BOOK. DEEDS OF- DARING BY BLUE & GRAY, The great collection of tho most thrllllni nnrsnnul ndvnntures on both sides durim civil war. Intensely lnterestltj accounts of exploits of scouts and spies, rnplnHn linnnil Vllnln hMV(rV imnriSOQ' ments and hair-breadth escapes, romaiitK Incidents, hand-to-hand struggles, humor ous and tragio events, perilous Joumeji, bold dashes, brilliant suc-esses and m nnnlmmiB nrtlnnq nn pnrtl Fide the D& CO chapters. Profusely illustrated to the lite. No other book nt all like it. Agena wanted. Outsells everything. Time tor pay ments allowed agents snort ot iimas nna ireigni prepaid pr..?-iirpnnnrc r.n.. !inT(B18. 11-0 lyw. St. Louis, M& I FOR BARGAINS IN FURNITURE CIO TO ROTAN & WHITNEY, 102 Court Street, Silem, Oregon Having bought out the remainder ot vt chair factory's stock, wo nre PPrea " 1 sen cunirs lower man any uuu--.- ---1 I -THE CULTIVATOR 189 ASD Country Gentleman THE BEST OF THE AGMCULTU1UL WEEKLIES DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Processest Horticulture and Fruil-Growing Live-Stock and Dairying, j While It nlso Includes oil n,nw Kf ! ments or rural interest, buuji - - -.z Yard. Eutomology, Keeping, wgj house nnd Gropery. Veterinary RW farm nuesuoni uu -"-- . -- .-m Reading. Domestio Economy, and " mnry of the News of the week, i- -j kot Rerrta are unusually TOmpleijg much nttection ls paid to thel rospew,, the Crops, as tnrowing "";."rV tho most lmporutnt of all W0g,il to buy nnd when to selh It Is llbersujr & lustnited, ana uy ivrA.i V.rtl-a ment, contains more i reading inatwr , .. i-.rnn Th HubsorlDtion lTlce lT per year, but we otTer a SPECIAL Hti. TION In our CLUB RATES FOR 18891 2 Sukril)tiOnS,lnoneremltUnce $ 0 Subscriptions, . do- J 12 Subscriptions, . w O-ITo alt New Subsertbers lJ$l paying In advance now, wewlll wf paper weekly, from our wfMqfJS-H mtttance, to January ltt 1'' w" charge. 4Q-PCIM-W00W--rBW Add LUTHER TUCKER SON, Publkd-ew. ALBANY, N. Y. Firs - jrt titii -" "-1 "i-j--------l-----J ,,iA .,. ih i ii irifn.t tf nfc- -a