. til 41 ' " " TTHIIII IIIIBII llll IIIIIMIM KING CAEITAL JOURNAL , boom asp shoes. '' -''J,,, ,, "- THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 18S8. - i 4V. Overland to California VIA buthorn Pacific Company's Lines. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE iTIme hetwten Salem and Sin Franclco PALItOltytA FTI'IIKSS TKAIN PAIIA ISbutli. I :sorth. I-00 P m I Lv. I'ortland Ar. 10-10 a.m. kj a. in. E.ftip. Ill Jiv oiuciu A". ! w n IS" ' """' " cao p. in. DCAli l'A&3EGEH TIIAIX ( DAI LI ET. UCl'ltaUAUA.!;. n v 1 T.v Pnrtlnnrt Ar. I RJXn m. (Earn IIa. Kalem IiV. ( 12-52 p. m. ho p. in. I Ar. Kngcno Lv. i 8 00 n. m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. OURIST SLEEPING CARS, lor accommodation of second clus puss- fencers iittutuea 10 express inuns friind .t ('. KiiUio.ul fcrr.v makes con- lection Uli ill the. regular trains on the East hide lmmon irom iootoi I sireci, Portland. ' Test Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (EXCFIT SUNDAY). On m ptTfT Ar. ForUand Corallls Ar. Lv. "8.15 p. in. 1 SO p. m. . 25 p. in. 'MINI. VII LE EXrHEhS TllAIN -(DAIIA EXCEIT SUNDAY). R)0 p. m. EvT Portland Ar. T 00 a. m. 6 i'l a. m. uu p. m. ivr.jicjiintivinciv. t Albany and Corvallis connect with rains of Oregon Pacific Ilallroad. For full Information regarding rates, naps, etc., appiy:to ino wmpanj- iigem, ilem, Oregon. E. I KOGERv I. KOEIILTUt, Asst. O. V. and Pass. Ag'U .Manager. THE YAOUINA ROUTE. . t 1REG0N PACIFIC RAILROAD vnri Ornimn' T)p. clonment company's 6ti.iinis.hlii 1 Inf.. !K miles shorter. 20 hours es.s tilno than by any other route, l'lrst Kiat.3 tnrougu passenger auu ucigiii. um. Irom Fortlnnci and all points In thowll- imetto uillcy to ana noni sin t rancisco. TIMF CHHFnill F. fExecnt Sundays): Leave Albino ?2!' LcavoCorwillU - - i:1SK V; A.rrio Ynquhia 6.1plM Leao Vaqulna h,AJj ieavo uoi vuais .--- ;; .nUe Alban 11.10 AM i ri . p. tr.ilns connect at Albany and bonnllls. 1 The nboo trains connect at AQUIA ll. ,l.n n-- ... Tim nlnnmnnt fYl U T.lllP nillll ill yivpwu i;.t.i....i..... w - bffetcv.ishlps between Inqulun aud bar. SUL1MI IIAII.S. tpiiium FllOM SAN FRANCISCO RVIllarietti Valley, Nov. 12th, 4 p. m. M'lllamctte Valley ,Nov. 21, 10a. m. STrAMWW. FllOMYAQUA. rii'i.i rnllnr tfov. fitll min.i..tA Vnllri? rvov. lhlll Iwillanietto V.illeyl cNoNV .!W.h ' This company reseller, mu n"v .u i hange sailing dates without notice. I - ,i ii-.nnnKj fmm Pr.rtlnnrl find nil lk in.i innttG Vnllev ixilnts can make close ironneetlon with the trains of the LYAQrlNA IlOUTKaiAiDanyurwrji.iuiv ..,.in,Ht Ynnuinu the evening Ubcfoie date of sailing. " (fLowcst. Kor Information apply to .Messrs iJIL'I t N A Co , Freight nnu i ickci E.gent 1 200 and "-U! front si., lorumiu, .. iorto . .. .. . C. C. HOGUK, Alej i r ri. Pass. Agt., Oregon PaelgcKIU C H.HASVEI.V.,Jr.Gon,l Krt: A Puss. Agt. Oregon Deeloptncht Co., 304 Montgomery St.; San Frunclbco. CalJ TIME TAItliE-IUVEU DIVISION. hisiera, wipu u x ."VV'.nt; lirwiin poinU, making threo round trips encn ,CCK ns iiiuwk; r . ... ,f v.mmrr 1TTPT T im tvi. PiinnlllS 1011- day, Wednesday and trldny at 8 a. in. Arm es at aiem. wuuiU JI," STS? AVr Friday .its p. m. IIem ru,dn. Tliursuay ami muunini " T..-jiii.N i.t i'.-tiii.i(! Tuesday. Thursday and faatur- dav si i i) p. in. ., .. . . r'oUTH ilOUXD-Iincs Portland ifpn- lay. Wednesday nnd Vtlinf at o ArHvw lit Siilein Mondaj . W""" i-Tiuoy at 7:10 p. in. " .,,, .rnen at ixirwuiw iwu.vi huturdaj ot3.J0jsm. i n For freight and pWugM ."'f' "PP. ' bouts, or to W. M. mr!lng,BCSJ.A"r.,"u ne ninuiinH uuu lunwiou. - --7.. 1 20-. ?'?.'!?. ??-.? """Albany eral freight and passenger agent, wn aiii. 1- a. tinier, aenu vaj.im. .,. i- -. i;r- i O. A C. trains connect at aitou " Corvallis. ... o ..i-i.nmi Wm. HOAG, General Manager. , ' !.. ( Oregon Railway and Navigation .t ' " COMPANY. "Columbia River Route.' .. ... . 4u...iinrlinf1 at 10:45 In m and 2pm dally. TlokeU to and from t pnnqipai poiuiaia wv wmreu-. . fudaand Kurope. 'i ELEGANT PULMANN PAtACE RS fKmlgrant Sleeping Car run througW-on expn-M inuiM v lOMAIlA OOUNCIIi BLOFW The elegantly equipped stoamboits. Win vt Hone. Cant. Oco. Itoabe; the J. p. ilfentleT. baptrj.:!'. Coulter? the Ihreo and ST. I'AULJnarUst. Prec Of Charge -and Witlunt Change tbnneetlon at Porttandf offca rcUco and.liiget Sound potow. Vnr fiiHIr nartlmlan InflBWe M I. A. I llannlne. itaeut of the COWF8.?' f Common Lit tret, fiacre, .l. fee (J JIig 'CJieapcst News i r ' t n'ri i I i .. t i 1 i -j i f . '; m i lit THE BEST 'FAMILY NEWSPAPER '. ( 'lrvf IK "ivfARIOK i , 1 1 Read Our Reduced Term's! WEEKLY, one year, ..1.50. Now Read Our WEEKLY, onelyear,.-- $1.00. I WAS THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IN THI5NAJIES,.AND-.TA1CE ADVANTAGE OP'bUR ONE-'rHIRD ',( Cur " '0l(' Subcribeijs tf ..v ' ,. r n- rm I Wnw In'arivare ore urgl"(o talce advantaeo ,f aur T)k dleotiliiit, by Bet-, S5 old Knte antTjoinlng the grand tfin.uK 8f oiio dollar MilMorfbon. TO ONE Wo thlrdW conv Sffl!SS H this rs Wt a 'av, kHld M ypUf Phiii. jrifc,i:nPFP.? Capital J o u ni a M. i I t (I, ! . 1 aU ! 'i " - t 'f inoij ! , i . i - . In -t k' u ij i - 'COXJKTV! . - - r) t j ) . " n.(- ,1 )l n "J i Mi , t I "(1 - 1 xi.-lii . ( i .', . "WEEKLY, six iiionlha,. -fO.753 Discount for Cash ! 'i 1 i ' i j i WEEKLY, fix niontlH,....fO.CO OFF FOR CASH! ' 1 ( I I H (ll. ,' l '' r It n ' ) ' J j .j ,i, , , t IJ v( AND ALL IfA-o'u wont to taku-udvaiitflBU uf our "i tiVhereyou oan trul po&l&l nolw or fltlwr a ' .....! .... ..i, ...i..w.i..l utut that VflU 6Pjfi&A!L dHaii: SPRIHG wIgOhT BUGGIES fe v ROlID ,- 1,(1 Send H 1 I. ' piSH EDllfcATIONAL. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL i i Boys and Girls. Tlo school will open on tho 21th of September. Thorough Instruc- tlou lu tho nrlmai-j- and ucuunovtl English Branches. LATIN AND ELEMLMS OF MUSIC -In courMV TKHMH and further lnformntlou uniy be 1'iul on application to KV. P. II. POST. Cor. Chemeketa and Stato8ts. R-20-tf WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduates htudents In 10 nr lUUDltllli IJllVllll. 1 U t Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Ik tho oldest, lamest and leant I'Mirii sle Institution of learning In tho North west. school opens flrt Monday In September Sand for catalogue to TIIOM. VAN KCOY, Pranldcut. 17: SaUuu, Oiigon. SELECT SCHOOL XXX Miss Knox Will continue Her School for the en suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marlon Sts.. beginning SKPTK31HEK 10. 164-d.Jw CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! WHluiiietto Vnlrcnilty. )Iwt utxwruL cliool of hiiuilo on the norluwetuiuit. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YBAK. tvounea In piuru, Prgim Hlnulni:, Violin, Hurntony, unci Countur- .ioin. ; IMptonuui on cumulation o eoumu. THlir K. if. larvln. Kranklo P. Joom, KuCor. AiitJnt.I,uloll.Hmltli. Pint trl bejllnn Mpndar, Kepunnber Sd, fA. Head for coUUuc. Kilr Uirtlier Mrtleubin uddrm . rt,M.PAKVIN, Muilcal IlrerUr, Kalem, Or. S-W-tftf.wft TW PRACTICAL .'CUTLER I. ,Cj s f ' . rrf fl''i FWg .$aw a Ssecwlty. I ! carts FARM for Catalogue and Price Bros. Wagoh Co., RAOINE. WIS. HOMELESS!!! 12oo ACRES VARIED -FOIt Sale or Rent. Humility and Quality to Suit PurcIiasiT. Lands near 11 II Facilities. i . 1 1 i A GOOD CHANGE -KOIl A- 11 i I I TEAMS AND STOCK N TtlK KAKM it'. WILTL, 13 IS SOLD T Ibfwe buylnif Imwhw, If d4rd. MISCELLANEOUS. KOU THK LAND ItenterIWter For Particulars call at This Office. s TXtJBrsC' flaMBiy THE BEST- tf AGI IN THE MARKET- List. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. B. STRANG, No. 11 CVimmerelal Street, SALKM, - - OREGON. 11KAI.V.U IN STOVESand RANGES , l'lumbing, Gas am Steam Filling, , Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty, 'itjr-Airint Tor tho lMCIIAllDSON A WnNTON COMPANY'S runuuiH. Kh tabllshed lu ISItt H. NEUGEBAUER, South Salem Family Grocer, Ki:r.rn Omtitillitly on linnd a diolro wlei linn or hIiiI(MiiiiI tin nil Kroiirhw, whleli hu hah for miIo at tho low cut IUIiik prlcm. Ho also Buys Farm Produce. it-a-tf TIIKCIIKIM of nil HOOKS or.U)VmUHE (liiiidiiiiHiiil Into Oiiii Voluiua. PIONEER HEROES DARING DEEDS. Al 'J he tlirllUintailwintuitwof all tho hem (ivplori'm M nil Inuilltr IIkIiKth with In dluim, out lawti anil wild liKudx, oor our ulioUiiM)uiilr,lrom the earllil tlmi.w lo Um priwcnl lUi'M mid liitnniiK oxploltn ol in. Stito. Im Hkille, HtittiiliHli, lUxiiic, Kvntoii llrad,('ioelitl, ilnwle, llnunlon, Ciiixm, CiUlur, liilirornlii .Io, Wild If III. lliillulu Hill, (luuunilx MIIm ami Cnxik, (Irisit Indian t'likf, unil hciinwiilotlicrii. Hiilcn tll.lly llhiHtrnted with 220 linn ennivlni!R. AusutH wanUiL Iw prlitil, aud lawti. aiiythlnir to m II. A. I IIANCIIOIT A C., 11 l'.wt HU, HAN I'll AMCIHOO, Ca U lNllyw, -Cull unci Sue T.J. CRONISE, ' Salem's Popular Job Printer, A.T, IIIH NKW QlAKTKItH IN THK "2V. Htalo Iiimiranro llullillnif, CTir. (51m mvrclal and Cliniiiek.lo atrrvu 'O-llf 'OneI)ofInr'nVcaV Til W1BEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL (Kulciu, Orvk'ou.) In unUvrwilly cohowIihI to lx Tho Best Family Newspaper Kvr jailIUhd at the lHlwplUl. IT IH THK UlIBAl'KHT. IT 1HTIIK i.Aiuiwr. 1T1HTJIK mT. It fvHMhit of alvht vrll fllld and tHwIly printed 1U. ' ItnulUalllce tha fiirmw, Uie merchant, the btwyrr, the Krdnw. Hry Aimllj n4rlBliould Imv II. It ooiitaliiii alwolutvly AI.0 T1IH NMWH m wll wi iotry, ttory, MrnwiKiiulcniw, hnn, IxtiiMi, and many othw mttlal fvaturw. See 0r Catti DIjoouhUi WMHKUY, Uimi Ywr .ONK JKH.U.M IMfly dKt(m M tf fr AildrM4 aU uoiuiuuiikatloiui aud JiouW all uvuiiIm iHyatl to iyi AI'irAI-Jiifll.NAI, Kliiii,ort..a I A- h. Maxwell, O. 1. A J -'v-. - f Oregon. hi. p nn.e alley ojpoIU Vmhl Lir fty "la' "Ulj tjf A. I MAXWELL " Dut a Kdd- pnDawnt du tl.,u. We nave mb U U H H0LC0MB, uenL Mner i