Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 20, 1888, Image 4

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    )P?wy"ygfjwg'wwfy',w&1 vin wwyw
Complete Ikcilal of Ik Day's
and Dcinw.
Grange Notes Kivor Tralllc State
Gleanings A Denstly Crime
Summary. Salem (iraiij;e an J I'omuua.
Those meetings which were hekl
on Saturday, were well uttcmlcil,
and wlthul most interesting. Hon.
T. Paulsen giivonn extended report
of the Furmers Institute lately held
in Corvallls. Hon. It. P. "Iso lo
made extended renuirks relevant to
the best interests of the Agricultu
ral College of Oregon.
Interesting remarks were made by
T. L. Davidfon, Oleon Port, !'. It.
Smith, Ullleary and others. The
Manon county Pomona Grange
meets with Wood burn Orange on
Thursday. December 13th. A full
attendance is expected. JJrethren
vou need not stand kick and expect
to bury the grange. It ii a tiling of
necessity and has come to stay. For
more than twenty yeais It ha
withstood the crucible of public
(minion. The irningu is victor to
day and will be one hundred years
hence, or until something better
lakes Its place. I. Ii. II.
A Needed lmr.ro einriit.
Now that our new depot is com
pleted and the travel to the city
comnlotclv shut oil from its old
route by the depot, a decent road is
the want of the times. The
main road leading into Salem from
Mehama and Turner is an outrage
to the traveling public, and a dis
grace to the city. In winter when
the waters are up, the present road
will bo in a veritable river, not
merelvof mud, but of water, almost
rtrnn oiiomdi to swim a horse. The
bridges are narrow, contracted, eater
cornered concerns. The crossings
rough, and withal a worse road
leading to the city cannot be found.
Llfoand property will be endangered
unless this disgraceful' alley is im
proved. Sancho.
Th': Extrrmes Heel.
B we are breathing the fragrance
of n freshly gathered out-door
bcxrueL t a letter lies before us from an
. torn t lato tl, lnKl"U' l)l which
runsiliko this: "If you were heie
to lookout "f the whitlow upon the
Htiow.dad . ,,11Irt ,,I1(l k'11,hw trocs
you would w. 3 tl,,,t HU'm wl"tur w,,s
upon us. A ty "' hl-im fil
ing on the 10(h which continued all
day, turning to H11w '" thu "'b'1'
This conUnuetl t. "" two days and
nights, and now t '" '"' v
red to the depth ofci'lght Inches."
A I'luueeri Wo '''
Hegardlng the death o. " Chauncey
Cole, a friend at Amm.,'u w"
us that air. Colo was born l jl'
181".,hcuco wasbuventy-flvc y, carsold
lust June. Ho ouino to this oo lst in
an early day, took a claim in 1 ''
county In the forks of the Santiiini
and lived there, and raised an honor
able family and was highly respect
ed by all who know him. Ho was n
. consistent member of the Christian
church, and leaves an aged compan
ion and several sons, one daughter
and many friends to mourn his loss.
I'll and HuMi the Utter.
It Is lively on the river now, since
tho Hong, llentley, Thieo Sisters
nnd Occident are doing regular
Horvico. Their course whistles are
welcome sounds to tho ear of the
fanner and tho shipper. Old resi
dues aro reminded of tho days long
gone when all was life upon the
water. The river had receded near
lvn foot during tho cool snap, but
since it is raining again it lias re
turned rapidly to its former stage,
which is ample for all boating pur
poses. TtnkKllii; Senile.
According to tho iiwigo of former
yours there will bo no services on
Thanksgiving day at any protostaut
olitiruh in tho city except tho
lliptist, whore nil aiv expected to
join In a union rejoicing. Thlsyoar
the lot falls regularly to the Haptlst
clamih, and Itev. A. It. .Mwlbury
has in nrainimtloii a Thanksgiving
wHiion which he will deliver at 11
a. m.
Ai AblU rare.
(JLKTMKNTLi only put up In turgv
twHunco tin boxes, ami ia an
nUpoluto euro for old sores, burns,
wounds, chapped hands, and all
sktn eruptions. Will positively
ouiv nil kinds of piles. Ask for the
MKNT. Bold byD.W. Matthews
& Co., 100 Btato street, Salem, ht 95
cwita or box by uudl 80 ccata.
man'WLLji" w MUMgwnCTt
ttt: tr"5i55?S5
A .Nameless Crime
Charlej Cowen now languishes In
jail, pending examination before
Justice Strickler, for the commission
of u crime which shall hero be
nameless, but which in years ngono
caused the destruction of a great
city. The one upon whom his hell
ish work was performed was Gideon
the little nine year old son of John
lluton wh resides just north of
this city. The crime was committed
on the 15th Inst, but the boy is yet
too ill to be brought to the city to
appear as a witness against the brute
In human form. The examination
was to occur this afternoon, but will
lie continued until the witnesses can
be here. Cowen is about nineteen
years of age and not of a very bright
"Uttle l'bllV Lire.
We wish to warn the public
against the spurious livjs of Gen.
Phi! Sheridan. They are advertised
by publishers and represented by
agents ingeniously to deceive tho
public. There is no work of the
general's life that Is authentic except
that written by himself, and pub
lished by Charles Webster & Co.,
New York. Eveiy other publica
tion Is spurious and robs his family
of their just heritage. See that the
name of Gen. Sheridan and Charles
Webster & Co. is on the prospectus
or book, before you give an order,
as Mrs. Sheridan Is not pecuniarily
interested or otherwise in any other
work of the okkeual's life.
Charles Wehstek & Co.
d-&-w C. W. Bain, agent.
For Ibe Protection of Deer.
The Alpine club is doing a deal
of unnecessary labor In the matter
of getting up petitions and bills for
the passage of moro stringent laws
for the protection of deer. What we
need rather than more laws on this
point is the enforcement of the
present ones. Wild deer in Oregon
is a matter of but few years at best.
The state is so rapidly lining up
that there will soon be no haunts for
the mild gazelle.
Street Hallway Construction.
Although this afternoon was the
time set for opening bids for the
construction of tho Salem street
railway, they will not be taken in
hand before to-morrow morning.
The directors will then meet at the
Capital bank and consider the bids.
This Will glvo the contractors suf
ilclent time in which to arrange
their specifications. There will
perhaps be a half dozen bidders.
A "Horse" On Vs.
We knew it would happen, and so
it did. In Saturday's issue we gave
the Astoria Pioneer credit for an
article taken from tho Astorian.
What wo did was In good faith and
we Hereby ueg tno panion oi mo
esteemed Astorian, and- if deemed
necessary of tho lUontvr also.
Mistakes will happen in -the lust
regulated print-shops.
To The I'cnrntlary.
Lewis Hamilton was brought up
from Oregon City yesterday even
ing and (It toil out inn prison dress.
Ho was sentenced to a term of one
,vear for stubbing Shelby Murray,
l.lo was charged with assault with
u deadly weapon. Hamilton is not
unknown about Salem, having work
ed here several years ago.
Where 0ur Flour lines.
TheSaleni mllUuire now making
regular HhlpmentK via tho Oregon
Pacltlo boats to Yuqiilnu and San
Francisco. This shows how we
need tho projected Astoria, South
Coast and Salem Hue. There is a
world of produce In this Valley and
all wo want Is a direct route to tho
Some More lire! I'mlt.
Yesterday l. 1. Pretty nmn
shipped twelve barrels of choice
pound pears to parties farther east.
They are beautiful specimens which
ho has lieon many days in collect
ing and pauklng. They will do
much toward advertising this
noblo fruit section.
i i.
Our Water Tower.
l.'nr the bonetlt of the nonius who
iuvsIiIm over the columns of the
esteemed Albany Democrat, wo will
remind him that Saleni also has n
water power boooud to none save
.1,., Kails of the valley cities. Wo
tllUlng It too In ninny ways
Renew Her YtoU.
Mrs. Pluobo Chesley, Peterson
Clay County, Iowa, tells the follow
ing remarkable story, tho truth of
which is vouched for by the resi
dents of the tewn: "I am 78 years
old, have boon troubled wlthkldnoy
complaint and Uinionoss for many
ycirs; could not iltxw myself with
out help. Now I tun free from nil
pnln nnd soreness, and tun able to
!lo all of my own housework. I owo
all ofniv thanks to lCleotrlo Hitters
for having renewed my youth, tuul
removed completely all iIImhiso nnd
pain." Trv ii bottle, Wo ami $1. t
l)r. P. W. I'ox's drug store.
Senator John N. Dolph Is in the
city to-dnyf
Mrs. It. S. Wiles of Newport Is hi
the city, the guest of friends.
A marriage license was to-day
issued to Chris Kreger and Josephine
Mrs. II. L. Hatch Is now at home
in this city, having spent some
time in Corvallls.
The State Board of Agriculture is
organizing this afternoon and will
hold a few days session.
John Cassldy, for a simple drunk,
turned over to the city treasury the
sum of $7 75 yesterday evening.
Charles Knight, a brakeman on
the O. & C. gravel train, fell between
two cars yesterday, and was dragged
to his death.
Gov. Pcnnoyeryesterday evening
Issued a warrant of arrest for Thos.
J. Goodlu, who is wanted in Kansas
for embezzlement.
That the west i3 still untamed is
proven by the fact that two large
beavers were trapped two miles to
the north of Salem this morning.
The Alka-Hespcrlau society will
hold a special meeting to-night. A
full attendance is desired, as much
important business will be trans
acted. Wm. Dugan took his departure
for Baker City this morning. Ho
goes to begin the work of putting in
the new system of water works
J. H. Howell, janitor in charge
of the State House, has leased his
farm near Stayton to some new
comers (Germans) for a term
three years.
Miss Lottie Bennett, a student of
the Willamette University, has
been engaged to teach the Johnson
schoolr three miles west of Mehama
The term will begin on December
Mrs. Wayman St. Clair, wife of
the recorder of Benton county, was
found dead in her bed, at Corvallis,
yesterday morning. Neuralgia of
tho heart is supposed to have been
the cause of her death.
The body of James Payne, who
died at tho penitentiary Sunday
morning, was interred In the Odd,
Fellows' cemetery this afternoon.
His friends in Pennsylvania tele
graphed biifltcient money to con
duct the burial properly.
Mayor Van B. DcLnshmutt of
Portland Is in the city. Ho says all
possiblo measures are being enforced
thero to picvcut the spread of tho
smallpox. All places where the
disease is known to exist are under
strict quarantine and the ofllcers
aroon tho alert for new cases, which,
as fast as they appear, are isolated.
L. M. Mering writes from Rich
mond, Ind., that ho will perhaps
locate In Saleni. Ho is anxious to
cscnpo tho biting winters and boil
ing summers, nnd desires to learn of
our climate and resources. There
are thousands of people throughout
tho eastern states in precisely the
samosltnatton. Oregon Invites them
to como mid try her.
Tho following letters remain un
called for In tho bulem postotuce,
November 1!M:
Adams Mr A Aggnrt B A
Auoiit Consulairode France
Attorney General of Oregon'
Baker Mrs AT Beamond Miss O
Butler James
Cnywood MrsF
Kilwards Miss H
Godley MlssAuim
HarkinsJ S Hartley Maggie
Hunt Oraeo Hinkel Mr N S I
Jukes Iilzzle-iT
Irwlu James
IiUbucrtoii Mrs
Mudr Joseph
Miller Mr K
Miller Mrs N
Mother 411 Vine
Moor C F
Morgan May
Nelson Elmer
Ptittou Miss, Ida
Bieks George
Shlndlor K
Suly Elmer
Swirl Jim J
Veutoli Miss C
White J 11
Wright Cnrrio
Watson Uzalo
Wolf Mi-8 Annie
York Mra Eva
Love William
Middniighes Ban
die Bros
Matthews O W
Myers DrF II
Murray Thos
McGeo J Itussel
Patton MlssE
Spicer Moses J
&ivngeJ F
White Wm A
Wagoner Ibeao
Waguon D II
Youug Mra It
W. H. Opeli,, P. M.
TO1LSYT11K At WljomelnthUoUy, on
the inornliiK of Nov. , issv of cousuiui
tlun, Mm. Jwmto Korsylho (lUSturknj-)
vlfoof Jiimw ForoyOitv
The funeral will occur to-morrow
afternoon Ht two o'clock from tho
family heme. The remains will bo
borne to their lust rot-ting place in
tho Odd Fellows' remotery. She
wus but twenty yours of ng.
And Notes of a General
tcrcst to tlio Westerner.
There are about 700 Indians on the
Siletz reservation, twelve miles north
of Newport.
Newport has a new paper. They
call it tho Republican. It is laboring
in a good cause and will no doubt
The Saleni postmaster was ap
pointed by President Arthurand his
term expires on Dec. 4, next. Presi
dent Cleveland has the appointment
of his successor.
It is not unlikely that tho "cow
question" will form an Issue at tho
coming Albany city election. From
tho streets the cow must go. This
is the motto of the popular party.
A Michigan syndicate is gobbling
up whole townships, down in Joseph
comity, at the rate of $2.50 per acre.
Land for homeseekers will soon be
rated among the high priced articles
in Oregon.
Gus Thompson is down with the
smallpox on his ranch eight miles
from Brownsville and is reported
quite sick, being broken out from
head to foot. Dr. Starr of Browns
villo is attending him.
From the number of creameries
just now being erected all over the
state, it would seem that the ship
ment of butter from the east must
soon cease. The establishment of
some henneries would likewise be
for tho best.
Of the narrow gaugetral n derailed
n few days ago near Sheridan, three
box-cars were completely capsized.
In one car wero twenty-live China
men. No ono was killed or very
seriously injured, though a number
of Chinamen were badly shaken up,
cut and severely bruised. None of
the white passengers on tho train
were injured. The train was mov
ing very slowly at the time or tho
accident would have been u bad
The monument to Senator Nes
mitli has arrived and is being placed
over his grave on the old home farm,
near Derry, Polk county, but the
state is not paying for it. The
family is bearing the total expense
and tho sum of $250 appropriated
will not be drawn from the state
treasury. The reason is that tho
amount was so small as to scarcely
be worth applying in the manner
intended. The monument is of
niarbloand granito and is sixteen
feet high with a polished base cover
ing sixteen square feet.
The mysterious order of "101" in
Grant county continues to send its
warnings and notices to leave to the
citizens there. A. W. Waters dared
them to approach him and they
failed to come around. Tho last
man to receive the summons to leave
was Green Hudspeath. He replies
through tho Harney Items saying :
"I do not intend to leave 'nnd I
can oe found at my farm, two miles
southeast of Burns, at all times, and
tlmt I am prepared to give these
cut-throats and tools of monopoly a
warm reception. Tho cowardly
whelp who wrote the notice I re
ceived is undoubtedly an expert
with a pen, one who could raise or
forgo a note, but when ho attempts
to frighten me or other settlers he
will tlnd that he has blticn off more
than ho can chew.
"My Wire Is a Terror!"
Said a mild tempered man in our
hearing. "She snaps ami snarls,
tuuT s.panks her children, and finds
fault continually. I can't bear It
any longer." Don't bo too severe
on'hcr, my friend; you little realizo
her sutt'erings. She- has lost her
former sweet disposition, and ill
health Is the cause. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription will make her
welL For female disease, functional
derangements, bearing-down pains,
and the long list of ills that make
women miserable, no medicine can
eomiMiro with this. It Is tho only
medicine for woman's peculiar weak
nesses nnd lUlineiits, sold oy drug
gists, under a positive guarantee
From the manufacturers, to glvo
satisfaction In every case, or money
refunded. See guarantee printed
on bottle wrapper.
For nil derangements of the stom
ach, liver and bowels, tnke Dr.
Pierces Pellet's, or Autl-billous
Another Uood Sale.
John Fnrrar Sr., yesterday eve
ning sold to Dr. J. A. Rlohardson
tho house and lot ou Gourt street
lying immediately east of the home
of Eugene Broyinan and fronting
on Wilson nvonue. The considera
tion was 12,600. Dr. Richardson
will build an attractive houso upon
the lot In tho spring.
BtAttetlcM chow ttittt seventy per cent of
Mie people oi uie iniuxi iuim are auner
lnir rroiu the disease of tli kidney unit
uiTmtry unmo. A simple iln in the buck,
irnocfiiM-tMl. nrten run into that terrible
mxRiryv, llright'ii dUM wutoh earrten off
bO llwny "I mir pruuuuwu mvii. 11 juu
hn mHic(el vrlili any urinary or klduey
inmhu no mailer huW ftllshl. do not nut It
oH" until to late, but procures package of
Orwuii Kidney Tea aim use according to
directum, it will cure you.
" '""
Salem, Nov. 20, '88.
N. Langell, opp. vs. A. Langell
resp.; appeal from Jackson county.
Argued nnd submitted. H. K.
Hanna attorney for npp.
E. C. Cros3, as administrator etnl,
apps. vs. Mary L. Basket, ns admin
istratrix, resp.; appeal from Polk
county ; judgment of the lower
court affirmed. Opinion by Thayer
Chas. Main, and E. H. Winchester
vs. Charles Wessuer npp.; appeal
from Multnomah county; judgment
of the lower court affirmed. Opin
ion by Lord J.
A Dead Convict.
John Smith, a half breed, died at
the penitentiary early this morn
ing. His complaint was consump
tion. He came two years ago from
Wasco county for a term of twelve
years, convicted of manslaughter.
Bnrklen's Ante SMre.
The best Balve in tho world fn
iiits, bruises, sores, ulcers, saltrheuin
fever sores, tetter, chapped hand
chilblains, corns, and all skin crup
tions, and positively cures piles, m
no pay required. It is guarantor''
to give perfect satisfaction, or moiie;
refunded. Price 25 cents per bo.
For sale v- Dr. H. W. Cox.
O. H. Monroe, J. B. N. Bell.
Late of tho Monroe House.
Monroe & Bell,
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
From 81 to S3 per day.
An Examination of the Tariff Question with Es
pecial Regard to the Interests
of Labor.
CLonr, $1.50. papeu, 35 cents.
This is tho clearest, fairest, most interest
ing and most complete examination otthe
tariff question yet made, nnd will prove
invalunblo to all who wish to understand
tho subject.
The most thorough investigation of tho
subject that has yet been put in type Now
York News.
Tho appenrnnco of this book marks a
now epoch in the world-wide struggle for
free trado.
Hcnry Oeorgo lias a power of
limpid language that any child can under-
stnnrt him. while tho most learned man
tan enjoy tho accuracy of his statements
nna wie suggesuveuei's ui uis uiuukuis.
Thomas O. ahearman in Hew York Star.
W hoover wants to see tho strongest ar
gumentnot only against protection, but
against all taritfs will And It here
Christian Union.
Tho singular success of Mr. George Is that
ho has made political economy interesting.
Unitarian Review.
A book which every worklngman in the
land can read with interest and ought to
rend. New York Herald.
Henry George's Other Works.
Progress nnd Poverty, cloth, SI; papr,
33 cents.
Soclnl Problems, cloth, SI; paper, 35 cants.
too ijincruuesuon, paper, iu cents.
Property in Land, oancr. 15 cents,
12 Union Square, Now York.
2S8, S12nnct 3U Commercial St, Salem.
Take Note or Tills.
T7IOK 3,300 WE WUJi SELIiOO acres
i; well improved garden lantt, within 3
inlVs of Salem. Good road to town the
year around. Ilulldtngs good. FINE YOUNG
UtTCHAnu nun excellent, gnusa lanu. II
Ol V
1& u bargain, nnd will be held only a shot .
time at these figures,
show vou the nronertv
Call, an
u w
o will
- ....fl w f.. t-.. . ..nnnr ...
Opora House, Salem, Or.
Hire and Ma
rlne. .
JOS. ALBERT, Agent, .
Salem, Oregon.
rt pryer. Independent. TheAri-HAt,
B etreulated In Marion, Linn and CUek
union couutlw; has been established eight
yearn and U an excellent advertising me
dium, for terms address the nublfaber
1 H. G. U ulld, Stlvenon. Or.
Ghemekete Hote
wtjxu-.gy.ig-rtjwaaatfcQm ,,
aq . . al 4tl
bALtM, - - - OREGON
I aid up, - . . .
UU1JIIUS, - - " - 111
K. B. WALLACE, . . p.
- " r""""". - - - fw
W.T.Gray, W.W.JlaruJ
--- "i ".o. Wallace
Dr. V. A.Cuslck, J. H. Alben'
T. McF. Patton.
TYi fhrTTiam rn xtrYtnni j ..
" wA".r." "-"-.""" "Mri,,
either in PrlvntegranarlMc?
ipublic warehouses.
State and County Warrants Bu
Discounted at reasonable rata. 1
Francisco, Portland, London.'Parut
TfnnwKnncrnnrl Pnlftnttn ' 4liS
ill ln
lUttlUUtt (
JKM. K. I-VDUB. . - - . . nj
Ml, i. IVIjIUUU, - V1CC1
New YorTc, London and Honjll
CvnHnn.rt r... lV..G!Yirt U.m '
uougiibunu huiu. zmuu, vouniyano
warniiiis utiugni. ruriners are txn
invited to denosit und trnnsiH. hrr
witJi us. Liberal advances null
wheat, wool, hops and other prupI
rcasonaoio rates, lusurnnce ontuan
curity can be obtained at the tell
most renaoio companies.!
delivery. Wm. Ronnie havlnilJ
tno express uusiness 01 waiter loii
n.nnnnul t n .Inllvrnp tflinlro vnltcs. J
ages, and any thing else that necanfi
111 U(OJl IU Ulli ilUlblll (1IVC11J,IL
done by any body else. Leave orde
juntos staDie.
Tho DTp.it collection of the most thi
personal adventures on both elites id
vne great civil war. luiensuij' muro
accounts of exploits of scouts ands
forlorn hopes, heroic bravery, irapJ
ments ana nair-urcuuiu irMaiari
Incidents, hand-to-hand struggles, hti
ous nna tragic events, perilous juuw
hold clashes, billllant succsses aaaa
nnnlmniiR nptlnns on each PidOthtS
(K) chapters. Profusely Illustrated to
Hie. No other book at nil like it in
wanted. Outsells evcrvtning.
Time for payments allowed agents 1
of fluids nnd freight prepaid.
PLANET nOOK CO.. 110x688, 1
11-6 lyw. St.LocisJ
ao to
102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon
rrn,in n.f.n nut 4Va t-nmnlndrolfl
chair factory's stock, we are prfPJJJ
sen cnairs lower man auy uuuoo -
Country Gentlema
Farm Crops and Processes,
Horticulture and Frw't-Gro
Live-Stock and DJ
While it nlso Includes nil rnaii
ments of rural interest, sucb M W
-..l T?ntemnrrvV 1IPO K.eePl5i
house nnd Grapery. Veterltuirr
Kami Questions and Answers, r(
iteaaing, uomusiio "J."vLt Itt
mary oi inoiew ui " ""i.it
ket Report aro unusually wmJl
much nttontion is paid to theiwa
the Crops, as throwing- 8",K: vi
t ho most Important of all " VXanlil
to buy nnd when to sell. J " "SfTJi
lustruted, and by HECFjVT &
inont vntntnt mnro reading """"lJ
ever before. Tho su2l.l W7b
per yer, but o olfer a BPIALU'
nur in our
CLUB RATtS fun v
2 SuljSCriptiOnS, "no re.nl.UB
C Subscriptions,
12 Subscriptions,
-To all New Subscriber! 'JM
paying In advanee now, w2.rf
paper weekly, from our J!&igm
3-j6i8ClMiJCoriiw M
I HTUCD TlirifFR A, SON. I'U''!
1 lie Capital Nationa