Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 13, 1888, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 215
Is Simple of Construction,
Awarded first premium at the Oregon
State Fair 18Si-'81-S5-'Su.'S7 and at tho Call
fornla State Fair, 1837, and San Joaquin
County Fair, 1887.
Manufactured In slx.alzes. For circular
and price list address
1 O. Box 286. SulomOrKon
O-Dryor Furnaces furnished .Ave sizes
Jjjlngton Tor. or Calilornla real estate. For
Information address us at either of tho fol
lowing effices: 1'alcstine, 111.; Kansas City,
Mo.: .Salem, Or.; Portland, Or. Salem ofllco
nt Bellinger's machinery depot, near the
clly hall, Liberty street; Portland ottlcoln
the roomsof thoStute Immigration Board,
corner of Front and Ash streets. 173tf
L. S. SKIFF & CO.."
Office near thjo
Opera House. U3
Teeth extracted
oy tho painless pre
D. C. Howard, Proprietor.
5-All kinds c." fresh and cured meats
always on hand, full weight and a square
deal all arlund.
For Sale.
A good Iron frame Horse Power. Good
for all uses, from one to full capacity.
All for tho low price of . Call ut t ho Pa
cific Cider, Vinegar A Fruit Preserving
Company's office. Salem, Oregon.
For the treatment of all diseases of men
and women
Medicated vapor baths, oxygen Inhala
tions, electro magnetism, medicated
sprays, etc. Office and sanitarium In the
Bank block. Consultation free. KKSdvv
ygSSMsW Press ilagsaaMaM- i
-f A tLjfi.t-- 1 "r
1 ,
A X s. A
AVEtYOUlA OOLU IN THE HEAD whlch doe. gt;tt M.v.gnej
iSi. .rtlon of mucus matter In the nasal passagc-r ,",', rua or
tr.,.r;-vr..TVr r.i,n,i inAnmnl eves.
fraiflngTn the caw, more or lw mPnlHei" Lr heat of The noieT Have you lost all
syn,ptoraB,othCaliFc?rnia Cat-R-Cure
U& by D. W.:MATTHEW8 & Co.
Phnlx and Home In.uranee Company at San ?$ g?Z&uwl, CbU reopin.
niiwKinir. HiiiLLiuif. :,v mmw .... -.
Proposals for Stationery.
Office or TiraSEcnETAUY of State, 1
Salem, Or., Sept. 27th, 1SSS. f
Sealed proposals will bo received at this
office until noon November 27th, 1SSS, to
furnish the following artlclefor the state
of Oregen:
SO reams legal cap, 14 lb, No. 8 rutin?,
while laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch
BO reams letter paper, 12' J), No. 8 ruling,
white laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch
Linen. ,. SJOSitfr .V-JiJ
30 reams flrst-class Congress nolo, llt
packages. No. 8 ruling, white laid. &S
15 MN'o. 5 white envelopes, 60 lb, No. 1 rag,
15 M No. 0 .white envelopes, 60 lb, No. 1
rag XXX.
12 gross railroad steel pens No 149.
15 gross UlUoU's steel pens. No. 401.
3 gross Eastcrbrook "J" pens.
6 gross Faber's pan holders, No. 1S70.
4 dozen Tower Manufacturing Co's. bar
ometer and brass backed Inkstands.
12 dozen Ivory folders, 0 Inch, Standard.
3 dozen Ivory folders, 10 Inch, Congress.
10 dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgau's
1 dozen mucilage stands, reservoir, No.
6, Morgan's patent.
3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper,
140 lb, assorted colors.
2 gross No. 2 Eagle Recorder lead pencils,
style 008.
4 dozen Arnold's writing fluid, quarts.
2 dozen David A Sons writing fluid,
quarts, black.
2 dozen Sanford's premium fluid, quarts.
15 dozen duplex cap board letter clips.
12 dozen Faber's rubber rulers, 14 Inch,
12 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 1SH9, 11.
3 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 18140, E.
20 boxes Faber's No. 300 rubber bands, as
sorted sizes.
4 gross Faber's lead pencils, Nos. 2 and 3,
hexagon, pill.
10 gross Faber's lead pencils, round, gilt.
No. 2.
0 dozen Faber's patent Ink and pencil
rubber erasers, small.
in.. 2.V) iincres.
12 dozen tablo pads for paper, 10x21.
10 dozen waste paper baskets, cross bar,
No. 4.
20 lbs hemp twlno, No. 12.
At the same tlmo separato bids will be
received forl2dozcn Wostcnholm congress
knives to bo described by trado Nos. Sam
ples to be exhibited.
Bids should bo marked "Proposals for
Stationery." None but best quality of
goods received.
Tho right to reject nny or all bids Is re
served. All goods to be delivered beforo January
1st. 1889. Payment to bo made by warrant
on state treasury. .,.,,
U.u. v. jHiaimuc,
0-28-td Secretary ofstato.
Heal Estate Bargains.
SI.WX) 1G0 acres, 0 miles from O & C ili
JKU. ItUOU UUUbC, UJUil 11114
orchard. Fenced, nnd in cut-
Ion tin
$,000 80 ncres, 4 miles from Balcm.
1(MKI rOlIU I" 1UW11. llllJHUHT
manio i.il Vtnn ATilt Innrl
$5,400 N) acres 2M miles from &ilcm
ii muiuiuga. rut iivw "'i
nil fenced. Make a desirable
$2,500. (W ncre3 -I miles from Paleni. Jm
pro vem vuio buuu. nuu jumb
UlUtllllU, uuu bihulu num.
$1,180 HW acres, 7 miles from Snlem.
11111 1UI1U, I1UUI MHIUICU. J7JV.1
in lots of 40-ncro tracts at per
$10,800.,. 073 acres, 8 miles from Salem.
jciXceuciib gnitv mm uuu muu,
ntUnlnlnjr Willamette river.
X1I1 I aaII In fmnia
81,375.-. SlncreM miles ofSnlem. House,
at the door. Good soil, and
clentv of timber.
$2,400 120acres, 5 miles of Salem: good
road; well imnrovcu; siraun
r insr through tho place.
,.40u acres (4 miles west side O &.
C It R) good house, barn and
orchard, 120 In cultivation, bnl-
nnnAnlr .dill nndt II ! Innfl.
$800 10 acres, 1 mllo from Salem, ad-
joining lair Bntuuu, uiu niu,
no Improvements.
..10 acres, 5 miles Salem; all In
cultivation; no buildings; near
school house Excellent fruit
$1.000 170 acres, 0 miles from O AC 11 II;
bam, nnd small orchard; 150
acres In cultivation.
ireo 3 lots, with goodhousonndbnrn,
i.U3b CN.lCll.. uwmii'ii' iwi...
,ir. I..... l..uMud (Ilk n Inlvn Hilt tif cltV
and farm property. Buyers would do well
to call and examine our holdings before
making their purchases.
WILLI" is utiAjiJir.ni.i-i,
Opera House, Court St.,
a.2i5tf Salem, Or.
cure ron
. - , A,M iruM m Hiiiuii. luniiinj ..-
Ircqueni oit;u. - --,-, -"--,.
Soma BUrtlliiB Statement
oral Inter.it.
f Qea.
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmea, on
bcinp asked when the training of a
child should begin, replied, "A hun
dred years boforo it 1b born."
Are we to infer from this that this
generation is responsible for tho con
dition of tho race a hundred years
from now?
Is this wonderful generation tho nat
ural result of the propor diet and med
icines of a hundred years ago ?
It is conceded in other lands that
most of the wonderful discoveries
of tho world in this century have
como from this country. Our ances
tors wcro reared in log cabins, nnd
Buffered hardships and trials.
But they lived and enjoyod health
to a ripo old age. Tho women of
those days would endure hardships
without apparent fatiguo that would
etartlo those of the present age.
Why was it?
One of tho proprietors of tho pop
ular remody known as Warner's safe
cure, has been faithfully invostigatinc
the cause, and has called to his aid
scientists as well as medical men, im
pressing upon them tho fact that
there cannot be an effect without u
cause. This investigation disclosed
the fact that in tho olden times
simple remedies wore administorol
compounded of horbs and roots, which
were gathered and stored in tho lofis
of the log cabins, and when Bicknp-.s
came on, these remedies from naturo'u
laboratory were used with tho buit
What were those remedies? What
were thoy used for? After untiring
and diligont soarch they have ob
tained tho formulas so generally ut.l
for various disorders.
Now tho question is, how will tho
olden time preparations affect the
people of this age, who have belt
treated, under modern medical
schools and codes, with poisonous
and injurious drugs. This tost has
been carefully pursued, until thoy
are convinced that Uie preporationri
they now call Warrior's IxU Cabin
remedies arowhat our much abused
systems required.
Among them is what is known as
Warner's Log Cabin sarsaparilla, mid
they frankly announce that thoy do
not consider tho sarsaparilla of k
much value in itself as it is in tin
combination of the various inarcdi
ents which togother work marvclously
upon tho system. Thoy also have
preparations for other diseases, such
as 'Warner's Log Cabin cough and
consumption remedy," "Log Cabin
hops and buchu romedy," "Warner's
Log Cabin hair tonic." They have
great confidence that they havo a
euro fortho common disoaseof cutnrrh.
which thoy givo tho name of "Ixk
Cabin roso cream." Also a "Log
Cabin plaster," which they are con
fident will supplant all others, and a
liver pill, to bo used separately or in
connection with tho other remedies.
We hopo that tho public will not
be disappointed in these remedies,
but will reap a benefit from the in
vestigations, and that the proprietors
will not bo embarrasod in their in
troduction by dealers trying to sub
stitute remedios that have been so
familiar to the shelves of our drug
gists. This line of remedies will be
used instead of others. Insist upon
your druggist getting them for you if
ho hasn't them yet in stock, and wo
feel confident that those new reme
dies will receive approbation at our
reader's hands, as the founders havo
used overyears in their preparation.
" SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1st, liwvs.
SleHsrs. WELLKK 11ROS.,
Salem, Oregon,
Gentlemen: Wo had the pleasure re
cently of making shipment to you of our
new "White Cross" Extracts, and send
you by mall to-day a very neat show mrd
which wo would like you to placo promi
nently In your store, and which will call
thonltcntlon of your trado to the goods.
It has been our Intention for some time
,ui..t in iilniw liimn the market the tlni-t
line of flavoring extract inaiiufuelitred In
this couutry, and afU'r months or ui"
un.i viuriiuuntlnir with the prominent
brands now before the public we have at
last sneeeded In placing nature you u iun
Ity which beyond doubt has no uKrlor
We in not too utrongly linprewiupoii
you that you can unhwllatingly reeurn
mend thorn to your customers us the nuct
tliat enn possibly be manufactured. The
jnokAgu and style generally U such as to
nti hoi niiiitlon. and we predict that w hen
your trade have tested the quality of the
good your sale for wnite ltos exin.
wlll be large.
Hy eomplylDg with our rUt you will
confer a kvor uon yours truly.
lasud U -rob. and Sept.,
eaen 7sjr nuu ouw
clopedia of useful Infor.
nwtlon tor all who pur.
chase me suxuxie u -
T!T;...i- nf iif. We
can ctotbe you and furnish yon with
aU the necessary and unnecessary
applianees to ride. walk, dance, sleep,
at. flsb, hunt, work, go to church.
or stay at home, end VfJUISSrt
OuIdE. whleh will be seat upon
reeelpt of 10 eeaU - pay Pfte,
UlTll lhln Avenue. Cblco,IlL
Sad Yellow Iver Incident.
A littlo white boy, almul i ycarj old,
had been discturse.1, cured, from the quar
antine and fuuud his wav from his guar
dian's side to his old home, iu which, dur.
ing his illness, his father, mother nud sis
ter luil ilieii ntnl the Imuse was shut up.
lie anked the people aiouud lor his fatl
and mother atvl ilio poor little fellow
was finally told tha". all his people were
dead. 11 Mooped down and picked up
the cat, which had been the only thing to
welcome him home. He sat down on the
dooritep.nf Ins father's house, toadied the
cat la his nruit, and said, in a piteous
voice i "Pussy, there aie only yon and I
left now. We arc all alone." After some
time the neighbors got him 1 1 no to one of
their houses with the only friend of hi
.J home in Ida arms.
A man who has pmctlml medi
cine for -10 years, ought to know
salt from siifrur; read wind ho
Toi.kdo. O., Jnn. 10, 1887.
Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co. Gen
tlemen: -I imvobeon in the general
practice of medicine for most -10
yuarx, and would say that In till my
practice and experience, lmvo never
seen a nrencrution that I could pre
scribe with as much conildoneo of
sticeess its I can Hall's Catarrh Cure
ninmtfhi'tured by you. Havo lire-bcribo-1
it n great many times nnd its
i.lTi.i.t Iu u-iiiiilort'ul. mill would B1IV
ill conclusion thnt I have yet tollnd
u ease of catarrh that It would not
cure, if they would take it according
to directions.
Yours Truly,
L. 1,. GOitSUCH, M. I).
Otllcc, Ulo Summit St.
"Wo will clvo $100 for nny case of
Ciitcirli that cannot be cured with
Hall's Calairli Cure. Taken inter
nally. F.J, CHEN FY & CO. Toledo, O.
BfatTSold by druggists, 75c.
HarkltB'K Arnlra Salrc.
Tho best salvo in tho world (
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, sallrheiitii
fever sores, totter, chapped Jituiii
chllhlalus, corns, nnd nil skin cm,'
tlons, and positively cures piles, m
no pay required. It Is guarantee!
to give perfect satisfaction, or mum-;
refunded. Price 25 cents per U
For aalo v- Dr. H. W. Cox.
Brare Up.
You tire feeling depressed, your
nppctltu Is poor, you are bothered
with headache, you tiro lldgclty ner
vous and generally out of soils and
want to bntco up. ISrnccun but not
with stimulants, spring medicines,
or bllters, which have for their bt's's
very cheap bud whisky, and which
stimulate you for tin hour and then
leave you in worse condition than
before. What you want is an ulto'--Ive
that will purify your blood, start
healthy action of liver nnd kidney,
restore your vitality, nnd give re
newel heallh and htren;.'ili. Such
a medlclno you will find In Kleciilc
Hitters nnd only o0 cents a bottle nt
H. AV. Cox's drug store.
National Surgical limtlluti-.
Two or more surgeons reprfwrntlng this
Institute will be at the Chcmeketii hotel,
Hiilom, November 10th, 18W.
They eonie fully prt'iiured with nil the
HpiHirutti neewwury for the siirciwfu
ti eminent of their emUlo,curatiiru of
thu spine, dlsemMw of Hie hip 'and kneu
Joint, itooKwI limb, eluli ftt and all
bodily ileformltles. Their sueeewi In trettt
ingtheiH) tmuliliM as well its nil chroulu
mid M.JI111I dlxmiMM has Hindu for the In
stitute 11 national leputatlnn.
rxn application, reforonewi will be lur
nlnliml from Hitlents In nil jwrts of thu
United ritat(M.
.Ml jMirkous whonre sitlferlng from any
of tliuM; oniiiplalutH, should not fall to take
advantage of this opportunity for relief.
Imporlanl Events of Hie Whole World
for Twenty-four Hours.
Oabinnte Humors Lato Sneeulatons
and Condensed Disnatrhrs.
Will Not lilt rrforr.
Wasuinoton, Nov. 12. Tho
supremo court of tho United States
denied nn nppllentlon for n writ of
habeas corpus in tho case of David
S. Terry, of California, convicted of
contempt of court nt.d for a violent
scene In which ho nnd his wife at
tacked the ofllcers of tho court. Tho
application for tho writ was made
on tho ground that Terry nt tho
tlmo of this ollcnse, was not in tho
court room and did not havo a
notice of intention to bring him to
trial. Justice Harlan, who rendered
the decision, says tho oll'enso was
committed In full view of tho court.
rrepnrlni; l'or Inauguration.
Wasuinoton, Nov. 12. -A. T.
llrlttnn, a well-Uiu.wn lawyer of
this city, has been designated by
tho executive committee of tho
republican national committee to
take charge of the ceremonies at
tending the Inauguration of Presi
dent Harbison. Ho has been
authorized a'so to appoint all neces
sary ollleors and committees to look
after tho work.
Itanium Inipruxlng,
LiMinioi'K, Conn., Nov. 12. W.
II. HnrniMii shows a slight Improve
ment. The physicians have a slight
hopo that ho may pull through.
Thuro are two eases of smallpox
in Tacoina.
Tho mayor of tho city of Vancouver
notifies tho citizens by posters of the
prevalence of smallpox Iu Poitland
and other cities on thu coast, and
advises everyone to guard against
tho disease, and oilers to those with
out means vaccination at thu city's
A Washington dispatch says: "It
Is understood thnt both Wliltelaw
Held 1111(1 Mu rut Halstead tiro cnudl
dates for foreign missions. Air. Held
has loiig aspired ?o represent thu
United States at tho Couris of St.
James, and Mr. Halstead wants to
go to Germany."
Senator Gurniau stated that In his
talk with the president ho lold tho
latter thutno explanation could hide
the real reason for Ids defeat. Tho
republican party had won 11 fair
victory. Ho frankly told tho presi
dent that li's ttirlll' reform and civil
service reform schemes had Ix'iiton
the democratic party.
A Into dispatch Js of a very dis
couraging nnturo f.-oui Florida's yel
low fuvcr stricken points. Ouu from
Gainesville read ns follews: "Tho
yellow fo or has increased In
loltMicoitnd almost all of tho people
havo lied. There wore seventy-six
tunes ami tvii deaths reHUted up to
noon to-dny. There is great ills
truss." George W. Curtis says : "I think
tho result wits duo chiefly to the pre
sentation of the single Issue, which
tho proslt'i nt's party accept ad, but
did not do-lio, which was now and
uni'xpectul to tho country. Much
Is duo also to a dlsapiiolutmeut with
tho president's civil service reform
c'nuso; to tho trading of votes, and
to tho lack of personal twpulnrlty."
Efforts are being made hy tho
Treasury department to secure the
consent of Camilla and Mexico to
jirev.-nt tho Chliioso from crossing
their ret-poctiVH borders Into tho
United Htntos. It Is ovldont, how
ever, that Mexico will do nothing lit
tho matter. Minister Itomuro says
thnt iirtldo two, of tho Mexican
constitution, roads as follows : "All
mill havo tho right of entering and
h-.vlng the republic, or traveling
througu Its territory, itntl of cliang
.tiL' their residence without tho
I iHivNtltvof letters of wmurlty, pass
'ports or other similar requlro
nu nts."
1 JU-111 Uy, athlete, aud all who
lam- any vl,uiu jMWetM ljJwW kwiw
ilia 1 Ift-uley's OoHdolStm Toiile U u
,. ,..iili n.J llMf It ItftMllUMM new
Miiiii.klrritlieiMlbe wueetve ami ew-nA-
1 i-iii u iMwtortu wte the ttstwl
n ,,.:uui f work without bMMNutUK
1 .1 ivufil.
I) H-ll'-y U. W. attlMwACo.
The "lluld Kmiblierit" .Must do.
Jkkfkhson City, Mo., Nov. 12.
Tho supremo court to-day atllnued
tho verdict of murder in tho tlrst
degree against Win. Walker, chief
of tho notorious "llald Knoblxira"
organization In Southern Missouri.
He will bo hanged December 2S.
This decision also allccts three
others of tho gang who were con
victed about tho sumo tlmo that
Walker was.
Store Charred llodtos.
ltociUSTKii.N. Y., Nov. 12. This
morning another body was found In
the ruins of a lamp factory, which
was burned. It was unrecognizable.
In all seven charred bodies have
been taken from tho ruins.
The Clilrt llv Up.
London, Nov. 12. Gen. Warren,
chief of police, has tendered his
resignation. It Is understood this
action Is duo to severe criticisms
upon his efllcleney in connection
with tho Whltcchapcl murders.
ills last iu:uuk.st.
A Somio Snatched l'mm Novel of
Tha Day.
"George Tergition, you htvu ona a
little bit loo far "
l'sle with tndignatioti and outlawed
priilo, the young uoiiitn looked htm stern
ly in the face.
"Why, Laura," he itnmiMorvd, in help
Ices confuaiott. "I I ur ah I
didn't think you would cite." "Didn't
think I would' cnrul" she echoed with
oraty mockery. "Did you think, sir,
that nn a-j(uaiutnnca of ton or twelve
months entitle you to thu privilege, un
asked, that my moat intimate friends of
many years' ntnnilinu would not darod
to claim! Havo you no conception, air,
of the word presumption? "
What had this you in e, man done?
Intoxicated by her beauty, and fancying
he taw in her glorious dark eyes a chal
lenge, half-coy, hiiU-aiicy, ho had raptur
ously klMud her.
Dutsh with aitonishinent, Geori;o l-'or-guaon
now quailed before thu lightning
like ItuliKuatiuii of thu liuh-i)ia-itud girl.
Ho saw ho hud made a fatal mistake.
"Thu must end our acquaint
ance Mr. Ferguson," she said. "In ninny
lcteats it hvs licou a pleasant one, I
I. nil coma to esteem you highly to ru.
(.ltd you ns a youm; man of MhIi ami no
ble impulses, flee from trivialities, the
weakness, thu iuorilliintu lulf-concott and
surance that the spirit of the age seems
to infuse, Into the menial constitution:,
the young men of modern aoclcty,
"Vou have thrown ourself down from
thu pedeital uon which I had mlstakouly
placed you. Mr. Ferguson," she contin
ued, sully, "hereafter we moot ai strang
ers. "Ho It'll), Laura Knues," replied he,
with recovered self-possesrion, " I shall
not presume to question your right to dis
miss mo thus summarily, however strong
ly I might feel inclined to proteat against
the injustice of your act In so doing, I bow
to your mandate. Henceforth we are
strangers. Hut beforo I take my laat
farewell of you, as I am now about to do,
and go out into the world to struggle with
lilts only a sorrowing, lonely man, depri
ved of his lastearthlv hope, must struggle
ti keep I11U despir from knawlnghli
heart-strings asunder before I leave
forever the presence of unu with whom I
have pawed so many happy hours, whose
memory will cling to me through all the
cheerless yars that may yet drag their
nrary length over my huad, I have one
last request to make of you."
What la It sir?"
"Please get off my lap." Chloago Tri
bune, Indiana Shoot At The Moon.
Four thousand blanketed Comanohcs,
lowai.J Cheyennis, Arapahocf, and Dela
ware were at the Atakeeu agency to get
their rations when the recent total eclipse
of the moon oooured. The savages were
greatly eioited The principal chief 01
Irrtil them to shoot at the "evil thine."
and the force of Indians opened fire In air,
keeping up the shooting tor upward of an
hour, and until they were out of ammuni
tion, When the moon appeared in vie
after the eclipse, wild whoop went up for
what they believed to be their victory,
A lady wImi wus Htllleted with Halt
Itheum on the taeeautt other part of the
body fur many yeureaud who wtw treated
HI W III'.. l, .HJ.WH. ni tr. . w..- w --
without any hut tutiirury relief says,
i)nturU' mAt ! entirely ettrtxl me of
my IrouhMwMiuseassiiilNlut and allouath I
have mit mm the luetUetue ftwiimny
months), I have ltul no rMurn of w ill.
I snail aswitys mu unsHnm vu jv.
uy U, W. IUIIMW i9L I.U,