Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 10, 1888, Image 4

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Coiplcfc Recital of (he Day's Deeds
and Doiiia
Wo Ratify 3Iinins Xeivs Schoo
Items Scraps of Information.
A Long, Strang Pall.
Let the business mau, tbe me
chanie, tlio professional man and
tbe laborer return to their various
vocations and devote their energies
from this time forwurd to advancing
their own personal Interests nnd
building up the community of which
they form a part. There Is a
splendid future for Salem, and all
her citizens If they will but grasp
their opportunities nnd make the
most of their advantages. A future
that no political changes short of n
war r a revolution can check or
mar. The success or failure of neither
political party can obstruct the way
of tiie splendid prosperity tho cap
ital city is now enjoying and Is des
tined to enjoy to a vastly greater ex
tent now that politics has ceased
from troubling. Pull ofl your coats,
gentlemen, anu go to worK with a
will. And then murk the change
or the better in your condition and
The Grand Victory to lie Celebrated
In Salem.
A (J rand Treat.
Last night the two literary socie
ties of tho Willamette university
met nt their hulls in Joint session,
and rendered uu entertaining pro
gram which had been previously
prepnred. The Indies and gentle
men of tho university conduct sepa
rate societies for the development of
the literary faculties and at tho close
of a school term tiro wont to have
a co-operutlvo meeting. Such being
the case, it Is our regret that the
regular school terms do not come to
a close more frequently any every
few weeks. The evening was en
Joyubly spent, and tho attendance
was fur beyond the capacity of the
iiii-uiy appointed nans ot tlio socie
ties. It might not be Impcrtine.it
to remark that in the Sliiikesncarp
JSticons controversy our friend Nel
son took the side of Uacon.
Narrow Gauge Extension.
Several railroad projects are being
thoroughly discussed by the press of
the stato and tho Indications aro
that Oregon will lay more railroad
Iron during 18S9 than on any
previous year. A Corvullis naiier
l... 1 r ... .
pbiiiu juuu iroin Astoria to con
nect with the O. P. somewhere be
tween there and tho Cascade ramie.
Is almost a settled fact and tho ox
tentlon of tho narrow gauge from
Airllo to Yaquina Hay is receiving
attention from tho farmers and
merchants of Polk, Yamhill and
IJenton counties and wo believe the
project will niaterallzo. A united
clliirt will assure tho extension that
would be a great bonellt to tho
runners of tho Willamette valley.
To-night the goddess !t victory
will reign supreme and assist in the
celebration of the result of the
glorious national contest. Harrison
and Morton have won by a good
majority, having but one less elec
toral votes than did Cleveland In
1834, and tho observance will be
unanimous. Musi 7, cannon, fire
crackers, horns, sboutsund laughter
will fill the air and all will go as
merry as the marriage bell. This is
the close of one of thegreatcst strug
gles for many years and the win
ning party will make the welkin
ring in honor of the occasion.
Beautiful anjl gaud ;trc the decora
tions which are r-elng prepared.
Transparencies, Hags, lanterns,
banners and illuminations of a
thousand kinds will line tbe course
of the march, which Is aa follews:
Tho procession will form at 0:30,
with Chief Marshal Jasper Minto
and aides in cuiriumud, on State
street with its Tight, the band lead
ing, resting on Commercial. The
line of march will bo thence down
Commercial to Chemekete; up
Chemeketeto Liberty; down Liberty
to Marion; up Marion to High; up
High to Chemekete; up Chemekete
to Church; up Church to Court; up
Court to Summer; up Summer to
State; up State to Cottage; up Cot
tage to Ferry; down Ferry to Com
mercial; down Commercial to Court
and thence to the opera house cor
ner, where the grandest display of
pyrotechnics will be given that the
Salemites have ever hud the pleas
ure of witnessing.
Following this and at eight o'clock
the exercises at the opcru house will
commence. These will consist of
music and speaking. Hon. Ilufus
Mallory will be present and deliver
the address.
Large numbers of persons from
the country are expected to be
present and join in the enthusiastic
parade. Let It be a fitting observa
tion of a glorious light honorably
won, in which the principles of
honest government ns interpreted
by tho republican party, have con
quered the free trade ideas of our
British friends, the enemy.
And Notes of a General
tercst to the Westerner.
HUtlonarjr lltetln!.
Simultaneous missionary meet
ings aro being held In the Presby
terian cinircliefl throughout the
United States, and aro of deep
interest, proper observunco will bo
iiiudo at tho Presbyterian church in
this city to-morrow. Tho pastor
will give an addiess In tho inr ruing
Hultablo to tho occasion, uud in the
evening an interesting program
will bo presented by tho Hoy's
Ijwigiio and tho Girl's Mission
Hand, being the llrst anniversary of
tho organization of these societies.
Tho public- Is Invited to bo present.
Another Candidate.
Hon. James K. Hlundell, tho vlva
clousand genial member from Doug-
f, mm mis iitiii some exper
ience in legislation, Is ripo In years,
"quick to outoh on" and Impartial
ns Falter, the old Koniiin, Is nonil
nnted for speaker of the next house
by the Roooburg Plalndoalor, which
claims to have a right to muko this
nomination ami insists on his
election. If any others undertake
tho race thoy will ilud tho "Llttlo
lllntit" of JJoughisa formidable op-
Articles of Incorporation.
To-day tho following articles of
incorporation were Hied with tho
secretary of state: Tho Willamette
Falls Electric Co. of Portland, D.
P. Thompson, E. L. Easthum, P.
F. Morey, It. H. Thompson, L. L
Hawkins, W. K. Smith and J. C,
Moreland Incorporators. Tho capi
tal stock is $1,000,000. The business
of tho company will bo that of
furnishing electric power, etc., to
those who desiro it.
Tho East Side Uulldliig and Lo-m
Association of East Portland, W.
D. Pope, T. II. Pnrrott, A. W.
Luinbort, E. W. Sargent, J. K.
Walt, T. Hislop incorporators. Tho
capital stock Is 5200,000 and tho
business proposes to bo tltat of a
general building association.
On llottu to the Sea.
"Now that tho election is over,"
sayH tho Astoria Pioneer, "let us
build a railroad."
Certainly, let us proceed. Salem
Is ready and in correspondence with
Astoria folks upon tho matter in
volved, and tho result of tho cor
respondence reveals tho fact that
tho Astorlans aro ready for a confer
ence with tho Salemites regarding
the formation of a company at as
early a day as possible. Tho As
toria projectors signify their willing
ness to co-operate with tho people of
the valley in tlio lmmcriluto con
struction of tho line, and aro no icss
enthusiastic over the subject than
tlio valley residents
Land of t'ncnJIni; Summer.
Callers at the Jophnai. otllco this
morning were surprised to see our
table spread with stnngbeans, green
pons, una ripo strowlierrloe. They
A t'roiprreug Valley.
This Is u season of grout prosiwrlty
In this grunt valloy. Thousands
upon thousands of bushels uf grain
to be sold at fair prices; thousands
upon thousands uf pounds of hops
for a market that Is higher than has
been known for yours; vast quanti
ties of fruits of all kinds, for sale,
and all of Uuh at fair mid rvasou-
aolo prices. Prosjnirty ivlgns la
this valley. Junotlon City Pilot.
Milk a Silent hrro.
(lov. Clutdwlok of Sttloni etuiio up
to tlw city WtMliuvduy morning,
not much elated by tint election
iHtw but Is philosopher unoiuch not
to wwp vr 111 imrty's deAwt,
thttUKh he undoubtedly mourns
mucfily. ltoKliuritPUIiidenler.
wero sent in by II, W. Savage, who
has been dining on spring and sum
mer vegetables since lust February.
With two Indies of ico In tho cen
tral states and snow all over tho
east, Oregon blooms out In her glad
sunshine with a glorious harvest on
November 10th of tuinmor vege
tables. Come to Oregon, you blht-xnrd-blown
easterner, and bo pros
perous and happy.
Imir Oter I'tllgWii.
John Stanton was yesterday
brought from .Umatilla county and
placed In tho asylum. Ills Insanity
grows out of religious uxultutnuut.
I'lnm her death-bod his sister had
Mint to him hor book of prayer and
over this he pondered until hie
mind iMMkuue deranged. He is vio
lent and would not heoitatu to attack
his friends with an axe.
An occasional death occurs
McMinnville from typhoid fever.
Work will commence Immediately
on the railroad to bo built from
Gray's harbor to Centralla, on the
Northern Pacific.
Seattle is to have a 1250,000 hotel.
It Is to be built on the highest point
In the city. The funds have al
ready been raised.
The custom house records show
that during tho mouth of October
827,709 bushels of wheat and 49,939
barrels of flour were shipped from
A town named Hudson has been
laid out a few miles north of Drain.
It promises well, us much enterprise
and considerable capital are being
Petitions are out asking the forth
coming legislature for aid in the
construction of a through road from
Coos to the interior via Middle
Coquill and Camas valley.
The Northern Pacific will shortly
commence work on a branch road
to run from Wallace to Mullan,
Idaho. This road will tap the im
mense mining resources of that sec
tion. The road will be in operation
by spring.
Victor Mlckelson,Is president of the
Russian-Finns Temperance society,
of Astoria, Oregon. This society
was organized in February, 1&S7;
It Is now in a nourishing condition
and numbers about two hundred
Lieutenant Swlfl has been order
ed to sell in Ashland, at public auc
tion to the highest bidder, the gov
ernment telegraph lino between Fort
Klamath and Bidwell. It will prob
ably be bought and operated by
private individuals.
Seattle will hold a special election
on November 0th to decide whether
or not bonds to tho amount of $1.-
000,000 shall be Issued for building
water works for the city. An es
timate has been made that 10,000,000
gallons a day can bo supplied for
There were thirty-seven parties ot
Medford last week, who were look
ing for locations, but on account of
there lieing no houses in town, at
least half of them were unable to
stop. They all spoke well of our
city, and expressed a great desire to
remain. Advertiser.
Tlio building of the Unipqua Riv
er railroad from Drain to tide water
thirty-six miles means simply
to place In the pockets of the people
of the great Umpqi'a valloy the
first of the year of its successful op
eration, about half a million dollars.
Drain Eclio.
Houses are reported very scarce at
Newberg, and families are compelled
to leave there every week to peek
shelter for tho winter. Tho oeonle
of Newberg aro receiving larger re
turns for their money invested in
advertising tho town than they an
ticipate 1.
A public meeting is to bo held at
the Lalayette court house to-night
for the purposo of appointing a com-
nilttee to confer with a committee
from th Evangelical church In
reference to the location of a collego
or academy at that place by mid
Pundlta Ratnabi tbe hlgh-casto
Hindu woman who has been so
liciting funds in tills country for
the establishment of a school in
Iiidia for witlows, has returned to
her native country with $60,000.
She obtained more money In Sau
, I'Y-.iticirvo than anywhere else.
11. M. Stone, government con
tractor for doing the revetment
work on the Willamette at Corvallls
has a force of fifteen men at work
pushing tho Improvements along.
There arc two pile drivers kept
stwdlly at -the driving of piles,
which aro put down at tho rate of
50 per day, and thoro are 700 In
number to drive.
Points of Pmon.il Mention and Notes
of News.
Dr. Doane conducted chapel
services Tuesday.
M. H. Kles had tho misfortune to
get one of his knees sprained at the
boarding hall yesterday.
Among the new students who are
expected to enter school Monday Is
H. N. Rounds, an old time student.
The societies hold their regular
elections next Friday and each
member is canvassing for his favor
ite candidate.
The examinations of all the classes
took place yesterday. Those whose
dally average reached the requisite
95 per cent hud a holiday.
The faculty kindly granted va
cation Tuesday afternoon to accom
modate those who wished to vote.
A number of the boys wero seen in
the ranks of young republicans.
The new term will begin Monday,
after a very successful quarter, and
all students are requested to be at
the president's otllco at 8 o'clock
Monday morning when they will be
receipted for tuition.
Soothes and Heals.
Santa Abie soothes and heals the
membranes of tho throat and lungs
when poisoned and Inflamed by
disease. It prevents night sweats
and tightnesa across tho chest, cures
coughs, croup, asthma, colds, bron
chitis, pneumonia, whooping-cough
and all other throat and lung
troubles. No other medicine is so
successful in curing nasal catarrh
as California Cat-R-Cure. The
enormous and increasing demand
for these standard California rem
edies confirm their merits. Sold
and absoutly guaranteed by D. W.
Matthews & Co. at 1 a package.
Three for $2.50
LOCAL struaiABT.
S. F. Parker, guard at the peni
tentiary, with his family are making
a visit in Portland.
J. R. N. Bell is in Boscburg, his
home, where he will celebrate his
twentieth wedding anniversary on
Eld. M. V. Rork will lecture in
Liberal Hall, in front of the opera
house Sunday at? p. in. Let all
interested atttend.
Typhoid fover has about run Its
course in the fair grounds neighbor
hood. Careful treatment and con
stant attendance have conquered
the enemy.
The Herald says there aro no
cases of smallpox in Yamhill county
now and tho scare has most entirely
abated. The afllicted persons are
all able to be out of doors.
There will be no services at the
Christian church this evenlug. Dr.
Porter, the Australian evangelist,
who, with Elder Webb, expounded
the gospel in that faraway land,
having decided to take a rest. The
meetings will be resumed to-morrow.
Bieklea'i Andes 8alre.
Tho best salvo in the world fm
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,
fever sores, tetteri chapped band.
chilblains, corns, and all skin enqh
tions, and positively cures piles, .r
no pay required. It Is guaranteed
t give perfect satisfaction, or ninn.-x
refunded. Price 25 cents per Ihjx.
Kor salo u Dr. H. W. Cox.
BT SATloXil, At.
'I'Jie Capital Nationa
lapital 1'aid up, - .
Snrplnj, - - . -
R. 8. WALLACE, -
.T. TT. A T.Tllrni.
"' ' - Cwhfc.
W.T.Gray, W.w ...
J. M. Martin. n.;
Dr.W.A.CusIck. J. H. Albert'
T. McF. ratton.
xa inrmers on wheat nn ......
ablo produce, consigned orhY.?a
efther In prlratemS
State aad Connty Warrants BongHiipJ
uviiimcnufli. PAPER
Discounted nt reasonable rat.
drawn direct nn w v:12.ls-
Franl.v. iv.i..j T-iJr"ii'niCl
Hong Kong and Calcutta. D'1
The Overland Dlontbly.
The October number of this pop
ular western literary magazine is
received and we find it filled with
its usual quota of popular literature
of the day. Virgil Perlnger of this
city has taken charge of tho Salem
circulation of this celebrated month
ly and will be glad to serve those
who wish to subsciibe. The "Over
land" was established twenty-one
years ago, s. -d has grown with the
growth of the state, until it has
won for Itseli' and Its contributors a
national reputation.
First Nat
u a
"M.tx.UAlJUIU, P.M1
John Mom, - .' . . . . . efiigl
C. II. JIONitoE. J. R. N. Sell.
Late of tho Monroe House.
Monroe & Bell,
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
From SI to S3 per day.
Exchange on Portland, San Franc!
New York. London and Hone iffi
bought and sold. State, County Lit nS
warrants bought. Farmers art icorH
invited to deposit vnd transact buSSj
with us. Liberal advances made m
wheat, wool, hops and other property
reosonaOie rates. Insnmn nn .. .7
curlty can be obtained at the bankiiv
tuvav a vtiwuio lAJlilJJUUie3.
A Wall From JIoMlnnTllle.
The Telephenesays: "Tho chances
for the Astoria & South Coast road
running through McMinnville are
good, as it must go through this
section of country from a financial
view of it. After it passes hero it
docs not matter which town it
makes for, but Salem would bo the
best. This vast wheat section is
not to bo sneezed at by any railroad;
audofcourso it would touch tho
largest center of trade on tho west
Two 31 ore lnsanes.
Polk county to-day sent over two
unfortunates who were committed
to tho asylum. They are Lucindn
Short, aged forty, who has been
idiotic since childhood, and J. "W.
Hosier of Independence, aged sixty-
eight years, who has been gradually
losing his mind for about a year,
from softening of the brain.
Independence, Oreson, December 13
Both myKeirrnd wife havo been for somo
ye.rg atllicied wuh disease of the kldnevs.
ii id luil t.-ied inupyiemedles without ob-
i.imiug any pi. inaneni vcucr. About
threoiuoDthsago wo were inluced to try
a c tioofthe OKEGON KJUNEY TEA
which has apparently entirely cured both
of us, m bMico Liking It two weeks wo havo
:m no xympionisortno disease, we can
beaitilr recommend It to othe n slmUnrlv
utll'oioil us wo beliove It .vlll do all that is
Canned IbiJU. M. L. WHITE.
An Examination of tho Tariff" Question with Es-
ptclal Regard to tho Interests
of Labor.
This is the clearest, fairest, most Interest
ing and moat complete examination of the
tariff question yet made, and will prove
invaluable to all who wish to understand
tbe subject.
The most thorough Investigation of the
York News,
The appearance of this book marks a
new epoch in tho world-wide struggle for
Tno great collection of the most thrffliM
personal adventures on both sides durtoj
ihegreat civil war. Intensely InterestiM
accounts of exploits of scouts und pl
forlorn hopes, heroic bravery, imprison-)
ments and hnlr.brendth MranM mmantt
Inplflpnta hnnri.fn-linnri etmiwlu hnmM
pus and tragic events, perilous Journejs,
uuiuuitauus. unuiuui successes ana nu
uanlmous actions on each Fide the line,
60 chapters. Profusely Illustrated to tbe
lile. toother book at all like It. Agena
wanted. Outsells everything. I
Time forpayments allowed agents short
of funds and freight prepaid
ll-ftlyw. Sr.Locis,Ma
subject that has yet been put in type New
Henry George has a power of
stand htm, while the most learned man
free trade.
lmpid language that any child can under
cutting economic truths in such a clearand
can enjoy the accuracy of his statements
and the sugcestiveness of his thoughts.
Thomas O. Shearman in New York Star.
hoover wants to see tho strongest ar
gumentnot only against protection, but
against all tarltls will find It here.
Christian Union.
Salem's Fire Uddln.
The promptitude with which the
Salem "lire laddies" responded to
yesterday's tiros admoulshosus that,
although wo aro so fortunate as not
to have many contlagratlons, yet
tho boys havo lost none of their
old time vbjor and vigilance. Thoy
attack tho tlery demon in a "Cttpl-
tal" umnitur like "Tigors," as it
wero and boon conquer the enemy.
- ,
Tkfj .Uk for M4.
The directors of tho Salem Street
lltUhvny Co. hold a nieetlug yeatof
day afternoon and decided to adviir
tioe ftwulda for the work of grading,
eonstruotiun and equipment. They
pronoHi thw bid to be returnable on
the &Mh hibt.
An AteolBte Care.
" l VW KNT Is only put up In large
w.M.uneu tin boxes, and Is an
iM'ilutecuro for old sores, burns,
wounds, chapped hands, and all
skin eruptions. Will positively
cure ail kinds of plies. Ask for the
MENT. Sold byD.W. Matthews
& Co., 100 State street, Salem, at 5
cents per box by mail SO centa.
it A l'rettr Babjr.
Is it a boy or a girl? How often do
we hear this remark and question.
Yes, it isa protty baby, but how bad
its mother looks. She looks as if
she was going right down She is
so thin and yellow, and hor face is
eovorwl with wrinkles and blotches.
She seems bo nervous and irritable
toe: but it Is easy to account for her
condition. Childbirth has left her
with prolapsus or other displace
ments, poisoned blood, and a disord
cxnl state of tho stomach nnd bowels
Tho best thing she can do is to use
at once Dr. Pierces Favorite Pres
orlptlon which has been prepared
for expres need of women in this
condition. All druggists.
Dr. .Puiree's Pellets cleanse and
regulate th stomach bowels aud sys
tem generally. SB cents a vial; one
a dose.
The singular success of Mr. George is that
he has made political economy Interesting.
Unitarian Ilevlew.
A book which every workingman In tho
land can read with interest and ought to
read. Now York Herald.
Henry George's Other Works.
Progress nud Poverty, cloth, Jl; paper.
Social Problems, cloth, SI; paper, 35 cents.
STAN n Ann
12 Union Square, New York.
102 Court Street, Safcm, Oregoa
Having bought out the remainder ot tat
chair factory's stock, wo are prepared to
sell chairs lower than any house in Oregoa
delivery. Vm.KennIe having bonjut
the express business of Walter Lowe, Is
prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pack
ages, and any thing else that he can get In
his wagon to anv Dart of the cttr. Quicker.
safer, better, and neater, than it can as
done by any body else.
.uiuios siame,
vini x-ruuieius, ciom,9i; pi
The Land Question, paper, J
Property in Land, paper, 15
Address THE 8TA
2S8JJ, 312 and 311 Commercial St.,
Take Note of This.
TnOIt 83.500 WE WILL SELL GO acres
JJwell improved garden land, within 3
miles of Salem. Good road to town thn
year around. Buildings good. FINE YOUNG
ORCHARD and excellent grass land. This
is a bargain, and will be held only a short
time at these figures. Call, nnrf w will
bhuw ;uu uiw pnpeny.
Opera House, Salem, Or.
Country Gentleman
Farm Crops and Processes)
Horticulture and Fruil-Growing
Live-Stock and Dairying,
While It also Includes all minor depart
ments of rural Interest.such as the P"W
Yard. Entomology, Keeping, Green
houso and Grapery, Veterinary wrej
Furm Questions and Answers, .rTresM"
Heading, Domestic Economy, and a iiw
mary of the New of the Week. Its mar
ket Reports aro unusually pliJ73
much attention Is paid to the Prosper
the most Important of all questions- WW"
to buy and when to sell. It Is 'br,ynE
lustrotcd, and by RECENT t.VAiJin
ment, contains more reading rna", 'Sai
ever before. The Subscription W&HJSg
per year, but we ofleraSPEOAL HEIWV
TION In our
Fire and Marine.
JOS. ALBERT. Agent, - Salem, Oregon.
roryear. Independent. TIwAi'i-kat.
otreu luted In Marion. Linn and Ctaak.
anuu oeuniies: uu oto eouibikiuxi ainiit
years and 1 an excellent advertising sie.
dium. Por term addreM tbe publwber'
H. G. Guild, Sll venou. Or.
2 SubSCriptiOnS,f one remittance
C Subscriptions,
12 Subscriptions,
-lTo all New Subscribers . l8
paying In advnnee-now, we wlU '
paper weekly, from our reoelP on "S
infttonee. to January 1st, IS. wW0"1
S-8PBauaccCopiBa Kbee. Address