Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 07, 1888, Image 3

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apkle Recital
of the Day's Deeds
and Dote.
bankssiving Election Notes In
sane Assaulted General
Conflagration at Independence
pioudny evening flames were eecn
tuiug from tuo livery stable of
larry s xiiui at j-uuupuiiuunce.
lie firemen responded promptly to
Be call, but the flames gained so
Ipidly that nil cflbrts to suppress
Sein proved tutlle. JAowever, tlie
Irrouuding buildings were saved,
Hth the exception of a small house
Bjoiuing the stable, occupied by
bo. Heatou. Tuo buggies and
jirses were saved, out. ine iced,
Letlier with the harness, was buru-
Tlie building was a large two-
ory frame structure, nnd was own-
, by Davo Whittaker. The loss is
bout 3,009, ilisurauce 250. The
e originated in tho hay mow, and
thought to have been of incen-
Liry origin, tuis win douotiess
&ur tho city fathers to tho necessity
providing tho city with better
frotectlon against the ravages of
fe. Just as tho Are bell sounded
Se alarm the steamer Occident was
Ihistling for Independence, and
store she reached her landing the
tunes had burst forth in all their
iry and and lighted the river as by
ky for a mile up and down.
Fire tke Bear Show.
IA camp of greasy, loathsome
talians is located in North Salem.
Bhere are men, women, children
u bears, and bare children. They
eg from door to door and are the
host impudent, disagreeable set of
Biimals that ever passed through
bis part of the country. They are
sough to give unprotected women
id children a terrible scare. When
hey find a woman at homo alone,
i Is often the case, thoy invariably
jy to intimidate ner into minting
Biem a gift. A white man found
egging in our city is arrested forth
with, but these devils have been
Sere several davs and should be
jther taken in or made to leave.
The Deaf Mute School.
At a meeting of tho board of direc-
prs of tho Oregon school for deaf
aute-iJ. B. Stump was chosen to
111 tho vacancy occasioned by the
bsiguatiou of J. A. Stratton. In
lie election of officers, for president,
iV. Ureyman was elecied ; secretary,
3. H. Burnett ; treasurer, H. Fixil-
jg. W. M. Ladd and J. I. Thomp-
on wero re-elected as members of
le board, and the salary of the
Superintendent was raised to $1200,
Beginning January 1st, next. An
Executive committee was appointed,
Consisting of J. H. Albert, J. B.
Stump and J. I. Thompson.
An Open Ulrer to Corrallls.
Tho Occident arrived hero yester-
Bay evening, having gone as far up
fho river as Corvallis. Her captain
Dcnorts a cood stacc of water and
luich freight all along the river.
fho Bcntlov and Hoag are lying
here awaitinsr orders to move, and
"he snacr-nuller Corvallis has reached
hero In her labor of clearing the
ttream of snags. Tho Occident flu
shed loading- hero and shipped
town the river this morning. It is
tnected the Three Sisters will bo
p to-day, ns sho wooded up yester-
lay preparatory to making the start.
The Arrlenltnrl Worki.
Work has been commenced on tho
i-buildine of tho Agricultural
forks. A large lot of workmen this
aornintr began work on the soutn
rail, replacing brick which had
en worked loose. Heavy timbers
i beinor nlaced over tho windows
i nlaco of tho lighter ones formerly
aed. The first floor is being raised
flghteen inches, and tho second
ory will bo be of wood.
Where til It BotnliK,
; Elder Webb has just returned
om a three weeks' vultatrresno,
Cnl. Ho renortB that city as on one
Ef the biggest booms over imagined,
rtth real estate going up witn rapid
Strides. Corner lots are in ready
ale. Much realty is changing
Lands, and a general spirit of im
provement exhibited on every hand.
Death if a Farmer Cllltei.
r Tho tolegranh aunouuees the
ieath, on Monday, at Arlington,
ireirou. of W. G. Brown, a lawyer
iud prominent citizen of that place.
Ilo was a former resident of Solom,
Iud the news of his death will bo a
ad message to his many friends
I CalTeraal XeeenllJ.
The Salem Btreot oar line to an
aured fact. That city needs one.
Democrats sanguine of success.
Some offer of lcU but none taken.
Tho election passed oft quietly
here. Republicans are confident.
Either side is ready to accept de
feat, maufully.
Mrs. William Mc Kinney leaves
for Eastern Oregon to-day to visit
her sister.
Miss Nannie Silver, who has been
living at Jefferson for some time,
has returned home.
A notary's connnlslon was this
afternoon issued to DuBoiso W.
Meyers of Portland.
Mrs. George Smith of Salem is
spending a few days in Turner
visiting friends.
Mrs. J. B. Morgan of Tangeut,
Linn County, is visiting her parents,
Jos. Dencan and wife.
Professor jVanScoy of Jefferson
was down Saturday locking after
his strawberry interest.
Some Democrats voted for Harri
son, but could'nt hear of any Re
publicans voting for Cleveland.
The young folks celedrated tho
election last night by tripping the
light fantastic to their hearts con
tent. A tramp, while attempting to
steal a ride on tho car brakes, was
polled with stones by some hood
lums. In consequence he had
to get off with a badly scarred face.
Joseph Thomas and Mr. Cald
well of Arlington were in Turner
yesterday. They came down in
charge af the remains of W. G.
Brown. Mr. Thomas goes on to
Jefferson for a few days. Mr. Cald
well returns homo this morning.
Hon. W. G. Brown, who died at
Arlington, was buried hero yester
day in the Twin Oak Cemetery,
with Masonic ceremonies. Mr.
Brown taught tho Turner public
school some years ago and was
highly esteemed. Ho leaves a wife
and two children.
.Votes or the Day.
Tho Indian voto didn't go worth
a cent. It was cast to the Lee-ward
The corridors of the Chemekete
held an anxious throng until and
after the wee small hours.
Thero was music in those groans
for tho defeated delegation from the
Indian reservation.
Wo have met the enemy on their
own ground, with weapons of their
own choosing, and they are ours.
"Cleveland's all right he's a fat
man !" was the rally of tho Denis,
but it didn't enthuso tho scattered
few very extensively.
A big voto was polled in Salem.
This is accounted for by tho fact that
so many camo in from tho country
to hear the news, and whilo hero
When the lino of young voters
left the Chemekete- corner for the
polls, thero wero sixty-four of them,
but before their destination was
readied the number had increased
to seventy-eight. Hurrah !
Col. Leo did not vote his Indians,
as lie tried to do. This is unfor
tunate, for tho Col. should have been
granted all these privileges and as
many more as his idle fancy might
chooso to originate. A motion is in
order changing the election laws to
his whims.
All night the bulletin boards were
nnvlniislv watched. Shout followed
shout and good nature prevailed.
Democrats shied for their lairs wnen
the good news commenced rushing
in, and by the time the dispatch ar
rived stating that West Virginia had
gone for Harrison, there were few of
them there to hear the news.
- -
A Frail Enterprise.
Wm. Westacot of South Balem
has sold his South Salem brewery
property to H. S. Jory of South
Salem. The price realized was
$900. It is tho intention of Mr.
Jory to erect thereon a large dryer
nr milier to nlaco three of tho largest
of his patent dryers in one building
and bo ready ror me net iruu. wuy.
ATearAroiid the WarM.
Dr. Thomas Porter, the celebrated
vntnellBt. in his tour around the
world, has been induced to stop
for a time in Salem. He will preach
every night iucludiug next Sunday,
.f ihu PlirlHtlan church, at 7:30.
Go and hear him to-night. Ho is
oarnost, spiritual, persuasive and
yory Interesting.
Breecal E.r f ram Oerrali.
Mrs. Itoalna Brunhobor of Gervals
was tried before Judge Shaw yester
day for insanity and committed to
tho asylum. She to forty years of
ago and has a hallucination of
dread. EverytMug she kmb or hears
torroriMJS her, and the was consid
ered unsafe to be at large.
News And Notes of a tloneral In
terest to thp Westerner.
A postal clerk has been put on tho
train between Albanv nnd Yanulna
Corpond Tanner will deliver G.
A. It. lectures through the state to
ward the close of this month.
The cargo of the lost burketitlne
Mafcak was 804,207 ft. lumber, of
winch 341,851 ft. wore .on deck. Tho
cargo was worth ?!,S04, and was In
sured for its full value..
The season of the year has arrived
in Kansas when, notes a load paper,
a man who goes ten miles from
home wants to take along at least
three grades of underwear.
Sovoral papers have mentioned
Hon. D. P. Thompson of Portland
as their candidate for speaker of the
houso at the coming legislature.
Mr. Thompson received the vote of
his party for that office in '78.
At Albany they will mako the
cow question an issue at the election
of councilinen at the cltv election
Her citizens generally are realizing
that the streets of the city should
no longer bo made a pasture for
Adam Klippel was appointed ad
mluistrat r of the estate of Michael
Ziegler, at Portlaud. He leaves no
relatives except a wife who is in the
Insano asylum. His estate is valued
at 15, and Administrator Kllppel's
bond was fixed at .'10. This is tho
smallest case over administered in
that country.
Ben King, tho lH-ycur-old young
man Indicted for complicity with
Frank Anderson In the larceny of
the 10,000 package from the Pacific
Express Company, last July, for
which ho has had two trials, the
jury disagreeing each time, was re
leased from the Portland jail Mon
day after being detained thero over
three months.
McKinley Mitchell, editor of the
French Prairie Gazette of Gervals,
is In Salem to-day.
In his thanskgivlng proclamation,
Governor Pennoyer might fittingly
incorporate, among other tilings to
be thankful for, a clause rejoicing
that tho election is over.
The Messrs. Martin and J. W.
Crawford have returned from their
Indiana trip. It is needless to say
they report tho campaign as having
been fiery in Indiana.
A grand work of a great and dash
ing general is the "Personal Memoirs
of Little Phil Sheridan," written
by himself. Wo are quite confident
that tho book will meet with a rapid
s:ilo here as it lias elsewhere, as it
will bo issued to subscribers in tiie
finest and best style, through agents
only. It will be an interesting and
absorbing work throughout, recount
ing his eventful life and being more
like a romance than a history.
Every homo in tho laud should have
tills great book of a nation's hero.
A rtlrles of Inrorj oration.
To-day tho following articles of
Incorporation were filed with tho
Secretary of Stato :
Tho Pacific Coast Express Com
pany, with principal offices at
Astoria. Alf D. Bowers, C. P.
Upshur, and H. D. Thing arc tho
incorporators, with a capital stock
of $1,000, divided into forty equal
shares. The business of the Incor
poration will bo that of carrying on
a general express and telephone
business between principal towns
and cities of the Pacific Coast lo
twecn San Francisco and Victoria,
B. C.
Considerable excitement was
created tills morning by tho an
nouncement that tho wife of a well
known Salem business man had
eloped with her husband's clerk,
but investigations revealed the fact
she had only gonohurrldly toSquIro
Farrar &, Co's to catch some of
those splendid bargains in groceries,
I'Mpotal Far W ).
In tho matter of proposals for
furnishing wood for uso of the
asylum, the bids wero opened
yesterday, and the contracts will bo
awarded next week. The proposal
culled for 400 cords dry pole oak,
200 cords day body oak and 1400
cords dry body fir out of largu trwu.
Far Auaalt aa4 Batter jr.
The cliarge against R. H Lee
of Chemawa, before Juaitoe Qhase'a
oourt, this morning wa dmpto
awault aud battery. The reeult of
the examination wan the atwewnwnt
against that gentleroau of a fine of
6 and costs.
After Election.
Editorial in theHiokory Fork Sen
tinel: It lias come to our ears that
the Rev. John Horn, during a
prayer ocfore his congregation at
Elk Creek chuch, last Suuday,
made some very uncomplimentary
and uncalled for remarks In regard
to the editor of this paper. Ho pray
ed that our paper might wither as
It falls from the press, and that tho
hand that writes its editorials might
be paralyzed. Now, hero is tho rva
son why Mr. Horn uttered such a
prayer: Last year he camo out as a
candidate for justice of the" peace.
We had nothing against him, altho'
he is a Methodist and wo n Baptist,
and would have supported him, but
when we asked him to put his an
nouncement in our lwper ho hem
med and hawed, and that, too, after
we had offered htm the half-rato
which we usually extend to the
clergy. Then wo told him that if
lie would give us three dollars we
would print his announcement.
What did he do? Ho wrote out a
lot of notices and stuck them up on
trees. Could an American brook
such an insult? Wo would not. Is
u citizen of this great coinmoit wealth'
allied upon to bear such contempt?
We do not think he Is: mi with tho
pen of just retribution, we 'pricked
this bull-calf till he roared again.'
Wo throw ourselves into the cam
paign, we, in tho languige of Logan,
chief of the Mingoes, glutted our
vengeance. We saw tho reverend
defeated and then vd quietly sought
our huniblo abodo. Now, this man
must run us into one of his prayers.
Ho must hold us up before a congre
gation and pursuade his hearers to
look upon us with contempt. Pray
on wcaK vessel, covered witn tne
rust of iniquity pray on, for the
prayers of the wickid are of no avail
but if ever you come near us, you
gobble-headed hypocrite, we'll give
you a kicking that will appeal to
every ungodly Joint in your body."
To the Hungry.
A most elegant dinner will bo
prepared and served by tho ladles
of tho Christ Ian church on tho 20th
Hun Francisco, Cut.. April 2.
For fcovcnil weeks my wife sintered sc
verelv with khlnev ntlectlon of u very nil-
KrnMitcil diameter which Kconicd to duly
nil tho umiiiI remedies. 1 finally tried the
OKKUON KII1NKY TKA. The. elleetwus
an Immcdlnto Improvement, nnd she has
now entirely leeovereu ner neiuin.
ii. m. ruiNcrc,
Snlesnmn nt Cutting Co.
Sold by D. W. Matthews A Co.
A Woman's Discovery. .
"Another wonderful discovery
has been mado and that too by a
lady in this county. Diseaso fast
ened Its clutches upon her and for
seven years sho withstood Its sever
est tests, but her vital organs were
undermined and deaths seemed im
minent. For three months she
coughed incessantly and could not
sleep. Sho bought of us a bottle of
Dr. King's Now Discovory for con
sumption and was so much relieved
on taking first doso that sho slept all
night and by olio bottle has been
miraculously cured. Her name Is
Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W.
C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C.
Get a free trial bottle at II. W.
Cox's drug store
TlitVfrillct Unanimous.
W. 1). Suit, druggist, Blppus,
Intl., testifies: "I can recommend
Electric Bitters as tho very best
remedy. Every bottle sold has
given relief In every case. One man
took six bottles, and was cured of
rheumatism of 10 years' standing."
Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellvllle,
Ohio, alllrms: "Tho best selling
medicine I have ever handled in my
20 yenrcs' experience, Is Electric
Bitters." Thousands of others have
added their testimoucy, so that the
verdict is unanimous that Electric
Bitters do euro all diseases of the
Liver, Kidney or Blood. Only a
half dollar a bottle at II. W. Cox's
drug store.
Koolhta aad Heals.
santa Able soot lies and heals the
membrane of tho throat and lungs
when poisoned Hnd Inflamed by
disease. It prevents night sweats
and tightness across the chest, cures
coughs, croup, asthma, colds, bron
chitis, pneumonia, whooping-cough
and all other throat and lung
troubles. No other medlcluo Is so
BUcctMifuI in curing nasal catarrh
as California Cat-It-Cure. Tho
enormous and Increasing demand
for Hit standard California rem
edies oouflrm their merits. Hold
and absoutly guaranteed by D. W.
Matthews t Co. at (1 a paokage.
Threu for f20
If your Utek Hhea or If you ure sulfrrlnif
from inJUinwwtkin oMIhj kkliiya,aMiluMl
HMtknM, brtok dual depoaH in tti urtmi,
or in jMtauy ktdney.unmiry oruvrtiw-
plaint, da MM mm ifMHiajr m worthlwM
(talmenu at ubuHMH. bet HnMu lit awtuf
Um, Jhm i by tttlfttf Uw KHmUmt of
Si known mMJ. Ooxen KWnay T.
It U j4aat to Uk. U fwrWy vaw
and no never tailed to m lire Mtll
fcfifton. b(4d Itf V. W. Malthwa 4 Co.
The Oregon Land Company's ten
aero lotsare selling rapldly,40 having
boon sold since tho 8th of Sept. There
Is no probability that 10 acres of
good land Within four ndlesofSalem
will ever again bo ottered for 30 per
acre on easy terms. Thero arc now
live houses in process ot const ruction
on lots already sold and roads are
being opened and bridges built so
that tho value of all of tho lots Is
being rapidly enhanced. Any one
wishing to luy ten acres of good
land for much less than tho price of
a city lot will do well to look at this
property at once as there is nodoubt
but that It will all bo sold Inside of
thlrtv days. Call at tho office of the
Oregon Land company on Com
mercial street and you will boshown
the promrtv free of charge.
nnrkirna Aralra Silit.
Tim bost.'onlve In the world fn
cuts, hrulsi's, soli's, ulcers, saltrheuin
'ever sores, tetter, chapped hands
chilblains, corns, and all skin eriiji
(ions, and positively cures plies, m
no pay required. It Is guaranteed
t' glv e perfect satisfaction, or moue,
refunded. Price 25 cents per box
Kor miIo v Dr. H..W. Cox.
C. H. Monkok. J. H. N. IIKI.I.
(Uite of tho Monroe House.)
Monroe & Bell,
o Hoto
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
From $1 to M ier day.
(iitxiiitAii oinrrrrKiw.
Goods on
pi an.
(ho installment
102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon
Having IhhikIi tout tho remainder nt tne
chair factory' utock, mo iiro prepared to
ell chair lower than any hoiuu InOn-iton
Tnkfl Not of ThU.
rv)ll ii,noo WK VIMjHKM.0 nrrrii
! well linpnivod Burden laud, within !l
inlliK of Kalm, Omul roud to town the
iir around. llulldliiKiiKood. FINE YOUNG
IRCHARD and excellent Km land. Thl
ii ImrKuln, und will he held only n hort
time at llipa Difiirr. Cull, and wo will
how you lh nmnerty.
(lixrn lloue, Halcin, Or.
aenvery. win.iurnninnavinK'xniKiH
uxirMt lniliu of Walter Im. U
.b....i b.. . . ..nll.i.. ,m.i..1s.i Uii , I ua. luinll.
ase, and uny thlnir eUo that he in git In
III woKiiu Kiuny wrn)i uik uny, ijuh kit,
kafrr, Ixttter, nnd nwitur, than II vuxi In-
dona by any lxdy el.
Ihivo order at
mwi ri?
Com puny.
K1re and .Mu
rine. m im
JOH. ALIIKIIT, Aitent, HhIvim, Oregon,
K. U au1 " Commsrebtl Ht., HhIviii.
A xntrymr. IudpMdt. TtwAi-ctut.
B rlrcwlt4 In MurWm, 1,1 hh ami CUk-
wwuhuihmi tttm
yatn and w n xmhmui
alum. For MtrtfM wnin
Hie pubifahMr
II. a
nnnmnn (
K AT nun H
yjvjiuuvmyju i vnuu
Capital Faiil up,
15. S. WAMiACK, . - l'rwIilonU
W. W. MAUTIN, Vice-PrwUleiiU
J. It. AMIKUT, .- OixUler.
W.T.Oray, W. W.ltnrtln,
J. St. Stnrtlu, It. 3. WtilhcO.
Dr. A.Ctnlck. J. It. Albert,
T. AtoK. Ititton.
To Atrmcrs on wliwU and other lusrVaU
nolo produce, conilRiicd or In atom,
either In iirlvwto nmnarlur
'Hubllo wnrvltoii't.
Slalc anil County Warhols Bought at Par.
nis-counted nt rortfOhuMc rnte. l)ntnn
drawn direct on New York, Chlenito, Ran
KmneUco, l'ortliwd, Iondon, lMrlx, llrllii,
Hour Koiimind Oileutta.
WSt. N. I.All'K,
Dlt. J. UKYN01,l)S,
- Ir"iU!rnt.
Vleo l'lfHldenU
KxehatiKO on lHirtland, Han Kmnelwi.
New York, Imdon and Ilonit Kodk
hoiiKht and old. Slate, County and City
warrant IkvukIiI. Knnncr aro cordially
Invited to deixwlt und transact liulne
with uk. Liberal ndvance mado on
Avheat, wool, hop and other property at
ivauonuoio late, lniiimnco on uch mv
curlty ran ho ohtutned at tho hank In
most rcllahlu compantcx.
No. :H Cominerclal Htrcot,
-UlCAI.r.ll in-
l'liiinbing, Gas anil Slcani Vilting.
Tinware and Artistic Metal Work
a Specialty,
nir-AKcnt ror tho UIMtAUWQN A
1IOYNTON COMl'ANY'H i'nrnaee. Ki.
tahllHhed in IBID
Now In iHMweHion ol a new dlcoeryii
medicine, which lMmrclyii local imuwtheU
Ic, and net almoNt liiHtantanconaly on thn
HtirrotindliiK tlmtiieM or tho teeth. It I In
no way Injurious or unphitHant to the
tato. Tho iiMiitiflieliirereof It claim that
It ciiual lia nuverhreii known tierore.and
hy applying It to tho nenaltlvo or wiro
teeth, t Floy can Im cleaned and filled
without pull). Ho all thoxn that want all
Linda of dental work donii Mlthimt piln,
would bettor mil nn Dr. II. Hmltli, Twill
extracted ror U) cent,
1831 TIN
Country Gentleman
Farm Crops and Processes,
Horticulture and Fruit-Growing
Live-Stock and Dairying,
While It 1110 Include all minor dciairt
menU or rural Interuit.tiieh u tho l'oultry
Yurd, KnlomoloKy, llw.Keeplinf, Oiwit"
hoiiMi and Grapery, Veterlnury IteplIrM,
Kurm Qnetlm und Aluwer, Klrelde
Iteudlni, ixmiwitlo Keonomy, und u mn
mary of the New of tho Wtk. 11 Mar
ket llcport are uniKUHlly minplete, and
much attention I luilil to the rrtMpMUor
Hie i;nM, a lurowinif imui ui,iniimiii
to buy und when to
,el. Ill) liberally II-
luiiruuxi, una uy
iiient, (contain more rvudlnu matter than
ever lforr. TheHuUcrlptlon I'rlre litUU
.wr yir, hut we oiler uHrKOlAl, ItKDUIV
TION In our
2 Subscrijitions, i o.. remittal 4
6 Subscriptions, . . 10
!2 Subscriptions, i 1H
-rro all Nw Hobrtho' for :1HHU,
iwy line In udVutH) how, we will wnd tli
jwjr wMkly, rroui our raMiti Uwr-
iiiiliAiieo, w January in, m,
ti-il-tuHMtm i)fim fHr,t. Adilrvn
AM1ANY, .V. Y.
The Capital National Bank
First National Bank
Mbany Democrat.
. u-4.-Jssfiassis
ma ahenrrt n,j