Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 07, 1888, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 210
Is Simple of Construction,
Awarded first premium nt the, Oregon
SUite Fair lfcAV-'8t-8.-,(i.'S7 and at the Cali
fornia State Fair, 1SS7, and San Joaquin
County Fair, 1887.
Manufactured In slxlslzes. For circular
and price list address
1. O. Box 280. Sulsm, Oregon
v- Dryer Furnaces furnished ftro sizes
Jlltngton Ter, or California real estate. For
liiformatlon, address' us nt cither of thqfol
lowJng.oillces; Valentine, III.; Kansas City,
Moy aalem.Qr.; Vortltind,Or. Salem olHce
at Bellinger's machinery depot, near the
cily hall, Liberty street; Portland olllceln
the rooms of the Stale Immigration Board,
corner of Front and Ash streets. 173tf
L. S. SKIFF & CO.,
Olllce near t he
Opera House.
Teeth extracted
by the painless pro
D. C tHoward, Proprietor.
as-All kinds of fresh "and cured meats
nlwavs on hand, mil weight and a square
deal all arlund.
For, Sale.
i'i" i
nil, uses, from i
1 norse t. if - "yr
.. n..... r.rwl
for nit (wis, from one 10 im. "V'pi:
All forUho.lovrip-rlce o . S. , fi"1 Vieiin
clflo Cider, Vinegar A i 1 lnrcsen Jng
r v..,, ,! n v'i nttire. Salem. Oregon.
For tha treatment of all diseases of men
und women
Medicated vapor both .oxygen lnhnla
tlons, electro magne ttam. J e dlca tea
miravs. etc. unra-i.r"r.; hvmiv
Bank block. Consultation itvu
i.-z.i. - ...
i.TAa. . -u.1UX.u--yuoH
-rR TrBN KllW
t BE &
I i - A & VJWv I
JmKcJfj. a
VB W .rfwTrTrYi Ajf
Cuywr ::"vj
toend for ClPeuwr,fi.pLt-
inir'-liiMriirnt.ADAiiliT nl
KClliTlllZ7:L prepared only by th ABIBTINE
M V Wi CO.QKQYiLLL I-JIMEUICAI. Ca. orovn.r, v-
Proposals for Stationerr.
Office oTHKSKcnirrAKY or Statu.)
8ALEM, Or.. Sept. ZTth, issi f
Sealed proposals will be received W? tills
ofllco until noon November 27th7 ISSR to
ft'rnlRh the following articles for the state
oi uregen:
l."?".1!".!01 raP. H i No. 8 ruling.
Lluen. ' ' thnr,er ak or ""''
30 reams letter paper, 12 lib, No. 8 ruling,
white laid, Carew. Charter dak or Scotch
60 reams Hrst-clos Congress nolo. 7 B
trackages. No. 8 ruling, white laid.
X vv white en elope, 00 R, No. 1 rag,
mejcxx?' 8 1vhlt0 envcloP''' wb.No. l
12 gross railroad steel pens No 143.
15 gross Oillott's steel pens. No. 401.
S gross EaRterbronk "J" iHns.
5 gross Faber's pen holders. No. 1878.
4 dozen Tower Manufacturing Co's. bar
ometer and brass backed Inkstands.
12 dozen Ivory folders, o Inch, Standard.
3dozcn Ivory folders, 10 Inch, Congress.
10 dozen mucilage cups. No. 8, Morgan's
1 dozen mucllago stands, reservoir. No.
8, Morgan's patent.
8 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper,
140 tt. assorted colors.
2 gross No. 2 Eagle Recorder lead pencils,
style OdH.
4 dozen Arnold's writing tlntd, quarts.
2 dozen David 4 Sons writing fluid,
quarts, black.
2 dozen Sanford's premium fluid, quarts.
15 dozen duplex cap board letter clips.
12 dozen Fnher" rnhhnr rulnna 11 Innh
12 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 18149, B.
3 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 18119, F,
sorted sizes. '
4 rtoss Faber's lead pencils, Jf os. 2 and S,
hexagon, gilt.
iu cross faoer s lead pencils, round, gilt,
No, 2.
6 dozen Faber's .Yufen. ink and pencil
rubber erasers, small,. , ,
lOOO.WcGlll's patent pa petfastener, No. 2.
18 dozen gumme4 t,ub files. No. 21, 11x15
In., 230 pages, . ..u
12 dozen table pads tot paper, 19x21.
IU dozen WHnt&Tianir lhwlrpt.i emvi hnf
No. 4. -' - ,--...,
20lbshemptwinofNp, 12. , ,.
ni luc muni? iiiffut oupuniiu U1UJ mil ue
knives to qft described by trade Nos, Sam
ples to be exhTbltfcd.7 , , '
Bids should be marked "Proposals for
Stationery,1'. JS'pne but, be,st quality of
goods received.
The right tq, reject any or all bids. Is re
served. All eoods.to be dellvored before January
1st. 1KS. l'nvmpnt trt lul tvmilft l.v uiippAttl
on state treasury. . .
ikw-iu , necreiary oi ainte.
Real 'Estate ' 'Bargains.
i i .
$1,000 100 acres? miles from O A,C do
pot. (iix)d house, barn nnd
orchard. Fenced, and K In cul
thntlou,,' ' ' ...
82,000 SO ncres, 4 miles from Ra.cm.
Good rond to town. Improve
ments fair. Flno fruit land.
$5,490 S.j acres 2K miles from hulu.
No buildings. Splendid land,
all fenced. Mako.o, desirable
home. ',, '
52,500.. CO acres 4 miles from Salem. Im-,
provements good. Fine young
nrrhnrrt. and ifnrden lnnd-
81,180 ll acres, 7 miles from SfttemJ
mil uina, nneiy waicreu. ' cii
In lots of 40-acro tracts at S"25per
810,800C75 acres, 8 miles from Salem.
Excellent grass and fruit land,
adloinlng Willamette rlrcr.
Will sell in tracts.
81,375.. 51 acres, 4 miles orSalem. House,
barn and orchard. Largosprlng
at the door. Good soil, uuu
plenty of timber.
82,400. .120 acres, 5 miles of Salem: good
, road; well Improved; stream
running through the place.
$00,00. 400 acres (4 miles west side O A
C It R) good house, barn nnd
orchnrd, 1J0 in cultivation, bal
ance oak grub pasture land.
SSOO .. 10 acres, 1 mile from Salem, ad
Joining fair ground. Good laud;
no Improvements.
J1J0O. 40 acres. 5 miles Salem; all In
cultivation; no buildings; near
school houhe. Excellent fruit
4,000 3 acres, 8 miles from O A C R R;
all fenced; well wntered. House.
barn, nnd small orchard; 150
acres In cultivation.
r750. 3 lots, with good housonnd barn,
East Salem. Desirable location.
Wo have besides ihls a large list o' city
and farm property. Buyers would do w ell
to call and examine our holdings before
making their purchases.
Upera House, train di..
Salem, Or.
Land of Discoveries.
... Ynnr
- .I TUoMiihrvh--nf.llQfn IT .iik
i nuac wiiuiiu ,--; A-Ur
1 '""". ii. liaa Inttnnl STliei.
tomerwltn imjucuii". -.--
remedy t. at gnesiu.....
"""" It verslde.
, , w the pleasure to Infan
naVG you that your I'wpuraiio
in'etlng'wltblargesale U
knli uro
rn hmr
Nnth tiff but rraise
ttr nnv
having oc-
n.at'itwlllaccomplUh the end desired
.Jt?K'iJSW.iASif tneTUroutand Lungs
ix Ml and you not only will not te
It Will without It youmelf, but will
II Will Tf2",, . others, as thousands
recommend "'"""'"-d everything
8328 JSK nvmce You
l3&rtfhJ2rt dAdlof human
"circular, sent free.cpntainlngdetaUeA
Bom Startling' 'sttm'.nu f Cten.
rl IuU'rvtt.
Dr. Oliver Wendell JiolmM', on'
Are we to. infer from ItiU tliat thjf.
generation is responsible for the con
dition of the race & hundred years
fromrtoT. . ;' . ' ,''
Is this wondcrfnl generaUoK thb riaV
ural result t)f:the proper.VUetiUid.ined
icinosof.ihtoUedysorBaiaT ' '
It is conceded in other lands: tliil
most of tuo Tronderfar1 disooyerios.
of the World in. this century have
come from hn country. Our nnces
torawero rearod'ia log cabins, und
suffered hardships tid trials. ' '
But they lixoa land enjoyed Jaoalth
to a ripe old age. Iho .wOmon of
those days would endure' hardships
without apparent fatigue that would
startle those of the present age.
Why was It?'
One of the "proprietors of tho pop
ular remedy known as Warner's safe
euro, has been faithfully investigating
the cause, and has called' to his Hid
scientists as well as 'medical "men, im
pressing upon- tneni 'the fact that
there cannot1 'be 'ftrl effect without' a
cause. This Investigatien: disclosed'
the. fact that 1n" tho 'dldon 'thrnk
simplo remedies wore adnrinisterVil '
compounded of herbs and rootB; which
wore gathered and, stored in the lottt
of the log cabins, and when sickness
came on, tlies6 remedies from nature 'n
laboratory were used with tho but
What were theso' remedies ? What
were thov used for? After Untiring
and diligent search they have dIi
tained the formulas so generally unci!
for various disorders.
Now the question 1b, how will the
olden time preparations affect (tie
people of this age. who have bon
treated, under modoro medical
schools and codes, with poisonons
and iniuriouB drum. This test bus
been carefully pursued, untit tliy
are convinced mm ins preparation
they now call Wahior's Log Cabin
remedies are what our much abused
systems required.
Among them is what is known n
Warner'B Log Cabin sarsaparilla, and
they frankly announco that thoy do
not consider tho sarsaparilla of no
much valuo in itself ns U is in tin
combination of tho Tarious ingredi
sntswhicli together work marvelous!)1
unon tho svstom. They also have
preparations for other diseases, such
as "Warner's Log Cabin cough nnd
consumption remedy," "Log Cabin
hops and buchu remedy," "Warner's
Log Cabin hair tonic' They have
great confidence' that they have n
euro for the common disease of catarrh,
which ihoy give the name of "Log
Cabin tobo cream." Also a "Log
Cabin plaster,1' "which thoy aro con
fident will supplant all others, and a
livor pill, to be used separately or in
connection with the other remedies.
Wo hope that the public will not
be disappointed in these remedies,
but will reap a benefit from tho in
vestigations, and that tno proprietors
will not be embarrased in their in
troduction by dealers trying to sub
stitute remedies that havo been so
familiar to the shelves of our drng
eisia. This line of remedies will be
used instead of others. Insist upon
your druggist getting them for you H
he hasn't them yet in stock, and wo
feel confident that theso new reme
dies will receivo approbation at our
reader's hands, as the founders have
used every care in their preparation.
.National SarglMl )ustl)ilf.
Tur liliiru HUIVOOIIS rrielltllJg tills
Institute will Imj at, the Chemoketa hotel.
Salem, November 10tl, 18A
They come fully prepared wim i
onn.in.IIIM tlMWIUUirV fOr tU0 SUCCCSfU
trcmicnloftheiripecll"TiCurvulur8 of
tho spine, diseases of the hip and kneo
Joint, crooked limbs', club feet and all
bodily deformities. Tiieir hucccm iu "
lug these tmnble u well as all ebronlo
nd sexual diseases hW made wr tno in
stil ute a national reputation.
Uponappneaiion, ixicrcuvv n -- -
Ishcd from patients In aU parts of the
United States.
inrwnnihasn goffering from any
oY these complaints', should not toll to taks
advantage of this opportunity lorrenct.
LWTrrru '
Usasd: lflarcb. and, BepU,
C7.W - tC i u mutt-
lettpfdW of iUfol infer.
cbMa'in MwiHes in tb
esa cloths you and inrUb you -wUM
all S nrtl"T rd ""
appUwcM to rtdsJk. dM :
Subscribe foftbeCAWTALJoiBXAi.
On OctoborSOth the Lick Obaervn-
' torj- dlscovcrvtl n coiuct. The comet
is a young one, with n short bob
mi, mtber faint ns, to appearance.
Nothlllv 14 11nr. f11luaiyn.vihtn tn M Vtfninf?
lady or gentleman thun to havo tho fuo
coxr?u witti pimples, black nrads antt
blotches. Dutard's sihIHo, tho new skin
Tcmeitv, x III romene all disfigurations
from the face and hands nnd produce a
clearnnd beautiful completion. Try Hand
be con Inced.
Sold by . W, Matthews A Co.
' As AtWWts Csrs.
MNTMENTls only put up in largo
tw.Humce 1 1 n boxes, and ia ttB
dwolute cure for old bomb, burns,
wounds, chapped hands, und nil
fin eruptions. Will positively
im-nil kinds of piles. AJkfor the
MKNT. Bolu by D. W." Matthews
v l'o., 100 State street, Balena, lit 25
fiits ir box by mail 80 cento.
Uow'l This!
We oflor one hundred dollars ro
wnrd for any enso of catarrh that
can not be cured by taking Hnll'n
catarrh cure.
l K. J. Cheney & Co., nrotvs.,
Tolwlo, O. Wo, tho undersigned,
havo known F. J. i Cheney for, the
last 15 years, and bullevo iiliu jrt
fectly honomhle iu all business
transaction, und financially nolo to
carry out any obligations nindo by
their firm.
West & Truax, wholeMilu drug
gNts, Toledo, Ohio.
Wuldiiiir, Klniian fc Marvin,
wholvxale (lriijrKlsts, Ttdedo, Ohio.
' K. II. Van lloeseu, cashier,
Toledo niitloiiul bank, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's citanh cine Is taken In
leriinlly, acting directly upon tho
blood and mucus surfaces of the
system. Triee, 7oe. per bottle,
bold by ;ill dnifflsts.
" Her ,lge I'auutt Wlibtr Her."
lletnnrked lui old gentleman, as ho
gazed foiullv upon the comely little
woman by iibt side; "but frankly,"
lie continued, "nt one timu I
thought cosinetlea would." Tho
silly little woman, In order to appear
youthful, plastered her face with
different varieties of whitewash,
yclept, "bluins." "cream," "lo
tion," &c. "Yes" Interrupted tho
little woman, " I did, until my skin
became like parchment, nnd ho
pimply and coarse." " Well," said
the listener, "what do you use now?"
" Use," wnstho reply, " nothing hut
common sense, and Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Dlscovcjy. Coin
mon sense told me If my blood was
pure, liver regulated, appetite gd.
that the outward woman would
take on the hue of health. The
'Discovery' did all those things,
and actually rejuvenated me."
Its thousands of euros are the best
advertisement for Dr. Sago's Catarrh
Halcm, Oregon,
Gentlemen: We had Iho pleasure re
cently of nuking shipment to you of our.
new "White Crowt" Extracts, und .send
you by mall to-day a ery neat show ird
which (i would Ilko you to place promi
nently In your store, hndwjilch will cull
IheutUiutlon of your trndo to the goods.
It has been our Intention for some time
past to pluco iiou tlm market the Ilium t
line or tliiNorlng extracts mamifaitilred In
this country, mill uftor months of study
mid oxiwrliiieiitlng wtl Die pnnnlncnt
limniU uuu before, the public wuliayout
lust iuvsded In placing before you a fluid
ity wlileli beyond doubt has no superior
We ui not too strongly linprwts uisin
you that you wn uiilitMltatlnaL' recom
mend them to your customers as Ilia lliiest
that mil jxVulhly be mnmiractiired. The
puckngu und style gonerully Is such us to
uttmut attention, mid woprrdlct that when
jidirlruite have tested the iiwillly of the
kwU.nirie fur" Whlli I'nmt" exIruvU
HI beUrifi'.
r .i-vnl ink witli iHir rijn(t you will
i.- eir-r a f i i usu "ur truly,
A. Willi LINO A CO.
,, ...l.f tH -iiv-
Important Events of the Bole World
for Twenty-four Hours.
The West Letter Ch1nM Knrludcu
flood News And Many Trlcgrams.
A llFerulr Hursts.
QvsiKVAf Nov. 0. The reservoir
nt Moutrdux,' on I.nko (iciievn, has
burst, ' destroying property, null
drowning mitiiy people. Seven
bodies huvo lieen recovered.
liiti Murrhlson Letter.
Loa Angeles, Nov. 0. The real
name of1 tho author of the Murchlsou
letter Is Francis O. Holey. He is a
farmer living near Pomona, nnd
says ho wrote tho letter to West
entirely on his ow,u responsibility.
Tli llnrnld Concedes It,
New York, Nov. 0. It Is said
the Times will claim this state has
gone for Cleveland, and that ho Is
elected; that, he has .carried Now
.Jersey and Connecticut. It also
says 21111 is elected.
A Herald editorial says: "Tho
Indications are that at the hour
qf going to press Harrison Is elected
to the presidency."
Cloe In Ipillnim,
lNIUANAl'01.19, NOV. (1. Two
hundred and twenty precincts
give Harrison iS),748, Cleve
land 2l,4UU. The samo precinct
gave. Rlalne 127,878, Cleveland iW,055.
Two hundred and twenty-two pre
cinct give Harrison 2l),748, Cleveland
iM,4t)8, Tim twuno.ln '8 1 gavo lllalno
127,888, Cleveland I,fVo. Tho Jour
nal claims the state for Harrison.
Mol'iiComt Nnws,
Hjxkna, Nov. 0. Indications
point strongly to tho election of
Carter, rep., over Clark, dein. The
results at the principal points In the
territory hIiow lanw republican
trains. Carter's frlunds ure claiming
rtnn KXK) to 'MM majority, tuid tho
democratfl practically conoetlo
Clark's dufeat, Tho republicans
made a clean sweep of their county
ticket at Helena.
Now York KolUI.
Nkw York. Nov. 0. The bureau
of election Inuich corrected completo
llguivs on tho electoral ticket, ns
follews: Harrison 105,712(1, Clove
1 ind 101,1)81 j Cleveland's majority,
Nkw York, Nov. 0. Klng'M
county complete gives gives Cleve
land 82,447, -Harrison 7(),r37, Klsk
llKKi, In 181 It gave Cleveland 07,-
0.'17, Ulnlno 02,300, St. John l.'WO.
The Ksvlualiiii Act,
Washington, Noy. 0,-r-In
answer to an Imiulry, from the,
Un(eil States consul at Havre, re
tpvctlujj the.rjghtof certuln Clilncso
h.tlorH, slilpiHjd front .the United
HtnU'H im American vessels and paid
ofruwj discharged nbroad, to n-hlp
and return to tho United BtatoH, tlm
secretary of tho, treasury iW the
Chinese hiyvlng been lunde upd
pHltl,oUru no hgex l ay m"
within the Jurisdiction ami uudur
Uje cmitrol of, the ,Uiitfid Htutus
gvvermnentaiid usl be considered
as liavlug departetl from tho United
Mutual Regrets,
Ilniwii I met Mrs. Jenkins to
day. Poor thlngf she seems awful-"
y unhappy. Haiti sue was sorry
s'hu had'nt married me when I pro
jsned, yearn ugo.
Mrs. Urowii So tun I. Town
Topics. ,
A JoupntlWtl" llluililfir,
"So you are from Arizona?"
"How is tho 'Toinlwtouo Hooter'
coming on?"
"A prominent ultlzcn shot tho ed
"You see he wrote Mlorlblo illtin
ilar1 its n headline to go ovur an ue-
count of n railroad nceldent, but tlio
foreman jnado a mistake nml put It
over an account of a wedding."
' . i ' ' i ' '
If mothers wtudhNt tlMttr bt lnlwU
thoy would Hud tlwt l)r. lloIrs DHd
1U.I1 umie U lite liiMiwJirtil Ni,
Many of tho Ills wmUr in flhiwlf wwld
be utoldwl by IU H. f I t us pbwwHlte
Ukeua gl f wliw.
Hold by l. W lUlwws A U.
Cleveland Is Elected to Go
The Solid South llrokcn nml The Solid
North Strcnfjthtncil.' West Vir
ginia, llrtaks lr K rord.
New York Safe. Indiana
Nkw York, Now.'O.t-TIio ite't
nld'tiiyu Clovelaud hasatrrled Con
necticut by 850.
Dktroit, Nov. 0.-Republican
statu committee claim tho state, by
12,000 to 15,tXX) plurality.
PiiiiiDKi.iMtiA, Nov. 0. Tho In
dications are that Pcnusylvunla.has
gone for Harrison by 6Q,000 minority.
A L All AM Aw.
MoNTflosiKRY, Ala., N,pv. fl, Tho
domocrats claim a majority In the
state of !10,000 and all tho congress
Nrwaric, Nov. . Tho demo
cratlo headquarters report Clove
land's plurality In the state of New
Jersey 8000.
LouiMVii.iii:, Kjir Nov. (I, Ken
tieky has glvuu. Cleveland the
usual democratic jnnjorlly. Tho
llgures will bo neait 40,000.
I)i Moink,,Nov. 0. Republican
headquarters ulalut n plurality of
:i0,(KH)oii the national ticket with
tho state ticket but little less.
Rohton, Nov. (I. Every republi
can coigrcssuiau Is elected, except
ne.agaln of two.
laHsauhusotts Is reiubllcau by a
handsome majority,
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 0. Tho
state republican commit tee estimates
a ropqblk'iiu , majority In Nebraska
of between 128,000 npil 110,000. Tlie
democratlu eommltteo concedes the
state by 120,000.
AUfrtJSTA, Me., Nov. 0. llla'luo
wit the following tetegaut o C;eu.
iiarriHqu: "Jteturus inusarretjivcti
(iiillfiito that Maine has g(vei you ti
majority of 12.1,000. It will bo more
rather than less than 0,000."
( , . 1LMNOIH,
(.'hioaoo, NV. ".All ropprbj so
far received otiUldo of Cook cjunty,
shfw,sipaU republican gains, whloh
If miutilid will glvo .Harrison
severid thousand gain oyer Rlalno's
vote In 18. Palmur'n vote for
governor Is greater than Cleveland's
at all points yet heard, fro;n.
The Ilaiifiivrnlla I'pfrs of Nnw Yoik
CiilK'ectn tlm Defeat.
' Nr.v Vohk, Iov. 7. The World,
dein., concedos'tho olvellou (ofFIIur-
rlsmln thlstjtateby 8100 plurality
The times 'loncedes Harrison a
plurality of 7700 In this stno.
ColitmiiUH, O., Nov. 7. Allen W.
Thnrmuu, wjm wnslookliigiiftortho
ulectlon returns for his father,' went
hninosoon after midnight, nftercoii
cedlng New York, C'onneetleut und
the victory to Harrison nnd Morton,
Judge Thunnan hoard oiilyiuwm
plete returns before ho retired for tho
night, hut ho then was Inclined to
give up the light.
Utllrstt Mtrt.ilisi lll.srdrred ss4 Klgbte4.
Tha most dollwtn und Intrieutu pleco of
inwIuiuUm Iu Ui huiiiuii stniutiirti Is tho
nnrves. As the telef ranhlo wiros trunaiil t
the electric fori). m tV) tllu smutthM.
tlm f.xwl lnt Is'lng th brnlu. wiiwe sen
.n.n iuiiru. AlMitul uniMr weakens
Ithts iiievhuiiUm, Midden sliixikf iumlyz
ILhut dyspeMl Is IU iiiost obduruto foe.
'rhls luo Uuliurly defeated by tha lrrest.il-
b tollw, lllMletier nuiiuumi niiiei.
mid lb" cMuttlun isT disorder tn the
stmiaeli U rellKctinl in bruin and uyrvs
by rtMUiml truuiilllty, und tramiullity of
tfis nerves Impllea, III this liulune, renew
.llgor. A dUlliiKiiUliMl iadltl author.
Ity says. "Tliu vlcllin of uervous dlxiulet
uilo who rinds chlorul ul nlilil nnd
broiiildea by day ntitsHlrs, should know
tltul u eur must be sought among ugni(lM
whhili sUvugtheii Uie re," und uiir
wlly HiMlMtes Humiueli lllttttfs , Ih
proved to M tho bwt of thr-. Malaria
s.mipUilnt, (SHisUisttriHi, IrtllUawneM. In
avtlvtty of the kUIiwys ami rheMHWiiWtH
often lhvtlv MrMiii IruMbtos by "r
thy, ud all are ermfloHted by tie lllttf.