Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 06, 1888, Image 3

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    vu. -imjtH fc-n
Complete Recital of the Day's Deeds
(YoanR Stalwarts Diphtheria Peak
Again Land of Plenty.
A Successful Teacher's Instltnte.
A toachet's institute was held. at
Wooilburn, Saturday, which was
attended by Superintendent Yoder,
many of the teachers from the sur.
rounding country and the residents
of the place. They were amply re
paid for their time by hearing sub
jects discussed which are being
taught to their children. The meet
ing was called to order at 10 a. m.
with Supt. Yoder in the chair. A
chorus was sung by the Woodburn
choir. Miss Lizzie Caples was chos
en secretary; Prof. A. B. Childers
vice-president. The method of
teaching arithmetic was discussed
and many short and practical meth
ods were brought to light by Prof.
Anderson of Silvertoii. During the
afternoon the methods, of teaching
language, spelling and order were
discussed by Messers Leatherman,
Anderson, Childers and Graham,
showing by their clear and concise
remarks that they are not novices
! in the art of teaching.
The next meeting is to be held' at
Gervals De5. 1st, when Prof. (Jhild-
ers will discuss elementary geog
raphy, followed by Prof. Eagon on
reading. Every one is cordially In
vited, to attend. Spare a few hours
to see how the rising generation is
oeing instructed, bet us encourage
all mcectings which have for their
object the advancement of educa
tion. Let us be ever willing to
show, if only by our presence, our
approuanon ot teacners institutes,
Coming in Kaplrtly.
Every day many new comers ar-
rivo in our city and locate either in
town or on farms near the city. Yes
terday a business man of this city,
who knows nearly every resident of
the county, remarked that wc did
not appreciate how rapidly our coun
try was being settled, and illustrated
his remarkby citing tho number of
total strangers who passed by while
talking. At his request we took
notice, the first four persons were
Kansas men. then came a Salem
lady, two eastern men, thrco Salem
men, etc. In tho twenty minutes, of
those who passed, three-fifths were
Two City Elections.
Yesterday was city election at
Dallas, with results as follews: T.
B. Rowell was elected marshal, Nat
Holman recorder, J. W. "Williams,
Thos. Hayter, J. T. Groves council
men. Four couucilnien were to be
elected, but there was a tie between
Hi Plumber aud Percy Fiske for
this honor. Gervals also chose
officers lor the ensuing year. They
arc: Couucilnien, Charles Overby, J.
S. Scott, O. Thibodeau, P. Kelley,
and E. Dupuis; recorder, W. S.
Taylor; treasurer, M. Mitchell; mar
shal, H. Koester.
A Writable 1'aradise.
Certainly it Is refreshing to think
of our Douglas county neighbors
as being now engaged in harvesting
a second crop of apples. BUt our
own favored valley Is not far behind.
To-day many of our own citizens
had for dinner string beans and
green peas of second crop, while
raspberries 'and strawberries havo
not entirely disapeared yet. Farther
east bleak winter is already upon
them with his blinding snows aud
thickening ices, while In Oregon old
Sol is still brightly bctlmlug as is
his wont at this season.
An Ef Ideace or Prosperity.
Salem is to have a system of street
railway, and a Hue Is to bo con
structed in time for tho next session
of the legislature. This is another
gratifying evidence of tho growth of
tho capital. All such - enterprises
will Increase Its vigor aud bring
other enterprises, aud will enhance
the value of real estate. Roseburg
1 Wheat Goes C.
This morning tho Salem quota
tions on wheat moved up one cont
on the busliol, making the price 70
cents per bushel. It Is thought it
will go still higher, as river navi
gation has hardly woll opened yet.
Tu SerT.e Two Uar.
Yesterday evening John Hamp-
bhlre was1 brought tothe penitentiary
from Umatilla county. He eomos
to servo n two years' sentence, hav
ing been convicted of the larceny of
a watch.
- '
The CfcarapUaH Work.
The Champion has already I wen
to Salem and loaded with wheat for
Portland. Her route this ston
will be between Portland and
Lal ot Silk and Honey.
Tho article below is just now hav
ing the run of several hundred
eastern papers, being published In
all the co-operative issues of a St.
Paul ready-print house :
"Oregon will yet 'fruit' the entire
Northwest, from Indiana to Idaho,
and those states and territories will
bo greatly benefited thereby. There
Is no part of the state that is better
qualified In every way for this kind
of culture than Marlon and Polk
counties, surrounding Salem, the
state capital. In Salem there is
now a larce fruit evnn.im.inir oa.
tabllshment, aud a cannery Is
spoKeu or as the next improvement.
It is likely such an institution will
bo built next year, It being too late
uus season. Land suitable for
prune or other fruit culture can bo
purchased now near Salem at from
?30to $150 per acre, in cultivation,
and for less if not cleared. It
would pay thousands of your bliz
zard-stricken farmers to leave that
frozen land, where you can crow
nothing but chilblains and frozen
ears, and where tho farmer can
work 365 days out of the year If he
wants, and wo will never see the
labors of his arm go for naught.
In tho three months your Minnesota
farmer has to 'hole up' on account
of tho cold and snow, he could earn
the living for a year for his family
in ,Jregou."
i i i
The rroilQctlveness of Oregon.
The soil here Is wonderfully rich
and productive, and produces wheat,
oats, barley llax, peas, beans, vege
tables of all sorts and staple fruits
in their most perfect form. Salem
Hour has long commanded the high
est price in tho Liverpool market,
and now Salem apples, green and
evaporated, pears aud prunes sell
for more than the product of any
other part of tho United States
in Chicago. St. Paul buys our "big
red apples" and luscious prunes.
The yield of both these fruits long
since accorded tho post of "staples"
In all markets,-- has been enormous
this year, and a sight of an average
Oregon orchard would make tho
eyes of a "Michigan apple grower,"
or Eastern prune producer turn
green with envy. Prunes set out in
good land and well cultivated will
begin bearing in at least live years,
that is, so oue can call the bearing a
crop. To plant them will cost, say
an acre of ground, &50; 155 trees
(the average number set to an acre),
$23.25; plowing the ground and
planting the trees; $7.50; total cost
(original) per acre to plant prunes,
$S0.75, Including cost of tho land.
Cultivation for five years may Iks $50
or 100. One prune orchardlst's
eight acres will pay him from $500
to ?G00 this, their fifth year.
A Great Ulg Day.
Although there is being held to
day a great national election, all is
very peaceable and orderly in tho
capital city. Knots of earnest men
crowd the sidewalks and street cor
ners discussing tho issues of tho day
nnd using ull ondeavors to lnlluence,
by argument, tho voter who has not
yet cast his ballot. Although Salem
is filled to overflowing with people,
there Is neither druukenness nor
disorderly conduct, aud tho day
promises to come to a close without
any extraordinary demonstration.
To-night we may expect to see the
vast throng filling tho sidewalks a
surging mass of humanity eager to
catch the import If tho succeeding
bulletins. Tho news received beforo
to-morrow will bo most meagre, and
even then wo can havo noassumuce.
To-night's bulletins must bo mere
Setoad Crap.
A Red Juno apple treo on the
premises ofV. H. Byarslu this city
has furnished two crops of fruit this
Booson. Tho flratcrop was gathered
last Julv aud the secoud crop oniy
a few days ago. Tho lust crop was
not so i larce jis, the first but was
healthy well-llavored fruit.
Considerable excltemotit was
created this morning by tho un-
uouncmout that tho wife or a wull
i,n,m-n Snlem buslnesrf man had
eloped with her husband's olork,
but Investigations ruvemeu mo met
ci,u imri oniv Honohurridly to Squire
Farrar & Co's to catch some of,
those splendid bargains in giw.-nw,
hie .Need! Street Can.
TTiirmliTor Salem! She will have
a stmt railway Uy the new year.
We hope they will suoeeeo, w wt.
knows they need it.-Gwvate
all known remodlef, 0 iLibt
ii u iJmmiiI to lake, to purrly
ind CT?" !1IJ " V bU""-
UMis l- W MUbew. "
UIIiMJUtWJbgaFSaJJll.rJiJiJLl Wtffjgg;
The Young Republicans Cast Their
Maiden Vote.
At oue o clock this afternoon those
young republicans who were about
to cast their first presidential voto
assembled at the Chemekete and
marched in a body to tho poll".
There were 70 6"f them In lino aud
as they proceeded along tho crowd
ed streets, to tho step of martial
music, shouts of warm enthusiasm
and encouragement greeted them.
The streets were thronged on either
side but a way was made to
the polls. The first ballot
deposited was met with a round
or cheers, and with each succeeding
vote cast for Harrison, Morton and
native land the shouts for protection
and the perpetuation of American
institutions rent the air. tho dvlnir
echo reverberating the hills, only to
do louowed by an outburst of still
greater enthusiasm.
The Dread Diphtheria.
In the Thornton family who live
a half mile from the long bridge, In
Polk county, the diphtheria Is work
ing its terrible results. Four mem
bers of tho family were stricken with
the malady. Oue, a little eight
year old daughter, died yesterday
evening and her sister, who is eigh
teen, is expected to follow her with
in a short time. Tho other members
of the family are perhaps a shadow
Improved, but their condition Is In
deed precarious.
This in one of those dread dls
cases which comes upon us un
awares and works Its deadly ends
beforo a realization is evident.
Great care should bo used in tho
matter of exposure, as the germs of
disease may be carried from one
person to another through clothing.
We trust tho worst Is over, yet u
timely warning Is never amiss.
BUI Watklnds, tho irrepressible
and redoubtable, Is In tho City to
day. The examination of the afl'.iirs of
the Indian training school at Cho
mawa have been adjourned until to
morrow. U. S. Special Agent Gen.
Gordon Is in the city.
Dr. Wm. Smith has sold a piece of
residence property on corner of
Chemekete and High to C. S. Riely.
The consideration was 2,450. Mr.
Riely w.111 erect a neat and stylish
residence on this property In tho
Calvin Neal, a well-known pio
neer of Marlon county, was stricken
with paralysis of the right sldo at
his home four miles from Turner
last Thursday. Ho is reported as
somewhat better, although tho
chances for recovery aro poor.
This being election night, when
everybody will be considerably agi
tated if not more so there will be
no meeting of the Board of Trade
Really it would be next to impos
sible to corral the pcoplo for any
kind of a meeting on such a night
as this.
Mr. D. L. Irwin of Scio, desirous
of Improving his already fino stock
of Angorla goats, yesterday purchas
ed of W. D. Clagget one of thoj
pure bred bucks Imported from Cal
ifornia. It pays to advertise In the
Capital Jouknal. Both parties
aro highly pleased with tho trans
action. Recorder Strlcklor yesterday con
signed two vagrants to tho county
jail, one for fifteen and tho other for
twenty days. It Is just such a
policy as this that keeps tho num
ber of tramps hereassmall as It Is.
Wore Salem's rwlIcyjTojtrict she
would bo over-run wiyrbeggurH(nnJ
worthless characters. .,
Han Prnnclai
.'CW,. April 1
For several weok8iivTiJlrullerel se
verely with kidney afflSetTOii of u very hk
pruvateJ character wlilcli kwiiuhI toilcty
nil tlie usual remedial. 1 Anally tried the
an Immediate Imprmeiiient, undkliu luia
now entirely reomeml her health. .
Sold by D, W. Mattbfwa A CO?
i s,
A WtmiBaDlVoTfry.
"Anothor wouflcrfyl, .discovery
has been mado and that 'too by a
lady in this county. Disease fast
ened Its clutchMg.upon httrnand for
seven years sho withstood lot sever
est tests, but her (JVtjil prgatls were
undermined and 4ti twined Im
minent. For Jhreo (qicpithq she
coughed Incosstfhtly' arid" could not
sleep. She bought of us a bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption aud was so much relieved
on taking first dose that she tJi-pt all
night and by one bottle has been
mlraeulotwly euretL. WV nama U
Mr. LuUwr LuUjK Zfliffl wrtWW.
C. Hamriek & Go., of StfMby, N. I'-
Uet a free trial bottle at II. V
Cox's drug store. i
Xcws Anl Notes of a General In
terest to the Westerner.
The establishment of a State Min
ing Bureau, Is bolnir discussed In
Tho Tncoiua News says the pro
prietor of n dive in that town de
posits 100 in the bank every day.
Ice a quarter of an Inch thick
formed on water exposed in small
vessels at Truekee last Friday morn
ing. The taxable property of Washing
ton Territory, for the year 1SSS,
foots up fSl.041.54vS. an Increase of
over $23,000,000 since 18S7.
A lynx weighing twenty pounds
was killed near tho residuneo of
George Zinc, on Round mountain,
Nevada county, last Sunday.
The average single life of a good
looking school teacher In Merced
county is less than a year, according
to tho editor of tho .Merced Express.
Ont of our valued exchanges
speaks of another paper, as "owned
by a banker and edited by a skunk !"
We should call that a powerful com
bination. A young man recently started a
paper in Tillamook county, and
now they are circulating all kinds of
mean reports about him, one story
being that he was born In Dakota.
At Tillamook tho wreckage of the
steamer Manih is settled all along
the beach, while tho hulk Is turned
upside down about otio mile above
the Bar View House. All hands
were lost.
Tho band of horw thieves that has
been preying upon tho stockmen of
Union county of late, are now In
close quarters. Two of them aro
now in jail and the others hiding in
ho timber near Elgin, but certain
of capture.
The following Is a copy of a bill
posted on the wall of a country vil
lage: "A lecture on total abstinence
will be delivered in tho open air, and
a collection will be made at thedoor
to defray expenses."
The Nevada law denying the suf
frage to bigamists, polygamlsts or
members of tho Mormon Church
having been declared unconstitu
tional, the people will voto on a con
stitutional amendment containing
the substance of that law.
It is with no small concern that
tho stockmen of Jackson county
note i (.appearance of blackleg or
anthrax during tho past two weeks
on several ranges In tho county.
Near Brownsboro Ed. Mills IohI
seven head of calves by tho myste
rious malady last week.
All indications point to a larger
Immigration this year than wo have
over before enjoyed. Such an exo
dus has nevor been known as will
take place from tho drouth stricken
portions of Kansas, from tho frost
Btrlcken region of Dakota, and tho
blizzard's homo In Iowa nnd Ne
braska. Mrs. Edwards, Editor of tho
Bazoo of Bay City, In apologizing
for the non nppeurunco of the paper
says: "To tho readers of tho Bazoo
I apologizo for not appearing the
last two weeks. Tho cause lies In
tho non-arrival of freight which had
our paper on board.' As soon as that
arrives look out for us, as we are
loaded for a boom."
Tho author of that oft-repeated
quotation "last but not least" little
dreamed ot Its application to the
development of tho last, vitally Im
portant town site on .Ajuerlcan soil,
yet the last ami omlngrjiacjj of
the, West,,s thlH peimislar ofcy of
roft TnyMMMf ou pugqt puni.
JtteMfrluWiJj1 ! M;ntyr( ;mrroTuiul
JngjiHndJl,rjminHUiIarr locution, the
New Vork city ,of "tho Vost, and
this myfitt
a similarity
n.inlpnlng Import,
with Its nearnosflVp tho sea, with
that of America's groat city, Now
rL, 1
Sevoral car joad of hops have
been shipped from Oorvals dlruei to
New York.
II. B. MoMahan, Is looking for u
location lij the north end of Urn
county to start a newspapur, and Is
thinking of ooutlng at Woodburn.
ClervaU has no wnulliox, nor. is
ithe quarantined.
The Gervals publle hall awooln
tion announce a grand ball in their
Hw'lty- t,QJ&B$Jh4ffvlPir v,
and propose to maKe it the bigMiwt
dajice !evjrglvgn In Gevabi.
tt.uuc-ll&toiij CbavtfQvtflty bait
been i
wif ewnttiredto hfaf 11-Ihe pat
il.. uu.ku u ul. I.mu riur l.nt la
""lv ""r" """'f v-., .-.
The Oregon Land Compauy's ten
acre lotsare selling rapldly,40 having
been sold since the Sth of Sept. There
Is no probability that 10 acres of
goon lami wituin lour inuosor&iWcni
will ever again be ottered for ?30 per
acre on easy terms. Tiicre are now
five houses In process of construction
on lots already sold and roads are
being opened and bridges built so
that tho value of all of the lots Is
belne rapidly enhanced. Any one
ulslilni' to linv toll nir.va iif" p-tmhI
land for much less than the price of
a cny lot will do well to looK at tins
property at once as there is no doubt
but that It will nil bo sold Insido of
thirtv davs. Call nt tho office of the
Oregon Land company on Coin
menial street andyou will lie shown
the property freo of charge.
Itnrklrna Arnica Salre.
The best salve In tho world fn
i-iii s bruises, sores, ulcer, salt rheum
ever sores, tetter, chapped hand
chilblains, corns, nnd all skin orup
tiiiii", and positively cures piles, uj
no pjiy required, it Is guarantoer
t' give perfect satisfaction, or iiioue.x
refunded. Price 25 cents per lm.
Kor Kilo Dr. H. W. Cox.
O. It. Monhok. J. H. N I1KI.K
Ijiloof thu Monroe llout-o.
Monroe & Bell,
rc note
Sample Rooms for Coirmerdal Travelers.
rrom 81 to W iht day.
102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon
llavlnj; bought out the remainder ot tnu
clmlr lai'tory'H fctovlc, o aro ptoparcil to
.ell olmliH loucr thannny Iioiihu IuUickoii
Smith's Aoe
(iooils on (lie iiiHlallmQiit
Tnkn Note of TliU.
well liiiprovuil nurilen laud, within 3
uillm of Hiilom. (lood roiid to town tho
' VAtr nroilixl. Iliill(llnic (((xxl. FINE Y0UNQ
'ORrHARll nnd ezrt-llent imi lunil. ThU
fWhi)ittiYiltfifanl will ho IK-Id only n ihort
limn-ni ineno'iiguri. um, unit wu win
hd W yoir t h rmrt y.
iT I I- iVMni llkttM Unloin fir
1 ili-llvpry. Wm. Kemilelmvlnirlioiiiflit
ih cxnrtv himlncwi of Will In r liwif. U
imiurml to UulUcr.trunKa, vhiimm, iiok
Iktm, unit uny thlni. elau tlml ho in net In
iiut wauon ki iui,
wauon toiuiy rtrfjf tliti oily, (jtiKikcr,
er. btttltr.raqdffiMW, tlmn It nin l"
Itftiy uny "lKiy '!. Umivo urdvrit at
iiinl..lnkil. ft .
(' o in p u n y ,
Klr nnd JItt
rliiw. (iln'
JOf. AI.IIKItT, AKfiit
HhIiiii, Orogon.
lmCKSillTIIINtt, wd
nrznl nil (vmniMirrlHl HI.,
i, UHn ad Ctork
ii uOtblUbed trtaht
I uiiuuteuuuiua; dm
VMtra nnd lami mimwiit MltvnUluir nti!-
dluin. Yt wnn HddrtMt the ubibher
J(. U. liulld.Hlllcrton.Or.
OUlUUMlltt J UlllJll
Miss Knox
Will continue Her School for the en
suing year at tho LITTLE CENTRAL
SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and
Marion Sts.. beginning
Boys and. Girls.
Tho Krhool will own on tho 3llh
of bcpti'inbv'r. llumniRli lmitmo-
tlon In tho iirlmnr) ntul
English JBranches,
-In Cvinrsc.-
TKHMS nnd further Informntlon 1117 bo
Imil on iippllnitton to
kkv. v, 11. ix)sr,
Cor. Clu'iiH'kolii nml HtatvHU.
8-avtr '
Willamette University.
Most MioovsNfitl HohiHil of nnislo on tho
northwest t-vNiHt. About
Coui-m-h In
l'liino, Orunii vSltitiinK. Violin,
I liirmony, unit Counttr-
l)liloiuuHon v-oinpli'tlon ot i-ouivuu
'lYnchi'in: .. M, Tiirvln, l-'ninkln 1.
Joiicm, KvnCot. AKHiHtiint.IitiluM.Hinltlu
1'lrnt torm Ih-kIiin Monilny, Kciitvintwr
.Id, 18XS. Hrnil lor riitiiloKiU'. Kor lurthcr
llUltU'llllll-H IllUllOHH
S M. I3A.lvlVIN,
Musical Dlri'ctor, S11I0111, Or.
(ImiluiitoHHtiulvntN In
assfcal, Literary, Scientific,
Normal, Ilusiiiess, Law,
It Ih thoolilimt, lnruitit mill IimihI ivck-ii-lo
JiiKtltiitlun of ImirnliiK In tlm Norln
wiwt. Hi'IkhiI otiona II rut Monday In HonloinU-r
Hcml fiirriitilloKiui to
num. Ar rttAii,
17: Huliiiu, Ort'ifim.
Now In powxwiion ot it now illiioiicrVin
iiiuillcluii, which In purely 11 loml iiuii-atlH't-lc,
nml iicIh iiliuiMl InHtiintmii-ouiily on tho
mirroumllni, tlwuii of tlm ti-ctli. U In In
no way lujiirloux or uuplviiMut to tho
timto. Tho uinnurni'turem of It cliilm that
II viiial him nuvvr Imvii known h'fmi, iuhI
by upplyliiK It to thu Mumltlvo nr-noro
ti.oth, tlioy Min bo cliiint-d mid tlllol
without iMilii. Ho all tlnmo thill want all
klmlMOf itrntiil work ilonu without twin,
Woulil bdttrr mil on Dr. it, Hmltll. Tnetli
oxtraoUid forMccnlH,
Oull nnd H
Salem's Popular Job Printer,
Htutu Inanmnrti llullillna, ItnruOnn
mvrotnl mill Chi-inekelo atrevta '0-IK
No. iXH Ooiutiitirclal Htrcot,
Hunbiog, Gas aud Steam Piilisg
Tinware and Artistic Metal Work
a Specialty.
M-Ajamt fur th ItlOIIAltDWIN A
UbIUIl.! In 18 H)
Filing Saws a Specialty.
Mhopon tit ally, oppolt Mlutafs tit,
wy tUuhW, HmUw, Jr.
. u.Jiu.awafeiittogj'1 ".