Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 06, 1888, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
Is Simple of Construction,
Awarded flrst premium at the Oregon
State Fair 18SS-'Si-85-'8d.,ii7 and at the Cali
fornia State Fair, 1SS7, and Ban Joaquin
County Fair, 18S7.
Manufactured in alxldlzeg. For circular
and price list address
P. O. Box 2SG. Salem, Oregon
43 Dryer Furnaces furnished Ave sizes
Jjjington Ter.urCiilliornlu real etnto. For
Information address uh at cither of tho fol
lowing eMces: Palestine, 111.; Kansas City,
Mo.: Salem, Or.; Portland, Or. Salem olllce
nt Bellinger's machinery depot, near the
clly hall, Liberty street; Portland olllce in
the rooms of tho State Immigration Board,
corner of Front and Ash streets. 173tf
L. S. SKIFF & CO.,
Olllce near t h'o
Opcm House.
Teeth extracted
by tho painless pro
cess. MAKTCETS.;
D. C. Howard, Proprietor.
ay-All kinds of fresh and cored meats
always on hand, full weight and a square
deal all nrlund.
For Sale.
A good iron frame Horse Power. Good
for till uses, from oneto full "'&
All for the low price of $30. C'Ul lit the Pa
cillo Cider, Vinegar & Fruit Prescning
Company's office. Salem, Oregon.
For the treatment of all diseases of men
and women
Medicated vapor baths, oxygen Inhala
tions, electro magnetism, medicated
sprays, etc. Office and sunltorium In the
it iirw.b- r'ntimiltjitlon free. liwaw
.0 .. .,..,. -Si i.,t.mJi.1br0
"'l J ' -i
MMMk.-W - mMmimmm
106;STATE ST.. SALEM, or!
" SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Deoot
Proposals for Stationery.
Offickop thkSeckktahy ofStatk, i
8ALKM, Or Sept. 27th, ISSSJ
Sealed proposals will be received at this
office until noon November 27th. Ks, to
furnish the following articles for the state
of Oregen:
50 reams legal cap. U lb. No. 8 rullnsr,
white laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch
SO reams letter paper, 12;ib,No.S ruling,
whito laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch
Linen. ri43 W A3
W roams first-class Congress note, 7 B
packnges, No. 8 ruling, white laid.
to Jl No. 5 white envelopes, COIt), No. 1 rag,
15 M No. 0 white envelope. 0011), No. 1
rag XXX.
12 gross railroad steel pens No 149.
15 gross Ulllntt's steel pens, ro. 401.
3 gross Easterbrook "J" pens.
5 gross Fubcr's pn holders. No. 1S78.
JdozenTottcr Mnminieturlncr Po's. Kir.
umuier una orass DncKeu inKsianas.
12 dozen Ivory folders, I) Inch, Standard.
3 dozen Ivory folders, 10 Inch, Congress.
10 dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's
1 dozen mucllige stands, reservoir, No.
6, Morg-ui's patent.
S reams Parker's treasury blotting paper,
140 lb, nssorted colors.
2 gross No. 2 Eaglo Recorder lead pencils,
stylo eax.
4 dozen Arnold's writing fluid, quarts.
3 dozen David 4 Sous writing fluid,
quarts, black.
2 dozen Sanford's premium fluid, quarts.
15 dozen duplex cap board letter clips.
12 dozen Fubcr's rubber rulers, 14 luch,
12 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 18149, 11.
8 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 18149, E.
20 boxes Faber's No. S00 rubber bands, as
sorted sizes.
4 gross Faber's lead pencils, Noi. 2 and 3,
hexagon, gilt.
10 gross Faber's lead pencils, round, gilt,
No, 2.
0 dozen Faber's pitent Ink and pencil
rubber erusers, small.
1000 McGIU's p.itept paper fasteners, No. 2.
1000 McGiU's patent paper fasteners. No. 4.
18 do?cn gummed stub flics, No. 21, llxlo
In., 250 pages.
a aozen moio paas lor paper, 111x31.
It) dozen waste paper baskets, crows bar.
No. 4.
20 lbs hemp twine, No. 12.
At the samo time separate bids will be
received forl2dozen Wostenholm congress
knives to bo described by trado Nos. Snm
ples to be exhibited.
Bids should be marked "Proposals for
Stationery." Nouo but best quality of
goods received,
Tho right to reject nny or all bids is re
served. All goods to bo delivered beforo January
1st, 18!. Payment to bo made by tnrrunl
on state treasury.
O-23-td Secretary of State.
Ileal Estate Bargains.
Sl.OK) 100 acres, 0 miles from O & C de
pot. Wood house, barn and
01 chard. Fenced, nnd In cul
tivation. $2,000- SO acren, 4 miles from Ralcm.
Good rond to town. Improve
ments fair. Fine fruit land.
$5,490 So acres '1 miles from ftalcm.
No buildings. Splendid land,
nil fenced. Make a desirable
$2,500. Ui acres 4 miles from Balem. Im
provements good. Flno young
orchard, and garden land.
$4,180 WO ocres, 7 miles from Salem.
Hill land, flnely watered. Sell
In lots of 40-ucro tracts at $23 per
$10,800. OTo acres, 8 miles from Halem.
Excellent grass and fruit lund,
adjoining Willamette rircr.
Will sell In tracts.
$1,375 51 ocres, 4 miles of Salem. House,
barn and orchard. Largo spring
nt the door. Good boll, aim
plenty of timber.
$2,400 laoacres, 5 miles of Salem; good
road; well Improved; stream
running through tho place.
$00,00 400 acres (4 miles west side O A
C 11 II) good house, barn and
orchard, 120 In cultivation, bul
anco link grub pasture land.
$800 10 acres, 1 mile from Halem, ad
Joining fair ground. Good land;
no Improvements.
$1,200. 40 acres, 5 miles Kulem; nil in
cultivation; no buildings; near
school house. Excellent fruit
$1.000 V0 acres, 0 miles from O AC R II;
nil fenced; well watered. House,
barn, nnd small orchard; 150
acres in cultivation.
$2.750. 3 lots, with good housonnd born,
East Salem. Desirable location.
We have besides this a largo list of city
nnd form property. Buyers would do well
to coll and cxomlno our holdings before
making their purchases.
Opera House, Court St..
n.ogtf Salem. Or.
Land of Discoveries.
Those who have used itwSS
J.'.'V.i'JuiKi VatlofHCllon. and a cu-
toner with llrJuchltls .ys it is the on.y
remedy that gUes Instant , relief.
.. 11 the pleasure u Inform
H ay e yyvmisyss
meeting with tareeaul". frome 'nny
Nothing but Praise having oo
inslon tn use them. , ,
ri...i 11 will accomplish the end delred
It Will wUhou 1 it urfjut will
!'nnP who hS"eed everything
? 1nd?SfnW MoUSyl. no object where
health li in the QonVnCe YOU
l?."0' ,m of one Xillir in purenlUe
trininumof one ammr
Knl&Kreadedof human
"circular sent fre. containing detailed
2 -
Boms BUrUlug Rtatements of 0a.
v eral Interest.
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, on
being askod when the training of a
child should begin, replied, "A hun
dred years beforo it is born."
Are wo to infer from this that thii
generation is responsible for the eon
ition of the race a hundred yean
from now?
Is this wonderful generation the nat
ural result of the proper diet and med
icines of a hundred years ago ?
It is conceded in other lands that
most of the wonderful discoveries
of tho world in this century havo
como from this country. Our ances
tors were reared in log cabins, and
suffered hardships and trials.
But they lived and enjoyed health
to a ripe old ago. Tho women of
those days would enduro hardships
without apparent fatigue that would
startle those 01 the present age.
Why was it?
One of tho proprietors of the pop
ular remedy known as Warner's safe
euro, has been faithfully investigating
tho cause, and baa callod to his aid
scientists as well as msdical men, im
pressing upon them the fact that
there cannot be an effect without a
cause. This investigation disclosed
tb.6 fact that in tho oldon timos
simplo remedies wore administoiol
compounded of herbs and roots, which
were gathered and stored in the lofts
of the log cabins, and when sicknos
came on, these remedies from naturoV
laboratory wore used with the best
What wore those remedies? Wlut
were thoy used for? After untirjrig
and diligent search thoy havo ob
tained tho formulas so generally used
for various disorders.
Now tho question is, how will tho
olden time preparations affect the
people of this ago, who have been
treated, under modem medical
schools and codes, with poisonous
and injurious drugs. This test has
beon carefully pursued, until the)
are convinced that the preparations
they now call Warner's Log Cabfii
remedies are what our much ubuBixl
systems required.
Among them is what is known an
Warner's Log Cabin sarBaparilla, and
they frankly announco that thoy do
not consider tho sarsaparilla of no
much value in itself as it is in the
combination of the various inured!
ante which together work mar velously
upon the system. Tho also huvo
preparations for other diseases, such
as 'Warner's Log Cabin cough nnd
consumption romody," "Log Cabin
hops and buchu remedy," "Warner's
Log Cabin hair tonic." They have
great confidence that thoy have a
euro for the common disoasoof catarrh,
which they give the name of "Log
Cabin rose cream." Also a "Log
Cabin plaster," which they are con
fident will supplant all others, and a
liver pill, to be used separately or in
connection with tho other remedies.
We hope that the public will not
be disappointed in theso remedies,
but will reap a benefit from tho in
vestigations, and that tho proprietors
will not be cmbarrasod in their in
troduction by dealers trying to sub
stitute remedies that have been so
familiar to the shelves of our drug
gista. This line of remedies will bo
used instead of others. Insist upon
your druggist getting them for you If
he hasn't them yet in stock, and wo
feel confident that these new reme
dies will receive approbation at our
reader's hands, as the founders have
used every care in their preparation.
Proposal for Wood.
1 Oregon Mule iiiwuie .wjium "?""'
Invite Bilel proposal for wnml iih Pllmv.
I'our hundred (4ii) cord dry ihiIj- mik.
Two liiiiidliiliaUlixirdH dry bol ;'",..
l'ourleen hundred (14U0) cord dry ImmI
"Vl.eSmta.'S.'ntS. "" -"- '" 'i'T
InclitM In diameter. Three hundred U;
rtve hundred ordn nf fir, iimltwo mndml
to tlirw hundred eord. of ik me 111 be de
livered by June 1, 1, and the remainder
,'itlll0wni le rwelvod In amount from
fifty mU up. The wood l"t' ''
! fenistli in d of the ImmI quality, nubject
to t "c approval of the ineilliwl iiiwrln
wndeiit of the a-yum,nd to be ljli"
at any point on the a.ylum (jroundii de.l(f-
" The right to'reject any and all bld In re
""ilia w 111 be opened at 2 o'clock Tuesday,
Nov. 8,188. VKHTBH phNNOVKR
,M,d o.w.WKimir(t)fTru,t
Wm. A, MUNLY, Clerk of Hoard.
HiMk. Uud M.'vrch and BV
JPehyr. It U an ney-
&V Mlclopdi of uMful Infor.
A jBrnaUon for aU who par.
B0uiU Of Uf. JWJ
can elotHo you and 'aJnl,r0S
all the eoMry and ttnaary
.pplUnc. to rid., walk, ?"'.
t flh. bunt, work, go to ebureH,
or aura bomi. various aUf .
"hill. rwulr.dtoiJo.il h".,f
Bubscribe for ftp PaWtal Joobw At
I Nothlnc U moro dlnogrcenble to n young
lady or Kentlcmnn than to have tho face
lcocred with plmplex, black heads and
I blotches DutanVn Secinc, tho newkln
iviuray, wm removo nil aimininuiuiu
from the fnce and hands nnd produce a
rlltMfnnri KAAiitlrt.l n..ii.li.vli-,i Trvllnnil
be con Inced.
Sold by 11. w. Matthews A Co.
Tke JUrteti.
Wheat 75c
Oats 202.)C.
Beef 2 j gross 5c. net.
Mutton $2f3 per head.
Hogs 5c. netiGurvsstHl.
Bran (14 ier ton.
Shorts (15 per ton.
Hops 18ti0o
Flour $5.25 pr bbl.
Potatoes 3oc.
Kjtgs 25c.
Butter 30c.
Lnrd 15, 10lSc
"Wool 101 17c.
Ilnnis ISc, eastern.
Jlncnu liCiilSv.. eastern.
Apples green, 40o per bu.
Chlekens 2.50$4.00.
" Her rr rnnot Wither Her."
Remarked un old gentleman, ns he
ni7.ml fondly upon tho comely llttlo
woman by his side; "but frankly,"
lie continued, "at 0110 tlmo I
thought cosmetics would." The
silly llttlo woman, in order to appear
youthful, plastered her face with
tlillerent varieties of whitewash,
yclept, "blnms," "creams," "lo
tion," &c. "Yes" interrupted the
little woman, "I did, until my skin
became like parchment, nnd so
pimply nnd coarse." " Well," said
the listener, "whutdoyou usonow?"
" Use," wnsjtho reply. " notlilngbut
common sense, and Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discuveiv. Com
mon seiiso told mo if my buwd was
pure, liver regulated, appetite good,
that the outward wonmn would
ttiko 011 the hue of health. The
'Discovery' did nil thoso things,
and actually rejuvenated me."
Its thousands of cures ure the best
advertisement for Dr. Sago's Catarrh
Tho great collection of tho most thrllllnc
personal adventures on both hIiIcm during
tho (Treat civil war. lntemely InterextliiK
iimmntM of exploits of .hcouih nnd spies,
rorlorn hopcH. lierolc bravery, liuprlMin
mentHiind halitircadth (caics, romuntlo
liicidentii, huud-tivhand ntniKKle. humor
ounund trngle.pveutH, perllouii Journeyii,
Imld iUhIicw, brilliant mic -i'mKci and iiiuk
naiiliuoim uctlons on each ride thu Hue.
01 chapters. l'iofuiely llluxtratcd to the
lllc. No other book ut all like It. AkcuIh
uauted. OutHelli evcrythliiir.
'HuielorpuyiiientHullowcd iiKentH nhort
offuudii uud freight prepaid.
IWlyw. st.Iajuis, JIo.
C'uiideiiiud Into One Volume.
'I'hn thrllllnirndentur(Mof all the hero
explorer uud frontier rlghtom with In
diana, outlaw uud w,ul beut, over our
wnoio country, iniiu me vumiiik vhiuti ,
tho priwent liven uud lamoiis uxplultii of
Do Soto, Lnrlallc,Htiiudlah, lloonc, Kenton
lly.l.ll MnwilfAl Kliiuln Ifikllxtiltl I 'it fbiltl
Cuter, California Joe, Wild 11111. llumilo
lllll. (lununiU .MIIch uud Crook, Omit
Indian Uliler, anUBOnronoioiiieni. npiuu
di.lly llluntruted with & line engraMiigii.
AxentH wanted. Iow-iirleed. mid beaU
any thliiK to tx.ll.
.V. 1.. IIA.Llll)l' I iX LU,
ISt l'ost U, Han filAMUlDCii, CM.
11-0 lyw,
O110 Dollar a Year.
(Hulem, Oregon.)
li unlYerwilly conceded to be
The Best Family Newspaper
KverpublUhed at the tate capital.
It contl.U of eight well filled and ueittly
printed ie.
It mlU alike the farmor, the merchant,
the lawyer, the gardener. Bvery family
circle ahould have It.
It conulnt abaoIuMy ALL THK NKWH
at well a po'ry, atuiTf eorrenpondeoce,
farm, home, and many other jelal
See Our Cash Dltceuntt:
WKKKI.Y, One Year
Ialiy eauion..
li per year
Addrewall eomniUDleatloa aadaake
all moulee payable ta
Important Events or the Whole World
for Twenty-four Hours.
"They aro nil Rlj;ht" West Agnln-
Tho Election General Dispatches.
Didn't Know It AVi Loaded.
Aluany, Nov. 0. Edward Will
received a painful pistol shot lit the
leg yesterday, from tho accidental
dlDChargo of tho weapon In tho
hands of A. lkmhelm. air. Will
liad accompanied him to hla board
ing place for tho purpose nf trading
for tho Dlstol. It win a 38-callbro,
solf-cocklng revolver and waaloaded.
Mr. Will removed the cartridges
beforo examining It and then re
placed them and handed tho weapon
back to Mr. Uornlielm. Tho latter
thought It was still unloaded and
while handlluc It carelessly It was
discharged, tho ball entering tho
thigh or Mr. Will's right leg ami
iulllctlng a painful but not danger
ous wound.
What Ktc Think.
San Fhancisco, Nov. C M. M.
Kstec, chairman v.f tho last national
republican convention, made the
statement that California will pos
itively go republican to-morrow.
Ho places tho minimum plurality at
10,000, but will not bo in the least
surprised to find that tho plurality
is larger. Tho southern counties of
tho state havo beon steadily gaining
republican votes ever since thu last
election, its a majority of thu nuw
comers are from tho Now Kuglaud
states. Ho hoca for larger repub
lican pluralities in many of tho in
terior counties, especially in those
counties' directly all'ected by tho
proposed tiirilt.
Auutliur Minn Horror.
Lockhavkn, l'a., Nov. f. There
was an explislon last night in tho
Kettlo Creek Coal company's nunc,
three miles west of this city. Tho
explosion occurred In a new drift In
which twenty-four persons wero nt
work. As soon as possible after tho
explosion tho mine was entered ami
fifteen dead bodies taken out. Four
oth which badly Injuredjwero found,
one of whom hiiH since died, and
tho others are likely to die, Tho
causo of the explosion Is unknown
tut Is supposed to have been tho
striking of a fissure or pocket of gas.
Dohii In IJ1111,
Aluany, Or., Nov. C Consider
able betting on the election Is being
done in tills city, which Is about
even. Tiie eicouoii to-morrow
promises to occur without excite
ment. Tho banks of thu city and
all thu saloons will bu dosed. Tho
law requiring voters to bo kept back
from polling places will bo enforced.
Tho democrats claim Linn county
will givu Cleveland ISM. Tho re
publicans clulm that the democratic
mijority will bo less than 1MX).
HiK'kt llln (Inn. tip,
Nkw Youk, Nov. . It Is In
timated England will advance tho
United States mli-slon to second If
not first class and send a representa
tive who Is able to deal with overy
exigency lhat may arise. It Is
whisjxired nuo of thu probable re
sults of the recent uiipIwiHantno's Is
Unit Lord duckvlllo may Iw made
governor-general of Catmdu.
Let the Volapuk Slurp,
London, Nov. 6. Tho announce
ment of the doath of John M.
Bohleyor, the Inventor of Volapuk,
Is contradicted by Bchloyer hlimoir.
Ho says ho has lecn dangerously 111
nnd oven received tho lust Micru-
iiiunU of tho church, but has been
cured by thu baths at Jtuden.
Outrage lly HayM.
Johton,:Nov. fi. The brig, II.
Green, from St. Marc, Hayll, report
ed that on October 18th, when off
Bt. Marc It was ordered to heave
to by a Haytlanlmun-of-war, whoso
rrnied ofllcers and men came on
board three times taking tho ship
ping regUter and till of her papers,
also threatening to tako her to Tort
at Prince as a prlze. After delaying
them some time, the jutjiors were re
turned and tho vessel allowed to
In the supremo court of Pennsyl
vania, Justice Williams decided
that the mechanics' lien law Is
unconst itutlonal.
Novor In tho history of North
Carolina has such political excite
ment prevailed, ltopubllcans have
had federal supervisors appointed
for many western comities In the
tho stato. A dispatch says many of
theso supervisors aro negroes and
thoy aro armed at tho polls today.
A London special states that Join
Carney has Issued a challenge to
McAulttre, In which he says ho Is
ready and willing to tight Jack Mc
AulIRe, tho American champion, lu
Spolno, Franco, Australia or any
other part of tho world, for 1000 or
10,000 aside, or as much moro as
ho likes.
Elaborate preparations havo bcou
made for collecting tho presidential
vote to-night. In Now York, Now
Jersey and Pennsylvania tho 10 urns
will bo collected by tho associated
press alone. In all other states tho
work will bo done by tho associated
press and tho Western Union Tele
graph company acting together.
Jlorp About I'tak.
Ex-Convlet Peak, who Is now In
Jail pending examination forobtain
1 ig money under false pretenses
while leading thu Jokyl-Hydu ex
istence, says that ho has been trying
to secure tho pardon of bis cell-mate,
Kerns. Ho claims to havo been get
ting up petitions which aro being
circulated about Prinovlllo. Tho
ouielals of this place received a
telegram from the Kerns people at
Cottage Grove this afternoon, which
says they do not caro to prosecute
tho matter. What will bo done In
thu premises remains to bo seen.
Sninr ntnuu "I "heat taken from a
mummy exluimcri near the tuina of Mom
plus, and bcloiij-iiiL', a waa lioliveil, to
the poruxl of tho Ninth Dyuatty, or about
3,000 11, C. wtiu ont from Alexandria,'!!!!!
year ton gentleman in Maiaachiuelta. Ho
planted tbo secil, whioh grow tapldlybut
tho product of the plant was vary differant
from moduli) wheat) for inilcail of ow
ing in au ear, there U a heavy oluitnr of
small twigj ultich harnt dowuwaid from
its weight, and ettuh twi is thickly sotwith
kernel', tach of which it in a operate husk.
The wheat exiul our modem urain in
quality, and the L'x:iimonter will grow
n larger crop (10111 that whioh is threshed
this year..". .'
Mr. Jack.on.lhu husband 1 f the 'ate la
united aullniruM, Helun Hunt Jaokion,
wan iiiaiik'd teccntly and I" now itcMiug
at Cnl rido .Sprint!", Col, Hunt married a
niccti ol hit first wife, and there la still,
thtfruliire, a Helen Hunt Jaoksou. The
Ktaro of tho first Mn.Jackion, known to
fame as "II. II., "is literally covered with
f iiltinir cauls left by tourists who climb
mountain near Cnlciado Spiinj to visit
the lau ieitliij. place of tills remarkable
A passenRT train on tha FI rlda
Southern mad struck an alligator on tho
track nitnr Mlcanupy Junction the other
day. The engineer thought lip had run
over a man and when he stopped Ihe train
he was surpriuid to tind Ihe dead hoJy of
a 1 alligator whiuli meanmcd twelvo feet
and two iuuhu Hi length.
An Alwlate Care.
OI.N'TMKNTMh only put urtln largo
iwo-ouucu lit boxes, ami Is au
absolute cure for old Bores, burns,
wounds, chapped hand, and all
skin eruptions. Will positively
cure all kinds of piles. Ask for tho
MKNT. Bold byD.W. Matthews
it Co., 100 BUte street, Balom, bt 25
cnula per box by mall SO cent.
Indicate Mtckaalin Ulur4trr4 aaa Uljrateil.
The miMt dt'llnitu and lntrlcntfl piece of
inrahaiilsm in the huiiiuu atruvture U the
lie vp. A the teleKrnphlo wire transmit
the electric furi'ti, wi do thwe aenantUiu,
thefiNul 1'illit tivliiic the bruin, where aen
wttloii itintrM. Miiitul unxlety weaken
thU iiiwhHiiliii, sudden ahoeka lxirnlyie
It, hut dyseMilu l Ita ruixit obdurute roe.
This I'm Is utterly dufpatinl by the Irresisti
ble U111I0, llimtetter'a Mlninucu lllttum,
and the ceMiitlou of disorder lu the
tiiinacli is reflected In bruin and nervee
by restored trunuulllty. und tntiiiulllty of
the nervea liupllea, lu till Instance, renew
ed vlfor. A dlstlnautahed medical author
ity aaya, 'The victim of uervoua dlMtulet
ude who rinds chloral at nliht nnd
bromide by duy neceaalllea, ahould know
that a oil re must be sought anionic ufenolea
which atreOKtheu the nervea," and auur
edly HiMteiler'a Hlomncli Hitters ban
proved to tw the beat of theae. Mularlu
eomplnlnU. miistliwtloii, hllUousneiu. In
aatlvltyof the kidneys and rheumatism
often Involve nervous trouble by avmiut
thy, andullareeradliwted by thu Hitters.
j x aicfcstVa