Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 03, 1888, Image 3

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Complete Recital of the Day's Deeds
and Doings.
Grovcr's Letter Street Cars Typhoid
Fever An Open Session
Railroad Drift.
Typhoid Ferer Near Salem.
North of Stilem, in tho vicinity of
the fair grounds, there are n num
Lier of cases of typhoid fever. In
truth, over since early spring there
have been more or less cases of
this dread sickness in that neighbor
hood. During the past nine months
there have been several deaths in
tha' vicinity from this cause, and
for this reason we aro endeavoring
to discover tho causes. At present
four members ot the Massey family
are coullned to their beds with ty
phoid fever, as also several members
of the Brooks family and others.
The Masseys contracted it while
caring for and nursing the sick ones
at Valet's, where there were nine
persons down at one time. They
are now about all recovered. The
doctors say that from tho fre
quency with which they are called
to this neighborhood to treat ty
phoid patients, something should
be done looking to a thorough
drainage of that vicinage. Bad
drainage arid Impure drinking
water aro the 'predisposing causes.
From tho large llumber of persons
living near tho fair grounds who
have taken this fever it is evident
that particular section needs looking
after. Some sanitary measures
should be adopted before more loss
of life results.
A Letter From Grorer.
During the state fair tho ladies of
the Cutholic church conducted a
bazaar, and among other things,
voted a gold headed and handsomly
engraved cane to the most popular
presidential candidate. Votes sold
at ten cents each, and is usually tho
case, money carried the day, and a
few days ago tho following note was
received from President Cleveland
acknowledging tho receipt of the
walking stick:
Executive Mansion,
Washington, Oct. 23-88. J
Mr. John Q. Barr, Salem, Oku.
Dear Sir: I am in receipt of
your noto of tho 8th inst, and the
handsome cold-headed ebony cane
refened to therein, which has been
sent to mo as tho result of the voting
at tho state fair has albo been
I am grateful for this mark of
friendly tavor on tho part of those
who aided to place the cane in my
possession, but derive more comfort
from tho facr, that it was tho agency
iu doing much good to a struggling
Thanking you for courtsey in tho
matter, I am very truly yours.
Grovek Cleveland.
Another Insane Han.
J "W. Orewiler, who was arrested
in King's Valley, Benton county,
for thel arceny of a horso was arraign
ed at Albany, but his statements
gave such evidence qf insanity that
he was taken before the county
court, where ho was declared Insane
and ordered committed to tho asy
He says ho is a preacher? a miner,
a horse trainer , and ft, doctor and
thinks his relatives are trying to
defraud him of a large amount of
imaginary property and a val
uable medical discovery which
he thinks he has made for tho cure
of catarrht htkd has beott soiling' in
Benton county.
'A Joint 'Stssf on.
Tho literary societies of tho Wil
lamette University Will hold their
first regular joint meeting next Fri
day evening. The following is the
program : Iustrumontal duet,
Misses Parvin and Forrest ; opening
address, W. T. Rigby ; essay, Miss
Maggie Brown; vocal solo, Miss
Edna Adams ; oratiou, L. F. Bel
knap j recitation, Miss Nellie Price :
five minute speeches, Misses Victor,
t'larkoand Waller; Messrs. Perln
ger, Nelson and Howell; guitar
duet, H. C. Epley and Fred Legg;
paper, Edith Clarke chiof editor,;
quartette, Mrs, Purko, Miss Stout,
Messrs. Burke and Perry.
Tte Capital City Booms.
Salem is to have a system, of;8trect.:
railways, and a lino is to bo con
structed in time for tho next session
of tho legislature. This is" another
gratifying evidence of tho growth f
the capital. All such enterprise,
V8 the Oregonian.wlll increase itj
vigor and bring other enterprises,
nd will enhuueo the valuo of real
w ,
Vth:n U wore disagreeable to a
' or tpntlAinun Ihon lA )HaV6 I
l ?"'."""."". '"KN"i,r r'.?V'
ii . Willi INHIIHM. umo -- -t-
iraj, vui remove all bmiv"-
wm iho bee and ImimU and rgdw
rwlTTl JIB III 111 f lEIIlir I I'll Li 11 I T Hit nmrt n. . I I t r . . -
T11JS UATllAU 11A1. " oAuwi SlKtiEf KAILWAY CO.
w i inoed.
old by I. w. Muttbcws Co.
It is Thought Cars Will bo Rnnnin;
by January 1st.
To-day articles Incorporating
iue eaiem street Hallway Company
were filed with the secretary of st.it a.
The company Is Incorporated under
seven articles, and the books will be
opened for subscription Monday.
The articles are asjfollows :
Salem Street Railway Company
Tho undersigned, H. W.Cottle,
W. N. Ladue, J. H. Albert, Win.
England, T. H. Hubbard, J. G.
Wright, and Clias. B. Moores, do
hereby associate themselves together
as a body corporate under the gen
eral Incorporation laws of tho state
of Oregon, under the follow lug arti
cles: ARTICLE I.
Tho name of this company shall
be "Salem Street 'Railway Com
pany," and the duration of this cor
poration shall be perpetual.
The enterprise, business, pursuit
and occupation in which this coi-
poratlon proposes to engage is to con
struct, maintain andoperato an iron
railway, track or tracks for the pur
pose of a street railway or railways,
to bo drawn by horses or mules, or
propelled by stationary steam en
gines or other power, which nlay be
authorized to be used by the city
council, within the city of Salem,
Oregon, and its suburbs and over
and through, and aloug tho follow
ing streets and roads in the city of
Salem and its suburbs, to-wit : from
the Willamette river, on the west
end of State street, in said
city along said State street
and tho county road lead-i
ing from the east and thereof,
to tho east linq of township 7, south,
range 3 west of Willamette me
ridian, with a branch leading to
the passenger depot of tho O. & C.
R. Co., as at present located ; also
from tho west end of Center street
in said city along said street and the
county road running easterly past
tho Oregon State Insane Asylum,
to tho east lino of township 7, south,
range 3 west of Willamette meridian;
also from the Odd Bellows' rural
cemetery, through Commercial
street In said city, to tho grounds of
the Oregon state Agricultural so
ciety, branches over each, and all
tho streets within the city of Salem,
Oregon, and the extensions thereof;
and to opcrato and run cars on all of
said mentioned track, and convey
for hire, passengers and freight
This corporation shall have Its
principal placo of business in the
city of Salem, Oregon.
Tho amount of the capital stock of
this coperation shall bo 20,000.
Tho amount of each sharo of the
capital stock of tills corporation shall
bo f 10 and tho capital stock shall bo
divided into 2,000 shares.
Three directors shall form a
quorum of tho board of directors,
whatover may be their number.
W.N. Ladue, J.G.Wright, and
C. B. Moores are hereby appointed
to open stock books and receive sub
scriptions to tho stock of "this cor
Railroad Clatter.
The-Astoria and South Coast Rail
way is an assured fact It will run
through Tillamook county and como
Into tho valley somewhere, and the
citizens of Salem and Albany are
working to have it como to their re
spective cities. Drain Echo.
Our Salem exchanges aro full of
items about tho proposed Astoria
and Valley railroad, and it is a sub
ject that demands attention. Rail
road building In Oregon in tho few
years Is going to be of a character to
stir up localities. Medford Adver
tiser. A Farewell rrora Bro. Walklndi.
Win. II. Wntkhuls, the old dem
ocratic war horse, has furnished the
following ctud for the pree:
To G. Cleveland, Esq., Washing
ton, I). C.-Deur Sir : When you
add that you considered as enough
one tonu In tbu presidential olmir,
I iMlfovod you, and .will endeavor to
the kt of my ability to help you to
curry out your promise.
Wm. II. Watkinos,
Tile-snag boat has pl Albany
nd te rteadlly working it way up
the Willamette, and h fcr a she
lute gone, has done excellent work,
leaving the river ckau.
Hon. L. M. Cox addresses democ
racy at the opera house to-night.
Plenty of clean, fresh, Oregon
raised clover seed for sale at the
Grange store.
A marriage license was issued
this afternoon to Frank Jones and
Agnes Smith.
M. A. Lane, of Salem Mills, has
moved into the Diekerson property
in South Salem.
The Oregon Land Company yes
terday sold four of their capital city
fruit farms. J. Benoit took two
and A. Ricord two.
The Kansas party that recently
arrived here are stopping at the
W. C. T. U. Mr. Law reports busi
ness there as increasing rapidly.
Mrs. E. II. Lelsk of Portland and
Chas. N. Wise of Union county
were yesterday granted life teacher's
eertiiicates by Superintendent Mc
Elroy. This is nearly tho last paper to bo
issued from this oillce before the
clectiou. Tuesday will deeido the
question one way or the other It
will be one way.
B. J. Mascly, sent to the peniten
tiary from Multnomah county, for
obtaining money under fains pre
tenses, was released yesterday, hav
ing served one year.
Tho Three Sisters, while at Port
land, lias been completely refitted,
and a full crew was yesterday en
gaged. She began loading for the
upper river yesterday.
N. Smith, now with the Oregon
Land Company, will soon open up
an abstract ollice in this city. Hois
awaiting tho arrival of his books
and blanks, from the e.ist.
Mr. Rork's lectin e In the hall,
over the Journal oillce, last Sun
day night, was largely attended.
He will speak again to-morrow
evening on "The Law of Life," at 7
p. in.
If mother iRtudlcd their bet inteieMs
they would llnd that Dr. Hcnle.r'H Dande
lion tonic Is tho bcit household ro'iicdy.
Many or tho Ills peculiar to females could
bo avoided by Its ui U Is as pleasant to
take as u clans of m lue.
Sold by D. W. .Matthews A Co.
Olive.' Jory, of the linn of of II.
S. Jory & Son, lias just returned
from Portland where ho exhibited
tliefruitdryerdui'ing tho Mechanics'
fair. Ho reports a successful and
pleasant trip.
Rev. Porter, the famous evange
list from Australia, is in the city,
and will hold a series of meeting",
beginning at tho Clnlstian church
Sunday morning, and continuing
as long as interest is manifested.
Without doubt one of the best
family newspapers published is the
Capital Journal of Salem. It is
a marvel of news and information
and consists of eight well filled
pages. The cash subscription price
is only 1 per year. Dayton Herald.
Son Franciuro, Cnl., April 2.
For soeml weeks my wlfo sulleied ko
sorely with kidney alleetlon of a ery ag
gravated character hlch seemed to do-all
the usual remedies. I llnr.lly tried the
OllKGON KIDNEY TEA. Tho effect an
nn Immediate Improvement, and sho has
now entirely recoe.ed her hoolth.
Salesman nt CiUtlnj,' Co.
Bold by I). V. Matthews Co.
Considerable excitement was
created this morning by the nn
nouncmont that tho wife of a well
known Salem buslneas man had
eloped with her husband's clerk,
but investigations ruvealed tho fact
sho had only gouehurridly toSquiro
Farrar & Co's to catch some of
those splendid bargains in groceries,
If your back aches or If you are millerlm;
from Inflammation of the kldnc)s, seminal
weakness, brick dust deposit in the urine,
or In fact any kidney, urinary or li creoiif
plaint, do not wiuto money on worthless
llnlmenu. or plasters, but strike tho sent of
the diiease at onco by uslnj tho preatet of
all known remedies, Oregon Kidney lea.
Ills pleasant to lake, Is purely vegetable
and has never tailed to give entire mils
faction. .
Bold by D. V. Matthew Co.
.No Salt Against OsWrn;
The United States gmildljurynil
Journed yesterday -tit iToTtland.
Among tho bills repudiated as not
true, was tho one against John
Osborn, accused of taking from tho
postofilco at Salem, on- Septem
ber 17th, a letter addressedUoMJllav
beth J. Osborn, with 'tho -alleged
design and Intent orrlrtflHlMrtJtliun
and thoro to obstructthe correspon
dence of the said ElfmUotll J. Osborn
and to pry into her bushim and
social becrets, which is contrary to
to the statutes anil Xcaltfst tho peace
and dignity of the United State.
It is hoped thaUtlifalll oonalnde
the long list of Osbern. ohm1 which
have for the past fowvntontlis occu
pied the attention of the different
oourtfl. The 0,Urna-lwve hetn
ponweuted and prosecuted until life
has been a burden. And now fa a
ml oJimax, tlie oldest boy, tliotijfht'
lewof tlieerime or penJt& ntg
away with some ny EJIr
born will mmiU thtameU' reWna
BehoollftheeourtwM permit Win.
Xens An.1 Notes of a flcneral
tcrcst to tho AYcstcrner.
Yamhill county has only fi.24 In
oash in the treasury.
Election wagers In Portland
aggregate more than f-10,000.
Hon. E. L. Smith, of Hood river,
has 1)0011 nominated for speaker of
tho next Oregon house of represent
atives. Mr. Smith is grand master
workman of the A. O. U. W. ami
president of the Columbia Waterway
Two parties have been engaged In
triangulating and collecting data
for the U. S. geological survey of
southern Oregon this sunfmer, nnd
both disbanded at Riddle station in
Douglas county last week. It is
estimated that it will take, at pres
ent rate of progress, a number of
years to complete the survey and
issuo the geological map of Oa'gon.
The citizens of Mitchell, Burnt
Ranch, Fossil nnd other portions of
tho Bridge crook and John Day set
tlements intend to ask tho legisla
ture to set thorn apart Into a newly
orgatii7ed county. The new county
is to be composed of a portion of
Grant, Gilliam and Crook. Natural
boundaries, such as mountain
ranges, streams, etc., will probably
mark Its line, and not straight line
This is the way they aro watching
for, and anticipating, the Oregon
Pacific railroad from tho region
around Prlneville: If favorable
weather continues a few weeks
longer, tho road will doubtless bo
completed this fall to a point In the
mountains sixty miles this side of
Albany. There is lio longer a doubt
that the whistle of the locomotivo
will wake tlie settleis on tho Squaw
creek next summer from their slum
bers. News.
Washington territory leads every
state and territory in tho union in
the yield of wheat per acre. In the
ollleial reports of the government,
tho greatest yield in any state Is
that of Oregon, placed at 10.3 bushels
per acre, and tho largest yield in the
United States is accredited to Wash
ington territory, being 18.5 bushels
per acre. This is a grand showing
for Unit territory, coming as it does
from tho couiniisslonerofagricultiue
at Washington city, and tends to
confirm the amuilug statement
made by Henry Villard at St. Paul
hist week, in which ho predicted a
population of 20,000,000 people for
Washington territory and Oregon in
another generation.
Sa)s I'otatofh Art (looil.
Tho Herald says: "Sonio crazy
efl'usionists writes to tho Capital
JoruNAu from Dayton and makes
a wry face at our potato crop. Ho
undoubtedly don't know what he
Is writing about. Tho potatoos in
Yamhill wore never better either
in fiml!ty or quantity. The rot lias
not iiirectcd them to any extent
and every one that bccs the large
nice tubers that are raised hero re
marks: 'what fine potatoes you can
raise in Yamhill.' You bet."
A Keturn to Duty.
This is always deslrablo, and tho speed
ier it takes placo the better. Doubly we.
como Is It In tho caso of tlioso unusually
Industrious llitlo organs, tho klilnoys,
which, when they ko on u strike so to
speak and drop work, seriously Imperil
health In morotlian ouo way. First and
toromost, tholr Inaction beget their di
sease, uhlch is hydm-headed, Includliii;
such dangerous maladies us Jlrlchts
disease find diabetes. Next, when they
aro Inactive they fall to assist In removing
from tho blood ImpurllloH that beset rheu
n iilsm, cout and dropsy, 'Ihlrd, their
In .ctlon weakens the bladder. All this Is
pro ontuble and remediable by the pleasant
p omoler of organic action. Hosteller's
8 omach Dlttcrs, utoncoH tonlo and regu
lator Tins gently oni cjieciuaiiy iiuk.-is
IIIO Jtliiuujra IU IIUWIII "iw wutj, n.ii
uircnfftlirns t hem urfnllhty 'bladder. Upon
ineys lo ruium "io nuiy. hiki
the bowels, stounveheaudlllvertU'lllrawlso
..vnrljt ft ret
giindilnlfronttlns inittw
euenrtdHstrfnftlivnB' tho HyVe,"',tt0,f
uirUnA!r)fi(it- inrtWrlimnil rtiumn.
AMVVnl'M Jktti
should Beo,,t6vlt'tliHt thoHvon' or
eight hundred men working on tlie
O, P. railroad in tlilir county, nnwt
of whom havo-como from California
lii tli liUl ninety' flays, aro not
nlloived to votv at'tlilir election. A
largo jmtjorlti" hnvo not acfjtiirwl
rosidetico, ainlntlll otliorrt are prob
ably not naturalized. Iloreh prt
clnct Ls tho place, tlila liiitOHitlon
may lie attempted, if no cllbrt U
matle to prevent it.
A Itrfett Clime.
It HOUiidH a little curloun to tw
wnh llVju hjre Iu Coo county, myn
the llemlfl, toreHd about the lmrd
froi over nearly all the hIkUm and
tMritirieH uud In many of the older
ihImi MlorniM of mwiu' uuii tileet.
wliWt wi lHiYfjKtjiadhe'Hlit(tittH
iruu, m ), iui juni rm oitougn iu ,
kerj the fW feodygrowljuf, mid thej
UMinUt'U tlTo-lkl tWftof-U
iwt?ru MatfM,
The Oregon Land Company's ten
acre lotsare selling rapidly ,40 having
boon sold since the 8th of Sept. There
is no probability that 10 acres of
good land within four mllcsofSalem
will over again bo ottered for ?S0 per
acre on easy tonus. There are now
five houses in process of construction
on lots already sold and roads are
being opened and bridges built so
that tho value of all of the lots Is
being rapidly euhanced. Any one
wlslilni' In linv Iimi noivs of lrcxwl
land for much loss than tho price of
a citv lot will tio well to loon at tins
property at once as there Is nodoubt
but that It will all bo sold Inside of
thirty davs. Call at the office oftlie
Oiu.ion Land company on Com
mercial street aiulyou will boshown
the proiertv free of charge.
ttieklcn a Arilra SMvr.
Tho best salve In the world f
outs, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum
Cover sores, tetter, chapped ImiiiU
chilblains, corns, and all skin erup
lions, and positively cures piles, (.:
no pay required. It Is gimmnttH'i
to glvo perfect satisfaction, or mniiex
refunded. Prico 25 cents per bo.
For salo v- Dr. H. W. Cox.
C. II. MoMHir. J. 11. N. IlKLL
liiitc of tho Monroe House,
Monroe & Bell,
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
From 81 toS.1 per day.
(lO TO
102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon
Hevlng bought out tho remainder ol tnu
chair factory's stock, wo aro prepared to
sell chairs hmcr thun any house In Oregon
s Auction
d'ooils on
tho installment
TaU Noto nt Till.
rWIt it.Sflfl WK WIIihHKM.flO or
I' well improved gunUm Uud, within,;!
mile of Hulem. Oood road to town the
ywr nround. llulldlniiif Kood. FINE Y0UNQ
fIRCIIARD and excellent kihwi land. TliU
nft'Utrgulu.nnd will bo held only n alior,
tlme'htUiirt. tlgure. Cull, uud wo will
finer liouo, 8alem,0r.
!.v.vrirftjur llf A ,i".w lITW-ff iVltUAMU
I Jy' delivery. Win. IwriiilolmvInK bought
lite uxprtmA miMinetMi oi waner iwe, i
prepureu imnver ituiikh. Tunmn, iu1
KtrtHl 111 UVIIVCT UUIin.. .Hllin, jh.i-
, and uny dilute oIm tltut ho own yet In
f.tlie olty, quTcker,
ifer; better, nnd ntwter, than
vnitun many tuHtiiaun any, uuii
dona by any budy ttlM.
ltivo ordvrti at
lb UUII Mil
re Mid Mu
in ii h ii y .
AI.III!ltT, Agent,
. Httleui, Ortfon,
!& d tl Uotninwebti u, Hlin,
I le-I-tf
Ut. TtMlAKI-BAi.
uuu n4 tlaeK
totoblUbod NM
. MlvartUlaa m.
bn turn H an
bib. For fna4
IH pMiMir-
II. f J. Uulld, HllvwtiM,
Miss Knox
Will continue Her School for the en
suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL
SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and
Marlon Sts beginning
Hoys and Girls.
Tho school will open on tho :11th
of September. Thorough instruc
tion In the primary and
English Branches,
-lu courso.-
TKHMK and uirllu-r Information may bo
had on application to
Cor. Chemeketa and HlatcHln.
Williituptto Unlvot-slly.
JlfWt SUCCOSHftll HClltMll Of UlllslO Oil lUO
nortliw out coast. Ahout
Course In
Piano, Ot-Riin SlriRlnp;, Violin,
1 larmony, unci Countor-
Dlplomai on completion ol iiiunio.
Teachern: 7.. St. ranln, Krnlikln 1.
Joiich, l'.vaCox. Ah.sihIiui(,I.uHi M.Hinltli.
Flint term hccliiK Momlay, Hepleinner
8d, 1SS. Send fur catalouue. Kor lurllicr
lNirtlcular.s addresn
Musical Director, Salem, Or.
aiaduates HtmlenlH In
ical, Literary,
Normal, liiisiness, Law,
It In ttin nldiwl, larKtwt uud leiiHt oxprn
nle lUHtltullou of liNirnlnit lu thu North
wiwt. Hehool nprim II rut Monday in UeptcmlMT
Hcnd for ealaloKue to
Til OH. VAN HC()Y,
17: Halein, Oreon.
Now In ixiiwwwioii ol a now rtlcovorytn
medicine, which U purely a local imnKthct
Ic, iindactH aliiumt lnHtantautMiualy on tlia
Hnrrouuclliik' tliwtM'H of the teeth. It lain
no ay InjurloiiH or uupliiiMint to tho
timln. ThnmanilfacturerHof It claim Hint
IUOfual him never brmi known before, and
hy upplylnic it U) tho wiultlvo or aorn
teeth, tuuy can ho cleaned uud llllol
without pain. Ho all thoo that want all
klndnnf floutitl work done without pain,
would liettrroall on Dr. II. Hiultlt. 'ttvUi
oxtractcd for W centn,
Dull unci aJi
Salem's Popular Job Printer,
Htuto Inmiruncti llillhltpi;, Cor. 0m
merelnl and Ciieinukuta trtU '0-llf
A. 13. STRANG,
No. Mi Commercial Htroet,
8AL15M, - - OHKCION.
riuiling, Gas and Sdun Piltiag,
Tinware and Artistic Metal Work
a Specialty.
AMit or Urn ltlOllAIUWON
"fq$ COll'AXYV FitrnMi .
Md In WW
m:. m. mead,
Fifing Saws a Spclalty.
raj.rirrpw,Wa 5UH