Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 01, 1888, Image 1

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i I
VOL. 1.
NO. 205.
Is Simple of Construction,
Awarded first premium at the Oregon
State Fair 188S-'84-85-'80.'S7 and nt the Cali
fornia Btato Fair, 1S87, and San Joaquin
County Fair, 1887.
Manufactured In stxlsizca. For circular
and price list address
P. O. liox 280. Salem, Oregon
43-Dryer Furnaces furnished five sizes
Pjlngton Tcr. or California real estate. For
Information address us at cither of the fol-
lowing effices: Palestine, 111.; Kansas City,
Mo.: Salem, Or.; Portland, Or. Salem office
at Bellinger's machinery depot, near the
cily hall, Liberty street; Portland office in
the rooms of the State Immigration Hoard,
corner of Front and Ash streets. 173tf
L. S.
Office near the
Opera House, -r.
Teeth extracted
Constantly on hand the best quality of
Fresh and Salt Meats !
And all kinds ot
3-Tho CLEANEST kept markets the
city. Call and see for yourself.
D. C. Howard, Proprietor.
3-All kinds of fresh and cured meats
always on hand, full weight and a square
deal all arlund.
,YHE.ATir V.
.c.tn m lhcilaI(
a rti rTtw r i irnL '
jKHKSMfJI&ljSwnr "y "ie painless pro-
-J&L f i r-y .- V"iL
"51 If v.,.ralllU
v fisi r
1a i
ai. ...s -j v--"
Zf T I-
11 ce&Mvo secretion of mucus matter In the nasal PJfJfW '. ,,A0l?irrouL Vlncine or
hawking, spitting, weak and Inflamed eyes, ltun,tJfteil ;X, SmeUroeraowlm
roaring Tn the ears, more or loss impairment of bo hearing. low -Si iui veySS fit all
palredrdullnesa or dUalness of the head dryness , or . bear ofthe oseT lias e y,
fcenseofsmellT Is your breath foul? Ho,you have the Catarrn.1 tme nave nu.uw
symptoms, others only a part.
California Cat-R-Cure
Retorea tho sense of taste and smell, remove W."AS5!IIWS
MR from Catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions ana a cure is u.
teed by D. W. MATTHEWS Co.
J'hoenlx and Home
lome Insurance Company at San F"SSd',tnd,(iu reoom
rhnri.miirrh for twenty years. A inwiu 'u.""rir..jv.71v. in .
curative properties; but I must say, r "Yi.'.SSuV "J
disease. Inclosed dnd S5 for which end me California, t
SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Deoot,
Proposals for Stationcrr.
Office ok the Secretar y of State.
,- , . 6AI.EM, Or., Sept. 57th, 1SSS. f
SIdl,.7posal!,.Vrlu bo received at this
v? """I noon Isovembcr 27th, 1888, to
rurnlsh the following articles for the state
or Oregen:
.JS."?1.8.!?81 mP' u ". Ka 8 ruling,
white laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch
,3."?.? '?L,cr paJJ?r' 12 A No. 8 ruling,
white laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch
Linen. .i .m
30 reams first-class Congress note. 7 ft
r ,-.VV, '" ru,luKt wnne lam,
Kii1 "-5 white envelopes, G0fi.
velopcs, GO fi, No. 1 rag,
15 M No. S Wllltft pllTnlniw, mis ?a i
rag XXX. ' ' '
12 gross railroad steel pens No H9.
15 gross Olllott's steel pens No. 401.
3 gross Eastcrbrook "J" rons.
5 gross Fnbcr's pan holders, No. 1S7G.
nuuzeu lower lauuracturing cos,
ometer and brass b.ickpd Intmt nnri
12 dozen Ivory folders, 9 Inch, Standard,
a dozen Ivory folders, 10 inch, Congress.
10 dozen mucllago cups. No. 8, Morgan's
i aozen mucllngo stands, reservoir. No.
6, Morgan's patent.
S reams Parker's treasury blotting paper.
10 tt, assorted colors.
2 gross No. 2 Eagle Recorder lead pencils,
style 068. '
4 dozen Arnold's writing fluid, quarts.
2 dozen David A Sons writing fluid,
quarts, black.
2 dozen Sanford's premium fluid, quarts.
15 dozen duplex cap board letter clips.
12 dozen Fabcr's rubber rulers, 14 Inch,
12 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 18149, n.
3 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 1SH9, E.
20 boxes Faber's No. 300 rubber bauds, as
sorted sizes.
4 gross Fabcr's lead pencils, Nos. 2 and 3,
Ul AtlKWM, Kill.
10 gross Fabcr's lead pencils, round, gilt,
6 dozen Faber's patent Ink and pencil
rubber erasers, small.
101)0 M cOIU's patent paper fasteners, No. 2.
1030 McGlll's patent paper fasteners, No. 4.
18 dozen dimmed stub files. Nn. 21. liris
111., MM IKIgl'S.
12 dozen table pads for paper, 19x21.
10 dozen wasto paper baskets, cross bar,
No. 4.
20 Rs hemp twine, No. 12.
At the same time scparato bids will be
received for 12 dozen Wostenholm congress
knives to be described by trado Nos. Sam
pies to bo exhibited.
Rids should be marked "Proposals for
Stationery." None but best quality of
goods received.
Tho right to reject any or all bids is re
l nrj ...,,
AU goods to bo delivered beforo January
1st, 18.S9. Puymcat to bo mado by w arrant
ou siaio treasury.
9-28-td Secretary of State.
Real Estate
S1,M 1B0 acres, miles from O & C do
pot. Good house, barn and
orchard. Fenced, and In cul
tivation. $2,000 SO acres, 4 miles from Salem.
Good road to town. Improve
ments fair. Flno fruit land.
$o,4!X) to ncrcs 2 miles from Salem.
No buildings. Splendid land,
all fenced. Make a desirable
$2,500 GO acres 4 miles from Salem. Im
provements good. Fine young
orchard, and garden land.
$4,180 190 acres, 7 miles from Salem.
Hill land, finely watered. Sell
in lots of 40-acro tracts nt $25 per
$10,800 075 acres, 8 miles from Salem.
Excellent grass and fruit land,
odlolulng Wlllamctto river.
Will sell In tracts.
$1,375. 51 acres, 4 miles of Salem. House,
uurn auu urcuuru. iurgupnuf
at the door. Good soil, and
plenty of timber.
$2,400 120acres, 5 miles of Salem; good
road; well Impreved: stream
running throuch
the place.
$00,00 400 acres (1 miles west sldo O &
O R R) good house, barn nnd
orciiaru, jjj in cultivation, oai
nnce oak grub pasture land.
$800 . 10 acres, 1 mile from Salem, ad
joining fair ground. Good land;
no improvements,
$1,200. 40 acres, 5 miles Salem; all In
cultivation; no buildings; near
school house. Excellent fruit
8I,000....S70 acres, 0 miles from Otfc O R R;
nil leiidru; Hun niucti-M. ..num.,
barn, and small orchard; 150
acres In cultivation.
2,750. 3 lots, with good housonnd barn,
East Salem. Desirable location.
Wo havo besides this a largo list of city
nnd farm properly. Buyers would do well
to call and examine our holdings before
making their purchases.
Opera House, Court St..
Salem, Or.
J i Jr. ST
Some Btartllug MMt-iueut
r! Inti-rest.
of Gen.
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, on
being asked when tho training of a
child should begin, replied, "A hun
dred years boforo it is bora."
Are we to infer from this that this
generation is responsible, for the con
dition of the race a hundred years
from now ?
Is this wonderful generation tho nat
ural result of the proper diet and med
icines of a hundred years ago?
It is conceded in other lands Hint
most of the wonderful discoveries
of the world iu this century havo
come from this country. Our ances
tors were reared in log cabins, and
Buffered hardships and trials.
But they lived and enjoyed health
to a ripe old ago. Tho woraon of
those days would endure hardships
without apparent fatiguo that would
startle those of the present aire.
Why was it?
Ono of tho proprietors of tho pop
ular remody known as Warner's safo
cure, has been faithfully investigating
the cause, and has called to his aid
scientists as well as modical men, im
pressing upon them tho fact that
there cannot be an effect without u
cause. This investigation disclosed
the fact that in the olden timea
Bimplo remedies wore administered
compounded of herbs and roots, which
were gathered and stored in tho lofis
of the log cabins, and whon sicklier
camo on, these remedies from naturo'x
laboratory were used with tho bet
What wcro theso remedies? What
were thoy usod for? After untiring
and diligont search thoy havo oh
taincd the formulas bo generally used
for various disorders.
Now tho question is, how will tho
olden time preparations affect tlio
people of this age, who have bci-n
treated, under modern medical
schools and codes, with poisonous
and injurious drugs. This test lmt
boon carefully pursued, until thoj
aro convinced that the preparations
thoy now call Warner's Log Cabin
remedies are what our much abused
systems required.
Among them is what is known as
Warner's Log Cabin sarsaparilla, and
they frankly announce that they do
not consider the sarsaparilla of so
much value in itself as it is in the
combination of tho various ingredi
ents which together work marvelouHly
upon tho system. Thoy also have
preparations for other diseases, such
as ''Warner's Log Cabin cough and
consumption remody," "Log Cabin
hops and buchu remedy," "Warner's
Log Cabin hair tonic." They havo
great confidence that they nave a
cure for the common disease of catarrh,
which thoy give the name of "Log
Cabin rose cream." Also a "Log
Cabin plaster," which thoy aro con
fident will supplant all others, and a
liver pill, to be used separately or in
connection with tho other romedies.
Wo hope that the public will not
be disappointed in these remedies,
but will reap a benefit from tho in
vestigations, and that the proprietors
will not bo embarrasod in tneir in
troduction by dealers trying to sub
stitute remedies that have been so
familiar to the shelves of our drug
gists. This line of remedies will be
used instead of othors. Insist upon
Kour druggist getting them for you if
e hasn't them yet in stock, and wo
feel confident that these now rome
dios will receive approbation at our
reader's hands, as the founders havo
used every care in their preparation.
Proposals for Wood.
I Oroifou ritato Inoano Asylum Jiorutty
Invlle huleI pniiMwius for womi us follew:
hour iiuniireu (iiw
Two liuuilred CXO
Fourteen hundred
fir out of law trees.
Four hundred (IOO) cords dry jmlo ojlc.
r jm)o
, body
Tivn linmlred ILtrn mnls UTV
Fourteen hundred (1100) cords dry body
The nolo oak must not be less than three
Indian In diameter. Three hundred to
Hve hundred cords of tlr, and two hu.idred
to three hundred cords of oak are lo be de
livered by June I, lto, and tho remainder
by October I, 1880. , . ,
Hid will bo received In amounts from
finy cords up. The wood must be four feet
In feneth and of the best quality, subject
to O-u approval of the medical suiwrlu
tondont of the asylum, and to be delivered
at any point on the asylum Brouncw uesig
natodbyhlm. The right to reject any and nil bids Is ro-
lllds'wlll be opened ut 2 o'clock Tuesday,
lMtd a. W. WKJIII, . ,, .
Hoard or Trustee.
Wu. A. MUNLV, Clerk of Hoard.
Ususd Matcd. and Sept.,
each year. It Is an ency
clopedia 01 umiui vuof
(nation for all who pur
chase the luxuries or the
it!ea of life. "We
can clothe you and furnish you with
all the necessary and unnecessary
appliance to rae,wix, aanoo, p
eat, flab, hunt, work, go to ehureh,
or stay at home, and In Yariou else.
atylee and quantities. Just flture out
what 1 required to do all theae thing
COHFORTIBLT. and Tou can makea fall
estimate of the ntfue of the BTJYEim
OTJIDE. which wlU bo aent upon
receipt of 10 eenU W par potc.
1U-U4 Mlchlxan Arenae. Chicago, HI.
Tbe Btreeter and Cunningham
elector for Oregon are J. F. Hendrix
H, XL Wilson and E. P. HarxinioDd.
Bubeoribe for tbe Capital Jouunal
The Paris World's Talr,
I he Universal Exposition of iSSo, at
i'am promises to be one of the largest
and most successful of tho world's fairs
held in recent years. Elaborate arrange
ments for the reception and display of tho
exhibits are well under way, and usual
facilities both for the transportation oi
goods from this country and their care
are assured. The trench eovernmnnt
uxtended a formal Invitation to the United
States to taVe part in the exposition. The
invitation was accopted by a ioiut resolu
tion of the Senate and House of Represen
tatives, and the Governors of the sevoral
States and Territories were requested to
invite the people to assist in the proper
representation of the produets of Amer
ican industry and of the natural resources
if the country. Tho President was direc
ted to appoint a commissioner-general
and an assistant cnmmisioner-gcneral, to
make all of ilia arrangements for exhibits
nml represent the government at tho ex
poMiimi. It is expected that the total number of
t-xhiliits trom all countries will roach 30,
C00; it is estimated that 12,000,000 por
sons will enter the grounds and buildings.
Some iilea of the magnitude ol tho exhibi
tion my be gained from the fact that tho
total area of buildings and enclosed
loundb, which is to lie lighted by clef
irteity. ik 3,000.000 square feet. The
space allotted lo the United Stales is about
75,030 quaro feet. An exhibit from this
coiintry fully tquil to that of 187S is ex
pee'rrt, pinl it is hoped that it will bit
much larger. Tliire are numerous lines of
industry that need now markets for their
Coon's, and this exhibition will afford them
an opxiiUinity for foreign display
Allot the European countries except
Germany, take an interest in the cxposi
tion, and'.will make displays. The South
American republics and Mexico will also
take a particularly nciive part, as well as
Judgmont was grunted yesterday
to G. W Hunt on the recent ver
dict of tho Jury In tho Oregon Pacific
(lnmngo suit, in tho sum of $70,243.50
ns iiwnnled to Mr. Hunt by thejury.
This sum included tho Oregon
Paclilo's cstlniatcs of tho work dono,
of?7."),413.C0, nnd 800 dtunnges. It
is likely that tho suit of CI. W.
Hunt nguinst tho Oregon Pacific In
tho U. S. court in Portland will bo
dismissed. Albany Herald.
Tho motto of Cullforniii means, I
hnvo foun J it. Only in that laud of
jBiiiiHiiinc, wnero t no orange, lemon,
olive, ilg and grapo bloom ami
riK)ti ami attain their highest perfec
tion in mid-winter aro tiio tho herlm
and gum foumlthut aro used in that
pleasant remedy for all throat and,
lung troubles.
bantu Able tho ruler 01 coughs
nHtimm turn consumption. Air. I).
W. Mathews Iiiih been appointed
agent for this valuable remedy and
K'lls It under u guarantee at f 1 n bot
tle. Three for fU.GO.
tho only gjaranteed euro
for catarrh. Jl, by mall $1.10.
N. II. Krohllchstcln, of Mobile,
Ala., writes: I tako great pleasure
in rt'CommeiHlin'j Dr. King's now
discovery for consumption, having
Uhed it for 11 sovero attack of
bronchitis and catarrh. It ;,'iivo me
instant relief and entirely cured me
and I have not been atlllctcd since.
I also lieg to state that I had tried
other remedies with no good result.
Have also used Electric Hitlers and
lir. King's New Life 1'llls, both of
whli'h I can recommend. Dr.
King's New Discovery for consump
tion, coughs and colds, is sold 011 u
positive guarantee. Trial bottles
free at II. V. Cox's drug store.
.National Karjrlfil Intlllntr.
Tho or more siirvtxms reprottentliiK this
Iiintltutu will ho ut the Chemuketa hotel,
Kulem, November 10th, liwt.
They come fully prepared with all tho
npimnitiK m-cnaoiiry for tho suceeMfu
(renlment oft heir specialties, curvature of
the tplue, dlxeuacN of tho hip und knee
Joint, crooked limbs, club feet and all
bodily deformities. Their success In treat
ing these troubles as well as all chronic
nud sexual disease ha made for the In
stitute a national reputation.
Upon application, reference will bo lur
nUued from jwllenU In all part of the
I'nlted Htate.
All person who nre suffering from any
of thte complaints, should not fall to take
advantage of tills opportunity for relief,
Wsidcrfsl Cares.
W. D. Hoyt & Co., wholewilo
retail drugirists or J tome, (J a., nay:
S'e have been Belling Dr. King's
New Discovery, Electric Hitters and
llucklen's Arnloa Balvo for four
years. Have never handled reme
dies that sell as well, or give such
universal sat'sfact'on. Tltoro havo
been some wonduriul cures oflected
by thew medicines In this elty.
Heveral amen of pronounced con
sumption have been entirely cured
by uao of a few boUlea of Dr. ICing's
New Discovery, taken In connection
with Electric Hitters. We guarantee
them always. Bold by II. W. Cos.
Important Events of the Whole World
for twenty-four Hours.
Bets England Fortifylng
GoinR Thanksgiving.
TliHllkngUInc Pay.
"Washinciton, Oct. 31. Tho pres
ident will issue a proclamation this
afternoon designating Thursday,
November 29th, ns it day of thanks
giving nnd prayer.
Canadian l'nctflr Warfare.
Winnipko. Oct. 31. A gang of
about 200 mon hnvo proceeded to tho
disputed railroad crossing, and It is
thought that' an attempt will bo
mado to force tho right of way. Tho
Cnmuluui Pacific people aro pro
pared to offer active resistance, nnd
the miUtln aro under orders.
llail Men From tho Mouth.
Jacksonville, Oct. 81. Five
now cases of yellow fover aro re
ported from Enterprise to-day. Tho
place Is in 11 doplorablo condition,
thoro being 110 druggist, no tele
graph oporntor, nnd no money.
Supplies aro badly neoded, ns thero
Is only three days' provisions on
Ami Still They Hut.
Aiilinoton, Or., Oct. 31. Our
town has gone wild on tho election
and tho betting mania. A promi
nent citizen and u member of tho
next legislature who had already
put up about $1000 011 general results,
lias just mado two more bets of
$1000 each that Indiana will go over
6000 for Harrison. Ho lias relations
In Indiana who havo advised him to
l-nland'H Mainly Armtiml.
Ni:v Yohk, Oct. 31. The Journal
says that England Is quietly arming
Canada agaliiHt tho United States.
Now forfs for Kingston, mid Hall
fax and a system of forts for the
Pacific Coast aro not merely talked
of but already under way. Tho
Canadian transcontinental railroads
nre to be a hostllo lino drawn to tho
north of tho United states. Tho
Journal believes that tho retaliation
law, Incomplete us It Is, should bo
A Hrheine frustrated.
PlIII.ADKIil'lIIA, Oct. ill. I'OW-
derly, In tho next Issuooftho Journal
of United Labor, will wrn tho
Knights against paying any atten
tion to political circulars. Ho says
hols informed that a scheme Is on
foot to circulate among the Knights
ust before the election an alleged
Interview with him In a circular,
advising tho Knights to votofora
certain candidate for tho presidency.
Ho wurns them that such documents
will bo spurious.
Wiir on Hulvatlnlta,
Potai.uma, Oct. 31. Tho Falva-
tlou Army received a reception that
they will long remember. A fusl
ladu of rotten eggs, tomatoes and
potatoes Was opened on them and
thuy were driven to their barracks,
where tho crowd followed. Tho
citizens nro determined to run tho
army out of tho town.
Tho army was again pelted with
venerable oggs and tomatoos and
driven from tho streets to tho hur
ruoks. Thure seems to bo an or
ganized effort to break them up and
drive them out. Public opinion
seems divided, although there were
some vigorous denunciations of this
evening's attack.
Ho, We.tl And Hrim Up.
MoNTUKAii, Oct. 81. Kir John
Mncdonnld said to-day, concerning
thoSaokvllle mutter; "That Lord
Suckvlllo was Indiscreet, no one
with a grain of common soiiko will
deny, hut he was only Indiscreet In
characterizing the actions of Presi
dent Cleveland and Congress as
electioneering dodges."
Lord Haekvlllo still refusos to le
Interviewed. "Our oxjwrlonca of
tho iiast tew days teaohes us to be
muto," says one of her majesty's
secretaries. Lord Backvllle has
made no preparation to leave the
country, and the time ofhls de
parture I uncertain. He declines
to say whether he has received any
Iiwtruetlous from the home govern
ment or not.
Tho report that Jay Gould has
bought the Atchison, Topoka &
Santa Fo Railroad is emphatically
denied by George Gould.
Charles Stowart Welles has writ
ten to Anna Johuson, secretary of
tho oqunl rights party, accepting the
nomination to tho vlee-presldoncy.
Airs. James G. Rlalue, Jr., had n
relapse yesterday nnd for a time was
dolerlotts. Her physicians say she
will not be out of danger for a day
or two.
Roger Q. Mills broko down while
nddresslng a meeting, nnd was taken
from tho hall. This is tho third
tlmo his health has glvon way dur
ing tho campaign.
Frederick Gebhardt has begun
suit against t'ho Erio road for $100,
000 damages for personal Injuries
nnd loss to his race horses In the
Shohola disaster last summer.
In tho criminal court room nt
Kansas City Jack Fleming, deputy
marshal, drew a revolver and blow
Ids brains out while court was in
pension. No cause Is unsigned.
A patont has been taken out In
this country and Europe for a now
oxplosivo more powerful than dyna
mite. It Is said to be perfectly safe
against explosion by ordinary con
cussion in open air or by lire. It is
nnnicd "Extralie."
Tho Now York Star was sold
at auction and brought
only $7000. Judgments against
the paper reach 11 large sum.
The Star has been democratic In
polities. Tho late Lieutenant-Governor
Dorshelmcr was the principal
owner. .
Tu ItiiKimn tint Whalers.
'Wahhinmton, Oct. ill. Conimo
doro Wulker, of tho navy depart
ment, stated to-day that nothing
had as yet been done for tho relief of
the whaling crew In tho Arctic
ocean, and could not until tho
Thetis could bo found and sent to
their assistance, as she Is tho only
vessol that Is now available on the
Pnclllc Const.
Niimllpoi at Hauriimoiito,
BACitAMHNTo, Oct. ill. A well
developed case of smallpox has been
discovered. Tho victim was sent to
tho pest house.
Bai.ijm, Nov. 1, 1888.
George Miller, app. vs. Henry
Lluch, resp.; apis'iil from Union
county. Judgment of tho court
below reversed and a now trial
ordered. Opinion by Btrnhan J.
Geo. Holt, DIs't. Attorney, resp.
vs. W. V. Simuldliig and Cleve
land Itockwell npps.; apjieal from
Multnomah county; argued and
submitted. K. 11. Williams attorney
for resp. J. C. Moreland and Geo.
If. Htimott attorneys for apps.
Tho Oregon Land Company's ten
acre lotsuro selling rapldly,10 having
been sold since the 8th of Kept. There
Is no probability that 10 acres of
g(sd land within four inllesofKalem
will ever again he ollered for ffi) per
aero 011 easy terms. Thoro aro now
live houses In process of construction
on lots already sold and roads are
being ojHMicd and bridges built so
that tho value of all ofthe lots Is
being rapidly ciiliauced. Any 0110
wishing to buy ton acres of good
laud for much less than the nrico of
a city lot will do well to look at this
property at onco as there Is uodoubt
but that It will all be sold Inside of
thirty (lavs, ('all at tho olllce of tho
Oregon Laud company on Com
mercial street and you will be shown
the property free of charge.
A AVotlilt Car.
OINTMENT Is only put up In large
two-ounce (In boxea, and la au
nlmoluU) euro for old aores, bums,
wounds, chopped hands, and all
skin eruptions. Will positively
euro all kinds of piles, Aalc for tho
MENT. Sold byD.W. Matthews
& Co., 100 State street, Salem, ut 26
ccuU per box by mall 80 cent.
Tho Tillamook Headlight is to
start a genuine matrimonial column
for tho accommodation of parties
who desire to mute.
' rl
' I