Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 31, 1888, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 20 4.
an.SCELt.ANEO us.
Is Simple of Construction,
Awarded first premium at the Oregon
State. Fair 18i-'81-&-'8.,87 nnd at the Cali
fornia State Fair, 1887, nnd Snu Joaquin
County Fair, 18S7.
Manufactured In slxlslzcs. For circular
nnd price list uddress
H. S. .TORY & SON,
1. O. Uox 288. Salem, Oregon
4S-Dryer Furnaces furnished five sizes
Jtjlngton Ter.nrCalltornla real estate. For
IHlormntion address us at cither of tho fol
lowing elllces: Palestine, 111.; Kansas City,
Mo.; Salem, Or.; Portland, Or. Salem office
at Bellinger's machinery depot, near the
clly hall, Liberty street; Portland olllcein
the rooms of the State Immigration Board,
corner of Front and Ash streets. 173tf
L. S.
Office near tho
Opera House. .'
Teeth extracted
Dy the painless pro
Constantly on hand tho best quality of
Fresh and Salt Aate !
And all kinds of
jO-The CLEANEST kept market;m the
city. Call and seo for yourself.
D, C. Howard, Proprietor.
43-AU kinds of fresh and cured meats
always on hnnd. full weight and a square
deal all arlund.
Jr iH W
Hnl W.n w w rwiT i
'6 mos.TS ""TrOv
;., ..,.. s sk.i
CnnB CCIlAL, . M
inirTiiipurnir V
.rt iiiuh rarii-i nv
SAVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD wh ch does lAVyou Troubled by
cculve secretion of mucus matter In 5' JgSof the Throat, ringing or
SSrffflT S SSLir& TcihuerrDh.Somehavea..thCS
symptoms, others only a part. n(iro
California Cat-R-Cure
Restore, the sense of taste and remove, bad &Wfi&
lng from Catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions
teed by D. W. MATTHEWS Co.
Phoenix and Home Insurance Company at San 2 mea& In Woodland, Cal.,reoom
troubled with Chronlo Catarrh i for 7 ?, 5 iF. having but little totth In IU
mended your California CAT-R-CJJHK. I PAKE'S Jrj JJJJJ of ,nttt disgusting
wno are luirerers.
SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Deoot.
Proposals for Stationerr.
Officeof tukSkciiktauy ofStatk.I
SAL" Or., Sept. 27th, 1SSS.
Scaled proposals will bereoMved at this
office until noon November 27th, lSSS,to
furnish the following articles for the state
of Oregen:
S.rt,,inV J0"1 P. " ft. No- 8 rulinir,
white laid, drew, Charter Oak or Scotch
;) reams letter paper, 12 ft, No. 8 ruling,
white laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch
30 reams first-class Congress nolo, 7 ft
packages, No. 8 ruling, white laid.
15 M No. 5 white envelopes, 60 ft, No. lrag,
15 M No. 9 white envelopes, GO ft, No. 1
rag XXX.
12grossrallrond steel pens No 149.
15 gross GUlott's steel pens No. H.
3 cross Easterbmolr .!" tvni.
6 gross Faber's rwn holders. No. 1S76.
4 dozen Tower Manufacturing Co's. bar
ometer and brass backed Inkstands.
12 dozen Ivory folders, 9 Inch, Standard.
3 dozen Ivory folders, 10 Inch, Congress.
10 dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's
1 dozen muclliuro stands, reservoir, No.
6, Morgan's patent.
3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper,
HO ft, assorted colors.
2 gross No. 2 Eagle Recorder lend pencils,
style 668.
aozen Arnold's writing fluid, quarts.
2 dozen David A Sons writing fluid,
quarts, black.
2 dozen Snn ford's premium fluid, quarts.
15 dozen duplex cap board letter clips.
12 dozen Faber's rubber rulers, 11 Inch,
12 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 18149, 11.
3 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 18119, E.
20 boxes Faber's No. 300 rubber bands, as
sorted sizes.
4 gross Faber's lead pencils, Nos. 2 and 3,
hexagon, gilt.
10 gross Faber's lead pencils, round, gilt,
No. 2.
6 dozen Faber's patent Ink and pencil
rubber erasers, small.
1000 McGlU's patent paper fasteners, No. 2.
1000 McCi Ill's patent paper fasteners, No. I.
18 dozen gummed stub tiles, No. 21, 11x15
in., 2o0 pages.
12 dozen table pads for paper, 19x24.
10 dozen waste paper baskets, cross bar.
No. 4.
20 fts hemp twine. No. 12.
At tho sumo time separato bids will bo
received for 12 dozen Wostcnholm congress
knives to bo described by trade Nos. Sam
ples to be exhibited.
Bids should bo marked "Proposals for
Stationery." Nono but best quality of
goods received.
Tho right to reject any or all bids Is re
served. All goods to ho delivered beforo January
1st, 1S39. Payment to bo made by warrant
on state treasury.
0-2S-td Secretary of State.
Ileal Estato Bargains.
$1,000 160 acres, 6 miles from OiCdc-
pot. Good house, barn and
orchard. Fenced, and y In cul
tivation. $2,000 80 acres, 1 miles from Salem.
Good road to town. Improve
ments fair. Fine fruit land.
85,490 8a acres 2V miles from Salem.
No buildings. Splendid land,
all fenced. Mako a desirable
$2,500 00 acre3 4 miles from Salem. Im
provements good. Flno young
orchard, and garden land.
$1,180 190 acres, 7 miles from Salem.
Hill land, finely watered. Sell
in lots of 40-ncre tracts at $25 per
$10,800 673 acres, 8 miles from Salem.
Excellent grass nnd fruit land,
adjoining Willamette rlrer.
Will sellln tracts.
$1,375 51 acres, 4 miles of Salem. House,
barn nnd orchard. ljrgesprlng
at tho door. Good soil, and
plenty of timber.
$2,400. I20ncres, 5 miles of Salem; good
road; well Improved; stream
running through tho place.
$00,00 400 acres (4 miles west side O &
O R R) good house, barn and
orchard, 120 in cultivation, bal
ance oak grub pasturo land.
$800 10 acres, 1 mile from Salem, ad
joining fair ground. Good land;
no Improvements.
$1,200. 40 acres, 5 miles Salem; all In
' cultivation; no buildings; near
school house. Excellent fruit
$1,000 370 acres, 6 miles from O 40 R R;
all fenced; well watered. House,
barn, and small orchard; 150
acres In cultivation.
$2.750. 3 lots, with good house and barn,
East Salem. Desirable location.
We have besides this a largo list of city
nnd farm property. Buyers would dp well
to call and examine our holdings beforo
making their purchases.
Opera House, Court St..
VMI Salem, Or.
r-l!Ft! TOR
... . h.AA TIavn vrm nn at
Womlcifnl Cures.
W. D. Hovt & Co., wholesale- nnd
retail druggists of Rome, Ga., siy:
Wo have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovery, Electric Bitters nnd
Eucklen's Arnica Salvo for fodr
years. Hnve never handled reme
dies that sell as well, or ulvo uch
universal satisfaction. There havo
been somo wonderou cures eftectcd
by these medicines In this city.
Several cases of pronouueed con
sumption have been entirely cured
by uso of a few bottles of Dr. Kin;:s
Jev Discovery, taken inconnecoa
with Electric Bitters. Wegdarar.eo
them always. Sold by II. W. Co.
Notts efthe Rlrer.
Upper "Willnmetto navigation is
opened and the thousands of bushels
of wheai awaitini shipment will
begin to move. Tho Yamhill bar
also is now sufficiently covered to
allow the Bonanza to enter tho river
and load at Dayton somo 3000
bushels of wheat. Tho Oricut is In
the dry dock nt Oregon City for re
pairs. The river is rising steadily,
though slowly, and will soon bo at
such a stage, providing it continues
to rise, that boats can go up as far as
The motto of California means, I
have found it. Only in that land of
sunshine, where the orange, lemon,
olive, flc and irraiK) bloom nnd
ripen and attain their highest perfec
tion In mid-winter are the the herbs
and gum foundthnt are ued In that
nieasa.it rctueuy lor an inroai ami,
lung troubles.
Bnntn Abie tho ruler of coughs
asthma nnd consumption. Mr. D.
W. Mathews has been appointed
agent for this valuable remedy and
sells it under a guarantee tit $1 a bot
tle. Three for 5-2.50.
the only guaranteed cure
for catarrh. 1, by mall $1.10.
N. H. Erohlichstein, of Mobile,
Ala., writes: I tako great pleasure
in recommending Dr. King's new
dlhcoverv for consumption, having
used it for a severe attack of
bronchitis and catarrh. It gave mo
instant relief and entirely cured mo
and I havo not been anlleted since.
I also beg to stato that I had tried
other remedies with no good result.
Have also used Electric Bitters and
Dr. King's New Life Bills, both of
which 1 can recommend, ur.
King's New Discovery for consump
tion, coughs and colds, is sold on a
positive guarantee. Trial bottles
free at H. W. Cox's drug store.
tmekien's Arilea S1t.
Tho best salvo lu tho world fo
iits, bruises, so res, ulcers, salt rheum
ii'vcr sores, tetter, chapped haiuN,
hilblalus, corns, and all skin erti
tloiw, and positively cures piles, or
no pay required. It Is guaranteed
t give perfect satisfaction, or moiu
refunded. Price 25 cents per bo
h'or bale u- Dr. H. W. Cox.
Yaqulna Bay people are preparing
for a boom in tho event of tho
junction of tho Chicago & North
western with the Oregon Pacific,
which will glvo them direct con
nection with the eust, and make it
a shipping nud commercial point, as
well as harbor, of no small magni
tude. Proposals for Wood.
J Oregon State Inwino Asjlum hereby
Invito sealed proposal for wood as follews:
Four hundred (400) cords dry jole oak.
Two hundred (2U0) cords dry body oak.
Fourteen hundred (1100) cords dry body
fir out of large trees.
Tho polo oak must not be less than three
Inches In diameter. Three hundred to
five hundred cords of fir, and two hundred
to three hundred cords of oak are to be de
livered by June 1, 1KS, and the remainder
by October 1, 18KD.
Illds will bo received In amounts from
fifty cords up. The wood muit bo four fwt
In length and of tho best quality, subject
to t-o approval of the medleal sujierln
Undent of the asylum, and to be delivered
at any point on the asylum ground desig
nated by him. ,,.,, ,
The right to reject any nnd all bids Is re
minds will he opened at 2 o'clock Tuesday,
Nov. B, 1888. Hy,A,HHT.,u pujfjfovKH
OBO. W. McimiDK,
lt5td (J. W. WK111I,
Jkwrd of Trustee.
Wk, A. MUNLV, Clerk of Board.
issuod Mvoh and Sept.,
ten year. It U an ency
clopedia of useful Infor
mation for all who pur
chug tbe luxuries or the
ncMlUes of life. Wa
cut clothe you and furnish you with
all ttio necessary and unnecessary
appliance to ride, walk, dance, sleep,
eat. fish, hunt, work, go W church.
or ty et home, and In titIou sle.
trie and quantltie. Juat figure out
what Is required to do all tbeee thing
OUIDB, which will bo ont upon
reoefpt of 10 cent W p7 P01
Xll.ll 4 Ulsblgaa Aai, Cnloeso.IU.
The Men Who Will I'onnt the Votes
Cast Next Tuesday.
Tho forowins aro tho judges nnd
clerks of tho elcctloh hi Marlon
county, to bo held on Tuesday,
November 6th :
Horeb precinct Judges, D. A.
Smith, J. E. Savbin, W. F. Foster ;
clerks, David Hoeye, 8. A. Spencer.
Mehama Judges, Albert Morris,
Peter Manor, Preston Hamilton;
clerks, L. C. Fisher, F. N. Hull.
Stnytou Judges, W. II. Cooper,
A. J. Bichardson, U. Whitney;
clerks, "W. "W. Elder. S. A. Jones.
Subllmity--Juilges, W. II. Smith,
E. Becker, Philip Glover; clerks,
Jos. Ledgerwood, Frank Vvrlght
mnn. Lincoln Judges, J. C. Howd, H.
W. Smith, H. B. Coudlt ; clerks,
F. S. Mattison, Abuer Lewis.
Turner-Judges, I. T. Day, S. S.
Martin, J. V. McKinney ; clerks,
N. O. Parker, L. O. Cavanaugh.
Marion Judges, II. D. Oster
hoiidt, Martin Bailey, Sidney Rus
set ; clerks, "V. T. Clark, A. II.
Jefferson Judges, A. II. Loonoy,
Eli Vaughn, A. Weddle; clerks;
Hugh Harrison, T. B. Cornell.
South Salem-Juilges, T. L.
Davidson, Adam Ohmart, J. Vr.
Jory ; clerks, Geo. H. Crolsan, W.
II. Armstrong.
Salem Judges, V. J. Ilcrrcn,
Squire Farrar, B. F. Drake ; clerks,
J. I, Thompson, BossE. Moores.
East Salem Judges, James Wal
ton, Wm. Waldo, G. P. Litchfield ;
clerks, Geo. Gray, J. T. Gregg.
North Salem Jud'j-es, Thomas
Byan, W. L. Wade, Al Savage ;
clerks, Frank Kaiser, Thomas Bruce.
Howell Prairie Judges, G. W.
Shaw, Wm. Murphy, J. M. Wood
worth ; clerks, John Newsom, Ed.
Silver Creek Judges, Blair For
ward, T. R. Hibbard, 11. D. Mount!
clerks, J. M. Brown, John Me
Garfield Judges, U. N. Matlock,
A. Moser, Robert Scott ; clerks, Jos.
G. Mooro, John Seott.
Ablqua Judges', M. Cooley, M. J.
White, Monroe Cleaver; clerks,
Marlon Palmer, W. J I. Cllne.
La Bish Judges, W. G. Evans,
A. G. Perkins, James Finney ;
clerks, W. II. Egaii, M. L. Jones.
Gervnls Judges, L. II. Poujade,
Frank Manning, Frank Nibber;
clerks, Lute D. Smith, Scott Taylor.
Woodbum Judges, Nick Miller,
Sain'l Layman, B. F. Hull ; clerks,
W. J. Ray, A. D. Hall.
Hubbard-Judges, W. T. Grim,
A. Glcason, John Pernoll ; clerks, II.
C. Caldwell, J. L. Culvert.
Aurora Judges, Martin Glesy, J.
W. Grim, II. E. Glesy ; clerks, Wil
liam Hurst.
Buttevlllc Judges, D. J. Pendle
ton, W. E. Her, F. X. Matthleu ;
clerks, Will Selginund, Geo. Herren.
Champoeg Judges, John Hoofer,
L. Briggs, II. L. Ebcrhard ; clerks,
J. W. Forsythe, W. T. Coleman.
St. Paul Judges, J. F. T. B. Breu
tans, J. W. Smit.i, John Jones;
clerks, J. L. Cool;, 8. P. Con-ior.
Falnield Judgos, John Kkaifu,
John Wohrum, L.M. Keeno; clerks,
O. B. Miller, L. A. Byrd.
A Popular New damn.
lly thit game alnno a conipauy nuy k
duvcn to ltd an hour either than inual,
f.ti'l the comfort of the families may lie
wrt-cLcil at the lowest poitible figure.
Direollom for playing the new intellectual
tame of poete auJ psintcraf Kacli xion
Ixjinu proviJtxl with a theet ut paper and
pencil, whiuh the owner will never see
attain, thu dealer makei a nonientlor'
rliyiim. An example it here nlreu tor the
imtruetion of country gentleman. V.f
"There was an old man of Toronto,
Audpecplccrisd, 'where had he gone lo?
Here' hit table and chair,
Hut where u he, vhere,
Thla lnuible roan of Toronto?' "
When tbe dealer baa composed gem of
tint kind he doe not show It, but Illus
trates it by a drawing. Tbla be oiretilate
among Ihe comany, sod each of them
ha to make a uenieoae verte on the in.
CKieot iltuitrated by tbe iketch The
worst you draw the better. The dealer
then rpet the true original rhyme, and
tbe other are read aloud by the persoui
in tbe aoinpany leait skilled in deeipher.
me handwritiOK. Tbe reading Is ture
to be tbe outce of musb merriment.
Important Events of Iho Whole World
for Twenty-four Hours.
Tho Wrecked llarkentino West
Knocked Out Kailroad
Smallpox Reported at Taennia.
Tacoma, Oct. 80. A case of small
pox Is reported at Carson's mill, in
the suburbs of tho city.
Itfllerfurtlie Whalers.
San Francisco, Oct. 30.-A. tele
gram has been scut from this city to
tho treasury department at Wash
ington, asking that a revcuuo cutter
be immediately ordered northwnrd
to tho relief of the ice-bound whalers
in tho Arctic.
Ho Sackilllo Must (Sn,
Montukal, Oct. 150. Soveral
cabinet ministers, who aro in tho
city, confirm tho report that Sir
Charles Tupper, who Is now In
London as High Commissioner of
Canada, has been appointed British
Minister to Washington, to replace
Lord Sackvlllo West.
A Largo ltei;ltry.
San Francisco, Oct. 30. Na
thaniel Holland, United States
superintendent of elections, has just
received the register for Los Angeles
county for the coming year, and the
increase of registration over that of
two years ivj;o Is remarkable. The
registration of that county nt that
time footed up to 10,311. This year
it Is 30,318.
Fusion In Mlmourl,
St. Louis, Oct. 30. Win. II.
Blake, tho nominee of tho Union
Labor party for governor of Mis-
souri, has sent a letter to tho ex
ecutive committee, declining to
mako tho race. Tho committee
now in session, is considering what
is best to do. It Is fully elaiiued
that Blake's withdrawal means a
coalition between the Union Labor
party and the republican party in
the stato election.
A Man-of-war Ordered Out.
Washington, Oct. 30. Tho navy
department has been requested by
tho secretary of stato to send a man-of-war
to Haytl to look after Ameri
can interests there, which appear to
havo been Jeopardized by tho seizure
of the American steamer Haytlen
at the Vertu province.
At present all of tho vessels of
tho North Atlantic station tire In
tho navy yards for repairs, except
the Boston, which is now at somo
Central American port beyond the
reach of telegraph.
Mora Trimble In Manitoba,
MiNNKAroi.in, Oct. 30. An ut
tempt was mado last night to burn a
Canadian Pacific bridge at Head
Ingly, Manitoba. Tho bridge was
saturated witli oil, and tho flro did
considerable damage. The nut tiers
who sided with tho government in
the troubles with tho Canadian Pa
cific aro suposcd to bo the authors
of tho fire. Tho Manitoba Legisla
ture meets Thursday, and It Is the
Intention to adopt retaliatory iiiuiih
tirosngaltiHt tho Canadian Paelllc,
which will probably Include tho re
moval of i" t'liiptlou from taxation,
which amounts to oO.(XK) per
AliurcliUta Can't 1'iinuln,
Chicago. Oct. 30. Tho chief of
police stated that no demonstrations
or parades by Anarchists would Iw
jiormitted on November 11 tit as con
templated. Tills Is the death stroke
to the "40 Club," whloh proposed
to commemorate tho hanging of the
Anarchists on that date. The An
archists of St. Louis are determined
to make tho anniversary of tho
Chloago executions an oceuslon tor
adomonstratlon. An elaborate pro
gram has Imhm arranged which In
clude a play oHllcd 'Innocence
Condemned to Death." Tho play
was written by a St. Louis An
archist. Bnoohe more or low vi
olent, will precede the play. Tho
attentlou of the ollce has Ikmjii
willed U the projKMod oelebrutloii,
The rellgom marriage of Gun.
lloulungsr's daughter and Captain
Bount took place In the church of
St. Pierre ywtordoy.
Result of tlieContVrcnce.
London, Oct. CO. The result of
tho conference between Lord Salis
bury and American Minister Phelps
regarding tho Sackvlllo letter Is
mado public to-day.
Phelps Informed Salisbury that
tho presldont regarded with market!
surprise and dissatisfaction tho con
duct of Lord Sackvlllo In replying
categorically to a series of sugges
tions and inquiries couched In
language quite Improper for tho
British Envoy to entertain. Phelps
further said that the American
government loft tho matter ot Snck
vllle's recall or withdrawal in tho
hands of tho English ministry.
In reply Lord Salisbury said that
ho deplored thu indiscretion of tho
British Envoy and expressed strong
ly tho regret of her majesty's gov
ernment that so untoward nn
incident should havo arisen In tho ,
dlplomatio relations of tho two
Twelve Men .Drowned.
San Francisco, Oct. 30. Infor
mation received hero regarding tho
loss of tho Makah near Tillamook is
somewhat unsatisfactory to shlp
inen. Tho vessel was first reported
as a schooner, but It Is said she Is
one of tho largest barkontlnes that
over left port.
Tho barkcutluo Makah, with fair
weather, should havo been near
Honolulu by this time. Loront.
Foard is of tho opinion that tho
vessel was capsized in mid ocean,
and drifted into Tillamook. She
had twelve men on board Capt.
Larson, two mates, the cook nnd
eight men before tho mast, all of
whom nro given up ns lost. Tho
barkcutluo was valued at ? 10,000
and was Insured for 515,000. Tho
cargo Is thought to have been fully
Ta T Minister Went.
Washington, Oct. 30. By di
rection of tho presldont tho secretary
of stale to-day Informed Lord Sack
vlllo West that for causes heretofore
mado known to hor majesty's gov
ernment his continuance lu his
present olllcial position in tho
United States was no longer accept
able to this government and would
consequently bo detrimental to the
relations between tho two countries.
Tim Strike nt Helena.
Hi:m:na, Oct. 30. Tho striking
switchmen still hold out, though
their positions tiro becoming filled
by men from other places, and
freight was being moved as usual
yesterday, though there aro still a
number of loaded cars lu tho yard.
Wrecked on the Northern.
Hiii.KNA, M. T., Oct. 30. A dis
astrous collision and wreck of two
freight trains occurred last night at
Arleo, on tho Northern Paciflo road,
lu which threo engineers were badly
hurt, one having his ribs broken,
and the others badly contused.
Suicide lit Reddlnir.
Budding, Oct. 30. Mrs. Jesso
('nunc, a woman living over fifty
miles from here, committed suicide
by taking strychnine. Domestlo
trouble was tho cause.
Minister Phelps cables that ho
has returned to Loudon from Hot
Held '.house, whoro ho has beon In
consultation with Salisbury respect
ing tho letter of Minister Sackvlllo
West. Tito department, of state has
received a cablegram from him fully
explaining the situation, which
wlllls) laid beforo tho cabinet meet
ing to- day.
How's Thlil
Weoff'er one hundred dollars re
ward for any easo of catarrh that
can not bo cured by taking Hall's
catarrh euro.
F. J. Cheney 6c, Co., props.,
Toledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned,
havo known F. J. Cheney for tho
lust 16 years, and believe lilin ier
fectly honorable lu all businoss
transactions, and financially able to
curry out any obligations made by
their firm.
West At Truax, wholesale drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Wuldlug, IClnnun & Marvin,
wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
IS. H. Van lioeseu, cashier,
Toledo national bank, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's catarrh cure Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon tho
blood and mucus surfaces of tho
system. Price, 7oc per bottlo.
Sold by all druggists.
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