Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 30, 1888, Image 3

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Complete Recital of the Day's Deeds
and Doings.
IThe Rircr Open Harvest Home
Hallow E'en From Chomawn
State Gleanings.
Hallow E'n is Coming.
To-morrow night will be the occa
sion of much fun by both old and
young the world over. On that
evening, moro particularly in the
east than in the west, do the people
rejoice and be glad. It is then that
the ghost9 and spooks of generations
are supposed to walk the earth as do
humans and rejoice also in their
ghoulish uess when grave yards are
to give up their wonted calm and be
fdlcd with laugh and shout. Of all
nights in the year this is the one for
the fiends to do their work. The
small boys and their big brothers
would not sleep well if they had not,
assisted by their sisters-, changed
Smith's gate for that of Jones, upset
Brown's smokehouse, wheeled Ap
plejack's wagon onto Billberry's
front poarch, huug a saloon sign
over the "NV. C. T. U. door and vice
versa. "Verily it is a night for
pranks and on Thursday morning
many a town in the central states
I will have a forlorn and dilapidated
I appearance as though a cyclone
had passed over it.
Tbe Itlter is Ones .Now.
Yesterday evening at half-past six
o'clock the coarse whistle of a river
steamer informed Salem that navi
gation was open. The reverberations
gladdened many a shippers heart,
for they knew that with an open
river their products would soon
reach a lively market. The first
steamer to.arrive was the Occident,
of the O. E. & N. Co. She draws
twenty-two inches of water and re
ports n deep enough channel for
vessels of much heavier draft. The
trip from Portland consumed twelve
hours in all, but had they not had
to wait at tho locks for two other
boats to pass through they would
have been hero much sooner. After
taking on freight hero she at once
left for Albany and the upper river,
where a partial cargo will be taken
on. Tho captain said that If all
went well he expected to reach
Salem this evening on the return
trip. Tho boat will have her cargo
completed here, which will consist
of bran and wheat.
The Outlook Fatorable.
Hon. C. W. Fulton, one of tho
three presidential electors who will
cast tho electoral vote of Oregon for
Harrison and Morton next January,
has returned to Astoria from a com
plete cauvass of the entire state.
Mr. Fulton reports results fully
equalling his most sanguine expec
tations. Everywhere; he spoke he
found large audiences, and lie be
lieves that the republican majority
on Tuesday week will even exceed
the great majority in the June elec
tion, says tho Astorian.
I'l'ogms at CUemawa.
Stephen E. Leo of Chemawa was
at Seattle last week securing stu
dents for tho Salem Indian In
dustrial school. Ho sent six bright
boys off on the Saturday morning
train. Mr. Lee says the children
earned $1400 this year picking hops.
Last year they earned $1500, and
bought for the United States eighty
three acres of land, the first instance
on record of that kind. More Indian
boys and girls will be sent from day
to day till tho school is filled.
The Bldi are Opened.
The bids for tho completion of
two rooms at the state house were
opened this afternoon, and were as
follews: Rogers and Southwick,
S5G9.50; J. Benolt, $061.77;
Craven, $501.65; John Athey, $511.50.
The award of contract will not be
mude before noxt week. These
rooms aro to bo completed by tho
time tho legislature convenes, and
will perhaps bo used as committee
One Week from TonUj.
Only one week from to-day and
these glorious United States will be
agitated by a presidential election.
Campaigning in some places is ruu
uing fust and furious, but wo here
in Orogon aro taking things easy
and unconcernedly. The democrats
aro resigned to their fate, the pro
hibitionists hopeful, and tho repub
licansjubilant. The Corrallli Still Here.
The government snag pullor Cor
vallls is still moored at the wharf In
this city undergoing some minor
repairs preparatory to makiuga start
up the river. She reported thirty
inches behind her as site oame up,
aud it is practicable for light draft
lU to make the trip now.
Smallpox Golng'tr Gone.
The young man, Mulligan, who
had an attack of varioloid in Salem,
has entirely recovered, and the
other man who was thought to
have taken it from him is all right.
For several days It was thought It
would result In a caso of genuine
smallpox, but fortunately it proved
to be but varioloid, and ho will
soon be all right, as all danger is
passed, and he is rapidly convales
cing. Miss Baker, who! has been down
with smallpox at the place of F. X.
Matthleu, at Buttevllle, is reported
out of dancer, aud no now pjisp.
have broken out in that neighbor
hood. Advices from Clinmnoeg are to
tho effect that two well developed
cases ot trie disease have been re
ported near there. One is a China
man camping with a partv of crab
bers, the other is an aged French
man, who has been wandering
around the neighborhood, and who
spent a night just previous to his
being taken down, in a building oc
cupied by a crew of twenty men
who were running a hay baler on
the place of J. N. Harding.
At McMInnvllle there aro no
moro cases, the quarantines raised,
schools opened and business nice
more moving on as before.
Program of the Harvest Home.
Below follows the program of the
Harvest Home festival which will
be given this evening at the Congre
gational church:
Piano Duct La Sultana, Vnlso llrillnntc,
Misses Edith Hughes and Lulu Hirsch.
Harvest Sone-"How Good Is Ho the Giver,"
Misses Gtlltngham and Harris aud
Messrs. Odell, Cook and Pnrvln.
Address of Welcome liy the Pastor.
Vocal Solo "Pictures of Home," II. Pepper
Prof. Parvln.
Recitation "Quostions,"
Miss Lnlu Vondersol.
Piano Solo "Les Couriers," , Hitter.
Miss Jessie Dnlrymple.
Vocal Solo '"Tls All that I Can Sny"
Mrs. Strlcklcr.
Reading "Courtlnc; Under Dinicultlcs."
Mibs BhuurU
Vocal Solo "Three Wishes," Plnsutl.
Miss Macrum.
Music Helen Edcs
Poem "Eighteen Hundred and Eighty
eight Original.
Rendered by Life Pictures. Godos of Au
tumn, Mrs. England. Spirit of Sum
mer, Miss Nellio Gilbert. Angel of
Spring, Miss Llzrlo Church. tj,ueen
of tho Kroit. Mrs. Harry Gibson.
Admission at the door will bo 25 cents.
Entertainment begins ut 8. Refreshments
aro to be served In the church parlors.
War Faint at Chemawa.
Generaf Gordon, U. S. special
Indian agent, arrived in the city
tills morning and proceeded to
Chemawa, where he will superin
tend a rigid inspection of Col. John
Leo and his administration. Gen
eral Gordon is not of tho class of
inspectors who make quarterly or
semi-annual reports of these Indian
schools. He comes directly from
Washington for the purposo of mak
ing a special inspection and is sent
by tho high authorities to whom the
numerous recent complaints wero
Another Insane Woman.
Mrs. Emma Stayton was brought
this afternoon from near Stayton
aud adjudged insane. She had been
visiting friends there and has
gradually been loosing her mind.
Her insanity is suicidal at times
and she tries to cscapo supposed
pursuers. Her home Is at Black
Butte, Crook county. Sho was
taken to tho asylum.
He Sold Whisky to Indians.
James King was this afternoon
arraigned before Judgo Walton of
tho U. S. court on the charge of sell
ing whisky to Indians. Ho was
bouud over and will have tho
pleasure of reporting in Portlaud to
answer. He could give no bail and
was taken to jail. Tho offence was
committed in this city.
Salem, Oct. 30, '88.
State of Oregon resp. vs. John D.
Hunsaker, app.; appeal from Grant
county; judgment reversed and a
new trial ordered. Opinion by
Strahan J.
Young Otborae i Captured.
Marshall Ross followed tho erring
Osborn boy who stole $70 from tho
North Salem milkman with the
telograph and has mused his arrest
at Junction city. Mr. Boss will go
up after him this evening.
Wonderfol Crw.
W. IX Hoy t it Co., wholetAlo and
retail druggists of Borne, G a., say :
We have been selling Dr. King's
v.. TtiaAnvnrv. TCIectric Bitters and
Tinnklnn'R Arnica Salvo for four
years. Have never handled reme
dies that sell as well, or give suoh
universal satisfaction. There have
been borne wonderful cures etleotod
i... !... rrKxiiftifinrt in this city.
Several cases of pronounced con
with Etectrio Bittern. WeKuarantee
them always. Sold by IL W. tox.
sumption have been entirely i-u..
by uf of a few bottlw of Dr. Kiug'a
Von. niuviverv. taken In connection
A son was born on the 2Sth Inst.,
to Ed. N. Edes and wife of Satem.
John Aiken Sr., and wife, are tho
guests of their relatives at Rosc
burg. There is considerable sickness.
Typhoid fever is reported in Jourdan
John Viesman of St. Paul died at
his home the 27th Inst. Ho was 82
years of age.
Brooktnan, tho painter, gets five
days in the jug. His chargo is
The track is now laid to within n,
few miles of Melmina and expect to
be there by Nov. 1st.
Harry Dunn, for being drunk and
disorderly, received a senteuco of
five days in the city's bastile.
Between one thousand and twelve
hundred men aro employed on tho
Oregon Pacific above Mchama.
F. S. Dearborn was last night
elected second lieutenaut of company
B, to fill the vacancy occasioned by
tho resignation of A. O. Bowersox.
Thursday is Nov. 1st, and on that
day tho new management assume
control of tho Chemeketo hotel In
this city.
A Washington special says tho
United States government has taken
such steps as will result in the retire
ment of Lord Saekvillo from the
office of British Minister.
The schooner Makah of Astoria,
Or., was wrecked near the entrance
to Tillamook bay, on Wednesday.
As the hull of the vessel lies bottom
sido up, and no signs of life are visi
ble, it is supposed all hands wero
Miss Allie Bowman of this city
will leave on tho evening train for
St. Helena, California, where sho
will spend two or more years in tho
Sanitarium, for the purposo of tak
ing a thorough eottr&o in tho train
ing school for nurses. Wo wish her
much success and a pleasant trip.
Salem, Oregon, April 10
I have lust been cured of milto a severe
attack of catarrh of the bladder and tttrlc
turo of the urethra, mainly by tho use of u
couple of boxes of tho Oregon Kidney Tea,
and e.m therefore recommend the ton
as a valuable remedy for diseases of tho
money aim urinary organs, j,. wiijijitt.
Sold by D. V. Matthews J: Co.
Cousidemblo excitement was
created this morning by tho mi
uouncment tliattho wife of a well
known Salem business man had
eloped with her husband's clerk,
but investigations revealed tho fact
sho had only gone hurridly to Squire
Farrar &. Co's to catch some of
those splendid bargains in groceries,
Do you feel dragging sensations In tho
back and loins, aro you troubled with
wakefulness, falntness at tho pit of the
stomach? Aro you nervous or Irritable?
If so we would advise you to try Oregon
Kidney Tea, (purely vegetable.) It never
falls to cirect a permanent euro of kidney
and urinary complaints.
Sold by D. V. Matthews A Co.
Tho following letters remain un
called for in tho Salem postolllcv,
Oct. 31:
A nderson, Eugene
Baker, A D Burton,' Adolphtis
Brown, Mary
Cardin. Mary Chrlstenscn, (' F
Cotktz, Miss J F Clark, James E
Church. S P Conn, G A
Critchlow, Sam II
Davis, Mrs Irona Davis, Theo
uonneii, it
Evener, Mrs It
Gardner, Carry
Hubbard, C
Innman, John
Jones, M J
King, Sarah
Lay, M T
Maguire, ME
Matthews, Peto
Hunter, W M
Johnson, Albort-2
Lewis Etta
Mann, Bev M G-2
McClary, T J
Kfotfli,i.,i,i T 'P
McCoy, Mrs M
McMeekin, FM MoWaldlsnuesoMr
l'arker, Miss fc I'locli, Albert
Span, W II Simpson, Ulyses
Shulthels, C-3 Smith, Mrs Ellen
Smith, J H Smith, Mrs M A
Van Boxel, W II
Watson, Mary B Watklnds. WH.2
Williams. Mr E Williams, E
WertorWest.BE Wheeler, W D
Woodson, Mrs II Wohlfarth, Geo
Woodworth, C D
W. II. Odell, P. M.
Senator Ilearit'a First Dime.
"When I wai a youDRiter," aid aenalor
Ileaiat, "I lived with my parent out in
Miiiouri. We were all poor iu thoa
dayi, and I ioaraly knew what money
waa except by name. Finally a vtiitor at
our boue pieaented me with ten oetti.
I think I waa the happieU boy In the
neighborhood, I oed to lie awake at
night considering bow I eould spend it to
aa to get tbo belt re4urn. Ooe day I lott
it between a high hill and my father's
houie, about JOO yitdi diataot. I think
1 airliul everv foot of that crouod a
dozen I18W over, Imt that inoftey wa
KQUDd I never found it. It U painful
to me at tbit momtM to rceall my grief at '
it UiMPif Be. Siui then I have ioi
roocey to larger mu. wbJefc have Beariy
bankrupted x, bjit Ibey neve ted w
ball the nsbappt that tbe low f wy
nut tea cesU did." N. V. HM.
News Ami Notes of n General In
terest to the Westerner.
Pendleton is trying to raise a sub
sidy for Hunt's railroad. On Friday
a committee secured J7000 in a short
It is reported that Mrs. J. Hoff
man of Bandon has fallen heir to
foo.ooo front an undo recently
Itnymoud Burkhart, ono of Linn
county's well known pioneers, died
on Saturday evening at his homo
near Lebanon, aged 71 years.
There are 21,000 acres of vacant
school latidsln Harney valley, north
of tho lakes, and 7000 acres of good
timber lands that aro school lands.
The voters of Lake county will
decide at the November election
whether or not the county shall
Issue $10,000 in bonds and with the
proceeds purchase and fit up a poor
A number of vigorous protests
have been fowarded to the Interior
Department showing the Injustice
of locating the office of Harney
Land District other than in Harney
Tho recent rains, have raised tho
water in the Nooksack river boyond
tho hlch-watcr mark of the nast two
years, and tho farmers In tho valley
nave su tiered tho loss of fences and
fruit trees.
The Willamette is now navigable,
and the farmers are at last glad to be
able to be alibrded a market 'and
shipping facilities for their wheat,
hopi, etc. Salem is lively since tho
river opened.
Over forty head of cattle have
perished recently lu Summer Lake
valley from blackleg and stock
raisers there who inoccttlato with
asafoetida find It u good proven
tivo aud also a pretty sure cure.
A through train of 10 cars of hops
left Seattle over tho Puget Sound
Shore railroad Sunday for New
York. Eacli car contains 75 bales,
averaging 200 pounds each, aud tho
train load will aggregate a value of
nearly $50,000.
A pension, tho first payment of
which amounts to $12,000, has been
granted to Solomon W. Hardest y,
late prlvnte of company M, Seventh
Missouri volunteers, cavalry, who
now resides at Needy, Clackamas
county, Oregon.
The Southern Pacific, anticipating
a tremendous rush to this coast as
soon as tho election is over, is mak
ing tho preparations for tho greatest
business tills winter it lias over done.
With tho eastern connections al
ready arranged, the trip from New
York to San Francisco can bo made
in Just five days.
A Walla Walla roldicr recently
deserted. When ho deserted, he
weighed 200 pounds, and when
found was reduced nearly half ids
weight. He hail subsisted for 1(18
days on watercress and cliokeberrles
within sight of tho post, and as well
can be Imagined, the strange freak
on ids partis creating a sensation in
Walla Walla.
Thirteen-year-old George Hanlon,
who was convicted for complicity In
a robbery at Portland, for which ho
was sentenced to the penitentiary
for one year, aud who has slnco ask
ed Judgo Stearns to remove the em
bargo from his sentence and commit
him to prison, his mother seconding
tho strango request, was yesterday
removed from the county Jail to a
dark cell in the upper portion of tho
city Jail, where ho will bo kept until
ftirthor orders from tho agent of the
Boys und Girls' Aid Society, who
has determined to bring tho obsti
nato youth to terms.
Uov'f Tali!
We otlur ono hundred dollars re
ward for any caso of catarrh that
can not ta cured by taking Hall's
uitarru cure.
F. J. Cheney fc Co., prop.,
Toledo, O. We. the. underslcned.
have known F. J. Cheney for the
lost 10 years, ami believe lilin por-
leetiy Honorable in an business
transactions, und financially able to
carry out any obligations maue by
their firm.
West k Truax, wholesale drug
Blsts. Toledo. Ohio.
Waldlng, KInnan fc" Marvin,
wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
!. II. Van Hooseii, cashier,
Toledo national bank, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's catarrh euro Is takuu in
ternally, aotliig directly upon tho
blood and mucus surface of the
system. Price, 76c. per bottle,
Kld by all druggists. f,
m 1 1 1 ii
Why wilt you uosbout with that UtlM
air und le ftweT IUv yrtt b .lift, w
aiobutan? You mm t wire nolnliHC r
wdjii ifliitfirM urounu yot(.
rid m
oj ha in re aa net iniwtMl
ftvl ttWt IlfB U burrivn
tvm fuail
hate the vigor nod ebullcl
m youtii n-
turn, ewuroMiod nearly
UM Dr. Hfllr' iMudkf
W. It
iraly funmtmt riwtrkili
mm Of 11. W. Mali
Subscribe for the C'Ai'iTAi. Joi'H.vAl.
Cloaks !
Direct from tho Enst, every garment having been mmlc to order for u.
Dress Goods and Trimmings, Flannels, Dlankcts; New Stock of Carpels,
Rugs, Porfiers, Shades and Law Curtains.
Tho public nro corillnlly invited to Inspect our mammoth stock.
White Corner.
II. K. Dultoii.
JOK DUllOt.4.
Dubois bros.,
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
Krom SI to N per ilny.
For Sale.
A cooil trim fnuno llorso Power. Good
for nil uhch, from ono to full capacity.
All for tho low nrlco of SSO. Call at tho la-
elllo Cider, Vlmirnr A Krult I'reserviiiK
Company's olllec. Kiiluin, Orcnon.
'or tho treatment of all diseases of me
and women
Medicated vapor oaths, oxyi;cu Inhuhi
tlons, electro miiKiicttsin, medicated
sprays, etc. Ottleoand sanitarium lu tho
llank block. Consultation dec. UUldw
.No. !MI Commercial Htreel,
DI-.AI.Kll I.N .
Numbing, Gas anil Steam Fitting.
Tinware and Artistic Metal Work
a Specialty.
-Agent for tho UIOHAKIWON A
tahllshtid In IBID
(10 TO
102 Court Street, Silent, Oregon
UnvliiK hoUKht out tho romnlndcr ot tun
mlr factory's Mock, wo aru picparcd to
ill chairs lower thiin any houso In Oregon
Filing Saws a Specialty,
Hhopontho alley, opponlte Mlnto's l.UJ
cry Htuble, Hnlein, Or.
-jJest goods.-
Goods on tho installment
plan. '..,',
Chomoketo Hob
m Mm
Miss Knox
Will continue Her School for the en
suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL
SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and
Marion Sts beginning
StiFTESIltEIl 10.
Hoys aincl Girls.
Tho school will open 011 tho 'JIIU
of Heptcmlicr. Tliurouuli Instruc
tion lu thnprlmaiy and
English JBranches.
-In cource.-
TICltMH aud further Information limy he
hud on application to
Cor. Chcmclictit and MluloMtH.
Wllliimotiw Unlvcrslly.
Mtmt Hiieowiful kcIiihiI of mimic 011 the
uortliwcHt coaiit, Ahout
CoursoH In
Puinn, Oruiin SlnulnR, Violin,
I-lurmuny, it nil Countur.
DiplomiiHon eompletlou ot courtm.
ri......l...vu. V f l..H.fl.i l.r...ilrl.. t
iniviivi ... .... .Ill, It I, .-,i,..n.u a.
Jomw, i:11C0x. Annuitant, l.tllu M.Hmlth.
Klml term licKlim Monday, hvpti'iniier
hi, ldSH. Hvnd for eataloKiio. Knr lurlhcr
pariiciiiurH aimroiiH
IVl. I'AII v 1 JN,
MiiHh'jd Director, Haluin, Or.
Clriuliinltw HtudontK In
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Normal, ItiiKliiess, Luw,
It In tlioolclcKt, lurKc.t nnil lenat axpen
nlve Iimtltutlon of iMirnlnu In the Mortb-
AoIkmiI oimtu tint Monday In KepteuiUr
Hend for catiiloKiie to
j nun. VAit m.iv,
7t Haluin, Oregon.
Hnvr lu ikmhwihiu ol a uew dKncryti
liiulleluv, which UpilrHy n linitl uiiumtueU
la, mill aw iilmoNl liutuutMUMuinly on the
MrriHin(liiit tlmufwi of th tiwth. It kla
no wuy injunoiu or uiipituni 10 tne
Uit. The inMUUfiteturerii of It elaim tlwt
llUJ Imw never Ijwii known lror,iuid
wui ihw nevi
twrfh, (hey mn
wIUkhU i win. H
11 10 tne ktiioiuvv or wire
mn li elanjl und nif4
Ho all I1hm tltut went all
kind of dental work done without pln.
would Mlereall on Dr. II. Hinllli. Teetli
extrturted for GO cenw.
Cull una Mum .
Salem's Popular Job Printer,'
Htnte Iiuuranee Hulldlnir, Cor Ouev
mereiul und Chemekete trtu. '0-lLf