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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1888)
LATE CITY NEWS FOUND By the Reporters on Their Round of me lown. State Items Western News General Notes Laundry Hotel Etc. Thty are Coming. Already the tide of emigration has set in and every day finds quite a number of eastern people looking over our country with a view to locating. They are impelled by the approaching winter to seek homes in milder climes and as the ad vantages of the favored Willamette valley are becoming known to the world wo are securing our share of the influx. This is exactly what Is required to develope this country. We need people. When it is once known what great advantages we have and what great inducements are hold out to the home-seeker It is no wonder wo should receive our proportion ol the army of emigrants. Those who stay long enough to see what we have, are sure to remain permanently. The Xew Chemekctc. On November 1st Messrs. Hell and Monroe assume control of the Ctiemekcte hotel in this city. Their lease Is for four years, and they pro pose at onco thoroughly refitting and refurnishing the building from cellar to garret. The kitchen will be remodeled to their plans, as will also other parts of tho building. The rooms will be re-papered and painted and furnished with new carpets and furniture. Tho man agers propose that no stone shall be left unturned to make it the most convenient and best equipped hos telry In the state. Oregon Frnlt In the East. A Portland man will ship a car load of apples to Prescott, Arizona, which will pass almost tho entire length of tho state of California. That is nothing new for Oregon ap ples, which now not only find a market in many of the neighboring states and territories, but also In China, Japan and Australia. Ore gon has always had a reputation for apples sinetj tho first trees were planted here, which is within the memory of men living, aud this reputation is spreading further abroad every year. - A Great Timber Scheme. A company of Albany men have located about 1500 acres of timber and agricultural land on the line of the Oregon Pacific, about twenty two miles above Mehama. Some of tho land will be taken as homestead by those of the company who were soldiers, and havo but a short period to live upon it, and a portion of it will be bought as timber land. The land has fine timber upon it, and it is tho iutentiou of the com pany to take in a portable saw mill, also to start somo fruit ranches. Xew Notaries Commissioned. The following named persons were to-day commissioned notaries public by Gov. Penueyer: D. C. Latonrette, Oregon City; C. W. Ellsworth, La Grand; II. M. Trowbridge, Tillamook; G. W. Prosser, Oswego; C. D. McDowell, A. Meacham, Summerville; W. II. Conycrs, Clatskanie; J. T. Stewart, Portland; Glenn O. Holman, Baker City; W. J. J. Roberts, Portland. Salem's Steam Laundry. Work is now progressing on the new steam laundry on South Com mercial street. Tho building is being made ready to receive the machinery, and all preparations are making for an early start. Tho machinery will bo hero in a few days. This is an institution Salem has long been in need of,and it should have tho full support of our citizens. The Choral I'nlon. Tho Choral Union holds a regular weekly meeting at tho Woman's College Monday evenings. Last night tho attendance was largo and the exercises of unusual Interest. Prof. Parvin Is the director and teacher and Is doing a good work. Great progress Is being made by the Union nud the individual mombers. A Vicious Maiiae. Martin Rontz, the old mau who was brought to tho asylum yester day from tho Dalles Is a raving maniac. He Is like a wild animal and bites at all who approach him. Ho Is eighty-three years old. The Conlraet Let. J- C Thompson has lot the con toot for building n pile bridge aorosa uth Mill creek, near the depot, to ' F. Royal tUM ! LI MVI MUJUJWtlfJ! j Articles of Incorporation. 10-aay tno following articles of incorporation were filed by tho Secretary of State: The Greely real estate and Invest ment association of Portland; incor porators, E. A. Rrldgeman, G. W. Ficks, R. A. Glenn, C. C. Smith, AV. P. Osburu, T. L. Johnson, E. D. Dewert, L. S. Rowland, Wm. M. Davy, E. E. Martin, C. E. Macdon ald, and H. C. Telfer; capital stock, $4Q,000, which is divided into twenty shares of ?2,000 each; object, to raise funds by monthly assessments on the capital stock which money Is to be employed in making loans, buy ing, improving, and dealing in real estate. The Christian Missionary Conven tion of Oregon; incorporators, D. M. uoty, i. r. Burnett, J. W. Cowies, II. A. Johnson, and H. C. Porter; estimated value of property, ?S,000; source of revenue from gifts and donations. Supplementary articles of incor poration of the Lewis & Drvden Publishing Co., of Portland." In corporators, Edward Cookingham, D. F. Dryden, S. R. Willey, A. D. Charlton, and W. T. Muir. Tho capital stock is $40,000. . Points About Potatoes. The potato crop in this section of the country has proved to bo a fail ure, at least those dug before the rain. The most of the farmers dug all of their early potatoes and some of their late ones before the rain and the greater portion of them are rot ting. Potatoes, in order to make them keep well, should have a good rain on them just before they are taken out of tho ground. It pre serves, in one sense of tho word, and they hardly ever fall to keep. There are a great many potatoes that are effected on tho stem end; whether or not it is caused by having such a long dry spell is hard to tell, but the general opinion is that it is. Oregon has never failed in her potato crop. California looks to Oregon for agood portion of her seed and if the pota toes in this state fail California will have to look in some other direction for a good portion of their seed. AV. S. Dayton, Ogn., Oct. 21-83. A special from Franklin, Ky., saya: "yesterday morning two well-dressed strangers arrived in tilts city on the eaily train and inquired tho way to au old steam mill that was operated by a man named Whitesidea, and procuring a buggy at tho livery stable they went out to the mill and spent the entire day in digging up tho earth in various places. They returned t ) the city about night and left on the fin t train. They told Whitesidcs that they were from St. Louis, and if their busineiB here turned out profitible they would It ward him for his pains in (jiving them d rections and assisting them. They did not state what their mission was to any one, but some of the country fo'ks, seeing their strange actions, surmised that there was soma hidden treasure about the old mill, and a nun .named UendricUs went out this morning with a pick and spade, aud after digging for some time finally un. earthed an old keg with $2,700 in gold carefully packed therein." SUIU'EME COUUT. Salem, Oct. 23, '88. State of Oregon, respondent, vs. C. M. Harding, appellant, appeal from Multnomah county, judgment of the lower court affirmed; opinion by Strahau, J. On motion of Richard Williams Jno. M. McCollum was admitted upon certificates from tho supreme courts of Kentucky and Idaho to practice in all the courts of thisstate. Geo. A. Hartman, respondent, vs. Jno. N. Young, appellant, appeal from Umatilla county, argued and submitted. W. M. Ramsey attorney for respondent, Jno. C. Leasure and Richard Williams attorneys for appellant. . A Contented Man. Joseph Berry, ot Kings Valley, in Polk County, ha been on his present place for thirty-five yean, and has never been away from itout of the county, He got his atart by making 400,000 shingles with frow and draw knife, and now saya he don't want to find any better country to live io, for his neighbors are peaceable and kind, and his land, instead of deteriorating, raises better crops than it did twenty years ago. This year' wheat crop in that vicinity has averaged about twenty-rlve bnshels to the acre, and no farmer who has given his soil a fair chance has any reason to complain of hort crops in any line. They can raise fruit eqnal to the best, and their climate is good enough. Pacific Farmre. It is perhap not generally known, bnt nevertheless it w a fact that the law for. bids a pensioner, bargaining, premising, or selling hts quarterly peotloo before It comes due; and upon tbe other band all persons are forbidden to aooept the same in any manner, as teeuiity or otherwise. The fine k fixed atSlOO for any violation of tfet act, and w equal upon the soldier and dealor. local simaiAUY. C. A. Sehlbrede of Roseburg is in tho city on legal business. The contractor is now at work on the Commercial street bridge, with a force of men. A marriage license was yesterday issued to J. R. Mooro aud Miss Em ma Hoskius. AV. II. Ryars is in Portland on business, but of course he will take In the baby show to-morrow. Tho Sittings' libel suit will at once be cousldered by tho grand jury, says the Albany Democrat. Mr. Rain and wife, who have been outing at Yaquina City, returned home yesterday. A hydraulic elevator is to be placed in the state limine, and work is now well under way. An order has been received to es tablish a pouch mail service on the Eugene express between Salem and Jefferson. Rev. C. C. Stratum will occupy ttie M. K. pulpit m this city on Sun day, November -1th, morning and evening. Tho Ladd-Rush bank is being treated to a general refitting inside, The painters and artists in fresco are now at work there. J. R. r . Rell is now in Roseburg arranging Ills allnlrs to move to the capital city permanently. He and C. H. Monroe take tho Chemeketo on November 1st. Among those who are here from the East looking up locations, are Herman Lowel of Minnesota, J. W. Wright of Kuynlan, Kansas; L. H. Lewis, wife and family ; A. Wass and wlfo and Miss Lewis, also of Kansas. Considerable excitement was created this morning by tho un nouncment that tho wife of a well known Salem business man .had eloped with her husband's clerk, but Investigations revealed tho fact she had only gonohurridly to Squire & Co's to catch some of those splendid bargains in groceries, etc. TimVEU ITKJIS. t AdamWeisler is very sick with typhoid fever. Our school is Prof. Smith and teachers. prospering with Miss Schaper as TI10 Stay ton band was In Turner Sunday and discoursed somo excel lent music. R. T. Wade and wlfo went to Portland Monday to nttend tho Mechanics' fair. Mr. Howe and wife, lato of Colfax, W. T., are viiitlng with O. H. Cornelius and wife. Turner was treated to a first-claHS theatro Saturday night. Tho small boy was delighted. Prof. VanScoy of Jefferson public school, and O. C. Riches, a student, were In Turner Sunday. Frank Cook and lady, of Marion, have been visiting frionds and rela tives hero the past week. Mine host of the Turner hotel has recently purchased tho Day build ing and Is repairing It for a hotol. A bet of ten dollars was made by a Cleveland champion that Oregon will not give Harrison 7,500 ma jority. Some of our citizens aro talking railroad. It Is a branch of tho O. P. from somewhero near Stayton, crossing through Turner and Salem and terminating at Astoria. W.CT.U. Entertainment. Following Is tho programme for W. C. T. U. entertainment to be given at their hall Wednesday even ing, Oct. 24th, at 7:80 p. in. Ad mission 15c; children 10c. Heading . Mr. Jjou Hatch Music . Hale Quartet Hecltotlou Mian Mnry Vnndernol Vocal Solo . ' Mi Hnrgent Declamation Henry Vundcrvert Instrumental Solo Miw f.ulu Hinlth Mediation MUw Iotlle Itennett Music Stale Quartet Declamation. . Jamnt It. Anion Vocal Duett .MUi Hall and Herl her Recitation SHsa Hliuart Voeal Solo Mliw Mearum iit Xatltaal garjrlnt Intitule. Two or more eurgeotM rprntlii( thin Institute will be at the tihemeketa hotel, Bulem, November Mtb, 1BW. They eome fully prepared with all the apparutu neeewwry lir tbe wiewfu treatment oftlieJrteetIUe,eurvture the spine, dleu of the hip and knee Joint, crook! IlinUt, club feet and all bodily defunnlUee. Their suommi In treat lnittboM trouble m well m all ehronfc and xal diMaee h made w Ut ! Ktltute a iwttofwl reputation. Upon anp4teaUo, referaBOM will be Inr nUbed from paUooto In ail rU of It United State. AU MfMtM Who r MlfliwiBC fHHH Hf at lM eaupUlBta. iltould sot Ml Io take advantage olbla opportunity for fiM. AT. ssBpzn OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. Xcivs Anil Notes of a General tertst to the Westerner. In- Tho rains are injuring tho South ern California grape crop. There is talk of building another steamer at Yaquina as soon as the present two are finished. There are 1S9.1RS bushels of wheat stored at McMtnuvllle, Or., worth .4 cents a bushel, or $101,422 12. The Central Pacific Railroad Com pany has withdrawn from sale all Its lauds along the Feather river. Taeonm coke is likoly to supercede tho Eastern article in tho Pacific slope mining districts within a short period. The voters of Lake county will decide at the Xovombor e'ection whether or not tho enmity shall Is sue j.10,000 in bonds and with the proceeds purchase and lit up a poor- larm. Mr. Doran, an old gentleman about 75 years of age, residing near Shedd's, Mas taken suddenly blind Friday night, nud could not see a imiig ior over a nay. lie is now re gaining his lost sight to a limited extent. The Yaquina Post says tho O. P. will pay oil" promptly every month. Everybody feels tho "solid" con dition of the O. P. aud under the new order of things real estate is toning up. Now is tho time to in vest on a rising market. The building of tho Oregon Pacific has rendered valuable large tracts of fine timber as well as small pieces of choice fruit and garden lands along thoSantiain river, a portion of which Is yet unsurveyed and will doubtless soon become very valuable. A few days ago a young man by the name of V. R. Tascott was arrested by the sheriff of Union county, on suspicion of being the man who murdered Snell, tho Chicago millionaire. Although ho answered tho description of the man wanted, hosucceeded in establishing his identity and was discharged. l.ETTKK LIST. Following is tho list of letters re maining in tho nostotUeo. at Salem, Oregon, Oct. 24, 1888. Parties call ing for them will pleaso say "ad vertised:" All letters published ns non-delivered will bo charged with one cent in addition to tho regular postage ACKony, u a Rnggs, M P Akerly Mrs E-2 Rell, Ora Rloss, John M Cam, W E Cady, 0 G Cohen, Miss Flora Fullerton, Finloy Hedges, Jas J Rrown. F R Carknell, Mr Cave, Philip Couklln, A-2 Fullerton, Julia Hay, Felix Hudson, C AV Jennings, Dr J-2 Krauso, Krnist Loyd, A M Marshall, Frank Miller, airs E Molenbeck, II Murnhv. W W Meyer, Williclm Minna Clara It Murnhv, Miss Mugford, Mrs R MeCann, John A McGhee, bamttei Usborn, iucy Peebler, Clarence Perry, C S 1'ow, John Poinor, A 1) Standard Sewing Savage, Stovon Machine Co Siinklns, Fred Hherrard, S Simmons, Mrs K Snllinan, R N-2 Short, J T rimitli, Austin I) Watson, Minnie Wilson, Mrs S White, G T Smith, F (barber) -iu, .....;,,. 1, Vj i) AVhite, AVm Wright, J M A- AV II. OiiKi.ii, P. M. Something Aliout Iladdy .Nolan. Daddy Nolan Is a now nlay pre Niiited by Mr. Daniel Sully, at Pas tor's Theater. We cannot glvo a better expression of It than to say It Is "bang up." It Is full of humor nud pathos. Humor prevails, aud It is of that sort which brings tears to tho eyes. Mr. Sully Is a forcible and natural delineator of Irluh char acter in its various moods, aud er linps the most truthful that Is, with less exaggeration that Is to-day pre sented on the stage. Tho various ntago pictures aro artistic and com plete. Tho company throughout Is capable. 801110 very neat glee sing ing assists tho piece in its social treat ment. Daddy Nolan will wear well. New York Telegram. How's Tali! Wo oflur 0110 hundred dollars re ward for any ohhc of catarrh that eu not lie cured by taking Hall's catarrh cure. F. J. Cheney fc Co., prop,, Toledo, O. Wo, tho uudorHiguud, have known F. J. Cheney for tho Iitht 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable In all business transuctiotiH, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Went cc Trimx. wliolwule arufc- glt, Tolttdo, Ohio. warning, iviiiiiuu . .'ini, wholtawle druggists. Toledo, Ohio. K. 11. Van Hoeeii, ensliier, Tolwlo national bnk, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's catarrh cure Is takoii in ternally, noting directly upon tho blood and mueus iiurmct of the ivhteui. I'noe. 76e. per iwuie. Hold by all druggists. NEW oafes ! WE IIAVK IIKCMVKD Ot'K NEW STOCK OF CLOAKS AND SEAL PLUSH WRAPS Direct from fhe KnM, every imnueut lm lug been made to order flir us, 1'INK XKW STOCK OK Dress Goods and Triiiiinings, Flannels, Blankels; New Stock of Carpels, Hugs, rorllcrs, Sliailes ami Laec Curtains. Tlio nubile aro cordially Invited to lnicct our umiumoth stock. J. 31. ROSENKEKn & CO., Wliite Corner. mmumiiiinwnjiimiiuiEtwwmwujiwtiMMHuuauuB H. K. Dvllois. Jon Dullois. Dubois bros., lYoprletora Ghcmokotc lloto FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. From 81 to Si per day. SALEM - - ORKUON. liw-tr For Sale. A good Iron frmno Hon.o Power, (Irani for nil uses, from 01m to full eiumclty. All for tlio low price, of S!0. Cull lit tlio 1'n elite Cider, Vliuirnr A Fruit I'rCHervlng Coinpnny'8 olllce. Hiilcm, Oregon. THE SANITARIUM For tlio treatment of nil dlheiises of men unit women DltS. GILIIKHT & WEJIP I1IVK Mt-dlcnti'il vnpor tintlis, oxyiien lnrmln. tlnns. electro niui'iiL'tlKiii. medlcnted Horn vh, clc. Olltcouud xmiltiirlum In tho JlllllK DIOCK. L.OUHU1KU10U ireu. 11KIUW A.. IS. STRANG, No. !!ftl Commercial Htreet, SALEM", - - OREGON. -DHAT.KIl IX- STOVESand RANGES Plumbing, Gas anil Slcam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. 49-AkimiI for tlio UIOIIAHIWON A IIOYNTDN COMl'ANY'H Fiirnnctw. Km tnlllnlicd In 1813 FOR UARC1AINS IN FURNITURE (II) TO ROTAN A WHITNBY, 102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon Jluvlni; nought out tho rninnlndcr 01 tuo chnlr fuctory'H stock, wo aro prupiirwl Io sell clmlrs lower thimnuy Iioumi luOrutfon M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Specialty. Hliopon the nlley, opposite Mlnlo's I-lrJ ery Hlublo, Hulem, Or. LOWEST PRICES, w OTIOHI 1 i"f"V 7"C -c"6 r"' X)J!i04. XJJUD. - OHNHItAI OUTHirrHIW Goods on tho installment plan. IIALBM OKKOO.N. Smith s Auct House. TO - DAY. oaks! Oils! EDUCATIONAL. SELECT SCHOOL - Miss Knox Will continue Her School for tho en suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Sts.. beginning SKlTtiMlIKK 10. itii-diw ST. PAULS Boys a.ncl Girls. Tho Hclmnl will nin-n nil tlio 'Jltli of HeiiteiiilHT. TIiokiukIi liihtrno- tlon In II10 prlininy anil lulvuiieeil English Branches. LATIN AXI) ELKMivNTS OF MUSIC -In ruumu,- TKKMH nnd mrtlivr Inrorinntlnn may h had on nppllcatliin to ItUWl'. II. IHXST, Cor. ChciiipkotH unit HtnteblH. s-ai-tf CONSERVAMY OF MUSIC! WlUnniodo Unlvorsily. Must HiU'eeNHfiil Kchool of miiHle 011 lliu iidrlliucHt coiul. Atiout 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAK. Cour(H In Ilnno, Oriri Sinning, Violin, lliirniaay, unci Cuunlur- pulnt. Diplomat! on completion ot eoiirKU. TenehcrHi .. M, rarvln, I'mnkhi I'. JoneM, KmiC'ox. AwohIhiiI. I.illu M.Hiiillli. l'lntt lerin liettlnit Monday, HepleniiNT !ld, 1KXS. Hond for OHtiiloKnu. Kor Inrthur paitlctilarH udclimtw V.. M. PAKVIN, MiiHlral IHreeKir, Hiilum, Or. K-17-dtf-wlt WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY (InuIuuU HtiidenU In Classical, Literary, Sciciililic, Normal, Iliisine.SH, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It In thfloldcut, luriffnt nml leant xien Ivu Iimtltutloii or IwtrnliiK In the Nortli wwit. Helicxil oix'iu Unit Monduy In HeplemU-r Hiinil forcntuloKiin to ii tun. vapi bom, 1'itMldent. 17: Hulfin, Onvoa. GIIBAT DISCOVERY! Dr. H. SMITH How In KMMiflii ol n new dUeovoryJn hhkIMii, wlihsh Uurlyn lixwl uiinMtliftU l, mid HeU bIiikmi InitHiituni-ounly onjlio iirntiiiiliijf tlii of the teth. It'UIn mi Mruy liiJuiioiK or tinpleaiuint to 'tho Wt, The iiwiiufoiir(HTtof It etnliii Hint jUtwiUM) Ihm never Umi known hefore, and y l'lylniC It to the wnultlve or eorb 14ft'1. t'l,f UH" ' elHliel und nllnl wltluHit iln. 80 All tlMwe that want ail klmU of ilknutl work done wltlxml pan, would belief mil Hmllli. Teelli xtruetetl far Ui eeule, Cull una Bo T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT IHH SKW Ul'AUTKIIH IX TIIR Htule IiMurHWM) HulldliHC, Ow. 1 ou rnereUl aud Cheiuekele lrevU 'OIK AM 5 i