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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1888)
CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1SSS. NO. 203. FirstNatioiialBaiik0-;--DRm SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. L.ADUE, President. DR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President. JOUNMOIK, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and -Hour Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property nt reasonamo rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at tho bank In most rellablo companies. f ESTABLISHED BT NATIONAL AUTHORITY UK SALEM, OREGON. Capita! Paid up, - . - - 75,1)00 Surplus, ...-.- 10,000 R. S. WALLACE, . - President. V. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALBERT, - - - Cashier. DIRECTORS! t W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, I J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace, Dr. W. A.CusIck, J. II. Albert. T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE (To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or In store, either In private granaries or (public warehouses. IState and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts I drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San J Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Derlln, BHong Kong and Calcutta. MISCELLANEOUS. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers In; mc General Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsyte's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street; (Geo. E. Good's old stand.) ISALEM, : : : : : OREGON. HOWARD BROTHERS -DO Moving, General House Raisins and Repairing. Work promptly done at reasonable rates. Orders left nt Hapitai. JOUHNAI. oftlco IwlU receive attention. 9-lMf Take Xote of Tills. R 82.500 WE WILL SELL 60 cre well imnmvflrt rarden land, within 3 lies of Salem. Good road to town the IpRCHARD and excellent grass land. This ear nrnnnii iiniiriinra imaa. nut tuunu ' a bargain, and will be held only Mme at these figures. Call, and we will paowyouthepi ,A? CHAMBER.LIN. Opera House, Balero, Or. WWw-tf viu. jlXPItESS WAGON, QUICK AND SAFE 'J delivery. Win. Rennle ha vlnz bought hri A-rnMcT hit.lni.B nf WaltAP LOWO. Prepared to deliver trunks, vallsos, pack- s, ana any tulnr else inai no cu k . waon to any part of the city, quicker, T. better, and neater, than it can be one hvnnv hrwiv eiua. Leave orders i Jlnto'sntable. INSURANCE Company. Fire and Ma rine. jJlW. ALBERT, Agent, - - Salem. Oregon. I A VPEAL,8ILVHRT0N, WEHKLY, , $p mascountle; has been estaMljhedelght randUah excellent flngm; Tlie Capital National Bank Boots Shoes ! U. U. Guild, fcillverton, Or. . m ffsB (Uovolvlnsjr.ick frame) Is Simple of Construction, -AND EASY OF OPERATION. Awarded first nrcmlum nt tlin Onimn otato Fair 1833-'81-&V8tl.'87 and at the Ciili- iurui oiaiQ r . , lea?, ana snn Jonou County Fair, 1SS1. H JIanufactured in sl.xlslzes. For circular ana price ust auuresi H. S. JORY & SON, P. O. Box 288. Snlom, Oregon S-Dryer Furnaces furnished five .sizes HUGHES, BELLINGER & CO., REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. EASTERN PROPERTY T71XCHANOKD FOR OllEGON, WASH" J2jiugtonTer.o California real estate. For Information address us at either of tho fol lowing elliccs: Palestine, III.; Kansas City, Mo.: fealem, Or.; Portland, Or. Salomolllco at Bellinger's machinery depot, near tho clly hall, Liberty street ; Portland ofllce In the rooms of tho Suito Immigration Board, corner of Front and Ash streets. . 17Jtf L. S. SKIFF & CO., DENTISTS. OIIlco near th;o Opera House. Teeth extracted by tho painless pro cess.; um SIAIIKKTS. The SALEM MARKET 83 COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality of tell and Salt Meats ! And all kinds of S A 1 S A a E 3-Tho CLEANEST kept markctjtn tho city. Call and sc for yourself. I'cCROW A WILLARD. CITY IVRT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. W-All kinds of fresh and cured meats always on hand, full weight and a squaro deal all ariund. YrATHCMT1 rusBr-HAtu. gpfl . LUCIK OifliU u ffillW " mm rai iPr. Mm AflirTINEMCoVnRnVlLLECALi S.vp vnit a COLD IN TUB HEAD which does not get better? Have you an ex. AVE ,OU A Wiu i " ' . j pgagj Are you troubled by , ?"U;5,mS7 wmk and Sfla eyw, f?eueTt sSrenws of the, riming or .m. nth. only a part. ' r ' California . ii lffite"0 PleSSInt "uiuiC teed by D. W. MATTHEWH t Co. RECOMMENDED, ....Munniii r.RS K DIMON, PhlxVnAHome ilnsuranca Company rnayTOupF .nrrtiiva nroeertles: but I must sayia"' rtliiaiM. In .... i --s i , . . ..- urtil. who are iufferers.' ncioseu iiuu . " SOLD AND GUARANTEED IJY D. W.- MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 STATE ST., SALEM, OR SNELL, HEITSHU k W00DARD, Wholesale DeDot. Proposals for Stationery. OFFICEOFTHKSKCnKTAUYOKSTATK,) , St.KM. Or.. Sept. 27th, 1SW.J Sealed nroixvanln will hnmvivnt n iiil offleo until noon November 27th. ISW, to nirillsll the follnwlnir nrtli'ln thnutntn ' of Oregen: , 50 reams legal cap, II ft, No. 8 rullnir, nuiiuimu.uirew, inaneruak or voicn JJ1UVU su reams letter paper, 1 ft. XTr. C ..t.lliir. white laid, Cnrew Linen. v, unai barter dak or Scotch' SO reams flrst-clns Contrei nolo, 7 Ih paekages. No. 8 ruling, white laid. XXX. a .u io. o wimocnveionos.ium. no. l ma. 15 M No. rag XXX. 9 white envelopes, CO lb, No. 1 12 gross railroad steel pens No 119. 15 gross union's steel pens, No. -fui 3 gross Ensterbrook "J" pens. 5 gross Fabcr's rxin holders, No. ISTi i dozen Tower Manufacturing Go's ometer and brass bnckeri InkstimiU. bar- 12 dozen Ivory folders, 9 Inch, standard. 3 dozen Ivory folder;), 10 Inch, Congrcvs. 10 dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, .Morgan's patent. ' 1 doren llUlpllllpft Htnnrta hieon'iilr Nrt 6, Morgan's patent. 3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper, 140 lb, assorted colors. 2 gross No. 2 Eagle Recorder lead ponclls, stylo 6GS. 4 dozen Arnold's writing fluid, quarts. 2 dozen David A Sons writing fluid, quarts, biacK. 2 dozen Sanfdrd's premium fluid, quarts. 15 dozen duplex cap board letter clips. 12 dozen Fabor's rnhlior rulpr u lmli flat. 12dozenstocl erasers, Rogers', No. 18U9, 11. 3 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 1SH9, E. 20 boxes Fabcr's No. 300 rubber bands, as sorted sizes. 4 grosi Faber's lead pencils, Nos. 2 and 3, hexagon, gilt. 10 gross Faber's lead pencils, round, gilt, No. 2. (I dozen Faber's patent Ink nnd jwucll rubber erasers, small. 1000 .MeOIU's patent pa per fasteners, No. 2. lOOOMeaill'spatcntpaperfasteners, No. t. 18 dozen gummed stub files, No. 21, U15 In., 2'fl pages. 12 dozon table pads for paper, 10x21. 10 dozen waste paper baskets, cross bar, No. -t. 20 lbs hemp twine, No. 12. At tho same tlmo separate bids will bo received forl2dozcn Wnstenlmlm congress knives to be described by trade Nos. Sam ples to bo exhibited. Bids should be marked "Proiiosals for Stationery." Nono but best quality of goods received. rue ngiil to reject any or nil bids Is re served. All goods to bo delivered before January 1st. ISSi). Payment to bo mado bv warrant on state treasury. Ul'.U. V. J1C1IU1IJK, 0-23-td Secretary of State. Ileal Estate Bargains. $1,000 1(0 acres, o miles from O .t C de pot, flood house, barn and orchard. Fenced, nnd In cul tivation. 82.000 80 acres. 1 miles from Salem. Oood road to town. Improve ments lair, rinoiruii innu. $5,100 8. acres 2 miles from Salem. No bulldlinrs. Snlendld land. nil fenced. Slake n deslrablo home. S2,500 UOncres 1 miles from Salem. Im provements good. Flno young orchard, and garden land. 81,180 UK) acres. 7 miles from Salem. Hill bind, finely watered. Sell In lots of 10-acro tracts at $25 per 810,800. 075 acres, 8 miles from Salem. aero. .cxceiieui grass nuu mill lanu, adjoining Willamette rher. Will sell In tracts. 8175 Glacres.1 miles ofSalem. House, barn and orchard, ljirgesprlng ; at tho door. Good soil, and plouty of timber. 82,100 120acres, 5 miles of Salem: good road; well Improved; stream running through tho place. 800,00. 100 acres (1 miles west Hide O A C It It ) good house, barn and orchard, 120 In cultivation, bal ance oak grub pasture land. 8S00 10 acres, 1 mllo from Salem, ad joining f.ilr ground. Good land; no Improvements. $1,200 10 acres, ft miles Salem; all In cultivation; no buildings; near school house. Excellent fruit land. $1,000... -370 neres, fl mllos from O & C II II; nil fenced; well watered. House, barn, and small orcluira; 150 acres In cultivation. $2,750. 3 lots, with good house nnd barn, i ... East Salem. Desirable location. Wo have besides this a largo list of city and farm properly. Buyers would do w ell to call nnd examine, our holdings bofoie making their purchases. WILLIS A CHAMUKRLIN, Opera House, Court St.. 9-2fltf Salem, Or. the 0 N.L'f-, UUARAMtei cuke ron tATARRHl- dryness or neat oiine nie t iiinfuuuniMi you uavu iw iytui ?. . Cat- R- Cure ,. tnoiaann unnlAifint breath. rnult Follow dlrectlon.'and cure 1. gnaran. , of New York City, formerly ipeeuu -nwui " al Bun ranmco,uii,.H;K - " " r yeirs. A friend In Woodland, Culreeom- , I proourded ajar, having but i nil win in i er using three Jam, I am cured of that dlngustlng d me Callfornli CAT-R-CUHK for some friends, "DOCTORING OLD TIME. A Striking Picture A Itevlval or Otd Time Simplicities. In ono of Hnrpor'i issues is given a very fine illustration of Roberta' .eelobrated painting, known ns "Doc toring OldTiino." It roprcsents a typical old-timor, with his bellows, blowing the dust from an ancient clock, with its cords and woighta carefully secured. One of thoso clocks In this generation is approciatod only as a rare relic. The sugeestivo name, "Doctoring Old Timo." brings to our mindnnothor version of the title, used for anothor purpose "Old Tiiuo Doctoring." W learn, through a roliablt source,, that ono of tho enterprising proprietary medicino firms of th country, has beon for years investiga ting the formulas and medical pre parations usod in the beginning of this century, and ovon before, with a view of ascertaining why pooplo in our great-granuiauiers' tlmo enjoyed a health and physical vigor sosokfom found in the prosont generation. They now think they have socurod the secret or socrota. They find that tho prevailing opinion that then existed, that "Naturo has a remody for every existing disorder," was true, and acting under this belief, our grandparents usod tho common herbs and plants. Continual trespass upon tho forest domain, has made those horba less abundant and has driven them furthor from civilisation, until tlioy have been discarded, as remedial agents becauso of the difficulty of obtaining them. II. H. Warner, proprietor of War ner's Bafo euro and founder of the Warner observatory, Kochester, N. Y., has been pressing investigations in this direction, into the annals of old family histories, until ho has secured somo very valuablo formulas, from which his firm is now prepar ing medicines, to bo sold W all druggists. They will, wo learn, bo known under tho gonoral title of "Warner's Log Cabin remedies. " Among thoso medicines will bo a "sarsaparilla." for tho blood and liver, "Log Cnbin hops and buchu remedy," for tho stomach, etc., "Log Cnbin rough nnd consumption romedy," "Log Cabin hair tonic," "Log Cabin extract," for intornal and external use, and an old valuablo discovory for catarrh, callod "Lou Cabin roso cream." Among the list is also a "Log Cabin plastor, and a "Log Cabin llvor pill." From tho number of romodies, it will be seen that they do not proposo to cure all diseases with ono prepara tion. It is believed by muny that with theso romedies a now era is to dawn upon Btiflering humanity and that the closo of tho nineteenth cen tury will seo theso roots and herbs, as compounded under tho title of War nor's Log Cabin romedies, as popular as thoy woro at its boginning. Al though they como in the form of proprietary medicines, yet thoy will be nono tho less welcomo, for Buffer ing humanity has become tired of modern doctoring and tho public has great confidence In any remedies put up by tho firm of which H. H. War nor is tho hoad. The pooplo have becomo suspiciouB of the ofTbctft of doctoring with poisonous drugs. Few roalizo tho injurious effects following the prescriptions of many modern physicians. Theso effects of poisonous drugs, nlroady prominent, will becomo moro pronouncod in coming genera tions. Thereforo wo can cordially wish the old-fashioned now romedies tho best of buccoss. Hew He AdvrtlM. A Eont'einnn, llvintr in n snmll city In tho wont, had Inherited con sumption from hla father, and the doctor told, him lie muni ille. Ho stopped diking their wwikonlug physio mid tried Dr. I'lorco'" Golden Medical Discovery. In three months ho wuh strong and well. Tho gentleman's neighbors knew how sickly ho formerly was, ami tuikctl him to stats in ptihllo how lie hud boen cured. Ho advertised to lecture cm u certain ovenlnr, In the public hall, and thero win a Inrpo audience preacnL This wuh Ills lectura A plcturo of hlniBclf be fore, und ono after, lie tried tho remedy, and live empty hottluw of Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. He said nothing, but convinced his audience Just the name. It outrivals all Dr. Bago's Catarrh Ifomedy. AlMlitt Cirt Tlm ORIGINAL ADIETINIi OINTMENT la only put up In large two-ounco (In boxes, and Is an absolute euro for old sores, bums, wounds, chapped liands, and all Hkln eruptions. Will positively cure all kluds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL A1HETINI3 OINT MENT, Bolu byD.W. Matthews .ic Co., 100 Ktate street, Balom, at 36 uuU ur box by mall SO cent. FARMERS. Y TUB lllOUHVr (JAW! I'K t-K HWtl ftii Mora, W Cm Mrl rtrU KnMlim n. 1 imnm. TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Important Events of Iho Whole World for Twenly-four Hours. General News Topics Told by tho Telegraph. Tlio l'atmnm Cniinl, r.vius, Oct. 22. At a meeting at Lyous De Les ep3 declared that tho Panama canal would ho opon to tralllo In July 1S!X). Ho said ho wished to correct tho report that tho opening would bo delayed until 1831. .TJio Sunday Uw Knrorcril. Tacoma, Oct. 22. Inconsequence of tho agitation over the Sunday law hero, four saloonkeepers wore arres ed for keeping opon houses last night, and to-day before Justice benter wero lined $C0 each gavo notice of appeal to tho court. Tl:y "strict A (irvut .Man (iuiio, St. Louis, Oct. 22. Judge Di It ton A. HIM, ono or tho oldest and most prominent of St. Louis' citi zens Olod ye3terdny, aged 72 years. Ho was a personal friend of Presi dent Lincoln during tho war and his theory of tho scheme of ilntwico based on legal tender notes was adopted In 1601. .Moiin.ity llcillrn l.u. Laiiami: City, "Wyo., Oct. 22. In the District Court of Albany County, this nit?riiooii, DilksDluek, manager of tho Western Union Tele graph oillco at this point, was fined $100 and committed to jail until 10 o'clock tc morrow morning, for fail ing to produce certain telegrams as tl'rcclcd by Judge Saulley. 1'ruiifi'H Atiiln i:iuvluil. Ni;w Yokk, Oct. "". Tliu nation al convention of the Woiiiuii'h Christian Tempcranco Union re sumed business this morning. Francos 10. Willard was re-elected president, iccelvlng SCO votes out of a total of HOI. Caroline It. Duell was elected corresponding secretary and Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridgo, re cording secretary. Died ru llriilcmi Hiuirt. Ciiicaoo, Oct. 22. A sensational Incident occurred to-day ut tho fun oral services of C. S. Squires, who was assistant poHtmaster at Chicago for nineteen years. After having worked his way up from errand boy lu tho postal service, Mr. Squires was reduced to a chief clerkshlpi and subsequently suspended. His friends claim that ho t"cd of a broken heart. Tho lltKl Morrliitntii. SAN FltA.NX'IHCO, Oct. 22. U. S. District Attorney Carey concluded tho examination this morning of tho fifiy-oiio Chinamen who wore released from tho steamer Dolglu on writ of habeas corpus last week, on a plea of being merchants, not lalMirors. Tho district attorney Statort that ho 1 satisfied that all of tho men, with possibly ono oxce- tion, are fraudH,aud are barred out by the exclusion uct. Judge Sawyer will hoar tho cases next Wednesday, and lu tho mi'antline the Chliiose will remain in tho country. rrolillilliou nil IIIkIiI. Wahiiinuto.v, Oct. 22. Tho su premo com t to-day bustuluod tho eoiiHlltulloimllly of the prohibitory law of Iowa. Tho point at issue was tho right to mauufacturo In toxicating liquors bololy for exporta tion to other states despite tho statu law, und It was pleaded that tho prohibitory measure, in so far as tho mauufacturo for exportation was concerned, was In conflict with tho constitutional provisions, giving congress the nolo right to rugulato intor-stato commerce. Tho court hold that tho stale law Is pro)ill Itory both as to manufacture and sale, except for mechanical, medi cinal and wicramentnl purjioses. Tli YreU Ita' 'uhiI. HA Fuanoisco, Oct. 22. Itall road workew on tho Vreku narrow gauge Hue are now building across Yruka oreok, nr tho town of that name, and thus one of tho olduttt towns of California, whleh has al whj'h been without a railroad, Is now to U glvan trajiHiwrtatloii faeilltltw. The road will vmnvot with California & Oregon lino at Montague. Four hundred tons of stool raUanro on the road, and track laying will be completed soon after their arrival. Grading is completed for over half tho distance, and tho bridge across Shasta river is nef-ly finished. A Slurtlpror Cupl. il. SitiKASi: Falls, Oct. 22. Miller, ono of tho escaped prisoners who murdered Cole three weeks nironor" this city and threw tho body Into tho river, was captured this morn ing thirty miles from hero by Guy Haines, an old-timo citizen, who mot him on tho road and brought him in this evening. Tho sherltl litis located a part of tho gang, who crossed tho Columbia river, heading for British Columbia, and with a largo mounted posse and an Indian trailer, left to-night to ellect the' capture. OraiiKm nml Cn"fiirnln. San Fkancibco, Oct. ."'J. J. A. Filhnoro of tho Southern Pacific, who has just returned from South ern Cullforn'a, says tho outlook for tho orango crop there Is very largo. "Wo exi)ect to tako at least 2,000 to 2,500 cars from there this year," ho said. Yellow Kot or. Jaciibonvii.m:, Fla., Oct. 22. Tho number of now cat-es to-day was forty-three, ami thoro was ono death. Of tho now cases oight wero white and thirty-five colored. Totn' cases to date, IkST.l). Total deaths, S32. DISPATCHES. A heavy snow storm jnovallod all day yesterday lu Nebraska. J ust ico Lawrence of tho supremo court handed down a decision sus taining tho will of Samuel J. Tildon. It Is reported that Civil Service Commissioner Kdgortou will short ly tender his resignation. It is reported that tho Union Pacific, Northern Pacific and tho Canadian Pacific roads aro to bo brought into harmony by tho ap pointment of a board of control, which shall havo tho powur to settle all questions of competitive tarills. Tho appointment of Chariot W. Irish us surveyor general of Nevada was confirmed before tho adjourn ment of tho senate. This nomine tiou has been ponding nearly two years. Tlie senate oiicu rejected ii's nomination and tho president ro-ap-polntcd hlni. Airs. Harriot llceuhvr Stowo, who, since her return from Hug Harbor, has been showing steady Improve ment, HtiMbrcd a serious rulapso yes terday. Her condition Is again err leal. Owing to otd ago ami hur en feebled condition it is not believed sho can survive tho attack. Dr. Hcrrlck, who was appointed by tho California Hoard or Health as Inspector to tako measuros to prevent tho introduction of yellow (over and smallpox Into California, has reported that all danger fiom thoho disease.-! is past. Ho wuut t i tho Southern part of tho statu to investigate Into tho cuttle dlsoasoH said to be prevailing there. 5,000. Itewird. f1,000. For a bettor or moro pleasant re medy for tho euro of consumption, bronchial troubles, cough, croup and whooping cough, (hau Santa Able, tho California king of con sumption. Every bottlo wurranted. If you would bo cured of that dis gusting disease, Catarrh Uho Califor nia Cat-r-ctiro. $1.00 a Jar; by mall 11.10. Hanta Able and Cat-r-curo nrowild and warranted by D. W Mathews A Co. , AiiUIUtlig Milllhrn ulirnte. Mlimmiitlc, or miilurlut, (IIwumi litu miiiiy furim. 1'hv.ldMix huVe. for tho kSke'flT eonveiilunw) nml fur tit purio of Intl.- mllnif lt iniMi mroriiiy imi.Kifi riirinn, iilHllvl(tifl It Into IntiTiultttmtuiid UIIIoih rrinltttiiil futur, itumli ukuu uikIukiib uukv. Hut It iPHietiu un Inflnll variety nrnyni- torn In ililUrtnii luuivlilimu. no tliw yiiiiiUmi" wtiul lliey will, alwayi remuin- Imr that lIiMtettw'il Htoiiincli llltlum w III uiiallilll tlivm ut tlieouuot, uuit irettit tltulr rwurrent. a revitw oi uie irc wmilil convince any on of tlie fitot. ThUi. liuwevvr, l linOMlUltileenuM tliey are too nftreUor thU ifmiKl uiitl-muUrlal elll8 lire a niautv oi toinniim Kiiawimige. ni 1 (Miiillbtr Mi tlie imlilU) uru lt riimlll uii'd preveiittve nftK-tn In blltou ttks, insroover, uu xeelleit atUr aud Www urvliie.