V LATE CITY NEWFOUND By the Reporters on ft RoHnd of the Tow Bad Accident Folitif Guns-Small pox Talk-Ma Drowned Chin'' What a Cfclr"" Thinks. Charles Cum sin, the highly educated and tirouguly Ainerl cauized Chine lawyer, who has been in Salem week in attendance at circuit coft was approached regarding hipinion of tho new Chinese exclon act. He thinks the act is jus'aud that his fellow men should excluded. He ad mits they fo a detriment rather than a benlt to the country. Ho thinks, hrVever, that tho same rigid lawshould he enacted against the Italics andi Swedes and other classes opmigrants that are swarm ing to ov' laud. He says the latter are no ljbre desirable than the for mer. ,Deslrablo emigration ho wishesto see encouraged, but would favor Jio stoppage of the ceaseless swarft of pauper emigration of de gradiU foreigners of all nationalities. Dan Sally in Daddy Nolan. Janiel Sully appeared at the opera Ihuso in his new play, Daddy Nlan. The play is a sequel to the (prncr Grocery. For an Irish roinedy Daddy Nolan is unusually clever, and tho title role, as present ed by Mr. Sully, is a superior piece of acting of the.kind. Daddy Nolan is a deUghtd .mixture of humor and pathoaaudwinathehearts of tho au dience without ahyvapparent effort. It is a' characterization, that must be seen to be" appreciated.. The quar tette singing In the.last act deserves the warmest praise. It was far superior to most quartette singing. The elaborate realistic setting of tho stage is a feature of the performance. Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin. "Will be here the 24th. lion. C. V. Fulton. Last night the opera house was packed with a vast crowd of inter ested and entertained listeners who had assembled to hear Hon. C. W. Fulton of Astoria, presidential elector on tho republican ticket, dis cuss the issues of to-day from a re publican point of vibw. He was in troduced by A. N. Gilbert who, in a pleasing manner, prepared the auditors for the coming treat. Mr. Fulton ascended tho rostrum and handled the question in an ablo way. Ho is a brilliant and forcible speaker and fires his arguments in such a style as to carry conviction with them. Mr. Fulton is making tho rounds of tho district and it is hoped he may bo ablo to visit Salem again before the campaign closes. The Drowned )Ian. Tho body taken from tho river near McMinnvillea few days ago proves to be that of a man named Joseph Cole. It is not known whether his death was the result of accident or murder or whether .10 destroyed himself. In his pocket was found an empty Whisky ilask which might tell the story if it would. In his pocket were found some cards on which appeared the name of Georganna Kuowles. It is said ho had been keeping company with her for a long time. Sho resides in Polk county. ' The Congregational Association. Rev. A. B. Brown and J. W. Har ris of this city, have just returned from Hillsboro, where they were attending the 6esslonof the Willam ette association of Congregational churches and ministers. The atten dance was satisfactory and much, business was transacted. Iter. J. if. Ellis was elected moderator. Rev. Brown of Salem, was Qhosen to a seat as a corresponding member. The annual meeting of the association for 1890 will be held in San Francisco, A. Slight Accident. Yesterday afternoon as Mrs. Judge Walton and a lady friend were out driving and were near the passenger depot a passing engine In letting steam escape scared their horse. The animal careered and plunged thcun into a ditch. ' The buggy was upset, but no one was seriously injured. Mrs. Walton sustained a few bruises. The horse was hurt slightly and tho buggy was torn up a little. Great Big Apples. Mr. C. S. Morgan near Salem is entitled to the premium for having raised tho biggest apple, Tula after noon ho exhibited a "gloria mundl" that welghedtwo po.u.ndg. and three ounces and measured 17J Inohes In circumference. Who can beat it? He also left with ua some delicious specimens of the -northern' spy for which ho baa the thanks of the oflice force. LOCAL SUSniART. Rev. J. L. Parrish is visiting his son at Portland. Valentine Brown of East Portland was to-day granted nnotary public's commission. Rev. Tower preaches to-morrow morning and evening at tho M. E. church in Albany. MissVenio McCulloch yesterday returned to Harrisburg, after a few days visit in this city. Prof. F. P. Jones and wife, holi ness evangelists, are; : visitine relatives in Salem. A. A. Wiles of Arizona is visiting relatives in Salem fqr a few days. He speaks well of the valley. Bill Watkiuds tells tho Albany Democrat that it is a mistake- about his having been arrested here. Mistake, eh ? Hereafter Portland hackmeu who are convicted of over charging will bo sentenced to the penitentiary on charge of larceny. F. X. Matthicu of Marion county is ono of the directors of the Oregon pioneer association, a reunion of which will be held In June 15, 1SS9. It is learned that the gentleman who proposes establishing an ice manufactory hTour city will visit Salem in a few days on a tour of inspection. Fear of smallpox or the devil don't seem to prevent the McMinn ville Reporter from getting' 'in 'his work regularly. Perhaps now since Mrs. Glass has presented his scissor- ship with a son he will have some respect for his heir. The annital meeting of tho Baptist churches of Oregon will bo held at Eugene at the Baptist church beginning Wednesday, Oct 24th, at 3 p. m., and holding over Sunday. The exercises of the Ministerial Con ference come first. Tho State Con vention meetings follow. The asylum to-day opened its doors to receive the sixteenth insane son of the opium-scented Orient. This Chinaman is crazy over Chinese opera. By tho way, it might not be inappropriate to remark hero that Chluese opera is enough to make even a white man crazy. Every week finds beveral new scholars enrolled at the Willam ette University and this week is no exception. Last night the literary society of tho gentlemen conducted an entertaining session, and discuss ed an important point in history. Their subject was in relation to the Mexican war havingbeen justifiable and tho judge rendered the decision that it was not. Off for the Santiam. Charles Cook, who has been en gineer for tho Willamette valley fruit evaporator, about a week ago went up Into the Santiam mining region and took up two placer claims on the Little North Fork of tho Santiam. Tho result of his prospecting was so rich that he Is satisfied he has a bonanza, and yes terday he shipped up hydraulic ma chinery to develop tho claims. He Is an experienced miner and will work as long as possible. B. C. Ward came down from the same region last night with very rich specimens of silver Peacock ore from a quartz claim, which he will send to Salt Lake for assay. He will then go to work, on tho claim. Sev eral other Salem parties are now In the Santiam region, prospecting and mining. Oregonlan. Grown Old In tie Work. Among thoso who attended and enjoyed the late session of tho Pres bytery and Synod In this city, were "Father" Reasoner and wife of Oak Rldgo, Bentou county. Tho old gentleman Is nearly ninety years of age, while his wife is but a few years his junior. .Together, they- agisted In the communion services and were present at nearly every session of the association. He 1h by many, years the oldest Presbyterian minis ter oii tho coast nndi hflS remarkable strength and vigor. The ministers and delegates felt highly honored at the presence of the venerable couple und extended all eiTorU to make their stay in our city a pleasurable one. A t'raij Chinaman. Sheriff James G. Birdsey of Jack son county arrived In this city this morning bringing with him John Cuinatnah, aw unfortunate son of the flowery kingdom who had been adjudged insane and was committed to the asylum here. The Chinaman is twenty-four years of age and was found at Medford chanting Chinese opera aud acting In ueh a manner aatocauso tho citizens to have him taken charge of, as he was consider ed too insane to roam at largo. Ho nto.iwi (lift naseencers oi me overland through the 1''s "Utook place to-day from the family the night with ohdee selections offJ F" (julDute opemuc una. JEFrEKSON ITEMS. The school here has 125 pupils enrolled. A new meat market was started in town this week. Dr. J. J. Lcavitt went to Salem to-day on business. Mr. Lance came here to-day and this will be his future home. The school recently purchased a new bell weighing 150 pounds. Every house In town is occupied aud many more could bo rented if built. Mr. Thompson last week bought a block of the railroad company. Ho intends to build. Fred Walters returned Wednes day from a trip to Portland, where he took In the Mechanics fair. Tho Chinese pheasants arc very plentiful in this vicinity and a good many of them are being killed. ur. ljeavut is Having built a handsome oflice and Ed Murphy la building a neat little dwelling. Saturday last Mr. Lance of Sa lem bought odt the feed and livery business of Wm. Bilyen, for $2,500. Miss Laura Cornelius is sick at Marion. Dr. J. J. Leavitt who is In attendance reports that sho will soon bo able to be around again. Mr. Shumakers' family recently came to this placo from Wisconsin. Mr. Shumaker will engage in tho carpenter and Jointing business here. Frank Libby of this placo to-day bought the Leo Smith farm, two and a half miles north of JeH'ersou; it consists of 00 acres. . Tho con sideration was ?2,700. Mr. Morris, postmaster of Scio, came in this morning with G. L Sutherland of S"io, who is on his way to Iowa to study dentistry. Ho will btay there about eighteen months, when he will return. Yesterday there was a bet mado on the result of the coming election. E. N. Thomas puts up $100 for Harrison's election and F. P. De Vaney aud J. J. Davis together put up $100 that Grover Cleveland would be the next president. I'll cult Couit. Friedman vs. Ray ; judgment for plaintiff. Keel vs. Levy ; defendant granted until 22nd, to Mo answer to amend ed complaint ; platutlfl' leave to file reply Monday following. M. W. Hunt appointed referee. Wm. Ramsey et ux vs. J. F. Savage et ux j dismissed at plain tllPscost. Merely vs. Moores ; now on trial. Stato vs. C. D. Smith, assault with dangerous weapon on Cliing China, verdict of not guilty. Court will take a final adjourn ment this evening. Yamhill's Troubles (her. From the Lafayctto Register it is learned that a man whb went from McMlnnvillo as a nurse to tho Morgareidges has tho varioloid. Mrs. Morgareidgeaud tho children are Improving. And in speaking of the quarantine the McMlnnvillo Telephone says the quarantined peo ple have been turned looso. Sheri dan and Lafayette have taken away their shot guns and now McMlnn villo people can get a little exercise Considerable excitement was created this morning by tho an nouuement that tho wife of a well known Salem business man had eloped with her husband's clerk, but Investigations revealed tho fact sho had only gone hurrldly to Squire Farrar & Co'a to catch sonio of thoBe splendid bargains In groceries, etc Harrlage Licenses. To-day County Clerk Babcock Is sued licenses to wed to Thomas J. Kerr and Josephine Van Vassen lipve, and George' McCormlck and Mary Wasserhove. .. . Found. A shawl. Owner may have samo by calling at Jouh.n'ai, olllco, prov ing'property and' paying for this notice. A babv show will be hold in tho rMechanica fair at Portland on Oct. 24. ' ' ' . no iin. IIOIjCOM Totlie wife of Win. Holoom, South Kaltm, 0t. ltb, aglrU DIED. 8TANTON.-At lit home In the Waldo IIIIU, wina twelve mllee ton of rtalein. Katlier II. Stanton, aged about 75 yean. Father Stanton was a pioneer of Orogpu and has reMded continually at his jiiwseBt home for over thirty years.' He leaves a wife and family of six children, who are all marrlwl, ,,., Mu iiuuMi. The funeral reetdenee. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. And Notes of a General terest to the Westerner. News In- About Jacksonville aud Ashland apples are the rage among fruit men. Tho Times says that many of tho older orchards will net tho owners $200 to $300 per acre this fall. Searle & Dean, contractors on the Oregon Pacific, stato that it will not bo lon until a rido can Iks had by rail onthe O. P. tothesummlt of the Cascades. This is cheering news. A now ordinance of Hillsboro makes it a crime, punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, to kill or dress stock within tho cor poration limit.", when tho fiesh of such slaughtered animals is to bo otl'ered for sale. The fall run of salmon is prettv well over at Newport tho News says, nud hnsbien, totnko it the season through rather below tho average. Tho run at Siuslaw has also been light while al Alsea it has been near ly or quite as good as usual. James Williams, canneryman at Oysierville, has been fined $50 and costs for leaving ids Iteh trap open on Sundays. Tho case was tried before tho justice of tho peace at Elk City, and cousiderablo interest was taken in the matter. Tho fish law Is evaded every day. Work Is progressing on the Oregon City bridge. Tho clamps aro now being placed on the cables eight feet apart and tho stay cables attached. The workmen aro on it car that moves along on the cables on t rucks as their work progresses. - To get down tho men slid along a ropo to a boat in the river below. Yesterday afternoon the fires in tho now blast fumaco of tho Oregon iron and Steel company were lighted. Tho fires were started simply for tho purposo of seeing how tho draft and air for tho blast operated. Everything proved to bo in applo pio order. No attempt was mado to smelt any ore. It is thought tho smelting of ore and tho production of pig iron will begin soon. -- A 1'utiil StabliliiK Affray. Oukqok City, Oct. 20. In a quarrel at this placo last night in front of a saloon Shelby Murray was seriously and perhaps fatally stabbed by Lewis Hamilton. Murray it is expected will die and Hamilton is in jail. .- KKIjIUIOUS INTEIililHEXCU. Ciiiustian Cmutcii. Elder P. R. Burnett, pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. in. and 7 p. in. Sunday wohool at 12 m. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. in. CoxnitTOATIOXAI Ciiuitcu. Services at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at 12 o'clock, Christian Kn ricavor meeting at (1:30; evening service at 7. Rev. Auselnt II. Drown, pastor. Catholic Cituitcir. Chemeketa and Cottage streets. Low mass at 70 ii, in. High mass ami sermon at 10:30 a. in. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Vespers, sermon aud bene diction at 7:30 p. m. every Sunday. J. S. White, rector. M. K. Church. Serviced will bo held in tho M. E. church to-morrow as follews: Morning, at 10:30; eve ning at 7, Sunday school at 12 M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 0:30. All are invited. Seats free. Rev. W. Rollins, pastor. Baitiht Chukch. Corner of Liberty and Marlon streets. Rev. A. R. Medbury, jwistor. Services at 10:30 a.m. and 7 v. si. Sunday School at noon. Young Peoples' meeting at 0:45 v. si. Weekly prayer Meeting Thursday ovonlng. All aro cordially Invited. PiiKtuiYTKiiiAN Chuuoh. Rev. H. A. Newell, pastor. Preach ing at 10:30 a. St. and 7 p. M. Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p. M. Sab bath school at 12 si. j R. 8. Wallace, supt. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7:30 p. si. Welcome to all, at all Uio services. Remember tho gospel temperance sen-ices In the W. C. T, U. rooms every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Professor M. V. Rork will lecturo ut Liberal hall to-morrow evening. Subject: -Foundations and Soino Things that I Believe. Seat free. All cordially invited. Ilow'a Tkltt Wnnffitrnnn hundred dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that can not, uo curat uy taxing jiuim catarrh cure. 1. T flmnov A- fVv nrnntf.. Toledo, O. We, tho undorsigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him per- leciiy llOlluniDlu in mi uunniow transactions, and financially ablu to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax. wholesale drug- giU, Toledo, Ohio. vvaiuinjf, iviuuaii a jiurrm, wbolttsale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. 1!m ji. van jiuutMjii, (u)iui Toledo national lunik, Toledo, Ohio. iiaii'0 (Miami eure w wm twually, aatlng directly upon the t.trwut ..lid tntiaJLU fitll-AlVal lit lllfl gvkturn, Vrlm, 78e. JKir bottle, Buhl by all druggists. NEW Coaks! WK IIAVR UKCMVKt) OUlt- NEW STOCK OF CLOAKS AND SEAL PLUSH WRAPS Direct from tho Mnst, evrry gnnnrnt having been mmle to order for ?. KINK NKW STOCK OK Dress Goods and Trimmings, Flannels, Blankets ; New Stock of Carpels, Hugs, Porliers, Shades and Laec Curtains. Tho public nro cordially ln Itcil to Inspect our mammoth slock. .1. M. ROSKNHEUG & CO., Wliite Corner. It. K. DiTllQig. Job Puilors, Dubois bros., lrorrlctorx- c to FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers, From SI to S.1 per rtny. SALEM - - OllKtiON. io-4-tr For Sale. A kooiI Iron fnimo ITortiO l'owcr. (lood for nil usch, from ono to full capacity. All for tlio low prlco of J.10. Call ut Clio l'a clllo Cider, Vinegar it Krult l'rcscrvlns Coniuy'B olllco. Halcm, OrcKon. THE SANITARIUM Kor tlio treatment of all dlHcano of men and women 1HS. GILHKKT ii WOP fltVK McdlcutrA vapor tmthx, oxygen tnhaln. lloi'.H, electro innKnutlxm, medicated Kprays, etc. Olllco and Hiiiillnrlinu In tho linn k block. Consultation fiec. HKldw A. E. STRANG, No. :trei Commercial Htrect, SALEM, - - OUHQON. DKAI.Klt IN STOVESand RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. OT Agent for tlio ItlOIIAUIlHOM A HOYNTON CO.MI'ANY'H KtirnaccH. Km tnlllnhcd In 1819 FOR 15AHGAINS IN FURNITURE (JO TO ROTAN & WH1TNBY, 102 Court Street) Salem, Oregon Iluvlnn bought out thu remainder ot tim chair lactory'n Uclt, wo are prepared to Bell cnaint lower inuu any iioimu inurvgun . M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Specialty, Hhon on tho alloy. omxMlto Mluto'H 1.1 t! ery Htuulo, Kalcm, Or. LOWEST PRICES, M TTnrn nriAnci .1 r.- wDJiO! J(JJ1JD. s e. is oBNHiiAii our Fivrmw, Goods on tlio installment plan. SALKlt OHHGO.S. ok Si AIICl TO - DAY. ois! EDUCATIONAL. " M Hfirn I 4 I mh ut Miss Knox Will continue Her School for the en suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Sts beginning SKLTlMtliEK 10. Il)l-d2w ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL, Boy and Girls. Tho school will open on the 31th of September. TliorouKh Instruc tion In tho primary mid advanced English Branches, LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC In cou me. TKH.MS and further Information may Ih) had on iimitlcatlnti to ItllV. I It. I'OST, Cor. Cliemelieta mid HtateHI. 8-'JVtf CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! Wllluiiiolto University. MoHt Hiiccomful Kchool of iiiunIo on tho nortliuiwt coast. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAK. Connies In l3lnno, Ornnn Slnln, Violin, llnrniony, unct Counter point. DIplonuiM on completion ot course. '' !...,. 'I f II..M..I.. I......!. t tviiuiiiin. it, ii, fill fill. i-fiiiiitiii Jonotf, KvnCox. AHHiKtuiit.I.ulll.M.Hmltli. 1'lrnt term ImIii Monday, Koptcintx'r lid, IKiW. Mend for cataloKUe. 1'or turUier iiaiiiemurit uiuirotw Z. M. HARVIN, MiihIcuI IMrcctor.rtaloin, Or. K-17-iUf.wll WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduate Htudenti In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Husiness, Lair, AND MEDICAL COURSES. 'l(l' tho olrtent, lanjent nntl leant oxpra We Inatltutloii or IwirnltiK In the NorOv- Kohool onenx Drat Monday In Hontembcr Hend fur uitalogue to uwu. l'mldrnU 17; Hulcm, (Jrtk'on. GREAT DISCOVERY! Dr. H. SMIT M I Now In poHMwiinii ot a new duuwerrtn iiivdlclnu, which U purely h IochI Hunvithet le, atulHutii nliuwt liiktuntHiieoualjrontlia nrroundlni tlMUe of the tvetlt. It Ulu no way luJurlrHU or utipltwiwiit to tliu Ukte. The jimmifueturnrMof It clulm ttutl llafilMl hit iiYnrIi(i known imror e, nun lv. iJyllHf It to the wmilllve or oro Hll. llUq wo lw vl UuHltttHln. Houll th iiiIii of atHilMl work di Iwtiied unit fill thiNW that y,na done without MIttrMll on Ur. II. Htnltli. extracted fur CO eentu, -Oull und a SCHOOL aQIBiihHP'j WA M JBBVT C OIBVBBBIl -. 0,3 X? v-. W r. J. CRONIB Salem's Popular Job AT'HW JfKW Ql'AHTr a. W iHMifunm "Wit mtrilMnfHl Uiieinekete tiff m 'k.L. VA W o.C V. tA' 4 V Vj' UllHB X UABHH V ' flprum xv M1" m vvv iA X'T v