Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 17, 1888, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 201.
sBBii ! MwRyBfrhr iit wwvBJlBfi"?e
First National Bank
VM. N. LADUE, President.
DR. J. REYNOLDS, Vice President,
JOHN JIOIR, Cashier.
Excbanco on Portland, San Francisco,
New York, London and Hong Kong
bought nnd sold. State, County and City
warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially
invited to deposit nd transact business
with us. Liberal advances made on
wheat, wool, hops and other property at
reasonable rates. Insurance on such se
curity can be obtained at the bank in
most reliable companies.
Capital Paid np, -
- - $75,000
Surplus, .-.-.- 10,000
U. S. WALLACE, - - President.
W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President.
J. H. ALBERT, .... - Cashier.
W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin,
J. 31. Martin, R. S. Wallace.
Dr. W. A.Cuslck, J. H. Albert,
T. McF. Patton.
To farmers on wheat and other market
able produce, consigned or in store,
either in private granaries or
jpublto warehouses.
Slate and County Warrants Bought at Par.
Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts
drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San
Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin,
Hong Kong and Calcutta.
Importers and Dealers in;
inm nninnr
1X1 l II II '
rv" ' I lis I a 'i,
General Agents for Oregon of
W. B. Forsytes Infallible Corn Cure.
243 Commercial Street,
(Geo. E. Good's old stand.)
SALEM, : : : : : OREGON.
General House Moving, Raising and
Work promptly done at reasonable rates.
Orders lea at Caj-itax. Jouhnai. otllce
will receive- attention. 9-Il-tr
Take Note of Thii.
tvip no Knn wn wir.r. RELL CO Bcres
J? well improved garden land, within 3
milMi nf Hnlom Horn! road to town tue
year around. Buildings good. FINE YOUNG
ORCHARD and excellent grass land. This
is a bargain, and will bo held only a short
time at these figures. Call, and we will
lhow you the property. ..
Opera House, Balem, Or.
delivery. Wm-lfennle having bought
i express business of Walter Lowe, u
! .. --.! a.1r V. IU IHLL
his wagon to any part of the cny, q"'";
safer, better, and neater, than It can tw
done by any body else. Leave orders at
Minto's stable.
Fire and Ma
rine. JOS. ALBERT. Agent. - - Salem. Oregon.
J per year. Independent. TheArrtA
5 circulated In Marion, ""H RlLfiKht
siu&s counties; has been fblUhedeJgni
Jwrs and Han excellent adwtWMr Be
dlam. For terms addresa the peWkher
H. O. Guild, SUverton, Or.
The Capital National Bank
ages, and any thing eUe that he can get in
Is Simple of Construction,
Awarded llrst premium at the Oregon
State Fair 18SJ-'St-S.V8flW and at the Cali
fornia State Fair, 1S87, and San Joaquin
County Fair, 18S7.
Manufactured In slxlslzcs. For circular
and price list address
P. O. Box 280. Salem, Oregon
.93-Dryer Furnaces furnished live sizes
lngton Ter. orCalirornta real estate. For
iulormutlou address us at cither of tho fol
lowing etilces: Palestine, 111.; Kansas City,
SIo.: balem, Or.; Portland, Or. Balem olllce
at Bellinger's machinery depot, near tho
clly hall, Liberty street; Portland olllco In
the rooms of the Stato Immigration Board
corner of Front and Ash streets. 173tf
L. S. SI-CIKF" & CO.,
Olllco near tho
Opera House.
Teeth extracted
oy the painless pro
Coustantly on hand tho best quality of
Frcsli and Si Meats !
And all kinds o(
3-Tho CLEANEST kept narkct;in tho
city. Call and see for yourself.
D, C. Howard, Proprietor.
always on hand, full w eight and a squaro
acai an anuuu.
".l 11 lVl K IUJAVUU J
.... j ninnnlnn WfL-lnnnln rtnnnt
I SNELL, HEITSHU & wuuuanu, vvnuia.o uouuu
Proposals for Stationery.
Officeof thkSkcuetvky ofStatk.1
S u.km. Or.. Sept. 27th, 1SSS. f
Scaled proposals will bo received at this
olllco until noon November Z7th, ISSS, to
furnish tho following article! for the stato
of Oregon;
80 renins legal cap, 14 lb. No. 8 ruling,
whlto laid, Carcw, Charter Oak or Scotch
30 reams letter napr, 12 lb, No. 8 ruling,
whlto laid, Carew, charter Oak or Scotch
80 reams flrst-clns Congress note, 7 lb
packnges. No. 8 ruling, i hlto laid.
15 M No. 5 white envelopes, 60 lb, No. I nig,
15 M No. 0 'White envelopes, 00 lt, No. 1
rag XXX.
12 gross railroad steel pens No J 4ft,
15 gross union's steel pons, No. -KM.
3 gross Easterbrook "J" pens.
5 gross Faber's rwn holders. No. 1878.
4 dozen Tower Manufacturing Co's. bar
ometer and brass backed inkstands.
12 dozen tvo.y folders, U inch. Standard.
3 dozen hory folders, 10 Inch, Congress.
10 dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's
1 dozen mucllago stands, reservoir, No.
6, Morgan's patent.
8 reams Parker's treasury blotting pnper,
140 lb, assorted colors.
2 gross No. 2 Eugle Recorder lead pencils,
style CM.
4 dozen Arnold's writing fluid, quarts.
2 dozen David & Sons writing fluid,
quarts, black.
2 dozen Sanford's premium fluid, quarts.
15 dozen duplex cap board letter clips.
12 dozen Faber's rubber rulers, 14 Inch,
12 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 1 SUA, R.
3 dozen steel erasers, Rogers'.No. 1811!), E.
20 botes Faber's No. 300 rubber bands, as
sorted sires.
4 gross Faber's lead pencils, Nos. 2 and 3,
hexagon, gilt.
10 gross Faber's lend pencils, round, gilt,
No. 2.
8 dozen Faber's nntent Ink aud pencil
rubber erasers, small.
IOOOMcGIU's patent pa per fasteners, No. 2.
lOOOMcGIII's patent paper fasteners, No. 4.
18 dozen gummed stub flies, No. 21, 11x15
In., 2V) pages.
12 dozen table pads for paper, 10x21,
10 dozen w asto paper baskets, cross bar,
No. 4.
1!0 Ihs hemp twine, No. 12.
At the same time sepamto bids will bo
received forlidozen Wostcnhnlm congress
knives to bo descrllied by trado Nos. Sam
ples to bo exhibited.
Illds should lie marked "Prooosnls for
Stationery." Nono but best quality of
gooas received.
Tho rlcht to relect nnv or all bids is rc-
ser cd.
All goods to bo delivered licforo January
1st. 18S0. Payment to bo made by Miirnint
on stato treasury.
UIA). Vt . .MrilillUK,
0-23-td Secretary of Stato.
Heal Estate Bargains.
S1.C00 1C0 acres, (I miles from O & C de
pot. Good house, trnrn and
orchard. Fenced, and In cul
tivation. $2,000. 80 acres, 1 miles from Hnlein.
Good road to town. Iiuproo
ments fair. Fine fruit land.
$5,400 So acres '1H miles from Salem.
No buildings. Splendid land,
nil fenced. Make u desirable
$2,000 CO acres 4 miles fiom Snlcin. Im
provements good. Flno joung
orchard, and garden land.
84,180 WO acres. 7 miles from Salem.
III11 land, finely entered. Sell
In lots of 40-acro tracts at 825 per
810,800 (75 acres, 8 miles from Halcm.
Excellent grass and fruit land,
adjoining Willamette ricr.
Will sell In tracts.
81,375 51 acres, 4 miles of Salem. House,
barn and orchard, ljirgospring
at the door. Good soil, ami
plenty of timber.
82,400. 120acres, 5 miles of Salem; good
road; well improed: stream
running through the place.
800,00 ...400 acres (4 mllos west side O it
j Jl JV J K,M'll jiuiisu, ittifiiiiiiu
oichard, lJOIn cultivation, bal
nnco oak grub pasture land.
8800 ......10 acres, 1 mllo from Salem, ad-
Joining fair ground. Good land;
no Improvement.
81,200... 40 acres, 5 miles Salem; nil In
cultivation; nu umiiuiuk; iiuur
school house. Excellent fruit
$1,000 370 acros, 0 miles from O A C R It;
all fenced; well watered. House,
barn, unu smnu orcnaru; im
acres In cultivation.
82,750. 3 lots, witli good house mid barn,
fMni naiuiu. ncsiniuiu luvuutui.
We liavo besides this a largo list o' olty
nnd farm proKrty. Hujorsuould do won
to call and examine our holdings before
making their purchases.
Oneru House, Court HU.
9-2Ctf Sulem, Or.
Land of Discoveries.
ThnRfi who have used it
dies nro giving satisfaction, nnd n cus
tomer Willi iironcnius says in.iuo imij
remedy that gives Instant relief.
Riverside, Cul."
H" tho pleasure to Inform
3Ve you that your Preparations are
meeting with large salt. o hear
Nothing but Praise &gn
oaslon tousothem.
Namicawen t Co., DrUKKlsU,
Vlsulla, Cul."
That It will accomplish the end desired
In all atrectloni of the Throat and Lungs
U..,!ll and you not only will not t
W III without It yourself, but will
recommend It to others, as thousands
have done, who have tried everything
elso In aln. Money Is no object where
b'atnVandlliS Convince You
trifling sum of one dollar ean purchase
n remedy that will stand between you
and one of the most dreaded of human
Clreulars sent free, containing detailed
Is prepared only by tho AUIBTINB
MEDICAL CO., Oroville, CaL
Batkiti't Ante S1tb.
Tho best salvo In tho world foi
en Is, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,
Tever sores, tetter, chapped bauds,
chilblains, corns, and all skin eru
tions, and positively cures piles, or
no pay required. It la guaranteed
lu give perfect satisfaction, or money
rofunded. Prloo 23 cents per box.
l'r sale - Dr. H. W. Cox-
Aa Abxlita Cire.
OINTMENT is only put up In large
two-ouneo Hit boxes, and is nu
.ilmoluto euro for old sores, burns,
wounds, chapped hands, nnd all
shin eruptions. "Will posltivelj
cure ull kinds of piles. Ask for the
.MKNT. Kplu byD. W. Matthews
A Co., 103 btate street, Salcn., at IB
tits iwr box by nuJJ 80 cents.
Thousands of Dollsrs
Aro sjwnt every year by th6 ieoplo
of tills state for worthless medicines
for the cure of throat and lung
diseases, when we know that if they
would only invest $1 in Santa Able,
tho new California discovery for
consumption and kindred com
plaints, they would In this pleasant
remedy find ircllef. It is recom
mended by ministers, physicians,
nnd public speakers of tho golden
state. Sold and guaranteed bv
D. W. Mathews & Co., at $1 a bottel.
The most stubborn caso of catarrh
will speedily succumb to California
Cat-r-cure. Six months treatment
for?l. Uy mall $1.10.
Klrctrle Hitters.
This leniedy Is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
Hpeeiul mention. All who have used
Electric Hitters sing tho same song
of praise. A purer medicine does not
exist and it is guaranteed to do all
that Is claimed. Eleetrio Hitters will
euro all diseases of tho liver and kld-
nevs. will remove nluinlcH, bolls, salt
rheum and other allections caused
bv lmmiro blood .Will drlvo mala
ria from the svstem and movent ns
well us euro all malarial fevers. For
euro of headache, constipation and
Inillccstlon try Eleetrio Hitters En
tire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money reliuuleii. I'rico mi cis. anu
$1 ier bottle ut II. W. Cox's drug
stoie. ,
Is Consumption Inrursulc?
Head the follewing: Mr. C. II.
Morris, Newark, Ark,, says: "Was
down with abeess of Lungs, and
friends and physicians pronounced
mo an Incurable Consumptive. He-
gan taking Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, nin now on
my third bottle, and able to oversee
tlieworic on my limn, it is mo
linest medicine ever mane."
Jesse Mlddlewarl, Decatur, Ohio,
says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's
New discover for Consumption I
would have died of Lung Troubles.
Was given up by doctors. Am now
in liest of health." Try it. Sample
bottles freout II. W. Cox's Drug
How's Tills!
Wo offer ono hundred dollars re
ward for any eao of catarrh that
can not bo cured by taking IIuH'j
catarrh cure.
R J. Cheney it Co., props.,
Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned,
have known F. J. Cheney for tho
lust 15 years, and lielleve him jer
fectly honorable In all business
transactions, aud nnanchtlly able to
carry out any obligations iniido by
their firm.
West & Truax, wholewile drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Waldlng, Kliinau & Marvin,
wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
E. II. Van Hoesen, cushlor,
Toledo national bank, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's catarrh cure Is tukon In
ternally, acting directly uimn tho
blood and muuus surface of tho
system. Price, 75c. jier bottle.
Bold by all druggists.
How Ho Admitted .
A gentleman, living In u small
olty in the west, had Inherited con
sumption from his father, and tho
doctor told him he must die. He
Htopped taking their weakonlng
physic and tried Dr. Piorce's Golden
Medical Discovery. In three months
lie was strong and well. Tho
gentleman's neighbors knew how
sickly ho formerly was, and asked
him to stato In public how ho had
leen cured. Ho advertised to
lecture on a certain evening, In tho
nubile hall, nnd there was a large
audience proMUL This was his
lecture: A picture of himself be
fore, nnd ono after, he tried the
remedy, nnd Ave empty bottles of
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
He said nothing, but convinced lita
audience Just the same.
It outrivals all Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Important Events of tho Whole World
for Twenty-four Hours.
Sawcil in Two Died DniiciiiR Our
Navy Mr. llyilo A
Lio Etc.
Thirty Killed and Wounded.
Maucu Chunk, Pa., Oct. 10.
Uy an nccldent, on tho Lehigh Val
ley road this morning six persons
were killed and twenty wounded.
A Pennsylvania freight ran into a
Lehigh Valley gravel train.
Long John's Druth.
Chicago, Oct. 10. Hon. Johu
Wentworth, better known as "Long
John" Wentworth, died this morn
ing. Mr. Wentworth was ono of
Chicago's oldest cltlrens. Ho was
onco mayor of tho city, congress
man and editor of ono of tho lead
ing dally papers here. Ho was a
man of great frame, and nearly
seven feet In height.
Not Yet Settled.
CitiCACio, Oct. 10. After a session
protracted into the morning hours
at a meeting last night of thoNorth
Side street conductors and drivers it
was decided to send a committee to
President Yerkes to-day, to learn
precisely what his interpretation of
the agreement is. Cars aro still run
ning, but it is believed that unless
further concessions aro mado an
other strike will result.
Wo Can Whip Kugluud.
Washington, Oct. 10. An In
terview with Secretary Whitney Is
published this morning In which ho
claims tho United States can whip
England, lie does not expect war,
but says her floating wealth is at Its
mercy now. Tho new swift cruisers
could sweep tho seas, while tho
engineering science Is contemplated
to defend tho seaboard cities against
bonibardmont. Canada's military
strength, he declares, is Insignificant
and England Is Incapable of aiding
lloineluHsTliKy Wiiudnr.
Wahhinoton, Oct. 10. Tho col
lector of customs at Port TowiiHond,
W. T., yesterday telegraphed to tho
treasury department as follews:
"Tho American steamship Ancon,
from Alaska, with thirty laborers,
has just arrived at port. Tho Ancon
did not touch at any foreign port,
but passed through foreign water.
Can Chinese laborers be permitted
to land?" Assistant Secretary May
nard telegraphed: "Tho department
cannot answer until advised how
tho Chinamen came to be in
Ml Itnllroiul Couclion.
Chicago, Oct. 10. O. W. M.
Smith of San Francisco brought hero
a patent for n steel railroad coach,
and is In a fair way to accomplish
his mission, the organization of it
company, composed principally of
Chicago jieoplo, for tho maniuaeturo
of these cars. Smith bail all tho
capital required olll-red him for tho
enterprise by capitalists In Califor
nia, but ho recognizes tho fact that
for such an undertaking there Is no
place llko Chicago. Ho huj'h It is
settled that before many mouths
within live mllos of this city tliero
will be In ojioratlon a company
manufacturing railroad coaches con
structod of steel. It Is said they will
not telesco)e, burn or crush.
Trouliln In Hi CHinp.
Pout Townbknii, Oct. 10. Con
sternation reigns supremo at tho
customs ofllco. N. Crowley, special
treasury agent has nrrlved, nnd his
first act was to discharge Win. M.
Hurncd, special deputy collector for
the jiast ten years, a republican,
whose services have liecn hereto
fore deemed Indlsjiencablo. It Is
common rumor that W. V. Fennl
more. O. J. Mulkey anil Frank II.
Wlnslow, other republican onlco-
linldurs. will bo let out olso. JU
what churiH. If any. can bo brought
nimliist these olllclals It Is hard to
determine, ns all have tho entire
confidence and good will of the ro-
Hiieetlve communities In which they
reside. It Is assorted bywjvoral that
Special Agent Crowley's band, nrm-
im! with full authority, win next
doseeud ujiou high nud unexfieeted
ofllehtl circle.
Hiram Vlckcry, tho convict who
was shot by guards at Folsom, Cul.,
while trying to escape, Is dead. Tho
coroner's Jury Justified tho guards.
Tho steamer City of Pekln has
arrived at San Francisco, from
China and Japan with 124 Chinese,
and tho steamer Parthia, from China
via Vancouver, brought 110 Chinese.
Gov. Moorehouso, of Missouri has
ordered tho Third regiment, Mis
souri national guard, to proceed to
Hovler, Mo., whore tho striking
miners who killed millionaire War
dell have become turbulent.
E. A. Stevenson, governor of
Idaho, estimates tho population of
that territory at about 100,000. Tho
valuo of tho taxable property Is given
at f 21 ,288,802, which his report says
is less than half Its actual valuo in
Tho person who last week made
four attempts to blow up tho Napa,
Cal., Insane asylum with dynamite
cartridges, has been captured by the
guards, and proves to bo a former
patient named Webb, who escaped
twoyearsago. Ho Is again routined.
Gov. Church of Dakota, in his
annual report, says thero has been a
gain In tho population of tho terri
tory during tho year of 72,1110, in a
total population of 010,823. Tho
quantity of land newly llled on and
purchased for settlement during tho
year was two and a half million
acres. There Is nn awakened
Interest in all that pertains to
education, and an Increased number
of pupils in tho higher schools, with
a marked tendency towards one
general system for tho territory.
A 5! ii n Hnweil In Two,
Wilcox, W. T., Oct. 10. A hor
rible accident occurred at tho Che
halls saw mlllthls morning. Wayne
llostetter, engaged In moving slabs
from tho saw, was In tho act of
stooping" over to raise a largo one,
when tho saw teeth caught in his
clothing. In the twinkling of an
eye ho was pulled on to tho lurgo
circular and cut completely in two,
his head and shoulders falling on
one side aud the lower part of his
body on tho other, being thrown
about forty feet. Tho body was
otherwise mutilated ami presented
a horrible appearance
Itlvd Whlln Dune Inc.
Ahtouia, Oct. l0. At a wedding
on tho Lewis & Clark, twelve miles
from hero, last night, among tho
guests was Mis. Joseph Gibson, re
siding In tho neighborhood. After
the marriage ceremony was over
dancing began. Mrs. Gibson, who
was In the same set as tho bride,
suddenly was seen to reel, and fell
to tho floor and Instantly expired.
A physician was 'summoned and
pronounced tho cause of death heart
I)r, Jtiyknl mid Mr. Ityiln.
London, Oct. IB. The latest
theory of tho Whltechapol minder
ers Is that ho Is u real Dr. Jeykel
aud Mr. Hyde, caused by morbid
feelings aroused by Stevenson's
celebrated story. A prosperous rosl
dent of Grosvernor Square, who
movori in tho liest socloty, Is suspec
ted of lending a double life aud has
boon tracked on excursions to
Yollotr l'over,
Dkoatuii, Ala., Oct. 10. Three
now casus of yellow fever; no deaths.
DepopulutliiB; Cuba.
Fifteen weeks ago it cigar-makers'
strlkownH Inaugurated III Havana.
Unnblo to fight tho trust which tho
manufacturers formed on tholr own
soil, tho rlgtir-makerri determined
on a plan which threatens to destroy
one of Cuba's greatest industries.
It Is nothing loss than u movement
to depopulate tho Island of every
striking ulgar-inuker. Alamuyu
Obrero, U labor organization similar
of tho Knights of Labor, lias tukon
charge of tho strike. Tliero uro 160
factories In Havana and uboutCOOO
mon on a strike. Every cigar-inuker
in Key West and Tampa agreed to
pay (1 a week towards tho support
of tho strikers. Two hundred
families aro on the way and will
arrive this week. Others will fol
low as fast us they onu secure transportation.
i lli'ii1Miill'A"t'jll-'.
A iS. --