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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1888)
X IJH.i .3 .. LATE CITY NEWS FOUND Bv the Reporters on Their Round of the Toot. Xcvv Railroad Tho Synod Closes Notes From tho Front State News Etc. PKRSOXALS. Mrs. F. Heed is the guest of Mrs. A. D- Cosper. J. A. Rotiin and wife returned from Tncoma Inst night. l'rof. McElroy is at Portland, as learned by tho hotel register. Mrs. W. Adams is entertaining her daughter, Mrs. Molds, of Halsey. V. PI. Parry returned last night from a few days visit at Portland. Mis. DePrans is expected to arrive to arrive in Salem' from Portland this evening. Iaac Coy of Elleusburg, W. T., is in Salem to-day on business con nected with his real estate interests here. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Darker from Lompoc, California, who have been on a visit to their daughter Mrs. Rid way Stevens, leave to-night for home. SUPREME COURT. Salem, Oct. 1G, '88. In tho matter of the estate of Julius Levi ; an insolvent dcljtor. S. Mitchell, S. H. Abrahams and W Fricdlander, npps. vs. Ira F. Powers, assignee resp.; appeal from Multnomah county. The court does not propose to make a final disposi tion of the case at this time, but leave open with permission to the appellants' counsel to take such course as ho may deem proper in regard to supplying the record ; and if no steps are taken within six days from this time to supply the record, tho appeal will be dismissed. Opinion by Thayer U. J. Edward Boyer, resp. vs. J. M. Leavens, app.; appeal from Multno mah county ; motion to affirm. Judgment of tho lower court granted. -o Articles of Incorporation. The following articles of incorpor ation were to-day tiled with the secretary of state. Central park building and land company, ot i'ortianu, witn a capi tal stock of ?00, 000 in shares of 100 each; John Campbell, J. D. Hart, S. W. Sigler, O. V. Monroe, George It. Dednian, N. P. Tomlinsou, F. W. Torgler, li. T. Soden and Robert Craig incorporators. The business of the corporation will be that of a general building, rent and land company. The First Congregational church of Corvallis, Thomas Graham, G. R. Farra and George Korthaner, trustees, are tho incorporators. The estimated value of property will be $2,000 ClrfuH Court. State vs. Nichols, disturbing reli gious service; demurrer to indict ment overruled ; enters plea of not guilty. State vs. H. O. Rosenfleld and A. Rosenthal, libel ; argument in de murrer taken under advisement. G. Colin & Bros. vs. M. Peyser, change of venue from Linn county; still on trial. Christina Scientist. Mis. De Pram, tho Christian wieutist, will arrive to-night and bo at Mrs. A. J..RIely's for a week. Her elnss will hold sessions at Mrs. I. R. Moores' on Front street, be ginning Wednesday evening. New Notaries Commissioned. The following named persons were to-day commissioned notaries public by Gov. Penneyer: H. C. Kelley, Oregon City; W. M. Gregory, Port land; Fred. P. Netting, Albany; M F. Mulkey, Portland. Sedgwick Relief Corps There will bo a called meeting of Sedgwick Relief corps No 1 on Tues day evening, Oct. 10th. Let all members be present as there Is some Important business to transact. By order of the president. 2t. . -- To run a session of the Oregon legislature it requires 14 i knives, 120 aste papor baskets, 252 Ink und pencil erasors, 4820 steel pons, 48 iuk tands, 180 ivory foldurs, 182 muoil Re cujw, 2804 loud pencils nnd H SUoii9 of ink. o A steam lauudry is to be eetab "ued Ht Salem. There te a pretty distinct aroma clinging to all Chi-"- ashed olotbee that isn't pleas t, t.. say nothing of the labor, is the Leader. , I another railroad for salem. A Connection From Astoria With tho Oregon Pacific. ACTION or THE HOARD OF TRADE. Tlicy Tlilnk tho Komi enn bo Secured If tho People Want It. At the council chamber last night the board of trade held an important special session with a largo and enthusiastic attendance. President "Wright in a spirit ot enthusiasm stated that the object of the called meeting was to take im mediate action regarding the pro posed construction of a railioad from Astoritv through Salem to n connec tion witli the Oregon Pacific. Sec retary Manning informed the meeting of authentic information received by him that the Astoria railroad company proposed building their line via Clatsop beach from Astoria to Tillamook, whenco they would follow through tho low pass east of Tillamook to the Grand Rondo country mid on to a connec tion with the Oregon Pacific. He spoke of there being au opportunity for Salem to secure this lino if the proper eil'ort bo mado and induce ments offered. It was decided to appoint a com mittee to go to Astoria and confer with the autlioriticsand learn where the projected connection with the Oregon Pacific would be and what they would require from Salem to induco the road to pass through here. President "Wright, Secretary Man ning and Messrs. Patton, Albertaud Hendrix were constituted a com mittee to correspond and confer with the Astoria company and learn the prospects and requirements -and perhaps visit Astoria in the Interest of securing tho additional railway facilities. Tho opinion prevails that both the Astoria lino and tho Oregon Pacific are but branches of the Chicago & Northwestern which is hastening to Boise City, whero they desire connection with tho coast. Taken all in all the meeting of the board was an earnest one. Speeches were mpde by the dif ferent members setting forth the im portance of securing this lino for Salem, whereby we may bo given direct railway connection with the east and the seaboard by u compet ing line. All exhibited a readiness to leave no effort untried io gain the coveted prize. A great Interest lias been aroused and the Salem people begin to realize what may bo accomplished by a united and harmonious action of their forces, and it is but tho beginning of much that may result from an awakening. Now that it is been what may be done by a concerted action good results are sure to follow. As soon as the committee can pre pare a report and learn from the Astoria company what our require ments arc the board of trade propose holding a special meeting looking Id a final action on tho matter. In tho mean fine let the good work of talking up an interest and arousing an enthusiasm go on, for with a new road with such desirable connec tions as are promised by tho pro jected lino Salem will double her population and business in two years new enterprises will spring into existence, new industries bo de veloped, thousands of uncultivated acres bo cleared and planted and a general splric of renewed life and activity take hold of tho country. North I'aclOe Board 'or Mission. Tho meeting of the Womens1 North Pacific board of missions recently conducted in this city was the first annual session of that organization. Mrs. "W. S. Ladd is tho president. The visiting inemlers wore wel comed In a cordial address by Mrs. Ladue, president of the Presbylerial society, to which a happy response was made by Mrs. Ilolbrook of Portland. From the report of the corespond iug secretary it is learned that eleven now auxiliaries have been formed, making a total tn forty-one. The treasurer reponed that $1,400 had been collected during the year. Tho election of olllcers for the ensuing year resulted as follews: President, Mrs. W. H. IUI; cor responding secrotary, MIj L. A. Wurren; reeordiug secretary, Mrs. V, 15. Gilbert: IretuHiier, Mrs. II. J. Corbottjiworetary of band, Mrs. II. C. Campbell; auditor, Mrs. "W. 11. Gilbert. - Senator Dolph. it fa mM, will soou leave for Oregon, and if he r riv on the Paelflo toast in time will take part iu the wrk of the campaign. OX THE OREGON PACIFIC FRONT. Report of a Tour of Observation, Mado Along the Line. Tho writer started out, last Thurs day, to see tho much talked of work on tho O. P. railroad, for himself. The stage for Melmma makes close connection nt the O. fc C. depot at Turner, the fare being one dollar. It passes through Aunisvllle, Sub limity and Stayton, and docs a good businos owing to the large amount of travel. The road is getting badly cut up by the many heavy freight teams But these will soon bo les sened greatly hi number between Salem and Meliatna, ns the eais will be runniug Into the latter place, from Albany, by tho Meek after next. Then Albany will bj the baso of supplies. It looks like a great pity that the moneyed men of Salem did not more determinedly push for a branch line from somewhere near Stayton. In evitably a great deal of tiade and travel will be diverted from tho cap ital to Albany. For instead of a long, dusty or muddy stage drive from Stayton or Mehamn to Salem, purchasers will soon be able to step on the cars, and ride smoothly, re turning in a lew hours. And when the road is finished through to East cm Oregon, and the eastern states many who would take tickets to this city if we had a branch line, will alight at Albany, and often be captured. But Salem will wake up to nil these advantages, and to the needed action and liberality some time in the twentieth century. Our correspondent anticipated just what is now taking place in the minds of the Salem business men a general awakenlug and harmonious action. Regarding tills further, see article in another place. En. Passing somo good farms, a cheese factory, and AV. II. Byar's Angora goat ranch, wo resell the town. Here is the county bridge over the Sautiam, so long needed, and so much appreciated. Indeed, eveiy wheie Marion county commission ers are praised for their willingness to make reciuisito improvements. while the Linn county court is grumbled at for reluctance and re fusals. One man, whose much is nearly all on tho Linn county line, threntcnta to move over to oiks, be cause ho wants to live where theio is more disposition to dispenso tho revenuo impartially. Great com plaints arc heard about Stayton be causo there is no bridge, nnd again, Linn county is blamed for being tho sHunbling block, as ii is understood that Marion county stands willing to do her part. Pro. W. H. Davis, teacher of the public school, and myself, being un able to hire, beg, or borrow a team, started afoot, on a tour of obser- tion along the extension of tho O. P. railroad. So interested were we that we did not st6p for mud or rain until fifteen miles had been travers ed, and it was timo to seek quarters for tho night. Wo were hospitably entertained by Henry Barzeo and wife. From here, east, up the Mlnto pass, long pack trains hike supplies to the front, which they nay is to leach the proposed tunnel this year, that the men may work iu It during tho winter. All along the lino government land hna of late been eagerly sought for, and tho settlers report It about all taken up, as far as the road is graded. Mills City and Gatcsvllle on Mt. Iloreb are now towns. At the formor, a very expcnslvo.dltch Is being dug for u mill already in pro cess of construction, which Is to cut 80,000 feet of lumber per day. Tho fine timber claims are rapidly being taken up. Nineteen soldiers from Albany have taken up homesteads intending to fill out the baliuico of tho five years, after deducting their servico in tho army. The mill men are cutting down considerable tim ber allowing, near tho railroad ns high ns?C0 per thousand, stumpage. The adjacent country Is much more settled than one would sup pose. Improved farms In -Fox val ley und King's Prairie, hve been occupied for from fifteon to twenty years. There is much fine stock country, the best of It already tukon up, of course. It has been a quiet, sober section, casting strong votoa for tho Amend ment, and oven for the prohibition party. But now tho accursed saloons are creeping In, to the disgust of the families and contractors, and to the great detriment of the lalwrere often transient, and many of them of a rough clout). It inaken one more than over hate the liquor trainb and see the ueeeeeity for a national prohibition party. A trllie of uncivilized Indiaiw going to beat a new trail from one vullov ti. another -would not sell Borne enemy to their race the per mission to further Imbrute, degrade, disease, rob and kill many of their families. And yet the proud Ameri can natlnu in this nineteenth cen tury of Christian civilisation will sell to low down, lnsty wretches, a license to ruin men nnd families and inqiede important work against the protect of all the better people of the place. Bah, it makes an Ameri can feel like going oil to some island of the Pacific ocean, like Piteairn, whero the natives elleetively pro hibit tho white men from bringing in tho liquid lire. J. W. "W. LOCAL M'MMARY. Circuit court convenes at Albany on Monday next. Beautiful weather continues, oven if wo do have an occasional shower. The prohis have grand rally and basket picnic next Saturday at Silverton. The ten heaviest taxpayers of Polk county pay on a total assess ment of $4 1S.0SG. Salem's elevation abovomean title, at Astoria is 11)1 feet, Albany Is 210, Eugene 633, and Corvallis 'XX. The armory building has been secured and on to-morrow evening a skating rink will bo opened there. Three weeks from to-day the process of laying Cleveland and free trade on the shelf will be proceeded with. The Juvenile opera company which recently visited Salem had a big light among tho performers at Victoria yesterday. ThoJoritXAL is encouraged at its dal'y increasing subscription lists and evidences ofgrowingpopularity. We are abreast of the top wave. At their meeting last night the board of trade mado a request that the city council place an are light at tho railroad bridge near tho depot. Should rain continue for a few days navigation on the upper river will begin. The water now is only about two inches above low water mark. Superintendent Anglln, with a force of five men, lias leturned to the Capital mine ami work will bo prosecuted as long as weather permits. Dr. II. R. Holmes of this city, during ii recent visit to Portland purchased three lots, upon which he intends shortly to erect a J1000 dwelling. Tho Baker City Democrat lias be come quite a readablo paper of late, sinco It has adopted the plan of appropriating so freely from tho Jouuxal. The Sign, tho monthly publi cation printed ut tho school for deaf mutes In this city, is outforOctober. It is a spicy sheet and shows the work of skilful hands. The chief of the United States engineer corps, department of the Columbia, is at Corvallis making arrangmentH for the construction of the revetment in tho Willamette river there. Albany'sDeinocrat getsou Salem's postolllco "with both feet," as It were. Surely the error and loose ners of mail regulation must be elsewhere, for tho Salem office Is well managed and no complaint Is heard. Tho Salem steam laundry Is to bo located in tho WIchror proixirty in South Salem, 1). T. Williams, tho proprietor, having leased that place. He has telegraphed east for a full complement of machinery, anil ex pects to bo able to start up business in ntuonth. Salem now has a typographical union with J. E. Godtrey president and L. H. Stinson secretary. The union is on the samo basis of tho oneut Portland, whose by-laws und rates wero adopted. They will not enforce the clause in relation to newspapers until later on. The following Is tho program prepared for to-morrow evuning's entertainment at the M. E. church: anthem, choir; recitation, Mr. Alvlu Baguly; instrumental, Miss Pearl Scott; recitation, Mr. Stanton Striker; vooal solo, Irvln Burke; instrumental. Miss Edith Hughes; anthem, etioir. Refreshments are Ice cream, calico and cake. Ad mission 26 cents. Klfdrlc Itllten. This remedy Is becoming so well know ti and hi iopuuir as to need no mw-IhI mention. All who have uwhI Electric Bitters sing the same King of praise. A purer medicine doe not exUt and it Is guaranteed to do all II. ut Uolulirwyl Khulrlr. Itllturu U'lll cure all iHseaseaof the liver anil kid neys, will remove pimples, lxIKsIt ' rJieum unti otuer aueetiouH oauseu bv Impure blood. Will drive iiiala rfa from the system and prevent as well m cure all malarial fevers. For cure oi ueHiiaeue, constipation miu Indigestion try Electric 1 Utters En tire MttlgfaoJon guaranteed, or money refunded. Price fiO eta. anil f per bottle at II. W. Co 'a drug store. HEW TO-DAY. Cloaks! Cloaks! Cloaks! -WK HAVi: NEW STOCK OF CLOAKS AND SEAL PLUSH WRAPS Direct from tlio Hnst, every garment hiulinjheeu made to older for us. 1'INT. NKW STOCK or Dress Goods anil Trimmings, Flannels, Mankcis; New Slock of Cupels, lings, Poiliers, Shades anil Laeo Ciirlains. Tho public arc cordially Invited to Inipoctoitr mammoth slock. .1. M. ROSEXHKRG & CO., White Corner. 11. K. lH'Hot.s. JOK Dl'llolS. Dubois bros., -Proprietors- c TlA o note REE bus. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. I'roiu SI toj.1 per tiny. SALUM - - OUKGON. 10-4-tf For Sale. A K"il Iron ftiimo Horn) I'owor. (looil nr nil use, from one to full cupnrlty. All for tho low prlivof S.'!0. Cull ntthol'ii cltlo Chlvr, Vliu'Kiir .V Kritlt I'liwrvluu Company's mllrr. Snlctit, UtvRon. School Tax Notice. mllK SCHOOL TAX 124 Ol-' DISTRICT 1 No. 'J I III Minion county urn ninv ih'o liiiilciiUcctnlilont tlionlllruuf tlioi'lcrk. In tho iipcra houso on Court Htioct, Snloin, mill miiMllio pntil hy tho llrhtof Docclnticr, orticroino ih'iluiiiicnt. DAVID SIMI'SON. October JM, W. UIitU. 10-JUIWJw M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Specialty. Shop on tho nlley, oiislto Mlntn'H, cry Htablo, SiiIhi.i, Or. THE SANITARIUM l'ortho ticnlimmt of nil iIImwinoh of men mill woiui'ii DKS. (aiilSKKT A: WK.MI otvr MeillciitiMl vapor Imtlis, oxygon Inliulii tlonx, electro iiiUKiietlHin, mcillnitetl NpniVN, etc. Olllcoiiuil Hinlliirluni In the llank block. CoiiHiiltutlou hco. IIMtdw A. 13. STRANG, .No, :W1 Commercial Hticet, 8ALKM, - - OHHd'ON. UKAI.Kll IN STOVESand RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. 9-AL'Piit for tho RICIIARDHON 'A 1IOVNTON COMl'ANY'H Puriiacwi. K UibllalKxl Iu 1KI0 LOWEST PRICES, 3- BEST GOODS:" - itli's Auction (JKNKItAI, OUTi'ITTJtUH. Goods on (he Insiallmtiiit plan. HAI.KM OKXGKUC. rpOR MAI.K OR TO KENTON KKAMON l1 able tvrni uxl I 'ii ht 1'Utuo. f. lrUularoiillali4ClwiiM:k.-i:m KM Ill loose. HKCMVKD OCR-- EDUCATIONAL. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY (irmhmtcxNtiulcnta In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Husiness, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Is the oldest, luiiet nnd least p.-irH'n-bIvc Institution of learning In tho North west. School opens llrst Monday In September Send for catalogue to THOS. VAN SCOY, President. 17: Salem, Oivguti. SELECT SGHOO J. M- Miss Knox Will continue Her School for this en suing year at tho LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Sts.. beginning SUITKMlttilt 10. Ifil-iL'w ST, PAUL'S I, J3oys and Girls. Tho school will open on tho 'Jtlli of Hepteiuher, ThoimiKli Instriio- lion In tho primary nnd mtwiiieed English Branches, LATIN AND HEMENTS OF 31IISIC -In wtirwi.- TKR.MH nnd further Inforiiiatloii may ho hud on npplleiitloiktii RKV. T. II. POST, Cor. Cheiueketii nnd HlatoHlit. K4Vtf COHSERVAMY OF MUSIC! IVIlluinoKu University. Moat HiiefOMifiil Nehixil of linndo on the liorlhwtwt (Hmt. Ahout 150 STUDENTS LAST YKAK. CourvM In Ialnnc, Oru'in HInirlnR, Vloltrj, Hurmuny, nnd Countur- point. Diplomas on completion ot eotirw TeacherH: .. ,M, 1'arvln. Krutikln I'. Join, KvuCux, Awuntant.I.ulii M. HinlUi. 1'lrst term helim Monday, Sptmirr ."fel, lltfw. Send for eutnloKiiu. Kor further IwrttuulurH uddrwN X. M. PAHVIN. iliihloul Dlrttftor, Halmn, Or. H-IMttf.wR GREAT DISCOVERY! ' Dr. H. SMITH vijow In si(in ot n ntiw di-pry'iii rfHMinifw)ilh Uj)urlyn iwl MiiIihU l,BjBlniK nliniMt liiwntumuily(intlio ir6Hillik tlMiM of th ttli. It ! hi wt way liiiurhHu. o.' iiiiplwtint tit tho Vuto. Thoiiutnuftuitiirwiioni IuImi Dial IU Miud Ihm imvurlwwii Unowu lrmr. ru W ."PiMUK H to th M'lwltlv or ir tfcUu tlwy mil I clutiiwl nnd nilmi wjtWwit Htln. MihII thoMi that wnnl all klmU of denial work done without uiIh. wHlld brttr mill on Dr. II. Hmlili 'iul, ux truetod for Hi onu, -Call und S T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT IIIH NKW (il'AUTKIlM IN TIIK Huttu IiMiirtiiiiw liuilillnir, t r '.m- ouirciHi una CIiiiikii irwu. w-iu . I-II i Ih- T - ' "' J